Rebuilding New Orleans With Science 564
EccentricAnomaly writes "The New York Times has a discussion of flood control methods in use in Holland, England, and Bangladesh that could be used in the rebuilding of New Orleans. Of particular interest is the $8 billion Delta Works built by the Netherlands in response to the North Sea flood of 1953, which almost destroyed the city of Rotterdam, but for a heroic captain who plugged a breach in a dike with his ship." From the article: "While scientists hail the power of technology to thwart destructive forces, they note that flood control is a job for nature at least as much as for engineers. Long before anyone built levees and floodgates, barrier islands were serving to block dangerous storm surges. Of course, those islands often fall victim to coastal development."
Learn from nature (Score:2, Insightful)
Is it time to learn from the nature and build some artificial barrier islands, rather than further changing the face of the earth?
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Interesting)
Long before anyone built levees and floodgates, barrier islands were serving to block dangerous storm surges. Of course, those islands often fall victim to coastal development.
That kind of destroys the entire point of a break island.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Insightful)
Lessons from Monty Python (Score:5, Funny)
Jetskis for everybody! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Learn from nature (Score:4, Informative)
Firstly how is building artificial islands not "hanging the face of the earth", secondly, learning from us here in Europe isn't a bad thing, building flood gates and better costal defence like those in london and the Netherlands is worth it in the long run. From TFA:
"[the Netherlands] erected a futuristic system of coastal defenses that is admired around the world today as one of the best barriers against the sea's fury - one that could withstand the kind of storm that happens only once in 10,000 years."
it cost them $8bn, but it's lased over 50 years and counting, and they havn't suffered any New Orleans type situation. Pay the money now to invest in the future of your country. Generations will thank you for it
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Interesting)
A similar plan was proposed this year. The New York Times hated it. Here's the quote: Hard to tell whether it was genuineely a bad plan, or the NYT hated it simply because it was Bush's proposal, but we are at least considering the ideas used in Europe.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Informative)
Because the current is now less, the channels and gullies between the sandplates are too big. As a res
Re:Learn from nature (Score:4, Interesting)
It wasn't "Bush's Proposal", it was a Corps proposal. The article was actually critical of Bush ("He fired (and has yet to replace) Mike Parker, the agency's civilian chief, mainly because Mr. Parker asked for too much money."). The article wasn't critical about the money, but about the environmental impact of the chosen designs. The article didn't even discuss actions on the Mississippi River or flood prevention - their big faulting of the corps was on the subject of Delaware dredging.
Someone is cheating, but its not who you think (Score:5, Insightful)
Then I searched for the similar section of your article ("Anyone who cares about sound budgeting and about the health" [nytimes.com]) and got a different article dated August 19, 2002 titled Taming the Untouchable Corps.
So either the Times published two stories with very similar titles and eerily similar lines by coincidence, or someone felt lazy and just changed a few lines and republished the same article. If you have a subscription, feel free to read them and determine which is the case. Since the latter seems more likely, I'm not in the mood to pay them.
Congrats - you're propagating a newly created urban legend designed by left-wing groups to pretend that right-wing groups are misrepresenting the holy New York Times editorial page in a attempt to pretend that Bush really *was* on top, and it was the evil liberal's fault!
Wow, that was a mouthful.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course, the bowl problem itself is a side effect of development; almost all cities sink, but building on delta land you sink much faster. The river would normally lay the area over with sediment, but it's diverted
Wetlands and delta conservation has long been a favorite target of dittoheads and other conservative groups, who have viewed it as a liberal waste of money and barrier to economic development. I wonder if they'll start to change their tune after this.
Should've listen to the Native Americans (Score:4, Interesting)
I understand that it was the intersection of trade routes back in the day, but what is there today? I would move away from that place, I am sure so will other people. There still will be a "New Orleans" but from now on it will be known as the "Flooded New Orleans." I don't think it will ever recover completely...
New Orleans was on the top of my list of places to visit in the next couple of years, but not anymore, I think I'll wait 10 years or so.
Re:Should've listen to the Native Americans (Score:3, Interesting)
But of course you know history so well, you know that back in the day the steamboats on Mississippi where just about _the only_ reliable way to travel inland until the railroads were built, so the trade wasn't just oil, lumber and such things it was _everything_: food,
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm going to bet the answer is no, they won't learn.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Insightful)
I do agree with your points on erosion in general (and I am one of those evil red-state conservatives), but wetlands wouldn't likely have made a difference in this situation - Levee maintenance might have.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:wetlands don't replace levees (Score:4, Interesting)
Actually, at it's basic level, it's really mostly a volume calculation. Just integrate over the landscape and you can tell how much additional water it can take, then factor in the influx. I believe the models that they use are more complex to accurately calculate the influx and uneven water levels at different points, but the result is that a single square mile of restoration equals a reduced surge of one foot.
