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Maine To Skip Vista, Go Directly To Windows 7 242

Preedit writes "The State of Maine is the latest organization to skip Windows Vista, which has been a near-disaster for Microsoft. An internal state document (dated September 15) uncovered by Infoweek reveals that Maine will not be upgrading its more than 11,000 personal computing devices from XP to Vista — ever. Instead, it's going to wait until Windows 7 ships in 2010 and hope for the best. The news is in line with a survey that shows only 4% of businesses in the UK have upgraded to Vista, the story notes. So much for that $300 million Seinfeld campaign." A commenter on the article makes the point that Maine's signing an enterprise software license with Microsoft means that Redmond doesn't really lose out on this deal; it simply allows the state to upgrade its equipment and software on its own time.
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Maine To Skip Vista, Go Directly To Windows 7

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  • Go MAINE!!! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by KGIII ( 973947 ) * <> on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:31PM (#25257677) Journal

    Maine has been pretty interesting in the tech field lately. Recently we told RIAA to go pound sand in their ass. Now the State is making a choice to make the best choices (as they see) concerning their upgrade cycle.

    This won't actually harm Microsoft in any way but it will save Maine some money in that they won't need to work on re-training people for Vista while they wait for the upgrade to Windows 7.

    As the State is currently using Windows XP (and some old Win2k servers still) they should be able to continue some level of support for the remainder of this period assuming that there aren't any major delays with Windows 7. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    As a side note, I just was up and across the mountain tops in the Height of the Land checking out the foliage. Once the Sun came out it was pretty vibrant. We cheated and cut across through Byron to Weld and then took 142 back down into Phillips getting out of the tourist areas. It was a nice trip, if you're in Maine and want to see the foliage than today might have been your best shot for this area.

    • by philspear ( 1142299 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:38PM (#25257741)

      Recently we told RIAA to go pound sand in their ass.

      THAT'S all it took to get rid of them? Man, all that wasted money on lawyers, shoulda just bought some sand.

      • Re:Go MAINE!!! (Score:5, Informative)

        by KGIII ( 973947 ) * <> on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:42PM (#25257787) Journal

        More accurately it took a judge down in the Colby College area. There was some info on /. about it as I recall. I think NYCL posted it.

        *goes to look for it*

        Here you go: []

        (In case you can't tell, I'm a happy Maine citizen.)

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by ShieldW0lf ( 601553 )

          The comment about this not having much consequence to MS is missing a very vital point: Vista was a back room deal to install locks and keys on everyones machines. They got a lot of money and a place in the new world order in exchange. Only, people are revolting, and they're not installing it like they're supposed to. Which is a big deal, because the economic systems are going to collapse, and their money isn't going to be worth shit. They're going to be irrelevant and hated. They shot big and lost.

        • by Bob9113 ( 14996 )

          (In case you can't tell, I'm a happy Maine citizen.)

          How do ya feel about Maine's enterprise license, using your tax money to pay for OS licenses they will never use?

          Or about Microsoft, tying their software together under an enterprise license and through undocumented APIs and formats, abusing their monopoly, to make it seem like a good deal to your state?

          (though I'm happy for your state's stand against the drive-by-lawyering of the RIAA)

          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

            I am quite content with that as their license includes out-of-band support, hot fixes, etc... Their license is not like a normal end-user license. it is a contract that includes support that your average person doesn't have available.

            We have looked at alternatives and this has been considered the most cost effective at this time. For the part about not upgrading, it isn't about how crappy Vista is - it is a matter of timing. (Please see the article in question.) It is unrealistic for us to bother with it. L

      • by JehCt ( 879940 ) *

        THAT'S all it took to get rid of them? Man, all that wasted money on lawyers, shoulda just bought some sand.

        Mainers are frugal!

        • by SkyDude ( 919251 )

          THAT'S all it took to get rid of them? Man, all that wasted money on lawyers, shoulda just bought some sand.

          Mainers are frugal!


    • Annoying as this may be to you, you may have just convinced me to visit Maine the next time I cross the ocean...

      • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

        Come on over. I don't care if you are annoying to me personally. Pfft. I'm not one who cares a whole lot if I dislike the person or like the person I talk to so long as the conversation is worth having. If you *are* going to come over (even on my foes list) then stop on in. We can hammered and argue the logic of our thinking in person.

        • by Tubal-Cain ( 1289912 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @03:55PM (#25258459) Journal

          We can hammered and argue the logic of our thinking in person.

          Sounds like someone already did.

          • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

            /me actually I'm working on some Molson XXX right now. ;) Gimme a couple hours and have some understanding - it isn't often that I get to post in a thread about Maine. ;)

            We've got seven people and 1.3 million moose. S'not like we get a whole lot to contribute to /. ya know.

    • by Trails ( 629752 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @04:12PM (#25258617)

      You Mainers won't be so smug when you find out that Windows Mojave is really Vista!!!

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by davester666 ( 731373 )

      I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Windows 7 is effectively Vista SP2.

      Windows 7 is a rebranding exercise more than it is a new operating system, due to the debacle of the Vista launch.

      This time around:
      -the low-end machines will be powerful enough to run all of Windows 7, so they don't need to pull the 'Vista-capable' crap to keep selling cheap systems with underpowered integrated video chips
      -way more drivers are available for the devices you will have then (as you stop using older devices, and buy n

      • Re:Go MAINE!!! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by KGIII ( 973947 ) * <> on Saturday October 04, 2008 @05:28PM (#25259281) Journal

        Err... You're not telling me anything? This isn't a stance against Vista. It is "not upgrading at this time." It isn't a stance against Microsoft. It is "not upgrading at this time." This is, in effect, waiting for SP2 (or SP3 I suspect in this case) to push the expense down the road when people are more prepared for it and the regularly scheduled hardware upgrades are already complete. Someone opted to spin the story without regard of the facts. This is *not* an anti-Vista ploy. Microsoft is still getting the same amount of money they got yesterday from us. This is NOT a pro Linux, Mac, Free/Open Source Software anything. This is JUST delaying upgrading until the hardware is available to run it and we can (hopefully) afford to run a few extra support staff to enable the transition to go more smoothly than it would at this point.

        In other words, this is a Good Thing® for Maine. We've looked at alternatives (though not for a while) and stuck with Microsoft in the government area and Mac in the scholastic system. We've tossed up a pile of Linux servers (no Unix any more though as far as I know) and even have the internal DOJ running on Solaris (last I knew -- though I'm betting it is still running on Sun hardware). This is not a question of the OS for us, this is a question of keeping it simple so that we don't have to pay for retraining at this time and, if Windows 7 is close to Vista in looks/function then we save even more because the average user will have upgraded and been familiar with Vista by then.

        Maine was almost immediately upgraded to Office 2007. The hardware supported it and their licenses allowed it with no additional costing to Microsoft. As contrary as it is to say on /. the help desk instances went up a little (according to first hand reports) and didn't overwhelm them to the point of even needing overtime. This is NOT an anti-Microsoft thing. This is not a potential for changing thing. This is JUST a choice to delay upgrading to ensure that we upgrade at a time when we're also moving the majority to new hardware and that hardware should support the new OS as well as the existing hardware and OS last just fine until that time.

    • Maine has been slightly less than completely retarded as of late.

      That doesn't make up for gutting UMS or continuing that idiotic laptops-for-kids program.

      • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

        At least once a week I go out and jack an eighth grader and steal their G4! I *like* that program!

        Okay, I kid... It really is not a good idea as a program and, from my perspective, hasn't helped one damned bit.

        • That's pretty much how I look at it. Those laptops were stupid to begin with; in high school I was pressed into helping deal with the damn things because the school's (middle school/high school) two IT people couldn't handle the load of "I AM RETARDED AND WANT MY COMPUTOBOX TO DO SHINIES!".

          Currently I'm more pissed about UMS, though, being a student in Orono. Yes, let's chop the budgets even further!

  • by Naughty Bob ( 1004174 ) * on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:34PM (#25257701)

    A commenter on the article makes the point....

    Wait- Microsoft can't get people to install their flagship product, even though they've already paid for it, and the commenter's point is that this isn't bad for Microsoft?


