NPD Group Says "Wait! HD-DVD Isn't Dead Yet" 279
The NPD group, owners of the not-quite-as-popular-as-they-had-hoped HD-DVD format, attempted to battle back against the tide of "naysayers" who claim that the format war is over and have declared Blu-Ray Disc the winner. "While select articles have implied that HD-DVD as a format is doomed and the sky is falling for the format's supporters, the NPD Group this afternoon reinforced that sales results from a single week do not necessarily indicate a trend, and that the week in question had several intriguing variables that have gone unreported."
A Modest Proposal (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:A Modest Proposal (Score:5, Interesting)
Like pennies per unit. Plus they need to get the consumer on their side. The more hd-dvd players out there the more the industry has to listen. Unfortunately with the economy tanking this is hard. Right now I personally would put money making on the back burner and just look to break even. Make hd-dvd discs cheaper to buy then a normal dvd and make the players cheaper. At that point this whole thing can turn around , with consumer demand the studios have to listen. If smaller studios stick to the format then there really can be a price market , smaller studios usually make lower cost films and don't need to recoup so much back.
The reason I say they need burners in high volume asap, is that whether they like it or not piracy is often times a real boost to sales. It's been proven that it helps.( http://www.stargeek.com/item/41324.html [stargeek.com] ) ( http://techrepublic.com.com/5208-6230-0.html?forumID=102&threadID=243454 [com.com] )
The american and canadian dbs providers , even cable can thank piracy for large subscriber growth. They really should get those burners out in high volumes fast.
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Just wait a little longer. If history teaches us anything, it's that tech never stays expensive for long.
And consider hard drives for backups. Less expensive per gig, faster, and more versatile.
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I would say it isn't piracy at all.
There are more and more HD DVD camcorders coming on the market.
A lot of people don't want to watch them on a computer.
Actually HD-DVD needs only one thing to beat BlueRay.
An HD-DVD player for under $100.
I don't know anybody that has a BlueRay player that isn't in a PS3. I only know one person that has a PS3. I am the only person I know that has an HD-DVD player.
Well the real way that HD-DVD can win would be to get Nintendo to put one in the Wii and keep the cost at where i
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I'm genuinely curious - why are you (and just about every other geek who just doesn't want to back up his porn collection) so interested in an untested format for archival purposes? DVDs and CD
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I would settle for HD-DVD disc being the same price as DVD. I think that would help give the industry the shot in the arm it needs. But right now I have to pay $25 for Top Gun on HD-DVD. That's too much for my Maverick fix.
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(I agree regarding back-ups though. Flash memory is cheap and convienent for casual file transfer. External and network drives are cheap and convienent backups. Just don't see the optical formats as particul
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Cheaper for sure, but so what? Eventually blu-ray will be MUCH cheaper (I'm willing to bet money on it). And the audio codec are mandatory because HD-DVD is inferior. Period. They cannot fit uncompressed audio and must use compression, so of course there's a mandatory codec. You say space is wasted on uncompres
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Particularly high quality with great DRM. The HD-DVD's failure in DRM is a big reason why they lost. If you are so opposed to DRM, then you need to give up on optical movies. Perhaps that's a shame, I don't know, but it's the truth.
Fine, but keep in mind why that DRM is there. It's not to prevent piracy. Its so you can't format shift it to your iPod and they can charge you a buck for the pleasure. Its so you cant make a backup for when your kids scratch the disc. It's so you can't find a better price from an overseas retailer. It's so you can't
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That's one of the beauties about HD television, in that we use the same standards. So I love HD-DVD. If I buy an HD-DVD in the U
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Really? It's silly to say there isn't a finalized spec? Care to explain why there isn't a signle 2.0 player on the market yet, then?
As for whether it's "finalized enough" is a matter of opinion. If I'm going to pay a premium price for discs I want to be able to access all the features, period. Maybe you don't perso
Why the hate? (Score:2, Insightful)
Might as well ask the same in reverse (Score:5, Insightful)
So do you hate BluRay because of some irrational hatred of Sony? I personally like BluRay because it comes free with a PS3 and the lack of have handed tactics by MS (such as buying support) used to try and force us all to convert. One of us. One of us. One of us.
Frankly if you want to look at the sides involved you could at most choose the lesser of two evils, lets see who is the convicted monopolist again? Who is the rootkit company again? Who insist on ignoring standards and enforcing their own inferior solutions on the public?
Sorry, this format war was about the difference between Jack Johnson and John Jackson. If the parties involved had been smart they would simply have merged their products and saved everyone a lot of trouble.
Oh and I don't hate MS, I just don't trust them, they got a very long history of lying to serve their own goals. Sony does the same, but I have never ever been forced to use a Sony product that was riddled with bugs. Can you say the same for MS?
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Ahhh, I feel better now.
