Local Newspapers Use F/OSS For a Day 460
An anonymous reader writes "The Journal Register Company owns 18 small newspapers, and in honor of the July 4th holiday and Ben Franklin, the company's newsrooms produced their daily papers using only free software. The reporters were quick to note that 'the proprietary software is designed to be efficient, reliable and relatively fast for the task of producing a daily newspaper. The free substitutes, not so much.' I applaud the company for undertaking such a feat, but I hope their readership's impression of free software won't be negatively affected by the newspaper's one-day foray into F/OSS."
For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
These guys have been using their proprietary software for decades, they're used to every single button.
Then they switch over to radicaly different software interface (hi Gimp!) for a single day... of course they're way less efficient.
Certainly some software might lacks polish, but the conclusion that if they didn't adapt in ONE day the software isn't as efficient.. that's really quite flawed uh.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Interesting)
These guys have been using their proprietary software for decades, they're used to every single button.
Then they switch over to radicaly different software interface (hi Gimp!) for a single day... of course they're way less efficient.
Certainly some software might lacks polish, but the conclusion that if they didn't adapt in ONE day the software isn't as efficient.. that's really quite flawed uh.
My companies IT refused to install Visio on my machine (citing some limited licensing issue) so I installed Inkscape todo some vector drawing.
I very quickly picked it up and can do all sorts with it.
That was over 2 years ago. last month IT installed Visio for me since I had some other peoples drawings to edit and DAMN did it take me forever and a day todo some of the simplest stuff SIMPLY because I didn't know the equivelent or the visio way of doing some things. I know visio can do most of it (except equation drawing, sup perfect sinwave :D) because others in hte office use it daily YET I took some time because it was new to me.
Re:For a day? (Score:4, Informative)
While I'm told by friends who are designers that Adobe Illustrator is a much more powerful product (and I believe them), I really struggled with it.
Illustrator is much more powerful; unfortunately, it's also a real bitch to learn. Once you do, though, it's amazing what can be done with it beyond plain vector drawing. Being able to apply Photoshop filters to a vector drawing is almost enough to justify the effort to learn it all by itself. Of course, whether or not it justifies Illustrator's ridiculous price is another matter altogether. I'm still using an ancient version (that I know is gonna break one of these days following an OS update) because I can't afford to upgrade to a newer one.
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You can do that in Inkscape. At least in version 0.47 included in Ubuntu 10.04. Check the "Filter" menu.
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That depends on what they were doing.
Obviously one shouldn't expect to learn a different application through-and-through in just a day.
On the other hand.. if e.g. Google Docs did not use a bolded B button to turn text bold, like every other application going with that defacto standard, but instead went with a normally-written T - for Thick - which those in the graphics industry might instead think is to insert a text field, I could well-imagine that the learning curve would be much greater than it had to be
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
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In the US, it's comparatively rare to see a car (except the very very cheap or the very exotic) that isn't an automatic transmission.
People who don't know how to drive a manual transmission are, for the most part, smart enough to know that they don' t know how. I don't really think we need a law, thanks.
Personally, I haven't driven a manual transmission since 1997 or so (and it was a customer's car while I worked at an auto repair place.) I could probably still do it but it wouldn't be pretty.
My current car
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The point is, as it's obviously easier to pass the test in an automatic, you need to differentiate those who can use a manual from those who can't, or otherwise every idiot would pass the easier test in an automatic, and never get to learn how to use a manual properly, even though in the UK that's much more likely to be what you'd end u
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, even though I'm quite in favour of manual cars, sports cars are probably the last car you want to have a manual on. Anyone who claims that sports cars (and I mean high end) should come with manuals has never tried to drive a Lamborghini on normal roads or even worse, through Paris.
And no, the Miata isn't a sports car in my mind ;)
I also am very much in favour of not allowing people who learnt to drive an automatic to drive a manual. It's a completely different world. On an automatic, right is forward, left is stop. An ape can do that. Understanding the clutch, and how to use it properly is something which requires many hours of practice and good instructions.
Most European countries will require many hours of driving lessons with an instructor (that is, driving in a special car owned by the company that teaches you to drive, where the instructor also has pedals and can brake, switch gears and whatnot as easily as the student). As I recall, the average number of hours to get a full licence was something like 30 hours driving with an instructor. When you get the piece of paper that allows you to drive, you know how to control your vehicle (even though it doesn't really show with some people).
For Europeans who never got around driving in the US, here's what it's like: zombies. Everyone drives at exactly the same speed. When someone hits the brakes, everyone hits the brakes. Try to imagine being on a relatively large road and having 5 lanes of cars around you. Cars take over from the right, cars merge from lane to lane after indicating for a second, and without looking if it's clear, people go over the speed limit in hordes ("But officer, everyone was speeding!", also, the first rule of driving I heard was "don't go faster than the others, and you'll be fine"), and everything is utterly and completely dumbed down. "Watch out, you may have to get off in about 200 miles, getting closer, just 100 miles, steady there dude. Almost there, just 50 miles to go. OK, get on that dedicated lane, it's just for you. Yes, it goes for 5 miles just to exit the interstate, but we never know, you may miss a big massive gap on your right, they kinda sneak up on you. No, you can't go in that lane anymore now, it's too late. Sorry." This video [youtube.com] exemplifies typical american highways.
