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Ohio Linux Festival 2005 90

corso64 writes "Ohio Linux Fest 2005, a free conference/event for Linux and OSS enthusiasts, looks to be every bit as good, if not better than Ohio Linux Fest 2004. Last year, IBM, Novell, Apache, Beowulf, Mozilla, along with Jon "Maddog" Hall made Ohio Linux Festival 2004 a huge success along with tons of swag, freebies, and door prizes (including a Linus-autographed cdrom of the original source release of Linux). This year IBM, Novell, Apache, Digium, KDE and others will be doing sessions on Asterisk, KDE, Digital Forensics,Unified Threat Management, Ubuntu, Server Farms and lots of other topics. Check it out this October 1st!"
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Ohio Linux Festival 2005

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  • by RAMMS+EIN ( 578166 ) on Sunday September 04, 2005 @03:31PM (#13478530) Homepage Journal
    First we have to get free (in either the beer or the freedom sense) tickets, so I can actually go.
  • Yes! (Score:5, Funny)

    by doxology ( 636469 ) <cozzyd @ m i t .edu> on Sunday September 04, 2005 @03:32PM (#13478536) Homepage
    This has got to be the best place to pick up chicks.
  • Work sucks (Score:1, Redundant)

    by Akaihiryuu ( 786040 )
    Blah, I live in Columbus...too bad I have to work that day. I wish they'd have these things during the week.
    • heh, well problem is most of the rest of us work during the week :/ its a month away...request off! ;)
      • Better yet, explain to your boss that it would cost thousands of dollars to attend Linuxworld to get the same value, and this is right in your home-town. Unless you work at Burger King [], there is a pretty good chance there is some relevant content for you. Or, just call in sick. ;)
  • by Musteval ( 817324 ) on Sunday September 04, 2005 @03:45PM (#13478628)
    For the first time in history, something interesting happens in Ohio!

    Now we just need to get something interesting in New Hampshire...
    • There is a big annual convention of Ham radio + related people in Ohio each year.

      Worth going to if you are in the area...

      • Been going the last 10 years or so. It's in Dayton and I make the trip from the east central border near WV. Hotels are usually pre-booked months in advance, and all the good close ones are always full. I already have reservations in fact :)

        Check it out here: Clicky []
    • This weekend (until end of tomorrow) there's the annual Greek Festival in Columbus with lots of greek food and ouzo....OPAAAA!
    • The NFL was invented in a parking lot in Canton (I believe where the NFL hall of fame now sites) by two dudes. That's interesting.

      Ummm... but thats all I can think of.
    • Hey, Ohio and New Hampshire have done plenty of interesting things recently. Why without them, we wouldn't have re-elected a dangerously underquallified president, and we wouldn't have pruned out all of the interesting & capable Democrats from the primaries. Just imagine where we would be without them...
  • Linux? (Score:2, Funny)

    by martian67 ( 892569 )
    Ah but the real question is, Do they run linu...

    oh damn...
  • Ohio has a growing population of young hackers and tech-enthusiasts. I'm sure Ohio will have greater input into open source as this younger generation gains a foothold.
    • Ohio has a growing population of young hackers and tech-enthusiasts. I'm sure Ohio will have greater input into open source as this younger generation gains a foothold.

      Random geographic region X has a growing population of young random_subject_x-enthusiasts. I'm sure random geographical region X will have greater input into random_subject_x as this young generation gains foothold.
    • Ohio has a growing population of young hackers and tech-enthusiasts

      Sure, and then the good ones head to Silicon Valley and the Northeast.

      Seriously though, I don't mean to troll. I know there's plenty of industry in Ohio. They're famous for Chem R&D (with P&G and whatnot)... but are there really any players in the software industry there? Most of the major tech conventions happen once on the west coast (usually SF, sometimes LA), often a second on the east coast (typicaly Boston or NY), and e
  • by ROMRIX ( 912502 ) on Sunday September 04, 2005 @04:29PM (#13478857) Homepage
    or was that Oktoberfest...
    I forget.
    Damn those penguins! or Leprechauns or whatever the hell they are.
    What time does the bar close?
  • Can't wait. (Score:2, Informative)

    by wolrahnaes ( 632574 )
    TALUG (Toledo Area LUG) went last year and from what I read on the mailing list, it was pretty damn good. I missed it then due to a Cedar Point trip (hmm....big coasters and hot chicks vs. geek fest...hard decision....) but I'll be there this year.

