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Iron Sky Trailer 126

John Buckman from Magnatune clues us that the trailer for Iron Sky is available. We've been following the production for some time, as these are the same guys who brought us Star Wreck, the most successful feature-length Internet-distributed film of all time. That film was made by 3,000 people, has been downloaded 8 million times, is under a Creative Commons by-nd-nc license, and made good money both through DVD sales and through an eventual deal with Universal. Iron Sky is being made using Wreck-a-Movie — a collaborative film-making web site (also Creative Commons based) that grew out of the Star Wreck experience."
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Iron Sky Trailer

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  • First, the movie tagline: "In 1945, the Nazis went to the moon. In 2018, they're coming back."

    This reminded me of an old Cinemaware game called "Rocket Ranger", where the Nazis obtained alien technology that they could use to conquer the world. Rocket Ranger had to stop their plans, and go to the moon to dismantle their base.

    In any case, the trailer looks great. I think I'm going to watch this movie.
    • This reminded me of an old Cinemaware game called "Rocket Ranger", where the Nazis obtained alien technology that they could use to conquer the world. Rocket Ranger had to stop their plans, and go to the moon to dismantle their base.

      I have that game for the Commodore 64! Most annoying design, ever. You have to sit through ALL the cut scenes before you play the game. Then it's really a collection of mini-games that start with the oddest rhythm game in history. (Basically, tap the joystick to the beat of the character's run so that you have a running start when taking off with your jet pack.) On top of everything, you have to swap disks CONSTANTLY, which makes the game even slower than it already was.

      That being said, the game grows on you after a while. There's a lot more strategy to the game than it would appear on the surface, and the cheap deaths become less of a problem once you get the hang of it. Even the secret decoder wheel (an anti-piracy device required to play the game) actually becomes kind of cool after a while. It gives you more of that WWII, "slide-rule" feel to your adventure. However, fuel is a constant problem. It seems like no matter how much you steal from the Nazis, you never have enough to keep your jet pack running AND add fuel to your moon rocket. (For the game's finale.) Plus your secret agents are disposed of by the enemy as soon as you get anywhere in the game. The end result is that the game is HARD to finish.

      None the less, it is still a rewarding game. If you're interested in playing it again, Cinemaware has actually released the game for FREE [] on their website. All you have to do is sign up for their site and they'll allow you to download a disk image to use in your favorite emulator. They even throw in a copy of the Secret Decoder Wheel(TM) so you won't have to search the 'net looking for the information!

      For those of you who haven't tried it before, I highly recommend downloading it and giving it a try. With modern emulators, pesky issues like disk swaps are nowhere near as annoying as they once were. Or if you're a hardcore classic gamer, you can even write the images back to floppies and play the game on original hardware as God intended. ;-)
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by antdude ( 79039 )
        For those who don't want to play, you can watch the 38 minutes YouTube video [].
      • Speaking of old space games, someone needs to port lunar rescue from the old black and white mac. That was an excellent game.
      • An if you really can't be arsed to play it the whole way through, just watch the video []
      • by ProppaT ( 557551 )

        I have that game for the Commodore 64! Most annoying design, ever. You have to sit through ALL the cut scenes before you play the game. Then it's really a collection of mini-games that start with the oddest rhythm game in history. (Basically, tap the joystick to the beat of the character's run so that you have a running start when taking off with your jet pack.) On top of everything, you have to swap disks CONSTANTLY, which makes the game even slower than it already was.

        Oooh, I think I have that game for the Playstation! I've always wondered why they renamed it Final Fantasy VII, though.

  • by Plazmid ( 1132467 ) on Tuesday May 06, 2008 @11:57PM (#23320750)
    It's Nazis... IN SPACE! Twice as evil as regular Nazis, but with low gravity induced bone degradation!
  • oblig (Score:5, Funny)

    by H0D_G ( 894033 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:02AM (#23320782)
    I, for on, welcome our new space nazi overlords... actually, they're not exactly new, they're the same as the old nazi overlords, but with more tinfoil
  • by TheNucleon ( 865817 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:03AM (#23320784)
    Looking at the trailer, I couldn't quite figure out if they are going for a dark, true sci-fi kind of work, or if it will be a spoof/comedy.

