Behind the Scenes of The Simpsons 118
Tim writes "The Seattle Times is running a short article about the production process behind 'The Simpsons.' Nothing too elaborate, but there are some interesting pieces of information scattered throughout the piece, including a few jokes from a future episode." From the article: "Invitations to the table read are considered among the hottest tickets in Hollywood, and each visitor has an assigned seat. Celebrities, usually with children in tow, are a fixture. It takes about 40 minutes to run through an episode that will run 22 minutes and 30 seconds (plus commercials) when it airs next season. After the session, there is applause and stretching. Groening and most cast members linger to chat, autograph the scripts and pose for snapshots."
Simpsons better than Futurama? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Simpsons better than Futurama? (Score:1, Funny)
Pretty good article (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pretty good article (Score:1, Offtopic)
Then again, Fox keeps crap on TV (Simpsons of late) and takes off great shows like Family Guy (past) and Arrested Development.
Re:Pretty good article (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pretty good article (Score:2)
- Marge & Lois both shoplifted
- Marge and lois both had a gambling problem
- Both shows incorporated a joke about ancient jews building the pyramids and getting their opression out of the way early on in history
And lots more stuff that I saw in family guy and thought "This plot seems familiar".
Re:Pretty good article (Score:1)
Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!
Wait, wrong show... is this offtopic then?
Re:Pretty good article (Score:2)
Here's two for your list that I think Family Guy did before The Simpsons:
Some quick Wikipedia research [wikipedia.org] shows that The Simpsons has aired at least 366 episodes. They have done nearly every plot you can imagin
Re:Pretty good article (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Pretty good article (Score:2)
Look, I'll be straight with you. Nowaday's, the Simpsons sucks. It's that simple. Personally, I feel the final shark was jumped when they killed off Ned Flander's wife. Since then it's been straight to the gutter, with Fox urging them on episode after episode.
I'm sure there is a reason for this seeming incompetance at Fox. Most likely, poor TV shows simply do better than good ones. The reasons for this, largely
Re:Pretty good article (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Pretty good article (Score:1)
The humor, which used to be moslty clever and subtle, now is very basic and over-the-top.
And also, altho
Heritic (Score:5, Funny)
Things that are not more important than the Simpsons:
1. Presidential address.
2. Military action this is not accompanied by a declaration of war. (The Gulfwar, Gulfwar II, Vietnam, etc. fall into this category. US entry into WW II would not.)
3. Terrorist Attacks (I can wait 30 minutes to hear about that!)
4. The SuperBowl.
5. The olympics...
6. Birdflu outbreak.
7. Alien Invation
These things can wait until the Simpsons are over....
Re:Heritic (Score:1)
Twas good through season 8 (Score:2)
The simpsons used to be the most brilliant show on TV. Not just best cartoon, best show period. Many would be of the opinion that the last GREAT season of the simpsons was either seasons 6 or 7, and season 8 was still pretty good. But then from seasons 9-11 things went wrong.... horribly wrong. Homer turned into a complete idiot, the plots had no ties to reality, entire characters were re-defi
Re:Pretty good article (Score:3, Funny)
It's a perfectly cromulent article that embiggens us all.
Television! (Score:5, Funny)
In a TRAILER? (Score:2, Interesting)
Well whatever works I guess.
I always wondered if the animation was crafted to match the voices or vice versa, at least the article cleared that up.
Re:In a TRAILER? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:In a TRAILER? (Score:1)
Re:In a TRAILER? (Score:1)
'A little out there' (Score:5, Interesting)
Outside the trailer, Groening chats with Azaria about the episode they have just read. Groening wonders whether some aspects of the plot are "a little out there." Well, Azaria replies sarcastically, it is Season 4,063.
Re:'A little out there' (Score:5, Insightful)
Issues? Season analysis Enclosed. (Score:5, Informative)
Whoa! The first three seasons were all about serious issues. Bart steals a video game, Bart becomes gifted, Bart defends his sister, Homer gets caught on spy camera with a dancer, bad babysitter happends to be wanted, Bart isn't doing well in school and needs Martin's help.
