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The World of Blogebrities 289

Jeremy writes "The folks at Blogebrity have a unique take on the blog scene. Drawing a parallel to the glitz and glam of Hollywood stars, they've divided some of the better-known bloggers into A-, B-, and C-lists. Slashdot favorite Wil Wheaton is featured on the A-list, while some lesser-known bloggers such as Bruce Sterling made it to the B-list, and most of the non-geeks like comedian Margaret Cho can't seem to break out of the C-list. What does the slashdot crowd think of their choices?"
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The World of Blogebrities

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  • by American AC in Paris ( 230456 ) * on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:01PM (#12637298) Homepage
    Crimony. Another few years of the word-hackery that brought us "blogebrities", and we're all gonna sound like some freakish variant of the Smurfs.
  • I think blogs are a great way for B- C- and Z-list celebrities to get their names back in print.
    • Re:What do I think? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Seriously, who really gives a flying fuck. I don't care what most, if any, of these people has to say, and I'd venture that most of us don't. If you have time to read three or four blogs, post on slashdot, and read other new sites, you need to get a fucking job. J H. C, blogbrities?!?!
  • by coop0030 ( 263345 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:02PM (#12637320) Homepage
    I think it still comes down to personal preference. My girlfriend wouldn't find too many of the geekier types very interesting, and would find the comedians, and entertainers more interesting.

    That is the biggest draw of blogging, you can find someone that is writing about what you like, and don't have to read articles that don't interest you. There is so much out there.

    I think trying to categorize bloggers is mostly useless.
    • by 14erCleaner ( 745600 ) <FourteenerCleaner@yahoo.com> on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:08PM (#12637392) Homepage Journal
      That is the biggest draw of blogging, you can find someone that is writing about what you like, and don't have to read articles that don't interest you. There is so much out there.

      Except to find the ones you like, you have to read a lot of articles that don't interest you. Doh!

      I think trying to categorize bloggers is mostly useless.

      I think most bloggers would be categorized as "mostly useless".

    • by Anonymous Coward
      And I think that most blogs can be categorized as useless.

      free Mac mini [macminis4free.com]
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Categorizing bloggers in itself is not useless, as there are definitely themed blogs out there.
      What I -do- find useless, is categorizing them in 'celebrities' :
      In this world it seems the opinion of someone 'famous' seems to be worth more than your average Joe ; And now they are even taking over blogging.

      In my opinion (not too big a fan of blogs myself), the most interesting things in the end can be read on just those average Joe's blogs, as it would be more honest, and more recognisable than your average

    • You get to see how, well, frankly stupid and ignorant they really are. I predict that within a year, most celebrity blogs will be closed or handed over to their agents to manage with the rest of their publicity.

  • "Blogebrity?" (Score:3, Insightful)

    by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:02PM (#12637321)
    "Blogebrity: The Magazine. Coming soon to newsstands near you" (No, really, they're marginally serious. At least they're seriously floating the idea. And no, I don't really fucking care if they don't really intend to sell real paper magazines at real newsstands.)

    "Isn't it about time that someone talked about bloggers?"

    "Because, isn't it time that bloggers got some attention?"

    (Actual quotes from the site.)

    Jesus Christ.

    Give me a fucking break.
    • Re:"Blogebrity?" (Score:2, Insightful)

      by ergo98 ( 9391 )
      You mean, arbitrary and completely domain intermixed groups of people, whose only commonality is that they write (on a computer!), doesn't interest you?

      This lame idea, and the transparent astroturfing that is occurring to advertise it, is retarded.

      Oh noes, now I'll never crack into the lucrative Blogebrities list!
    • Blogrebrity Sex Video Scandals
    • Grow a sense of humor. If you don't want to read it...
    • Re:"Blogebrity?" (Score:3, Insightful)

      by dr.badass ( 25287 )
      Give me a fucking break.

      This is exactly why this made it to #3 on the Contagious Media Showdown, even before it was posted here. It's such a polarizing concept. Either you think it's tacky but cool (i.e., you're the kind of person that uses the term "blogosphere") or you think it's the stupidest thing you've ever heard of (i.e. you're the kind of person that lights others on fire for using the term "blog").

