Update On Free Linux Driver Development 272
Remember the offer Greg Kroah-Hartman made earlier this year, to get Linux drivers written for free for any company that wanted them? Now an anonymous reader points us to an article up on linuxworld with an update to this program. Greg K-H, who leads the development of several kernel subsystems including USB and PCI, admits that the January offer was a bit of "marketing hype" — but says it has brought companies and developers together anyway. Twelve companies have said "yes please," one driver is already in the kernel, and five more are in the pipeline.
so did he write them for free or didn't he (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:so did he write them for free or didn't he (Score:5, Informative)
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Sometimes, I am just to redundant with a left and right brain tearing my mind apart.
Re:so did he write them for free or didn't he (Score:5, Insightful)
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List? (Score:5, Interesting)
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Re:List? (Score:4, Informative)
Maybe this is covered by the NDA mentioned in the article
(Us, no not us: we are a god fearing capitalist company: we would never deal with those commy GPL peeps !)
Re:List? (Score:4, Insightful)
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Now that Windows is moving towards a more locked-down kernel, it's certainly technically feasible. It's probably Anticompetitive Behaviour, but that doesn't seem to be illegal in the USA anymore.
Re:List? (Score:4, Insightful)
There has been enough fuss recently over "Vista-Certified" graphics drivers that didn't really work well with Vista. So all you need is a driver certification plan that pretty much can't possibly be met in every detail. Then go ahead and be relaxed about the certification - most of the time. When you come across a recalcitrant hardware vendor who provides drivers and/or documentation to Linux, it's time to insist on dotting all I's and crossing all T's.
I've suggested a similar possibility in the old 55MpH days on the New York State Thruway. The official speed limit was 55MpH, but the average speed on the road was somewhere above 65MpH. Nearly everyone on the road was a lawbreaker. So at that point, you can use whatever other criteria you wish, and know that whoever you choose to pull over is breaking at least the speed limit. I have no suspicion or evidence that this "selective law enforcement" was actually happening, but never liked the mere possibility.
Re:List? (Score:4, Interesting)
The more free drivers, the better (Score:5, Insightful)
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According to the article, free as in GPLv2.
patents, usability (Score:4, Insightful)
To me, the issue isn't so much drivers as patents and usability.
My daughter's mp3 player didn't need any special drivers, because it's simply a standard keychain drive that happens to be able to play mp3's. However, she totally couldn't figure out how to use it on her ubuntu box. There was one problem after another. Ubuntu tried to do the right thing by popping up a gui app when she connected it, but then we couldn't get the gui app to do what we wanted to do. Part of the problem was that getting the mp3 codec to work was a pain, and that springs directly from the fact that mp3 is patented.
My Brother HL-1440 laser printer is 100% supported in Linux. Brother hired the CUPS developers to write GPL-licensed drivers for all their printers. Joy! Unfortunately, I've run into one usability problem after another, all of which are basically problems with the usability of CUPS. I know I'm not the only person in the world who thinks CUPS is a pain, because I've seen other people criticize it for problems that are the same ones I'm experiencing. For instance, CUPS remembers too much of its state, and when it freaks out (e.g., printer spewing page after page of garbage), it's difficult to get CUPS back into a known-good state.
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As for CUPS, maybe you could narrow down the exact problem and submit a bug report.. or put together an effort to fund someone to work on it.
It's community software.
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Re:patents, usability (Score:5, Insightful)
Someone does. If I'm bored, I do. And only one person has to fuck around, come up with a fix, submit it upstream and get it merged for everyone else to have their problem solved.
It's very liberating to be able to fix your own problems instead of being at the mercy of a vendor who doesn't care.
Re:patents, usability (Score:4, Insightful)
It's one thing to go through several days of Googling and HOWTOs when setting up a new OS for the first time. It's another to do that every single time there's a new version out because they decided to change/rewrite so many things for just some trivial improvements.
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Hmm, that reminds me of a sad story.
http://www.smcc.demon.nl/webcam/ [demon.nl]
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Nemosoft wrote a GPL driver which called out to a binary decompressor module. All was OK for a couple of years. Then Greg decided to rip out the callback. So suddenly the camera would only work in 160*120. Nemosoft then asked fo
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That was true a while ago, but Linux has made enormous progress since then. Ubuntu is super easy to set up, as easy as windows is most of the time. My wife wrote her doctoral thesis with virtually no assistance from me on her laptop, which runs Ubuntu.
