On the Matter of Slashdot Story Selection 1259
Let's talk about Beatles Beatles. For the uninitiated he's just some dude who submits a lot of stories. He actually happens to get a lot of them accepted. We have a number of users like this. Looking at the hall of fame shows you a number of the most successful ones. Now the motivation for getting a Slashdot story accepted (besides fame, glory and sexy women who start IMing you naked pictures of themselves mere seconds after a story goes live)is a return link to the website of your choosing. Your creds. Your 'Reward' for sharing a cool URL with a half a million Slashdot readers.
It's not hard to figure out what sorts of stories Slashdot likes. We have a format, and a subject matter. A persistent user can simply start spamming the bin with a submission about everything he finds that comes even close. If he does it enough, he'll get a few through. Especially if he manages to get something reasonable in at 11pm when there's little else to choose from.
Now there is no conspiracy. There is some Roland guy who's last name i can't spell who submits stuff all the time and people thought for awhile he was Timothy. Lately there is a Beatles Beatles user who conspiracy theorists now think is Scuttlemonkey. We don't know these people. They are not aliases for us. They aren't paying us. 3 months from now it will be somebody else.
Now these submitters each have their problems. In Roland's case, he likes to link to his personal blog where he writes mediocre summaries of stories that add nothing to the original. In BBs case, he just cuts and pastes paragraphs from linked pages. Both use their return link to link a web page which is, in my opinion, pretty worthless.
Now technically speaking, we could add a nofollow to their URLs. Or strip them entirely. But that puts me into the position of editing not just the submission, but the submittor, and i really don't think that this is "Right".
Part of the Slashdot Editor's job is to make a submission "Presentable". Usually this means moving a few URLs around. I'd guess a good half of story submissions use the word 'here' or 'article' or something equally stupid as their anchor text. I prefer relevant words to be linked. There are other minor things tho, like taking off extra intros like "Hi guys I read Slashdot every day and thought you would like this". We want the Slashdot story to be mostly distilled down to the essentials. Just the key 3-4 sentences.
Should part of this process be checking the URL of the submitter to make sure that it is legitimate? Does that really matter? Should we add a nofollow tag to those URLs?
My opinion is no. Those URLs are what you get for submitting a story to Slashdot. We selected it. The submission braved the Gauntlet. A hundred submissions died, and this one made the cut. I don't think it's fair that we strip creds from someone just because they choose to squander that URL on something stupid. Who am I to judge that after all?
Now the real problem with this is what it does to the discussion. Last night a nice story was posted. It came from one of our "Problem" users. And dozens of comments were posted about this user. The conspiracy theories. The hostility. Now a lot of this is normal Slashdot Forum Faire. Thats fine. But the problem is that often when this occurs, it swamps out the real discussion. The messenger becomes the story.
I think this sucks.
The story is not about Roland or Beatles Beatles or whatever other random user is submitting a lot of stuff this week. I encourage moderators to use their points to mod these discussions down when they see them. As a moderator, your job ought to be to steer the discussion on-topic. The submitter is almost never the topic!
The catch-22 kills me. I might have a URL in the bin worth sharing. Something a half a million of you might enjoy. But because a user with a "Reputation" submitted it, I know that posting it will spawn a giant forum cesspool. I could strip attribution and take away incentive for a user to submit. Or just throw away the article and forget it. Or I could post the story and watch as half of the discussion is simply about the submitter and not the URL that i wanted to share in the first place.
Damned if I do, damned if I don't, right? I'm seriously looking for feedback here. What should I do with a good submission from a reader with a reputation?
And moderators, use those offtopic mods to steer the discussion towards the subject of the article, not the flavor of the month conspiracy theory about story selection.
As a side note, I'm really going to try to write more articles addressing Slashdot matters on to Slashdot. But please understand that doing so is tremendously time consuming- this article will generate hundreds of pieces of mail and forum posts that I want to read and reply to. But there are only so many hours in the day. I would like to request that the forum try to stay on-topic here. Let's talk specifically about the issues i addressed above. We can talk about digg or moderation or whatever issues are of most interest next week.
Update a dozen or so users have made the same point: Simply wait for the same story to come from another user. If that was possible, I would do so. I'm really talking here about stories that are submitted just by one person. Part of why these users are successful is that they submit enough stories that they get a handful that only THEY submitted. I can't simply wait for someone else. That will never come!
update Allright it's been about 300 hours. I've read every comment posted so far, and replied to many. Even managed to whore myself a couple dozen upmods ;) I think we will add a nofollow to the submittor link. Several users raised good points and they ultimately convinced me that since the focus of the story is the submission, not the submittor, any link that detracts from the focus is less relevant. This will probably reduce some kinds of abuse in the future, but of course not all.
There's a lot of really good discussion in there. Some really good feedback. I haven't touched my inbox yet, but I see a lot of messages in there as well that I'll try to get to. I'll try to post again in another week or 2 on some other subject matter. If you have ideas on what that should be, you're welcome to email and suggest topics. We'll try to make it, if not regular, a frequent thing on Slashdot.
A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
Institute a cap on the total number of stories a given submitter can get accepted (per day, week, month...whatever). A cap doesn't hurt legitimate submitters, while limiting the payoff for linkwhores.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
So a better solution might be to cap the number of submissions, not "accepted" submissions.
If you only have a change to submit three stories a day, you know damn well that you're going to submit only the best. And if someone can come up with three great, published submissions a day, then let them whore their blog all they want: then they truly deserive it.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Interesting)
Two thoughts.
The Beatles-Beatles user has sent us 4.8 submissions per day on average, since September or so. Would it really solve the problem if we forced him/her to send us only the 3.0 best submissions each day?
And, there's nothing stopping this person from creating as many user accounts as they want.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
Very well...then you can simply change my suggestion to: institute a cap on the total number of stories a given submitter can get attribution for (per day, week, month...whatever). If a linkwhore wants to spam the queue with stories, fine, but they may not try so hard if they find that their attribution gets stripped out after x amount of stories accepted in Y amount of time.
