On the Integrity of Hardware Review Sites 263
leathered writes "Charlie Demerjian of The Inquirer has posted an interesting article on the integrity of hardware review sites. Apparently the benefits of running such a site go far beyond advertising revenue with a fair amount of 'sweeteners' from the hardware manufacturers to say the least. All is not lost as Charlie informs us that there are a small number are flying the flag for trustworthy reviews, but the question of which sites we can trust remains." I like Daniel Rutter's (of Dan's Data) policy best.
Trust? On the net? (Score:5, Insightful)
But, then again, how do you know I'm not just making this up?
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:4, Interesting)
the real problem with these hardware sites is that the writers are often clueless about the actual hardware and what it does - and make sometimes claims that are not even physically possible. trusting such guys to review something that supposedly does something is no good when they lack the knoweledge to make the decision if the product even works as advertised or not. a lot of the 'reviews' are just a "thank you for free hardware" pieces that are basically referates of the products description followed by a thumbs up icon(or whatever the particular site uses for 'editors choice' that every product they review happens to get).
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:3, Informative)
Hmm...that's funny. I used to work for a review site and we always had to return the hardware after we reviewed it. Now software, that's a whole other story
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:5, Interesting)
We also did marketing CDs for several equipment manufacturers, although our name never appeared in any credits. That part of the business was hush hush. We weren't to disclose those relationships.
We got lots of free equipment from these manufacturers, and others that wanted to be reviewed. We were specifically told to push certain products at the seminars and classes, and to give good reviews to "our" manufacturers products. We were also supposed to push product on the web site's forums, when people asked for advice. We never returned anything. In fact, the boss would give product to us employees as bonuses. I just checked the website, and they're still doing the same thing.
I openly questioned the ethics of this, and this and other factors led the boss to conclude that I wasn't a "team player", so I was let go. Honestly, I was glad, because there was a lot of other bullshit at that company as well. For a while, though, I was able to rationalize this because the products we were pushing were good products (for example, Canon DV cameras or Miller tripods). Still, when something is wrong, you know it's wrong, no matter how you try to justify it. If it wasn't wrong, why did we have to hide our business relationship with Canon?
Since this is pretty much par for the course, I think that if a magazine or web site really wanted to present unbiased, ethical reviews, they should state somewhere that they return the equipment, that their editorial is separate from advertising, and also disclose if the product manufacturer is an advertiser.
Of course, there still could be abuses, but when someone puts a policy in writing, it's a little harder to wiggle around basic ethics.
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:3, Funny)
More accurate than what? The mean? No, wait... doesn't work. I know! More accurate than the ones that aren't very accurate!
Words bad! Numbers good! Except some of the numbers! Thog take average, find good numbers.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:2)
*This wasn't really directed at the parent b/c I think he probably gets it
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:2)
It's all good, until you mix in the people...
Computer Science to the rescue! (Score:2)
Average it out? Still sounds open to abuse to me.
More interestingly, this sounds oddly reminiscent of the Computer Science (as opposed to IT) involved in creating distributed systems; if n of m sites give crooked scores, how can we be sure of getting accurate scores? What is the largest value of
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:5, Funny)
you have the support of your peers, I trust you. what do you want me to buy?
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:2, Funny)
A new jumpsuit. That fish patterned thing [www.rne.es] is horrible.
what if everyone's in on it? (Score:5, Insightful)
What good is reading multiple reviews if they're all crap? What good are end-user experiences posted on the net, if companies are posting fake reviews, which they are?
News flash- even if they're not getting "payola" (let's call it what it is- bribe money/gear), they're controlled quite effectively by hardware companies because everyone wants to be the first site with a review of Hot Product X to drive hits to their site to earn advertising revenue. Write something bad about a product, and that company will drop you to the bottom of the list.
Let's not forget that most of these guys litter their sites with advertisements for the very product they are reviewing, too. Bob's Extreme Hardware isn't going to be very happy if young Johnny says the PC case Bob just stocked is crap- and he's going to tell young Johhny that.