These episodes, while indeed showing off where the Simpsons came from, and indeed were fun to watch, lacked a certain hilarity that the Simpsons acheived later in the game where they just got funny. They were trying to teach lessons and whatnot at the beginning and make everyone feel good in the end.
Bring along seasons 4-6 or so, where the shows are still about Bart (as the show was) with the occasional Homer and/or Lisa episode. As this range went on, and even going into seasons 7 and 8, they became more about Homer. These were some of the funniest in its prime. Who shot Mr Burns, Lisa the Vegitarian, Homer goes to College, Cat Burgler, Homer as a marriage therapist, etc. They were really exploring what Homer could add to the show rather than just being around.
Bring in seasons 7,8-11 and they're hit and miss. Many fun and exciting episodes, but you can tell that they're reaching maximums of some of the possibilities. They've realized their fans want 'out there' actions and find Homer's stupidity funny. SOmetimes they'll hit it right on and other times they'll go so far to the extreme that it's boring as anything.
Seasons 12,13 are very hit and miss. An episode here and there that's funny (Trillogy of Error anyone? Where they split Bart, Homer, and Lisa's day was hilarious). In these seasons they've realized people aren't tuning in as much. They promoted such bands as REM (season13), The Who (season12), NSync (season12) and guest stars like Pierce Brosman, Judge Judy, Reese Witherspoon. Group in 'Britney Spears' from season 11 (which was awful) and you add to that. They've realized people aren't finding it funny, so they need some media hype to get people watching. of course, their inclusion sucks.
We all remember probably one of the simpsons' 'worst episodes ever' where they went to Toronto in February 2002 for season 13 chasing Wolfcastle's daughter (Reese Witherspoon). They actually wanted the mayor of Toronto to declare 'simpsons day' and got angry at the policy to not declare special days for corporate events. We all remember the 60-90 seconds actually spent in Toronto, of which they played really poor jokes that both Canadian's and Americans alike didn't find funny. I should have gone out that night.
Bring in Season 14+ where I've seen one or two watchable episodes, and the remainder I will sit and stare forward blankly when I do catch it.
I no longer rush home to watch it. I no longer plan my weekend around looking forward to it. I no longer Tivo every episode. I just don't care. I watch older ones on Comedy from time to time, but the new ones I rarely even catch. They've essentially lost touch with their viewer base or are well past the prime of the show. The episodes become extreme and unbelievable and are purposely going for a laugh, rather than 'seemingly' accidentally stumbling on it.
Re:Issues? Season analysis Enclosed. (Score:2)
I think you've just described, in one single sentence, what actually sets "good commedy" apart from standard ordinary comedy.
I wish more stuff was like you described. I need more futurama.
Re:Issues? Season analysis Enclosed. (Score:1)
The Simpsons used to be wonderful and clever satire/social commentary, unequalled on TV. It was sometimes subtle but it was always there; a lot of the jokes and gags were directly
Re:Issues? Season analysis Enclosed. (Score:2)
The problem is actually fairly simple and you got that one right there. There was a writers change mid-way. In the beginning *hehe* the writers were _mostly_ Irish and Jewish. It included such names as Conan O'Brien (one of the more famous- his most notable episode is of course the Monorail epi
Re:Issues? Season analysis Enclosed. (Score:1)
Nope- Timeless (Score:2)
It really fits all age groups. It's nice satirical humour
Shrek I versus Shrek II (Score:2)
*crickets chirp* (Score:5, Insightful)
Bland. Much like the quality of the episodes that are currently being produced. There was a time when this show was indeed amusing, clever, and poignant. It wouldn't be so bad today if their humor wasn't so dated. In fact, I would go as far as to say that The Simpsons has become another Garfield. Yes...I went there. Horribly predictable "comedy." Overused formulas. The usual.
