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Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition 334

barryhawkins writes "It's safe to assume that people who are thinking of learning GNU Emacs or improving their Emacs skills are motivated. These people probably know their way around a command prompt, and likely know that Lisp is more than just a speech impediment. They need a book that offers expert advice without wasting time or insulting the intelligence of the reader: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition is that book." Read on for the rest of Hawkins' review.
Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition
author Debra Cameron, James Elliott, Marc Loy, Eric Raymond & Bill Rosenblatt
pages 534
publisher O'Reilly Publishing
rating 9
reviewer Barry Hawkins
ISBN 0596006489
summary An intelligent, graded treatment of the landscape of useful Emacs skills and how to internalize them

For a programmer, it is reasonable to question whether or not a word processor or graphical IDE is the right tool to edit a simple script or properties file. IDEs like Eclipse have become universals hammers, and to some of their users, any file containing text looks like a nail. Specific tasks are rarely handled well by universal tools, and text editing is no exception. Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, authors of The Pragmatic Programmer and founders of the Pragmatic Bookshelf series, recommend that programmers adopt a text editor as an essential utility in their collection of appropriately-suited tools. The tried-and-true text editor is enjoying a renaissance of sorts, and one of the most extensible and customizable applications among text editors is the venerable GNU Emacs.

Tutorials and documentation for Emacs are abundant, but they often prove time-consuming and ineffective for actually learning Emacs. The printed version of the official GNU Emacs manual reads more like an application programming interface (API) document than an instructional guide. This book is a refreshing break from the documentation many have come to expect. Imagine having a group of leading experts on Emacs at your disposal to teach you how to use it in a conversational, consultative style. That is what has been bundled into this book.

The extensibility of Emacs is considered both a key strength and a confusing weakness of the application. The Emacs community has created all sorts of additional capabilities for Emacs, ranging from the impressive to the absurd. The authors have done well to judiciously select which Emacs capabilities to cover. For example, while Emacs does have the capability to function as an email client, other applications have long superseded its ability. The authors have chosen not to cover this topic, and instead devote the available space to learning Emacs' core functionality -- powerful, efficient text editing.

This edition of the book uses the space gained by the removal of esoteric topics to flesh out areas of more common interest. Peripheral areas of Emacs, such as compatibility modes for programming languages (other than Java and Perl), have been left for the user to research after gaining a solid foundation on Emacs as editor and work environment. Integration with the major version control systems has been expanded to include Subversion alongside the age-old standards CVS, RCS, and SCCS. Coverage of support for Java and Perl has also improved, as well as sections for editing HTML and XML. Users wanting to tap into the power of Lisp programming for Emacs should find the coverage satisfying as well.

The pace of the material is comfortable, and the order in which topics are introduced allows the user to progress smoothly through the book. Users with some experience can skip past the first three chapters, but would be advised to read through them, particularly those who are self-taught (which applies to most Emacs users). Given the amount of time the average user spends in Emacs, picking up one or two time-saving shortcuts would be well worth an investment of a few hours. Instructions are given in a way that reflects the fact that there are multiple ways to achieve the same outcome; the authors do not attempt to foist "the only way" to accomplish something upon the reader. Some readers will find that bothersome, desiring instead a simple, straightforward heuristic for performing a task. However, the typical users of Emacs tend to be people who embrace the fact that the world is not a simple, straightforward abstraction. The book reflects the authors' awareness of this nuance.

Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of this book is the chapter devoted to the use of Emacs on different platforms. Unix, Windows and Mac OS X users receive equal acknowledgment. The precautions and insights regarding subtle differences in Emacs when used on particular platforms can reduce users' frustration when getting started.

The mnemonic devices and conventions used in the book allow users to commit useful keyboard commands to memory. The memorization is further solidified by the exercises sprinkled appropriately through each chapter. Readers do not go for very many pages before it is time to be at the keyboard again, harnessing the power of muscle memory to reinforce the material presented. Those who spend any time at a shell prompt or in console applications will find that their new mastery of Emacs keyboard shortcuts translates into increased proficiency with command-line operations as well.

