Opera Being Composed On Twitter 99
musefrog writes "The BBC is reporting that the UK's Royal Opera House is to stage an opera created through social networking site Twitter. 'Members of the public have been invited to submit their 'tweets' online — messages of up to 140 characters — which will form the new libretto.The first scene of the as-yet-untitled work has already been completed and features a man who has been kidnapped by a group of birds. Excerpts will be performed at the Royal Opera House in September.' I'm personally looking forward to lots of idiotic net memes and inane emo ramblings being trilled out by aging sopranos."
I'm looking forward to... (Score:5, Funny)
...watching it in Opera.
Re:I'm looking forward to... (Score:5, Funny)
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It's not writing the libretto that's the hard part for 140 characters.
It's building the sets.
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Libretto: (Score:3, Funny)
No, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah but I know because I'm not. They don't scare me! Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm just Vicky Pollard from round the corner from the block. V to the P to the Icky to the Ollard. Oh, my God! That is so unfair! This is like, well, sexual harassment! If you like, fancy me why don't you just say so? God, this is exactly like the time Miss Rennig, who everyone knows is a total lesbian, made Candice Burton stay behind after PE, started telling her o
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I cast thee out onto the darkest sea
so that I can be free of you and no more be
a man stricken with pain and gloom
And be immune from horr
Twitter is a buzzword (Score:2)
Seriously - what is it about Twitter? It's a text message rebroadcast. (oh joy!) Why would we want to make up ridiculous services on Twitter?
Coming soon:
GCC compiler - twitter edition!
MS Word for Twitter!
Active Directory - Twitter edition!
How to publish ASCII porn through Twitter, LINE BY LINE!?!?!
Wikipedia was an interesting experiment - a broad-scale collaboration using a simple collaboration tool. Obviously it was a good idea. But in a few years, how many of these Twitter-isms are we going to remember
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Hey, relax! The twitter hype will pass and people will see it as what it is. It's like the 90s .com-hype - a lot of bullshit is thrown around, but it will pass, some things will stay, because they solve problems or enhance something, most will pass.
For myself, I can't see what is it about Twitter, doesn't do anything with me, maybe I'm to old or to whatever. Nearly none of my friends really uses it. But then, for a lot of people it seems to be the current thing, so what.
You and me, we poor souls are sti
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Yeah, a few years ago everybody wanted to be in Second Life, it was "Web 3.0", some IBM-people were saying it's the new place to do business, etc.
Gee, whatever happened to that?
Meanwhile, the German Post is now on Facebook and Twitter. What do they tweet about? "Beware of phishers", feh, how interesting.
Anyone remember (Score:2)
"Snake on the plane"
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Yo Dawg....
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I see a little silhoutette of a man (Score:2, Funny)
I see a little silhoutette of a man
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carrot soup carrot soup will you do the man banjo
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I for one welcome the opera made by Twits,
It's over 9000 (if you're counting gits).
4chan memes and lolcats,
Kevin Smith and Mallrats,
Say it isn't...
Say it isn't...
Someone say it isn't so...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
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Twit: A British slang word for an insignificant, foolish or annoying person.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twit [wikipedia.org]
Re:I see a little silhoutette of a man (Score:4, Funny)
scaramouche, scaramouche, I cn haz fandango?
Re:I see a little silhoutette of a man (Score:5, Funny)
All Of Your Base Belong To The Fat Lady (Score:3, Funny)
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Ahahahahaha! Ahahahaha! Aahahaha!
Yrs sincerely
The Opera Ghost
Aging sopranos (Score:2)
You never know. They might get a hottie like Netrebko to do a performance.
Uh huh (Score:1, Redundant)
This is stupid.
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This is stupid.
I'll be glad when Twitter is no longer trendy. On the plus side, the Slashdot troll named "twitter" is awfully quiet lately so maybe it's a GOOD thing that insignificant shit that's been done many times before makes headlines when it's done via their site.
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Why is this in the Technology section, and not the garbage, er, Idle section?
Actually, I'd like twit-related stories in an opt-in twit section.
And get off my lawn!
Oh I can see it now (Score:2)
reviews (Score:5, Funny)
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Positive review:
@twitlolcat: LOL! THEY CAN HAZ 4 CHZBURGS!!!
Negative review:
@joelsiegcat: DO NOT WANT!!! K THX BYE!
