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Paramount to Drop Blu-Ray for HD-DVD 476

JM78 writes to tell us The New York Times is reporting that Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation will be dropping support for Blu-ray Disc and going solely with HD-DVD for their next gen DVDs. "Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation, said consumers seeking to switch to high-definition DVDs will be enticed by the movies available for HD-DVD players. He added the lower price for the Toshiba devices will appeal to the family market. 'It's a game-changer, what they're doing, and it's why we decided to throw in with them,' Katzenberg said."
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Paramount to Drop Blu-Ray for HD-DVD

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  • Yeah, right. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by taskiss ( 94652 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @07:46PM (#20299027)
    I smell someone making an argument to get a better deal.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by cyphercell ( 843398 )
      I think the deals are being made all over the place, funny though when you look at it, it's still essentially a stalemate. I'm backing blu-ray, odds are you back hd-dvd.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by taskiss ( 94652 )
        I don't have a horse in this race. I just want the reader/writer to come down in price already!
      • Re:Yeah, right. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Araxen ( 561411 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:28PM (#20299345)
        I'm backing whomever gets sub $100 first. Blu-ray doesn't appear to be too aggressive in the pricing part of this war. The dvd's themselves are a stalemate are far as I'm concerned. I'll be surprised if any studio will actually fill up an entire blu-ray dvd to make HD-DVD look that much more inferior of a format so it all comes down to price for me.

        The studios will go wherever the biggest user base is eventually.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Well technically you can already do that now. Of course what do you mean by sub-$100? A Xbox 360 external HD DVD drive is $180 and comes with 6 free movies. King Kong + 5 titles of your choice from a list of 15. So with movies being around $20 a piece that's $120 for the movies and $60 for the player. Of course none of the movies are new releases.

          It also depends on if you are using it on a PC, then you need PowerDVD Ultra for playback which $70-100, free if you hack it.

          Also you'll need AnyDVD HD ($

    • Re:Yeah, right. (Score:5, Informative)

      by Technician ( 215283 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:20PM (#20299281)
      I smell someone making an argument to get a better deal.

      Doubly suspicious since the family friendly Blockbuster Rental stores simply will be stocking mostly Blu-Ray.

      "Paramount's move comes weeks after Blockbuster, the DVD rental chain, said it would stock more Blu-ray discs to cope with rising consumer demand."

      From the article here;
      http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e8569e16-4f61-11dc-b485- 0000779fd2ac,dwp_uuid=e8477cc4-c820-11db-b0dc-000b 5df10621.html [ft.com]

  • What's the Motive? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Rorzabal ( 1138403 )
    I have to ask myself, what's the motive a studio would have with going toward HD DVD technology vs. Blu-Ray?
    It seems to me that they are trying to steer towards a format that contains half the data storage capacity with the goal of having yet another format go obsolete sooner rather than later. They must make a ton of money when people re-purchase titles on a new format. Soon these same studios will be 'crying' because they don't have enough data space on a disc, therefore they have to push a new standar
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      I have to ask myself, what's the motive a studio would have with going toward HD DVD technology vs. Blu-Ray?

      Actually, there's a decent examination of the possible reasons for the choice over at Fat Harry's Bullshit Emporium and Discount Taxidermist [aintitcool.com].
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by neo8750 ( 566137 )

      I have to ask myself, what's the motive a studio would have with going toward HD DVD technology vs. Blu-Ray?
      Well for one they figure that there is a large mass of people with the hd-dvd player compared to the people with blue-ray players. also even the summary of the article answered your question with "He added the lower price for the Toshiba devices will appeal to the family market."
    • by ytsejammer ( 817925 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:23PM (#20299307)
      Really? Has there really been a major outcry among studios that DVD was just too small? If there has been, I haven't been aware of it.