      Even if you're kind of neutral on the subject of blogs you have to either feel like you're just n
  • Hmm... (Score:3, Funny)

    by InVinoVeritas ( 781151 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:03PM (#12637325)
    I wish I had the last 30 seconds of my life back.
    • Read the terms of service for slashdot. It states very clearly when you register:

      Section V, subsection ii(c): We will not refund the time required to read either our lead-in summaries or TFA itself. Most of what we share is drivel. However, some of our commentary and exposition is so exceptionally useful that clearly any amount of time wasted on the offending sections is well-compensated for by the supreme quality of those diamonds in the rough. Quit whining.
  • \W/il (Score:3, Funny)

    by richie2000 ( 159732 ) <rickard.olsson@gmail.com> on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:03PM (#12637330) Homepage Journal
    Mailing Wil a "get better" card - $3.
    Buying him weird medications over the Internet - $99.
    Trying to slashdot his server - Priceless.
  • by kevin_conaway ( 585204 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:04PM (#12637339) Homepage
    We dont. Why are people so fascinated with celebrities? Are your own lives really THAT boring?

    OMG! BTW Did you hear that Nick and Jessica filed for divorce?
    • by fdrake76 ( 696983 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:12PM (#12637444)
      OMG! BTW Did you hear that Nick and Jessica filed for divorce?

      As sad as it sounds I must admit, I actually searched news.google.com for "Nick and Jessica" upon reading this.

      (Score:-4, Pathetic)

    • We dont. Why are people so fascinated with celebrities? Are your own lives really THAT boring?

      Do you really want your life to be that exciting? Just like soaps, movies, and books, it's escapism that you can live vicariously through because you don't really want divorce, scandel, murder, and heartbreak in your real life.

  • by gmezero ( 4448 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:05PM (#12637348) Homepage
    While I clearly know the name, but have now idea how to spell it... I'll be honest, I've never even seen her, but damn if her name doesn't get dropped like it's supposed to mean something.

    Who cares?
  • are your sitemeter hits and your TTLB ecosystem status. i'm currently a marauding marsupial.
  • by Webs 101 ( 798265 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:05PM (#12637354) Homepage
    Correct me if I'm wrong - and I'm sure you will - but isn't this site amother entry in the Contagious Media Showdown?

    Does somebody want to do my homework and see if the person who sent this to Slashdot is the same as the domain owner?

  • by ZeroGee ( 796304 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:05PM (#12637356)
    I recently started a blog that I'm purposely not advertising anywhere, because for now I'm simply using it as a way to share my thoughts with just a close circle of friends. But I've been thinking about the issue of "blogebrity" for a few months now.

    I wonder what percent of bloggers start a blog out of some misguided attempt to achieve "celebrity" or acceptance among the cloaked masses?

    I'm sure many bloggers, well, blog because they actually do have something good to say, but at the same time there are tons of hacks out there just trying to get page-views and AdSense clicks that pollute the infosphere.

    Being a page-view whore isn't much better than being the jackass who yells and raises their hands in the back of a video interview.
    • Heh, I'm actually reading some anonymous girls lifeblog semi-regularly. It's also a good lanugage practise, but what I also find interesting is that she writes a lot, but gets 1-2 comments per month. I suspect she has very few readers, which somehow makes the whole thing more natural.
    • in our society, for Americans at least. One of the things that I have noticed about blogging is that it is quite hard for people who take unorthodox views to get any attention. The vanity that is often involved in blogging ends up causing people to shy away from real debates because they want to be flattered, not challenged. Blogging seems like a sexy thing to do for a lot of people more out of a sense of a dellusion of grandeur than any desire to write intelligently.

      I'm a political blogger of sorts, but I
  • I looked under N, but I saw no Neal, Cowboy. This list is a fake.
  • by fred fleenblat ( 463628 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:05PM (#12637362) Homepage
    Didn't see groklaw mentioned.
    PJ is certainly a celebrity at this point--she even has her own stalker (Maureen O'Gara).
    • I think that to be on one of these lists, you have to use your name as a conspicuous part of the blog. You'd have to read Groklaw for a while to know it's Pamela Jones. Likewise, you'd have to read OpinionJournal's Best of the Web for quite a while to know it's James Taranto's beat.

      Neither of those people were listed, despite their high level of popularity.

      I can only conclude that individual ego and a desire for personal fame are required to get on the list.

    • Yup, I think:

      CmdrTaco, Roblimo, et al
      Barry Bonds (*)

      are in a different class than other bloggers, for various reasons.

      (*) he'll always have an asterisk now.
  • No, not your opinion, their opinion.

