Could TNG Stunt Casting Save 'Enterprise'? 785
Tycoon Guy writes "It seems Star Trek: Enterprise isn't about to go down without a fight. TrekToday is reporting that Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis will guest-star on the season finale of Star Trek: Enterprise, to reprise their Next Generation roles of William T. Riker and Deanna Troi. Hello stunt casting! The news has been confirmed on Sirtis' official fan site."
Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:5, Funny)
No... That didn't work at all for Voyager...
Time Travel...you are sooo close (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:5, Interesting)
Enterprise is the first series running the risk of being cut short (which would be unfortunate with Manny Coto now steering the show in a much more fun and interesting direction this season-- if you tuned out during the first 3 seasons, you should tune in and give it a shot).
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Don't diss the DS9 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Don't diss the DS9 (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:3, Funny)
The way this is looking, firing onion thrusters might be more helpful.
And tomato thrusters.
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Wouldn't this require a time-portal thingy? (Score:5, Funny)
They already did (Score:4, Informative)
Oh Dear God (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm not a Star Trek fan nor have I seen all of the movies.
I don't know all of the character names in any of the shows. In fact I hardly can recall the names of the main characters.
However, out of all of the TV shows that I have given a shot, including the other Star Trek series when they ran, I really enjoy Enterprise.
It is one of two shows that I try to watch every week and would hate to see it die off.
Out of all the crap that they try to shovel down our throats on national television, Star Trek is most certainly a relief from it.
If you look at the bolded text - this is why the show is tanking - Non - fans are starting to dig it, and the fans were told to sit down and shut up.
That's why the neilsen ratings are teh crap, and they have to jump the great white every fifteen minutes in the show.
Had they not gone with the stupid premise of being a prequel, and outstanding cast could of done Oh so much, unfortunately, they were saddled with berman and Braga - the "ren and stimpy" of the star trek world.
Re:Oh Dear God (Score:3, Funny)
The A-Team (Score:5, Funny)
nah.... (Score:3, Interesting)
unless they stop travelling through time. and get the regular actors to learn how to act....
Re:nah.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I'd like to see a time travel moratorium in scifi. Unless the writer can improve on the one of the existing time travel stories or invent a new one then maybe they should just stay away.
There is a reason all the good time travel stories are short stories: time travel is destructive to structure, a short story can sustain that weakness and even make it part of the mood, a novel or long story cannot.
Re:nah.... (Score:3, Insightful)
That single instance of time travel was an essential element to the entire mythology of Babylon 5. StarTrek, of course, uses it as a cheap plot gimic.
Re:nah.... (Score:3, Funny)
Picasso fix the kid's drawings? Have you seen Picasso's work? =)
Re:nah.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh no, you mean Farscape got CANCELED ?
Damn you, Salazaaaar !
Now, seriously, if you want to compare acting between Enterprise, Stargate and Farscape - please, DO NOT make the mistake of comparing the acting skills of the cast with the contents of the script. The Berman&Braga team surely spelled "doom" all over the Gene R. legacy...
Or heck, compare the acting in 1st season of TNG with the last season of TNG - you can surely see a drastic improvement.
Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Insightful)
Plus, IMHO, most science fiction is really science-themed fantasy. I enjoy the Stargate shows most times (with all the light beings and whatnots) but I don't really count it is SciFiction. Trek was true SCIFI but after years and years of prostituting its original ideas for meagre ratings - there is nothing but a shell. I mean how many Borg related episodes did they drag out for sweeps? It's like gay marriage and abortion to republicans - whenever they wanted to get attention they would drag out the Borg! I'm sure the last Enterprise episode will feature a half-vulcan/half-borg Picard with large breasts.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Interesting)
Galactica is essentially a bleak war movie in space. There is none of the technophilia that Trek so prominently features, and the emphasis is on finding and killing an implacable, deadly enemy. It's dark, it's gritty, and very entertaining, but comparing it with Trek is compeltely apples and oranges to me. Nothing against Galactica, but I like a little optimism in my visions of the future sometimes.
I could watch a few more seasons of Galactica, but it seems like it's playing most of its cards in the first season. If Galactica is the "new face" of sci-fi, I think it will get pretty boring pretty quickly.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Interesting)
I do agree with you though that multiple seasons of no hope would get pretty tough to watch. At this point it's seemingly correct as the story goes IMO. It "fits". I'm just hoping that when the time comes to move the story along the producers realize it and do so. For now though I'm digging it.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Funny)
The premise of the old "Galactica," of course, was, "Run like hell, they're --ooh, a casino planet!" First recorded instance of a TV show with ADD.