And yes, you may argue that this will stop the linkwhore from sharing all these interesting stories with us, but the fact here is that the linkwhore isn't making anything here...he's just pointing out something that already exists, and that other readers, readers without agendas, can just as easily find and submit. Sure, the linkwhore might not try so hard to submit interesting stories, but the upside is that everyone else will try harder, because the odds of them geting something accepted just went up. I'm pretty confident that the balance of Slashdot's readership can take up the slack if the linkwhores are put out of business.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Interesting)
A lot of regulars here don't bother to submit stories very often, because the odds of the submission actually being used are not very high.
Why bother to submit a story about some new geek-friendly story when you know that the version of the same story written up by a link whore who is currently popular with one of the editors is going to be the one that gets used?
This just doesn't jive (Score:4, Interesting)
the spammer is taking the time to submit many many stories to get a couple through. The casual user only submits the stories he thinks are the absolute best. If we pick a dozen stories, they can't all be the very very best. There will be a few stories that are not as great... and a few that simply are of interest to a different subset of readers. A spammer submits 10... if i order them in terms of how widely known they are, #1-5 are submitted 20-30 times... but number 8 and 9 maybe only once or twice.
Okay, so you're saying that when the only person to submit an interesting yet slightly obscure story is a queue spammer, that queue spammer is going to get their submission posted. This makes sense except...
The queue spammers are getting their submissions accepted on stories that are not obscure, when there are 20-30 submissions, and a casual perusal of the comments shows half a dozen irritated submitters who had at least comparable if not plainly superior submissions on the same story which were rejected. Yet the queue spammer not only wins, but wins several times in a row. Clearly there is more going on here, and your explanation sounds more like "theory" than "reality".
I'm not going to claim that the spammers are being deliberately picked or given preference due to some unknown deal. I am going to claim that, consciously or not, certain submitters are being accepted more readily than others irrespective of the relative merits of the submissions, and I don't think this claim lacks ample support. At the very least, the fact that a story that links to a blog is frequently picked over a similarly well-worded submission with links to primary sources shows that the system is not working even for those most popular stories.
I think part of the problem here (meaning this very story) is that the problem is not you, yet you have to come to defend the editorial process as you exercise it. Frankly, it was the moment
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
Clearly, some people will say, "Yeah get rid of user X stories" and other will say "No, I want to read them". The answer is configuration, and you already have the infrastructure in the foes/friends system.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm going to get a new hole in my ass ripped open for this, but here goes.
Most of the articles (and discussion for that matter) really aren't up to snuff. To illustrate this, a friend and I did a little experiment. We both submitted the same stories and in each case mine was more well written, lacked grammar and spelling mistakes, and in general was much better presented. They were submitted within a few minutes of each other. In each case when one of the articles was published on /., it was the more poorly written article. This held true even when I was the maintainer of the content being linked to.
I don't know how others feel, but /. has really gone way downhill over the last three or four years. It feels like the editors aren't even trying anymore. Articles that are well-written are not preferred over something that was just slapped together. The subject matter isn't as good anymore. Where before there would be a story about a change in the virtual memory layer of the linux kernel, now we get "Linus Says GNOME Sucks" or "How to Get Free Stuff at Trade Shows".
So naturally when readers see the same people getting their submissions posted over and over again, and the articles truly suck, people think something's up. My advice, start looking for real geek news. MontaVista is looking for a new CEO. Linux may soon have all its semaphores replaced with mutexs. There's plenty of real hard core geek news out there; I can't believe that it's not being submitted to /., unless most of the real geeks have moved onto other venues.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
I prefer to reward speed over quality. But that is a flexible rule too.
As for the rest of your comments, I disagree with Slashdot going downhill. I disagree with editors trying or not. But I will say that what we post is largely reflected by what is submitted by our readers. IF you don't like the stories we select, post more technical ones. As it stands, I can't post what isn't in my bin.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you considered changing your personal policy to reward quality over speed? It would remove a lot of the criticisms about story submission choice, possibly including this whole many-submissions issue.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Insightful)
I do not understand how this argument applies to the story selection. As an editor, you are the one who decides when you look at the stories and when you publish them. By the time you look at 5 stories that are on the same subject matter, these stories are already there (in the queue) so the time at which they were originally submitted is mostly irrelevant and will not have any influence on the time at which the story is posted.
There is currently no feedback to the submitter saying "your story has been accepted because you were the first one to submit it" or "your story has been accepted because it was well-written" or "because it had more relevant links". Similarly, there is no feedback to the ones who get rejected saying "your story has been rejected because another submission on the same topic was received earlier" or "your story has been rejected because of its lousy quality". In most cases, those who submit stories have no way to know if they were first or not. Therefore, I would argue that there is no clear incentive for submitting stories as fast as possible.
On the other hand, if we look at the feedback posted in the comments, I have seen more complaints about the quality of the stories than about the fact that other sites got the news first. This seems to indicate that it would be better to reward quality rather than speed in order to minimize the complaints and other off-topic discussions on some stories.
If I may suggest something, it would be that you try to look at all 5 stories on the same subject matter and pick the one that has the best summary or the best links rather than the one that was submitted first.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem with doing this for submitters is that there are too many of them. Think of the "long tail" graph. For the year 2005 we have 9 submitters who got a story accepted more than 3 times a month. After those 9 we have 4405 more submitters making up the "tail." And of those, 3558 (86%) only got 1 story accepted the entire year.
The only part of that graph that it would be useful to track a submitter's "reputation" is for those top 9 or so, the top 0.22%. And my guess is that the only tags readers would apply to them are negative: "I don't like this guy." But we already know they are decent at submitting stories to Slashdot, because they have done it successfully 3 times a month. So what does this tell us except that we (the editors) think they write interesting stuff, but some of the readers don't like them? And we know that already.
Anyway, those readers who dislike Beatles-Beatles don't really dislike the user account submitting the stories, you dislike the URL he/she links to. So what's to stop him/her from creating a new user account and linking to the same URL with slightly different text? Or a slightly different URL?
