Halo Movie Is Still Dead 67
1up is reporting that despite numerous reports of its death, the Halo movie isn't quite completely cancelled ... yet. As far as Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson, and the WETA folks are concerned, things are still just in a holding pattern. "Kamins also shot down both the rumors of a swelling budget and dissatisfaction with Blomkamp. 'The only budget the filmmakers every spoke about was $145 million less the 12.5% rebate that you get from shooting in New Zealand, which would put it at about $128 million,' said [Jackson representative Ken Kamins]. And of the director, Kamins said, 'Everybody is supremely confident in Neall. Part of what excited Peter and Fran was Neill's vision. We're very confident this film will move forward with the creative partners intact, who will take the film to production.'" Update: 10/30 18:58 GMT by Z : It looks like that post was made from outdated sources.
Scheduled release... (Score:2, Funny)
Walk (Score:2)
Halo was quoted as saying - (Score:4, Funny)
Does New Zealand have fjords? (Score:1)
Re:Halo was quoted as saying - (Score:4, Funny)
Uwe Boll will save it! (Score:1, Funny)
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Since they're already interested in making the picture in New Zealand, there's no reason to involve Boll. Thank heavens.
Hope it is Cancelled! (Score:1)
Re:Hope it is Cancelled! (Score:5, Insightful)
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Maybe it's just that Master
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Maybe it's just that Master Chief, the main character from Doom and others that have made it into film or books just don't have much personality to begin with. That's because you as a player are required to fill those boots for yourself as you play. In my opinion this doesn't translate very well to the passive passenger seat role you take in watching a movie.
This is why I would recommend Fall of Reach for movie adaptation. Yes, I love the games, but 'lone soldier fights aliens for 2 hours' just doesn't work on film. FoR has some character development with the Chief, (Yes, it's cheesy, but it's better than nothing) a wider cast of important characters, and plenty of character interaction to build a script on. Plus it would tie into the franchise without completely re-hashing the most widely known parts of it.
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I really liked the sonar pings. And also when they pushed the wreckage off the landing strip and instead of floating away, it fell "down".
So you die, you never existed. (Score:2)
Please tell me you're joking. Even if you are, it's in poor taste. I lost a girlfriend over how bad that film was. [ srsly ]
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Landfall (Score:5, Interesting)
BTW, since when could an ODST drive like that? If I was in the back of that warthog in game, we would have hit every one of those walls. Or simply stopped in front of each one for 15 seconds figuring out how to get around it.
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Stylish, yes; well shot, yes; good vehicle for story, I think not.
I don't know. Too many people, too many bad guys, no way to build tension. I reckon it'd end up on the "aren't soldiers great people" track, which is hard to swallow when we hear every other week about one or two "bad apples" who've been caught raping, pillaging, torturing and murdering.
If he manages to make "Platoon in Space", more power to him, but I don't think that's what the market wants right now....
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Well, there is that impending destruction of the galaxy thing going on.
Hadn't really thought about it until I saw Landfall, but there is a good story angle there. As others pointed out, reliving Master Chiefs exploits may be a bit redundant. In the game you come across groups of soldiers that you never really think about why they got there and what happened before you arrived. During the game, they aren't useful to you. But like is shown in Landfall, they were there making it
a cost saving suggestion (Score:5, Funny)
$145 million for Halo? Boll could trash it for $35 million.
Whereas Peter Jackson would want CG space ship scenes with the giant ring rendered in glorious detail Boll would settle for spray painting a hula hoop and super gluing Legos to it.
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"Men, we have led these dumb bugs out to the middle of no-where to keep them from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto something they're so hot for, that they're scrambling over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if its God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine or a giant hula hoop, we're not going to let them have it! What we will let them have is a belly full of lead and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?" - Sergeant Avery J. Johnson
Just thought it was fitting that you mention a giant hula hoop in Uwe Boll's adaptation. :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJe6CuVXLE8 [youtube.com]
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Damn, who knew game movies were vampires (Score:2)
Just as you think you killed them off for good, someone drops a little blood and Guess Who Is BACK!
Most video games, and I think Halo certainly qualifies, use story telling because being told to kill X of Y because, is a little bit boring after a while. Oh sure sure, Halo got a rich universe, intresting characters, yada yada. Sorry. NO.