      Besides, do you really think there will be another physical format after this? I'd be willing to bet that by the time this format war is finished and another one ready to begin, digital distribution will be quite ubiquitous.
  • by FreeKill ( 1020271 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @07:55PM (#20299083) Homepage
    I know I don't. It really doesn't matter if Blu-Ray or HD-DVD wins out in the end, there can't be that many consumers out there who are planning to start upgrading their existing DVD collection to one of these formats. I have an HDTV and regular DVD's look just fine. I know these new formats offer better quality, but the difference and enhancements are not enough to warrant an upgrade. From VHS to DVD was worthwhile, this is just a stop gap measure. I personally don't plan to upgrade at all until something significantly better comes along. Maybe the next generation after this...
    • by sxltrex ( 198448 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:06PM (#20299175)
      The thing I can't believe is that they expect anyone to make any sort of investment as long as there are two formats. Too many of us remember being burned by VHS/Beta. That's one of the reasons CDs were such a huge hit--when the CD came out it was a tremendous improvement PLUS there was no format competition. I won't even consider either format until it is the only format. Until then, I could care less about the details.
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by goatpunch ( 668594 )
        This time around the competing media are the same physical size, and even use the same codecs. In a few years time all players will be dual-format HD-DVD & Blu-Ray, and you'll need the red and blue boxes to tell them apart on your shelf.

        CDs actually had quite a bit of competition from cassette tapes early on. The quality of pre-recorded tapes improved as did the decks, and other than a bit of background hiss they could hold their own against CDs which were about double the price.

        The first audio CDs (US$
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by hansamurai ( 907719 )
      I just want a Blu-Ray writer for my computer, backing up 25GBs of data on a single layer disc would make it worth it for me.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by tgd ( 2822 )
      Actually, yeah. I know a lot of people (myself included) who have not bought a new DVD in a year -- I'm not going to rebuy my collection, and its silly at this point to buy them in SD.

      The format war needs to end, either through surrender (unlikely) or through dual-format players becoming available.
      • You are a very tiny piece of the market though. Your anecdotal experience aside most people could care less right now. Even a lot of geeks.
    • I care because one of these formats will be prevalent in both desktop and laptop computers in the near future. I would prefer for that to be the better of the two formats (Blu-Ray).
    • Personally I never understood the appeal of DVDs. I bought a DVD player maybe six years or so ago and used it to watch rented movies but I didn't see the appeal of buying DVDs with high definition discs just a few years around corner. Sure it took a few years longer than I expected but I'm sure there must be a lot of people like me who avoided starting a movie collection because DVDs seemed like a low-res stop-gap technology until HDTVs and those blue-violet lasers (which both Blu-ray and HD DVD use) became
      • by aliquis ( 678370 )
        Back when I bought my DVD-player I had no idea whatsoever about HD. But then I live in europe and we where very slow to catch on. No HD-love for us, now a lot of people probably buy a HD-ready display thought, just to watch SD-content on...
      • by jridley ( 9305 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @09:02PM (#20299635)
        1080p is nowhere NEAR film grain quality. That's still only in the 2 megapixel range. When you start seeing video where each frame is in the 10-20 megapixel range, then you might be talkin'.

        I held off on LaserDisc way before the DVD even began development, because I was certain that within a few years someone would come out with a format that put LaserDisc quality on something the size of a CD. That was a good decision. However, I'm actually pretty happy with DVD. Yeah, I can see artifacts on my 100" projector, but I don't have any problems ignoring them and just watching the movie.

        I'll get an HD player at some point but it won't bother me in the least if it's 5 or 10 years from now. I probably won't bother until I can buy an HD-R drive for my computer for $50.
        • by RzUpAnmsCwrds ( 262647 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @09:54PM (#20300061)
          Wrong. People keep saying this, but 35mm motion picture is nowhere near 20 megapixels when you're talking about the third or fourth generation prints that go to theathers.

          Many, many films today use digital color correction or digital effects at 2k (2048x1080p) resolution. Major films, including Mann's Collateral and Miami Vice, Episode III, and others are 'filmed' digitally at 2k resolution with great success.

          Go see a digital cinema. It is shockingly better - sharper, no gate jitter, and no noise. 2K is more than adequete.
        • by daBass ( 56811 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @11:44PM (#20300883)
          Most hollywood films you would see now in the cinema were edited using Digital_intermediates [wikipedia.org]; film scanned at either 2K or (probably more common now) 4K and then recorded back to film. That is 4000 pixels wide, not 4000 lines. So at the now popular 1:2.35 aspect ratio, that is less than 7MP.

          Plus when projected, the actual resolution of film as seen off the silver screen is very, very low. This is simply because running at 24 fps through a projector and being stopped for a brief moment it is on screen, the frame is never completely flat or motionless. Plus the frame is tiny and the much larger magnification needed compared to a digital projector's CCD/whatever brings with it a lot of unsharpness due to lens flaws. Not to mention the positive film you see in the theater is a 3rd or 4th generation copy from the original negative.