Trek is dead because it ran out of things to say (Score:3, Insightful)
No, trek is about the past. Specifically, the technocratic science-utopia ideals of the 1950s, the emerging civil rights movement of the 1960s, the 1980s liberal ideal of an greed-free moneyless society so utterly purged of "isms" that they've become inconcievable.
SF has always been about the present day as seen through a distorting lens. Trek was no exception.
And then, it painted itself into a corner. Typical left-utopia problem: nowhere to go, nothing to do, no
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, they say "action stations," not "action alert." "Action stations" is correct military jargon
The milieu of the new "Galactica" is a blend of US Navy, Royal Navy, US Marines and a few of the less silly aspects of the old, 1970s show. For instance, during the series pilot if you listen carefully you can hear a voice on the 1MC say, "Do not radiate or rotate antennas while personnel are aloft," which is exactly what you'd hear aboard a ship in the US Navy. I mean, word for word. On the other hand, the order of battle for the officers goes lieutenant, captain, colonel, commander, which is not similar to any existing military force structure. It's a direct lift from the old show's character names: Commander Adama, Colonel Tigh, Captain Apollo, Lieutenant Starbuck.
There's no great technical advances in the show as far as the character's technology.
Correct. This is by conscious design. The show was written from the start to be a very low-tech science-fiction show. The in-band story behind that is that cylons were able to infiltrate and corrupt any computer system they encountered, so the Colonials got rid of almost all of their automation. After decades of peace, the Colonials reinstated their automation, and it was because of this automation that the cylons were able to so overwhelmingly defeat the Colonials with their surprise attack.
BG has no such exscuse besides the laziness of the wanna-be writer.
It's not laziness. It's much, much harder to write a sensible, internally consistent story from realistic premises than it is to just make up technobabble every week. When he sat down to write "Galactica," Moore asked, "What if this happened to us?" In doing so, he set a nearly impossible task for himself: to tell a story set in a distant solar system about spaceships and robots in a way that would be not merely alien-of-the-week science fiction but character-driven high drama.
Now, you may not like that sort of thing. But it seems like, from looking at things like TV ratings over the past few years, that most people do. Shows like "The West Wing," "NYPD Blue" and "Lost" have been both critically lauded and phenomenally successful. "Galactica" is in the same class.
If you're looking for space aliens and shoot-em-ups and jargon and gadgets, "Galactica" probably isn't the show for you. Doesn't mean it's bad; quite the contrary. In my opinion, with the lackluster performance of "The West Wing" this year and the fact that "Lost" isn't paying off quite like I think it should, I think "Battlestar Galactica" is the best scripted drama show on US television right now. Not just among genre shows, but among all shows.
But if you don't like those kinds of shows, then you're not gonna be happy with "Galactica." That's not because it's trying to be genre science fiction and failing. It's because it's trying to be character drama that happens to be set in outer space
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Insightful)
Likewise, it's probably not the show for you if you're looking for "Battlestar Galactica." Because among other reasons, Cylons are ROBOTS, and Starbuck and Boomer are MEN.
Possible BSG rank structure (Score:3, Informative)
I think what they are doing is mixing Colonial Navy and Colonial Marines together without doing much to differentiate them.
Petty Officer (navy) / Private or Corporal (marine)
Chief Petty Officer (navy) / Seargent (marine)
Re:Possible BSG rank structure (Score:3, Interesting)
First of all, a petty officer in the Navy is an E-4, E-5 or E-6, which is equivalent to a corporal, sergeant or staff sergeant in the Marines, or a specialist, sergeant or staff sergeant in the Army. The equivalent rank to a Marine private is a seaman recruit (E-1).
A CPO in the Navy is an E-7, making him equivalent to a sergeant first class in the Army or a gunnery sergeant in the Marines.
Adama's rank
Re:Possible BSG rank structure (Score:3, Interesting)
The Galactica is not a naval ship, it is a spacecraft. So we would expect it to be operated by the Air Force. As a result, the officers all have Air Force ranks. Starbuck is an O-2 (Lieutenant); we know she isn't an O-1 because she took over flight operations when Apollo was gone. Apollo is an O-3 (Captain).
It seems very unlikely that Tigh would be an O-5 (Lt. Colonel). He's the XO of a carrier! It's much more likely that both Tigh and Adama are O-6s (Colonel
Re:Possible BSG rank structure (Score:3, Interesting)
Is it any wonder that Moore decided to split the character up into a military component (Adama) and a political one (Roslin)?
