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Insomniacs, the Phantoms of the Internet 234

theodp writes "Ever since she was a toddler, freelance writer Lily Burana has been a Stay Up Late kind of girl. When her kindergarten teacher asked students 'What time do you go to bed?,' young Lily felt compelled to lie rather than rat out her own mother by saying, 'Oh, between midnight and 1 a.m.' She still suffers from insomnia, but has discovered that Facebook is the Promised Land for the awake and alone. She finds comfort in the company of others who, like her, live counter to the conventional rhythm of a sunny-day world."
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Insomniacs, the Phantoms of the Internet

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  • by LostCluster ( 625375 ) * on Monday March 08, 2010 @01:57AM (#31397974)
    Wow... am I the only one in this thread at this time of day?
    • by Slack0ff ( 590042 ) <(moc.derob) (ta) (ydarbtam)> on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:06AM (#31398016)
      I find it funny this story popped up around 2am est as well. Now back to facebook...
      • by siloko ( 1133863 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:12AM (#31398050)
        From TFS:

        She finds comfort in the company of others who, like her, live counter to the conventional rhythm of a sunny-day world

        Like most people in Britain then . . .

        • Look, all you guys gotta do is kill the last male Bundy. If you're not up to it, then quitcher bitchen!

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Gerzel ( 240421 )

        I don't use facebook. I am up late a lot nd a bit of an insomniac

        Still I have classes in the am.

        need to gotol bed, but duno if I will

    • Re:Anybody here? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by sopssa ( 1498795 ) * <> on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:11AM (#31398046) Journal

      I would guess a lot of slashdotters fall in to this category or at least at some point have. But the difference is that I enjoy the quiet and alone time during night and hence would stay away from sites like Facebook. You get insane amount of work done during night time - there's no people chitchatting all the time nor can you really go out somewhere so you don't get lazy. It does however lead to weird sleeping patterns, but as long as you don't need to go anywhere in the morning it doesn't really matter anymore.

      • This. I'm most productive in the middle of the night when I can rack equipment at our datacenter, write code, etc. without being bothered by anyone.
      • hmm same reason I sometimes like to work in the weekend, nobody asking annoying questions or need help doing trivial things, just quiet time to be productive.
    • by Veroxii ( 51114 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:16AM (#31398070)

      I'm in Australia you insensitive clod!

    • Not only not the only one ... And I'm in a different timezone. It's 4:33 A.M down here (Argentina).

      I was precisely thinking about that fact (that I need to be up at 8 A.M tomorrow). But I can't help it. I can't go to bed before 5 A.M.

      Now, one thing is staying on slashdot. It's pathetic but in it's own cool, geek way. Staying 'till 4 A.M in facebook is just truly pathetic. Well, being at facebut at any time of the day must be pathetic.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by amRadioHed ( 463061 )

        So what about if you have one tab open to /. and another tab open to facebook? Is that pathetic yet geeky-cool or just plain pathetic?

    • It's certainly an appropriate time for this story to post. Glad to know I'm not alone.

  • before those 1am facebook sessions or Mark Zuckerberg is gonna read all her emails []
  • So? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by spiffmastercow ( 1001386 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:00AM (#31397988)
    And here I thought the lack of interaction with people was a positive aspect of staying up late.
  • Time Zones (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:17AM (#31398076)

    Once forums, IRC channels, and other websites that are driven by user-created content reach a certain size, there is no longer a difference between "daytime" and "night time" because while Americans slumber, Europeans are waking up, and Australians are coming home from work. "Peak" time ceases to mean anything once you're factoring in physical location and have at least two "peak" times. You use the same forum as others, but probably know different mods, OPs, and key players.

    It is important that the Internet hang-out be user-driven, because groups who select content to publish tend to originate in geographic proximity, and a single time zone becomes favored.

    Facebook isn't a place where it's easy to intrude on a social network in a geographical location outside your own, so I don't understand why the author isn't using a broader term.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Haymaker ( 1664103 )
      This. Having played free WoW servers before (and idling in their official IRCs), I've seen how time of the day gets blurry when others aren't as constricted to the same schedule as you are.