    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

      Not in the sense from the State's contract with them. Maine is going to pay regardless. We're just not upgrading to Vista. Microsoft is going to get the same amount of money from us regardless of when we upgrade.

      • by maugle ( 1369813 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:48PM (#25257831)
        Microsoft may still be getting the same amount of money from Maine, but "They don't want to install Vista even though they already paid for it" is the sort of PR that'll keep others from buying it.
        • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

          Probably not. Retail copies of Vista are dismally slow moving off the shelves it appears. People "in the know" aren't buying it. Those buying OEM are still getting Vista. Some of them even like it. I, personally, see no reason to upgrade the OS in my home at this time. I prefer Mandriva and XP Pro. I actually doubt that anyone will notice other than us here on /. but I'll keep watching my local news (and I live in Maine in case you hadn't gathered that) to see if I hear a single mention of it.

          • I didn't see a reason to buy Vista until I built my newest PC. My old hardware wasn't powerful enough and lacked DX10. When I bought my E8400 and 9800GTX it was time. I went with Vista Home Premium 64 for system builders ($100 on newegg). I haven't had a single Vista related problem. Unfortunately my NIC is unsupported under linux at the moment until the next kernel rev, so I use VMware to get what I need done (Vista saves the day).
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          How many people really buy an OS as a boxed copy? People still buy OEM Vista, and people don't care.

      • Microsoft is going to get the same amount of money from us regardless of when we upgrade.

        Are you sure about that? Big organizations (such as Universities) that have upgraded their systems to Vista have also seen an increase in their site license fees.

        If you have any sources that indicate that the license fees Maine is paying now would have stayed the same if they'd gone to Vista, could you post them, please?

        • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

          Only what is in the article. I don't doubt that it will remain the same though. I can call but I doubt VERY much that I'm going to get anyone to go "on the record" with an answer. Either way, they aren't upgrading to Vista which means that it should stay the same regardless, that's kind of the point. If big organizations are upgrading to Vista and having their site license upgraded that is unimportant to this conversation really as we're not upgrading to Vista so I'm not exactly sure where you're going with

  • I do think its great that states are turning down the pointless upgrade and saving some money, but they make it sound like there was no other choice. Seriously is Windows really the only OS out there? If Windows is posing such a problem that you cant even upgrade it cause its so bad why not upgrade AWAY from Windows... I just dont get it.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by maugle ( 1369813 )
      Because, in all likelihood, their operations depend on a multiple of Excel macros, Word templates, Access databases, and maybe even a few web pages that require ActiveX to work.
  • ... and that point is when Microsoft has successfully convinced hardware makers to not create Windows XP device drivers for their new hardware. This is already starting to happen. Soon, you may not have a Windows XP option of any kind when buying new hardware.

    • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

      We don't actually need to upgrade hardware until a few years from now so that won't really apply in this case I'm afraid. They *did* do some hardware upgrades for mobile DOJ/DOC workers this year but downgraded to XP Pro with them in-house. Most everything (probably everything) we have should easily last a couple more years and we have a pile of spare stock should we need it.

  • I work for an organization which decided several years ago not to upgrade its windows 2000 PCs
    to XP. because the win 2000 worked and the IT staff new it well and the upgrade was expensive, show we thought we would just wait a bit for longhorn.
    Now in 2008 we are still with win 2000 on many thousnds of PCs and are basiclly forced to "upgrade" to Vista.
    Vista is a crummy system, but you never know what comes next?

    not that its going to happen in my workplace, but I am all for moving to Linux desktop for at least

    • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

      What are you running that won't run on W2K? Your software vendor can't release a W2K support patch for thousands of software installations?