          This is why even 2K digital scans in the theater are a lot sharper than any project 35mm/24fps film will ever be. Not to mention far less black time in between frames.

          Back to HD-DVD:

          If you have a computer or laptop capable of playing it back and an HDTV with HDMI or DVI input (or a converter plug) you should try a downloaded HD rip. (search for "1080p" on any torrent site) I only have a 37" 720p TV with a rather good upscaling HDMI DVD player. But even at just 720p, downloaded 4 mb/sec x264 movies ripped from BR/HDVD played back on this TV using DVI from my MacBook Pro look a lot better than any upscaled DVDs.

          I also can't wait for Dolby TrueHD audio from the actual discs!

          That said, a far cheaper upgrade would have been h.264 on the same 9GB disk. No room for TrueHD audio, but any feature film would have fit at a high enough bitrate to put any DVD to shame.
    • I do think there are people willing to upgrade, but the format war holds some back.

      You can buy a good player for under $100. Some even have HD upconversion for that price. You can buy a cheap DVD player for $15.
      Everyone rents and new movies sell for $15.

      HD-DVD $300 min for a player. $25-$35 for a movie.
      Blu-Ray $450 min player, $25-$30 for a movie.
      Combo player $1000

      The investment cost is enough that people don't want to pick the wrong format. If they would have settled on one format, more people would be
      • by king-manic ( 409855 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:51PM (#20299539)
        I've noticed at all the rip you off outlets (Visions) HD-DVD movies tend to be more expensive then blurays ones for exactly the same movies. I wonder why? 300 was $29.95 cnd for blue ray but $39.95 for HD-DVD at visions electronics.
        • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @10:08PM (#20300163)
          I've noticed at all the rip you off outlets (Visions) HD-DVD movies tend to be more expensive then blurays ones for exactly the same movies. I wonder why?

          Because HD-DVD ships you combo discs that play in both normal DVD players and HD-DVD players - and you get to pay extra for the priviledge.

          As a bonus, sometimes the layers seperate and destroy the disc 300 had that issue. It's not common though, just like the Blu-Ray layer seperation issue was in small batches. Still, paying extra for discs where you only want the HD content is really annoying.
      • by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:55PM (#20299557)
        $100 does not get you a good upconverting player. For that you are in the $200+ range. If you rent more than buy, the cost of movies is the same. There is no significant reason not to go with a HD-DVD player if you rent.

    • I know I don't. It really doesn't matter if Blu-Ray or HD-DVD wins out in the end, there can't be that many consumers out there who are planning to start upgrading their existing DVD collection to one of these formats. I have an HDTV and regular DVD's look just fine. I know these new formats offer better quality, but the difference and enhancements are not enough to warrant an upgrade. From VHS to DVD was worthwhile, this is just a stop gap measure. I personally don't plan to upgrade at all until something significantly better comes along. Maybe the next generation after this...

      I for one am holding of from investing in HDTV. Don't get me wrong, I like HDTV esp. the fact that I don't need cable to get the local stations without static. I more than like the fact that I can get into a large 720p TV for under a grand. There simply isn't enough in the way of programing to really enjoy HD at present, and this whole format war doesn't help.

      And let's face it, early adopters pay the most and get the least benefit except being able to say I got it first.

      • My cable company now offers 50 channels of HD. I never watch SD any more. DirectTV has a new bird in testing that will supposedly support 100 HDTV channels.

        The excuse that there isn't enough HD programming is so last year.

    • by suv4x4 ( 956391 )
      I know I don't. It really doesn't matter if Blu-Ray or HD-DVD wins out in the end

      Well, funny thing is, if this continues, neither will. The movie market is quite unlike the game console market. Exclusives for a format means consumers will buy either hybrids that play both formats, or nothing.

      In a game console you're expected to buy 2-3 great games and maybe 7-8 average games, and play those for years. For a movie player, if 30% of your favorite movies aren't available to you never mind which HD format you p
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 20, 2007 @07:56PM (#20299105)
  • by SyncNine ( 532248 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @07:57PM (#20299121)
    I don't think this was the best time for Paramount to jump ship on the Blu-ray line. While they _may_ have looked at the numbers involved, units sold, etc., all of that data was over the last year or so. What they didn't really consider was that a lot of non-videophile (aka., people who would buy a specific HD-DVD / Blu-ray player) purchasers were going to start purchasing PS3s...