There are three things though, of which I approve in the US driving style: being able to make a U-turn nearly anywhere (absolutely required considering the configuration of most down-town/suburbia perpendicular roads), being able to take a right turn even though the light is red, and the fact that a pedestrian can cross nearly anywhere, in the middle of a 5 way crossing, or a busy two-way lane, and be absolutely unharmed.
What people need to understand is that "to each his own" driving style makes absolute sense. In the US, you can't go fetch a loaf of bread without a car. You can't go meet up with friends without a car. Every road goes on for decades, and you'll be hard pushed to find a bend on a road. There's a reason why Europeans tend to make fun of Americans for not making cars that can turn, they rarely need to use the steering wheel. Here's an example [google.com], I just zoomed in at random. It doesn't make sense to have a manual, because most of the times you just stop at a red light, then accelerate, stop at a red light, accelerate. Rinse and repeat. Most Europeans will freak upon seeing an American highway the first time[1].
Europe, on the other hand, isn't square, at all. There are intricate road scenarios with curvy bends, blind corners, cities with streets so small you have to pull in your side mirrors in order to squeeze through. Again, here is a random example [google.com] of a European city. There is no logic, hardly any prediction. Y
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Not unless the experienced manual driver had either a very stiff clutch or a very slack brake pedal, because they should feel completely different. Applying pressure to the brake pedal as if it were a clutch shouldn't be enough to put the car into a skid.
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Open Source software has its strong points however it really depends on the target user groups.
Most (Most means more then 1/2, and Not all) Open Source projects have a limited financial funding behind it, and is built with a rather loose organizational structure. So it is really software designed to fill the need of the programmers, others are copies of commercial applications. But there isn't the intervention of the PHB and Marketing and Sales. However these groups that we like to classify as hinderanc
clearly you have no knowledge of the industry (Score:3, Insightful)
These guys have been using their proprietary software for decades, they're used to every single button.
Decades? Quark Xpress, one of the more popular packages, fell out of favor after just over a decade and changed considerably with each release. Adobe CS (along with Quark's lethargy in going to Mac OS X, insane software license activation, and always-buggy releases) drove Quark virtually out of business; they've barely survived. CS's UI was completely different, but people still loved using it.
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Don't try to fix it yourself at a restaurant.
I offered to come in and be a cook for a day. I pretty much felt their home menu was terrible and the chili was awful. Instead, I got a lecture on how chili will vary with the weather and whatnot. (Things I already knew about food, but regardless I still make a pretty good batch of chili.)
On the plus side they didn't really last very long. Turns out you can only serve something people don't like for so long.
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If the rest of the world wants to pay the developers to build that software, I'm certain that many would jump at the chance. The fact is, people get something for free and then they bitch when it doesn't do everything they think it should do, because it's never been something important to the developers.
Tell me, when you're doing your hobby, say, gardening, what would you do if some random schmuck came up to you and said "I really like peas, and you aren't planting any, so you suck. You should plant peas."?
Re:clearly you have no knowledge of the industry (Score:5, Insightful)
That would depend on whether or not I'm telling passers-by that they're schmucks for shopping for food at supermarkets instead of growing their own free food.
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The problem is that the FOSS alternatives are often better - I would say usually better for commonly used apps.
The problem is that they are not better for every single app from the point of view of every single user. I do not view that as a problem.
For my usage open source is usually superior, with the exception of Excel for really big spreadsheets (even that is not really something I do any more either) and spreadsheet graphs. That is well worth putting up for, for the advantages of FOSS:
1) Linux had had
Re:clearly you have no knowledge of the industry (Score:4, Informative)
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Tell me, when you're doing your hobby, say, gardening, what would you do if some random schmuck came up to you and said "I really like peas, and you aren't planting any, so you suck. You should plant peas."?
That depends. Before he does that, are a bunch of people running around telling everybody to stop eating their store bought groceries and to eat from my garden instead?
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Like it or not, the open-source community has proven to be relatively horrible at listening to its user base; half the time, you're told "if you don't like it, fix it yourself."
I was taking you quite seriously until I got to that.
Do proprietary software vendors always add every feature you request? Open source developers, like proprietary developers, MAY act on feature requests if they think its worth doing. Open source gives you the additional option of fixing it yourself, or paying someone to do it.
A good many open source developers will also be willing to to add features they think are unnecessary if you are willing to pay for it - do Adobe give you that option?
The restaurant a
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These guys have been using their proprietary software for decades, they're used to every single button.
Then they switch over to radicaly different software interface (hi Gimp!) for a single day... of course they're way less efficient.
Did you read the article? They produced one issue with free software, but they've been working on it for a while. For example, "News Editor Paul Tackett has been working days and nights, on top of his usual job, to set up most of the day's pages in a layout program called Scr
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
Then they switch over to radicaly different software interface (hi Gimp!) for a single day... of course they're way less efficient.