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If i have to buy imported stuff at least let it be the lesser of the 2 evils.
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You do realize that HD-DVD players are also Japanese, right? No? You mean bigoted morons are ignorant? Shock. Frankly, Sony competes side by side against South Korean and American electronics. It just does its best, and has no monopolies. Microsoft does not compete fairly and has serious monopolies that it exploits. We're a global economy, and Sony is a lot better for us than MS is. You are free, moron, to buy stock in Sony.
And how are you beinf forced to buy a new blu-ray
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So let's say I create a video and want to sell it but not let folks copy it. I can't encrypt the disc and have it played in another player unless I pay to have the discs pressed. With hd-dvd I can change the encryption key to my own and make it at least semi difficult for some one to rip a copy of. A non technical person can't just rip a copy of it yet , like they can with a normal dvd.
If your preference for HD-DVD is based in the virtues of it's DRM support then you're definitely in the wrong forum.
Seriously, if you produce a video with a big enough market that people even want to copy it, then you are likely sending it to a replicator and not burning them one at a time on your home PC. So the argument is moot.
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No but a couple folks I know do wedding videos and graduation videos in high def. You would not believe how cheap people are. And a plant running 100 copies is not cheap. To keep the average person from buying a copy and ripping it for every one in their family is nice. At least so the camera man can make his money back for his equipment and skill.
I see people ripping $8 dvd's of graduations.
What a contrived scenario. I believe the best solution is to make DVD's because HD DVD is still not widely available nor is blank media overly cheap.
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Again , if I gotta buy something imported , I choose the lesser of the 2 evils. At least it looks like I may have , in the future , a way to back up my hd dvd's if i choose to buy them. Blu-ray has the bd mark which will not let players play encrypted content with out it.
Actually both disallow backups via DRM. Thus I believe you have never backup a HD DVD disk and it's pure FUD coming out of your mouth. backing up a HD DVD is an ordeal. Similar to how backing up a DVD was at first. Ditto with Blu-ray although the crackers are slightly slower with that. As well almost everything you can buy either is imported from somewhere or has imported parts. Even American made cars often have imported parts.
So let's say I create a video and want to sell it but not let folks copy it. I can't encrypt the disc and have it played in another player unless I pay to have the discs pressed. With hd-dvd I can change the encryption key to my own and make it at least semi difficult for some one to rip a copy of. A non technical person can't just rip a copy of it yet , like they can with a normal dvd.
I do have to say the drm sucks on the blu-ray system. It's made strictly for the big boys who have much to lose and not even remotely possible for the little guy to use.
Effectively both have DRM that deters casually ripping. Your arguments are asi
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Uh, no. HD-DVD mandates Managed Copy, completely cutting your argument to shreds.
HD-DVD was a format that mediated between the needs of consumers and media companies. Blu-ray is designed entirely and only for media companies (what do you know - Sony also has a significant media arm...can't see any problem with that?)
My original assertion still stands. He has never ripped a copy of HD DVD. Your article was from 2005, stating they wanted to support managed copy. As of yet nothing exists to do this.
Managed Copy? [betanews.com]
No Managed copy now? [engadget.com]
Both may get Managed Copy? [arstechnica.com]
Still not here [msmvps.com]
Managed copy? Not right now. [pcworld.com]
basically it does not yet exist but both camps proclaim it will happen someday. I'm sure it will because the day hackers breech the protection schemes in a complete and easy to use way managed copy will be right there. Until th
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Toshiba was found guilty of illegally selling the Soviet Union
Wow, respect! How much did they get for it? With such incredible marketing skills, it seems all the stranger that they couldn't sell the HD-DVD format. I mean, that was legal...
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I dislike Sony because it's Japanese, we don't have many of our goods sold there but they sell a ton here.
I don't like being forced into buying a new player every time they want to update their specs. hd-dvd had those features at launch, why didn't blu-ray ? At this point I think hd-dvd is the lesser of 2 evils at the moment.
The overt racism is great eh! For our information the iPod does really well as does some American cars. It's not that they hate American products. It's simply that American companies like Microsoft have no idea how to market to Japan while a company like Apple does. HD DVD is Japaneses too. You are simple asinine.
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Sigh. Why is it that all these HD DVD fans are always spouting this ignorance? Before you open your bigoted mouth, why don't you try to figure out the facts of the matter? Here is some advice for you: Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.
No, you don't have to get a new player to watch Blu-Ray movies in the future when the spec is updated. You
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Which is a damned shame.
I must say I don't get why some people are so rabid about this issue though. Who really cares, other than the tiny minority of early adopters?
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That's just funny. You are joking right? You can't be that uninformed. Microsoft is the sole reason that there is an HD DVD format. Toshiba wanted to drop this long ago but were persuaded by MS to keep it up.