      Not only that, but there are OTHER insomniacs in OTHER time zones, meaning interaction can depend more on "when they happen to be awake" and not "what time they're usually up"

  • by seifried ( 12921 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:17AM (#31398078) Homepage
    Insomnia (307.42, DSM IV, pg. 599) [doesn't every geek have a copy of the official guide to crazy human behavior?] is not the word I would use (I don't have a problem getting to sleep or maintaining sleep). I'm a night owl. My whole life I have basically lived ~8 hours behind wherever I live (i.e. I go to bed at 4-5am local time), and I sleep for 8 to 8.5 hours like a clock (seriously, my primary experience of sleep is I put my head down and then *poof* I'm awake, rested, and it's 8 to 8.5 hours later). Fortunately I have found a way to use this to my benefit (tech writer/minimal interruptions, cover stuff that happens at night). But honestly the though of a "regular" 9-5 existence sort of ... well horrifies me (when do you normal people run errands? and rush hour, like WTF? you realize that you can belt across a city at 2pm in like 15 minutes, but at rush hour that will easily take an hour). Also added advantages: the internet (locally) is faster (the normals are asleep), no phone/email/SMS/IM/etc. interruptions(the normals are asleep) and as a result I am far more productive.
    • by MichaelCrawford ( 610140 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:40AM (#31398186) Homepage Journal
      Wikipedia has a good article [] on Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.

      As I write this, I am at work at 11:30 PM. I got to work at 8:00 PM. When my coworkers come in in the morning, I'll be heading home to sleep.

      I have been this way for as long as I have had conscious memory. My mother tells me that I have been this way since I was a newborn in the hospital.

      Lots of treatments have been proposed with many studies being done, some with thousands of test subjects. Not one single treatment has ever been demonstrated to work in a statistically significant way.

      Thus the best advice that the medical community can give us "Night Owls" is to find some way to accomodate it. That's why I took up computer programming in the first place. My degree is in Physics, but I'm afraid that teaching morning classes just doesn't work for me.

      I have lots of friends who have DSPS as well. I met most of them by hanging out at Dennys at three in the morning.

      • by seifried ( 12921 )
        Amen brother. One thing I read proposed that as a recessive genetic (dis)order it really makes sense to have a small minority of people who like to be awake at night to stand watch over the rest of the tribe/group.
      • Sounds like me. I sleep from morning to afternoon and I get a "concentration boost" between around 23:00-01:00, I can only assume "normal" people get that around noon. Even when I force myself to live normal hours I still find myself "waking" around 23:00 even if I've been slogging through the day dog tired. It's been this way for as long as I can remember, my mother used to call me the family night watchman. I've tried to adapt my life as you have, working a job as sysadmin that allows me to work shifts wh

        • by seifried ( 12921 )
          With respect to new drugs: why fight your body? Seriously. I've also found that as an *alert* night type person you can easily make a killing.
          • With respect to new drugs: why fight your body? Seriously. I've also found that as an *alert* night type person you can easily make a killing.

            It limits your career options for one and also tends to interfere with normal family life (being on 2 different schedules) which might become more problematic as the kids grow older.

            • ... when I worked for shops that had the idea that they should start every work day with a 10:00 AM team meeting.

              I have worked at two companies that did that. Typically I'd come staggering in at 10:05 looking like I just crawled out of bed, because I really did just crawl out of bed.

              If I ever made my 10:00 AM meetings on time, it was usually because I had been up all night working. I would then go home to sleep after the meeting.

              I've been a coder for twenty-two years now. Other than those two compa

            • Yeah, I've always been a night owl and for the past few years I'd been working a noon-8pm shift. Even with that not so terribly late shift there was a lot of opportunities to socialize that I'd been missing out on. It will be a challenge for me, especially at first, but for my next job I'd really prefer something more standard.

        • by Nazlfrag ( 1035012 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @04:46AM (#31398706) Journal

          Sleeping drugs won't fix it, they will help short term but you will build up resistance to the point your natural cycle again takes precedence.

          I've had this all my life (a 3am-11am sleep window) and it can be altered by staying up an hour or two later a day until you hit where you want to be and then sticking to it, but those weeks of work are undone if you stay up late just once, and your body reverts to its natural cycle of 3am sleep (or whatever yours is).

          It's really just better to work your life around it than force yourself into unnatural (for you) sleep patterns.

          I find smoking weed helps if I need to get to sleep & wake early, otherwise staying awake all night is better than trying to sleep early if I absolutely must be alert and active before noon.