Re:patents, usability (Score:5, Insightful)
Your point draws exactly the opposite conclusion to that of the GP, who says:
[emphasis mine]
FOSS has worked this way from day 1. And it continues not only to work, but to prove itself superior in many ways to proprietary software approaches. It particularly excels at dealing with software quality. In FOSS, code quality is one of the core metrics[*] of the value of a project, whereas security, debugging and testing are dealt with as externalities (i.e. cost centres to be minimised) by many proprietary software makers. Drivers are a perfect place to make significant investments in FOSS, because then hardware vendors won't be stuck owning the entire problem, and innovative uses of their products will allow them to sell into niches that they never could have afforded before.
[*] This is not to say that all FOSS software is quality software. Just like everything else in the world, 95% of it is crap. But the best FOSS software is very high quality indeed in terms of stability, resource usage and suitability to the task.
Is Linux ready for the desktop? In managed environments, the answer is an emphatic yes. Ease of administration is many times greater under Linux than under the other offerings, and this means that in-house support and developers can focus on making things better rather than simply fighting fires. A number of organisations have discovered this, and more will do so in the months and years to come. I think time will show that document formats are not nearly the bugbear that people currently think them to be.
Is Linux ready for the desktop at home? It's ready in potentio, but it will take time for vendors to work out how to package it on new machines. This will be a tough slog, not for technical reasons, but because Microsoft will do its very best to ensure that they have every incentive not to move from a Windows-only sales model. Having open source drivers provides one more bit of leverage against this inertia.
Re:patents, usability (Score:4, Interesting)
Windows is fine in an office environment, with IT there to fix things.
1) Making Windows secure requires work and knowledge
2) When things go wrong they can be hard to fix, and even when fixed they have a tendency to mysteriously go wrong again.
3) Software is hard to find, install and update. There are no repositories of software that is safe (not malware), will install with a click, and will all be auto updated.
In short: there is no OS that is really suitable for the home, and there are at least some ways in which Linux is better than the competition.
Re:patents, usability (Score:5, Insightful)
This stuff nearly all works without a problem on my Linux desktop -- Suse, which is quite a nice distro regardless of what you think of their parent Novell. I've certainly had a hell of a lot fewer problems with plugging and playing stuff into a Linux box than with Windows (got driver disks for that? that support your particular version? and don't require you to download something from Microsoft's web site that ends up requiring you to register for Windows Genuine Advantage?). By that measure, Windows isn't ready for the desktop.
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and what happens with the stuff that doesn't? can you request your money back or ask for technical support because your trying to use linux? checkmate, i win. the distro that can focus 100% on getting everyday useage right will win IMHO
Re:patents, usability (Score:4, Insightful)
As a simple example, a couple weeks ago, when I was visiting a realtor, she tried for 5 or 10 minutes to get her computer to bring up some MLS site, and was about to give up before I had to step in and get her connected to the office's wireless network. If Windows is such an ideal, usable operating system, why would the user have such a problem? Should she have called Microsoft, would they have walked her through getting the system on the network?
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It's a good thing this isn't a popularity contest, or a football game, or a presidential election.
If you have problems with Linux, so be it. Those of that don't, and/or are willing to work around otherwise minor issues, are all happily running it. And usually experiencing fewer problems than we were before we switched.
Why you seem hell-bent on insisting that we're all "losing" is beyond me. Like I said, this ins't a popularity contest. Use what works for YOU. The rest of us are quite alright
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who wants to fuck around doing all that just to play some mp3's or print a letter? thats why windows wins.
Someone does. If I'm bored, I do. And only one person has to fuck around, come up with a fix, submit it upstream and get it merged for everyone else to have their problem solved.
it's rediculous to suggest such a practise will be accepted by the masses, thats my point. until basic basic shit like this works without a problem, pushing the linux desktop is a wasted effort.
Such a practice is already accepted by the masses. I've often come across codecs that don't ship with Windows. Several of them use patented technologies. With Windows you can download codecs from sites that sell them, offer them free with advertising, or are hosted in countries that do not recognize software patents. With Linux, it's exactly the same. To purchase codecs for Linux, look at Fluendo's site [fluendo.com]. Several Linux distributions are based in countries that do not recognize software patents. These di
Re:patents, usability (Score:5, Interesting)
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Re:patents, usability (Score:4, Interesting)
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Problems I've had:
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No such problem here, ever.
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which will stop and restart CUPS, thereby forcing it to reread its configuration files and check for connected devices. (On Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, it's cupsys not cups). If that doesn't work, try
and restart CUPS again. If that makes it work, then
Time for an insightful car analogy (Score:3, Insightful)
The last time I used a car, I had to hand crank it myself to start it. It was completely unacceptable!
a few replies later...
From the replies, I'm glad to hear this problem fixed, but approx. 70 years ago, it was a well-known limitation of cars.
Seriously, you make broad criticisms and then admit you really don't know the current state of things? How fair is that?