In short, yes, the models already exist [sfgate.com].
and then broke
Do you not know the meaning of "just", as in "The levee didn't just break"?
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Insightful)
City/State management chose to build a levee that was only designed for a category 3 hurricane. Sure enough, a category 4 hurricane broke the levee. This danger was understood when the levee was built, and considered an acceptable tradeoff for cost savings.
We seem to have a real problem building infrastructure in this country when it's not needed on an everyday basis. Does any major city have roads capable of evacuating it's populace in a hurry? Remember the recent East Coast blackout - has any building of redundant capacity begun? Will any other city that decided protection from some hurricanes, but not others, was "good enough" change their minds? I doubt it - such programs are regularly denounced as pork. We just don't appreciate infrastructure, to the point where many people actually believe that roads cause traffic!
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Insightful)
No. Levee maintenance and flood control for the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project was about $250 million dollars behind, due to the war in Iraq [editorandpublisher.com]. Specifically, the Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection project was funded by the Bush administration at levels far below those requested by the Army Corp of Engineers [thinkprogress.org].
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Interesting)
Specifically the Lake Ponchatrain Levee was finished some time ago, and 2005 funding was irrelevent.
Sure the Commanding general of the Army Corps of Engineers [defenselink.mil] says funding levels were fine, but what does he know? He's just some engineer, uneducated in the overriding requirement to hate Smirchimply McHitlerBurton and all of his
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Insightful)
If you're just talking post-WWII (which is when oil started to matter), the cultural evidence is very clear. Americans loved cars bec
Re:Learn from nature (Score:3, Informative)
A lot of pork
West Virginia's annual "pork" is about 6 billion dollars per year (assuming that 60% of federal expenditures on WV are "pork", since they pay $1 in taxes for every $1.6 they get in federal spending). The short time we've been in Iraq so far has accrued 192B$ in direct costs (and this doesn't count things like the economic recession from the uncertainty leading up to it, the effects of the oil shortage afterwards
In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:5, Insightful)
If the storm had come in more to the west then it might have made a difference but I really doubt it. A category 4 or category 5 storm hitting a major city is going to cause a vast amount of destruction. Fixing the delta is valuable for many reasons including protecting New Orleans from floods it's just that in this case it wouldn't have made any difference.
We are in a natural cycle of more and stronger storms. It has happened before. As strong as Katrina was she was weaker than the Galveston Hurricane, the labor day Hurricane, and even Camile. Of course that is like saying an atomic bomb is smaller than the Ivy Mike test bomb.
The thing that cost lives in New Orleans where the actions of the Mayor of New Orleans, and the Governor of Louisiana.
No one that lives in New Orleans should have been bussed to the Superdome! The same buses that took people to the Superdome should have taken them out of the city to shelters outside the flood zone.
The lack of police, food, water, and medical care in the Superdome was the fault of the Mayor of the city and the Governor of the state.
FEMA's failure was in not realizing that the Governor and the Mayor cared more about the French Quarter than about people's lives. I get sickened every time I hear the Mayor say, "The good news is the French Quarter is is good shape. New Orleans will live again." Frankly I would have traded the French Quarter for the hospitals and peoples homes any day! What people that have never dealt with a Hurricane don't understand is FEMA is supposed to come in after the disaster and send supplies and help where the local authorities tell them. In this case the local authorities where criminally stupid or just criminals.
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:5, Insightful)
DISASTER. It strikes anytime, anywhere. It takes many forms -- a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire or a hazardous spill, an act of nature or an act of terrorism. It builds over days or weeks, or hits suddenly, without warning. Every year, millions of Americans face disaster, and its terrifying consequences.
On March 1, 2003, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). FEMA's continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.
Certainly the local and state governments deserve a huge amount of blame for not having concrete evacuation procedures ready for the poor, but the federal response - FEMA's only serious duty - was outright embarrassing. And I know you don't want to fault the administration, but their vacation schedule while people were dying was outright embarrassing - Bush, flying over *two days* after New Orleans flooded, was among the first, with Cheney still vacationing in Wyoming, Andrew Card vacationing in Maine, and Condi spending the day shoe shopping at Ferragamo's and watching Spamalot.
The bomb wasn't just dropped - it was negligently tossed aside. As the city drowned and went to anarchy, no active duty military were sent in, and only a handful of poorly equipped national guard (the 256th's support brigade having most of their disaster recovery eq). FEMA toyed with the idea of getting school bus drivers to pick up people while squallor gathered at the superdome and thugs terrorized the convention center. Food and water weren't anywhere to be seen. Etc.
There's a lot of blame to go around. A damn lot. People have a right to be furious, at a lot of people - local, state, and federal. And I join them.