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Utter Bullcrap
Considering that this format war is mainly about video distribution, all that matters is that both have plenty capacity to store Hi-Def films. For maximising capacity, the trend seems to be going towards more and more la
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I don't think there is anything irrational in resisting Microsoft doing for the umpteenth time what they have done over and over before. They don't want HD-DVD to succeed, they want the consumers to be confused and screwed until their internet distro takes off.
And cheaper for early adopters is a piss poor reason to pick a standard. It's pretty obvious that both blu-ray and hd-dvd are pl
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When people think that internet distro is a reason why blu-ray is irrelevant, yeah that's stupid. But there's a market for instantly watching movies at reduced quality.
I just think it's an ancillary market instead of the same one.
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So does everyone here hate HD DVD because of some orrational hatred of Microsoft? I personally like HD DVD for it's cheaper price and the lack of heavy handed tactics used to try and force us all to convert.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
OS X, the de facto standard on Movie production doesn't have any kind of HD-DVD support. Nothing. XCode is there, driverkit, quicktime SDK, extensive documentation, top class developer accounts, the fact of being number 1 mac software vendor.
Where is HDVD support for OS X?
Why a rich consumer (not pro) can write BluRay discs via Toast+BluRay firewire recorder but professionals can't? Because there is Microsoft involved. Basic. If you start a new system, format, go with a real professional company who actual
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O RLY? [apple.com]:
Versatile DVD Mastering
Whether you burn a one-off disc on your Mac Pro or send a title out for commercial replication, you can have confidence that your DVDs will play back on a wide range of set-top players and computers. Burn your own discs in a wide variety of formats, including double-layer DVDs. For commercial replication, choose one of the traditional red laser formats or double the capacity on your HD DVD d
Low video rate (Score:2)
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People trying to keep a dying format going are supporting a destructive format war and should rethink their lives.
Seriously, why bother? Few studios are going to make HD-DVD releases any more. Why feed a dead horse?
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Blu Ray might be predominantly a Sony standard, but the BDA represents virtually the entire electronics industry. Blu Ray players have been selling at their real prices because members of the BDA want to make money. There is no reason Samnsung, Philips etc. is going to sell a player below cost. I suspect ev
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m50d wrote:
Why would it be obvious that HD-DVD would lose the format war? From what I've heard of both formats, each has their advantages, but neither format is so good that it wipes the floor with the other.
To me, the entire issue with the format war is that it harmed both formats. I suspect that many people are like me, meaning that when I first heard about the format war I made a de
This calls for ... (Score:2, Funny)
A customer enters a multimedia shop.
Customer: 'Ello, I wish to register a complaint.
(The owner does not respond.)
C: 'Ello, Miss?
Owner: What do you mean "miss"?
C: I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint!
O: We're closin' for lunch.
C: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this hd-dvd what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.
O: Oh yes, the, uh, the format...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?
C: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's wh
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I'm not dead!
'Ere. He says he's not dead!
Yes, he is.
I'm not!
He isn't?
Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.
I'm getting better!
No, you're not. You'll be stone dead in a moment.
Bad Summary, NPD Doesn't Own HD-DVD (Score:5, Informative)
The reason NPD is involved in this is because they are one of the big research firms for tracking sales data. NPD is the firm that released the earlier reporting talking about HD-DVD hardware sales slowing [slashdot.org] and this is a clarification of that. They are pointing out that one week's results can not be extrapolated to argue that HD-DVD is dying/dead like many people did, it's too short of a time period in a week with several unusual variables.
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google NPD, and you'll see a hell of a lot more info about hd0dvd than you will about staplers. They love these battles, live to prolong them, etc etc.
I'm a bit surprised this isn't obvious to everyone.
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Second, fanboy of what? blu-ray? It is the better option, clearly, and the format war is over, clearly. What exactly is irrational about that?
And you don't think NPD has an interest in prolonging this format war? Then you're a freaking idiot. Go google NPD and blu-ray, NPD and hd-dvd, and add them. Compare that to NPD and staplers, or NPD and PS3.
They are thriving on this war, getting virtually all their publicity from it. Don't be such a freaking to
Misleading summary (Score:2)
Misleading summary (Score:2, Informative)
Not dead yet! (Score:4, Funny)
It wants to go for a walk!
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Not so fast... (Score:5, Interesting)
So why am I sharing this? I am firmly in the Blu-Ray camp but the techniques employed in this war have been rather unethical. Which blog or news agency will be the first to hunt down the facts in this story to confirm my story?
Don't buy it? Then read this article on TechChrunch [techcrunch.com] which describes the same techniques used to market viral videos.
Re:Not so fast... (Score:4, Insightful)
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On the contrary... (Score:2)
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Are you insane? Warner moving over was a big deal, so why not maximize the news?
