Innovation Happens Elsewhere 131
Nochiel writes "What is open source and why should businesses care? Why is innovation important and why isn't our company innovative? Why does it seem like everyone else is innovating while we aren't? How can we leverage Open Source? How can we implement an Open Source business strategy?" Read on for Nochiel's review.
Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Stratgy | |
author | Ron Goldman and Richard P. Gabriel |
pages | 377 |
publisher | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
rating | 8 |
reviewer | Nicholas Ochiel |
ISBN | 1558608893 |
summary | How to introduce open source into the enterprise as a viable and valuable business strategy. |
This is a book about open source in the enterprise. It seeks to answer those questions and more. Finally, the Open Source Process has been codified in a manner that gives management the business perspective they have been yearning for.
Too often, Open Source come across as a religion. Ron Goldman and Richard Gabriel, through their sober treatment of the topic, successfully detail all the pragmatic aspects that a business should consider.
This book, to paraphrase the authors: ..is for anyone interested in a better understanding of open source--its larger history, its philosophy--, and its future prospects.
It is licensed under a Creative Commons License and is available at this link.
Chapter 1 presents the problem that the modern enterprise faces, namely: how to ensure high levels of innovation and productivity.
The reader is then introduced to the "innovation happens elsewhere" problem: High productivity requires doing less in order to produce more. This, in turn, necessitates being able to leverage other individuals'/companies' efforts. A company, therefore, has to recognize that there are more innovative forces outside the company than in it. By using these forces, a company can maintain a competitive edge. Open source is then presented as a solution to the problem.
The rest of the chapter opens the readers mind to the "new" new way of doing business., illustrates why open source is a viable business strategy and introduces the most important aspect of open source: community.
Chapter 2 discusses the "innovation happens elsewhere" dilemma in even more depth. The authors have a keen understanding on the power of the Commons and how it can make a difference.
In order to illustrate how the Commons can make a difference, the authors use the history of the Web as an example. They highlight the fact that it was built as a volunteer effort with no central planning and a small set of simple protocols. The growth of the internet then came primarily from volunteer efforts.
In this chapter, the authors successfully illustrate that a modern business can succeed only by leveraging the creativity of the Commons and engaging in conversations with a broad and dynamic set of participants in the given problem space.
Chapter 3 then tackles the most important question that managers ask: What is Open Source?
This chapter details the philosophical tenets of open source, the root of the zealotism as well as the history of open source. Many readers will find it interesting that, in the past, open source was the default methodology for leading software and scientific work!
Common myths and misconceptions are also addressed. The authors also provide an interesting comparison of the open source and agile methodologies showing how open source borrows from the strengths of the latter.
The secret sauce in open source is revealed and the various sections along the open source continuum are discussed. In particular, the authors address the value of gated communities and internal open source, a valuable discussion for those managers who wish to introduce open source into their company slowly or even extract value from only a subsection of the open source value chain.
This chapter is a complete description of the open source phenomena. As such, it can easily stand on it's own if one is looking for a quick primer.
Chapter 4 concerns itself with the business reason for adopting open source, how to develop an open source business strategy and how to create a business model that supports the open source strategy. Sun's NetBeans platform is used as a case study to illustrate the various aspects of an open source business.
This section gives possible reasons why you should open source your product as well as why you should use open source. This chapter is directed at the business strategist who wishes to understand how to implement an open source strategy and measure it's success.
Chapter 5 provides a discussion of the legal aspects of open source. It details the nature of a license, the structure of copyright, patents and types of licenses. It also covers multi-licensing, contributor agreements and licenses for documentation.
Chapter 6 concerns itself with the workings of the open source development process. An open source product is not so different from a proprietary one. It has versions, minor and major releases as well as a typical product life cycle.
The differences, where they do arise, are in the new infrastructure (and management of the same) as well as the additional responsibilities that developers are expected to take as they engage the community.
