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V For Vendetta Trailer 429

An anonymous reader writes "The V For Vendetta trailer has been posted on the film's official site. The film is written by Matrix creators Andy and Larry Wachowski and stars Hugo Weaving and fan favorite Star Wars star Natalie Portman."
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V For Vendetta Trailer

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  • Oye (Score:2, Insightful)

    by MonoNexo ( 843458 ) *
    They just had to add bullettime (er, sword time?) for nastalgia.
  • by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:35PM (#13142174) Homepage Journal
    "The film is written by Matrix creators Andy and Larry Wachowski and stars Hugo Weaving and fan favorite Star Wars star Natalie Portman."

    Wow, if they had just used the word prequel, my lack of interest would be complete.
  • by lashi ( 822466 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:36PM (#13142180) Homepage
    Hmm... after those two, not sure if the Wachowski brothers have all that many fans left. Still, I am sure a lot of us will watch for Natlie Portman.

    Anyoneelse heard the story about a woman suing the Wachowski brothers saying they ripped of her story for the first Matrix movie?

    • Something like this? [wikipedia.org]
    • by Golias ( 176380 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @12:21AM (#13142364)
      No matter how many shitty movies the Wachowski brothers crank out, they will always be the creators of Bound.

      For that alone, my hat comes off whenever they walk by.

      Sure, they also made a trilogy of kung-fu movies dressed up as sci-fi. (The first: Overrated. The second: Underrated. The third: Abysmal) Nevertheless, this minor achievement can not possibly be regarded as important or career-defining as making a movie in which Jennifer Tilly seduces Gina Gershon and which features Joey Pantliano playing a mobster. What more could anybody ask for?
    • by mrshowtime ( 562809 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @02:35AM (#13142801)
      Sophia Stewart is full of shit. The "Matrix" was invented by Douglas Addams in 1978's Dr. Who episode "The Deadly Assassin." I wrote to her to point this out and the letter she wrote back showed no ability to write anything cohesive. The letter literally read like this: "You must belive that I came up with the ideas..... James Cameron ripped me off...." Note she used ..... at the end of EVERY sentence.

      She was even trying to get Warner Bros. and just about everyone in Hollywood prosecuted under RICO statures.

      The woman will never get a dime, never.
      • Arguably you are both full of shit. German move and TV make Rainer Werner Fassbinder, made a mini series called "Welt am Draht" (world on a wire) in 1973 - about a guy who works at a computer company, he realises that our world, and him, are actually inside a computer, and those who run that computer starts chasing him.

        And that was based on the novel Simulacron-3 from the sixties, which arguably was inspired by a Philip K Dick novel from a few years earlier.

        And Cameron settled with Harlan Elinson when he
  • mmm, grits. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Corf ( 145778 )
    Quite the action-packed trailer.

    can someone more familiar with the comic explain some premise for the rest of us?
  • by johnthorensen ( 539527 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:38PM (#13142187)
    From TFWS...

    Synopsis: Set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V For Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked vigilante known only as "V." Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he detonates two London landmarks and takes over the government-controlled airwaves, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression. As Evey uncovers the truth about V's mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself - and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plot to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption.

    Think that they'll be adjusting any of that due to the recent bombings in London?

    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:56PM (#13142269)
      Not if they want the terrorists to win.
    • Damn, and heres me hoping it'd be something to do with the V series of the '80s.

      Watching Natalie Portman swallow whole, live rodents would certainly be worth it!
    • by jasonditz ( 597385 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @01:00AM (#13142495) Homepage
      Yeah, in the new version he blows up two London landmarks, they start detaining people without trials, and everyone else feels marginally safer because TV tells them to.
    • by Siener ( 139990 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @01:14AM (#13142534) Homepage
      Think that they'll be adjusting any of that due to the recent bombings in London?

      I actually also wondered about that.

      In the graphic novel the hero, V, is a terrorist and a psycho. He blows things up, killing the guilty and the innocent. He not the leader of a popular uprising, he's a loner. The closest thing he has to an ally is Evey - a girl he keeps imprisoned and tortures until she comes around to his way of thinking. The brilliance of the graphic novel stems from the fact that the reader identifies with the main character, even though he's cruel and clearly totally out of his mind.

      Then again, the Wachowskis wrote the script, so it was probably nicely sanatised to remove all the controversial content. I fully expect to find that they changed the main character to be some sort of populist freedom fighter and Evey to be his willing side-kick.
      • In the graphic novel the hero, V, is a terrorist and a psycho. He blows things up, killing the guilty and the innocent. He not the leader of a popular uprising, he's a loner. The closest thing he has to an ally is Evey - a girl he keeps imprisoned and tortures until she comes around to his way of thinking. The brilliance of the graphic novel stems from the fact that the reader identifies with the main character, even though he's cruel and clearly totally out of his mind.