    With Sony's recent price drop, the sales of their console have increased. As far as consoles go, this isn't a tremendous jump -- they're still trailing behind Microsoft and Nintendo as far as sales. As far as HD-Movie players go, however, this is quite a jump. According to 'figures' and sources [kotaku.com]., they are seeing up to a 135% increase in sales after their price drop. That's a lot of Blu-ray players on the market that weren't there a short time ago.

    Personally, I'm pissed! I purchased a PS3 during the price drop and I'm ok with what Sony has to offer for the console and with what movies are presently out (though, admittedly, I'd like more on both fronts), but you'll notice I said 'ok', I didn't say I was a raving Sony fanboy. I think there could be more selection of movies and games -- and it saddens me that I will now not be able to own a 1080p copy of Transformers to watch on my 51" HDTV because some pockets were apparently lined. [deadlineho...ddaily.com]

    I understand that I'm not the norm in the market -- a lot of people don't have HDTVs, and a lot of people that do don't have big-screened HDTVs, but even with that, I think that it's a big step backwards for Paramount to alienate my class of shopper.

    Then again, I'm sure everyone who was alienated by the Betamax -> VHS move was saying the same thing then ...
    • Fact is, I am in your same boat. I purchased a PS3 nearly right after they were released. Even at the higher price I paid it was a better deal than most HD-DVD players. I believe Paramount and DreamWorks are going to eat their words and regret the decision before it's all over. To me though it's not a big deal. While I do have an HDTV it is only 720p. So, if I want to buy Transformers, I will do so and watch it upscaled on my PS3. Because really, the difference between 720p and upscaled DVD is only j
      • by Shabbs ( 11692 )

        Because really, the difference between 720p and upscaled DVD is only just noticeable.
        Surely you jest. Either you have a 27" TV or your system is configured very poorly. The difference between a good up-convert and HD DVD/Blu-ray is quite significant, even on 720/768/788p systems.

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          Hey I didn't say it wasn't noticeable.. it's just not striking like 1080p. My PS3 does an excellent job of upscaling.

          On another note... Holy cow. I just looked at 1080p projectors. I am NOT buying another TV. The Optoma HD80 1080p projector with a ceiling mount (I'd run the cables professional-quality myself) is my new goal. Run one HDMI cable, use a fully HDMI24 compliant HDMI switch for four sources, and you have yourself a hell of a system that 3 years ago would've cost $30,000 but today is under $3
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Major Blud ( 789630 ) *
      Well, don't forget that MS has also just dropped the price of the Xbox HD-DVD add-on. I was thinking about getting one as soon as I got my Xbox, but dropping the price definitely persuaded me to do it. Now that another film publisher has announced their dedication to it, I'm even more inclined to fork out the dough..... However, the logical part of me is still telling me to hold out, which I think is what most people are waiting for. Although most of my video-phile friends have already made a purchase,
    • I believe they could of had a lot more movies out. It's not that hard to code up a simple menu and rescan the film. But games, games are always thin in the first year. Look at the guy beating the ps3 to death (i own both so it's a big meh for me.) The a list games are promised for later while the quick thrown together mini game collections are here and now and boring. Even the PS3's non ass kicking competitor was pretty thin the first years with rampant complaints of "this looks just like the xbox/ps2 versi
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by dagamer34 ( 1012833 )
      If the PS3 is what's driving the market, then Bluray is in trouble because a PS3 isn't going to be a cheap Bluray player anytime soon. If the price of entry to play Bluray discs stays at $500, then HD-DVD will win, end of story.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Money Talks (Score:5, Informative)

    by JackSpratts ( 660957 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:00PM (#20299139) Homepage

    Blogger "Swanni" says the HD-DVD folks coughed up 100 mil to help Paramount reach the decision.

    - js.

    http://www.tvpredictions.com/bluraypay082007.htm [tvpredictions.com]
  • by Mr. Roadkill ( 731328 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:07PM (#20299187)
    The Victor Company of Japan called.

    They said they want their market disruption techniques back.
  • by aliquis ( 678370 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:21PM (#20299293)
    I guess in the end we will end up with both formats, just like with DVD+ and -.

    Great, paying for two licenses always rule! Because one open one wouldn't do!