  • Microsoft has truly lost its tracks during last 5 years.
    Most of their new operating systems have been home-customer-directed teletubby-like interfaces for home-users.
    Yet, 90% of Microsoft customers are corporate. Corporate customers don't care about aero or some fancy gui transparency.
    Corporate customers want OS that looks and performs like windows 2000, is as secure as XP and doesn't cause excess load on their IT departments.
    Vista and Office 2007 both failed miserabely with these requirements.
    Office 2
    • by KGIII ( 973947 ) * <> on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:57PM (#25257921) Journal

      Maine upgraded to Office 2k7 as soon as it was available and, even with the ribbon, the help desk managed pretty easily as I understand. (I know a lot of the IT workers, a bunch of the politicians, and even regularly consume alcohol with a few of them. I will be at my DA's house tomorrow night actually as I want to talk about a buddy of mine who's in a spot of trouble.)

      This is more about saying that we have "good enough." It is more about saving the money that would be involved in upgrading systems at this time when we're one broke ass state and no one wants to raise taxes. It is more about saving that money from the hardware and additional training as well as the actual labor involved.

      Because the State's IT department is so small they often will hire outside contractors (I have done this) to go into a facility and upgrade/swap out and we can't afford that right now.

      From my own perspective, the scary thing is that I don't know if we will be in any better a position to afford this two years from now or not. Pardon my language but, as a State, we're fucked. Our tax burden is already quite high, the lack of people driving due to the gas prices killed a lot of businesses this year, and the lack of revenue has meant that a few important things have had to have been skipped to tighten our proverbial belt.

      There are a few signs that things aren't too bad but for each of those there are signs that show a much worse case. We had to cancel our paving jobs (not town or city but State jobs from the DOT) because of the costs associated with them. At the same time our banks (actually a lot of credit unions here) are still loaning money and construction hasn't taken that much of a downswing from what I have seen over the past few years. I did spend a bunch of time driving randomly across the nations and seeing things like halted motel construction across the I-10 corridor in Florida doesn't seem to equate what I'm seeing here.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Tubal-Cain ( 1289912 )

      Corporate customers want OS that looks and performs like windows 2000, is as secure as XP and doesn't cause excess load on their IT departments.

      It's not that hard to make XP (or even Vista) look like 2000. And I think you can even toggle the relevant settings while slipstreaming service packs so you don't need to do 30 minutes worth of tweaking afterwards on each machine.

    • by tygt ( 792974 )
      Not disagreeing with you, but curious:

      vista can be skipped since XP is good enough for 90% purposes

      When is XP not good enough?

      As far as I could tell 2k was good enough until I started to play games, and I've never found anything that needed XP in the workplace.

  • by gparent ( 1242548 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @02:49PM (#25257839)
    We went from NT to XP, skipping 2000, and we're gonna go from XP to 7, skipping Vista.

    Servers have also done the same jump, from NT to 2003 and from 2003 to Win 7 Server edition.

    We do make money out of it, though, unlike Maine.
    • In Maine the cycle has been a lot like you describe.

      94 386/486 mix with 3.1 and 95 in the middle (this was an odd one)
      -- Same era -- DEC stuff still and our start of a love affair with Cisco as I recall
      98 (year) to 98 (and then to 98se.)
      2002 Win2k and XP
      -- Same era -- Cisco prices for support kicked our ass
      -- Same era -- Wyse and Citrix moved *back* in
      2006 XP/Server 2k3
      -- Same era -- Juniper shows up with a beautiful price (I think we run Juniper gear almost entirely in some areas now)

      Here's where Microsoft

  • Why believe that Windows 7 will be better? Wasn't that the promise of Vista?

    MS has not delivered its promised features so many times that it makes no sense to believe that Windows 7 will be any different.

    • by Toonol ( 1057698 )
      I think Vista's failure was a result of XP's success; Microsoft didn't have a fire in their belly to improve their product. Instead, they took the OS in a direction that Microsoft wanted, not the customer. The consumer was not the driving factor in their design decisions.

      That failed, as did Vista. Now, they are working on Windows 7... the quality of their coding is not going to be particularly better or worse than, but their priorities are going to be substantially different. Another release or two t
  • I understand users wanting the newest and greatest, I am like that a lot. I own a Mac Pro which is totally overboard for what I do, but I do it because I can. Home users will always want the newest stuff.

    However, when you are talking about a large organization. Upgrading has to be for a reason. Hardware becomes faster, that's a good reason to upgrade. Application x gives new features that our users actually need, then its a good reason to upgrade.