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:3, Informative)
The storm struck on the 29th. The very next papers said they survived with heavy damage, but the levees held. That evening, the levees overtopped, and by morning on the 30th the city was starting to transform into a hellscape. The news was full of scenes of devastation, people stranded in New Orleans, the first reports of violence. Everyone was wondering the whole day why Bush had been spending his time posing for pictures and giving s
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:3, Informative)
And if Bush had cut have ended his vacation 24 hours sooner would it had made a difference? If he had visited it would have take resources away efforts to save people. You said it. "it makes them look insensive self-focused". It makes them look. Again are y
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:3, Insightful)
Heck yes! FEMA was, by all standards, completely blowing a humanitarian disaster, and he was sitting on a ranch! When he first started to comment on it, what did he do? He praised "Browny" (pet name)'s 'great job' and stayed on vacation. Only after essentially a political riot in the media for the neglect of dying people did he actually get off his freaking ranch and do something - and even minimal "something" at
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:3, Informative)
This website disagrees with you. [army.mil]
And I quote:
In addition, the President of the United States can activate the National Guard to participate in Federal missions.
Re:In this case it wouldn't have helped. (Score:5, Interesting)
For Pete's sake, this kind of thing is exactly FEMA's mandate: provide resources to avert and mitigate emergencies. In other words, FEMA should have had the place crawling with responders and National Guardsmen the moment the state of emergency was declared on August 26th. I'll bet you 25 bucks that the head of the agency not only keeps his job but gets a raise. Seriously, I'll make that bet.
I say this and I'm one of the people who thinks that FEMA is way too quick to offer people money to rebuild their waterfront condos every time a flood or hurricane happens. But when push comes to shove, it is our nation and our government's responsibility to avoid the kind of human tragedy that happened in New Orleans, and that job primarily belongs to FEMA.
Silver lining? (Score:5, Informative)
Dredging of shipping channels, construction of canals for the diversion of water, and continued construction of port facilities brought new economic development to New Orleans. But officials at all levels of government have known for a decade that the levee system needed to be upgraded in order to withstand the worst that nature could wreak on the city. Enough money was never made available for reconstruction of the wetlands or barrier islands, or for improving the levee system.
Three times during the Bush administration funding has been slashed to 1/6th to 1/10th of needed levels to properly address the above issues. The loss of live may climb to ten thousand or more, with property damage in New Orleans proper that could reach $15 Billion USD. It would not be the first time that the neo-conservatives have been exposed to accusations of being "penny wise and pound foolish". The fiscal liability exposure by commercial insurance companies will likely result in several of these companies filing bankruptcy.
Whatever funds that the US Congress and the Bush administration spend on reconstruction in New Orleans will likely be dwarfed by commercial enterprises. The US Supreme Court has opened the way for local/state government to seize private property and turn it over to "more commercially viable" private enterprise. While the taxpayer burdeon may be mitigated by such actions, the notion of private ownership rights, due process, and equal treatment under the law are all due to be sorely tested as the cleanup and rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast proceed. The current regime in power has never made any bones about favoring big commercial interests over those of the individual. Times that try the boundaries of the US Constitution and the Bill or Rights versus the power of big corporate-owned government are coming...
Re:Learn from nature OR GOOGLE at least (Score:4, Informative)
Oh, for Christ's sake. Take 0.34 seconds to check what it's like BEFORE adding the toxic waste.
Results 1 - 100 of about 24,900 for "Gulf of Mexico" +"dead zone". (0.34 seconds)
NOAA's National Ocean Service: The Gulf of Mexico's dead zone swells each summer to about 18000 square kilometers--roughly the size of New Jersey....
oceanservice.noaa.gov/products/pubs_hypox.html -
The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a large region of water that has very low oxygen concentrations, and therefore can't support aquatic life.
Gulf of Mexico's "dead zone," which last summer reached the size of the
Gulf of Mexico "Dead Zone" Is Size of New Jersey
Each year a swath of the Gulf of Mexico becomes so devoid of shrimp, fish, and
other marine life that it is known as the dead zone.
beneath the waves of the Gulf of Mexico lurks the "dead zone," a vast area off the Louisiana-Texas coast where oxygen-depleted water collects every
Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia
The Gulf of Mexico "Dead Zone", or hypoxic zone, is an expanse of oxygen-depleted
waters that cannot sustain most marine life. This hypoxic zone is caused
www.ncat.org/nutrients/hypoxia/hypoxia.html - 7k
7000 square miles of the Gulf of Mexico. Called the Gulf Dead Zone....
Re:Learn from nature OR GOOGLE at least (Score:3, Funny)
There's no reason to make the Dead Zone seem that bad.
Yes, I'm from NJ.