Critic's review (Score:1, Funny)
@twitopera: Full of fail. It is a pile of excrement and it stinketh to high heaven. FAIL. LUDICROUS FAIL.
Re:Critic's review (Score:5, Funny)
@twitopera: Full of fail. It is a pile of excrement and it stinketh to high heaven.
From a promotional press release: "@twitopera says new opera promotes growth and awakens the senses."
And if you don't believe that they'd do that, consider how movie reviewers' words are frequently twisted in advertising (e.g. "Pretty good if you like getting kicked in the head" becomes "Pretty good")
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What we see:"It was fantastic!"--Joel Johnson, Cool Water Creek Semi-Yearly Sentinel
What they really wrote: "If you like being gored by an angry bull while a swarm of yellow jackets play tether-ball with your testicles, you'll love this Twitpera, for you, masochist, it was fantastic!"
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*shakes fist*
Oh, I'll get you, anonymous coward! I'll get you some day!
Well... (Score:5, Insightful)
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How is that worse? The mediocrity that is Twitter will only produce mediocre opera.
YouTube comments, much like Sarah Palin's speeches, have the capacity to be truly inspiring in the hands of the right performer. [youtube.com]
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Yes, I'm fairly sure I understood him correctly. I was comparing Palin's speeches to YouTube comments, and noting that Shatner's reading of them was hilarious.
However, taking a merely mediocre speech and making anything interesting out of it would be much more difficult.
CATcerto (Score:4, Interesting)
This story reminded me of this [youtube.com].
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On a relevant note, the Twitter opera reminds me of A Million Penguins [amillionpenguins.com], a wiki-based project in which anyone could contribute to the aptly-titled book. It occurred over the span of a few months, and as expected, it was a pretty dismal failure literature-wise (a fascinating experiment, nonetheless).
Vandalism was one of the reasons why "A Million Penguins" didn't do well, so maybe this Twitter opera will work better with good moderation.
Both are reflections on the 1% Rule [wikipedia.org], it seems...
Kidnapped by birds... (Score:1)
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So you see, if it wasn't for this Twit opera, Slashdot would die.
It's official: I'm an old fogey (Score:5, Insightful)
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Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good. It just means it's popular.
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Please note that I don't say it's not justified.
twitter can solve that problem! (Score:2)
you just need to find the appropriate hashtag, like #fatherspickinglint, and you'll find a bunch of related posts.
Not just Boring, but Stupid Boring (Score:4, Funny)
"William is languishing in a tower, having been kidnapped by a group of birds who are anxious for revenge after he has killed one of their number." ... "Hans has promised to rescue him. The Woman With No Name is off to her biochemistry laboratory to make a potion to let people speak to the birds."
This will only be surpassed when Uwe Boll makes a movie based on MySpace.
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With Keanu Reeves as a facial expression coach, and voice synced by Arnold Schwarzenegger -- Poland style*?
(* In Poland, a single person reads all parts of the performance, both male and female, straight over the full original soundtrack.)
Polish dubbing (Score:1)
please don't give that man any ideas (Score:2)
you say it like this is some sort of stretch of the imagination, uwe boll making a myspace movie
david fincher of all people, he of fightclub and seven fame, is actually making a movie based on facebook:
http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10271662-36.html [cnet.com]
i cannot believe fincher is doing this. my esteem for the man just went into the toilet. the whole idea seems like such a narcissistic absurdity. just the effort of trying to imagine the kind of person a facebook movie would appeal to fills me with nausea
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Maybe it was a mercy kill... you know, they told Fincher "If you don't do it, we've got Boll lined up already" and Fincher was like, "Oh man, don't do that to the world, please."
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Actually, it would appeal to me, as it seems to be about the people behind Facebook, and not Facebook itself. That puts it in the same category as, say, Pirates of Silicon Valley and Antitrust, for what that's worth.
I guess (Score:3, Funny)
uh aging Sopranos... obvious but had to do it (Score:2)
Wait until 4chan hear about this.... (Score:2, Funny)
First words spoken: "Do you like mudkipz?"
Fantastic (Score:2)
Twitter. Is there /anything/ it can't do ?
Re:Fantastic (Score:5, Insightful)
Is there anything it *can*?
Re:Fantastic (Score:5, Insightful)
Is there anything it *can*?
It can be annoying.
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Break a Iranian stranglehold on information to show the world what's going on?
Scare the Russians enough to target ONE GUY'S account?
Let everyone know Gabe is taking a dump?
