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Music Media Entertainment Games

Convert NSF Files to MP3s 69

indecks writes "This tutorial shows an easy way to convert NSF (NES Sound Format) files to mp3s so they can be played in normal media players, or even used as ringtones. Now I have the Super Mario Bros '1Up' sound for my text message notification, and I have Mega Man 3's 'Snakeman' stage music as my ringer. Sah-weet!" (The method demonstrated does require Windows, note.)
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Convert NSF Files to MP3s

Comments Filter:
  • why bother? (Score:4, Funny)

    by uofitorn ( 804157 ) on Thursday December 27, 2007 @03:36PM (#21832978)
    I just make sure none of my coworkers are around when I look at something tagged NSFW. It's easier than using steganography to hide the offending content in an mp3. Oh wait...
  • Or.... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Applekid ( 993327 ) on Thursday December 27, 2007 @03:39PM (#21833004)
    ... just use Winamp and get the .NSF plug in. Or any input plugin for any exotic format that you enjoy. And switch to the disk-writer output plugin. It's rather beautiful and has worked for, what, like 8 years now?
    • by archen ( 447353 )
      Yeah this is what I did a few years ago. I can appreciate that nsf files are what, 16k? but it just became too much of a pain dealing with buggy players. I went through a binge collecting NES, SNES, Genesis, and Turbographix 16 music and just ran them all through winamp. Unfortunate that they're huge in comparison now, but they play reliably and I can even play them on my ipod.

      (and you can convert them to vorbis if you want to go that way)
    • by Fweeky ( 41046 )
      Or indeed use foobar2000 and the Converter plugin; no need to switch to a different output module for playback, just select, right click -> Convert, and it'll spawn off $numcpu threads to handle it without disturbing your playback.

      Oh, and it's not full of bloated crap, doesn't really wish you were paying for it or installing their IE toolbar/systray agent/etc, and doesn't default to using awful skins.
    • Or you could do it the hard way, and record it with an SNES emulator using the program shown here [].
  • by the_humeister ( 922869 ) on Thursday December 27, 2007 @03:39PM (#21833006)
    With Linux (or almost any other unix-like OS), you can just record off the sound card using ALSA-based tools.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by indecks ( 1208854 )
      Well, most .NSF files that I've found (I've been to the Zophar page as well) are bundled as packages, meaning all of the songs/sound effects from the game are in a singular file. This method allows you to pull specific songs from the .NSF and create an mp3 from them. It's actually not that difficult and doesn't require recording from your soundcard.
    • This is the method I used on Linux. I played the NSF files using Nosefart, and recorded with Audacity. I wanted to edit the files a bit anyway, so this worked pretty well.
    • Works just fine on Windows, also.
  • I've had Zelda's 'secret revealed' jingle as text message and the original overworld tune as ringtone for ages. Just recorded the output from an emulator. Easy.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by neocrono ( 619254 )
      Man, I have the same sound set up for when I receive a text message.

      One time, while my friend was giving me a tour of her workplace, as we were going through an older, disused part of the building, the other member of our group asked "what's in here?" We walked over to him to find out, and the instant that we opened the door, I got a text message. I don't do a lot of texting, and no one else knew about me having that sound set up on my phone.

      It was perfect. We all just kinda looked at each other in disbeli
  • I'm not a fan of video tutorials, how about a step-by-step process, anyone? They work for some people, but not for me. Yes, I use Firefox. Yes, I do know how to install programs. Not only should I know it, but I do know how. Again, yes, I do know how to do it. Thanks.
    • Um.. ok, I'll put the steps in order for you as taken from the vid. Open the NSF file in Foobar. Right click on the song you want. Click Convert. Click Convert To. Choose Mp3. Hit OK. Wait about 10 seconds. Play the mp3. The guy is right, if you're asking questions about how to install the program or the plugins, thats your problem. It's really simple.
      • by Aladrin ( 926209 )
        If it's so bloody simple, why did it require a video tutorial? A standard text-with-pictures tutorial would be far better for something that has steps that don't require any human tinkering.
        • If you seriously can't follow the 3 steps in the vid, you probably shouldn't be deriding someone that was able to. Thanks for playing.
          • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

            by Aladrin ( 926209 )
            I didn't even -try- to. I went to the link, it started buffering, I skipped through and saw how horrid the video was and left.
        • I have to agree with this. Video tutorials suck, because they make it difficult both to skim through (skip information you know), and to double check (make sure you did the step right).
  • I just used... (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Either an emulator while recording from the audio mixer, or nosefart (nsf winamp plugin) and diskwriter as output.
    Then I trimmed the sounds and used lame in high quality mode to compress to mp3 format.
  • I've been doing this for a while now. I have a whole CD of NES music that I listen to in the car all the time, have all my ringtones as NES songs, I just can't get enough of it. I do it differently though, I use the built in NSF players in the emulators, they all natively output to wav. I keep all my music in wav so that if I need to put it on something besides a CD I just convert from there. Good to know, though.
  • by Alzheimers ( 467217 ) on Thursday December 27, 2007 @04:05PM (#21833380)
    For a slightly more obscure video game ringtone, you can use VGM2MIDI [] to turn your Sega Master System VGM music file into a perfectly useable MIDI ringtone. The FM processor in the Japanese version of the SMS made for much better music than the square and triangle waves the NES was capable of, and as a result the games have much better soundtracks for listening to.