          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            It's really just better to work your life around it than force yourself into unnatural (for you) sleep patterns. I find smoking weed helps if I need to get to sleep & wake early, otherwise staying awake all night is better than trying to sleep early if I absolutely must be alert and active before noon.

            If I may, give this [] a try. Much healthier, legal, and you're likely to find yourself either sleeping more easily or needing less sleep. Just a personal suggestion (your results may vary).

      • I have lots of friends who have DSPS as well.

        Sweet! Now I've got an official four letter acronym for my syndrome. I truly have arrived~

      • I've been this way for my entire life, as have my wife and kids. Personally, I have always just believed that the one-size-fits-all model of human behavior is wrong. Unfortunately, I seem to be in the minority in this opinion. It is nice to know that it is being studied. Thanks for the link. It is an interesting article.
      • I know people who naturally sleep normal hours when not working but who choose to do shift work. Once they adapt they can work the hours required for the job. So why can't person with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome adjust themselves the same way?

    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:53AM (#31398252)
      OK. I'm just guessing, but the structure and pacing of your paragraph lead me to think that you might benefit from less caffeine in your diet. :-)
      • In part it comes from trying to fit myself into a schedule that doesn't work for me, in part it's because I find my new job so absolutely fascinating that I never want to go home.

        Just this weekend I decided that I must ensure I get enough sleep every night. I'm part way back to normal, but when I got home from work Friday afternoon, I was totally wrecked. It's going to take a few more days before I'm back to normal.

      • by seifried ( 12921 )
        Actually I cut caffeine out about 5 years ago; all the local Starbucks/Second Cup coffee shops know that "Kurt drinks decaff. Do not give this man caffeine; it makes his nauseous and jittery" (seriously, regular coffee makes me pukey, so I don't drink it). Perhaps you are not used to people being awake and alert at 2am and are projecting a bit =).
    • I'm also a night owl, can't go to sleep before midnight. Easily go on until 2-3 am.

      This goes quite well until you get a child to take care of. Little children tend to wake up early, like 7-8 am. That's quite horrible as it messes up my sleep schedule, and I just can't seem at adjust to anything earlier. Partly due to my work, it's easy to continue work all evening for me.

    • by sam0737 ( 648914 )

      Especially useful when you need to work with colleagues who are in the opposite of the world and who work 9-5.

  • by macraig ( 621737 ) <(mark.a.craig) (at) (> on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:21AM (#31398090)

    She was a stripper, is there anything else I need to know? I probably won't hear anything else after the word stripper, anyway....

    I'll be here all night.

  • Assuming that everything genetic can be explained as having an evolutionary purpose, does anyone know of an evolutionary purpose to a large group of people having a different schedule than everyone else?

    I assume that the owls are meant to be sentinels for the tribe, watching late at night making sure that no one's on their way to attack. But perhaps there are more reasons I haven't thought of yet.

    • by tagno25 ( 1518033 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:34AM (#31398156)

      Assuming that everything genetic can be explained as having an evolutionary purpose, does anyone know of an evolutionary purpose to a large group of people having a different schedule than everyone else?

      Maybe they are suppose to be the stronger of the genetic pool and replace the weaker day walkers?

      • In that case our eyes should be better.

        Human eyes are not bad, but also not very good at night. With a full moon we can see quite well but otherwise not. When it is overcast, or no moon, we're lost.

        Many animals that hunt at night have eyes adapted to night vision, we don't.

        Now it is also known that higher-educated people (typically higher IQ) tend to start work later than lower-educated people. Construction workers are happy to start at 7 am, but at the university the researchers start at 9 am earliest,

        • Now it is also known that higher-educated people (typically higher IQ) tend to start work later than lower-educated people. Construction workers are happy to start at 7 am, but at the university the researchers start at 9 am earliest, they hate getting up so early. And I have never heard about a reasonable explanation why that could be.

          I think its an over generalisation. I wake up naturally at 7. I am often at work by 8. I leave at 5 and slide into tegretol induced unconsciousness between 22 and 23. Some people I work with arrive for the day at about 12, and leave around 8 but they get up at the same time as me. Its just that when I wake up I have to get to work while they are having breakfast (what's that?) pottering around the house and taking the dog for a walk.