    The bird scene at the end of the trailer may give a clue here...but I being dense? (Note to self, never ask this rhetorically on Slashdot...)

    • by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) <> on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:40AM (#23320928) Homepage Journal
      The movie is supposed to be a tongue in cheek comedy. It's semi-serious in its premise, but is able to use humor to gloss over the various suspension of disbelief problems that arise with the (rather outlandish) plot. Should make for an interesting film once it's released. :-)
    • by Aussie ( 10167 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:42AM (#23320932) Journal

      if it will be a spoof/comedy.
      Well the motorbike made engine noises, in a vacuum........

      So it's either a spoof or just really bad :P
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by weicco ( 645927 )

        Well the motorbike made engine noises, in a vacuum........

        But they do! Exhaust gases can carry sound waves and if the microfone is suitably located we can hear the engine. But don't ask me where those gases are coming from ;)

        • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward
          Oh shush they just added an atmosphere to the moon :p
        • by moosesocks ( 264553 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @05:30AM (#23322010) Homepage
          Personally, the bird, or the whole Nazis on the moon thing tipped me off that this might not be a documentary.

          Seriously. Every single decent sci-fi film/show/short that I've ever seen apart from 2001 has ignored the sound propagation issue.

          And even at that, although 2001 was a work of art in its own right, it's a damn tedious film to watch in one sitting.
          • by icebrain ( 944107 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @05:44AM (#23322064)
            Firefly actually did too... I remember noticing that in the first episode.

            Serenity did until the final aerial battle; I've heard claims that they just couldn't stand to do it without sound (for the general audience's sake) so they made it take place in "upper atmosphere" or something like that. I don't know.

            • by delt0r ( 999393 )
              I always thought the final battle was in the upper atmosphere, as the firefly side engines are used, not the rear "for space" engine.
            • I recall Babylon 5 taking a middle ground. For most of the shots, there was the sound in space unless they were doing the shot from specifically inside a room. Then you only heard the noises that the characters could hear. Two scenes I recall the most that followed this were the episode that centred on the two maintenance techs in the fifth season, where they were watching the battle from an observation deck, and in the made-for-TV movie Thirdspace, where Sheridan passes through the battle in a vacuum suit,
          • the whole Nazis on the moon thing tipped me off that this might not be a documentary.

            I was kind of hoping it wouldn't be a "comedy", but instead a situation where they were cleverly taking old science-fiction ideas and applying them as though they were still considered possible.

            You know, sort of like Fallout or Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I mean, I guess Fallout had a comedic element, but it wasn't exactly a "spoof".

            • I was kind of hoping it wouldn't be a "comedy", but instead a situation where they were cleverly taking old science-fiction ideas and applying them as though they were still considered possible.
              Maybe it'll be the next Springtime for Hitler.
          • Every single decent sci-fi film/show/short that I've ever seen apart from 2001 has ignored the sound propagation issue.

            I think Planetes [] was a bit better in this regard. IIRC they tried to stick to a model where you could only hear sounds from within a vessel or suit, but in general, non-propagation was observed.

            It was pretty realistic in other respects though. In the DVD extras for the English version, they even got a couple of scientists from NASA's Orbital Debris Program Office to say as much (!), with

          • Score one for "Akira," then. I was pleasantly surprised when Tetsuo flew up and destroyed an orbiting laser... and nothing could be heard.
          • by 1u3hr ( 530656 )
            Seriously. Every single decent sci-fi film/show/short that I've ever seen apart from 2001 has ignored the sound propagation issue.

            And 2001 was the greatest SF movie ever made.

            Anyway, you may recall another little film, Alien? "In space, no one can hear you scream".

