Borders Closes the Books on Amazon 173
theodp writes "Borders said Thursday that it was severing ties with Amazon and will compete directly against the e-tailer with its own website. The loss of Borders could cost Amazon $80-$160 million in annual revenue, according to one estimate. 'Amazon could gain market share in book selling over time because it will have an advantage over Borders, which now will charge a sales tax for all books sold. Companies have to charge a sales tax for Internet sales if they have a physical presence in states that collect sales taxes, [Stifel, Nicolaus & Co analyst Scott] Devitt said. Amazon collects sales taxes only on books sold in Washington, North Dakota, Kentucky and Kansas. Borders would collect sales taxes in all 50 states, the company said."
Um (Score:1, Interesting)
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There's no margin to discount (Score:5, Insightful)
Not really, no. Amazon has gross margins of about 21% [yahoo.com] and so does Borders [yahoo.com]. In case that doesn't mean anything to you, 21% gross margin isn't spectacular. That means Amazon and Borders are not making a lot on each sale and there isn't a lot of fat to cut out. Books on Amazon are typically already discounted pretty steeply. Borders doesn't get any economies of scale [wikipedia.org] that aren't also available to Amazon and Borders has physical stores to maintain. Sure, Borders could discount down to zero profit but neither company is likely to do that unless they think they can get some advantage out of it and I can see no advantage for either side in a price war right now.
Re:There's no margin to discount (Score:4, Insightful)
Books are just a way to get you into the store.
Starbucks vs Borders (Score:2)
That's probably true actually. Starbucks has gross margins of almost 59% [yahoo.com] which is obscenely high for any company selling a non-software product. While it's probably not an apples to apples comparison, Borders probably does make better margins on their coffee and deserts than on their books. Even outsourcing the operations to a third party [seattlesbest.com] there still is enough margin there to make a reasonable profit.
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Commodities = Low margins (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, there are worse businesses to be in than book sales. I assume that is your point? Airlines, consumer electronics, and several others come to mind. UAL (United Airlines parent company) has gross margins of 14% [yahoo.com]. Consumer electronics (and I include PCs in that category) is a low-margin cut-throat business. What do books, airplane seats, and PCs have in common? They are all effectively commodities [wikipedia.org]. Anytime you are selling a comm
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Liquidation vs Retail Sales (Score:2)
That's a liquidation sale and the usual rules don't apply. When they close down a store they are simply trying to turn as much inventory as possible into cash, even if they take a loss in the process. The alternative is to simply put the book into the landfill which makes for a 100% loss instead of partial loss.
Ironically, the gross margins at the bookstore itself are better than online fo
The real reason Borders is doing this... (Score:2)
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Sales tax varies from state to state. It's easy to design the system to show the sales tax during the check-out process, when the customer has to enter his location for billing and shipping purposes, but to affect the prices Borders would either have to discount everything by the maximum sales tax rate in the country, or make customers give their location bef
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For those not in the know, DE doesn't have any sales tax.
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You pay sales tax in May it isn't collected until the following April, 11 months of interest
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The extra $2 I end up saving ordering online in most cases doesn't make up for the ability to have it right then and not worry about USPS losing it, or waiting a week longer than expected.
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Yep, Internet shopping is not as prevelant today as you might think. The average American user is still nervous making on-line purchases and the more they see on the news about ID theft of any kind, the longer they will remain nervous.
Besides, the price difference isn't that much. Unless your buying $100's of dollars worth of books, the tax is chump change. What I hate is
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But when I'm buying parts for my old diesel benz I shop on-line exclusively. The parts counters have insane markups that the on-line stores don't have (still branded OEM parts mind you). As an example: set of motor and transmission mounts:
Parts counter: $32 each On-line: $22 each
return line hose dealer: $20 each. On-line: $4.00 each
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I figure if I've used the store's service to see the item in question, they've earned the right to a higher price and I buy it from them. But then, who can afford ethics these days?
A bad move for Borders (Score:4, Insightful)
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Personally, I'm glad. I never liked the fact that when I went to Borders.com to buy a book, I ended up on Amazon.com to do it. I'm guessing Borders also didn't like the fact that people then had a chance to buy it from someone else, possibly a lot che
Re:A bad move for Borders (Score:5, Insightful)
Excuse me, but why go to borders.com at all? Web sites that just rebrand content or services from other web sites have always struck me as really pointless.
The fact that many people must share my perception is probably the main reason Borders is pulling out of the agreement. The fact that borders.com is just amazon.com with slightly different graphics must be painfully obvious to anybody who goes there. So instead of Amazon helping Borders build their brand, Borders is the one helping Amazon! This outweighs any profits Borders gets from the arrangement, which are probably minimal to begin with.
But I still think Borders is fooling themselves if they think they can compete directly with Amazon. Maybe they know more than before, but Amazon is still the 600-pound gorilla in this particular marketplace. Except they may be up to a full ton by now!
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Re:What About Amazon? (Score:2, Interesting)
Also, it's 2007 and there's many more people out there with the skills to put a good site together.
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Maybe dealings with Amazon have gotten too bad for borders? IE expensive, bad service.