Why is any of this a surprise to any reasonably intelligent individual?
You get what you pay for. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:what if everyone's in on it? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:5, Insightful)
I hope that includes Charlie Demerjian. This jumped out at me:
"here is the truth, if you are going to multitask and do and do anything that tasks both of the CPUs, one of those is going to be a game."
Bullshit. This drives me crazy on hardware sites, this supposition that the only reason anyone could ever want high performance in their PC is to play games.
At home, I use Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash, I run Windows Media Center for SDTV and DVD viewing, I do video encoding using various tools (Windows Media Encoder, Dr. Divx, and others). I often do all these things at the same time on the same PC, with a hacked version of Media Center that lets me log in remotely at the same time another account has the TV going.
I studiously avoid playing games on this system, because I'm asking it to do quite enough already - I've got another system that I play games on. But I would love a dual-core CPU for this thing, as it would help me out a lot.
Graphics professionals, photographers, multimedia content producers and other high-end users are, surprise surprise, a real market, and they spend even more money than gamers do. I don't see why that's so hard to grasp. I read the specific preview of Intel's dual-core CPU's that Charlie's talking about in his comment up there and I actually found it a refreshing change to find some real-world benchmarks that were not strictly based on playing Doom 3.
That said, I'm sure there is payola going on in the industry. But I worry more about the small sites that seem to give positive reviews to every single component they get sent for free than I do about sites that realize non-gamers are a legitimate group of users that require their own set of benchmarks.
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't play computer games, I don't even *own* any. None of my systems have ever had a game installed on them (yes, this includes solitare). All of my systems are used for work, and non-work related research. Yet, over half of my systems are dual-cpu. I multi-task, a lot. I often have graphics filters chewing away, or CDs burning, while I'm doing something else. On my servers, I want to know that if I need to compile something, archive something or do some other processor-intensive task, that there's enough processor power left to continue with the server's normal tasks.
I read reviews, but they account for less than 20% of the weight I give to my purchasing decisions. The only reviews I will pay close attention to are the *bad* reviews. They're so rare that one has to believe the product must have been truly hideous.
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:4, Insightful)
Graphics professionals are indeed a market, but professionals of any stripe generally use the hardware their company procures for them for that profession (I know I do). The gaming machine is the one you build yourself from parts. The gaming bias of the review sites makes a lot of sense in that respect.
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:2)
Is it really that different under Win
Re:Trust? On the net? (Score:2)
When a computer is largely idle, most of the processes are BLOCKED. By definition, if the processor is not at 100% usage, there is time (hint: most of the time) where the OS literally has NO process/thread/schedulable-whatever to put on the CPU, and just spins the CPU in some sort of low-power state.
If I'm spending most of my time with no process running, the ready queues will be empty. And who will care about context switches if there's nothing better to do anyways?
Multi-whatever is only an ad
What I do... (Score:3, Insightful)
Through all the data that I read, my brain forms an opinion and I weed out the bullshit and the hyperbole to find the heart of the matter. It usually works most of the time too.
Your bullshit detector has to be in good shape and you have to know how to weed out the crap before you get down to the nitty-gritty.
But if you're naive abou
Re:What I do... (Score:3, Interesting)
I am one of those naive that really don't have a clue what hardware review sites to trust. My comfort is that I am probably far from alone, in this matter.
To assist me and other naives(sp?), please join this silly poll and review the following sites (regarding credibility) with a scale ranging from 1 to 10, where 1 is "No credibility at all" and 10 is "Perfect credibility, the
Integrity? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Integrity? (Score:5, Insightful)
The first PC I built from scratch was in college (my previous computers were either my parents or a small-shop one I bought). I hit the hardware sites and many claimed that a particular ASUS board was great and rock solid. I was naive and took the 3 or 4 sites word at it and bought it. I started having MAJOR problems and later found out it was the Via chipset on the board. Forums were FLOODED with the exact same complaints. I eventually had to replace the board.
Since then I don't buy hardware until I've searched forums for personal experiences with said product. I'll still look at some review sites but I now take what they say with a grain of salt.