    But seriously, what does Vista provide that XP doesn't ?

  • Wouldn't it be more cost effective for the State of Maine, and similar organizations to put half of the money that they put into Microsoft into building, by way of contractors, a shared, possibly open, solution on a less expensive platform over which they may have more control? This seems especially likely as I doubt that these organizations are actively competing against each other, at least not in a way where sharing an IT solution to be of negative impact to them.
    • Yeah, if only there had been someone building an open source OS that is less expensive than Microsoft Windows. I think I'd call it.... Lin... lin.... Linux!
  • Sounds like we have our next candidate for the Mojave Experiment!
  • MS is supposed to superior because it is not tied to a particular hardware, and has many programs to allow an average person to be trained in development and support. These people can then go out into the market and make a living supporting MS products. THe issue is of course is that when depends on MS products, one also depends on MS developing new products that grow the market. In this case we see that vista should have been a boon for developers and support people. But no, MS still gets the licensing
  • Vista is a disaster. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by InlawBiker ( 1124825 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @03:27PM (#25258197)

    I work for a Very Large Telecom. Nobody is running Vista. It would be too expensive in hardware, training and support. We can do our jobs just fine with XP on cheaper hardware.

    Like most, we are 100% Microsoft on the desktop and there are no alternative we can switch to quickly. Exchange and AD are too entrenched. I have a feeling CTO's at some companies see this risk and are evaluating "other options." The problem is the propriety enterprise packages are tried and true on Windows, and it's too expensive to replace all that infrastructure.

    Microsoft might force consumers to buy Vista, but I doubt it'll happen for large companies. It would make a lot of people very angry and force large companies to pressure the Enterprise software vendors to write Mac or Linux clients.

    It wouldn't surprise me to see Microsoft force their hand, but it could be their undoing if they did.

    • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @04:47PM (#25258931)

      I work for game developer (small by corporate standards, but big for a developer), with about 150 employees. Most of us are running 64-bit Vista. See, the trick is, though, this was part of a round of hardware updates as well. With our machines (quad core, 4 GB RAM, fast video card, etc), the performance impact of Vista is largely negligible.

      Most companies are not running games that demand high-end systems. They're running office machines that calculate spreadsheets, write letters, create powerpoint presentations, track inventory, and play the occasional game of solitude or watch youtube videos with office mates. It's hard to justify upgrading to a new operating system with a lot more overhead when your basic computing requirements haven't changed much. In general, I expect that Vista is likely selling at just slightly over the rate of new Windows-based PCs being sold. There are probably more users that upgrade than downgrade, and most new PCs have Vista on them now.

      I think this is mostly a case of unrealistic expectations - the idea that an operating system is so compelling that people will rush out to upgrade. I could have told them that most users with would not feel entirely compelled to upgrade their existing hardware. Users seem much more likely to upgrade their operating system at the same time they upgrade their hardware. And frankly, people are finding it harder to justify upgrading their computers when the only thing that a 4 year old computer can't handle is a) the latest, greatest PC games, or 2) the latest, greatest operating system.

      The funny thing, if Microsoft had forecast realistic adoption rates of Vista (at just above the purchase rate of new Windows-based PCs), then they probably could have claimed success. But they all drank the kool-aid since it made their forecasts look so much better if large numbers of people suddenly said "Hey, let's give Microsoft a bunch of money to Microsoft for a new operating system, and I'll get a) better security (uh, shouldn't that be freely available as patches?), b) a slower machine (uh... wait a sec), and c) a shiney new desktop - unless your video card can't handle it, or unless you buy the wrong version of the OS." And from a corporate perspective, even if you're already paying for the software, it still doesn't negate the cost of migrating, retraining, and performance-related issues.

      And now, rushing a new version of Windows out guarantees a fragmented Windows market of THREE operating systems (which we developers still have to support, even if you don't, thank you). It's not going to encourage adoption rates any more than Vista did. These guys just don't learn.

  • Somehow, I am not very sure MS will keep the deadline.

    OTOH, they have announced they are slimming it down to a bare minimum and pushing their downloadable stuff instead.