You can purchase Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition from Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
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Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition

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  • by djh101010 ( 656795 ) * on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:39PM (#13597602) Homepage Journal
    ...doing just what I just did? I mean, just once?
  • Buy vi? (Score:3, Funny)

    by JWW ( 79176 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:43PM (#13597622)
    Vi would I want to learn emacs????
  • by winkydink ( 650484 ) * <> on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:43PM (#13597623) Homepage Journal
    I've been using vi for over 20 years. From time to time, I have tried to learn emacs (seeing the benefits) but the learning curve seems so steep, relative to just sticking with the statuis quote. Short of taking a couple of months off to focus on this extensiveley, what's the best way?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      ( [] | Last Journal: 2005.07.14 12:45) I've been using vi for over 20 years. From time to time, I have tried to learn emacs (seeing the benefits) but the learning curve seems so steep, relative to just sticking with the statuis quote. Short of taking a couple of months off to focus on this extensiveley, what's the best way?

      It seems you have misspelt 'VI Rules!'

    • My fingers are connected to my brina, I swear.
    • by slim ( 1652 ) <john@har[ ] ['tnu' in gap]> on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:50PM (#13597693) Homepage
      I'm in exactly the same boat. I don't consider myself to be stupid, but I've made serious efforts to learn Emacs (initially, just as a text editor), using the built in tutorial and previous editions of the O'Reilly book, and none of the keybindings, obscure combinations and long commands stick in my memory.

      Vi wasn't easy to learn either -- but while unintuitive, it is all logical and most of the keybindings have obvious mnemonics.

      I decided to give up on Emacs, and to be honest I've never been given a reason to regret it.
      • by hwestiii ( 11787 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:29PM (#13598013) Homepage
        I used to work with a guy who used Emacs exclusively for everything, on WinNT even, and I used to think it was a joke. I'd tried learning the standard key-bindings but while they weren't completely non-intuitive, they seemed unneccearily difficult. I used to joke with him that Emacs needed foot pedals in addition to a keyboard.

        Then I discovered VIPER mode and the way became clear. I'd taught myself vi a few years earlier while going to school, forcing myself to write my CS homework assignments using it on a Linux box.

        Perhaps Emacs is really no more difficult to learn than vi, but it set up a sort of cognitive dissonance in me that I could not overcome. Of course vi can be difficult and cryptic with it single letter keystrokes and love affair with the escape key, but it simply seems so much smaller than emacs, with just that little blank window and blinking cursor.

        Emacs on the otherhand just looks so feature rich with all its cascading menus and multiple modes and such that I felt intimidated only learning the basic editing commands. It made me feel stupid, and try as I might, it did not appear to get any more accessible with use.

        VIPER is just the ticket for me. All the run-of-the-mill editing is there at the tips of my fingers with familiar commands, and the deeper emacs stuff is still available if and when I care to use it.

        Honestly, I think the default key-bindings of Emacs are its greatest impediment to common use. Perhaps every copy of this book (I own the 2nd. edition as well as the manual and references from GNU) should come with a vi quick ref just for good measure.
      • Vi wasn't easy to learn either -- but while unintuitive, it is all logical

        Yes, because typing L to go right, K to go up, J for down and H for left is so much more logical than ^F for forward, ^B for backward, ^N for the next line and ^P for the previous line! (I realize non-English speakers will be hosed either way.) Or that a linefeed character has a special status in vi, so you can't just delete it, you have to "join" the lines it separates. Or having to switch constantly between "navigating" and "ins

    • by panda ( 10044 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:51PM (#13597704) Homepage Journal
      I've been using Emacs for 15 years and started using Emacs before I even knew that vi existed. I use vi when I must, i.e. no Emacs on the server or I'm going in on a slow remote connection, but don't want to use vi for my every day editing. I can do all the basic editing that I need in vi, but for the truly fancy stuff, I feel much more at home in Emacs.

      Automation of repetitive task can go way beyond recorded key strokes once you get a grip on Emacs lisp. This tool has saved me years of work over the time that I've used it.