Re:Learn from nature (Score:5, Interesting)
Levees and floodgates, as used in the US, do not generally mitigate the damage caused by storm surges -- they are used to block flooding from inland sources like rivers.
"...some artificial barrier islands, rather than further changing the face of the earth"
Artificial barrier islands = changing the face of the earth
Barrier islands migrate into the land over time. They are really just giant versions of the sand ripples you'll see at the edge of almost any (near still) body of water. If we really want our coastlines to operate in a natural fashion, we've got to allow barrier islands to form, move to land, and respawn.
The real problem with NOLA is that the Mississippi River delta is not allowed to regenerate itself by silt deposition. Most conservationists would argue that less flood control is necessary, not more.
after I submitted this... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:after I submitted this... (Score:2)
Re:after I submitted this... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:WARNING: Ignore Nature at Your Peril (Score:5, Interesting)
New Orleans is placed on a river delta. After the sediments in a delta are deposited they are guaranteed to subside. It's a consiquence of compaction, de-watering and the isostatic response of the lithosphere below the basin to the extra load. Unless more sediment is added continuously the delta will eventually (and quite quickly in geological and indeed historical terms) sink beneath the sea.
When New Orleans was founded a few hundred years ago it was above sea level. (after all, who would found a town on a salt marsh?) Since then it's subsided continuously until today a great deal of the city is now below sea level and a great deal lower than the river (which has since built up its base by depositing sediment).
When the corps of engineers stopped the river naturally switching its channel (which it does around once every 1000 years) and straightened the current channel they put in motion a set of events which meant that the delta lost its sediment load to further out in the Gulf of Mexico as the river is flowing at a greater rate. This has caused the coastline (and all the natural defences) to not be replenished and go below the sea.
You may like to see this google cached article [] from a Baton Rouge newspaper in 2002. It gives a decent overview of the situation.
As a geologist, I would be in the camp which suggests that the government take this as an opportunity to move the city to higher and more stable ground and abandon the old city to be an archaeological curiosity and tourist attraction. Rebuilding it would merely prime the charge for an even bigger loss of life when, not if, the river breaks its banks. This time only the low-level lake to the north broke through which soon equalised its level.. this wouldn't happen with the great river.
How long do you want to fight a losing battle with the planet? How high do you eventually want the levees to be before you give up? When the city's subsided to the point where it's an isolated bowl in the ocean?
I know it's not going to be abandoned, there are too many politicians who have staked their carreer on the "we will rebuild it" bravardo and a King Kanute attitude.
(Before anyone corrects me about King Kanute, I know that the popular story is wrong, the King was trying to show how impotent he was rather than believing that he could actually stop the sea.)
I know... (Score:5, Funny)
Doing what is right (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Doing what is right (Score:2)
1. I have observed X.
2. X can be caused by Y.
3. Z can be Bad.
X = Storms Increasing
Y = Global Warming
Z = Expansion.
To complete your logial statement you need to do the following: Tie Z into X a relationship with to Y. And provide support for each point.
But one point that should be reviewed is that experts have observed that storms in this region of the world go on 25 - 30 year cycles caused by a stabilzation of the gulf stream
Re:Doing what is right (Score:2, Interesting)
Of course warmer waters contributed. The question is "did we somehow make them warmer" and the answer is, "if we did, it was by an amout too small to measure."
"Trend" is much, much too strong a word to use in conjunction with weather over the past 50 years.
Re:Doing what is right (Score:4, Insightful)
Hmm, the analysis I read said that at most over the 50 years it would delay the US by 6 months, reaching in December 2050 the level of wealth you would have got in July of that year without Kyoto. Big difference.
Re:Doing what is right (Score:2)
Re:Doing what is right (Score:3, Insightful)
This was recently covered in National Geographic. It's not a global warming issue.
Re:Doing what is right (Score:2)
Re:Doing what is right (Score:3, Funny)
your right, we should definitely be hoping for another ice age.
Most of countries who bellow loudest about global warming (Canada, Scandanavia, Germany, France) would cease to exist in the next ice age. That's reason alone to fight global warming!
Got To Go There (Score:5, Funny)
Sounds like the trashy novels my wife reads. Was his ship full of sea men?
Re:Got To Go There (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Got To Go There (Score:5, Informative)
Details can be found here [laagste.nl]. It's in Dutch, but there are lots of pictures.
There's no point rebuilding... (Score:2, Insightful)
Surviving the flood (Score:2)
Prophylactic measures (Score:5, Insightful)
At least, not until something happens. Now that we've had our distaster, and once we've counted the casualty list, I'm sure congress will be more willing to talk dollars.
Then again, it's easier to allocate massive funding to protect your entire country from flooding (ie Holland, etc), than it is to allocate it to protect one relatively poor area. And admit it, that is one of the poorest areas of this country, and without more electoral votes they don't stand a chance.