    It's fun to watch how buzzword-compliant they are. "Multi-touch" and "Cloud" are terms they constantly associate with their future product line. It's textbook vaporware tactics at work.

  • by dnaumov ( 453672 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @04:14PM (#25258637)

    Window Vista is such a huge disaster for Microsoft, considering that since it's release, it has consistently sold more than Windows XP in the same timeframe since it's release (ie. amount of sales after 1 year of being on the market for both XP and Vista, after 2 years, etc etc). Truly a horrible mistake one would never want to repeat. Oh wait, nevermind.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by jonbryce ( 703250 )

      That's because there's a lot more computers in the world than there were in 2001. It's got nothing to do with Microsoft, and a lot to do with economic improvements in India and China.

  • Let me get this straight...

    1) Maine doesn't like Vista.
    2) Maine can't know much about Windows 7 because it doesn't exist yet.
    3) ?????
    4) Maine decides it will switch to Windows 7.
    5) Profit! (for Microsoft)

    So, step 3 may entail:

    a) Someone getting a bribe.
    b) Someone realizing how happy Microsoft products have made them in the past, and assuming the Vista problems must have been a one-time fluke.
    c) Someone thinking that "operating system" means "Windows".

  • A commenter on the article makes the point that Maine's signing an enterprise software license with Microsoft means that Redmond doesn't really lose out on this deal; it simply allows the state to upgrade its equipment and software on its own time.

    And Maine is the story here?

    How about the tying under license terms, service conditions, and through undocumented APIs and document formats that this implies? Would Maine have an enterprise license for Vista, an operating system they will never install, if there w

  • So Maine have already paid for a it but won't actually be installing (hence no support calls etc.)? Elsewhere, the vast majority of new PCs are sold with it "installed" (even if an XP image is then slapped on either by the vendor or the organisation that bought it).

    That's a "disaster" that many businesses would be happy with.

  • is the fact that it ships with IE7 and not IE6.

    Vista took too long to develop, but during that period too many software vendors wrote bad web interface code for business applications that would only work with IE6 and not IE7, Firefox, Oprah or any other browser. Let us face it, IE6 has known compatibility problems. This problem is compounded by the fact that Microsoft chose not to support IE7 on Windows 2000. Therefore, it did not make sense to repair this bad code if it meant that older machines would im

  • It's business too. I just started working for a startup company and guess what, all the machines are XP Pro, even though they have Vista license keys on the bottom of them.
  • by CrazyTalk ( 662055 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @06:19PM (#25259633)
    Everyone I work with uses it. Oh wait I forgot - I work at Microsoft.
  • by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @07:08PM (#25259949) Homepage Journal
    State government is a *prime* candidate for thin client computing. They need to spend some time in Largo, FL so they can see this kind of technology in action. Desktop computing is a waste of money in any environment, but in a taxpayer-funded environment it's just obscene. It wasn't all that long ago that most states had a mainframe or two running the state government, and there were just terminals all over the state. Support was easy and the technology was reliable. Most of those terminals never had a single site visit from the time they were first deployed until the time they were replaced with the first PC in a long line of treadmill upgrades.

    State governments need to return to those days, and the technology is available, and it works. *That* would be a true benefit to taxpayers.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

      We use Wyse through Citrix in a number of areas actually. There are still some VERY ancient Dell thin clients out there. Most are Wyse though.

  • Strange (Score:3, Insightful)

    by RAMMS+EIN ( 578166 ) on Saturday October 04, 2008 @07:28PM (#25260099) Homepage Journal

    This story strikes me as a bit strange. Maine announces they won't be migrating to Vista, supposedly because it's bad. So far, so good. But then they announce that they _will_ be migrating to Windows 7, which isn't out yet. So there is the possibility that Windows 7 will be even worse (for whatever value matters to Maine) than Vista, but they will migrate to it anyway?

    I think what they should have done is compare existing software. If they gain by migrating now, they migrate now, to whatever provides the best result. If they don't gain by migrating now, they don't migrate. Maybe they will migrate to Windows 7 once it's out, but that's a consideration to make once it's actually out.

When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