      The best way to learn Emacs is to just use it. Having this book will help you. I have the first edition now collecting dust on a shelf at home. The help, actually info, is very helpful. There's an interactive tutorial that comes with it, etc.

      My favorite editor, though, must be sed. ;)
    • by soloport ( 312487 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:59PM (#13597752) Homepage
      what's the best way?

      Start with the most basic navigation commands. Learn to use "Ctrl-H, A" and type words in to learn about other commands you may need (e.g. "Ctrl-H, A, page" yields backward-page, forward-page, etc.)

      The most useful thing I've ever done for my productivity, when it comes to Emacs, is to add the following line to my ~/.emacs file:
      (global-set-key "\C-z" 'call-last-kbd-macro)
      So, when I type Ctrl-Z, it doesn't drop me into the shell (very annoying), but instead executes the last macro. Creating a macro is so easy and executing a gazillion iterations of a macro is now that much easier.

      I've tried to switch to IDEs, to Kate (very, very nice), Quanta+ and others. But the power of the easy, fast macro keeps me coming back to Emacs, every time.
    • M-x viper-mode

      (Meta or alt key plus x, then type viper-mode when prompterd). Now you have VI keybindings.
      • Out of curiosity, what is the advantage of running emace in viper mode over
        simply running an actual vi clone like vim?

        • You also get access to all the native emacs features, of which there are a great deal.

          If all you need to do is edit a file and get out, there may be no need to run emacs, but it has a lot of extra self either built-in or easily added, like a pretty good directory listing mode, source code control integration, a great mode for viewing man pages, a pretty good shell mode, a mode for editing rectangular areas of documents, etc.

          Vim might have all that now, for all I know. Actually, I think I look at Vim now th
    • Yeah, me too. I've been tempted numerous times into trying emacs again, but seem to always come back to vi/vim. Original speedbumps for me included (but not limited to) the ungodly resources required to run emacs (back then the machine could almost be brought to its knees by one emacs session, and the full package installation required juggling and managing available disk space...); the obfuscation factor of the META key -- one time I had forgotten the key sequence to quit emacs, and finally had to just a
      • time I had forgotten the key sequence to quit emacs, and finally had to just abandon the frigging xterm session because I couldn't figure out how to get out of the edit session...

        That's not really something vi's any better at--would you have guessed that :q quits?

        ...the ability of vi/vim to perform everything I needed without the obfuscation factor...

        Well, a lot of that is simply the fact that you're used to vi. I used to be like you--vi rox, emacs sux. But I kept on seeing so many folks usin

    • Here's my odd take: I must be the only person on the planet to switch to VI *from* emacs. I learned it when stuck on a server that didn't have emacs, and I was so impressed at how much faster (ie. less effort to perform complex tasks) VI was over emacs that I just stopped using emacs.

      However, this may have been ingrained at an early age -- In 1986 I started playing a PC port of Hack, which used... wait for it... VI h-j-k-l movement keys. It wasn't until a few years after switching to VI and picking up Ha
    • As a die-hard Emacs fan, I would suggest that you stay with vi. You've got lots of experience with it, it's always available, the number of fans it has would indicate that Emacs can't be all that superior, etc.

      Having said that, if you're still interested in learning Emacs, the best way to do it is cold turkey. You start using Emacs for your daily text-editing activities. All of them. Make yourself a cheat sheet, and stick it on the side of your monitor for easy reference.

      Just try to get the basics at f
  • Oh my god! (Score:3, Funny)

    by bigtallmofo ( 695287 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:45PM (#13597655)
    This review is amazing!

    I haven't been this excited since Slashdot's review of "Learning GNU Emacs, 2nd Edition".

  • by GLevangelist ( 302391 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:46PM (#13597658) Homepage Journal
    But given Emacs' startup time, you're forgiven.
  • by budgenator ( 254554 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:48PM (#13597673) Journal
    Intersting the author appears to be presenting the "atheist" point of view, into a subject the stirs religious rants amongst the editor's loyalist.