          • Seriously. Every single decent sci-fi film/show/short that I've ever seen apart from 2001 has ignored the sound propagation issue.

            I think that started with Star Trek. They tried doing the credit fly-by with no sound and it felt empty and looked like animated toys. So they added sound and it was more gut-satisfying (despite the inaccuracy).

            (This led to the Trekkie joke: "Why does the Enterprise go 'whoosh' when it flies by in vacuum?" "Because somebody left the vacuum cleaner running."

            Of course this, and
      • by S3D ( 745318 )
        How about a moon city under the transparent dome ?
      • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward
        ever used an A.M. radio near a gasoline internal combustion engine? the r.f.i generated by the ignition system pretty much sounds like engine sound through air.

        maybe the astronaut-cameraman (i know it's CG) inadvertently recorded the rf interference.
      • Well technically, if you powered the bike with compressed air to push a piston in the engin then you would here a bike like noise if you sat on it as the vibrations would travel though your body.
      • The US style yellow line on the road were hang point for me. Is the space Nazi moon highway really that busy that they need to stop overtaking?
      • You're worried about sound? Check out what happens to light in the moon-man's visor. Reflections are backwards! Unless Nazis salute with their left arms in 2018.
      • by sootman ( 158191 )
        I almost stopped watching when I saw the title card that said "Dark side of the moon." Pink Floyd be damned, there IS no side of the moon that is permanently dark. What there is is a FAR side of the moon. Duh.
    • Looking at the trailer, I couldn't quite figure out if they are going for a dark, true sci-fi kind of work, or if it will be a spoof/comedy.

      Ready the story synopsis [] on the website:

      Renate is to travel to Earth on a secret mission with her fiance, the handsome and high-ranking Klaus, a true Nazi down to his jackboots. Their mission: to assassinate the president of the United States, Jenna Bush.

      I think that answers your question.

      Clearly it's a documentary!

  • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Maybe they meant radio-dark. To earth. I guess. Seriously, though, you're not allowed to poke holes in the science until *after* it's out. :P

    • by anothy ( 83176 )
      uh, yeah? the moon's rotation and revolutions are synchronized such that one side is always facing away from the earth - we only ever see the same half of the moon. the other side is commonly (much to the dismay of pedantic astronomers) call the "dark side", despite the fact that it gets just as much light. if you were looking to hide a military base from earth, that'd be where you put it.
      • the [side away from the earth] is commonly (much to the dismay of pedantic astronomers) call the "dark side",

        Right. ... despite the fact that it gets just as much light

        Well, not quite:

        The near side of the Moon always has the Earth above the horizon, and the Earth reflects a lot more sunligt to the moon than the moon does to the earth. (Enough to make the new moon weakly visible just by the doubly-reflected light.) So while days are the same on either side, nights on the "dark side" are only starlit, while
    • Oh, ok, so space Nazis fly in flying saucers from Antarctica to the moon and make a base where they drive about in motorcycle sidecars around thier swastica shaped moon palace, and you are complaining that they said dark side of the moon?

      If this was Star trek or something that is all serious and up it's own ass, then yea rip away, but you really are a very sad little man if that's the first thing you thought of.

      Space Nazi's rule! Space Hitler is cooler than the Space Pope!
  • Enough... (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    We'll go see Iron Man already!
  • by Sigvatr ( 1207234 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:19AM (#23320850)
    Mars, God of War is more suiting to space Nazis, not emo chick music. Whoever made that choice of music should be sent to a concentration camp.
    • by Joshua_Aaron_Jones ( 1236862 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:30AM (#23320890)
      The music is modeled after the music of the 1930s and 1940s. I think it fits perfectly.
    • The Star Wreck trailer looked terrible, but this one created an interesting enough mood with it's music choice that I might actually watch it. Certainly more interesting than the average made-for-scifi-channel movie promo.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by anthroboy ( 663415 )
      Couldn't disagree more. It's 21st century film noire: the singer is far less emo than she is neo-jazz-chanteuse, and whoever produced and edited that song to fit the trailer did a fantastic job. Point for point the song matches the story outlined in the trailer, from the staticky faux-40s sound and spare instrumentation in the beginning to the clarity and haunting vocal multitracking in the middle to the concluding line about "see[ing] you again under the iron sky" just before the last shot, the song does
  • Make that Bringer of War, but God sounds more brutal.
  • It is a teaser (Score:4, Informative)