Re:Prophylactic measures (Score:2)
So you've got residents and their families, and even a lot of people who don't live there and don't have relatives still feel sympathy for what's happened in the area. There's quite a bit of leverage to get things done.
Re:Prophylactic measures (Score:2)
New Orleans failed its residents by not building their own levee system (or coordinating with the corps of engineering). The city's system should be built adequate to protect the city from flooding in the event of a major hur
Re:Prophylactic measures (Score:2)
Bad as the disaster is, there is some good that will hopefully come of it. The
Why spend all that $$? (Score:5, Insightful)
(2) I'm not sure that attempting to control nature is the best route here. Sure, there are significant historical and cultural aspects of NOLA that we don't want to lose, but wouldn't it be cheaper (and safer) to move them to a different location?
Flood plains, barrier islands, river paths: all of these are not static features. We have an abundance of land (as opposed to some of the examples cited). If we rebuild NOLA in the same location, aren't we just pissing into the wind?
Re:Why spend all that $$? (Score:3, Insightful)
Based on what I've been seeing on CNN the last few days, I honestly can't see why not.
(2) I'm not sure that attempting to control nature is the best route here. Sure, there are significant historical and cultural aspects of NOLA that we don't want to lose, but wouldn't it be cheaper (and safer) to move them to a different location?
As the article mentions, half of Holland is below sea level - obviously they don't have the option o
Re:Why spend all that $$? (Score:3, Informative)
As the article mentions, half of Holland is below sea level - obviously they don't have the option of relocating, but they prove that adequate flood defences can be built. The cost really isn't that big, a tiny fraction of what Bush is spending in Iraq would provide adequate flood defences for the area. Seems to me like a perfectly reasonable way to spend money, compared to some things I could mention.
Right on! After the 1953 flooding [wikipedia.org] of over 2000km2 of polders, planning of the Delta Works [deltawerken.com] was started. Dik
Re:Why spend all that $$? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:How much safety is enough? (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course not. It would be squarely the fault of whoever invaded Iraq to search for those elusive stockpiles of WMD ... ... hey, wait a minute ...
Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Informative)
It is interesting that the NYT is now dispensing advice on how to fix flood control problems in New Orleans when they have a long record [foxnews.com] of recommending against improvements. They will argue all sides of an issue if it suits their political agenda, but they have no credibility.
Re:Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Insightful)
Who knew NYT had so much power in Congress. Fox News is overflowing with credibility.
And fox news has credibility? (Score:4, Informative)
Fox News has such a hard-on for the NYT it's unbelievable. When they put together any kind of reporting operation instead of 4 hours of loudmouthed opinion on prime time I'll think about taking them seriously.
Re:Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Insightful)
Just a thought.
Re:Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Insightful)
Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:4, Insightful)
It will take more then a random quotes from the Fox news spin factory to make me believe that. NYT may be a bit biased but its way more objective then anything that ever came out of Fox news.
Re:Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Insightful)
I'll take someone who will argue both sides of an issue than one that does not.
Re:Hypocracy of the NYT (Score:3, Insightful)
"New Orleans' local newspaper, the Times-Picayune (search), says every FEMA official should be fired for their, "feeble response to Hurricane Katrina." And the paper's editors say the aftermath is "ultimately the president's failure.""
I don't know if that's true because I can't find any google hits for these quotes. The article where they call for the firing of every FEMA official is here [editorandpublisher.com]. Maybe they did so also somewhere else, but those quotes are not in
One difference... (Score:5, Insightful)
Fighting against nature (Score:2)
From the government publication http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs2-00/ [usgs.gov]
That's about 21 feet, the effects of which you can guess by looking at the nice map included with this publication that outlines the affected areas of the South in red.
Can anyone think of a solution that would cover all of that coastline shown on the map? That's a lot of coastline. Better not to pick a fight with nature in the first place,
Much To Learn, But Will They Learn It? (Score:5, Insightful)
Our country has a history of trying to do things on the cheap, to pay as little as possible now and to postpone the inevitable for another generation. Now, New Orleans paid the price. We have bridges, highways, water systems and any number of infrastructure needs in the US that we quite effectively ignore on a daily basis.
Don't believe me? Think about how long it has taken California to replace the Bay Bridge after the '89 quake -- it was deemed unsafe then and it was decided to build a new one. This is comparable in scope to the levee system of New Orleans and the new Bay Bridge has taken over fifteen years to replace. Expect the same, Big Easy.
Blame is being passed around, something that politicians excel at. However, the Feds are not the only ones at fault. One must consider the city's priorities when they built a sports arena and did not work on their levees. One must also consider the refusal of the citizens to pay higher taxes to do both. The federal government cut funding, but if the city had REALLY wanted to fix their levees before Katrina, they could have made some hard choices. Instead, they chose to court the Charlotte Hornets and get them to move to the Big Easy. Just as a "for example."