Re:Integrity? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Integrity? (Score:2)
Re:Integrity? (Score:2)
Re:Integrity? (Score:2)
Re:Integrity? (Score:3, Insightful)
I won't buy a major part until I've specifically found some problems with it. Nothing is perfect, and until I feel I've got a reasonable sample of the sorts of problems a part has, I'm not comfortable buying it.
Besides, the stuff I do is generally improved by throwing gobs of RAM at the problem. That's generally easy to do no matter which parts you're buying.
sponsorship (Score:3, Interesting)
It seems like I remember Anand buying himself a Porsche for his 16th or 18th birthday, using the payola from his hardware review site.
While his business acumen is to be commended, I can imagine it would be difficult to remain 100% objective under such circumstances.
http://www.anandtech.com [anandtech.com]
Re:sponsorship (Score:2)
Re:sponsorship (Score:3, Informative)
Anand's probably rolling in dough because not only is his hardware site one of the most popular, but he also has one of the most popular forums on the Internet in it. If you factor
Re:sponsorship (Score:3, Informative)
If you want accuracy in your information, best is to check out a support site for the product that isn't run by the manufacturer. amdmb.com for example I've found to be great for finding out about unstable hardware. I've seen critical posts disappear in manufacturer run forums before, so I wouldn't assume that a lack of people with problems there means there aren't any.
Re:sponsorship (Score:5, Informative)
I think it was well assumed that games would show no advantage on standard benchmarks since they don't spawn multiple threads, and every site that ran conventional benchmarks showed that on Monday. Today, however, Anand has those results, and then also tests games with thinks like Norton Antivirus and MS Antispyware running in the background, which many of us do have running when we game. On those, the dual core showed better performance.
Anand is the one site I always trust, it's too bad the article didn't have the guts to come out and name who they thought was being bought.
Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:4, Interesting)
Since the article he wrote was released today, I took a look at both Tom's Hardware and AnandTech. Both had "previews" of the Dual Core Intel chips...both major sites. That's just an educated guess, but seems correct.
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:2)
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:2)
I play EVE Online, which is certainly multithreaded, and runs fast as hell on A64s. I would be very surprised if dual core didn't nearly double my FPS.
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:2)
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:2)
Re:Identification of sites he's accusing? (Score:3, Interesting)
Now sites like Toms Hardware Guide and Anandtech I am not sure about.
At least you know you are getting a biased view at a site like AMDZone, heh.
The Inquirer paid /. to run this article. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:The Inquirer paid /. to run this article. (Score:2, Interesting)
I remember reading a comment of slashdot some time ago that the internet was "the last source of uncensored, unbiased information" and a +5 insightful reply saying "you're half right"
every site on the web is pushing some sort of agenda, whether it be for political motive, religious belief or big handfuls of cash.
Lets face it
Huh? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Huh? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
...and hilarity ensues.
My pick (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:My pick (Score:2)
Im not sure if he understands multithreading (Score:5, Insightful)
Correct me if im wrong but isn't multithreading/multitasking pretty damn important considering all the background tasks/services that are needed just to keep an OS running?
Re:Im not sure if he understands multithreading (Score:3, Informative)
Also, some kinds of tasks are just more amenable to parallelization than others. For example, if you are trying to ray trace an animati
Re:Im not sure if he understands multithreading (Score:2)
Re:Im not sure if he understands multithreading (Score:2)
Seriously though, who doesn't do other things with their computer while their burning a DVD, encoding a movie, running a virus scan, or God knows what else? And personally, that's the only time that my computer feels slow. I don't care about 30 more fps in Doom, I just want my computer to be fast even when Eclipse is rebuilding my projects (or gentoo is rebuilding KDE, or whatever).
Makes Sense (Score:2, Insightful)
Good article, but... (Score:2)
Let's list them then folks... (Score:5, Interesting)
Anybody have any sites that they feel are bad or good (with respect to this article)? Please list a few reasons too, few examples if you can -- it makes it nice to see if these points are driven home over time by reading the reviews on different sites
Re:Let's list them then folks... (Score:3, Funny)
Given that Ars Technica probably then would like to sell what they've bought, there's still conflict of interest. If you buy a $2k system and say "ugh, it's junk", you're not going to have much luck selling it, are you?