    by rihkama ( 732472 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:26AM (#23320884)
    Just to clarify: the video released is just a teaser.
  • 8 Million is a Lot (Score:5, Interesting)

    by foo fighter ( 151863 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @12:28AM (#23320886) Homepage
    Obviously we can't honestly compare downloads to seats in theaters.

    But lets just say (using RIAA/MPAA math) those 8 million downloads were 8 million buts at seats for $7-$9 a pop. That'd be $56-$72 million in box office receipts.

    That compares very favorably to any number of successful indie releases, let alone bombs. Disney (to single out one studio) since 2000 would, in retrospect, have been happy with [] this [] since their marketing muscle could have easily doubled these speculative receipts.
    • by Tom ( 822 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @01:16AM (#23321066) Homepage Journal

      Obviously we can't honestly compare downloads to seats in theaters.
      Off course we can! If the RIAA can, so can we.

      Forget theaters. Those were 8 million DVD sales, at $16.99 each. Those bloody commis just swindled the movie industry out of 136 million bucks! And that's not even figuring in piracy!
    • Um, you're assuming that those 8 million people still would've downloaded it if they had to pay $7-9 dollars, which is probably not the case...
    • by Jupix ( 916634 )
      Eight million downloads is a lot, and I do think SW did well, but I hope Iron Sky isn't expected (by the media) to reach those sort of numbers. I mean, Star Wreck was so heavily about ST and Babylon 5, it intrigued their fans. Whereas Iron Sky is completely original and will mostly draw Star Wreck fans... Which, let's face it, is a small-ish group of people. I'd feel really bad for Samuli Torssonen et gang if a month or so after release the media were touting, "Iron Sky a failure, only watched by 1 million"
  • Not only was the music track in the teaser desperately dull, it had nothing to do with the visuals. Lame.
    I like a good space Nazis communal movie as well as anyone else but don't forget to tell a story!
  • This video is no longer available.
  • This might make a good cheezy video game, but I can't imagine sitting through 2 hours of youtube quality acting. Check out the preview for the other film these guys created "star wreck." It looks like a tediously bad fan comedy.

    The trailer might look kind of impressive, but from the website:
    "At the moment, the team is finalizing the script"
    In other words, the trailer has no relation to the final product in quality... and when they actually have to find live action "actors" to do the script... well...

    I'm not
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      This might make a good cheezy video game, but I can't imagine sitting through 2 hours of youtube quality acting. Check out the preview for the other film these guys created "star wreck." It looks like a tediously bad fan comedy.

      Star wreck was made by the same guys but without any money or professional actors. Now they have a real production company behind them and steady funding. This is their first "real" production and they have also stated that they are using real hired actors for this movie. So I'm optimistic.

    • The acting in Star wreck was pretty damn good actually. I'm not too worried. These guys know what they are doing.
  • by Dtyst ( 790737 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @02:15AM (#23321244)
    The biggest complaints about their zero-budget movie Star Wreck were the script and the acting. This time I'm sure it's better as they have an awarded writer (Johanna Sinisalo) doing the script (2 years already, since they announced the movie) They will also use real hired actors instead of amateurs.
    • What else is there to a movie, really, other than a good script and acting? As many have mentioned, all the SFX in the world aren't going to make a turd shine.