Now, a massive rebuilding effort needs to take place, and one after the rescue and mitigation efforts are completed. The rebuilding will probably outpace the fortification of the levees, as people will want to rebuild their homes and that doing that on an indiovidual basis is smaller and easier than re-engineering levees.
However, before they do that they should consider that their new homes are in as much danger as the ones that they lost until they get their flood control issues resolved. This should be priority one for the city, the state of Louisiana and to a large degree the federal government. The cost will be in the billions, and I for one will be very surprised if the money is easily available.
Even if it is, it will take the better part of two decades -- or about twenty hurricane seasons -- for these new systems to be in place. In the meantime, NOLA better hope that another Katrina does not find their city.
Re:Much To Learn, But Will They Learn It? (Score:2)
howmuch science is needed? (Score:2, Flamebait)
Re:howmuch science is needed? (Score:5, Interesting)
NYC could deal with fire, because we've learned to fight fires locally. We build to prevent it, and we all pay a premium on goods and services through the system due to the costs of sprinkler systems etc in the supply chain. We spend city $$ on fire services, and emergency response capabilities.
NO couldn't deal with water, because since the 60's the Federal gov't has taken over response to floods. Local officials are reduced to writing plans that ultimately read "wait for the Feds to arrive with help".
Moreover, with an agency like FEMA, and federal subsidies for flood insurance, he makes a persuasive argument that US gov't policies have, in effect ENCOURAGED the building of homes and businesses in flood prone and coastal regions.
If those homeowners and businesses had to pay a MARKET cost for insurance, how many would have built there? And if there wasn't a FEMA (which has historically compensated flood/hurricane victims even or especially if uninsured) would people be so lasseiz-faire about their families, dwellings, and belongings in the path of destruction?
Persuasive reading.
Re:howmuch science is needed? (Score:3, Interesting)
Sure. Who would issue a mortgage on a home in an area prone to flooding if they knew the Feds wouldn't pay them off if there was a flood? Who would build a business there?
The disaster wasn't the flood - there have been floods there for the past several million years. It is only a disaster when you have a million people living in a spot that has severe flooding every 50 years or so.
You can tr
Science can't trump corruption (Score:2, Insightful)
Editors...please, that's got to be the cheesiest title yet. We have the science, we have had the science, but a republican dominated government refused to provide the funding that would have allowed the Army Corp. of Engineers to Build levies that both the Governor and Mayor have been requesting for years before this happened.
Instead of fanning the typical Slashdot "We're so cool because we know science" circle-jerk, maybe you could greenlight an article that foc
Re:Science can't trump corruption (Score:3, Insightful)
The real problem here is that people failed to evacuate. We should be having a discussion about why these people did not/could not evacuate, and how to prevent such a scenario in the future. A hurricane is one of the easiest natural disasters to avoid, and we really have no good
Let's not make this a "Swamp Castle" (Score:2, Interesting)
Let's use this tragedy to move the pe
Bottoming Out (Score:5, Interesting)
We should expand City Park to encompass the entire Bayou area, with no development, and lots of canals. Expand the Bayou itself in the bottom to become a giant reservoir. When storms approach, pump out the reservoir. Make all drains pass through the reservoir, a giant buffer. When rain and failed seawalls allow water into the city, funnel it into the reservoir, buying time. Pump the reservoir into the Mississippi and the Lake.
The seawalls and levees themselves are not fault-tolerant. They're static, brittle, and take the whole city with them when they break. Those walls should all have rail lines along their inhabited sides, separated from the water by the wall. When a storm approaches, dumpable sandbags can be rolled into place behind risky sections, or into broken sections, or just into staging areas for delivery by helicopter, boat or amphibious vehicle, or even human "bucket brigades" when all other vehicles fail. Ahead of the storm, the rails can carry cars of evacuees out. And the other 99.5% of the time, without emergencies, they can carry cars instead of highways (most cars on I-10 are "just passing through"), passengers and freight.
Or we can just put the Dutch in charge of the city. Then they'll do all those things I mentioned, and probably something with windmills. Amsterdam and New Orleans have a lot more in common than just negative elevation - and I'm not referring just to decades of Spanish dominion
Or we can just let New Orleans rot. Along with the rest of the country. If it can happen to a city everyone loves so much, that's so important to our economy, where everyone knew it was RISK #1, why shouldn't it happen everywhere eventually - and not as slowly as in the old World Capital of Molasses.