Moderation works for users because the bulk of it is positive: our posters work hard to build up a good rep as someone who has something to say, with the reward being that they get to speak a little "louder." As far as I can tell what you propose for submitters would work the other direction. I'm not saying a successful reputation system for this can't possibly be built. I just don't think this is the right direction to go in to build it. And it would be a lot of work and I question whether it would ultimately be worth it.
(BTW: Beatles-Beatles is not in that top 9, he/she had fewer than 2 stories a month accepted for 2005.)
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Informative)
I would guess that most days a couple dozen stories are postable. We probably get 30-50 submissions to those stories that are usable.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Insightful)
Why not then pick one of those submissions that links to the story itself - rather than a submission that links to a blog that has innane commentary on a story and a link on to the real story.
Submissions that contain links that are directly relevant to the subject should IMHO be given priority over submissions containing indirect links.
I don't want to read a blog of somebody's opinion about a scientific discovery that gives a link to NewScientist - I'd rather read the NewScientist article directly.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:4, Informative)
that system works fine with the top half dozen stories of the day. The one on ZD-Net AND CNN AND news.com AND msnbc.com. It doesn't work for anything more obscure.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:There is an issue here you didn't address. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:There is an issue here you didn't address. (Score:5, Informative)
This is correct. ScuttleMonkey takes a lot of night shifts (US Eastern time). Those happen to be the slowest period for submissions appearing in our bin. And that's when B-B submits stories. So at exactly the time we need submissions most, B-B is there. Kinda clever actually.
Around 92% of the B-B submissions were sent in between 5 PM and 1 AM. And around 80% of the time ScuttleMonkey has posted a B-B story, it went live between 5 PM and 4 AM.
I didn't actually know this until your comment prompted me to check the DB, but that's pretty clearly what's going on.
Re:There is an issue here you didn't address. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Funny)
Hey now, let's keep this on topic. You can talk about moderation next week.
Re:A simple suggestion: (Score:5, Interesting)
Basically it rewards users who are active in the community with the privilege of submitting stories, and not users who are just trying to get their page full of ads in front of as many eyeballs as possible. It's not a perfect system... just figured I'd throw the idea out there in the hopes that it could be refined.
Why let trolls and cranks influence the site? (Score:5, Insightful)
As far as I can see, the conspiracy theories about various
Some people are just brats. They said something and it got modded down, or they submitted a story and it got ignored and (gasp) some other submission got in that looked similar, and then they decide to hate
That said, I'm certain that it's possible to trick, scam or abuse slashdot's editors with story submissions. I've certainly seen some questionable writeups go by over the years. It doesn't take anything away from the site, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
For the most part, the system works. Stories come and go, the comments are generally good, and moderation doesn't always do what we wish, but nothing else really compares to the results. If occasionally something looks questionable people will question it, just as always.
It can be alarming how sophisticated some haters can be, but frankly I haven't seen anything here that even deserves your response. It's good to clear the air, but anyway, I wouldn't worry about it.
If you want a project, think about an interesting way to reorganize, prefilter and/or score story submissions...
Maybe I'm new around here... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Maybe I'm new around here... (Score:5, Interesting)
Make a 'new products' category to stick all those 'This is cool, but it sounds like Logitech paid for the ad' stories. Similar for new services. If a company is cool or scary enough to rate its own story section on slashdot, then you can post under those categories... Like for google. Otherwise, let users filter them out.
Mix It Up!!! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Mix It Up!!! (Score:5, Informative)
So you may be seriously surprised... but it's true. When someone submits 15 different URLs in 3 days, they are going to be the only submittor for 2 or 3 of them.
Re:Mix It Up!!! (Score:4, Insightful)
Why not modify your incoming queue to sort by frequency of posting. You wouldn't have to drop all Beatles_Beatles submissions, but you'd see submissions from non-flooders first. If Beatles_Beatles was the only one with that scoop, then you'd be able to post it. But if someone else had the same link, you'd give priority to someone who isn't flooding the queue.
And then, ff people thought they had a better chance of getting an article submitted, they'd be more likely to do so.
But I also think editors should really be editing. I know you hate to hear this, but that includes (1) spell checking; (2) dupe-checking; and (3) fact-checking.
1) Spell-checking. If you think discussion quality is decreased by a Roland submission, why can't you accept that the discussion is also decreased by spelling corrections. Not to mention that I just don't see how you can't take enough pride in this site to try and make it look professional.
2) I understand that you don't want to drop a good discussion even if it takes place under a dupe. I would have thought the subscriber-preview option would have allowed you to catch dupes before general distribution. You could also close discussion of the article for the first 5 minutes while it's subscriber-only and add a "this is a dupe" button to allow the subscribers to alert you right away. For another software solution, why not write a script that would move discussion from one article to another. You could then delete the dupe and move the discussion to the original article. Of course, the real answer here is that editors should be editing, and that should include searching for dupes. It often feels like editors really don't read the site. Again, I don't see why this isn't a matter of pride for you.
3) Fact-checking. You seem to admit that you basically accept anything with "key words". The site often looks like the Enquirer with such oversensationalist headlines. I usually wait 10 minutes before reading such articles and then read the top-rates comments to discover how badly you misrepresented the article. RTFA should apply as much to the editors as to the readers (perhaps even more so). I'm not asking you to spend a day researching everything, but if an article is exceptionally sensationalistic, you should at least spend a few minutes looking into it. Retractions should really shame you, but it never seems to bother you.
Longterm reader's thoughts (Score:4, Insightful)
around Slashdot since "Chips and Dips". I used to be a valinux or some
other variant of the name volunteer developer, which has become OSDN.
Should part of this process be checking the URL of the submitter to make
sure that it is legitimate?
Why not?
Does that really matter?
I'm a sticker for details, and "illegitamate" URLs or 404s bother me.
Should we add a nofollow tag to those URLs?