When someone builds up a media empire, they have a responsibility to know when to call it quits. Every single television program, comic, book, musical group, et cetera has a "half-life" depending on its particular "valence." Once that half-life has been reached...well...you guys are reading this on Slashdot ergo I assume you are smart enough to get the science-to-entertainment metaphor I'm weaving here.
Re:*crickets chirp* (Score:3, Insightful)
You're complaining about this on Slashdot of all places?
Re:*crickets chirp* (Score:3, Funny)
For all the complaints, The Simpsons still has a loyal following tuning in every week. When the numbers decline significantly the show will change, or die. Until then, well, why change what works just because you're bored with it?
If only there were some form of controlling apparatus for your TV that would allow you to change the channel and watch something you find more entertaining... Perhaps it could even be done remotely. Yes, a TV remote controlling app
You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:5, Funny)
Marge's fling, Homer's bro,
Bart in well, Flanders fails,
Whacking snakes, Monorail,
Mr. Plow, Homer in space,
Sideshow Bob steps on rakes,
Lisa's future, Selma's hubby,
Marge not proud, Homer chubby,
Homer worries Bart is gay,
Poochie, U2, NRA,
Hippies, Vegas, and Japan,
Octuplets, and Bart's boy band,
Marge murmurs, Maude croaks,
Lisa Buddhas, Homer tokes,
Maggie blows Burns away,
What else do I have to say?!
You'll never stop the Simpsons,
Have no fears, we've got stories for years like...
Marge becomes a robot,
Maybe Moe gets a cell phone,
Has Bart ever owned a bear or...
How about a crazy wedding?
Where something happens, and do-do do-do-do
Sorry for the clip show!
Have no fears, we've got stories for years!
Re:You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:1)
Re:You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:2)
Re:You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:1)
Re:You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:1)
Re:You'll never stop the Simpsons (Score:2)
Exception (Score:1)
Unless you can completely reinvent yourself every few years, like Doctor Who.
Re:*crickets chirp* (Score:2)
Bart walks into class after being attacked by a dog, he is bruis
Re:*crickets chirp* (Score:2)
Re:*crickets chirp* (Score:2)
Heh. I think the 365th episode of the Simpons should be Lisa's 11th birthday. (Seriously, Bart should be my age by now.)
Bring back the old spirit. (Score:2)
I used to watch each and every episode, I even drove an hour to a friend to se the latest episodes. He had a satellite dish with a decoder for a UK channel that we couldn't get unless you knew someone in England who would buy it and send it to you. We saw the latest episodes there instead of having to wait 2-3 years
New episodes are so bad nowadays... (Score:4, Funny)
The show's well past its sell-by date (Score:5, Insightful)
However, the last couple of seasons have been a mere caricature of the show, as well as the characters. Like someone else said on here, its now formulaic - no longer the greatest show in 20th century
Re:The show's well past its sell-by date (Score:2)
It's hopeless. Utterly, utterly hopeless.
best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
New stuff isn't as bad as we think it is. In 5 years, you might grow to like the "new" album (which is now actually 4 years old).
And just think how cool Dr. Who used to be!
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:2)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. --Friedrich Nietzsche
Karma: Negative (mostly from not giving a fuck)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:2)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
Brought to you by Drool... You're tasting it now!
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
It seems to me to strictly be a function of those who watch a show during it's determined time. I think people who never saw the simpsons, and went back and watched all the episodes on dvd, ar
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
She's hot, but in a weird way.
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:3, Insightful)
But hey, most people on slashdot (and a lot of other places) think they are connoisseur if they ditch what is mainstream and glorify the underdogs.
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:3, Insightful)
This is part of the star process and why some musicians cringe at a certain level of fame. Take a band starting out: they work for years doing gigs playing and refining say 15-25 original songs. They get a recording contract and release an album a year (to stay relevant) for four years. Within a couple of albums, they have released the songs that took them two or three years of constant hard work to perfect (playing them live, practices, writing sessions) and
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:3, Insightful)
Later on, the industry wears on them and they no longer produce great music, and/or lose interest in their art and move on.