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Insightful)
First, let me say, I thoroughly enjoy Battlestar Galactica. But I take offense to the idea that just because BSG discovered that handheld style camera movements makes for a more dramatic show makes it worthy of being presented as "reinventing" science fiction. Take away the handheld camera style and you're still left with your traditional sci-fi drama. BSG is just lucky in that it doesn't have to respect canon and can kill off or change characters however it sees fit.
So give Trek a break, it's doing a lot better this season story-wise with Manny Coto, and if there is a season 5 I'm sure we can expect a whole lot from him.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Interesting)
The writing in BSG refuses to let the technology get in the way. On Voyager, it was always a damned alient of the week using the particle of the week. On BSG, it's a story about the people, how they interact, how they respond to extraordinary stresses, etc. Star Trek always claimed to be that, but then Geordy saved the day with a fancy modification to the main deflector dish.
BSG explores ideas of how we define God, and who is eligible for religeon, and stuff that Star Trek wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
That said... I don't watch much TV anymore, so there may be other shows I've been missing that are very impressive. I've been reading a lot lately. much better than any space opera TV show.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know if you've seen it, but at one point Capt. Lee "Apollo" Adama uses a set of electric pulse generators to send out a big burst of radiation in order to cover the refugees' escape from a cylon attack. In the commentary, Moore says that he hated putting that kind of technobabble bullshit into his script, but he'd written himself into a corner and that the jargon was the only practical way out of it.
But he did poke some fun at himself along the way. After Apollo gave his wordy, jargony, meaningless speech to one of the other characters, her slightly glazed-over reply was, "The lesson here is not to ask follow-up questions."
I thought it was a good line at the time. Now that I know the story behind it, I think it's brilliant.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:4, Interesting)
You haven't seen Firefly [amazon.com].
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Interesting)
Your comment made me think of the opening of "Water" with Boomer sitting in a room dripping wet and not knowing how she got that way. It opens just on her fingers, with the water dripping off, then you get to see more of the situation, bit by bit. Nice stuff. Definitely not typical TV grade.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Interesting)
I love the fact that Sci Fi in the US decided to air "33" and "Water" back-to-back. If you watch them a week apart, it's easy to miss what I think is one of the most clever storytelling devices I've seen in a long, long time. At the end of "33," Boomer on Caprica is soaking wet
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Insightful)
That's just it. Star Trek used to do that! At least in pre-Berman TNG.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:4, Interesting)
Funny you should mention "The Next Generation," though. In my opinion, some of the best episodes of that series are "Darmok," "The Inner Light," "The Perfect Mate" and my personal favorite of all, "Family." Other episodes like "The Best of Both Worlds" and "Yesterday's Enterprise" and "All Good Things" were very good, but in my opinion they're not really on the same level as the four I named.
What those four episodes I named all have in common is that they've got nothing to do with spaceships or phasers or Romulans. They're about characters. "Darmok" is the story of two characters who don't speak the same language. "The Inner Light" is about a man who loses his memory. "The Perfect Mate" is about impossible love, and "Family" is about how a man recovers from an unimaginably traumatic experience. Any one of those would have made a great drama without any science-fiction aspect to it at all.
I think that's the kind of writing that we see on "Galactica" every week. It's complex and nuanced and, in a way, hair-tearingly frustrating, because there are no answers. Take last week's (US-aired) episode for instance. Is Tom Zarek a terrorist or a prisoner of conscience? We don't know, because the writers don't tell us. We're not allowed to know, because which one he is isn't important. What's important is how people react to the situation he creates. Or last week's "33." Why 33 minutes? We never find out, not ever, not even by the end of the first season. I can see where some people would be annoyed by that kind of laser-beam focus on what's important to the story. Personally, I really like it.
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Interesting)
Stargate: progressive discovery (Score:5, Insightful)
The reason why is because it's progressive. If you exclude the introductory and wrap-up episodes common in more recent series, you could swap the first and last episode of ST:TNG. ST:TOS. Quantum Leap (other than Sam regaining his memory). Seven Days. And on and on and on. It's all fantasy - the actors have a magic box or two and roam the universe or timeline without really changing anything.
Stargate is one of the few shows that shows progression. The Tori'i were clueless in the first few episodes (after Teal'c joined them). But their hard work introduced them to the Toik'ra, gave them naquida generators, introduced us to the Asgard, bootstrapped the development of our own fighters, allowed us to run the Prometheus, got us advanced engines from a grateful Asgard, and on and on and on.