I don't see why not since you added the nofollow on signatures. I
thought Slashdot did the same with user's posts, but I just checked and
they don't. I guess the next time I want to do a googlebomb without the
constraint of 120 character signatures, I know what to append at the end
of my posts.
I don't know what the queue for stories looks like, but I doubt it would
be too dificult to avoid a * *Beatles Beatles goon with other stories.
Especially when we gripe about it (see below).
Suggestions for Slashdot:
- option to randomize the top of a threads. Now there is by newest and
oldest first, but I believe that if the randomize option were there and
used, it would allow for more deep threads than the 90% of the ones that
jump on early posts to get closer to the top of the charts and the 10%
that get tacked onto those that view by newest first. I also hate when
I write a long, researched, post and it gets too few eyeballs because I
did not opt for the quick fix at the top of the list.
- stop the dupes. I seriously do not believe that copying and pasting
the subject or keywords into google with site:Slashdot.org takes more
than 10 seconds, or at least for me. Over 90% of the time I do it, the
first link is the dupe.
- listen to us more. I hate to say it, but Slashdot is more our site
than "yours". We submit the stories, we have almost every piece of
content on the site. Yes, Slashdot does provide great software to view
the stories and a known hotspot for us geeks. Being that slashcode is
open, in theory a new and better Slashdot could happen at any time with
little difference in the look and feel of the site. The reason this has
not happened yet, because we are reasonably happy with each other here
and the progress of the slashcode to date.
Kudos to Slashdot for:
- friends/foes/fans/freaks. Although I'm slightly dislexic between
friends and fans and foes and freaks, the ability to use these to filter
out at least the free iPod people is invaluable. My signal to noise
ratio is pretty high now. Sometimes I feel like foeing a friend or a
friend of a friend just because they post too much, even though I like
a good amount of what they say, they then to pop out of threads too
much for my tastes, but it would be very complex to fix such a minor
- staying cheap for subscribers, and being one of the top sites on the
digg yourself (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:digg yourself (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:digg yourself (Score:4, Insightful)
We've got meta moderation, why not story moderation? Why not have the concept of Poster Karma?
If you post too much crap then you lose linking privs until you staighten out. post even more crap and you don't even get your name on the post.
Link to the original article (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Link to the original article (Score:5, Informative)
our search system needs a lot of work. Our source code is available. If someone wants to help, that'd be swell. We have some dupe checking code. It works often. Of course it can never be perfect. We post a lot of stories about certain topics, some closely related. It gets messy fast.
And the no-follow thing seems awkward to me. It seems like i'm saying a URL is not worthy. Now sometimes that may be true, but where's the line? If i think your vanity domain name is ugly because I hate orange? Scammers? It's a spectrum of judgement that i'd prefer to simply ignore.
Re:Link to the original article (Score:4, Insightful)
Beatles Beatles is in one problem set: a submitter sends in reasonably well-written, blurbs with direct and relevant links. The only fly in the ointment is that he links his name back to a web site that raises the hackles of slashdot readers who believe he's Googlewhoring for Fun and Profit, and thereby gaining an unfair advantage over Joe Slashdot. I think the solution there is to keep an eye on people who've had a lot of stories accepted, and try to make sure that, going forward, those stories you accept from them really are just the ones that he/she, and he/she alone, have uniquely submitted. Even though slashcode's weakness when it comes to searching could make implementing this less than perfect, any attempt at it would reduce the howls of "Hey -- why does XYX get another PageRank boost over me when I submitted the same story!"
I realize this policy could be seen a punishing "good submitters" -- why shouldn't you have the at least same chance as getting random story X published as a dozen other submitters, many of whom may never have contributed to the community before, if you're a good submitter? -- but good submitters will still get their unique stuff up there (and if they're really good, this will translate to a fair number of stories accepted), and you're increasing the number of voices that are being heard, always a good thing on a community driven site (other venues, such as blogs, do exist if I really want to hear one specific person's take on things.)
Roland is in the other problem set: there the objection is that the links within the blurbs themselves are not so direct and relevant, but place an annoying layer of intermediate submtter opinion that doesn't add anything of substanstance to my understanding of the story or its context. (and my needs for superficial submitter opinion are ideally already satisfied by the blurb
Instead, for links to things like blogs which are commentaries on some further linked item (rather than original content, a la Russinovich's infamous Sony BMG DRM post), you could make it a policy -- as part of the normal "submission clean up" process -- to add a direct link to the ultimately linked item into the blurb. Those that want to read the commentary can do so, others can bypass it.
I guess what I'm saying is that the solutions are to be found not in the realm of tech fixes, such as nofollow tags or even more baroque meta-uber-moderation constructs, but in non-technical things like editorial policies and judgement that relate do directly to the value you deliver to Slashdot readers I which I think is entirely within your remit and avoids some of the issues you've been concerned about in other threads.
simple (Score:5, Insightful)
That's one way to be more transparent, you may have to be creative to think of others.
One more thing.
Denying that what happened was suspicious is calling your community stupid.
Also try having the editors perticipate in a conversation about them and directly answer some of the comments(not sure if this hasn't happened, but it didn't when I was looking at it.).
No bother, I just stopped Submitting (Score:5, Insightful)
Since I'm not willing to grind out quantity, I just stop submitting.
Ask us again (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Ask us again (Score:4, Insightful)
Simple solution (Score:5, Insightful)
Stripping Attribution (Score:5, Insightful)
If their incentive to submit is attribution, they shouldn't be submitting.
Take Fark.com for example. The submitters get no recognition (on the main part of the site) when an article is greenlit. They may chime in the thread with comments, but other than that, nothing. And they get a counter in their profile on how many articles they've gotten greenlit.
Their incentive for submitting is an interesting story that's funny and may spark discussion.
While the humor angle isn't applicable for the most part here, the discussion part is. Submit something because you think it's interesting, you think your fellow nerds will think it's interesting, and it will generate an interesting discussion.
Submitting just to gain attribution is the wrong reason to do it.