    I've got the Phantasy Star theme going right now, and it's better than most NES theme songs. Mario and Zelda are too pop culture, and just about anything else isn't worth the effort.
    • Well the problem with that is A, MIDI SUCKS and sounds like crap. And B, stuff like Castlevania's themesong or Mega Man's themesongs were not on the SMS.
      • No, MIDI doesn't suck, most MIDI songs do, GM is way too limited, and most patches/soundfont/DLS banks are too "small". Many Genesis, and PSX titles are basically MIDIs, for example, Shinobi 3 and Final Fantasy 7.

        Second, the US SMS had a lame three channel sound chip, and yes, these songs in MIDI will suck. The Japanese SMS had an extra nine channel FM sound chip (inferior to the one in the Sega Genesis). Those MIDIs are actually nice.

        Third, MegaMan was available on the GameGear, which is a SMS with more co
        • No, MIDI doesn't suck, most MIDI songs do

          And most MIDI synths do. The software synth driver that came free with your AC97 integrated audio is going to sound like crap, yes, but the very same data played back through a $5,000 arranger workstation keyboard will sound much better. And data customized specifically FOR that keyboard will sound fantastic.

          For converting chiptunes to ringtones, MIDI synthesis will probably provide all the fidelity you'd need. The tone generators in modern handsets are, in a lot
      • Maybe, but midi RINGTONES rule; it's just about the perfect way to capture an 8 or 16 bit console tune since most of them were made in midi or midi-like formats anyway. I call BS on this article because ever since handsets have been able to support polyphonic ringtones I've had all my as-obscure-as-you-like-8-bit-theme-tune-ring-tone needs more than met by The Video Game Music Archive []. I've currently got the theme from Baloon Fight (NES) as my ring tone and a pre-match jingle from Mega Bomberman (Genesis)
      • Its because WMP sucks.I use Wingroove.
    • I think the Castlevania series and Metroid would certainly be worth the effort, and Blaster Master has always been a favorite of mine. Especially the themes to levels 1, 3, and 5.
  • ...How do I set my ringtone to the title screen music from E.T. for the Atari 2600?

  • Xine can play it (as can anything that can use Xine as a backend, i.e. Totem, Kaffiene). There's also Nosefart []. However my Xine-fu is not strong enough to surmise if there's an easy way to convert it such as foobar2000 has.
    • Xine can play it (as can anything that can use Xine as a backend, i.e. Totem, Kaffiene). There's also Nosefart []. However my Xine-fu is not strong enough to surmise if there's an easy way to convert it such as foobar2000 has.

      Xine has an option to output to a wav. I think it's "-A file".

      I don't know if it outputs to anything other than wav, though if it didn't you could transcode the wav later or even just have it output to a named pipe that, say, oggenc was reading from at the same time.

  • When I saw the headline I was wondering why someone would want to convert a Lotus Notes database to MP3.
    • by Keruo ( 771880 )
      Could be nice feature for lotus to read out loud the title of the email when arriving instead playing that minder sound.

      Then again.. after few ENLARGE YOUR PENIS!! emails, I'd probably turn that feature off..

  • What's the deal with this trend in youtube-tutorial wankery? It's a 3 step process FFS. What is this, digg?

    Anyone know of a program to rip the NSF files on linux? Seem to be hitting a wall there.
  • Audacious [] conveniently plays a large amount of console formats out of the box (i.e. with the default plugin set), including NSF/NSFE. While Audio Overload does support a few really obscure formats (WonderSwan!) that can't really be played on anything else on Linux, Audacious supports many more console and old-school computer formats, including SID (Commodore 64), a ridiculous amount of Amiga formats (using UADE []) and lots of Adlib formats (e.g. CMF). Audacious also has the advantage of having a large amount
  • Now I have the Super Mario Bros '1Up' sound for my text message notification, and I have Mega Man 3's 'Snakeman' stage music as my ringer. Sah-weet!
    So now every time your cell phone rings in public you get the shit kicked out of you?

  • Probably won't get read this far down, but I believe audacious has an NSF player builtin, and you can just select the audio file output plugin to get a nice normal wave output.
  • I can't be the only one who read 'NSF' that way....

    My first thought was "Great, now I can listen to my bank telling me my check bounced!"

  • Are NSF files sound waves (like WAV, AIFF) or note tracks (like MIDI and MOD)? I am curious, since I am curious to know whether MP3 or MIDI would be the better destination format.
    • Are NSF files sound waves (like WAV, AIFF) or note tracks (like MIDI and MOD)?

      They are NES machine code, basically.

      An NSF is typically "ripped" by disassembling an NES ROM image and then stripping out all the instructions and data structures that have nothing to do with controlling the sound generator hardware.

      It's a series of events, much like the MIDI format is, but operating at a lower level than MIDI. An NSF event might represent "set the divider frequency of oscillator 1 to 112", for example, instead

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