    • "Assuming that everything genetic can be explained as having an evolutionary purpose"
      - A patently false assumption - humans have had no evolutionary purpose for an appendix for millions of years - but our DNA hasn't gotten rid of it - even though, prior to modern medicine it was in fact a detriment (it can get infections and kill you - dead people don't breed). Evolution is the PRIMARY driver of genetic factors but by no means the sole one. Often a genetic factor will survive or develop which is good for on

      • by EdZ ( 755139 )

        humans have had no evolutionary purpose for an appendix for millions of years - but our DNA hasn't gotten rid of it

        Logic fail. Our appendix has been useless, but there is no evolutionary pressure to actively remove it (apart from a handful cases of appendicitis, it essentially causes no harm at all), so it stays in it's redundant state.

        • Logic fail yourself amigo. A handful of people who die from appendicitis before breeding > Zero people who get any benefit from having an appendix.
          It's a small evolutionary pressure indeed, but it's non-zero. Well it used to be, since we invented appendectomy's the evolutionary pressure in humans have effectively become zero since we can entirely prevent the negative aspect from impact on the likelihood of breeding.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by halsver ( 885120 )

        IANAD, but your example of the appendix is not a clear cut case. How most of the human body actually functions on a microbial level is not understood. The appendix could serve a function that is perhaps redundant, but helpful. []

        • by silentcoder ( 1241496 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @05:01AM (#31398756)

          Okay, I'll concede that it may have unknown benefits - we know that there is no measurable negative side effects to removing it (and a massive positive in that it can save your life if you have appendicitus) but we don't know for sure that it may not have some unknown secondary effect that remains useful.
          One thing that becomes clear if you actually study what we know about evolution though is that a great deal of things are used for different purposes to what originally let the mutation survive - evolutions is an unpredictable (emergent) process that can and will take any available path (if only because animals will use any advantage they can to survive - those that don't fell out of the chain right at the start).
          I read an article a while ago about a piece of research that found that genetically the human crab lice which most slashdotters never need to fear getting are descended from the lice species that gorillas carry all over their bodies - only, there is a major catch. Human and Gorilla lines split up some 9 million years ago - but crablice only split up from gorilla lines some 5 million years ago. the best theory as to why suddenly 4 million years later the lice would split off into a species that attacks humans - and then only in one area, is that humans didn't evolve pubic hair before that point. The bare downy fur we got is not suitable for lice - and so we were basically immune to them - until hair that is quite ideal for lice infections returned to us - in a localized growth. Chances are those early infections came from sleeping in abandoned gorilla nests - and soon, we had our own species that spread primarily through sex.
          Which raises the very interesting question - if we didn't have pubic hair once we started thinning our fur, and getting them made us a target for a parasite we had previously become immune to - why would we get it later on ? Most likely explanation is that it serves another purpose which is a much more definite advantage. Doctors still argue about what the advantages and disadvantages of pubic hair are though (most viable theory to me is that it acts as a friction absorber preventing chafing of the pubic area during sex, thus allowing more frequent sex).

          The article ended with the suggestion that this means the current fashion for shaved pubic areas may have a bona-fide health-benefit by making us significantly less likely get crab-lice infections - if indeed friction control is the primary purpose of having them in the first place, our other major evolutionary power (known as "the ability to create technology") provides a wonderful alternative in the form of KY-jelly :P

          Anyway - enough semi-serious science and sex jokes (alliteration FTW) my point originally was simply that evolution isn't intelligent and it's not easy to predict, it doesn't have to make sense or make an easy-to-tell story. Unlike creationism ... it has to describe what HAPPENED, there is no natural law that bends natural history to fit our sense of narrative. We can identify likely advantages or disadvantages that a given gene may have had at a given time - but we can't ever say "we evolved X because of Y" - because the real world just isn't that simple.

    • There are "ultra-larks", too (delayed sleep phase and advanced sleep phase syndromes).

      If, in a group of 30-50, there were a couple of people up and (naturally) awake 'til 3-4 AM, and a couple who woke up naturally at about the time those went to sleep, then invading humans, and, in earlier times, other predators, would have less chance of catching the whole band napping.

      Pure supposition, of course.