The authors also discuss joining an open source project. In particular, they emphasize that it is valuable to join an existing project if that project is already targeting the niche/functionality you wish to address with your project. This is important because it generates goodwill within the community.
Finally, open source within the company is discussed with case studies from IBM, HP and Sun.
Chapter 7 makes note of the fact that open source initiatives generally begin with middle management. As a result, middle managers encounter a number of challenges: The need to convince upper level management, get approval, acquire resources and set up the infrastructure.
This chapter provides valuable advice and strategies for individuals in this situation. (I wish I had read this chapter while at my previous employment. It would have saved me a tonne of grief.)
Chapter 8 assumes that the project is up and running. The mailing lists are functional and the public repositories are bursting with bleeding edge code. How, then, do we harvest the innovation that is happening elsewhere and build momentum?
After reading this chapter, the reader understands the value of marketing and community outreach. This is particularly valuable especially because it comes from two prominent members of the Sun community. (Sun, is the king of marketing. Their marketing efforts have made Java a household name and tool.)
Chapter 9 provides a summary of the gotcha's at various stages in the open source journey. At first, this chapter seemed superfluous as it repeats much of what has been said in previous chapters.
Upon review, however, the chapter becomes useful as a reference guide for managers as they tackle the problems that arise during implementation. The section on "recovering from mistakes" is particularly useful because a proprietary closed source company is typically used to hiding it's mistakes from customers and the world at large. The authors emphasize that it is important and valuable to fail in public especially if this failure is accompanied by an effective solution.
In Summary the title of this book is deceptive. I would have been better titled: Professional Open Source: A Manger's Guide. It is a lucid and accurate treatment of the topic.
The authors' concept of the commons is very interesting. It is one composed of things whose basic value is not diminished by making a copy. This, in my mind, is amazing! Does this mean that all projects should be open sourced? After all, software increases in value proportionally to the number of people to whom it's distributed.
The book also manages to dispel the myth of first mover advantage. In fact, first mover products rarely have the required quality to dominate the market. Perhaps this explains why open source products are rapidly eroding the market share of established applications. The proprietary stuff was a first mover relative to open source. It's quality was so bad that open source now presents a mature solution that actually works! (I can't help thinking about Zimbra in that regard)
Perhaps the most important message of the book is that there are smarter people in the world and they don't work for you! To paraphrase the authors:
Regardless of how smart, creative and innovative you believe your organization is, there are more smart, creative and innovative people outside your organization than inside. In addition, the majority of elsewhere doesn't particularly care to make products in your space.
This book should be at the bedside of any manager who is either delving into the open source world, wishes to understand what open source has to offer or seeks to clarify why open source as a business strategy will erode the market share of proprietary companies."
Other than creating free software . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:4, Insightful)
Besides just copying programs, what Open source will do a lot of times is provide the 'same' program but with more functions, a better interface, a SAFER program, or just the fact that its open source so that, if you are inclined to do so you could edit it to be just what you want.
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:1, Informative)
Based on the earlier, open-source, MojoNation. Similar to how apache was based on NCSA httpd, etc. The problem that many people in this discussion seem to be making is confusing invention with innovation. NCSA httpd and MojoNation were the inventive (new) ideas here, apache and Bittorrent were the systems that innovated these original ideas to create widely used applications.
Hotmail was inventive back in the day, Gmail is innovative. The difference is subtle but important.
Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:2)
Re:Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:1)
I wondered the same....recently the mods mod everything down in the beginning, then the apparent intelligent mods read all the comments and get it modded back up to where it belongs. Idiot moderations I've seen lately have actually made me MetaModerate more than the link at the top of the Slashdot homepage does by far.
Re:Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:1)
Re:Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:1)
Re:Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Hey mod, if you're so smart... (Score:2)
Slow moving targets make it easy for the "copy cats".
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Apache is a patch on some closed source product?
ViolaWWW (which inspired the Mosaic web browser) started as a imitation of what?