Have they had missteps? Sure. Are they on the verge of having so many goodies that they run the risk of having the rabid viewer ask "why didn't they use the gozmotron from the 3rd season?" In fact they've turned that to their advantage - after a few seasons those goodies are reintroduced in a natural manner. The "safe" bullets are used for training. The virtual reality pods are used for training and planning.
Sometimes the science is hokey, but you have a very real sense that they're trying to figure things out and often get it wrong. But they keep at it until they succeed.
Re:Stargate: progressive discovery (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, that's true in one sense, but in another sense it's not true at all. The technobabble and the bumpy-headed aliens and the blinky lights all stayed constant during the run of that show, yes, but the characters evolved visibly. Picard grew from being a gruff, distant captain to being a father-figure for the crew and emotional touchstone for the show. Geordi went from b
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Stick a fork in it please... (Score:3, Funny)
Dude, you most surely will rot in a special circle of hell, for having laid that image in my mind.
"I am Locutus of Borg. Do you have any decontaminant gel?"
Re:What .,. it's still on.,. Didn't notice ... (Score:3, Insightful)
As much as I liked Firefly, it was essentially just Blake's Seven in the Wild West.
Media SF is never innovative; at best it repeats ideas that literary SF tried out a decade before -- BSG, for example, is combining the original series, MilSF and Vernor Vinge.
Oh, no more... (Score:5, Insightful)
TNG and DS9 were at the top of their repective games in their later seasons -- they just got better and better, IMHO. Neither shows needed this kind of nonsense to shore them up for another handful of weary episodes. If Enterprise doesn't have enough momentum to propel it after all this time, then it's just plain out of gas, and stunt casting is not going to save it.
Especially when I, as a not-so-fanatical Star Trek watcher, can probably tell you the plot of this episode right now. Picard and Troi, on board the Titan on a diplomatic mission to Head-Ridge VII, run into a subspace anomaly and are transported back in time, and must deal with the cultural and technological gaps while...zzz...
I'd advise letting Enterprise, and Trek, rest in peace for another few years while it still has some dignity, but unfortunately that moment is already long past (for me, the last of TNG's dignity departed with the introduction of Retarded Data in Nemesis). I guess now the best we can hope for is that these sorts of decisions don't bury the franchise altogether.
Re:Oh, no more... (Score:2)
Re:Oh, no more... (Score:5, Insightful)
Two key differences. First, he was, as you note, a regular character. It wasn't just a guest appearance.
Second, it made sense in terms of the story. One of the things DS9 did much better than both earlier and later ST series is flesh out other races (yes, other ST series had important aliens, but they were isolated...only DS9 made it so the whole alien race was important--compare, for example, the Ferengi on DS9 and TNG). The Klingons were an important part of the ongoing story. Even if there had been no Worf from TNG, it would have made sense for them to invent the character for DS9.
Re:Oh, no more... (Score:4, Interesting)
The origial Trek did push difficult issues such as birth control, eugenics and racial issues. Kirk kissing Uhura was a major risk for TV in the late 1960's
Re:Oh, no more... (Score:3, Insightful)
Which aren't "key" differences.
First, he was, as you note, a regular character. It wasn't just a guest appearance.
That's a big difference, but I don't see how it's key. It also wouldn't make a lot of sense (putting a future character into the show would cause too many problems. Dr. Soong has some potential though...).
Second, it made sense in terms of the story.
I don't think it did. With Miles and Keiko it made more sense, but with Worf, in the series finale of ST:TNG, Worf and
Re:Oh, no more... (Score:4, Interesting)
No, it fleshed out the Ferengi really. One of my biggest peeves with the Star Trek franchise is how one dimensional all the races are. It basicallly took single aspects of the human race and made other races utterly single-minded in that aspect.
The Klingons see glorious death in battle as their highest ideal, something they've been breeding for for thousands of years. Don't ask me how the hell they managed to become a spacefaring race, because it seems that wimpy occupations like scientists, bakers, and librarians are simply not allowed. These occupations are absolutely necessary to any civilization.
The Ferengi, I can dig the greed thing. That *almost* makes sense. But they probably exterminate their unemployed. Or worse, sell them at a markup.
The Vulcans have their logic, to the exclusion of all else. Too bad creative thinking is required for science...
The borg mindlessly stumble their way through the universe like a bunch of zombies. I think their highest ideal is to be scary.
The dominion... they seek... dominion... over everthing... Mmmkay.