INMO, This is not a universal idea that is applicable to every artist, but does apply to many.
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:2)
My wife has never watched the Simpsons. Last year I bought the first few seasons on DVD and we watched it together. She thought it was hilarious! So we caught a few of the new episodes on regular TV. She looked at me and asked why the new ones are so "dumb" compared to the first couple seasons, and not as funny.
God, I love that woman.
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:2)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
Re:best simpsons seasons are past? (Score:1)
Offshoring the drawing... (Score:4, Interesting)
I was once told this by a filmaker. He said that it went to Mexico in other cases. I just think it's amazing that they can get the movements down so that it's smooth. I remember when the Simpsons first came on the "Tracy Ullman" show. They were poorly deawn and had jerky movements, and I didn't think they were funny. Now, I think they're funny and quite relevent.
The show with Bart eating from the vending machines and getting really fat touched on a lot of issues these days. One of them is local school boards putting junk food vending machines (Coke) in their schools to help pay the bills and adding to the childhood obesity problem.
Re:Offshoring the drawing... (Score:1)
Generally in animation if the timing of the keyframes are good and solid; the inbetweening will work. It's all about timing, not how well drawn it is or wether it's cg or whatever. Most people(some times even people into animating) don't realise this.
Re:Offshoring the drawing... (Score:1)
Problem is, it is a very shallow approach to the issue without any bite or sarcasm or a hint of cleverness. All the recent episodes have been like this. I can't believe you're eating this tripe!
Urgh. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Urgh. (Score:2)
Call Mr Plow
That's my name
That name again
Is Mr Plow!
I'm Mr Plow
And I'm here to say
I'm the plowingest guy in the USA
I got a big plow
And I move a lot of things
Just like your cow
If you have one
naysayers! (Score:1, Redundant)
"You people are fickle!"
-Mayor Quimby
You people are the same ones who killed Futurama and SeaLab.
Re:naysayers! (Score:4, Funny)
Nah. Sealab just wasn't half as funny without Harry Goz.
"Awww, there go my nipples again, there, Edith!"
more info on the soundstage (Score:4, Interesting)
Table reads (Score:2, Insightful)
Today kids, we're in Korea... (Score:5, Funny)
Simpsons vs Family Guy (Score:2, Informative)
Seems I am far from alone in believing that the Simpsons has seen better days. Maybe it's time Fox thought about wrapping up the franchise and putting it to bed.
A few years ago a friend introduced me to Family Guy and with it a vast amount of new comedy which the Simpsons has not been able to rival. Seems though that Family Guy and Simpsons do have a bitter rivalry going on [wikipedia.org]. Shame that Family Guy was taken off the air for three years. Really this should have been done to the Simpsons to give the network a
Why I quit watching The Simpsons (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, Family Guy and American Dad may not be the most original scenarios around, but you know what? Those shows are funny. The Simpsons no longer is. So either get better, or quit whining.
(Or preferably, kill The Simpsons and bring back Futurama.)
Re:Why I quit watching The Simpsons (Score:1)
Re:Why I quit watching The Simpsons (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Simpsons vs Family Guy (Score:2, Informative)
Mad TV died after she left. She was one of the writers of Mad TV and plays Lois on Family Guy. Go to Familyguy.com [familyguy.com] and you will see she is also a writer for the show.
Re:Simpsons vs Family Guy (Score:2, Informative)
The Bottom Line (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:The Bottom Line (Score:2, Informative)
It IS 1999! (Score:1, Redundant)
Futurama v. Simpsons (Score:3, Interesting)
What the show is missing (Score:1)
As cimic book guy might say... (Score:3, Funny)
The new ones aren't all bad... (Score:1)
Stupid flounders...