    What I'd like to find and or write is a good PHP/HTML mode for emacs, or even a CPAN/CTAN clone for emacs modes and scripts.
    • What I'd like to find and or write is a good PHP/HTML mode for emacs, or even a CPAN/CTAN clone for emacs modes and scripts.

      You might want to check this out: xe []

      Also, I've got a somewhat extensive file of html advice that loads whenever SGML mode runs in HTML mode. It provides advice functions for the HTML mode commands so that things work the way that I want. I'm lazy and don't like a lot of typing, so I have the advice scan the text and insert stuff where
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:50PM (#13597688)
    The GNU Emacs Manual available for free at [] is excellent. Printed versions are available too.

    Emacs also comes with a built-in tutorial that is a good interactive introduction to Emacs.

    If you are considering learning Emacs, yes, it can seem like an intimidating task. The interface and commands are nothing like what people are used to today. But it is certainly worth the effort learning Emacs and getting used to it.
    • by grumbel ( 592662 ) <> on Monday September 19, 2005 @03:01PM (#13598289) Homepage
      ### Emacs also comes with a built-in tutorial that is a good interactive introduction to Emacs.

      It not only comes with a tutorial, the editor itself is completly self-documenting.

      Don't know what a key combo means: 'C-h k' then enter the combo
      Don't know what a function means: 'C-h f' then the function name
      Don't know whats available: 'C-h a' to search through all commands
      Wanna know what other commands are hiding behind 'C-x ...': 'C-x C-h' to get a list

      All the stuff you get as results is hyperlinked and Emacs even allows you to let you click through all that docu down the the actual line of source that performs the function. This self-documentation is something that I miss in almost every other app that is around these days and shows that Emacs, for all its problems, is still quite a few years ahead in some areas bejoint other 'state of the art' applications that people use these days.
  • A lot of words (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Red Flayer ( 890720 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:55PM (#13597729) Journal
    "Instructions are given in a way that reflects the fact that there are multiple ways to achieve the same outcome; the authors do not attempt to foist "the only way" to accomplish something upon the reader."

    Do the authors discuss the relative benefits and drawbacks of each method? Do they discuss when it is and isn't appropriate for each? More info on this would be helpful.

    "Readers do not go for very many pages before it is time to be at the keyboard again, harnessing the power of muscle memory to reinforce the material presented."

    This is not muscle memory. This can be called learning through use. If the reader were to repeat the intended action 5,000 times, then maybe it could be called muscle memory.

    My impression from the review is that the book will:

    Give me the basics of Emacs use, and how they differ sometimes on different platforms;
    Give me mnemonics to memorize keyboard shortcuts;
    Show me multiple ways of doing some things;
    Show me how to use basic Emacs with different languages, in some common situations.

    So, my understanding from reading the review is that this is an fairly thorough introduction to Emac use that is easy to understand and doesn't bother with extraneous material.

    Am I off base here?
    • So, my understanding from reading the review is that this is an fairly thorough introduction to Emac use that is easy to understand and doesn't bother with extraneous material.

      Am I off base here?

      While true that the review lacked a conclusion, what you said is clear

      from the intro: "They need a book that offers expert advice without wasting time or insulting the intelligence of the reader: Learning GNU Emacs, 3rd Edition is that book."

      and the summary: An intelligent, graded treatment of the landsc
  • by TheNarrator ( 200498 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:57PM (#13597740)
    I like Emacs and its brethren, however, I don't do software development in Emacs anymore. Full blown IDEs like Eclipse are really worth the power, especially since they are able to semantically understand source code.

    However, when I just need to do some basic config file editing I use Jove which is a scaled down version of Emacs that has the same keys as Emacs but loads as quickly as vi.

    Emacs works great though when I have to interact in a complex way with the shell. For instance, I find it very useful when used in conjunction with command line SQL clients for Postgres, Mysql, or Oracle. The history and multiple command buffers are great for working with these command line clients. When I work with Oracle DBAs they are often impressed with how powerfully I can use SQLPlus from inside of Emacs.
    • Emacs is also able to semantically understand source code, provided someone takes the time to write the ability. Remember that Lisp was the mainstay of artificial intelligence for decades.
    • I like Emacs and its brethren, however, I don't do software development in Emacs anymore. Full blown IDEs like Eclipse are really worth the power, especially since they are able to semantically understand source code.