The reward for having a story accepted... (Score:5, Insightful)
Roland (Score:5, Insightful)
Slashads, which seem to be getting through at a more regular rate. Again, I don't want to be advertised to by the story submission (especially when that person is not paying /. for the privilege).
A couple of suggestions: first, every article about a product needs to have at least two links. One to the product and a second to an un-biased review of the product. A link to the product alone is a Slashad for the product and a link to the review alone is a Slashad for the review site. Only once an article has a few links does it get away from the Slashad realm and into the useful realm.
Second, to put it bluntly, the editors need to do their jobs. I would much rather see a few high quality stories than many useless ones. Taco said it himself, if the submission bin is empty, a story has a greater chance of being accepted. No! Good stories should be accepted and bad stories rejected. Period. End of line. It is the editor's job to find the good stories, fix the links, and check the grammar (!).
It's all about the PageRank (Score:5, Insightful)
I thought the hue and cry after Roland Piquepaille was unnecessary. So he was trying to drive traffic to his blog and maybe become known as some kind of net pundit. That, it seemed to me, was fair enough. Isn't that essentially what we're all doing, sounding off here on the topic of the day?
But this Beatles guy isn't doing that. He's using his links back from /. to drive up the PageRank of his link farm, with the apparent overall aim of trying to push spam sites up Google, for money. This, as far as I and, it seems, a large number of /.'ers are concerned, is not fair play. It simply isn't cricket, and we don't like to see our community effectively supporting spam.
That's what gets me upset about **Beatles-Beatles, that didn't worry me about Roland. This kind of link farming and search engine spamming spoils the net for all of us, and a major geek centre like this one should be firmly against that.
Re:It's all about the PageRank (Score:5, Insightful)
Nofollow Karma (Score:5, Insightful)
Why not make the "nofollow" a matter of karma? Those with por karma have a nofollow added to their link, just as their comments are started at score 0 or -1.
You could even get tricky and make a separate karma just for story submission, with some sort of moderation system. This moderation could be done by the editors themselves, or it could be opened up to the readership. I've read dozens of comments over the years where the submitter wished they could moderate the story. Perhaps it's time to add that functionality to slashcode.
Re:Nofollow Karma (Score:5, Insightful)
Although you haven't been able to see the effects for a long time since they hid karma behind a vague description, you do realize that getting a submission posted is worth 3 karma points, right?
I don't see why links for the submitter's name shouldn't always be nofollow links. The submitter's home web site is not the subject of the article, so there's no reason Google should be able to associate it with the article. Hey, if he's got a worthwhile page on george-harrison.info that's worth linking to as the point of the article, I've got no problem with that. It's just the automatic link to the same site attached to his name that is the problem here.
Also, web site links in the headers of posted replies should be nofollow links as well. The whole point of this BeatlesBeatles controversy is a link to his web site which is not part of the topic. The same should apply not just to "george-harrison.info", but also to "(http://www.ourmedia.org/user/38299 [ourmedia.org])" (<--hey, check it out, a nofollow link, CmdrTaco is censoring me! Help help, I'm bein' opressed!) and other such links in the comment headers and signatures. Okay, so he's got his link on the front page, but the idea is the same. Links to a submitter's / comment poster's websites are off-topic, and should be rel=nofollow. If nofollow is good enough for comment text, it should be good enough for home page links, too.
The same should probably apply to links in signature lines as well.
So for some strange reason, we can't post links in comments without getting a nofollow slapped on it, but we can set our homepage and it won't get a nofollow, and every time we post a message, we're doing the same thing as BeatlesBeatles! Oh man, I feel so dirty. Oh wait, I don't have a home page set up. But look at the HTML source to any message you've posted and you'll see what I mean.
Re:Nofollow Karma (Score:5, Informative)
I think we'll have that up soon.
Same thing you do with "unpresentable" stories. (Score:5, Insightful)
Ignore the noise (Score:4, Insightful)
The moderation system should make this easier. Now, I'm not a big fan of the "Offtopic" mod -- I don't remember the last time I used it -- but what I do when I have mod points is try to mod up only on-topic comments (as well as comments that are good in other ways, of course: interesting, insightful, etc.) so that, hopefully, those comments and the threads they spawn will rise to the top of the page and leave the trolls and conspiracy theorists and **Beatles-Beatles dissas 'n' Piquepaille-hatas, yo, down at the bottom where they belong.
BTW, the reason I don't like "Offtopic" is because I think it's often abused; many mods will mark a post that way when it's a perfectly legitimate reply to another post which is kinda sorta ontopic. For example, in many science stories (regardless of the type of science in question) you'll see people ranting about how dumb and ignorant scientists are, often including links to creationist/ID propaganda or some bullshit look-how-clever-I-am Michael Crichton speech; and they may (or may not) get modded as "Troll" or "Flamebait," but people who respond to them and try to explain to them how science really works get modded "Offtopic" because the explanation isn't directly relevant to the original story. This is a problem, because these ideas need to be addressed whenever they crop up, IMNSGDHO. See also: rational discussion of the advantages of Mac OS X in response to "L0L M4XZ 5UX0RZ PCZ R0X0RZ" posts, usually in any given Apple story. "Offtopic" isn't a bad mod category in itself, but I think it should be much more carefully used.
Dear God, Rob! What _WERE_ you thinking?! (Score:5, Interesting)
You're lucky that the feedback has (as far as I read) thus far only accused you of
- Cronyism
- Faking user identities
- Taking kickbacks for posting stories
- General stupidity.
Let's take 'em, here:
Cronyism/faking poster names. IF ROB WANTED TO POST FAKE USERNAMES, DON'T YOU THINK HE MIGHT TRY TO COVER HIS TRACKS A LITTLE BETTER? Occam's razor kinda dictates that this Beatles Beatles guy is legit, 'cause Rob could cough up as many accounts as he wanted if here were attempting to run a propaganda site.