Also, it's 2007 and there's many more people out there with the skills to put a good site together.
We have a winner folks. Without going into details, I can tell you with a reasonable amount of certainty that Borders was not happy with their relationship with Amazon. Borders was treated as a second-class citizen with regards to most things, and their site wasn't supported very well with regards to bug fixes, etc.
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but building something that is onpar to scale as well as amazon does is far from trival or easy or somehing a single person can do..
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Huh? I was under the impression that Microsoft didn't charge for their browser.
Can't argue with the 'bad service' part tho...
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Not really. They were late to the party, which is a major reason for their small market share in 2001 when they partnered up with Amazon. Overall online book sales were diminishing then, so the future looked bad for their online division. Strapped for cash, Borders traded the possibility of market share gains (long-term benefit) for cash flow from referral commissions fro
NOT a bad move for Borders (Score:3, Insightful)
The reason Borders partnered with Amazon in the first place was because they couldn't come up with a good enough web site on their own. What has changed since that time? I think their greed is overcoming their common sense here, as Amazon is going to be hard to compete with.
What has changed is that Amazon got a whole lot bigger than Borders expected.
If one presumes that Borders is trying to go head-to-head with Amazon, then it looks bad. But Borders has spent billions upgrading their B&M stores in the last decade or so. ( Remember when a B&M bookstore was 2000 sq ft with no coffee and a much smaller selection? ) Borders is trying to get some of the online crowd into B&M stores. Borders will be delighted if their online sales break even, or even operate at a
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Used books by Borders (Score:2)
Why buy it new if you can buy it used?
Good question. Used books are yet another competitor that is crowding into traditional Borders sales territory. But, TTBOMR, the entire dollar value of the online used book market is still about 1/30th of the online new book market. That is barely on Borders' screen right now. Pulling customers from Amazon is a higher priority. But they will get to it sooner or later.
I make another prediction: within 10 years, if Borders is still in business, you will be able to order a used book through them at thei
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Actually, you can order used books through our B&M stores right now. We have a partnership with alibris [alibris.com]. Customers can order used books from our in store kiosks, or just speak with a bookseller. The markup on used books isn't as bad as one might assume. We actually end up makin
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I predict that we will see Border's web site saying: You can order this book and it will be delivered in x days, OR you can drive y miles and have it today!
You can do that already...it's called Barnes and Nobles, the other big elephant, this time in the bricks and sticks playing field.
I thought Blockbuster was brilliant, when jumping in to Netflix mail order territory, advertised that you could also bring by the mail ordered rentals to any store and pick up the next set instead of waiting for the mail.
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The reason Borders partnered with Amazon in the first place was because they couldn't come up with a good enough web site on their own. What has changed since that time? I think their greed is overcoming their common sense here, as Amazon is going to be hard to compete with.
I would agree with 14erCleaner on this one. Up to this point, Amazon.com has been accepting all of the risk via the front-end. The amazon.com web site keepers have to worry about security, updates, upgrades, etc. Borders part in this? Provide the listing of books and prices to charge.
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The reason Borders partnered with Amazon in the first place was because they couldn't come up with a good enough web site on their own. What has changed since that time?
I don't know about the business side of it, but as a customer I rather liked borders.com, and I deleted it from my bookmarks when it merged with Amazon. In fact, it was a disincentive to shop at Borders stores. Buy.com has since taken up some of the slack, although my opinion of them has declined recently.
One thing that has changed is
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Amazon is more than an online bookstore.
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borders competing with amazon? (Score:2)
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I think Amazon.com did a smart thing with the free shipping offer. That $25 minimum to quality has encouraged me to add one more item to many of my purchases to avoid paying the shipping. No B&M bookstore can hope to compete to with the selection and ease of search that Amazon.com offers me.
Re:For a $50 book... (Score:5, Funny)
WHAT?!? Going into the shop and finding a book is a simple as:
1) Head to the section where you think the book is.
2) Give up after 10 minutes of fruitless searching.
3) Ask a clerk at the information desk where the book is.
4) Have her look in the computer.
5) You both head to the same section that you just searched in the same exact shelf.
6) Give up after 10 minutes of fruitless searching.
7) You both go to the person who has been there the longest and ask them.
8) This guy looks in the computer.
9) All three of you go back to the same section as before, except this time looking one shelf left and right just to make sure.
10) Give up after 10 minutes of fruitless searching.
11) They tell you it is not available, so you decide to go home.
12) On your way out you notice the book sitting in the knitting section by mistake.
13) You get excited and run to the front to pay.
14) You wait in line for 15 minutes while the 2 people in front of you are served by some guy talking to some other co-worker.
15) Get harrassed to join the frequent buyers club.
What could be easier?
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You're right! What WAS I thinking?
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So, I'd have to say it's absolutely locational. Comparing two locations that are only a few hundred miles away from each other isn't really a good enough sampling to say the experience is the same nationwide.