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:3, Insightful)
Larry Wall copied Perl from existing languages like awk, sed, and sh. Apache copied (literally) the NCSA web server. Sure, these projects did not copy commercial, closed-source software, but that does not make Perl and Apache paragons of innovation.
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Apache may not be a good example. The NCSA web server was basically open source. I don't recall the exact license, but the source was always available. As was the source to NCSA's web browser Mosaic. I'm fairly certain that Tim Berners-Lee original web software was open source as well. So while Apache may have copied from others, I
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Einstein's General Relativity was built on Newton's laws and Galilean Relativity, but that doesn't make it less innovative.
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:1)
If all they did was copy them then there would be NO difference in functionality.
awk, sed, and sh can do EVERYTHING that perl can can't they? NO? Oh wait that must mean the programmer extended it with their own ideas. They liked some of the functionality those programs offered and decided to wright their own which contained all their favorite features from the three and added all others they wanted that those programs were lacking. Yo
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Well, I suppose GP should have used awk as an example then... I would like to know what will classify as innovation using this mindset of 'it is similar to something else, so no innovation'. By that measure, I suppose Engelbart had real innovation and everyo
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2, Insightful)
perl is a programming language, surely nobody thought of this before?
Apache when you come down to it, is a file server, yay.
ViolaWWW is a program to view something, wow, never would have guessed that.
And cooked food is just something else to eat, surely nobody thought of another kind of food before?
And a wheel is just a specially shaped lever wrapped around its fulcrum, yay.
A telescope is just a way to view something, wow, never would have guessed that.
Your bar for what is innovative is set way
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:1)
You might have claimed that both web servers and browsers were inspired by Ted Nelson's Xanadu. But thats vaporware, so it can't really be considered open or closed source.
Actually on further reseach I see Ted Nelson has released two versions of Xanadu. And I am glad to see he released them as explicitly open source. He chose the X11 licence.
http://www.udanax.com/ [udanax.com]
So I want to apologize for calling it vaporware when its been out for more tha 5 years
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Apache when you come down to it, is a file server, yay.
ViolaWWW is a program to view something, wow, never would have guessed that.
I wouldn't call any of those real innovations, just evolution of what came before.
Ok, now you show me some 'real innovations', and I will call them evolutions of what came before. I have not seen anything in my life that couldn't be classified as evolutionary when looking with a broad perspective. Ev
Re:Apache comes from EMWACS (Score:1)
Kinda. It originally was based on the public-domain EMWCACS Web server, from the University of Edinburgh.
Most people would have said from NCSA's httpd, which is OSS.
And the Viola Web browser was not open source.
In the court case EOLAS TECHNOLOGIES, INC v MICROSOFT, the author of ViolaWWW, Pei Wei , is quoted as
Apache is a PATCHY SERVER (Score:2)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:1)
It's a low latency realtime audio sever layer that allows many different audio and midi programs to interface with audio hardware simultaneously. It is able to move system processes and even the kernel itself into the background so that the audio stuff doesn't lag or drop.
Internet (TCP, IP, DNS). WWW. Rsync. Etc. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Internet (TCP, IP, DNS). WWW. Rsync. Etc. (Score:1)
Of the responses so far, dwheeler's is the only one that even comes close to answering the question asked.
I'll elaborate a bit to add other "internet technologies"
The first web browser - Tim Berners-Lee's GUI-based WorldWideWeb was open source.
The first "famous" web browser was NCSA Mosaic that was also open source (at least in that it was distributed as source and user-contributed patches were accepted back into the NCSA-controlled mainline).
Sendmail, the program that, even today, handles the majorit
Re:Internet (TCP, IP, DNS). WWW. Rsync. Etc. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Internet (TCP, IP, DNS). WWW. Rsync. Etc. (Score:1)
What makes "academic" work special enough to be singled out? People getting paid, either via salary or via education to create software that "scratches an itch."
I don't think that anyone is claiming that a proprietary license is a necessary ingredient for innovation.
In my experience, that is exactly what the original question usually means when it gets asked.
