Coming Soon, Roadcasting 331
ByteWoopy writes "from Wired.com 'Stuck in traffic and sick of Howard Stern, you may soon be able to tune in to the music collection of the person in the car in front of you. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are developing an ad hoc networking system for cars that would allow any driver to broadcast music to any other vehicle within a 30-mile radius. Developed by a group of current and former master's students at the Human Computer Interaction Institute, the Roadcasting project would allow drivers to stream their MP3 music collections by Wi-Fi or similar technology to any other vehicle within range that is equipped with compatible hardware and software.
Oh..Oh! (Score:2)
Re:Oh..Oh! (Score:2)
Re:Oh..Oh! (Score:2)
So... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:So... (Score:5, Funny)
Broadcast Royalties? (Score:2)
VAN (Score:5, Funny)
Re:VAN (Score:4, Funny)
Obligatory (Score:2)
great (Score:2)
Re:great (Score:2)
Sounds similar to a system in Cory Doctorow's EST (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Sounds similar to a system in Cory Doctorow's E (Score:2)
Re:Sounds similar to a system in Cory Doctorow's E (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Sounds similar to a system in Cory Doctorow's E (Score:2)
Of course the RIAA doesn't buy that argument about current file sharing. Maybe if it were really hard to get the music out of your car they would be ok with it.
Re:Sounds similar to a system in Cory Doctorow's E (Score:2)
like social networking, only not social (Score:3, Funny)
Tune in, Turn on, Turn left (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Tune in, Turn on, Turn left (Score:2)
Re:Tune in, Turn on, Turn left (Score:3, Funny)
"Now, a word from our sponsors. Don't change the channel - they pay my car payment."
Re:Tune in, Turn on, Turn left (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Tune in, Turn on, Turn left (Score:3, Insightful)
Ummmm handheld radio? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Ummmm handheld radio? (Score:5, Funny)
Because you have not inserted enough buzzwords into the concept.
ad hoc network
I could go on, but you get the idea.
Re:Ummmm handheld radio? (Score:2)
Re:Ummmm handheld radio? (Score:2)
Research for whom, though.
"Roadcasting was commissioned by a "major automaker" looking for applications to make use of mobile ad hoc networks that will be included in production cars in the next few years."
Listen to whose music? (Score:4, Insightful)
Of course, the FCC and RIAA will be all over this.
'Public performance'
'clogging the spectrum'
'private radio stations'
May be a good concept, but the implementation will be a bitch.
No chance you this kind of system will succeed. (Score:3, Insightful)
Plus, the broadcaster's association as well as copyright holders would be lobbying against it. See how Apple had to cripple itunes music sharing?
I can see it now... (Score:2)
RIAA comments aside (Score:3, Insightful)
In the same vein, your taste in Chinese rap probably doesn't appeal to many people driving around you either.
Network Traffic (Score:4, Insightful)
Meshes of short-range, low-power highway devices can, instead, form a medium layer in a TCP/IP network. Nothing about the neighboring cars' identity matters, just that they support the protocol, and have enough spatial density. Then they can bridge the gap to high bandwidth hops to the Internet. Along the way, they can aggregate traffic data, which can inform traffic jockeys and drivers to optimize flow (though, ironically, reduce necessary density). This project is a nice demo, but it needs to get buried in the protocol stack before the rubber really meets the road.
Uh... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Uh... (Score:2)
Sonic Attack (Score:3, Funny)
I can imagine other drivers ceeding the right of way as they scramble at their dials to disable "auto download" whenever I get near. Or even better, I'll take a small boombox and crank ghetto rap, Phish Bootlegs, rare techno remixes, and other stuff to get noticed. THEN they get -Kazaa! - SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHW
About time guerilla warfare techniques had application on the open road.
Who cares about music? (Score:3, Funny)
I can hear the yell from the RIAA offices... (Score:3, Funny)
Wow... (Score:3, Insightful)
This is easily the dumbest thing I've seen all day.
In fact, there is only one reason why I like it....but it's a big reason.
The RIAA is bound to hate it, and drive themelves into seizures trying to regulate/kill it.
And anything that drives the RIAA crazy and wastes their time is aces in my book.
Re:Wow... (Score:2)
Re:Wow... (Score:2)
Your nick is Tripmaster Monkey and your claiming that THIS is the stupidest thing you've seen all day?
It was...until I saw your post.
Re:Wow... (Score:2)
Well, I could have mentioned how amazing it is that anyone who didn't even know the difference between the possessive 'your' and the contraction 'you're' could possibly be coherent enough find the 'Submit' button, but I didn't want to make you feel any worse than you must already feel (especially since you've chosen to hide behind the AC facade).
Oh...crap...I just did...NOW look what you've made me do! Do you think I enjoy hitting you?