But the humans? What do the humans believe in? Well, nothing it seems. And as the franchise got older, it seemed to get worse and worse that way. In TNG, everyone was perfect and boring. Or flat and featureless, take your pick. We apparently still had an emotion or two, but mostly it seems that we'd completely stopped bothering with art and music, since the most modern thing anyone listened to was jazz, the most modern drama anyone was interested in was Shakespeare, and the only pictures to be seen anywhere were drawn by an android. Noone's religious, noone drinks, and noone is unemployed. It's like we're all turning into Vulcans or something.
I remember (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I remember (Score:3, Insightful)
Or it's a blatant attempt to show the effects the temporal cold war will have on the future like they've done already with the Enterprise-J.
I realize it's popular opinion here to hate Enterprise, but geez, give them a little credit.
Re:I remember (Score:3, Insightful)
I am not a fanboy about the old star trek,
Fade Away... (Score:3, Insightful)
Gee... that'll save 'em (Score:5, Insightful)
So... their strategy to save a show which suffers from incredibly poor casting, is to bring two of the previous generation's casting gaffes.
I can't think of two more expendible characters from TNG (After wesley crusher of course) than Riker and Troi.
Re:Gee... that'll save 'em (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Gee... that'll save 'em (Score:3, Funny)
Especially after hosting "Alien Autopsy"!
Re:Gee... that'll save 'em (Score:3, Funny)
Ahh, I'd always wondered how Riker and Troi met.
well duh.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Save it? (Score:2)
I thought season 4 was an improvement, and at least they didn't screw up the storyline with Brent Spiner.
Oh, and as for it being confirmed on Sirtis' official site...as far as I can tell any reference to such a confirmation was removed.
Am I the Only One (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Am I the Only One (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Am I the Only One (Score:3, Interesting)
EMPATHY ALERT (Score:4, Interesting)
The answer: (Score:3, Funny)
OK, give the show a chance (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:3, Informative)
I don't know about you but I gave it 76 chances. After that I decided I wasn't going to bother with the fourth season. Time travel is the last refuge of the uncreative. I can stand a few episodes of it but it's really been abused in this series.
What's that supposed to mean? Did they finally start doing some character development in the fourth season? That's my biggest problem with Enterprise; They haven't done anything to help me get
No. (Score:5, Insightful)
I have to admit that I was against the idea of a prequel to start with. It just seemed like the Berman/Braga team saw that George Lucas made a financial (if not artistic) success of the idea and therefore decided it was worth copying. I watched the pilot anyway, but gave up about halfway through. Now, Trek pilots are classically weak, but this one was just boring. Like Voyager on Sominex.
So I waited a while. I still didn't like the whole prequel idea, didn't like the fact that the tech seemed to be more advanced than the first TOS pilot, and wasn't that impressed by the cheesy technological substitutions for stuff from chronologically subsequent eras of Trek like "polarized hull plating" and "protein resequencers." (Now of course the obvious reason is that "The Cage" was 1966 and "Broken Bow" was 2001, but how do they go from "phase pistols" to "laser pistols" back to "phasers?" Why does the Romulan ship look like it belongs in the 24th century with the similarly-styled D'Deridex rather than the 22nd? But I digress.)
So when an anticipated "event" episode that all the reviewers said was good came up, I tuned in. I did this with the Borg episode. How cute, they managed to work one of the the most recognizable Trek villains in and made all sorts of in-jokey references while leaving the principal cast in the dark as to what they had just encountered! I did this again with the first Xindi episode, when half of Florida got taken out. The terrorist metaphor and somber mood just seemed forced to me, like they were groping for something to write into the script.
I did this again for the last Xindi episode. That was pretty neat, even though Archer's action-hero stint left me cold. The Death Star ripoff was kinda cool, and seeing the CGI P-51s was neat even though I knew the twist was coming, but the alien Nazi thing was just blah. I didn't really care how that turned out, fearing similar convolution to the concealment of the Borg and the intro of the Xindi. Since then I've tuned in once more, to the Augment episodes with Brent Spiner. He was kinda cool (my mom even walked into the room and exclaimed, "It's Data!") but the actors playing the Augments (who had to carry much of the story) kinda sucked. It was partly what they had to work with. The most memorable thing, to me, was that it was the first time I had heard the word "bitch" in what was ostensibly a Star Trek episode. Ooh, edgy.