Next time, be honest about the last time you used the system, state your concerns about how the system behaved then, and then ask if you
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Codecs: There are instructions on how to install the extra codecs. Its the first thing most people do after installing Ubuntu: its very much a one off.
CUPS: I agree, but GUI tools for managing it are getting better.
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Really? How do you know that "most people" do this? And which instructions are you talking about?
Mad Propz to van Doorn, Wu and Realtek (Score:4, Informative)
The little WG11v2 [netgear.com] is a happy interface. Figure I'll need to stockpile a couple them critters.
Now, how is it that I'm off the hook for managing any of that bad, bad firmware with this wee beastie?
Ivo or Michael, though I'm nowhere near as cool as you dudes, I'll buy you a beverage if I see you in Ottawa next month.
Dunno if GKH's driver program actually helped in this matter, but the general trend in hardware is positive, and I feel Realtek and Netgear deserve a free shill.
Fishing for Drivers (Score:2, Interesting)
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01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]
is my card and i think that there is a couple rage drivers in the gatos project
Linux hardware selection rules, from digg (Score:2)
Discontinued projects (Score:2)
vaporware is hype (Score:2, Interesting)
Criticism from the peanut gallery (Score:4, Funny)
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A NDA would be acceptable if it allows you to release fully commented code, i.e. sufficient for anyone to rewrite the driver for any OS or in any language.
All products should have their specs as html on public servers.
BURN all NDAs. Now.
(I wonder who has burnallndas.com? No-one? Wow. Makes me want to take a trip to my nearest registrar!)
Re:Criticism from the peanut gallery (Score:4, Informative)
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Can't copy GPL code? (Score:3, Interesting)
From TFA:
What? If the driver code is GPL, why can't I copy it?
I suspect he means "copy" as in "make a derived work" that would have chunks of code taken from the original. But still, this is what GPL is about ... being able to take an existing source and make a derived work from it (that presumably would be better), and redistribute that derived work also under GPL (so someone else can derive from that later on ... and on ... and on).
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Re:Can't copy GPL code? (Score:5, Insightful)
one developer = Theo de Raadt.
competing open source operating system = OpenBSD
criticized = profanity
So to rewrite the sentence so it actually make sense:
While Theo de Raadt, has slung profanities at the NDA approach, he is free to write a driver for OpenBSD if he wants by using the Linux driver as documentation, but he best not copy any of the code from the Linux driver if he wants to avoid having to GPL it (which he almost certainly does).
Which makes this comment:
Theo, stop moaning about specs.. these companies are not going to give us blueprints to the damn hardware.. and whatever they do give us is going to be confidential. That's the reality. Deal with it. If you refuse to enter into a non-disclosure agreement with these companies then don't complain when the only documentation you have is a Linux kernel driver. The specs aint that great anyway.
Or, at least, that's what I read.
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Thanks for updating the facts on this. I didn't know Theo was the party involved. Now that makes sense. And of course he doesn't want OpenBSD to end up being GPL. Microsoft might have the same issue if they didn't already have their own means to get the technical details :-)
Re:Can't copy GPL code? (Score:4, Insightful)
Heck, the OP might not "know" that (maybe he does) but I barely even noticed that I read the summary more or less how he translated it
That's very relevant to why, while I use Linux for my web, file and database servers, when it comes to my firewalls it's OpenBSD. *Every* *fucking* *time*.
Yes, Theo can be abrasive. Yes, he's an absolutist on a lot of topics. Absolutely yes, that's the type of person I'll trust for the security of my network and my business. I'll install a binary blob driver for my desktop so I can run games, but security is not a game.
Given that the primary focus of his distribution is security, he's 100% absolutely *right* to refuse to allow binaries which he and his team can not audit to the extent that they do every other part of their releases.
So, they might be behind on support for some hardware, but when it's done, your confidence in its security is rightfully higher.
So, it's not just that he doesn't want it GPL. He doesn't trust people whose goal isn't security to write his code for him. He sure as shit isn't going to put his reputation and the security of the people who trust his OS in large part because of that reputation in the hands of some third party. So, maybe a lot of people think he has a reputation as a dick, but let's see them go up against him purely in a security context. They've had issues, but vulnerability for vulnerability he wins against damn near anything else. In the context of anything a normal person could get ahold of, I don't think anything else is even in the same league as OpenBSD. Not Linux, sure as hell not Windows.
Security and useability are in an inverse relationship. Some people are willing to adjust their balance on that scale and that's fine. A lot of good things can come out of that. It is absolutely a great thing that there is somebody out there who refuses to shift it away from security too.