Kickbacks for stories. Ummmm... duh. Let's face it: we read Slashdot (or, at least, *I* read Slashdot -- and have for years; check my user number) because we enjoy the stories, and the commentary. If we EVER found ANY conclusive evidence that Rob was taking kickbacks from advertisers, I think it would be safe to say the site would be abandoned wholesale. Instead, just like UFO abduction stories, people love to discuss potential cabals and conspiracies, but offer no proof whatsoever. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
General stupidity. Okay, maybe this one's valid, maybe it isn't. But, akin to Howard Stern's take on similar situations, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, STOP READING. I can think of no better vote. No, you DON'T own the site. Rob does. (Or the media conglomarate. Not sure. Doesn't matter.) But we, the users, in a very real sense do dictate the site's future. If we stopped reading, it would go away. So, if you're so pissed, STOP READING. If you think the stories that are posted are stupid, STOP READING. There are plenty of other sites that are spawned in Slashdot's image, that offer different editorial direction and/or mechanisms. Feel free to avail yourselves of them. And, while we're at it, if it's not to the point where you want to wholesale abandon the site, you can -- gasp -- get mod points to change the feel of a story's discussion. Use 'em.
In the meantime, I think Rob and the crew -- with the odd exception (see: magnetic longevity rings) -- try hard, and succeed most of the time. Certainly enough that Slasdhot's one of the sites I refresh the most. I, personally, will continue reading, as long as CmdrTaco and Hemos are associated with the site. They ain't perfect, but they do a damn good job, and have done it long enough and well enough to show it ain't a fluke.
Party on Way^H^H^H^H Rob.
Party on Hemos.
No user URLs in the story. (Score:4, Insightful)
Instead of linking to an user inputed URL on the story, why not just give the option to link to their Slashdot profile.
That way they can't abuse Google page rank, but if anyone is still interested in the submitter they can go to their
Next story, please (Score:5, Funny)
nofollow (Score:5, Informative)
Let them keep the link but use nofollow. They'll still get the "cred" of it being there, it'll still drive people to visit their site out of interest but the search engines will ignore it and so those who try to post articles to boost their pagerank will be left out.
Everyone is a winner. Except the pagerank scammers, but we don't care about them.
I like this idea of Taco posting stuff about Slashdot every month. Next time I'd like to know how they handle dupes and what they intend on doing/implementing to reduce the number.
Stop posting news that doesn't matter (Score:5, Insightful)
This is one of my favorite sites and has been for years. I'm here every day. But lately my interest in this site is waning. Here are the recent trends in story selection I find most annoying.
Look at what's on the top of each page. "News that matters". Lately you've been sliding away from that slogan. And that's the real threat to this site.
Fix the underlying problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Slashdot really needs to have a place where the admins can have an ongoing conversation with the users. This is basic Cluetrain stuff, it's somewhat appalling that Slashdot hasn't "gotten" it.
Hell, even if you guys don't even read it, it would at least provide a place for complaints to go instead of swamping story discussions.
Re:I disagree (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
Why should you punish your best submitters, even if they are doing it for their own benefit (URL on a popular site)?
I do think that using Slashdot as a forum to talking about slashdot is a great way to generate discussion and help people understand what's happening.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
IMHO, things are just fine. The problem here isn't crappy links/submitters, it's the OT discussion about that that's the problem, and quite frankly, that happens (in wildly divergent ways) in pretty much all threads.
Quit yer bitching, and go mess around with your preferences, for I do not have enough cheese to go with all this whine!
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Interesting)
Don't repeat Kuro5hin's mistakes. (Score:5, Insightful)
Kuro5hin had this. Rusty set it up, and we got some content going. It worked out very well. We got some great, well written, well thought out stories. We also got some great links.
Then something happened. It became about politics. Because and others like me did not have the personal time to mod down every stupid story that came in (from our point of view), the site gradually became more about obscure US politics than about technology or interesting things that were happening.
I hear there's a new "anti-slashdot" called Digg, and I'm sure that unless they take steps, the same thing will happen. Slashdot has a group of people who are paid to keep a particular "topic" of story flowing, and they have mechanisms to enforce it. This keeps the site, as a whole, focused on a topic to the point where the discussions become valuable and fun. The foot traffic is the other advantage.
Much like on K5, lots of people like to jaw and whine about this and that, but unlike K5, you don't have to worry about the story flavour changing over a few months. There's a state format, clear intent, and enforcement of it. Not that K5 is bad, but it's just not interesting to me and probably most
Story moderation is not a panacea.
Re:Don't repeat Kuro5hin's mistakes. (Score:5, Interesting)
Amen to this! Please, please - for those of you who weren't around to watch K5's slide from great to completely horrible, listen to Inoshiro. User moderated content isn't going to work, unless it is a combination of user moderation and and editor selection. I don't want content selected by the average of a cross-section of hundreds of thousands of people.
Re:Don't repeat Kuro5hin's mistakes. (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh you know i tried to read digg for a few days regulary. Let me tell you, 99% of the content here is already crap. You can tell that most digg users are 14 years old or something from what is posted and popular. And the comments... the comments are worse than what you would find if you could browse slashdot with only 0ed posts, maybe with less spam and f1rst psot, but even less interesting than that.
After those few days when i came back to my beloved slashdot it really felts like i was reading some geniuses posts... And i think that there is really a small percetage of really intelligent people here after all, or at least people *really* knowing their shit, enough to teach something to most readers when it happens that the topic talks about it.
Granted 90% of the /. population seems to think they are geniuses and are all full of themselves, while they are just computer savvy. But the moderation system works well enough to keep the discussion interesting. In fact i think the moderation system works surprisingly well, even if there are a few silly mods here and there...
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Insightful)
Because people whose name I'm used to seeing on positively-moderated comments have claimed that their story with the same submission (and often, superior comment text) was submitted earlier - often days earlier. Then, a roland pika-troll or a beatles^2 story comes along saying the same thing, only with less information, asking moronic leading questions, and linking to some site that they sell ads from.