    What was chinas next-gen format called now again? I would assume their players will be cheap :)
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Miamicanes ( 730264 )
      >What was chinas next-gen format called now again? I would assume their players will be cheap :)

      Reading the tea leaves... I'll call it "DVD+HD". Red-laser players, HD-DVD format, $89 at Wal Mart this Christmas. Not as good as HD-DVD, but an improvement over SD-DVD, and likely to be warmly embraced by porn due to having plenty of space for an hour and a half of 720p60 with 224kbit audio. At worst, they'll handle two hours of 720p24, and might even be able to do 1080p24.

      It'll be a stopgap format, but it'll
  • by dpbsmith ( 263124 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:21PM (#20299295) Homepage
    (That's irony).

    Consumers won't buy into either format until they see some signs of stability.

    As long as it's on-again, off-again, now-you-see-it, now-you-don't, consumers will just hold off.

    Once a company declares it will support either format... or both... it should stick with whatever they've announced. Fickle commitments that change every six months just hurt both formats.

    As with the stock market, what investors hate is uncertainty.
  • by Secrity ( 742221 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:30PM (#20299361)
    Neither format has caught on at all, and the only players that are in homes in any sort of numbers are the PS3. I think that most people who have a PS3 bought it as a gaming machine and don't care that it can play any sort of DVD. Any format decision made by any studio is subject to change without notice; if Blu-Ray becomes dominant I am sure that Paramount will make Blu-Ray disks. Other than all of the major studios going to only one format, the only significant format change by a studio would be if Sony started to sell their movies in HD-DVD.

    It could be that this is not a Beta / VHS format war, it be a Laserdisc flop and neither of the new formats will catch on; so far, it does not appear that people see a compelling reason to buy either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray players and disks.
    • I bought my PS3 for 3 reasons: 1, it was $100 cheaper than it was a short time ago 2, it plays Blu-Rays (not HD-DVDs), and I got 5 for free, and 3, it will have some games I want to play (GTA4, Gran Turismo 5). Until those games come out, I can enjoy some Blu-Ray movies and still have Super Paper Mario and Mario Strikers Charged to keep me busy.
  • by pembo13 ( 770295 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:34PM (#20299379) Homepage
    to use on Linux, after having paid for the appropriate hardware? Or are we required to pay for the hardware + Windows + software + disk?
  • Are we there yet? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by TrumpetPower! ( 190615 ) <ben@trumpetpower.com> on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:38PM (#20299417) Homepage

    It seems to me that a really big reason why neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD are likely to catch on is the simple fact that sneakernet in general is going the way of the buggy whip.

    Nor is it that regular DVDs are “good enough,” as some have suggested, but rather that we’re already moving beyond the station wagon filled with tapes, to simple high-bandwidth networks.

    It won’t be Blu-Ray that kills HD-DVD, or vice-versa, or even regular DVDs. It’ll be YouTube, iTunes, Bittorrent, and garden variety video-on-demand from your local telco monopoly. Sure, there’re plenty of shortcomings with all of those today, from quality to DRM to “ownership” to the time it takes to acquire a movie. But neither Blu-Ray nor HD-DVD intrinsically offer anything better over the online equivalents for those with bandwidth.



    • Borat I could watch in any format but youtube version of 300 would entirely defeat the point of the movies. I have a 3.0 mbit connection that I often max but I won't wait for the 3-6 gig download of the movies. Maybe if 60 mbit becomes the standard it'd be an idea but having worked at a telco I can say thats not in scope for the foreseeable future. Spectacles demand visual quality. That why my bank is $1799 lighter for a 42" LCD HDTV and $700 dollars lighter from a PS3.
    • I think the Slashdot (and Digg) crowds are over estimating the desire for on-demand content. Sure, it's great for rental techniques... but when it comes to buying a movie, some people (a lot I poll at work, etc), including myself, want a physical disc. Why? Google Video is a good example of "why".
  • now that HD-DVD and Blu-Ray have the studios pretty much split between them, they guarantee that the best selling players are going to be the dual format players. If you consider that most people don't have an HDTV, by the time they do such players will be plentiful. Who wouldn't buy one under those conditions? Executives at Paramount and other studios can look forward to many bidding wars for exclusives on the releases of blockbusters. All they have to do is not sell total studio commitment to a format and
    • by Scyber ( 539694 )
      Samsung is supposed to be coming out with a dual format player this fall. Based on European prices it should be around 700 US. I assume LG will also be coming out with their next gen dual format player soon at a lower price point then their previous player. I also believe the dual format players will win this warn.
  • by vanyel ( 28049 ) * on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:47PM (#20299493) Journal
    Just reiterates my resolve that I'll buy a player when there's a decent dual-format player.
  • by Proudrooster ( 580120 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @08:49PM (#20299505) Homepage
    I am backing whoever defeats DRM so I can connect an HDMI cable to my MythTV box and record.watch Hi-Def content. Until that happens I will record analog only and get the High-Def content through other channels.
  • I mean, the disc, any format, is obsolete, and this just helps push downloading as the primary format. HD-DVDs are cheaper to manufacture? Downloads have no manufacturing cost.