Re:Wow... (Score:3, Interesting)
That's nothing. (I'm not sure on the point I am about to make, but) wouldn't a Federal department (on broadcasting) have a problem with this? With a 30 mile radius, the car is basically a mobile radio station... subject to regulation.
just my $0.02
Re:Wow... (Score:3, Interesting)
Morning and evening drive-time are the biggest money-makers for radio (it's almost the only time many people listen to the radio anymore). If you give people the ability to stream indie feeds into their cars, drive-time suddenly gets much more competitive, especially if your cost to stream to cars approaches zero.
My only concern is: who's allowed to be a stream sourc
oblig (Score:2)
Re:oblig (Score:2)
(ObBitching: Slashdot is dumb to make me wait 20 seconds to post this. Don't discriminate against me because I'm a fast typist, OK?)
No way in hell (Score:3, Insightful)
Uncontrolled language and content. They get on Howard Stern for some little crap. What about the Hippy who scream obsenities from his VW bus about conspiracies and how much weed he smokes? They'd never allow it.
You think they'll allow free playing licenced music? Also, pirated music will get played and they'll get their panties in a bunch.
Bible Thumpers:
All the free thinking and freedom of speach will drive these guys crazy. Now any idiot with a radio will have access to swearing and sexual content potentially!
"Oh noes! Sexy talk! Won't anyone think of the children!?"
Re:No way in hell (Score:2)
Odd, that's the same battlecry that the likes of Diane Feinstein use. Methinks you're too limited in vision as to who'd down your rights.
Once again I remind the users of Slashdot who wanted to limit the access to music based on content? It wasn't Ma and Pa Kettle, it was the oh-so-liberal and free thinking Tipper Gore.
Howard Stern? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Howard Stern? (Score:3, Interesting)
Broadcast? (Score:2)
"Traffic on Main street approaching Elm is stop-and-go. I can't tell if there is an accident or whether it is just volume because there is a U-Haul van in front of me... Billy! Stop hitting your sister! Wait, we're moving... Nope, we've stopped again... I know, Sally, but the traffic isn't moving... Ok! The U-Haul is turning onto Elm. Rats! There's a Fedex truck. Now I'm behind a Fedex truck... Billy, sit your butt in that seat r
War_____ is out. ______casting is in! (Score:2)
ugh... (Score:3)
Re:ugh... (Score:3, Funny)
You saw it here first.
Legal issues? (Score:2)
If you're like most people, you're going to have significant amounts of commercial music in your collection. If this kind of thing catches on, I wonder if it will be a brand new attack vector for the RIAA.
RIAA Can Kill This (Score:2)
The RIAA can lobby electronics makers and car companies against the production of cheap hardware that does this, and therefore effectively kill it. They have managed to greatly reduce the number of internet radio stations. It is no fun to broadca
Getting really sick of *-casting (Score:2)
Words with the music... (Score:3, Insightful)
This differs from the radio how? (Score:2)
Re:This differs from the radio how? (Score:2)
If what was on my in-car mp3 player was the same thing that was on the radio I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.
What's the use? (Score:3, Informative)
why??? (Score:2)
fm modulator (Score:3, Informative)
How long before the mainstream media/companies (Score:2)
In the near future mainstream TV/radio/media will be talking to themselves. Grassroots (communist) radio/music here we come...
A simple extention of an existing activity (Score:2)
But now, with modern technology, they can annoy people who CHOSE to listen to whatever melody-impaired song they're playing.
Sadly, people on the sidewalk may loose out on such a chance, so they'll still have to employ their nuclear-powered speakers to continue their gen
Makes me Think Of Desertcrossing Radio (Score:4, Interesting)
I remember once getting left behind - my then girlfriend (now wife) wanted to get in&out burger, and we had to catch up. Being a DJ I'd submitted a mix to desertcrossing radio, and it was scheduled to be played before we got to vegas. So I spent the next hour or so racing to catch up and get back in radio range. We did get back in time to hear my slot, and we were greeted with the sight of 50+ cars all string out on a hill in front of us with their hazard lights blinking.
Easily my favourite Defcon moment
here's a novel idea... "ear-casting" (Score:5, Funny)
I think this should be allowed; (Score:2)
How about streaming me swear at you? (Score:2)
Already sharing within about 2 cars distance (Score:2)
A sticker in the window "iTrip 89.9 FM" and anyone with a radio can listen to my mix. Not that I want someone riding my bumper on the highway just to keep listening, but it's small enough that they can't read it except in bumper to bumper city traffic anyhow.
Hack an iTrip with an additional watt or so of transmit power and a simple wire antenna, and you're good for a couple hundred feet.
Meh (Score:2)
All the Honda Civics with coffee-can mufflers already have this technology, and you don't need to buy any special equipment to receive the music. Just listen. You'll hear the bass half a mile away.
I hate idea like this (Score:2)
How will they justify this to the RIAA? (Score:2)
But right now its primary design is for music broadcasting, and unlicensed public performances are definetly not legal. So wtf do these guys think they're doing?
How can they possibly argue that this device will mostly be used for legal activity when the primary purpose is to broadcast from someone's personal collection of music.