Re:Bottoming Out (Score:2)
Re:Bottoming Out (Score:3, Interesting)
I've already heard that Halliburton is getting the contracts to rebuild "Baghdad by the Bayou", which is a crime itself. These people look at disaster mitigation neglect as marketing. And our lives (now undeniably) hang in the balance. We've got to
Re:Bottoming Out (Score:4, Interesting)
I think that reclaiming the old Back of Town from the Lake was executed in an unsustainable way. I think you misunderstand what I'm talking about: Bayou St. John isn't the source of the water flooding the neighborhoods. It's where the water goes. Rather than pretend we can fight the vast power of nature head-on, we must learn from our mistakes to do what we actually can, to get what we want. Like allow the water to enter the city when we can't prevent it, and spend our energy on making those floods controlled and manageable.
New Orleans once was already compartmentalized with neighborhood levees, as you suggest, in the wake of an earlier flood. When the next flood came through, people broke holes in the levees keeping the water in their neighborhoods (which was keeping downhill neighborhoods dry). So the next neighborhood flooded, and those levees were broken, and so on. These strategies that merely meet the force of Nature with force of engineering show how powerful ins Nature: a 90MPH/40mi-wide hurricane contains 200x the global electrical generation power; Katrina was many times bigger.
So I suggest we plan for "failover". That means sacrificing some land areas in populated New Orleans while it's manageable, rather than all of it when the crisis hits. Many of those areas we can't keep are really desireable property now: quiet, modern neighborhoods near the Park. And of course it's easy for me to say, since I already said my tearful goodbyes to the city when I moved back to NYC. But whose neighborhood should go? Just the poor people, even if their neighborhood isn't as useful a sacrifice in the engineering to protect the city?
I know what it means to miss New Orleans. I've cried often this past week, screamed at the set, sent money, helped find people, helped find people places to stay. I didn't think I could be more furious with Bush and Congress than the past 5 years, but this storm surprised even me - in revealing just how through was their failure. I've got other wheels in motion here in NYC that hopefully will have immediate and longterm benefits to saving the city - in my own relatively puny way. I hope every one of us is also doing what we can - together we can save the coolest, most unique city in America. But we have to accept that we might have to amputate to save this patient. No one's going to like it. Until I hear about a better operation, that's at least as likely to preserve her life, I'm sticking with this one, painful as it is.
Instead of science... (Score:2)
Rebuild? There's a Bright Idea. (Score:5, Insightful)
The Netherlands argument just doesn't hold water (no pun intended) because that part of the world isn't subject to the same type of weather conditions - in other words, there ain't no hurricanes in the North Sea. There are also the economic factors to consider. The United States is in debt over its head and frankly doesn't have the financial resources to waste on rebuilding a city which would then require greater and greater expenditures of capital to keep from being inundated as the ocean level rises.
Rebuilding New Orleans shows stubbornness well beyond the border of idiocy and is a stunning example of the old axiom: "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It also shows the tremendous amount of greed involved; whether or not New Orleans is rebuilt, the impoverished who have borne the brunt of this disaster will be left out of the process, except maybe as a disposable work force to exploit in the building of new condos and upscale developments that the real estate markets in New Orleans have been looking for an excuse to install -- especially since builders can use such low-wage exploitation as a tax write-off.
Then there's also the fact that developers were allowed to build in hazardous locations to begin with -- what with the Bush Administration doing away with the Federal land easements (wetlands) that existed as a storm surge buffer and turning it over to developers.
Sacramento, California is an example of just such short-sightedness. The Sacramento River flood plains are catastrophically inundated every ten to fifteen years or so. Despite this fact, developers have been allowed to build there because they've bought and/or sued the city & county into letting them do whatever in the hell they want. The developers have also stifled the environmental and news reports as well as done their best to obscure the historical record because such information conflicts with their immediate profit interests. The result? Houses get flooded, families are ruined and the taxpayers are left with the responsibility.
Frankly, developers don't give a shit whether five or ten years down the line those houses are flooded out and destroyed, incidentally sending into financial ruin the families gullible, desperate, uninformed and/or stupid enough to be living there. They've made their profits and get to hide comfortably behind the lawsuit protection laws established to prevent consumers from holding developers responsible for faulty and/or dangerous housing. Besides, the government will pay for disaster relief and subsidize the rebuilding efforts for a new generation of suckers -- because once those houses have been built, by God they've got to stay there.
With the the Bush Administration doing the best it can to aid unscrupulous businesspeople by circumventing legal measures set up to prevent people from putting themselves into harm's way, is it any wonder there's such a cry to rebuild New Orleans? You've got people who stand to make a killing by exploiting this very preventable disaster. But then again, I guess caveat emptor is the ultimate answer and anything else is heresy to the religion of the Free Market.
Let this also serve as a reminder those who believe overpopulation is a myth that not every square mile of the Earth's surface is inhabitable or arable.