If they sell the stuff before the review is published, fine...
Re:Let's list them then folks... (Score:2, Informative)
They don't do comprehensive motherboard or processor reviews like other sites. You're not going to find a table with 15 different combinations of hardware compared. Usually it's just one product.
This is not journalism (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:This is not journalism (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:This is not journalism (Score:2)
I'm getting too many responses too quickly to respond to them all. I'll choose this one as a representative of the majority. Basically, those countering my position that the author's article is irresponsible (honestly, the editor is more at fault) commonly state either that it is a "rant" (which the author does say). They say that it is and editorial and thus immune to standards of journalistic ethics.
Not so. Editorials are certainly given more sway on
Re:This is not journalism (Score:5, Insightful)
This will encourage people to check with multiple sources, talk to people, and make product decisions for themselves, which is possibly one of the most important skills one can learn for surfing the internet.
That's the truth (Score:5, Informative)
The odd thing so far has been the reaction (or lack thereof) from manufacturers. I've lost track of the number of PR reps I've spoken with who asked my how much a listing or review cost. Most where surprised when I told them that serverroomstuff.com won't be charging for reviews - they are objective.
We are planning on accepting advertising, but the plan for that is simple - your ad dollars won't buy you a good review if your product doesn't stand up to it's claims, period.
Re:That's the truth (Score:2)
Re:That's the truth (Score:2)
We are planning on accepting advertising, but the plan for that is simple - your ad dollars won't buy you a good review if your product doesn't stand up to it's claims, period.
Unfortunately, we can only have your word for that. For all we know, you're giving good reviews in exchange for big advertising sales.
You might consider selling ads for a different class of product than you're reviewing--e.g. consumer electronics, candy, etc.--but even then, the way everything's consolidated would keep you fro
Re:That's the truth (Score:4, Interesting)
Buy your own hardware at retail, using obfuscated identifying information.
Carry NO 3rd-party advertising of any kind.
Disallow manufacturers from using your name, excerpts from reviews, or any other acknowledgment that you exist in THEIR advertising.
Of course, that means your revenue model is going to have to change, either to a subscription site; privately funded, capped, and transparent donations; or through selling stuff (books?) of some kind.
Crux of the problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Without this hardware you have to buy your hardware yourself. Not only is this expensive, but by the time your review is out the ad value of your review of bleeding edge hardware is kaput. Unfortunately, these are the ones that do the most honest and best reviews. Pre-release hardware is often picked out from a large selection to make sure that the review site gets a good "sample". These reviews are also the least profitable for the review sites to do. It's a nasty catch 22.
epinions (Score:5, Informative)
http://unk1911.blogspot.com [blogspot.com]
Re:epinions (Score:2, Interesting)
You really think so? Personally I think it's absolutely terrible - apart from the "trying to make a living out of it" so-called-reviewers trying to pad up reviews with a bunch of copy/paste tripe, for serious hardware -- stereos, cameras, cars, whatever -- the reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
I attribute this to two probable causes - one is that when these reviewers actually own the product there is a natural tendency to defend what you bought (
"I take goods you send me for free & review"? (Score:5, Insightful)
We accept no advertising, and buy any products we test on the open market. We are not beholden to any commercial interest.
I'm sorry, some guy who writes reviews, even ostensibly fair ones, in exchange for free product can't stand up to this.
Re:"I take goods you send me for free & review (Score:2)
A Toyota/Honda review will be like "Interior uncomfortable & cheap, car priced 25% over rivals, underpowered & rides rough. Score:9/10"
A Nissan/Ford/Mercedes review will be like "Acceptable ride, good exterior design, comforable interior, spirited engine. Score:4/10"
I've found their appliance ratings very fair though.