      I used to be a huge Emacs user and had all manner of interesting custom macros and functions written specialised for some of the things I did. In practice though the full scale IDEs have plowed ahead while Emacs is still wed to its way of doing things. Eclipse simply offers more features and a
    • Full blown IDEs like Eclipse are really worth the power, especially since they are able to semantically understand source code.

      So can vim, and it does it better. About the only thing Eclipse can do that vim can't (as far as i know) is context help (like hover over a function and get an annoying pop-up as to what it does), an annoying and useless "feature" for someone like me who's been programming enough years to know what most of the functions are by now, and by the time Eclipse's help finally stops causin
    • I run my IDE on in a virtual machine running a sandboxed OS running on top of Emacs. Doesn't everybody do it that way?
  • (Score:5, Informative)

    by bokumo ( 169717 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:57PM (#13597743) Homepage
    I learned emacs in school, but by far the most helpful thing was the PDF reference card I printed up and carried with me. You can get the emacs card at []
  • by Noksagt ( 69097 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:58PM (#13597745) Homepage
    Reference: []
    Despite emacs' higher profile as a free software poster child, I think more people actually use vi than emacs. We sell more copies of our
    vi book [] than of our emacs book -- almost twice as many each year. This could be because emacs has a free manual that is distributed with it. But I saw a matching statistic at Linux Expo, where O'Reilly sponsors a vi vs. emacs paintball game each year. I happened to check the signup list, and noticed that there were about twice as many people signed up for the vi team as for the emacs team. (Maybe they just like the vi t-shirt -- the team "uniform" -- more than the emacs t-shirt, but I don't think so.
  • by doublem ( 118724 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @01:58PM (#13597746) Homepage Journal
    Emacs is a great operating system, but it needs a better text editor.
  • Hefty tome (Score:5, Funny)

    by Dachannien ( 617929 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:00PM (#13597760)
    534 pages, 437 of which contain a table of all the keyboard shortcuts.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:09PM (#13597824)
    ..yet I hardly ever use it.

    I used to use Emacs for development, vi for sysadmin, but once I discovered Vim, I've started using Emacs less and less for dev, except when hacking Lisp (using SLIME.. you just can't do Lisp effectively without an editor at least as powerful as Emacs).

    I can really appreciate Emacs, and I love Lisp (being able to code some quick Lisp right in the middle of an email reply is pretty damn cool for instance), but I just don't *need* that kind of flexibility. And the lack of consistency with Meta keys is frustrating (on my Mac, Carbon Emacs uses command, the terminal uses option, but on other machines I have to fall back on Esc).

    I noticed the new Emacs has a built-in spreadsheet, by the way (M-x ses-mode). It's actually pretty cool (the cells are Lisp expressions, and the code is checked for dangerous operations before being excecuted). It's also a sign that maybe Emacs is a little TOO flexible???

    Anyway, I'm not sure the point of this post, except that everybody should at least give Emacs a try.
    • And the lack of consistency with Meta keys is frustrating (on my Mac, Carbon Emacs uses command, the terminal uses option, but on other machines I have to fall back on Esc).

      Aquamacs [] (Carbon Emacs with settings to make it more Mac-like) cleans up a lot of that stuff. If you map meta to option, you can even use standard Mac keystrokes (command-S -> C-X C-S, command-Q -> C-X C-C, etc.). And SLIME works well under it - Aquamacs + Lisp-in-a-box [] without Emacs worked for me right out of the box (so to spea

      • I think the Aqua and Carbon emacs are both terrible. If you are going to have an Aqua version of emacs, you could at *least* not use gnome icons in the toolbar. I'm not sure what the motivation for doing Aqua was if it ends up that ugly.
  • by middlemen ( 765373 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:12PM (#13597848)
    Dude: "You have to leave now!"
    Stallman: "Do you know who I am ? I made EMACS!!"
    Dude: "I don't care. I use vi."
  • I loved using pico & nano until I found wonderful jed. =]
  • by ewhac ( 5844 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:27PM (#13597988) Homepage Journal
    One of the things I've often noted about EMACS users is that they seem so effective. A couple former colleages of mine would flip around at amazing speed, getting to the exact point in the code they needed, make a change, launch a build in a separate EMACS window, and the error output would take them to the correct line in the broken file where they'd fix it.