    Everything else aside, I realized I don't buy DVDs to watch them again. How many times can you watch one thing? I buy stuff when I like it enough that I want to hand to other people I think should watch it. And on occasion to kind of show support for something like a show that was cancelled.. but that's not that common. 99%
  • Preferably, in a long, extremely expensive way. Then, maybe, a standard without all the fancy DRM nonsense laced into it that actually gives purchasers a benefit might come out.

    While I'm dreaming, maybe Microsoft will adopt the Linux kernel and open source its next OS as well.

  • Weaker DRM in HD-DVD (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @09:05PM (#20299653)
    HD-DVD has a weaker DRM system since it doesn't have the BD+ capabilities of BluRay. Hey, that's a plus for the (worse) standard.

    As for the rumor posited above in another post that Microsoft paid a combined $150M to these two studios to induce a switch, the answer is obvious. Microsoft sells an HD-DVD player add-on for XBox 360, and likely hopes to see game titles released in the future utilizing it. It has totally thrown in with the (worse) HD-DVD system, and can't change horses now since Sony owns BluRay. Microsoft has a huge stake in seeing HD-DVD win.

  • Adobe went with Blu-Ray as the only high definition recordable disk supported by their Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS3 editing suite. You can see the list of what works here [adobe.com].

  • by llZENll ( 545605 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @09:11PM (#20299705)
    Paramount is the biggest studio of 2007 with 18% market share.

    January 1-August 19, 2007
    Overall Gross: $6.585 billion
    Rank Distributor Market
    Share Total
    Gross* Movies
    Tracked 2007
    1 Paramount 18.1% $1,189.5 15 11
    2 Warner Bros. 14.8% $974.8 23 13
    3 Buena Vista 14.1% $930.6 16 8
    4 Sony / Columbia 14.0% $924.6 19 16
    5 Universal 11.3% $745.0 13 11
    6 20th Century Fox 10.9% $719.9 17 9

    http://www.boxofficemojo.com/studio/ [boxofficemojo.com]
  • by RobBebop ( 947356 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @09:54PM (#20300063) Homepage Journal

    These competing standards (that's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one) are both losers. When I go buy movies, I still buy DVDs (despite having an HD TV for 3+ years). Know why? Because it plays in my player.

    Eventually, a common player will be affordable for both HD and Blu. At that point, do you know who will win my business? That's right... Netflix. With the industry proving to me that ownership is dumb... I've gone from buying 3-5 DVDs a month to 1 every three months. When I get an upgraded player, I don't expect that there will ever be a movie that I'll want to own.

    Am I wrong, or has the format "war" done nothing but alienated consumers and shown that companies are too egotistical to work together to create standards that are actually beneficial to the end users... and for that, I trust them as far as I can throw them.

  • by Locutus ( 9039 ) on Monday August 20, 2007 @10:21PM (#20300255)
    As soon as I read the headline, I was reminded of the DreamWorks clan( Geffen, Katzenberg, and Spielberg ) all wearing Microsoft "BoB" hats back when Microsoft reinvented the user interface of the future. It was a short time after that when we all saw Bill Gates join in the mug shots as they all announced the DreamWorks Interactive partnership( Microsoft and DreamWorks ).

    So, what does Microsoft "BoB" have to do with this? Is there any wonder why Katzenberg is committing to back the HD DVD format of a very wealthy financial partner? HD-DVD is as much Microsofts format as it is Toshiba's IMO.

  • by Billly Gates ( 198444 ) on Tuesday August 21, 2007 @01:48AM (#20301509) Journal
    That is probably why they are being dropped and they played along wiht Sony so far because they did not want to miss out in case it became standard.

    This is how Sony lost to VHS. All the vcr makers viewed them as competitors so they supported VHS. Same with IBM and OS/2 vs WIndows. IBM is a mean monopoly so support the underdog which is windows.

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