Honestly, this is pretty stupid. Radio stations pay huge fees to broadcast m
The system already exists (Score:2)
Ghetto version (Score:3, Funny)
You don't need no fancy equipment and nobody around you needs it neither. Just some bling 22 inch rims yo, a big ole bass can in the back, a power amp rated in gigawattz and da latest remix of "doan make me smack you, ho" an' you can be "roadcastin'" down the road at 3am.
In other news... (Score:2)
30 mile radius? Just broadcast at home! (Score:2)
And hey, maybe it'd be possible to somehow setup a text message system where you can type in:
artist - album - track#
Prediction (Score:2)
1. Broadcasts of music from car to car
2. Ability to specify the sending and recieving car
3. Broadcasts of voice and text
4. Ability to send graphics
5. Ability to send live video
6. Guys sending live video feeds of their privates to innocent woman driving by
terminology (Score:2)
If a convoy of cars broadcast jazz to each other, would that be a traffic jam?
We are already have this (Score:2)
But your taste in music sucks! (Score:2)
It's called an iTrip (Score:2)
There I go, minding my own business, listening to 87.9 FM -- WPOD, which somehow knows to play only songs I own and songs I like, and then all of a sudden my Mighty Wind and Bon Jovi singing in spanish gets interrupted by the staticky sound of Limp Biskit... I look to the car on my left and see that the dude in the souped up Honday is bobbing his head to the music in my car, and i realize-- his XM Radio FM transceiver relay can beat up my dinky little iTrip.
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Um. I hate to break this to you, but NYC has a technology-savvy population slightly larger than 1,000. Just slightly. You're almost guaranteed to have that many broadcasting, and easily could have something closer to 1,000,000 broadcasters if enough idiots ride this bandwagon to town.
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Now all we need is an Open Source protocol that can be used to define your music stream and possibly identify you if you care to do so.
I.e. People scan through the 1000 people in range with their preset tastes set to say, Punk and Classical and those with Punk and Classical in their stream headers appear in your list. You could also have a ID tag reading "I'm the red-head in the Fiesta" or "single guy in the porsche" etc. so that people can complement you on your taste.
This is such a good idea!
Re:Hah (Score:5, Funny)
"And this next song goes out to the owner of the white Ford Mustang, license plate A3G-D92, who just cut me off in traffic.
(song "I Hope You Die" kicks in: "I hope ya flip some guy the bird, He cuts you off and you're forced to swerve, In front of the beatles' tour bus, A bookmobile and a mack truck...")
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Somebody nearly cut me right off the road.
I decided it wasn't gonna do any good to get mad.
So I wrote a song about him instead.
It goes like this...
Were you born an asshole?
Or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine
'cause you're an asshole tonight.
Yes you're an A S S H O L E...
And don't you try to blame it on me.
You deserve all the credit.
You're an asshole tonight.
You were an asshole yesterday.
You're an asshole tonight.
And I've got a fe
Re:Hah (Score:2)
When I go driving,
I stay in my lane,
But getting cut up,
Just makes me insane.
I open my glove box /
Reach Inside,
I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride,
'Cause I got a bad habit
-Of blowing them away.
Courtesy of Offspring (I'm such punk wannabe).
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Funny, I thought I was the only one who could go from Sick of it All to Beethoven's 5th and then back to Strung Out without even noticing...
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Come to think of it that's not too different from what's in my CD changer these days although I'm listening to more 70's classic rock because there isn't a decent heavy station in my area but there's a ton of "hard rock" stations claiming to be duking it out
Re:Hah (Score:2)
Must be a rap thing. What does a 'Big Up' mean?
Thanks, never heard the expression before...
Re:Hah (Score:4, Informative)
I'd believe 30 meters, but not 30 miles.
What do you bet that the reporter saw 30 m and took the m to be miles, not meters?
Re:or an opportunity (Score:2)
Narrowcasting works better... (Score:2)
I have had a lot of success by narrowcasting a half-brick to them.
Re:Turn off the music (Score:2)
Close. All you really need to do is find the channel they are listening to. Not that hard if you know the radio stations in your area. Then, get one of the FM transmitters from radioshack/best buy and tune to their channel. Cost is ~$50 for one that runs off the cigaret lighter. Plug in a tape of silence and play. Most powerful signel will win. Or, b
Re:Turn off the music (Score:2)
Re:Turn off the music (Score:2)
Re:This has been done.... (Score:2)
Re:The RIAA (Score:2, Insightful)
<snide whiney voice>The RIAA isn't going to like this one!
The RIAA isn't going to like this one!
The RIAA isn't going to like this one! </snide whiney voice>
Get a grip! The RIAA doesn't like anything unless it involves holding performers as chattel slaves, manufacturing hideous pop and rolling around naked in huge piles of money. The Grammys are a sham, just like the Oscars and it's all about promotion of the crap they want you programmed to like an
Re:Awesome! (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
True, but is the radio any better?
Re:Pay attention and drive (Score:2)
Really!! You might spill your beer....