Re:"I take goods you send me for free & review (Score:2, Informative)
In any case their top ranked small car for a while has been the Ford Focus. Is it possible that you were a little jaded that they didn't pick your pet car/minivan as the best?
Re:"I take goods you send me for free & review (Score:2)
I don't really fit a car demographic... I drive a Cadillac & a Honda and have been really pleased with both.
Re:"I take goods you send me for free & review (Score:2)
Perhaps you should read the mag before slamming it.
It's more than just that... (Score:3, Insightful)
If you actually BUY the product you are reviewing, you're subject to the same likelihood of manufacturing defects, poor workmanship or shipping/transporting accidents as anyone else who buys it -- so you can work that into your review to give an overall impression of what a REAL consumer will face if they buy the product.
If you're testing a product that was specially given to you by the manufacturer, they want as favorable a review as possible,
Not Anandtech (Score:3, Interesting)
might be true, but... (Score:2, Insightful)
Article is Flamebait (Score:5, Insightful)
His only criticisms of the review are that it was an exclusive (which the article makes clear) and that it doesn't cover gaming (although it is only the first part of the review). He himself admits that gaming is not the point of these chips, so why does he feel that Anandtech should have to focus on gaming is the first part of their article? Indeed, in their second part they do cover gaming and conclude that you should buy an Athlon 64 if you mainly play single-threaded games, a fact that would be obvious to anyone who regularly reads any hardware site.
I can't claim that the hardware review sites are all without bias, but compared to mainstream news, hardware reviews are some of the hardest to bias given the ease of doing standardised, repeatable benchmarks.
Reviews are mostly BS (Score:3, Insightful)
If I'm in doubt about something, I'll read reviews from actual people, e.g., at newegg. When someone gets screwed over a product, they aren't going to gloss over the problems. They are going to tell us as bluntly as possible.
Re:Reviews are mostly BS (Score:2)
Re:Reviews are mostly BS (Score:2)
Tomshardware (Score:2)
viperlair did a good writeup (Score:5, Informative)
Bribed, greedy and/or imcopentent (Score:3, Informative)
Reviews tend to fall into a few catagories.
Bribed: The supplier has give something to the review as incentive for a good review. This is the supplier doing the dirty deed, the reviewer just goes along with it because they are profiting.
Greedy: The reviewer hands out praise and awards like candy, to keep the goods flowing. The reviewer is just keeps pumping out favourable reviews, to keep getting products for the review to play with or sell. This is the reviewer doing the dirty deed and the supplier just goes along with it, because its good PR.
Incompetance: Some reviewers just suck. They simply dont know how to get the numbers right, or their testing done properly. I just call them idiots.
Lastly and most rare, is the competant, unbiased reviewer. They know what they are doing and dont pull any BS.
I find www.overclockers.com and www.procooling.com to be good, www.xtremeresources.com and www.anandtech.com are also pretty good.
HardOCP is ok.
www.madshrimps.de and Toms Hardware both suck.
It's the meta-information that's important. (Score:4, Insightful)
Another way of finding good hardware... (Score:4, Interesting)
Say it ain't so!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
My experience with both links (Score:4, Insightful)
As for the main article, I am surprised how badly it is written. Poor language use and overall structure.
I wait! (Score:2)
This is a bit easier since I only buy new hardware every 3-4 years, so I buy my hardware
On the integrity of the Inquirer (Score:3, Insightful)
This is the same site that called a Microsoft representitive the "spokesvole".
The article complains that Anandtech (it's obvious for anyone who read the review in question) doesn't use any gaming benchmarks.
Well, take a closer look.. the article is called Intel Dual Core Performance Preview Part I: First Encounter
very conveniently, (and completely expected, as well..) Anand posted the second part today, which included the gaming benchmarks we all expect.
Way to troll Inquirer writer, way to troll..
Best reviews ever: IRC (Score:4, Interesting)
booradley> Buy me! I'm ever so sexy
booradley> ok. come home with me and we'll play among the stars
booradley> tee hee! I love you, boo!
booradley> I love you too, audigy
booradley> there, you're all installed. how do you feel?
neshura> down in front!
booradley> audigy> LET JESUS FUCK YOU! VRAAAGH!