Freedom (Score:1)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2, Informative)
VTK has also spawned off two other opensource projects, DART [kitware.com] and Cmake [cmake.org].
Web browser (Score:4, Informative)
I'd argue that big companies don't innovate. Individuals and small groups innovate - sometimes they release source code, others not. PKzip and Flight Simulator also come to mind. Autocad started as a very small team that formed a startup. I suspect there are lots of major commercial apps that are copies of something done outside the company, or started small and just grew. Please name one real innovation from MicroSoft - the largest software company in the world. And please do your homework before naming it so people don't have to show you the prior art.
I'm not saying innovation is in open source here, just that it's generally not coming from big companies. Sometimes the little guy tries to make a buck instead of giving away new stuff.
Re:Web browser (Score:1)
Re:Web browser (Score:2)
Example = Live CDs (Score:2)
But I don't know of anything like Knoppix in Windows-world.
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:1, Interesting)
Democracy. Laws produced by an open process have been considered an improvement over arbitrary rule by divine right. For more than 200 years.
Civil code, penal code, vehicle code, machine code... see a pattern ?
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Look at MS (Score:2)
IIRC, MS borrowed from an open basic compiler to get their own compiler working.
Now, do you use MS's toy database? That is a derivitive of Foxbase, which was a clone of DBase, which WAS a DB from DOD or NSCA or somewhere. It was total public domain when DBase claimed it for the
Some examples (Score:2)
Re:Other than creating free software . . . (Score:2)
Leverage (Score:3, Interesting)
A lever is a simple tools consisting of a load, force, moment arm, and pivot or fulcrum. It multiplies force through a reduction in distance. So how then, is open source leveraging a given company, and what's the fulcrum in the metaphor? Or does this term continue to get used time and time again just because levers sound like something smart people use?
Re:Leverage (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Leverage (Score:1, Insightful)
It multiplies force through a reduction in distance.
company gains doing less work
Re:Leverage (Score:2, Informative)
leverage n.
2. Positional advantage; power to act effectively: "started his... career with far more social leverage than his father had enjoyed" (Doris Kearns Goodwin).
3. The use of credit or borrowed funds to improve one's speculative capacity and increase the rate of return from an investment, as in buying securities on margin.
tr.v. leveraged, leveraging, leverages
2. To improve or enhance: "It makes more sense to be abl
Re:Leverage (Score:1)
Someone in the PR field once commented on the over usage of the word 'leverage' in the tech world, and how much she disliked the word.
In a financial sense someone is leveraged if they are utilizing debt, or derivatives for investment purposes. This will amplify the extent of losses or gains. See Investopedia's definiton [investopedia.com].
In a technology sense I think of leverage as using something or someone to make it easier to reach a goal. This is analogous to using a lever to make it easier to lift something. Utili
As a cartoon of Ringo Starr once said... (Score:2)
Re:Leverage (Score:3, Interesting)
'To leverage' in good business-speak means to use something to your advantage, depriving yourself of the normal use of that thing (i.e., borrowing from yourself, like leveraging Division A profits for Division B expenses to fund Div B later, greater profits).
'To Leverage' in bad management-speak means to utilize something -- that is, to use it for advantage or pecuniary gain (as opposed to just using something).
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
I don't know how you can complain about mutability of language, when you use the word 'hijacked' in a different-than-original meaning, mispelled 'weirdos,' and forgot your apostrophe in 'isn't.' Never mind the fact that contractions are a bastardization of language anyway...
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
So, by taking on more risk (you are now betting that both MSFT and Apple will go up), you can increase your returns substantially. Without this "leverage" you would only get the returns of the one investme
Re:Leverage (Score:2)
When a business leverages open source software, they are able to use proven tools (PostgreSQL, Apache, etc) as an underlying architecture to solve problems. A business' area of expertise may be writing desktop consumer tax applications, but they have no experience in writi
Innovation happens largely in the state sector (Score:4, Interesting)
-- Bill Gates Sr., 2003
Innovation is a buzzword (Score:3, Informative)
For example, how many people want to drive an innovative car? I prefer my car to use time tested technology. Not the latest "innovative" breaking system that may or may not work all the time.