That being said, I have to respect Manny Coto for tying in old plot elements. It looks like the next hyped "event" episode will be the Mirror Universe one, and I may tune in for the "ooh-ahh" of a CGI battle damaged Constitution-class. But the TrekToday preview I saw made a point of noting how much more aggressive and backstabbing the mirror Archer would be. Big whoop. Another problem I've had with the show is that Scott Bakula seems to have lost his acting talent since "Quantum Leap." All the Archer performances I've seen come off as wooden, and I have no reason to believe this won't be the same.
Another point in Enterprise's favor is the awesome special effects that trump just about anything else in Trek, but SFX do not a show make. Without characters to fly all them nifty ships in a convincing manner, it ain't worth much. A lot of people have cited the addition of Worf to DS9 as something similar to the Enterprise gimmick castings, but think about what they did with Worf on DS9. He got married, got captured and thrown in a POW camp, met Martok and joined his House, watched his wife die, and at the end of it all wound up a diplomat instead of a warrior. Tell me, is Arik Soong gonna be back, ever? Are Riker and Troi going to be stranded in the 22nd century and join the NX-01 crew, and thus explore new situations we haven't seen their characters in before? Hell, is any of this gonna happen with the already-established Enterprise characters as a result of these castings? Somehow, I doubt it.
This comment is already way too long, but I'm also gonna h
Re:No. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:No. (Score:5, Interesting)
I "skimmed" a lot of DS9. And I mean A LOT. The first two seasons weren't that great... some episodes were down to Enterprise-level. I finally got back into it around the time the Dominion and Worf started to figure in heavily (what do you know, gimmicks that worked!). Even then, I didn't watch every week. There was quite a bit of Dominion War stuff I missed... but I could still come in, watch a single episode, and walk away entertained, even though they were part of an overall arc. Now, going back and being able to watch those arcs in sequence greatly enhances the entertainment value, I will agree. But individual episodes of Enterprise still leave me cold. If they had nifty massive space battles, or strong standalone character pieces like "In The Pale Moonlight," I might get pulled in. The entire point of my above post was that I have watched all the stuff that was supposed to pull me in, AND IT DIDN'T WORK. Call me obstinate, but I still don't like it. I use the DS9 comparison so heavily here because that was the only Trek series up till now to heavily employ the concept of the story arc. TOS, TNG, and Voyager all were mostly standalone episodes with the occasional interseason cliffhanger.
Now, about characterization. That's all well and good that they're learning how to be a starship crew. It's obvious that Archer can't have the "ultraslick" personality of Picard. But what I get from Archer is the aloofness of Sisko with an occasional dash of the brashness of Kirk. Not too terribly exciting.
Also, if they're just now learning to be a starship crew, doesn't that ignore previous efforts at space travel, even in the pre-Enterprise continuity? I mean, I'm sure our current space shuttle crews could handle something like NX-01 with a minimum of fuss. Wasn't part of the point of having a cramped vessel of limited capability such as NX-01 to make links between Star Trek and contemporary cramped, limited space technology?
There are also established space crews by the time of Enterprise. What about the cargo crews that (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) Trip Tucker's family is part of? Wouldn't it be just a snazzy upgrade in technology for them? I mean sure, they have new devices like the transporter to get used to, but other than that, NX-01 could be a freighter with bigger engines. To me, it seems like the spit-and-polish crew of the other Treks, but with supposedly more primitive tech. It would be much more interesting if we saw the crew as trying to become more regimented from the more loose, informal cargo crew culture. Instead, they've basically already got the military discipline so there's little there to develop. I'm not suggesting Star Trek: Redneck Rampage, although that would be pretty damned funny. But I still don't think the series is showing the development of a starship crew that it's supposed to, if so much of the baseline stuff is already in place and we're just watching some running fanboy injoke about the development of the technology.
Also, if there's some decrease in available talent between now and the 22nd century, can we explore why that is? Maybe it's due to the after-effects of World War III, which were barely touched upon in First Contact. It'd be nice to explore that (and I don't mean through the Vulcans being condescending to warlike, primitive humans angle, that just serves to draw a sharper dichotomy between Enterprise and established Trek).
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:5, Interesting)
I think most of the "let it die!" crowd has either never seen the third season - IMHO one of the best seasons of any scifi show, ever, including any single season of Farscape - or is so obsessed with continuity that any deviation from the previously established universe is heresy.
Well, how crappy, bland, and predictable do you think the show would be if everything went exactly as foretold? It'd be a challenge to get a single decent season out of that setup. And I do agree that neither of the first two seasons, where they tried this formula, were particularly good.
Rather than looking at the downside of the lack of continuity, consider the upside - there's now a possibilty for an "alternate" future, where the temporal war has changed things. Will this wind up being for the better or worse? Who knows!
