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New Wheel of Time Book — Chapter One Online, Released Oct 27 269

Tor Books has made the first chapter of the latest Wheel of Time book available to readers for free via their website. This is the first book to have work from Robert Jordan's replacement, Brandon Sanderson, since Jordan died in September of 2007. The Gathering Storm is complete and will be released on October 27th of this year. In addition, the prologue to this book will be available in e-book format on October 17th for $2.99. The whole of the Wheel of Time series will also be released as e-books with several of the books receiving new cover art as well.
Update: 09/07 23:42 GMT by KD : Reader Daniel Benamy points out that the correct release date for the prologue e-book is September 17.
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New Wheel of Time Book — Chapter One Online, Released Oct 27

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  • by xC0000005 ( 715810 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @05:29PM (#29344169) Homepage
    to download this book if they followed Jordan's writing style. The first chapter alone will contain so many electrons the internet itself will become unbalanced. Seriously, I swear he was paid by the pound for how much his books weighed. Long, flowery descriptions of clothing, scenery, hell, the crust on the underside of a chamber pot in the thirteenth bathroom of the summer home of the ice king's third cousin's dog. The series ought to come with a Wheel-barrow of time to avoid slipping a disc. Still, as long as there are trees left to kill and money to be earned the series will "be continued."
    • It compresses remarkably well, though.

      • Yeah, you wouldn't think there would be that many instances of
        "The diaphenous mist hung deep upon the mountain side from which there thundered forth the voice of ten thousand angry locust gods whose pus had once made the rivers of the southern continent run yellow, when the da'cam did first venture forth from the underground cavern from which all which is evil once did rise, and a wind like the wind from Elon's third midwive's flatulent second husband wracked the pines"

        But you would be wrong.

  • by zapakh ( 1256518 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @05:32PM (#29344201)
    Snape kills Dumbledore!

    No wait, that's not right...

  • BRANDON SANDERSON! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by greenskyx ( 609089 ) * on Monday September 07, 2009 @06:16PM (#29344481)
    The author of the new Wheel of Time Book rules. He is a fairly new author, but has some awesome books. They are some of the best epic fantasy books I've ever read. I highly suggest you read Elantris ( or Mistborn (
    • by jallen02 ( 124384 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @09:01PM (#29345623) Homepage Journal

      I concur with the parent. I recently purchased and read through all four of his most popular novels: Elantris and the Mistborn Trilogy. Sanderson's default writing style is actually shorter and less descriptive... but then for first books you don't always get the luxury of killing an entire forest to describe a bedroom.

      That said I have read the annotations for most of his books, Brandon's blog posts regarding his writing (cruise to his website and read up if your remotely interested) and the entire WoT series again. I have decided that with the amount of information Jordan left behind (plot) a writer of Sanderson's talent can pull it off. Sanderson has a much shorter paragraph length on average and his stories had great potential plot wise, he just chose to keep the stories shorter, though he has the vision of the grand epic. The real challenge will be nailing the details and tying up all of the plot threads on a coherent manner. The writing style, I think, Sanderson probably fell into after a few months of writing. Since Sanderson has already managed reasonably complex plots and seems to be keeping it all together (based on his blog posts) I hold high hopes for the completion of this series.

      This is a series I started reading in early high school and have treasured to this day. Some books are better than others, but this series is THE epic fantasy story of the last 20 years. It is more of a brute force presence in the fantasy fiction world than something someone did decades ago like Tolkien. Jordan has defined an entire decade of writers and readers that have had to come to terms with his stories when they contemplate the fantasy epic. When an author sits down and thinks of a plot and story for a fantasy epic it is, in my opinion, Tolkien and Jordan that you struggle with: how do you do something different? How do you spin threads of a story of epic length while making the same old good triumphs of evil (epicly!) enjoyable? There are a lot of other great writers in the epic fantasy space and I don't mean to reduce it to the two most well known.... but they are where they are for a reason.

      Anyhow... my rambling is done. I highly recommend Elantris and or the Mistborn trilogy. Though I suspect that most of us that have been eagerly waiting have already begun studying up on the man to finish up Jordan's legacy.