      That being said, I've watched the original, and while the acting is obviously quite amateur in places, and the script a bit corny, it all fits together nicely. Certainly when you consider the origins of the movie, it does quite well. I'd still say the acting was better than Mannikan Skywalker, and the script better than "The Hulk" or many other movi
    • by PatboyX ( 968493 )
      Well, I have to say I'm more excited about this movie than their last. I'm really tired of half-assed sci-fi comedy. And the acting and writing were horrible. But the concept of this looks interesting in a pulp/serial way. What I actually wish Indiana Jones 4 was about if Spielberg hadn't sworn off "funny Nazis."
  • Why is this not a regular film in movie theatres? Maybe it is becase the establishment has kept it secret. Perhaps the truth is being revealed as the world is starting to think that Americans landing on the moon was disinform the fact that the Third Reich beat us to it.

    Come to think of in, in terms of real life, why the hell did we elect a distant relative of Adolf Hitler to be the 41st and 43rd Presidents of the United States?
    • Come to think of in, in terms of real life, why the hell did we elect a distant relative of Adolf Hitler to be the 41st and 43rd Presidents of the United States?

      For the same reason the Brits had a part american indian as their prime minister during WWII. A lot of people were convinced he was a good choice for the job.

      This is the United States. No nobles here. Your ancestors' political connections, wealth, and historic behavior don't matter when it comes to what offices YOU get to hold. (Or at least that
  • Language? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by nogginthenog ( 582552 ) on Wednesday May 07, 2008 @06:08AM (#23322152)
    Anyone know what language this is being filmed in?
  • is under a Creative Commons by-nd-nc license, and made good money both through DVD sales and through an eventual deal with Universal.

    How can you "make good money" on an "NC" (non-commercial license?

    Who do I sue?


  • ... who completely loved that short trailer?

    I mean, it's great that it's released under Creative Commons and stuff, but, unlike previous efforts [] (which were damn good BTW), this one has me completely psyched. The look and feel, the theme, storyline... it reminds me of one of those old campy sci-fi flicks.

    I can't wait for the release!
    • I agree, it looks superb!
      I'd actually never heard of the previous movie Star Wreck. I'm downloading it now.
      • by h4rm0ny ( 722443 )

        Oh you'll like it a lot if you're familiar with the source material - less so if you're not. But don't go into it with super-high expectations. It starts off pretty ropey, but it gets a Hell of a lot better. I think that's because it was filmed sequentially over a long period and their expertise and resources grew with time.
  • I loved Sky Captain, and this feels like its cut from the same cloth.

    Hopefully it does well, and spurs more crazy alternative history films.
  • I for one believe that the Nazi's did have a secret Antarctic base, and developed the core "UFO" technology which project Paperclip imported into the USA after the war. If Germans are aliens, then, yeah, we stole "alien" technology to make the American "UFOs". Germany was "this" close to world domination. And it would have worked, too - if it hadn't been for those pesky Yanks. Oh, and Admiral Byrd's invasion of Antarctica after the war. Ahah! He's the pidgeon!

    But Nazi's on the moon? That's just silly. Obvio
    • by surgeon ( 61206 ) *

      I wonder where the screenwriters got 'their' ideas from...

      the picture with the astronaut raising the swastika flag on the moon most certainly not original

      Perhaps they've been lurking on the Indiana Jones 4 bb too long .. or somewhere far darker


      dr. Strangelove.
      • by Teilo ( 91279 )
        I know where they got their material.

        There is a segment of the UFO research community, (call it the "I don't believe it's aliens" crowd), who follow research which suggests that the Nazi's had anti-gravity and exotic power sources which were on the verge of being used in the war. However, Hitler was so focused on making bombers to retaliate the barrage of firebombing which their major cities endured at the hands of the Allies, that he directed most of their manufacturing and research into bombers, thus curt
        • by surgeon ( 61206 ) *
          you name 'a segment of the {nazi?} UFO community'. I suppose you mean 'VRIL' and all nazi-ufo things related.