HD-DVD players are absurdly discounted, and the sales figures are cited with as much attention as the DVD forum can muster. But when blu-ray players do the same this is somehow wrong? Why?
Blu-ray won. Better business plan. They got the right partners, had their discounts at the right time, and the customer clearly prefers it. They masterfully communicated the truth: that the war is over.
Re:Not so fast... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Not much bravery required. It's not like the player stops working if some studio stops supporting it.
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I guess it's really "good".
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Brave? No. Intrigued by high def? Yes. (Score:3, Informative)
Why is that? You can get an HD-DVD player now with 7 films for the same price as 7 bluray films without a player here in the UK. The Bluray player costs an extra £250 on top so that's a pretty big difference for now. Even if HD-DVDs stop being produced you've still got 7 high def films and a nice upscaling DVD player.
Even if HD-DVD is dead, the current deal on Toshiba's low end player is hard to argue against because you
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Just go figure what this is about...
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Suuuuurre. Here's why I think you are full of shit:
1) HD-DVD breaks away from BluRay group. Attempts to reconcile were almost successful but one of the large breakaway companies refused. Some say that this company was Microsoft..
2) HD-DVD group skewed statistics and manipulated the media in ways BluRay did not.
A typical pro-HD-DVD story would:
* tout HD-DVD players as selling MORE UNITS and with fa
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I thought you'd get modded down - I'm glad it's not so. The overwhelming reaction of the online community over the Warner announcement made me very angry as it was clear it was the phraseology of the news titles, fueling the fanboys, that was causing significantly more damage than the announcement itself.
This alone gave the fanboys more reason to troll 'the war is over' in such force and with such conviction as never before.
Why was this so out of place with fanboys, nearly the ultimate of online extremi
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2007 Overall MEdia Sales Ratio
US 2 BD : 1 HD DVD (peaking for hd dvd at about 5:3)
JP 9 BD : 1 HD DVD
UK 4 BD : 1 HD DVD
Unfortunately for your rant, It does not seem that the support for bluray is engineered hype. There was never a close race except sort of in the US. The gambit for the next format was decided very early and all the rest was just the elaborate death throes of one format.
Karma-whoring suggestion (Score:2)
While I'm dreaming, I'd like an F-15.
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Essentially (Score:2)
Several reasons:
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Actually, 8GB SD cards are commonly available for $30-35 these days.
In terms of backup, though, it's not SD cards that optical media has to contend with. Hard drives are cheaper per megabyte than either HD formats currently and even if that changes optical still sucks as a backup medium. Write speed on current burners is 9MB/s (hour and a half to wr
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Just dreaming of Norway (Score:3, Funny)
Black Knight (Score:4, Funny)
HD-DVD: 'Tis but a scratch.
Blu-Ray: A scratch? Your arm's off!
HD-DVD: No, it isn't.
BLU-RAY: Victory is mine! We thank Thee Lord, that in Thy mer--
HD-DVD: Hah! [kick] Come on, then. Have at you!
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The war is over. (Score:4, Funny)
Blu-ray wins. I know this to be true.
I know this because sitting on the shelf underneath my teevee is a Toshiba HD-A3.
But disc sales have collapsed also... (Score:2)
Futureproof the discs (Score:3, Interesting)
There are still a lot of people out there that do not have the equipment to play either Blu-Ray or HD DVD. Since I work in the tech field, most of my coworkers do, but there are only two of us in my neighborhood that have HDTV. I am the only one in my immediate family that has HDTV as well. Not having to worry about your DVD collection being obsolete by having the HD DVD version as well would be a good selling point.
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But that would fail because they probably couldn't pack as much DRM on them to pro
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But that would fail because they probably couldn't pack as much DRM on them to protect the "content".
Actually - it will be the opposite - they may go that way to be able to protect their content even harder! Add a chip that decrypts when the correct key is given, insert time-limiting factors etc. No limit on how hard you can limit the content access then.
OK - you want subtitles - pay!, You want Spanish language - pay!, You want original language - pay! (or you will be stuck with the Indian guy talking bad English for all the actors in the film).
They may even be able to store the same film in different
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Is HD-DVD only mostly dead? (Score:2)
Miracle Max: It just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.
Inigo Montoya: What's that?
Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.
Thanks a big tip o' the hat to The Princess Bride [imdb.com].
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People like to complain that Warner stabbed HDDVD folks in the back, but this is a true stab in the back.
These guys know it's over and are trying to squeeze the last few bucks out of this things before it's all over, so they put out crap like this to get a few suckers.
It's bad for the industry, for their partners (except Microsoft), for the consumer, to let this format war last any longer, and it's over, so let's move on.
These folks are starting to embarrass themselves.
I agree that HD DVD is dead. However NPD is just a market research firm. They just want to clarify that 1 week of data is nto enought o draw conclusions from. Which is a fair comment.