    Granted, most of the other editors do this, too. I've been using 'vi' variants for over 20 years, and have currently settled on VIM. Most of them have built-in help for parsing build output, but it just seems so much clunkier than when I watch an EMACS user do it.

    What I'd really like is a book or HOWTO that's focused on effective software development using EMACS. The general-purpose "learning" books just don't get into that kind of narrow depth.


  • by Bob Uhl ( 30977 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:35PM (#13598074)
    For example, while Emacs does have the capability to function as an email client, other applications have long superseded its ability.

    I'll have the reviewer know that I use gnus for my email and news reading, and it's perfect for the task. I've still yet to find a program which has as many features, and yet to find one which is accessible over a command-line as well as through a GUI.

    • I felt the same way for a long time, but still eventually migrated to Kmail. Gnus' single-threading had begun to drive me nuts, and while it's possible to create extremely powerful filters with elisp, sometimes it nice to let the program do that work for you.

      Yeah, there are things I still miss, but most of the features that kept me on Gnus for years are the ones that I realized I hated given up in concept more than in reality.

  • by acomj ( 20611 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:39PM (#13598113) Homepage
    I run a shell in emacs (esc-x shell). It works great for searching through reams of command line job output and is slightly easier the piping to a file then searching through it (less, more etc...)

    Its better than xterm -sl XYZ (set scroll lines to XYZ)
    • shells vs emacs (Score:2, Informative)

      by tendays ( 890391 )
      Emacs shell mixes up too much command input and output to my taste...
      Then most shells (and every program using the readline library) support the Ctrl-R function to search through command history, just like emacs.
      For searching through command outputs there are terminal emulators like konsole that provide such functions...
      Check man readline you'll be surprised how much of emacs functionality you have in your daily shell!
  • by drxray ( 839725 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @02:53PM (#13598238) Homepage
    Why buy a book when the solution to Emacs is right here:

    get shovel, look shovel, e, e, dig, look, get cpu, look cpu, se, get
    food, se, look bear, drop food, look, get key, sw, get bracelet, ne, nw,
    nw, ne, ne, ne, e, look bins, w, w, put cpu in computer, type, toukmond,
    robert, ls, uncompress paper.o.Z, exit, look paper, type, ftp gamma,
    anonymous, toukmond, binary, send lamp.o, send shovel.o, send key.o, send
    bracelet.o, send paper.o, quit, rlogin gamma, worms, get lamp, get
    shovel, get key, get bracelet, get paper, e, n, e, drop shovel, drop key,
    drop bracelet, drop paper, get weight, d, drop weight, nw, u, get
    statuette, look statuette, get floppy, se, d, nw, ne, drop floppy, w, s,
    e, turn dial clockwise, turn dial clockwise, turn dial clockwise, turn
    dial counterclockwise, turn dial counterclockwise, turn dial
    counterclockwise, w, n, e, get life, get shovel, get key, get bracelet,
    get paper, get floppy, d, nw, u, se, d, nw, nw, s, s, s, s, put diamond
    in chute, put bracelet in chute, s, get gold, e, e, s, d, look urinal,
    put gold in urinal, flush, n, sleep, d, sw, e, u, dig, look, get
    platinum, d, w, ne, u, s, put platinum in urinal, flush, n, d, sw, w, d,
    e, get towel, look towel, d, s, s, s, look pc, put floppy in pc, reset, ,
    dir, type foo.txt => xxx (combination), exit, n, n, n, n, n, u, look box,
    put key in box, u, u, ne, ne, get axe, d, n, w, xxx (combination), cut
    cable, exit, get key, e, n, get lamp, get license, get silver, w, put
    silver in mail, n, n, e, e, e, e, e, get coins, get egg (in rooms 60 to
    78), w, w, w, w, w, s, s, put egg in mail, put coins in mail, n, n, n, n,
    e, e, e, e, e, look bus, in, s, s, s, w, w, w, w, w, nw, out, n, get
    bone, e, e, get nitric, press switch, n, get glycerine, w, look bone, get
    jar, get ruby, s, w, s, in, se, out, e, e, e, e, n, n, put nitric in jar,
    put glycerine in jar, drop jar, in, n, n, put ruby in disposal, d, get
    amethyst, u, put amethyst in disposal, d, ne, sw, u, u, w, w, s, w, s,
    se, s, e, s, w, type, rlogin endgame, drop license, drop bone, drop key,
    get diamond, get gold, get platinum, get amethyst, n, n, n, n, get bill,
    n, get mona, s, drop bill, drop mona, drop diamond, drop gold, drop
    platinum, drop amethyst, s, s, s, s, get silver, get egg, get coins, get
    ruby, get bracelet, n, n, n, n, n, drop silver, drop egg, drop coins,
    drop ruby, drop bracelet, n, quit,