        I've not read V, but from your desc
    • No, they'll just release it 6 months later than they originally planned (see Collateral Damage [filmtracks.com].)
  • Man .. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by z0ink ( 572154 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:38PM (#13142191)
    The Wachowski brothers had better not fuck this one up. V for Vendetta is a stellar graphic novel and a must read for anyone who enjoyed either 1984 or A Clockwork Orange. I'd hate to see something with such a wonderful story cheapened by hollywood gimmicks.
    • "The Wachowski brothers had better not fuck this one up."

      I'm awfully afraid they will.

      I've been reading some old Hellraiser comics lately, some of which were written by Larry. He managed to take a brilliant premise for a great horror story and twist it into an unreadable mess.

      No matter how great the original material, I have total faith in the Wachoskis to totally fucking butcher it.

      I get the feeling this is going to be another movie I will want desperately to love but will be sadly let down. C'mon
    • I hope you're aware that Wachowski brothers are not exactly "brothers" any more.
    • by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @02:30AM (#13142793)
      Thanks for somebody from /. which posted this article some days ago : Alan Moore despise V for Vendetta [comicbookresources.com]. Most interrestingly is the yellow insert (scroll down).

      [The League]Alan Moore, co-creator of the "V For Vendetta" comic, has publicly disassociated himself from the upcoming Warner Brothers movie project based on the comic book and written and produced by the Wachowski Brothers. And as a result, he has cut his remaining ties with DC Comics, including future volumes of the "League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen."
      Moore has promised future "League" comics will be published by a US/UK collaboration between Top Shelf and Knockabout. "

      Quote : "Alan On The "V For Vendetta" Movie Alan gave some details about bits of the V For Vendetta shooting script he'd seen. "It was imbecilic; it had plot holes you couldn't have got away with in Whizzer And Chips in the nineteen sixties. Plot holes no one had noticed." "

      Apparently the horse is already out of the barn...
  • by __aaclcg7560 ( 824291 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:42PM (#13142215)
    Is this a movie tie-in for the new Windows Vista?
  • 5.1 AAC (Score:4, Interesting)

    by cei ( 107343 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:46PM (#13142228) Homepage Journal
    The question going around the Mac forum at Ars is, what are they using to encode 5.1 channel AAC audio in these new H.265 trailers?
  • Matrix (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bsquizzato ( 413710 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:46PM (#13142233)
    I see a lot of people on here that bash the brothers for their poor work after the Matrix. IMHO, it's really hard for anyone to live up to the Matrix, even it's own creators. I think we expect a movie coming from these two guys to be as original and amazing as the Matrix all over again, and that's not easy.
    • > I see a lot of people on here that bash the brothers for their poor work after the Matrix. IMHO, it's really hard for anyone to live up to the Matrix, even it's own creators. I think we expect a movie coming from these two guys to be as original and amazing as the Matrix all over again, and that's not easy.

      FWIW, I thought The Matrix was a third-rate film to begin with. I didn't even bother to see the sequels, which even fans of the original think suck.

      Saying "done by the people who did The Matrix"

    • Re:Matrix (Score:3, Insightful)

      by h4rm0ny ( 722443 )
      I think we expect a movie coming from these two guys to be as original and amazing as the Matrix all over again, and that's not easy.

      I thought the Matrix was dreadful (soundtrack was good though) and I didn't even rent II and III. The thought of these people getting their hands of V is not pleasant. The trailer actually looks good, but I'm still wary. I believe they've cut out the drugs episode (major event in the book), and re-written the ending just for a start.

      It's not a case of them not living up
    • V for Vendetta is already miles above matrix in terms of originality and amazement.
      What we hope is a miracle so that those 2 guys don't lower it down.
      From Moore's comments, no luck.
  • by Aminion ( 896851 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:49PM (#13142245)
    V for Vendetta is based on the comic with the same name. It's one excellent comic, focusing on totalism, freedom, hope, love and payback. The comic's artwork is dirty and raw, creating a very fitting atmosphere for the dystopic story.

    Those of you who have read V, probably know that when it hits the mainstream, people will draw parallels to the real world (USA and GB) today. It's as topical as ever.

    V for Vendetta only costs $13.59 at Amazon [amazon.com] - buy it. It's an intelligent comic and uses the medium to send an important message.
    • Parallels to the US and Britain ? You can't be further from the truth.

      If you said Saddam Hussein's Iraq, China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, etc... as real examples in the world today, you would be far closer to the truth.
      • by dominion ( 3153 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @12:29AM (#13142402) Homepage
        V for Vendetta is not just about dictatorship, but the way that democracies become dictatorships, and how "leaders" can not only take away people's freedoms, but convince them to beg for their freedoms to be taken away.

        China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia all have serious problems (and Iraq too, of course), but V for Vendetta was not written about those countries.

        V for Vendetta was written for people who live in liberal democracies, so they could understand what happens when things go really bad.
    • by Viadd ( 173388 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @01:00AM (#13142498)
      Alan Moore (creator of the comic) has publicly disavowed any connection with the film, had his name taken off the credits, and, as a result of some suit using his name in related publicity, severed other ties to the media conglomerate involved.