Now, don't take this to mean I don't like innovation. I do. But that shouldn't be the deciding factor for any product. Saying something is innovative says that it's new and untested. That may be great for some things, but for most things it's not. I like my non-innovative TCP/IP and non-innovative bash shell, thank you very much (to pick two things that haven't changed all that much over the years). And frankly, I like having consistency in the other applications I use, like word processors and web browsers.
So I agree with the book, innovatition is not as important as a good overall product.
Re:Innovation is a buzzword (Score:2, Insightful)
I see innovation as a philosophy for constant improvement and trying new approaches. Borrowing a
Re:Innovation is a buzzword (Score:3, Insightful)
So you'd prefer to be driving an all-steel monster that gets 8 miles to the gallon, with no airbags, lap belts, and a steering column that will impale you through the chest in a head-on collision? More power to ya. While you're at it, change out your power locks and windows, drop some rack-and-pinion steering in there, and oh yeah, you already said you don't want anti-lock brakes.
If lack of innov
Re:Innovation is a buzzword (Score:1)
I don't think that's a fair statement... (Score:3, Informative)
"...how many of the products that you use on a daily basis are truly innovative in their own rights?"
It's not so much how many *ARE* innovative, it's how many *WERE* innovative at the time they were introduced.
There's a big long adoption curve between the Innovators and Technology enthusiats through the early adopters, before you get to everyday use by pragmatists (and longer, before you get through to the conservative back end).
Pretty much *everything* you use on a d
Re:I don't think that's a fair statement... (Score:1)
Re:Innovation is a buzzword (Score:2)
I'd venture to say that a breaking system probably won't work any of the time.
leading edge (Score:2)
Mangering Open Source (Score:4, Funny)
I guess the barn animals can read this to find an open source of food.
Color me fickle... (Score:2)
I'm just sayin'.
Innovation - right (Score:2)
But digging in and doing the hard, dirty work of improving actual operati
Re:Innovation - right (Score:1)
Blah, blah, blah (Score:1, Troll)
This book sounds like a salesman trying to convince you that you really, really do need this product. If it's not blatently obvious why I need that product, then I generally don't need it. This sounds like a s
Addendum (Score:1)
Re:Blah, blah, blah (Score:2)
Innovation lowers expenses and creates new products for resale. If you don't see how these are important to business, then you my friend, are probably better suited to something other than business.
Re:Blah, blah, blah (Score:1)
Not necessarily. It depends on if that is a useful innovation that can be applied to a business setting. I could have the most innovative paperweight on the planet, but that's entirely useless to me from a business standpoint. I could have the most innovative web server on the planet, but if it's expensive or difficult to use, then it's also useless to me from a business standpoint. Innovation for the sake of innovation is the goal of acad
Re:Blah, blah, blah (Score:2)
Re:Blah, blah, blah (Score:1)
Um... (Score:2)
You don't have to buy it. [dreamsongs.com] Happy? You, in particular, might want to start with Chapter 4. [dreamsongs.com]
(This is not meant as an endorsement of this book, as I haven't read it, but come on, dude. If you don't RTFA at least RTF summary!)
Re:Blah, blah, blah (Score:2)
No, you pay your bills with money. Innovation is the usual way to (A) make more money, and (B) spend less money.
I can't sell "innovation".
Sure you can! Every marketing dweeb knows the best way to boost sales is to slap a "New and Improved!" label on it. In many fields it's the only thing you actually *can* sell, to the point where enforced obsolescence is part and parcel of how the industry operates.
If it's not blatently obvious why I need that product, th
Money (Score:2, Insightful)
What I want to know is how do organizations make money in the open source world? A service model seems the most obvious, but then again development services seem best suited for areas with cheap labour (i.e. China & India).