    I'm afraid I can't help you with Emacs Tetris.
  • I used gnu emacs all throughout and college and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

    Then a boss introduced me to slickedit.

    It is EXPENSIVE, but it is worth every penny.

    Imagine the power of emacs, more power, and an elegant, easy interface.

    No offense to anyone, just my two cents worth.

  • Ed, the Standard Text Editor, needs no such frivilous documentation!
  • one problem with non-visual editors, you hands can fly quite fast and all of a sudden ^cg^s^x-o oops, was that ^c-s^s^g^x-o or something else?

    whoops, where is half my document gone? what button did I push?

    I know, why don't I royally arse my document up by using undo/redo snaking biting its own tail HACK of an undo system.

    Unable to work out how to do a real undo, they hacked it 100% using basic hackery of adding and removing key codes to a stack.

    This means that when you undo, you are ADDING to your history.

  • I happen to like emacs as my text editor for text-type things like email and prose, but I use vim exclusively for editing config files. I'm an editor junky though, so I've tried just about every editor I could find out there. I love Jed because it's quicker than emacs to start up and has a nice LaTeX environment. My biggest complaint is how much work it takes to get a good console environment configured in order to write using accented characters. The combination of console, framebuffer, and text edito
  • IDEs like Eclipse have become universals hammers, and to some of their users, any file containing text looks like a nail.

    And this differs from Emacs how?

    Specific tasks are rarely handled well by universal tools, and text editing is no exception.

    Are they saying that GNU emacs (which has at least two mail clients, a news reader, an IRC client, debugger, shell-buffer and terminal emulator, Towers of Hanoi and goodness knows what else) is too universal to do one thing and do it well?

  • $ cat > /usr/src/myapp/myapp.c

    int main () { ...
    } /* What else do you need? */
  • It's nice to see they have a download for the windows version of ispell to make M-$ work. I wrote the original M-$ code in TECO for the PDP-10 in 1981 [], and it used ISPELL (ITS SPELL) for ITS, the PDP-10 OS, which itself came from some other TOPS-10 SPELL program. The Lisp EMACS implementation is wholly new, though, and I had nothing to do with writing it. (My M-X command for the buffer was m-x Check Buffer Spelling, which I think is less awkward than M-X spell-buffer).
  • just type : man emacs
  • The email client and many of the non programming features were covered in earlier editions.

  •   You run GNU Emacs you're getting the fat lady, use vi and you've got her crazy sister.

      MicroEmacs loads as quickly as vi and it is very powerful. I've tried others, but I keep coming back to what has always worked the best.
  • But what exactly is the incentive to learn Emacs anymore?
  • by nagora ( 177841 ) on Monday September 19, 2005 @08:19PM (#13600639)
    what the hell the /. icon for GNU topics is supposed to be? It looks like a little penis with a silly hat and a security blanket. WTF is it?

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