    The lineup looks good, plus it gives me a chance to enjoy the fun of wearing my U of Michigan gear around Columbus again.

    Remember everyone, OSUcks.
    • I know Toledo has access to lots of great U of Michigan apparel (I'm from Sylvania), but you don't really want to get yourself shot in Columbus. It's just not worth it ;)
    • Yeah, yeah, and M Go Blow, Ann Arbor is a whore, Don't give a damn about the whole state of michigan, north til you smell - east til you step in it, and all that too.

      Anyway, we'll just kick your ugly helmet asses all over the field again as usual. Remember - Cooper's not the coach any more!

      In Tressel we trust.
  • Wouldnt the original sources fit on a floppy?

    Still cool tho.
    • I don't think it's the original disk, just a copy of the original source. What makes it special is that it's signed by an actual Finn. Who knew they really existed? I thought Tolkien invented them or something.
  • by Damin ( 135893 ) on Sunday September 04, 2005 @05:33PM (#13479323) Homepage
    I'm one of the organizers this year, and I wanted to make sure that the following useful information made it out to people who are considering attending. We have worked our tails off this year to make sure that Ohio Linuxfest 2005 will be the best Linuxfest yet. So here are some things that you need to know to take full advantage of everything that we are providing.

    1. 16 Hours of Fun (8:00 AM to Midnight) - Doors open at 8:00 AM, and the post-conference reception starts at 8:00 PM, complete with food and beverages (of the sudsy variety) generously provided by our Sponsors. Froggy, from [] will be our DJ this year. Consider safety first! If you plan on drinking, don't drive. Consider one of the fine Hotels in the area, which brings us to...

    2. Hotel Accommodations - []. The Drury Inn Suites, directly attached to the Greater Columbus Convention Center, is the the official Ohio LinuxFest 2005 hotel. A group rate is available for limited number of rooms. BOOK EARLY! DO NOT WAIT!

    3. Schedule - []. There are now THREE conference tracts to choose from. Take some time and figure out what you want to attend in advance.

    4. REGISTER NOW! - []. The event is free, and registration is free, but onsite donations are encouraged and appreciated to help defray expenses. We need to know roughly how many people plan on attending (for Insurance and Legal reasons) and we also need to be able to let you know about new developments as they, well, develop!

    5. Food - []. You will be within walking distance of a ton of options for Lunch and Dinner. The schedule allows for plenty of time to eat and socialize.

    6. Spread The Love - []. Get the word out! Aside from the regular contingent of Linux techies, we want to reach out to the educational and business worlds and help EDUCATE them about Linux and the Linux Community. Please help us as much as you can. Tell a friend, hand out some flyers, get your LUG involved!

    7. Get Involved - []. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to organize an event of this magnitude that can be enjoyed by so many, and we can use all the help we can get. It really is a labor of love. Join up with the Ohio LinuxFest team to participate in organizing this year's event, and help shape an event that will be remembered by many for years to come. To sign on with the team, please send a note to and introduce yourself!

    See you on October 1st!
  • by Sanat ( 702 ) on Sunday September 04, 2005 @07:24PM (#13479857)
    Hey ScuttleMonkey

    Please set up this article in the dupe queue(TM) for the end of September as a gentle reminder for the Ohio guys. Thanks
  • []

    Where I'll be on a panel on CPUs and holding a lan party again this year. If you can't come to Ohio, then come to Texas. :)
  • Why do I keep getting a different frontpage every time... what is going on
  • Went to the last one and going to this one. This year should be better than last years event {not that it sucked in anyway shape or form} but also with alot more people attending this year. Worth the trip no matter where you are.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