DON'T TAKE THE TREK UNIVERSE TOO SERIOUSLY. When you get your panties in a wad anytime creative liberties are taken, you'll lead a very unpleasant life in your parents' basement.
OK, rant over. Flame on.
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:3, Insightful)
Or, they just have different tastes, and find that the third season was pedestrian, unimaginative, derivative and uncreative.
Well, how crappy, bland, and predictable do you think the show would be if everything went exactly as
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:3, Insightful)
I gritted my teeth through all of them, but Season 4 jumped the shark with 'Philadephia Experiment II'. In fact, if you consider that some of the educational channels are filled with sharks and Nazis, there's a bit of a link there.
Season 4 has picked up a lot. Arik Soong was a great addition, there's been a turning point for the vulcans and we've just met the Organians. They're dealing with canon, rather than i
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:4, Insightful)
Excuse me while I go vomit. It's thinly disguised xenophobia and megalomania. That, and these fucking aliens apparently can't have a private conversation without borrowing a couple ephemerals' bodies. Nonsensical crap like that is a big turnoff to me, even though I'm sure the vast majority of the show's audience either didn't catch it or doesn't care.
Now, Galactica paints people as the imperfect beings we really are, and pits us up against one motherfucker of an enemy. Technically, and artistically, the show is great. Very high quality. Unfortunately, I'm not too fond if it because it's just so dark.
I do like my entertainment to be positive, happy-endings and all that. With Trek and Galactica, however, the choice is between saccharine and vinegar. Bah, they both leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Re:OK, give the show a chance (Score:3, Insightful)
The doc was cool.
at least the new series has Hoshi
That's because you have a thing for asian girls.
And really there isn't anyone groan inducing like Neelix (which is strange - because the doctor kind of reminds me of him - just not annoying) or Nog from DS9 or Wesley
Nog was fine. He was neat foil to Jake. In the beginning they were worthless characters, but by the end, they were both interesting characters. I know your heart sank when Nog lost
The "season finale"? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The "season finale"? (Score:3, Funny)
The horror.
Get a stunt cast from... (Score:5, Funny)
...DeForest Kelley, and I'll be impressed.
Re:Get a stunt cast from... (Score:4, Funny)
But how??? (Score:5, Funny)
The Old Joke (Score:3, Funny)
Picard: "Hmm... where did Riker go?"
Better idea (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Better idea (Score:3, Funny)
Depends... (Score:5, Insightful)
Okay, an occasional foray into time travel is cool. An entire season based on a 'temporal cold war' it is a sign that the idea factory has burnt to the ground.
Just my $.02...
Re:Depends... (Score:4, Funny)
Enterprise, end of third season, my reaction was
Well great, ok, whats next?
What the fuck?
Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to bring back fucking nazis? Kirk fought nazis, wtf.
I want my hour back.
Closing lines of the series finale (Score:5, Funny)
Riker: [taps badge] Riker to bridge. Captain, the runaway holodeck virus has been destroyed.
Picard (heard through communicator): Very good Number One. Mr. Crusher, ahead warp 5.
Troi: How are you feeling?
Riker: Hungry. For a hot fudge sundae. In your quarters.
Troi: [knowing smile]
Theme music up, Enterprise D goes into warp. Roll credits.
Re:Closing lines of the series finale (Score:5, Funny)
Enterprise is looking good (Score:3, Informative)
Enterprise is starting to look really good. I previously submitted a story - that was rejected :-( - about the next half of Star Trek: Enterprise. Trektoday reported [trektoday.com] that it will feature some exciting plots involving "Andoria, a Klingon moon, Romulan outposts, Romulan Marauders, Orion Privateers, Earth's Moon, Mars, a Constitution-class Federation starship and more. You'll see a live Tholian... and a Gorn." according to the show runner Manny Coto. Leaked mild spoilers [trekweb.com] also indicate that the Constitution-class ship is the U.S.S. Defiant, which re-appears in the two-parter episode titled, In a Mirror, Darkly. There have been beautiful pictures of the reconstructed set [trekbbs.com] just recently posted too. As a hardcore Trekkie, I find it fascinating.
Hey look - another persons random enterprise op. (Score:3, Interesting)
I'll admin that I never really watched DS9. The theme music put me to sleep, and I saw it as B5 without tha action. I understand it got a lot better, but the first season turned me right off.
I watched Voyager - I can't recall very much about it. Lots of holodeck adventures or "oh...that never really happened" stories to the best of my knowledge.