* audience gasps.
booradley> * audigy is putting noise across your PCI channels
booradley> hard drive> Mein leben!
booradley> * hard drive has died
booradley> audigy> Blaaah! blaaaugh! your mother sucks cocks in hell! graaagh!
booradley> modem> aaieee
booradley> *modem has died
booradley> and the new modem I got connects at 32k tops
Shendal> By far, that's the best one-act IRC play I've read this season. Do I smell a Tony award?
That's from bash.org. It's pretty much how it goes. I ask friends that have more disposable income and they tell me about products they've blown money on. heh. It's another reason that I chose Sirius over XM for my satellite radio - finding an objective review online was a waste of time because everyone was just spewing the same marketing drivel or Google results were flooded with e-stores. I just spent some time and talked to people I knew about both products and went from there.
The Internet is becoming increasingly *useless* for information that doesn't come straight out of some marketing droid.
The good, the bad, and the ugly (Score:5, Informative)
Please post your good/bad/ugly (badly written but probably not corrupt) website opinions here.
I have been following hardware reviews since about 1995, have written a few myself, and am fairly knowledgeable on the inner-workings of hardware and of English, so I have become fairly critical of reviews. Here's my brief list:
The good (Quality, non-biased, well-written reviews with reproduceable results and non-marketfluff technical explanations):
Two words: PR (Score:3, Interesting)
PR is a neat invention. Just the idea of making it someone's responsibility and livelihood to ensure that products and company get presented in the media in a desired way and with desired frequency is brilliant. Those people are really good at it, the result is that currently technical journalism without corporate PR is hard to imagine.
Re:Two Words (Score:2, Insightful)
So if you intended to say the article was talking about toms then I'd say you're wrong.
If you were saying toms is a shining light in a sea of intels bitches, I'd say not far off.
Re:Two Words (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Two Words (Score:3, Interesting)
Among several review sites I look through, TH did not seem particularly bad, maybe above average on the integrity of review front. And they usually pick fairly representative sample - do not remember obvious omissions or mismatches in comparisons.
Though it is not my favorite site, indeed.
Sweeteners, sure, everybody needs to eat. It is what you do with them. I would not mind deman
Re:Two Words (Score:2)
Re:Two Words (Score:3, Insightful)
Priceless =)
Re:Two Words (Score:2, Insightful)
Not any more Re:Two Words (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Two Words (Score:5, Interesting)
Tom's Hardware was the primary reason I stopped reading his site... er....
Let me clarify, A long time ago, during the BH6 heydays, I used to read Tom's Hardware almost religiously. I scarfed down every article with near fever, trying to stay on top of the latest hardware reviews. Then I got stupid and started dating, so I ignored Ol' Tom for a few years. When my other half and I broke up, I started digging into the hardware scene again, so I went back to Tom's to get up to speed.
A few articles into it, I realized the, "feel," of the articles changed. There didn't seem to be as much useful, practical, information in them anymore. They didn't have any interesting opinions on the hardware being reviewed. In fact, I don't think I found an article that was harshly negative in any way. Nor did I find any articles with useful grit-in-your-teeth information. Initially, I thought the, "neutralism," being presented in the articles were because of the close tolerances of the hardware being reviewed. I mean overclocking a 333MHz CPU to 450MHz had greater net results than overclocking the more modern CPU's now. But I put my faith in Tom, because it's supposed to be the best. After all, his site does say:
So who was I to argue with that?
I just can't put my finger on what, exactly, Tom is missing. As near as I can figure, Tom's Hardware reviews read too much like brochures. It's just enough to try and get a person interested. But whatever it is, it's enough to prevent me from utilizing his site for anything more than keeping track of the latest hardware. Nowadays, if I want real hard and honest opinions, I just hop on over to my favorite forum/BBS/IRC/whatever and sort through the flamefests to get a feel for a particular piece of hardwares viability.
Re:one more word, please? (Score:2)
...and you can't spell "you're"!