Eventually, I could see IP and code as a sort of currently... perhaps that is where things are going. Even computer geeks need to eat and buy stuff from time to time though.
word is meaningless now (Score:2)
lets find a new word to describe what this USED to describe.
oh, thanks billg
How about... (Score:1)
Re:How about... (Score:3, Funny)
Come again? (Score:5, Insightful)
Harvesting the innovation of others via open source is hardly beneficial innovative. This does not distinguish a company from anyone else. By the very definition of open source, everyone gets to benefit from this sort of "innovation", including my competitors. Where is the value added?
The problem is not lack of innovation, but lack of innovation that is exclusive to my business. I can leverage open source. Fine. But innovation must then come from another quarter.
Re:Come again? (Score:1)
It allows them to break out of their perhaps stodgey programming trend and allows other fans of the product to express their interests and add another perspective that wasn't there with the same old same old guys typing away at the code.
Harvesting the innovation of others via open source is hardly beneficial innovative. This does not distinguish a company from anyone else. By the very definition of open source, everyon
Re:Come again? (Score:2, Informative)
Open source can lead to innovation. Consider the case where you want to create a new webapp and provide some sort of service to the world. Your value-add is your differentiated innovation. By using an open source webserver, XML parser and such you are able to innovate more quickly because you don't need to create your own webserver and XML parser. Instead you can begin creating your application by applying, integrating and extending open source tools that have been tested by many.
The open source stuf
Re:Come again? (Score:2)
Re:Come again? (Score:4, Insightful)
Bruce Perens, [infoworld.com] are you reading this topic? Help me out here.
rating: 8 (Score:2)
Re:rating: 8 (Score:1)
gahhhh - innovation! (Score:2, Insightful)
Slightly off topic, but comments like these from businesses drive me nuts. This is coming as I recently had to attend an "innovation" seminar that was "voluntary" but still mandated that I attend. While there, the majority of the people saw it as a waste of time, while management saw it as "encouraging" innovation in the company. I understand that as a business, a compan
Motivation also happens elsewhere (Score:4, Insightful)
2 cents,
Queen B
In this, does it matter? (Score:2)
Re:In this, does it matter? (Score:2)
In English please?? (Score:2)
Yeah, I've got a jargon generator that can write that stuff too.
"Leverage" is a dead giveaway on its own, but put "innovating" and "strategy" next to it and there's no way this piece of text passes the Turing Test!!
Been there done that... (Score:1)
Nessus? (Score:1)
I'm not trying to troll, but I'm just wondering about the cases where there are a multitude of other compani
Still is... (Score:2, Insightful)
It still is the default methodology in science.
Here's the funniest part: (Score:2)
open source helps inovation ? (Score:2)
Because if the business product isn't innovative
people could be using open source product instead.
No, I do not thing that open source don't innovate
but I do thing that a business have more resources
to promote there inventions.
Chicken and egg problem (Score:2)
1. Small firms have few resources. In the US, estimates are that more than half new small businesses fail in the first 2 years.
2. Successful small businesses innovate, but because of #1, lack the resources to fund say, a full-time development staff, or spend substantially on an open-source project.
3. Successful small businesses grow ever larger, adding layers of management and bureaucracy, because
A nice set of questions to ask (Score:2)
http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html [dack.com]
Ok, so first we have to scale real-time metrics in order to benchmark next-generation initiatives and architect synergistic platforms. If we then evolve B2B synergies and synergize vertical models together with our partners, we should be able to cultivate 24/7 channels. And, voila, we have achieved open source innovation leverage.
Easy, isn't it?
When businesses Open Source (Score:1, Interesting)
www.osbc2004.com/ Does an open source conference, 2004 being last years. It encourages the development open source for projects in larger scale companies.
Re:When (Score:1)
Re:When (Score:1, Informative)
And I'm Red Foreman, so I'm an expert on who is and who isn't a dumbass.