I don't have a problem with people making ad revenue based on slashdot submitter links. That does not bother me at all. What bothers me is that the better submissions are being thrown over for these apparent slashvertisements for these clueless asshole submitters. There are basically only three options here:
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
Yet they have absolutely no clue when stories were submitted either. This touches on your incompetent editors comment - stories can take days to go from submission to actually appearing: During that intervening period they might reject a lot of duplicate submissions of one that's already in the queue for posting, and then all of those people are pissed when 18 hours later a story that seems to be "later" was accepted, but actually it was first in.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Funny)
I wouldn't know about this. Mine are always rejected within minutes.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Insightful)
They would just create new
On a side note, aside from the blatant attempt at profiteering on some submissions, I can't stand wading through all of the 'this is a dupe' comments. If the person reading sees that its a dupe right away, they can skip that article and move on. Otherwise let the person who doesn't know that its a dupe RTFA without having to sift through hundreds of dupe comments (sometimes which get modded to +5 informative/insightful.) Anyone who mods a 'this is a dupe' comment up at all should be flogged and never allowed to moderate again.
No more popular submitters please (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't even like the idea of a popular submitter. There are enough people here submitting stuff that we don't even need them. Limiting submissions to 1 or 2 a day is probably the best way to go. Why?
1. Now that we know that people can just write scripts and submit unlimited stories thats a -disincentive- to submit. Why should I get off my ass, write a summary, check my links, spelling, etc when Beatles Beatles will just mass post the very same CNET article except with a worse summary.
2. Unlimited submissions in general is just a bad idea. There really should be a limit for the sake of community spirit.
Metafilter had this exact same problem. Users would post to the front page multiple times daily to the point it would just get ridiculous and 3 or 4 voices were dominating the site. Matt changed the site so you could only post once a day to the front page. The quality of the site went up dramatically. Same when he implemented ask.metafilter.com. You could ask a question daily (or more than daily) and the questions became very "chatty" and silly. Then he limited the questions to once a week, so most people think before wasting their once a week question.
Essentially, limiting the submission system will produce a more varied information ecology, encourage nobodies without scripting systems to submit, and get rid of the "search engine optimization" spammers.
Not to mention, I dont think nofollow will even make a difference to these people. Some will do this just for the challenge or just to see page hits on their ad-ridden sites.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Interesting)
Not entirely true. It could be because you submit tons and tons of stories. Countless times in these threads we see posts saying "I submitted this story and it was rejected, here's a link to my writeup which has more/better/clearer/less biased info" and the alternate writeup is indeed better, and usually sooner. Getting a story onto slashdot requires exactly one thing: appearing interesting, yes, but the key is it has to appear interesting to the editor who happens to see it in the queue. Submitting tons of stories increases these chances.
Submitting stories to Slashdot is a numbers game. It is *not* the case that the first or best submission gets accepted, even when it's staggeringly on-topic. The 'Editorial' page of this site's FAQ lists Taco's favorite subjects: "Linux, Legos, Penguins, Sci (both real and fiction)." I submitted a story about a guy who created Star Wars scenes with Lego. Can't get much more on-topic than that. It was rejected. Later that week, someone else's submission of the same site was accepted. The stories that get onto Slashdot depend on exactly one thing: the editor who reads the submission. So: on topic or not, good or bad, if you submit zillions of stories to Slashdot--even if they have mediocre writeups--you'll become a popular submitter. (And sites like Reddit and Digg make finding interesting stories even easier. You could proabably set up a bot to scrape those sites, submit them as stories, and have a high amount of success.) And of course, posting lots of stories probably means you will have mediocre writeups. Great: just what slashdot needs: a system that rewards mediocrity.
If I didn't have two jobs I'd start submitting stories like mad and document how many got posted just to prove this but I don't have the time. But any longtime slashdotter (or the site admins themselves) can tell you the same.
And Taco: I love the site, I think you've done a great thing here, but it turns my stomach to hear you talk about the serious editorial duties you perform when you won't even do 2 quick google searches on each story: one to make sure it isn't a dupe and one to see if the article is totally bogus--a scam, a hoax, factually incorrect, etc. (There was a hoax here a week or two ago, which was already known to be a hoax by the time slashdot picked it up. The hoaxness was mentioned in comments and in a slashback a few days later, but still--it should have never made it onto the front page.)
Also: "Both use their return link to link a web page which is, in my opinion, pretty worthless." Um, hello? You've not heard of Google, page rank, and the uncountable fortunes that await someone with a high google score? Please. You *know* this is a hugely popular site. You *know* the power of it, and google's. Leaving the combined power of these two sites in the hands of anyone with scads of free time is silly.
Here's my take: I don't like 'nofollow' in blogs as a general rule. Lots of good stuff does show up in google because blogs mention it or it shows up in the comments. Slashdot comment spam stays out of google beacause google browses at +1, IIRC, and I think google also sees slashdot without
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously though, this is bollocks. Even the GPL, the most community-driven statement ever drafted, is fine with people benefiting personally from GPLed code.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Insightful)
Fine, fine, altruists we all are. However, if someone should happen to have information that they feel like sharing, other people appreciate that sharing and the sharer happens to benefit from it...so what? I don't see the problem here, and I fail to see where the abuse you mention poses a problem. Good content is the goal, all else would seem to be periphery to me.
If you can't contribute something with nothing in return, then you don't belong in a community.
I think more appropriate would be "If you won't contribute something with nothing in return, then you don't belong in a community." I really see no reason to forego gain for yourself "just because."
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Insightful)
Welcome to reality.
If you can't contribute something with nothing in return, then you don't belong in a community.
This is completely nonsensical and contrary to human behaviour, and most of what people do on this planet is for personal gain (either monetary, or reputation that can be easily converted to monetary units).
The problem was Roland's submissions had nothing to do with him pimping his link on his submission - it was that his submissions were TERRIBLE, and it was simply a very visible demonstration that the Slashdot crew perhaps doesn't put enough care and concern into vetting the content. Roland is actually a great eye opener, because it should make people aware that many of the "legitimate" sites are quickly hashing out disposable info purely for the purpose of getting a
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
Frankly, I could give a damn about the person who submitted the article. I'm interested in the article itself. If it's good or bad, I don't get pissed off at the submitter, or at Taco, I just move on. It's just not that big a deal.