          But I don't think this is the case. The use of the Black Sun image in this context requires far deeper knowledge of certain subcultures

          Look closely: when you see the saucers form the nazi moonbase' launching it's through the opening eye of the symbol of SS engineers cult "Schwarze Sonne".

          on the topic of turbulence and anti-gravity: Did you know the Japanese Army send a cargo Mercury to Antartica? I
        • by surgeon ( 61206 ) *
          huge ammount of casualties? there was only one plane crashed...

          but the most interesting part (at least to me) why were they in a such hurry to get there (to antartica)

          imo: the base was never found in New Schwabenland

          it's in the Hollow Earth :)
          • by Teilo ( 91279 )
            That's because the Neuschwabenland base was invisible. :D

            You are right about the one plane crash. There were not "huge casualties". That's what happens when I try to go from memory. There was also Vance Woodall, who died in an accident.

            But still, as you say, the speed of heading down there soon after the war, with 4700 men, 3500 of whom were Marines, sure begs the question, "Why?"
  • The presentation was amazing. I can't wait to watch this flick!

    This is what happens, when films stop being a business and become art again.
  • This movie looks better (possibly not safe for work): Werewolf Women Of The S.S. []

    It has Udo Kier [] in it.

  • I'm glad to hear that this is supposed to be tongue in cheek. I'd hate to think that they were propagating the "dark side of the moon" myth from Space 1999 accidentally. Or maybe it's a reference to the Pink Floyd album?

    I remember the original commentary about Space 1999 that there is no dark side of the moon. There's a far side of the moon, but if nuclear fuel dumps exploded there it would drive the moon straight at the earth.

    • There's a far side of the moon, but if nuclear fuel dumps exploded there it would drive the moon straight at the earth.

      Which would make it miss. (Basic orbital dynamics.)

      To make it hit you'd have to "explode" the nuclear fuel dumps on the side leading in the orbit, to decelerate it into an impacting orbit.

      It would also take LOTS of nuclear fuel dumps over a VERY LONG TIME. B-)

      Nuclear bombs are big on human scales. But they're firecrackers compared to an earthquake, and an earthquake is not even in the le
      • It would be fun to calculate the amount of nuclear reaction mass it would take to make the entire moon accelerate at the 10g's or so it would take to press everyone to the floor without killing them, like it did in the first episode. I can presume, though, that it would be more likely to split the moon into pieces and rain death down upon the earth than accelerate it all in one piece, even if the dumps were spread evenly across a large area. But, barring that, the dumps would theoretically have to be cent
        • ... the entire moon accelerate at the 10g's or so it would take to press everyone to the floor without killing them, like it did in the first episode. I can presume, though, that it would be more likely to split the moon into pieces and rain death down upon the earth than accelerate it all in one piece ...

          The moon is not solid. Think of it as a bunch of pebbles, sand, and dust particles held together by their own gravity. Accelerate it at something even approaching its own surface gravity (assuming you co
  • Mythobeast, I think you've missed the symbol of the Black Sun (Schwarze Sonne) appearing on the moon. You should at least 2 or more appearing in the 'trailer'.

    The dark side of the moon is presumably a reference to the cultus of the Black Son / Schwarze Sonne .. because of their motto .. "Uns geht die sonne nicht unter" ({our} sun will never go down)

    Even on the dark side of the moon, so phun intended

    You see: there's no business like shoa business.
  • Renate is to travel to Earth on a secret mission with her fiance, the handsome and high-ranking Klaus, a true Nazi down to his jackboots. Their mission: to assassinate the president of the United States, Jenna Bush.

    Renate finds Earth not to be the pit of depravity Klaus had described. Suddenly, bombing this world back to the stone age doesn't seem like a good idea at all.

    President Jenna Bush? No, it really would be time to bomb us back to the stone age.

    This reminds me of a great short story by David Drake. A US senator is spending the weekend out at his cabin when the lights flighte and an eerie whirling noise comes from outside. There's a bleedin' flying saucer coming down. The hatch opens and out comes an SS officer complete with armband. The war was over 30 years ago, the senator had fought against the bastards, and now here's one with a flying saucer! The SS officer te