Voyager to me was way too calm. TNG had stuff going on, crap that just had to happen even if Picard thought it was a bad way to handle things. Voyager just seemed to be too much of "well...we're in a jam, lets all sit down, talk about it, and then talk our way out of it." Though, in their defense with Species 8xxx, they finally came up with an alien that was more than a funny forehead or nose! Though another annoying thing was every alien planet looked like the california desert with little mud homes that had high tech doors on them or something. Okay...find a few different locations to shoot on folks.
I was REALLY looking forward to Enterprise. Sounded cool - the Federation at the beginning during it's rough founding years. Soundes like a nitty gritty show. I like Scott Bacula as an actor and thought that would help.
While I still like it better than Voyager, the show suffers from the same problem - too much "lets show the universe how wonderful and diplomatic humans are".
I think one of the best episodes was when Archer sole the warp coil or something from one ship stranding them. Reminded me of TNG where crap had to be done, against the rules or not and it was done - damn the consequences.
Other problems I have with enterprise are:
1) Why is it so damn dark? Here it is in 2005 and we have light bulbs that put use 25 wants and act like a 75 watt light bulb. The enterprise looks like it is lit with a few flashlighs that need new batteries.
2) why is the ship so nice? This is one of the first ships, it should be rougher. I like the different bridge design, but to me, it should be something more like the Maru in Andromeda.
3) Why don't we ever come across aliens that can't kick our ass?
4) Enough of the shots of the shuttles. We know the transporters work pretty okay now - time to start using them and stop having "were stuck due to shuttle issue" stories.
5) enuff of the damn vulcan's. Yeah...they are annoying but mostly look good in tight garb. We get the picture.
Probably my two favorite characters are Hoshi and the Doctor. Hell...on Voyager, the Doctor was my favorite character as well. Perhaps they should write more medical stories.
Oh well...I'm tired.
The only way I'd buy it (Score:5, Interesting)
That way you can get the guest appearances without having to come up with a complete cheese story.
Kinda like how they got Starbuck into Galactica 1980!
Either that or have them be guest stars but in different roles or something.
This kind of thing is why I *stopped* watching... (Score:3, Interesting)
The first season was quite good, though it had the usual Trek first-season weaknesses: plots kind of random, characters not fleshed out, tech not developed, etc. Unfortunately that probably turned off a lot of the viewers who were expecting more, and the reduced ratings may have started the whole spiral...
I rolled my eyes when they brought in the time-travel gimmick with people from the future, but at least it was all new material and helped the storylines develop, so that was okay.
Then they did this future-9/11 thing which was obviously a big huge gimmick to try to tie the show to current affairs. It was too obvious, but it did help the stories (some were actually quite riveting) -- for about half the season.
Towards season's end they started dropping more and more references to past Trek series (i.e. to the future), like Archer hinting about the Federation and "explainations" of some of the history from TOS/TNG/DS9. That was the point they crossed the line from "good" gimmickry to "bad". These did nothing for the series, and just seemed to be there to try to keep old Trek fans hooked.
Then Archer starts making alliances with the fuckin' "hated" Xindi and I knew I wouldn't be watching for much longer. I know Trek is repetitive, but it's usually in a good way. Heck, they've used the "enemy-turn-friend" theme to produce some great Trek episodes in all series up until Enterprise. There it just killed the story lines and took the drama with it.
I stopped watching at the end of last season, and when I saw the preview for the first episode with Spiner in it, I knew I'd done the right thing.
I wondered how much lower they might sink, and with this Troi/Riker thing, now we know.
It's time to kill this Trek and file it off in the "bad mistake" pile along with ST:V and most of Voyager. (Though at least Voyager didn't make a mockery of Trek. It just wasn't well-written most of the time.)
Hopefully we'll still get to see a "Birth of the Federation" series at some point, which is what Enterprise originally (d?)evolved from. There's so much potential there. Just as long as they don't give it to the Enterprise producers...
Re:Battlestar Galactica better than Star Trek (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, personally, I think both Farscape and BSG were better sci-fi shows than TNG, but that's beside the point. A few reasons I see for BSG's success:
Re:Just let it die already. (Score:3, Insightful)
Eye candy? You have Starbuck in almost every episode being a pivotal part of the action (and she is way too butch to be eye candy). You have Boomer driving major parts of the plot as Cylon saboteur head case. And the blonde Cylon babe is only eye candy? (I count at least twice she's driving the plot.) Hell, they even have a middle aged heifer as a majo