Now if someone has an incredibly insightful comment, I may check their homepage, because they personally sound interesting, but that's about it.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
What you're saying is, essentially, that a prolific submitter should have a halflife. Planned obsolescence. Once a submitter's name becomes "known," the editors should no longer accept their submissions, regardless of their quality?
That's not an appropriate or acceptable solution. Submissions are the lifeblood of sites like this, and to institute such a policy would discourage members of the community from submitting stories.
Bullshit (Score:5, Insightful)
So what if the fellow is building a reputation or trying to build a reputation. What matters is the quality of the story and the quality of the write up that he submitted with it. Nothing past that matters. Your job as editor in chief of this here boat is the weed out the crap that goes on the front page. Not to police the reputation of the writers and users that submit the stories. We will do that ourselves.
If you ask me who submitted the article should be anonymous to the person who approves it. Once that is done the user id of the one who submitted the article can get tacked on. Who cares if someone is trying to build a reputation here? What matters is the quality of the articles on the front page.
Re:Bullshit (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
By linking to his sites, we are allowing him to participate in the ruining of a perfectly good tool. So when people Google for 'Beatles,' they're going to get his site, and all because he's abusing the Slashdot submission system.
But maybe you're right. He is submitting good stories and that's good. Maybe the Google PageRank problem is Google's problem to solve and not Slashdot's.
The problem is that some of us old-time hackers think it is our job to make the Internet work. The fact is that it's not anymore, and it's up to the companies like Google and Yahoo and Microsoft that have stepped at and taken control to make it work. It's not ours anymore, and we shouldn't worry about it.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
the links in the article are being checked for relevance and content, but for some reason the link by the submitter is being given a free pass, so it should be rel=nofollow. do it to every single submission and no one can claim bias.
imo, the most relevant solution to this problem was glossed over in one paragraph in order to hash over solutions that no one will agree on.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Interesting)
What I would *love* is a way to colapse or skip entire threads. Or perhaps let an off-topic moderation 'trickle down' to replies to that post (how can they be anything *but* off topic if replying to an off-topic post?).
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:4, Interesting)
For example, if some company comes up with a really cool new gadget that everyone here would be interested but nobody else knows about it, would you get upset if they submitted a story about it? If AMD was the submitter for the release of their FX-60 CPU and linked to their site in addition to extremetech's benchmarks, would that be unacceptable? I would hope not. At least not if someone else didn't submit at least as good a submission.
Mod Article Down (-1 Troll) :) (Score:5, Interesting)
People who submit too many times will have a lower score and a past history editors can look up.
Re:Mod Article Down (-1 Troll) :) (Score:4, Insightful)
I for one would just love to see front page article descriptions that are all at least in the same area code as good grammar and spelling. But there's nothing going on (including digg.com) that is making me not want to continue using
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Insightful)
The solution to that is to mod down the idiots ranting and raving about Beatles-Beatles and his website. It's not to reject interesting stories just because some people are so stupid that they see the name of a submitter and become instantly filled with hate.
Re:Nofollow that fellow (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm not sure if i'm making a point here, perhaps that submitter link just isn't very significant?
Re:strip down the attribution process (Score:5, Insightful)
I think at the core of Slashdot is the fact that our homepage is created by a small group of editors, following submissions from thousands. I think it is the moderation of the comments attached to the stories. I think it's that particular green color that I'm so fond of. And I think that it's 'A reader writes' and the start of every story line.
I just think some things are core to what Slashdot is, and changing them is a bad idea.
Re:Caps (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Submitters don't need a link back (Score:4, Informative)
but i think that a user who gets a story posted to Slashdot should be allowed to link their vanity domain. Thats part of the fun!
Re:Submitters don't need a link back (Score:5, Insightful)
What I find disappointing, however, is that during your entire rant, you fail to address why, if BeatlesBeatles' submissions were actually so great, why were they not picked up by other editors? Why is it that it is just ScuttleMonkey accepting?
Although the true conspiracy theorists would just attribute a different ed posting a BeatlesBeatles to that same ed being 'in' on the conspiracy -- you have to admit that we are of a rather skeptical and scientific mind. By this I mean we see patterns such as these and feel compelled to think that there is something 'fishy' going on.
Yours is a difficult position. Though I think story moderation may be one area for you to explore. That might even take care of the dupes, too!!
Apart from BeatlesBeatles and ScuttleMonkey -- keep up the good work.
Re:I've been wanting to ask this for a year (Score:4, Informative)
Re:whatever (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Too many links (Score:4)
Re:Commercials on /. (Score:4, Informative)
That said, anybody who works for a company that wants a piece of hardware reviewed, just contact us. We'll review almost any gizmo or gadget. I don't think thats a paid advertisement- we just like to play with gadgets and talk about them. It's almost like that is a core part of Slashdot... talking about technology, hardware, gadgets etc.
This constantly frusterates me. Other sites do this, and we pay the price. We aren't paid for our story selection process. Never have been. But the accusations always exist. I know i should ignore it, but it still gets old.
Re:One critical flaw in /.'s selection process (Score:5, Informative)
The other part is that feedback begets feedback. If i tell you why, you might disagree. That ends up in my inbox, and suddenly i have to spend 5 minutes writing an email explaining why. Again, suddenly my day gets a couple hours shorter.
Thats one thing that a lot of people just don't understand- when you're talking about ANYTHING regarding submissions, you have to multiply it by hundreds. Anything regarding comments, by thousands. And anything regarding page views, multiply by millions. Manpower and CPU are harder to deal with when you start dealing with those numbers, and we are limited on both.
Re:Do what Groklaw does (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I appreciate Taco actually coming forward... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:This story is about me. (Score:4, Funny)
The email back from Rob:
So, it wasn't me, but he has noticed.
Ah, well. *tear*.