    • Ditto. Sanderson is one of my favorite new authors. Elantris and Mistborn both rocked, and Warbreaker was pretty good as well.

      Also, Tor published one of his short stories online for free, and it's quite good. Like Ender's Game, but in about 20 pages: []

  • Rainforest destruction legend Robert Jordan has successfully evaded paying off the advance on what was originally a four-page satire of ridiculous fantasy cliches, The Wheel of Time.

    The epic originated as a piece of semi-amusing cubemail circulating on a private mailing list for writers bored with their day jobs. "But I just kept adding and adding to it," Jordan confessed years later. "Then someone snuck it into an Eye Of Argon reading session. And the idio-- I mean, tasteful and discerning consumers of science fiction and fantasy loved it! They couldn't get enough of it! Certainly more than I could be bothered with, anyway. If only I could find the Caribbean island Elvis, Jimi, Janis and Kurt are hiding out on ..."

    The process of writing was reflected in the work. "You get long, stringy drips of various elements. All recycled. Then you weave them together. We thought of using a wiki, but people kept putting Pokemons in. 'My Pokemans, let me show you them.' Idjits."

    Plaudits came in from fellow fantasy writers around the globe. "I always found plot and characterisation overrated," said master fantasist J.R.R. Tolkein. "They only get in the way of exploring a really interesting constructed language. The more demanding sort of reader can be so very tiresome at times."

    "Bugger," said David Eddings, frantically casting his eyes about for fresh sources.

    "Who are you, and where did you get this number?" said Neil Gaiman.

    Readers will be over the moon to learn that Kevin J. Anderson has contracted to finish the series in a suitable manner. "I figure there's another twenty, thirty books needed to finish it properly. Lotta unanswered questions, yeah. I should have 'em done by next week."

    Woolheaded shepherds the world over fold their arms beneath their breasts, tug at their braids, smooth their skirts and bow their heads today, and remember Jordan's wise words:

    "Plagiarism^WResearch is lighter than a feather; advances already received, heavier than a mountain."

    Illustration: Robert Jordan silenced at last. []

  • A quick survey of the comments so far paints an overwhelmingly negative picture for the series...
    I just wanted to point out, as a life long fan of this series, that there IS a reason every book the series has appeared on the New York Times best-seller list, and most of them have been #1 when they first come out. []
    • by n0dna ( 939092 )

      Well, those people could respond too.

      Like almost all the others posting here, I tried, I really did. I made it through the first 6 before I stopped.

      Hell I even continued to buy them until the prequel came out just in case he ever finished them, but at some point nearly everyone I know who has tried to read them noticed that "nothing was happening", it looked like "nothing was ever going to happen", and when long-dead characters keep reappearing that meant "nothing had actually happened."

    • by chill ( 34294 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @07:22PM (#29344955) Journal

      Why? You really don't know? Okay...

      Because the first three books were damn good. The problem was, what should have been by all rights a 5-6 book series has turned into, what...12? The remaining books sort of meandered around, filling in niggling details and sub-plots that every other author on the planet saves until the second series set in the same locale. Jordan, however, crammed it in the middle. He admitted he had only outlined it to about 5 or 6 books.

      Hell, I'm sure there are four WHOLE BOOKS of material in there that can be summed up as repetitions of "the men and women in this series can't communicate with each other worth a damn, and have egos the size of elephants".

      Jordan was verbose. He made Tolstoy look parsimonious. A word used a couple times in WoT novels, by the way. The man probably bought thesauruses by the case.

      The remaining books hit the best seller list by fans hoping he would finish the damn story before he died. And yes, that was the joke going around YEARS before he was sick, much less actually dead.

      When I finally read Knife of Dreams my first thought was "Damn! He really is picking up the pace. I wonder what got into him?" I later learned it was cardiac amyloidosis [] is what got into him. A year and a half later he was dead. My first thoughts being "Wow. He DIDN'T finish the story before dying. Who'd a thunk it?" followed by "There are gonna be a lot of people online who now feel like assholes for jokes from years past!"

      Thus, the commentary here Slashdot. There was a lot of sentiment expressed that Jordan was milking the series for all it was worth. The George Lucas of epic fantasy novels, if you will. I'm not convinced he wasn't, which is why I didn't get Knife of Dreams right away. I waited for the reviews before I decided it probably wasn't yet another string-em-along filler book.