      Read more about it. [alanmoorefansite.com]

      But yes, buy the comic. It's good. While you're at it, pick up 'Watchmen', also by Moore. (The movie of which is currently 'in turnaround'.)
      • One of the things I really enjoyed about Sin City was how faithful it was to the comic book, pegging the cartoonish style and visuals perfectly.

        This looks like another stale hollywood movie with a liberal interpretation of the comic book (not that this is a bad thing - I loved Batman Begins). I honestly hope they prove me wrong, because I am definitely going to still watch it.
  • Wow (Score:3, Funny)

    by hoka ( 880785 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:50PM (#13142247)
    After watching this I peed myself, and memories of the Penny Arcade comic about Americas Army flushed into my mind, whizzing around for many a minute, until it flowed out gracefully.

    I guess my penis is proud of me.
  • Petrified (Score:2, Funny)

    by flood6 ( 852877 )
    G for Grits
  • by dusik ( 239139 ) on Friday July 22, 2005 @11:58PM (#13142277) Homepage
    If you just want to get to the highest res trailer, here's the link: http://pdl.warnerbros.com/wbmovies/vforvendetta/V_ trailer_1920_reflect_HD.mov [warnerbros.com]
  • by fmwap ( 686598 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @12:09AM (#13142330) Journal
    I'd feel like a pedo after seeing "The Professional"
  • by l0ungeb0y ( 442022 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @12:11AM (#13142335) Homepage Journal
    One thing I noticed about this movie is that the Brothers W (or is that Siblings W now?) is that they've handed the directors chair to a cheifly 2nd Unit and Assistant Director who's worked on both the Matrix Trilogy and the Star wars Prequels.

    Considering this guy's worked on the top grossing scifi trilogies of the last few years, he must have some potential. And the bros W might have realized that while they have some great concepts, they aren't the greatest at directing.

    And if you get a chance, check out the trailer in Quicktimes new HD format, I got to say it looked rather sweet on my plasma.
    And the premise seems rather timely and entertaining -- Though I'm a bit worried that a Terrorist Tactic using Anti-hero might get be offensive to quite a few overly defensive Christian Neo-Arch-Conservative types, it should at least produce lots of press for the film after it's release.

    However, I suspect that any paralels they make to the current state of affairs will go just as unnoticed as the paralels they made in the Star Wars Prequels.

    The trailer realease is rather timely however considering this week saw a fresh round of bombings in London and the renewal of the Patriot Act in US Congress.
  • For some reason, the theme and trailer reminds me of The Phantom of the Opera [thephantomoftheopera.com]. :)
  • Anyone else read this and think of Vendetta [ucla.edu] from Making Fiends [makingfiends.com], and get excited that something was out before September 1st?
  • by Zangief ( 461457 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @12:43AM (#13142442) Homepage Journal
    The trailer actually gives me hope, as it portrays some importants scenes from the comic, as the take over of the tv channel, the torture of evey, and her under the rain.
    • I think the test will be the last 10 minutes. If they show V's face I might wage a vendetta of my own against the Wachowskis.
  • Between the cross-like symbols and the music I was having flashbacks to Equilibrium...

    That all aside, I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. The trailer looks interesting, the story is interesting, and so it has the potential to be very very good.

    It also has the potential to be excruciatingly bad. The Law of Hype will tell us more as we get closer (i.e., if it gets 15 different versions of trailers on trailers.apple.com and has a huge marketing campaign in everything from fast food to office s
  • I was totally skeptic of how this adaptation would turn out when it was announced. But then the leaked photos and the official posters raised my eyebrows.

    Being a die-hard fan of the graphic novel, I watched the trailer just to have something solid to complain about. Surprisingly, I was thoroughly impressed, I must admit that at least visually, this movie seems incredibly faithful to the art of the original. V looks incredible down to the last detail and Natalie Portman is Evey Hammond, no question about it
  • Alright, so admittedly the trailer site does mention that a powerful computer is needed to play the high-res version of the trailer.

    So. I have an Athlon 64 3400+, 1GB of RAM, a 10K RPM SATA harddrive, and a GeForce 6800GT on a recent Windows XP install. The only extra programs I have running are Gaim and anti-virus software. I keep my computer up to date and swept for spyware using Ad-Aware and use Firefox for browsing.

    I'll admit that my machine isn't quite the fastest in the world. I could have sligh
  • The screenshots from this thing absolutely scream "video game material".
  • by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Saturday July 23, 2005 @03:30AM (#13142937)
    Dear Slashdot reader,

    Please watch our advertisement.

    Yours truly,

    Time Warner - er, I mean, Anonymous Coward!
  • speaking on nostaligia...remember???

    V [wikipedia.org]
    • oh yeah i forgot(since we cant edit our posts?) there is a mini series, i think two-nights for a total of 4 hours that will be an update to the miniseries. if successful then there will be sequels... the good news is the original director, and cast such as robert englund have agreed to sign on. imdb [imdb.com]

Them as has, gets.