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That's great if all you want is the latest craptacular fiction or self help bestseller. But for the kind of books I read (heavyweight nonfiction, generally very specialized), Amazon has been a godsend - because bricks and mortar stores rarely carry it. Sure, I can phone in and special order it - but why? Two minutes on the web, and UPS brings it right to my front door. (And Amazon oft
No Discounts at Borders (Score:2)
We have a Borders here which I patronize when I need a book in a hurry, if they have it. But I'm always paying list price (computer/physics/nutrition books, mostly) whereas Amazon always has it for 20-30% off of list. We have a medium-sized Borders so there's a 40% chance they'll have the book I want. The big Borders are more like 80%, but they're at least an hour and a half away.
If I
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What about Delaware? (Score:1)
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When my family went to Alabama for a while, we were near the Florida border, and we always got food there due to a lack of sales tax.
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Makes me wonder what sales tax Borders.com wants to charge people like you and me when/if we were to go to their web site to order a book....
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Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.
That said, individual cities are allowed to charge sales tax, though. While the state sales tax in New York is somewhere around 4% you will pay more than 8% in New York City. If you shop in Bethel, Alaska, you will pay 5% in sales tax even though Alaska itself has 0%.
Other states make distinctions between the products that are being sold. Groceries, for example, are very often not taxed. Clothing up t
Mail-order sales taxes (Score:2, Informative)
How soon before the next serious effort to force mail-order and electronic retailers to charge some form of sales tax for out-of-state purchases?
Way off-topic:
How many people actually bother to pay "use taxes" on goods they buy from out-of-state mail-order houses? How soon before a politician is brought down for failing to pay "use tax" on a $10,000 luxury item he bought mail-order to avoid paying a few hundred dollars in state sales taxes?
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A $10k item is a different matter. If it's a vehicle, then that is covered by the title fees. I'm not sure if politicians are really properly held accountable for not proper tax filing.
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I can't remember the reason why a mail-order (or web-order) outfit doesn't have to collect sales tax based on the location of the *company
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It would be for the worse, as every company will move to Delaware of some other tax haven depriving every other state of income.
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How many people actually bother to pay "use taxes"
Me. I don't know if anyone else does.
My home state of NC has a line on their income tax returns for use tax. Thanks to GnuCash, I have records of all purchases of anything. Thanks to the fact I do my online shopping with a different credit card than my B&M shopping, it's not too hard for me to collate all my online purchases. Since the first year they had this line (when it took me by surprise), I note in GnuCash whether a purchase collected sales tax or not.
It's my style of taxes - very conservat
All 50? (Score:1, Redundant)
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All 50 States? (Score:5, Informative)
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They just won't bother reporting it.
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Amazon built facilities in four states. In three of those states the populace can't read. That's kind of odd.
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Not only odd, probably illegal. (Score:2)
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huh (Score:2, Funny)
Books Close their Borders with Amazon (Score:2)
As for the sales tax issue, people will just use froogle or something and find the lowest price without the tax and then buy that book, most likely.
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Sorry, couldn't help it.
Didn't Borders used to have its own website? (Score:2, Insightful)
Different customers have different needs, but for me, the ability to search a store's inventory is more useful than being able to place a mail-order an item over the web. I can order something from a gazillion places, but if a store nearby physically has it, I'll swing by and pick it up.
I'm always a little surprised that not all stores w/ web presence do this. T
The article omitted at least one state (Score:2)
Maryland, and use taxes (Score:2)
Tax Misconception (Score:2)
Sales taxes cost a B&M absolutely zero. That's something that they collect on behalf of the government and then give to them. (So they also don't profit from it either.)
And technically, you should declare all items that you didn't pay sales tax on to your state when you file your (state) income tax so you can be taxed accordingly. For those states without an income tax, I'm not sure exactly how that would work.
Good Move for Borders (Score:4, Interesting)
With Border own site, it will be easier for customers to order books and pick them up at a Borders store (and save shipping). The web store and B&M store can now be merged into a single shopping experience. More important, Borders will now own the information gleaned from web orders and not Amazon. Loyal customers may get special marketing promotions and be told when new books are available.
It was bound to happen. I see the day when other major retailers will pull out of Amazon's marketing agreement and build their own sites.
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Yep, this is actually why I always use Borders' online site [bordersstores.com] when looking for music or a book. I live in Washington so I don't actually order much from Amazon anymore due to the tax + shipping. Instead, I can just reserve something from Borders online and go pick it up 5 minutes from my house and avoid the shipping. It's nice.
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Indeed it was, but even if the brick and mortar companies create their own sites and do them as well as Amazon's, which is a tall order considering the flashy AJAX stuff being rolled out by Amazon now, they would still be at a competitive disadvantage because of the cost of maintaining retail stores whereas Amazon can ship most of their products from a warehouse or par
Lesson for Internet companies: (Score:2)
They'll charge sales tax in Delaware? (Score:2)
How about Alaska, Montana, New Hampshire or Oregon?
States With Sales Tax 50 (Score:2, Interesting)
Huh? All 50 States? Even those without a sales tax?
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Particularly, Borders does a better job than anyone else in organizing their technical books section in a way that actually makes sense. In a B&N, I have to look through the entire technical books section to make sure they don't have something where in Borders, if they've got it, it's where I would expect it to be. Borders is also far more likely to carry historically important books like K&R, Mythical
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