      Could be nothing more than simple SNPs. If it were to confer some hunting advantage over a better prey than ot

    • On the other hand good chance that it is a trait that is not a disadvantage. There are quite some oddities found in animals that seem to have no function, but are also not in the way of normal functioning. Thus the trait remains in the gene pool.

  • You could always learn a foreign language of those on the opposite side of the globe. Never have to worry about no one being up the more languages you know.
  • by vikingpower ( 768921 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:41AM (#31398196) Homepage Journal

    The article makes an interesting point: her husband "keeping up a soldier's rhythm". I suffered from exactly the same problem during childhood and adolescence, until the Dutch Marines made the error of accepting me in their ranks. It totally cured me. ( Being daily kicked and yelled out of your bunk at 5 am is a sort of a horse's medicine, but Gawd - did it work !! )

    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:48AM (#31398228)

      The article makes an interesting point: her husband "keeping up a soldier's rhythm".

      Actually, that was a complaint about his habit of chanting those military "marching songs" while they're having sex. "I don't know, but I've been told... In, Out. In, Out..."

      Or so I imagine.

  • Poor girl (Score:5, Funny)

    by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:42AM (#31398202)

    This is obviously a desperate cry for help from Lily - she's never been able to escape the shadow of her more famous sister, Carmina.

  • sliding window (Score:3, Interesting)

    by zlel ( 736107 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:43AM (#31398206) Homepage
    I'm not insomaniac, but for various reasons I used to sleep at about 2am. And then it became 3am. And then it became 4am. after a while the sliding window slid so much that I started sleeping at 8pm. There was a time I got used to be awake at about 4am, but this time not before bed, but after. It was terrible when I was trying to keep my working day life with my 4am nights, until i realized that if I let it run its course, I could decide where it should stop.
    • I have found that I can either go to sleep at the same time every night, or go to sleep when I feel tired. The latter results in something like you describe. My sensation is that there are cycles of alertness and tiredness (which I guess is a good adaptation--your body should encourage you to get rest without constantly sabotaging your functionality) and you have to hit on the right point of the cycle in order to fall asleep peaceably.

      I generally "reset" by going a day entirely without sleep or with only

    • Probably because an Earth day is 24 hours long, but the body's day (when underexposed to outside lighting schedules) is 24 hours 6 minutes. []

  • One Step Further (Score:5, Interesting)

    by McBeer ( 714119 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:44AM (#31398210) Homepage

    conventional rhythm of a sunny-day world

    My problem goes a step further. I like to stay awake for 20 hours and then sleep for like 10. I spend the same amount of my life sleeping/awake as a normal person, just in longer chunks. Trouble is, left to my own devices, I effectively "stay up" 4 hours later each night untill I wrap back around. Before I had a job I could actually live like that. It was kind of a strange sensation brushing my teeth with my roommate at midnight; She was going to bed, i just got up.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      > "It was kind of a strange sensation brushing my teeth with my roommate at midnight; She was going to bed, i just got up."

      Have you never heard of a toothbrush?

      • "in the company of; alongside, along side of; close to; near to:"

        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward

          "move with a sibilant sound"; "gush or squirt out"; "a breathy sound like that of an object passing at high speed"

    • I've met many people with clocks like yours. I prefer to stay awake for ~18 hours, but 6 hours sleep isn't enough for me. (9 is about perfect) Usually I compromise on 17/7. It's an unfortunate necessity to match a work schedule.

      Don't worry though - in 2 centuries, when we're in space, you'll be the norm. Everyone will look back and think how crazy we were to synchronize ourselves to the sun, rather than what our bodies demand.

    • conventional rhythm of a sunny-day world

      My problem goes a step further. I like to stay awake for 20 hours and then sleep for like 10..

      Maybe you were born on a different planet. One which rotates once every 30 hours.

  • Pah! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Greyfox ( 87712 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @02:49AM (#31398240) Homepage Journal
    She could just start fight club, like a normal person!
  • I wish I'd noticed the article earlier, seeing as I've just been awake all night. Aw well, off to work.
  • by CharlyFoxtrot ( 1607527 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @03:06AM (#31398286)

    "These lumivores reject the safety of darkness and appear to seek out light. Sickening ! []"

  • I had a sleep study done (lots of wires and other sensors, on infrared camera).

    The doctor told me that I should not get up before 11AM.