Re:Rebuild? There's a Bright Idea. (Score:4, Funny)
So you expect Bush will fund it then?
What Makes You Think Holland Has The Answer? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why build skyscrapers? (Score:3, Interesting)
And remember, "nature" doesn't want so many people on the Earth. We're way beyond what most species' population limits. Should we just let half the human population die off?
Personally, I'm all in favor of respecting nature. But I don't think we should surrender to it.
Low tech solution (Score:3, Interesting)
NOLA: The New American Venice (Score:3, Insightful)
The answer to "how" might seem more novel - and less expensive - than most people think. Simply accept that the area is going to flood. Now build the city such that water and flooding becomes an integral part of the urban planning. Canals and locks can move heavy goods more efficiently than trucks. Build physical plants on elevated earthen damns, and just accept that streets and parking lots are going to flood out. Ban residential construction in flood-prone areas (should be a no brainer). Convert existing structures such that the first two floors above ground (or within the 20ft flood stage) are used for parking and industrial plant works. Lastly, use locks on the channels so that when (not if) a levy breaks, that section is automatically sealed off.
Engineering a city isn't impossible. It's hardly difficult. It merely takes the will to do it.
Adapt! (Score:3, Interesting)
New Orleans as it is should be adandoned. The high ground of the french quarter might be preserved. The deep water port and industrial areas like Michoud are restored. These areas have proper seawalls built with regard to natural silt flows, the rest of the city becomes Delta again. People that live in the area live the way you're supposed to in a swamp: in boats and house-barges. The swamp dwellers seem to have faired well, and came out of the woods to help evacuate the city. If the population was competent enough to live in the swamp instead of against it, they could flourish. As it is, they have probably crippled the shrimping and subsidence issues doom much of the city. Imagine a million houseboats stretching through a restored river system. People commute to work by boat, work in hi-tech, shipping and restored shrimp industries. Let the Mississippi wander as it needs, build the deep-water port out in the ocean and have lighter barges for carrying containers and oil in-shore. If people want to live there, they should adapt to life on the water.
I want to see a JMOB/SeaHub container facility in the Gulf of Mexico. This technology can be applied to housing, shipping, huge mobile hospitals, etc. http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/01/07/wo
Re:all they needed (Score:2, Insightful)
I think they Dutch Boy found better pay selling paints and posing for Meiji Thrifty Acres...
Really, if you've seen the dykes they have in the netherlands it's a wonder a boat actually managed the job. Dutch engineering firms rule big jobs.
Re:little trick (Score:2)
Can you imagine what it would take to move a city the size of New Orleans.
Re:little trick (Score:2)
Re:Absolutely Stupid to Rebuild (Score:3, Funny)
Re:More interesting will be to see who lives there (Score:2)
Would you like to substantiate this with something other than totally fucking wild speculation, and an inability to do basic arithmetic?
We'll give the DMort teams the benefit of the doubt and say there were actually 40k people killed in New Orleans. We'll further give you the benefit of the doubt and say they're all african americans. When you subtract 40,000 [sadlyno.com] from 1,300,000 [wikipedia.org] what do you get?
Oh that's right, numbers that aren't go
Re:Can we refuse? (Score:2, Insightful)
How can you say that. New Orleans is not a town that can be forgotten. It is a working port town, on the Mississippi river and Gulf that is full of history. All kinds of US resources come though and to New Orleans.
Would you say the same thing if San Francisco, CA had been ravaged by a earthquake. Why build it back up, it WILL happen again. You build back to learn from your mistakes. In the case of New Orleans, too many resources come though and to that city to just forget about it.
Re:Can we refuse? (Score:4, Insightful)
You can leave parts of New Orleans in place, like the French Quarter and other parts that were on higher ground. However, the majority of inhabitants should move farther inland to higher ground to avoid the loss of life and property damage which happened this time. As someone in another thread mentioned, ports can be run with very few workers these days.
no thinking person would wish to refuse (Score:3, Insightful)
how many cities in this country are 100% 'safe' from disasters? should people all abandon san francisco? an earthquake will hit the bay area again at some point. should we never again build a tall building for fear of terrorists? perhaps all floridians should be relocated? i seem to have noticed florida getting hit by a hurricane or two. saying that new orleans should not be rebuilt is heartless and dumb. this is a major port city, which are built by water for a reason. (a port where
Re:Can we refuse? (Score:3, Insightful)
I guess it would probably be cheaper to move everyone to another generic suburb with Walmart, a Chiles, a Gap, five Starbucks, amd a cookie cutter mall with faux stone exteriors. Generic suburbs like the one you likely live in are replaceable, expendable, and boring. That may be fine with you, and I don't mind them too much either.
There are, however people
Re:I've found this somewhere on the net, is it tru (Score:5, Insightful)