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You're fine with firmware that's soldered onto the board as a non-FRU mask-programmed ROM, but if it's loaded as a vendor-supplied blob that can (at least in principle) be updated as issues are identified, that's bad?
Interesting tradeoff...
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You're fine with firmware that's soldered onto the board as a non-FRU mask-programmed ROM, but if it's loaded as a vendor-supplied blob that can (at least in principle) be updated as issues are identified, that's bad?
Actually, I never said I was "fine" with anything.
Given the same piece of hardware, it's better to have drivers written by people who care about security than by those who don't. If issues are found, I want the people fixing it to be those whose incentive is securing my infrastructure as oppose
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Hang on. Gnu has the hurd - and until the late 1990's RMS was joyfully saying "linux, never heard of it. ha ha" in repeated interviews. I suppose it was funny to some at the time and nobody really thought he had never heard of it paticularly since it kept coming up in interviews. The LiGnuX renaming suggestion afterwards that later turned into the gnu/linux renaming suggestion could never be taken as a jo
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He has great humility.
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But then they couldn't have named it Hurd!
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Re:Can't copy GPL code? (Score:4, Informative)
If the driver isn't well written, commented and documented, it will not be accepted into the tree. The NDAs are being drafted by the Software Freedom Law Centre.. you don't think they're going to get the best possible deal?
Otherwise, what would you prefer? Would you prefer the OEM hired a developer to make a binary-only driver? Which they'll stop supporting as soon as it is economically justifiable? Would you prefer they just don't release any drivers for Linux? Don't say you would prefer if they just sat down and wrote perfect developer documentation cause there's no such thing.
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That's really a rather baseless attempt to confuse the issue. Theo deRaadt has attempted to use GPL'd code as hardware documentation many times, and he knows full well the limitations of it.
There's ample, in-depth explan
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1. Get the company to release docs so that independant programmers can write drivers. This is the approach Theo advocates.
2. Reverse engineer the hardware and write the driver independantly. This is the approach taken by a number of people, including the OpenBSD developers at times.
3. Get a company employee or contractor, under NDA, to write the driver. Often the result of this is not an open source driver.. it's a binary driver, and that's what Gre
Driver Groups (Score:2, Insightful)
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Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Not NVIDIA (Score:3, Informative)
NVIDIA bought ULi and then cancelled development of the M920x, but you can (still) buy DVB receivers which use this chipset.
Requests for assistance or interface specifications have been refused by NVIDIA.
Re:Why... (Score:5, Interesting)
2. You should maybe leave the kernel development to the kernel developers.
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I think that ever increasing size and complexity are things that a reliable kernel should avoid. What is wrong with that?
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The believe that more driver modules make the kernel more complicated.
Re:Why... (Score:5, Insightful)
1) I knew the answer to your question since the first time I even tried to compile a kernel. By "compile a kernel", I mean run make menuconfig, flip through idiot proof menus and say yes when it tells me to.
2) You proposed a bunch of dumb ideas implying that the people who actually do know how to develop one are idiots.
3) asking questions in a dick way and then appending a question mark in no way indicates humility, or even politeness.
Seriously, asking dumb questions is fine, but *you* need to actively treat them as dumb questions if you want them to be treated as legitimate questions in a problem space in which you're ignorant. Don't treat the people you want answers from as dumb preemptively.
Your sig (Score:2)
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It's not really Carmack who is the one on the pipe, it's the people who are suggesting that you could make 100x100 module first stages to support 25x25 module second stages. But still, the reason why that is insanity (unobtainium would be needed to hold the modules together) is also a good reason why 5x5 or 8x8 configurations are a bit loopy.
But hey, I don't mind.. Armadillo is a fun effort to watch.
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It's been addressed again and again and again.
Here's the definitive response [kroah.com].
Give it up.
Modules (Score:4, Informative)
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Outlandish statements (Score:3, Funny)
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So the only permanent size increase is in the kernel source code. Assuming that the driver is part of a class of similar devices, there is basically no complexity increase as the driver will bind into the standard API for that class of devices.
So generally there is very little downside to adding new drivers to the tree.
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You're only half wrong [slashdot.org].
Re:Translation (Score:5, Insightful)
Why would you feel the need to post a "translation" when you have no idea what you are talking about?
The fact that people are willing to write Open Source software without charging a fee for their services is hardly a new concept, but Greg did the smart thing of treating it like it is and, in doing so, attracted the attention of people who thought that it wasn't the case.
This was one of the biggest problems with the Free Software movement before Open Source came along.. no-one talked about the benefits that businesses could get from the community. For a while, no-one talked about anything else, and then it went quiet again. RMS will tell you that we need to talk about freedom. I happen to agree, but we also need to talk about the practical advantages of open software development too.
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