    The genes that regulate your sleep phase are known, and there are alleles that not only shift some of us later, but also there is advanced sleep phase disorder.

    There is currently no cure (it would take a retrovirus, most likely), but some people can deal with the day better if they get DAILY (no skips), strong, early, solar-spectrum light.

    Because we are constantly stressing

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by TooMuchToDo ( 882796 )
      I'm one of these folks. I use solar-spectrum bulbs in my bedroom that are on a timer to come on early in the morning. This puts me on a normal sleep schedule with the rest of US Central Time when I need to be. Otherwise, I sleep in until 10-11am and don't go to bed until 3-4am.
  • by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Monday March 08, 2010 @04:03AM (#31398532) Homepage
    What does insomnia have to do with being nocturnal? Night owls still sleep, they just sleep in the daytime! Insomniacs can't sleep at all, the poor buggers. It figures, it was written by a journalist. They aren't the sharpest pencils in the box, you know.
    • Insomniacs can sleep. We just take much longer to get to sleep and wake at the drop of a hat, and so never get the amount of sleep we need. Oh, and I live in EST
  • 4chan predates Facebook by four months, and has a lot more active chatter during the night hours than Facebook.

  • Article From WikipediaModafinil []

    I'm an earlybird, and a nightowl. In the middle of the day I tend to get really sleepy. I often wondered wether the eight hours model really fits everyone. Two sets of four hours would suit me way better. I finally did some research, and found that page pretty much by accident - the only other article that links there on Wikipedia is "Siesta".

    There is an interesting drug to treat daytime sleepiness, Modafinil []. There could be added effects from it - weight loss & mood
  • Facebook has peak activity during working hours, where people try to multitask and "network". For me it's often a relief in between stuck moments to help to put my thoughts for a minute off the task that's blocking or I'm not progressing in to come back "reset", while keeping current with my network (most of my "facebook friends" are professional relations)

    At night, I end up reading and studying, sometimes until 3am. Nothing specific, just following curiousity: facebook is dead around that time, my friends

  • There are others up late for non-insomniatic reasons. Here's a vote for "new parents"*, cast while feeding the little bugaloo at 4:40am (after 1:30am, after going to bed 'round 11:00pm, night after night for 3 months so far). Oh yeah I could/would/should sleep right now no problem, save for "[nudge] honey, the baby's hungry."

    * - yes, some /.ers are proof geeks can ... 'nuff said.

  • Getting up at 4am is a great cure for insomnia.

  • insomnia is a mark of depression or anxiety or a number of physical problems

    if you are an insomniac, you have a problem that will eat into your ability to carry on with your jobs or your relationships

    additionally, your health will suffer: many normal physical processes are tied into circadian rhythms, such as cholesterol production, and fat burning

    insomnia is not a mark of subculture pride, it is a danger warning

    treat your insomnia, it is not in any way cool

  • by quietwalker ( 969769 ) <> on Monday March 08, 2010 @10:31AM (#31401002)

    I'm just posting this out of idle curiosity, so please indulge me.

    As a 33 year old, I currently sleep between 3-5 hours in a day on average. Today I went to sleep around 5:10 AM, and woke up around 7:59 AM (one minute before the alarm, happens frequently). Though I am somewhat grumpy for the first 10-15 minutes, I quickly 'wake up' and feel refreshed and alert. This is normal for me. Back during college, I would often go 2 or 3 days without sleep, though it's more likely I'd take a nap somewhere between 9-11 am (depending on my schedule). I even work out and take martial arts classes to get regular exercise since my job is pretty sedentary.

    Is there anyone else out there like this? Where sleep is this annoying intrusion into your schedule that you only allow when you're physically exhausted? Maybe you can help me figure out why people hear me describe my sleep cycle and say they're sorry, like this gift of another 1/6'th or more of my life to live is terrible compared to those people who voluntarily give up 1/3 of theirs.

    Other random items;
    - According to doctors way back when I was 6 or so, I'm 'Hyperactive' - though I guess today it'd be called ADD or ADHD or something ...
    - Only time I feel sleepy/awkward/wrongish is sometime around sunrise and the next 2-3 hours, but it goes away. On cloudy or foggy days, I may not experience this at all. It appears I have to actually see the early morning sunlight to really be negatively affected by it. ... just curious to hear if there's anyone else out there like this.

Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