It really doesn't. It is enough to motivate you to play the game BUT it is the game that is the main attraction. NOT the story. To give you a counter example, The Longest J
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Agreed with parent. I enjoyed the Halo games, and thought the stories were decent enough that they kept things interesting, with enough style and mystique to draw me into the game. But a standalone story it is not - it certainly isn't very creative, it's basically a mashup of every major sci-fi novel ever written.
They can invent all the backstory they want, but at the base of it the story is maybe interesting enough to make a glorious Starship Troopers style summer blockbuster, but don't expect even an As
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Why doesn't Microsoft Fund this themselves? (Score:2)
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Bungie doesn't own the Halo IP. That's all Microsoft's now.
Heres the problem with fans and game based movies! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Heres the problem with fans and game based movi (Score:2)
OMFGWTFBBQ!! (Score:2)
Oh no. Oh dear god, no! Kill it! Kill it now!!!
Honestly, I couldn't possibly think of a worse movie. With the possible exception of Doom. Doom should have been a huge bright red blinking neon sign warning them away from this path.
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I REALLY liked doom...
I look back on Doom the Movie (TM) with fond memories...
It was just 2 of us in the theatre... me and my old army bud...
What fun that movie was!
Seriously though doom was at least as good as movies like pitch black or the first 2 resident evils.. (Me wants to beat the writer for the 3rd RE movie)
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My guess is that this is sarcasm. It sounds like you're saying "Well, $SHITTYMOVIE was just as good as $SHITTYMOVIE1 and $SHITTYMOVIE2."
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Leave it alone... (Score:1)
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Why does it have to be live action? (Score:2)
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I mean, we've all seen how well the Final Fantasy movies have done in the US but, Advent Children is probably the best Video Game movie I've seen in my entire life!
Advent children should have been what the final fantasy movies should have been. I really wished they would have. Square pictures might have survived and we might have gotten more films out of it. Likely if they made it 100% fan service like advent children but a bit longer (and with blood.. you don't' get stabbed and not bleed) and they would have been a smash hit. people like bad ass sword fights, lots of explosions and so on. Maybe throw in a bit more back story so non FFVII fans would get the story. I
Great potential if it's not Jackson (Score:1)
Problem is Peter Jackson. He is an atrocious director who works with supremely bad editors. A lot of y'all are saying Uwe Boll should just drive the franchise into the ground and be done with it. Peter Jackson is just as capable of doing that. Really I wouldn'
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As long as Chief and Arbiter have several of those Tango & Cash / Showdown in Little Tokyo buddy buddy cop scenes I'll be happy.
"You're the tag-along!"
"No, YOU'RE the tag-along!"
"Oh yeah well I bet you can't shoot those three grunts with just two Carbine shells!"
"You're on!"
"By the way you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man."
(Ok those last two lines were from Showdown in Lit
Funny you should say that... (Score:2)
Sounds EXACTLY like Legolas and Gimli in Lord of the Rings.
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He has done some very decent movies. Go and watch Heavenly Creatures [imdb.com]. That movie convinced me he might be able to do Lord of the Rings justice (I was disappointed with the result, though). The real problem is that nowadays he gets a big enough budget to thoroughly ruin any story. Some directors are better on a small budget.
just finished Halo 3 and ... (Score:1)
What was it with MasterChef and the hologram? Did someone kidnap her or something? What was the Flood again?
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What was it with MasterChef and the hologram? Did someone kidnap her or something? What was the Flood again?
When you're making a sequel, you have to learn to balance the story for both new and old players. In the case of Halo 3, Bungie spent more of the game's storytelling furthering the plot that was set up in previous games, than just rehashing and going over said plot all over again.
An exposition on the nature of the Flood when you are introduced to them would have eaten up time story-wise, as well as development-wise. Clearly Bungie figured that since both Halo 1 and Halo 2 tell you so much about the Floo
Halo Movie Name Leaked (Score:1)
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I could see it now... roll opening credits... two spartans standing on a dystopia battlefield... One is Matt Damon... The other is Christian Bale... first words... "Why are we here?"
Yes, actually. The cat does "got my tongue." (Score:1)
Ummm, yay?
N/A (Score:1)
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Because you dont "give" movies to people based on the fact that they're unemployed?
Good. (Score:2)