Twitter really is for old people. (Score:2)
And it is the only service, that pretty much started that way.
I have yet to see teens use it. While it seems to be the big craze for midlife-crisis men. ;)
I hope that means it dies faster. ^^
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I've never seen anyone use it. I hear about it all he time in the media, but no-one, no-one at all I know, or have heard of, has ever used it. But then I don't know many old people, perhaps that explains it.
As Much Swearing as Jerry Springer: The Opera? (Score:2)
Context (Score:2)
They're composing a new browser from Norway via Twitter that will form a new Toshiba subnotebook?
can it really do that?? (Score:2)
Worst. Idea. Ever. (Score:1)
While I do like the idea of Fine Arts trying to be innovative instead of just replaying past performances that have been successful this is a little ridiculous. I'm guessing this is a publicity stunt of sorts...."There are a lot of people talking about Twitter these days but not so many people talking about the Opera. Let's make an Opera based on Twitter. People will talk about it then!" instead of a being a genuinely interesting idea. It seems too much like the Opera conceding that people would rather
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I disagree. Operas and orchestras should embrace the fact that they are essentially cover bands.
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Hey! That was under 140 chars & funny. This too.
Oper(ett)a: Internet Style (Score:5, Funny)
I am the very model of a modern inter-netizen
I frequent digg and slashdot just like any savvy citizen
I've earned my stripes and now can gripe as well as any denizen...
But now I'm set, we're at the Met, and trolling in real life, my friend!
But now he's set, we're at the Met, and trolling in real life, my friend!
But now he's set, we're at the Met, and trolling in real life, my friend!
But now he's set, we're at the Met, and trolling in real life, my friend, my friend!
Midi through Twitter (Score:2)
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Anyone remember the hype over Second Life? (Score:2)
Complete bullshit! Everyone knows the future of social efforts will come from Second Life ^^^^ Facebook ^^^ Myspace ^^^^ IRC ^^^ BBSes ^^^ group meetings.
This same old shit keeps getting dug up and reanimated. Sure it looks like a person, but it's still a corpse. ... Nothing to see here, move along.
Obligatory Futurama Reference (Score:2)
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It truly does suck..http://royaloperahouse.wordpress.com/2009/08/10/act-1-scene-2-draws-to-a-close-on-a-tower-hanger/
I mean - what does any of that even *mean*??? It's a random collection of tweets that don't go together.
And Nothing of Value was lost... (Score:1)
Can I join in? (Score:2)
Assholes are cheap today, cheaper than yesterday...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRABshOnfCU [youtube.com]
140 characters on stage? (Score:3, Funny)
As silly as Twitter is (Score:2)
don't you think it's the Opera Company that looks dumb here? This seems like the most desperate, and obvious, attempt in the world to widen its audience. You can't go anywhere or do anything anymore without being invited to 'follow us on Twitter.' When I'm bombarded that often by the same advertising I have to think that the product being peddled is hopelessly out of date. Everyone seems to want to get on the Twitter bandwagon regardless of whether it has anything to do with them or their business.
There was
What would that solve? (Score:2)
Problem is, the RIAA is precisely who would approve such a thing. It's perfect -- it's hot, it's trendy, it's what all the young people are talking about (or what we think they're talking about), and it's cheap to make.
And, some people might even like something like this -- while the things we like might not appeal to everyone else.
The reason we don't need gatekeepers -- why we really don't want gatekeepers -- is precisely so that we can have good stuff, and tune out the crap like this.
And thus, we, the aud
They didn't think this trough. (Score:1)
Voicing (Score:1)
Lonely male hero - Spinto tenor
The only girl on the Internet - Lyric coloratura soprano
The Admin - Dramatic bass-baritone
The Troll - Buffo tenor
3 cam whores - 2 Lyric Soprano, 1 Lyric Mezzo,
Chorus of 13 y/o boys - Treble/counter-tenor
Anon chorus - Tenor, counter-tenor, basses, & baritones
Carl Orff sized orchestration with incessant humming fans and effect percussion.
Is it me? (Score:2)
Is it me? Or is the internet getting lamer every day?
Hey! (Score:2)
Somebody get that fail whale out of the way! It's blocking my view!
Composed? (Score:2)
First video of Twitter Opera lines being sung (Score:1)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8195041.stm [bbc.co.uk]
Watch to the very end for another traumatic excerpt - about, erm... nuts.