    Well, yours doesn't either, but that's now what I was talking about.

    Give me a list of blog sites with a recap of their content and let me decide if I like them. A/B/C categorizing of how "good" they are does me no good whatsoever.

    And please call them something else. 'Blog' is one of the few words I hate more than 'Podcasting'
  • Everytime some sort of a list comes out, whether it's top 100 songs, best ice cream flavor, all time movies, you're always going to have "aww man, X needs to be there," or "why did Y get there? they suck."

    It's a list man. It's opinion. It's a list of Blogs, and it's not that big of a deal.

    Maybe in blogebrity's eyes, Margaret Cho doesn't have anything to say? Maybe she says more than those D-Listers that DIDN'T make it.

    It doesn't look like they explained their system here.

  • A blogebrities , but i know a fairf few Blogstards.
    Rollin rollin rollin , rollin rollin rollind P
  • by Saint Aardvark ( 159009 ) * on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:07PM (#12637384) Homepage Journal
    Dear god, I thought "blogosphere" was self-important.

    But hey! This opens up all kinds of future blog-related positions. Watch for these coming Slashdot stories!

    • Blardinal Petrus writes: "As first Blardinal of the Holy Cathoblogic Church, I hereby announce that I am taking applications for BlogPope. Email your resume, your blog URL and 100 words on "Why I should be Blogpope" to blogpope@cathoblogic.blog. And good luck!"
    • Bloggus Torvalds writes: "Ever wanted to start your own nation? Now you can! BlogNation is a new association of Blogizens that are disassociblogging themselves from ordinary, land-based nationstates in favour of a new alliance of Blogs. Run for Blogident, Blog Minister, or Minister of Blogging by signing up on our blog!"
    • Bloggy Hilton writes: "Help! I've lost the password to my blog. It was right there on my SideKick (you know, the one with the special blog attachment), but it doesn't seem to be there anymore! Has someone taken it? I'm totally desperate here!"
  • by Nytewynd ( 829901 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:08PM (#12637389)
    I have Wilwheaton.net in my browser history and cached on my drive. Never has their been a better reason to rub magnets on my hard drive than now.
  • I mean, really, why? If you like what someone has to say, read their blog. If you don't, then don't- its really not all that difficult. This really should have had the "Its Funny, Laugh" tag.
  • I'm curious to see who ends up in the top spots for the blogebriy top 100 (the superstars of blogging). I'm hoping to see Jason Kottke [kottke.org] pretty high up there. I mean... quitting job to go blogging full time (and money made not through ads but a fundraiser in the style that of NPR). Jeff Jarvis also has gone blogging full time (well... more so consulting about blogging) and you can catch more on that here [buzzmachine.com]
    • I'm hoping to see Jason Kottke pretty high up there. I mean... quitting job to go blogging full time...

      After looking at that site (OMG, he's watching old Dr. Who episodes!) I'd tell him not to quit his day job, but apparently he already has...

  • Blogebrity is one of the entries in that stupid viral-marketing contest [contagiousmedia.org]. And it's not like I'm the one who broke [seanbonner.com] this [ad-rag.com] story [metafilter.com], either. Aren't there any press releases to post today?
    • I hope their site is slashdotted so they have no chance of winning that stupid contest...
      who designed that site? a 12 year old girl with a lisa frank infatuation?
      what are they trying to market? all I could gather from their site is that they have no lives... at least magazines like us, people, etc. get paid lots of money to rank celebrities...
      • You're missing the point of the contest: The web site isn't about content, the web site is about getting content that will get people to hit the site. If Everyone is sending out links to friends saying "look how lame and self-indulgent this is", mission accomplished. Getting on Slashdot is a bit of a coup for them, contest wise.
  • Someday I hope to be a D-minus blogebrity

    I dare to dream! =)
  • Wait a second! (Score:2, Informative)

    by CypherXero ( 798440 )
    Isn't this website part of the Contagious Media Showdown [contagiousmedia.org] that was posted a few days ago [slashdot.org]?! WTF? Isn't this considered cheating?
  • Never use that word again. Some neologisms man simply was not meant to know.
  • I look at the A-list, and only recognize very few of the names. Should I?
  • B! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Hrodvitnir ( 101283 )
    Great, not only do I have so little free time now because I have to keep up with my life along with all the lives of fabulous celebrities, now I have to keep up with blogebrities.