      That being said, I'll probably buy the final three novels in ebook form and acquire the others -- which I currently have in hardback -- as ebooks.

      • Tell me about it. For those who haven't bothered to read to the end of the series yet, there's a world changing event that harnesses so much magical energy that every magic user on the planet can sense it. It starts at the end of one book, and finishes at the start of the book *after* the next book. The book in the middle reads like "where were you when Kennedy was shot", tracing through the lives of every major character in excruciating detail during the couple of hours or so that this event occurred.
        • by TexVex ( 669445 )
          Are you seriously? I stopped reading at the beginning of book 10 when I nearly fell asleep reading the prologue. I flipped back a couple pages to resume at the last part I remembered, paused a moment to see how long the prologue actually was, and just flat dropped the book when I discovered it went on for another seventy pages.

          The whole series of thousand-page tomes has just been hit or miss for me. I quite frankly have grown to loathe most of the characters, and since no plot line seems to ever get resolv
    • Yep, there is a reason. For the latter books, it has more to do with popularity (similar to Windows) than any decent writing. Check out the reviews for the thenth book "Crossroads of Twilight" link []. People absolutely loathed the book. Many wished to give zero star ratings, but couldn't since one star is the lowest Amazon allows. The eleventh book got something like 3.0-3.5 stars if memory serves, but like the other response says, I'm almost positive it's because Jordan was feeling rushed. Which by our stand
    • by Stormie ( 708 )
      When it comes to "Wheel of Time", you can divide the audience into two groups: people who don't like the series, and people who used to like the series but don't any more. That second group, however, has a large subgroup of people who don't like the series anymore, but who feel they have invested so much of their life reading it that they need to grind through in the hope of reaching a conclusion. [] may be instructive.
    • by Hucko ( 998827 )

      People are still *buying* MS Windows and you think that because it is popular is a recommendation? Weird.

  • is to realize it's a perfect textbook example why shortening a series can make it better, but seldom will lenghtening it will bring any good.

  • Just checked and all the Tor books sold through Webscriptions seem to be listed as "not currently available". Guess Tor wants to cut out the middleman.

  • My braid (Score:4, Funny)

    by thefringthing ( 1502177 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @07:11PM (#29344885)
    I'm tugging it.
  • by Herkum01 ( 592704 ) on Monday September 07, 2009 @07:23PM (#29344969)

    I don't understand, if you skip all the text referring to someone "smoothing out her split riding skirt" you could have probably saved a couple of volumes.

    • That and his predilection for chubby chasing. What percentage of the female population were "plumply pretty" again, remind me?

      And I wish I could have been a coke dealer, with all that sniffing...

  • The wheel of time is one of those series that I think could of ended up like a religion. Eventually someone starts a religion around the wheel of time proclaiming that Robert Jordan (their literary messiah) will return to earth to finish the series. Thankfully another author is going to freaking finish it so we are spared another terrible religion on this planet. Unless of course someone declares this new author the devil and the subsequent books false. Then we may have a buncha of people waiting for the re
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by chill ( 34294 )

      You had possibilities until the phrase " finish the series." No true WoT acolyte would ever utter those words. I believe the only reason it was called "Wheel of Time" is because "The Neverending Story" was already taken.

      Now, if you change the phrase to " continue the series" then you might be on to something.

  • A few months, maybe a year ago we were discussing Jordan and Sanderson, I mentioned that even if Jordan can't finish a series, he sure can finish a book! The guy writes epic endings, someone here mentioned that Sanderson is just as good, and being on the third book of the Mistborn series, I would definitely agree. I have full confidence that he can finish the series well.

  • I too, have been disappointed by Robert Jordan's later books. When he passed away I was really pissed off the series wasn't done yet while he could have finished it 6 books ago, and I had never heard of Brandon Sanderson.

    However, I decided to check out Sanderson's works - and I was amazed. He is now one of my favorite fantasy authors. While the man himself seems to be a great fan of Jordan's series, I would personally say each of his books surpass the entire Wheel of Time series in both writing style and or

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