    I hope they make the B! Bloggertainment channel so I can get all my blogebrity news. I just have to know which blogebrities are "linking," if you know what I mean.
  • I just realized, from reading comments here, that it's not pronounced 'Bloggey-brites' but instead 'blog-eb-ri-ties'.

    That's sad. Not my not knowing the word, the word itself. It was bad enough when it was a nonsense word 100%, now that it means.... THAT... it's even worse.
  • Jim Carrey on SNL playing Jimmy Stewart imitating Jim Carrey: "I need attention 24 hours a day! Look at me! Look at me!"
  • Hmmm... I've seen several lists in which Dave Barry's Blog [herald.com] has been recognized as one of the best (it's worth it just for the "24" synopsis) and he's not mentioned in any of the three lists.

    Looking through the names, I see a number I'd never consider and I can come up with a few more I would have liked to see. Like any "best of" list, this one is just somebody's personal opinion.

  • by Shimmer ( 3036 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:21PM (#12637532) Journal
    Wheaton's current entry is all about how lousy he felt when he got sick. If that's what it takes to be a blogging A-lister, I think I'll stick to the rest of the Internet for awhile longer.
    • True, but a couple of weeks ago he came out with this gem [wilwheaton.net] that makes his blog (ocassionally) worthwhile.
      • That one is at least semi-interesting, but it's also about being sick as a kid and, golly, the current scratchiness in his throat.

        Does he discuss any other topics? Perhaps how the laundry is piling up? Or how he got stuck in traffic during rush hour?
  • Interesting how, just today a columnist in Dagens Nyheter (largest newspaper in Sweden) wrote a column about blogging. He drew a parallel to other fads, the one he specifically mentioned was the early 90's Grunge trend.

    These trends were first hailed as something new and different, which would change the world, only to subsequently be adopted by the mainstream/the existing powers, and eventually died off without actually changing anything.
    (The anti-fashion 'grunge look' became the fashion, then went out of
  • Nonplussing (Score:3, Funny)

    by nugneant ( 553683 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:25PM (#12637570) Journal
    Oh boy, yet another outlet for already-celebrities to get noticed. Boy oh boy, because, you know, not enough people know that Margret Cho is a fat, bitter lesbian asian-american with, you know, problems. And her take on things is really cool. Like that time when she saw that one homosexual and called him a silly fag, and then ended up eating a ham (or a tofu ham, sorry, I should probably read her blog to find out if she's vegan or not), while flashing back over how she was discriminated growing up. Okay, seriously, a lot of these people are pretty cool and say things that aren't outright lies. But does the world really need another portal? Why does Andy Baio merit an "A" while "THE" Isabella Wunder only get a "C"? Because some goon somewhere says so? It's like reducing the art of movie criticism to Beavis and Butthead. "Citizen Kane - 6T's! Awesome!" "Casablanca - B6(j7)! It's neat!" "Spellbound - 23.3! I didn't get that one scene!" Except without even the comments. With "indie" being all the trend, you'd figure (well, if human thought / capacity for getting stuff off the ground was anywhere near ideal) that there'd be a few more "indie" websites. Remember mp3.com? Now THAT was what the internet should be all about. Evidently we'd rather just know what everyone else is reading, and want it from more than just google and Alexa.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I don't even want to KNOW what list Roland Piquepaille is on.....
  • What does the slashdot crowd think of their choices?

    To be frank, seems like a giant wiener waving contest.

    In all seriousness, this is what any form of media does best; tell us just HOW IMPORTANT media is. Bloggers are especially impressed with themselves, so it makes perfect sense.

    (PS: I don't mean media = press. Bloggers are as much journalists as gossip columnists, and about one step above "storytellers". Not surprisingly, in both camps there seems to be equal amounts of drama in the drivel the

  • Glaring Omission (Score:3, Insightful)

    by EngMedic ( 604629 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:34PM (#12637662) Homepage
    who could forget the lovely and talented Ali Davis [improvisation.ws], author of True Porn Clerk Stories? I'm sorry, that's the best blog i've ever read, bar none.
  • This story was submitted as an attempt to gain clicks. The site itself is probably meant as a joke, but it is certainly an entry in the "Contagious Media Showdown." [contagiousmedia.org] The showdown is "a competition to create the most viral website, as measured by the number of unique visitors from now until June 9th."

    Getting it submitted to Slashdot probably won it for those guys. Seems like ballot stuffing to me, though.
  • by double_h ( 21284 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:37PM (#12637691) Homepage
    Somewhat related, I saw earlier today that http://talkingpointsmemo.com/ [talkingpointsmemo.com] (a progressive political blog) is going to have a special guest blogger next week in the form of Senator John Edwards (John Kerry's right-hand man last fall); ought to make an interesting read.
  • eweblogebrityzine?

    (that's e-web-blog-ebrity-zine)

    Fuck that. Hell I even refused to call a web log a "blog" until it fucking exploded all over the internet and evolved into a new thing.

    btw, the site looks like a hacked together piece of crap trying to look like a magazine.
  • by Hulkster ( 722642 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @02:38PM (#12637704) Homepage
    For those trying to determine if the submitter owns the site and/or is involved in the Contageous Media Showdown, the whois info is presented below. I actually thought it was a clever idea on their part to submit to (and get accepted by) Slashdot - I bet all the other participents (I'm not) are jealous they didn't think of it earlier! ;-)

    At least Wikipedia isn't being defaced/spammed as it was in one of those earlier SEO contests. It would be pretty funny if after all this publicity, they went ahead and DID publish a magazine. Read more of their thoughts in their blog. [blogebrity.com]

    BTW, I noticed that Hulk's Blog [blogspot.com] isn't listed.
    Hulk might have to SMASH 'em! ;-)

    The Gawp Network
    513 Wilshire Blvd.
    Suite 300
    Santa Monica, California 90401
    United States

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com
    Domain Name: BLOGEBRITY.COM
    Created on: 08-May-05
    Expires on: 08-May-06
    Last Updated on: 08-May-05

    Administrative Contact:
    Hermann, Robert
    Pivot Plane Inc
    810 S Flower st #308
    Los Angeles, California 90017
    United States
    3107654924 Fax --
    Technical Contact: SAME
  • But I'm glad to see Roland Piquepaille didn't make the list.
  • there would have been mention in the comments of one of the well established blog ranking websites [truthlaidbear.com]. Figuring out who's who among bloggers based on anything but traffic and click-through rate is subjective to the point of meaninglessness. Ironic that something as unreal as advertising is about the only thing that offers any measure of the reality behind the hype about blogging as a new media.
  • I mean, my life is boring and sucks, but I still would rather do almost anything than read the inane crap that people write in their "blogs" (lame-ass nonword).
  • Wil Wheaton definatly is more interesting than Margaret Cho. Talk about a self-hating asian. I've never seen a chick talk more about dicks than when I watched one her comedy special, or I should say the few minutes I watched it.
  • my favorite blog atm (Score:3, Informative)

    by ultramk ( 470198 ) <ultramk@pacbe[ ]net ['ll.' in gap]> on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @03:00PM (#12637956)
    My favorite blog at the moment has to be boingboing.net

    It's a collaborative blog from the likes of:

    - Cory Doctorow, one of the best voices in contemporary SF, and a co-founder (iirc) of the EFF.

    - Xeni Jardin, tech culture journalist and regular contributer to Wired and NPR. (oh, and not that it matters, but she's spectacularly cute [xeni.net])

    - Mark Frauenfelder, writer and illustrator.

    - David Pescovitz, well-known science and tech writer.

    - John Battelle, web search pundit. ...they're all smart, funny and cool. If my best friends had time to get together and make a blog, it would look like this.

  • Juan Cole (Score:3, Informative)

    by WinkyN ( 263806 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @03:51PM (#12638433) Homepage
    Juan Cole was listed as a "B-list" blogger, but he should be on the A-list.

    For the uninformed, Juan is a University of Michigan professor who collects information from various Arab Web sites and posts them in his blog. If you want to take a read at what's really happening in the Middle East, check out his blog http://www.juancole.com/ [juancole.com].

    He's definitely against the U.S. involvement in Iraq, so he's definitely biased. And I would prefer he stop some of the partisan crap that spews from both sides (his recent Photoshop pic of Cheney on a body-builders' body comes to mind), but the information he provides is well worth reading.
  • Attn: Blogebrity (Score:3, Insightful)

    by twilight30 ( 84644 ) on Wednesday May 25, 2005 @04:06PM (#12638560) Homepage
    Fuck off.

    Thank you.

    Isn't the last thing this world needs is the extension of celebrity bullshit?

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