While I agree with that, I have some doubts that their view would have changed a lot if the test would have been done for weeks, month or years. I have used Free Software pretty much exclusively for the last 10+ years and a lot of stuff still just feels broken and/or incomplete, compared to the proprietary stuff I used back then. The reason is simple, professional proprietary software is developed to solve a problems people have, if it is not good enough, it might get overrun by a competing product. Free Software on the other side might start with solving somebodies problem, but after that it often just ends up being stuck in maintenance hell. Nobody goes out to actually analyses what people are using the software for and how it could be improved for that usecase. Either it kind of sort of already fits or people will be stuck with a half finished solution for a long while to come.
See Gimp, that multi-window interface has been an annoyance for what? A decade? Yet we still don't have that fixed. We might get that fixed in the next big release, maybe, but thats 10 years to long. Same with higher color depths, it has been a request feature for ages, even got a fork (FilmGimp/Cinepaint), yet mainline Gimp still can't do it. In the commercial world you might have quite a bit of an issue if you let users wait for ages, yet in the Free Software world that is pretty much standard. The only exceptions to this seems to be the commercial endeavorers like Ubuntu where they actually optimize the software for the user and not just randomly patch along.
Of course, thanks to it being Free Software I can go and patch it myself [blogspot.com], but often times that is just not practical.
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"The reason is simple, professional proprietary software is developed to solve a problems people have"
That's wishful thinking. Professional proprietary software is developed to make money, not to solve people's problems. As such, within proprietary software as soon as you can reach your goal (making money) more effectively by locking in customers or lobying with third parties instead of fulfilling users's need, there they'll go.
All of your rant -not to say there are not valid points, goes for some project
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
goes for some project management objectives that while probably easier to find within open sourced software packages are in fact independent of the distribution license.
The difference is that in a commercial piece of software it is not the developer making the decisions. If the boss says the users demand X, then the programmers will have to implement it in one form or another. With non-commercial Free Software the developer is making the decisions and requests by users are either ignored or even actively blocked. Of course you can have commercial Free Software, as in the Ubuntu/Canonical case, then you can basically have best of both worlds. The problem however is that Ubuntu just can't fix all of the Free Software out there, they don't even have enough man-power to just pack and support it. So yeah, its not the license, its just a development model that is very common in the Free Software world.
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Since you've barely used propietary software for ten years, let me tell you: it's the same thing. Windows' terrible CLI, something that's been bothering admins and power users since at least Windows 2000 has only now been somewhat addressed with 7's PowerShell. And let us not talk of the wait we had to get proper, usable PNG support in IE, and I fear if it weren't for Firefox et al we'd still be waiting.
It's cute, this idea of yours that the commercial world is like one of those wildlife docummentaries you
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the interface has not been "fixed" because there is nothing wrong with it in the first place, the window behavior is unintuitive and annoying on microsoft windows because despite it's name, windows has really shitty window management.
You contradict yourself. If Gimps interface would be perfectly ok, then there wouldn't be a problem in Windows, yet you admit right there that it doesn't work in Windows, therefore its broken.
And no, blaming it on Windows doesn't make the issue go away, implementing on optional MDI way to handle windows in gimp on the other side would and thats what basically every commercial app does.
It is one thing to say "I have no time to fix that", but once you start to go the "Fuck you, I don't care about your problem
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Except that on X, the interesting Windows Managers we had ten years ago have mostly given way to WM's that have gone out of heir way to be similar to Windows behaviors in many ways in order to be more familiar to people who are used to Windows.
Just because a design decision was
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One thing I find highly amusing is their claim that the proprietary software is "efficient, reliable and relatively fast".
Having worked as support in a large media company, I can assure you that the proprietary software is the biggest problem with publishing. The makers are slow to fix any bugs, if they ever do, they don't adhere to any standards (software will output 2.5GB pdfs for a single page, wtf?), and the interfaces are usually throwbacks to the 1990s if you're lucky. There was many a day that the pa
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm a huge FOSS fanboy but I'd rather gouge my eyes out than use the GIMP for even the simplest of tasks.
Re:For a day? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
Having used both Photoshop and GIMP, on both Windows and Mac platforms, I can tell you that yes, GIMP is harder to learn. I spent more than half an hour in GIMP trying to figure out why, when removing the white to transparency in a picture, it made the whole thing translucent. I still don't know why or how it happened, since all I did was use the "colour to alpha" tool, which is supposed to turn that specific colour to transparent. Also, trying to manipulate text boxes is a bitch and a half.
No, Photoshop's easier, even if it's expensive.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Informative)
when removing the white to transparency in a picture, it made the whole thing translucent. I still don't know why or how it happened, since all I did was use the "colour to alpha" tool, which is supposed to turn that specific colour to transparent.
It is "supposed to"??? Why, because that's what it means in Photoshop?
My expectation would be that the amount of the chosen color is used to determine transparency. In your case (you chose white) only pure black would remain opaque.
I will admit that having both alpha and layer masks is complex, but I'd be surprised if Photoshop didn't have this complexity as well.
I think you'd be better off making a color-based selection, paying attention to the feathering and anti-aliasing options. Better yet, use the magic scissors tool, which is sort of a freehand-select that snaps to edges. Hit the quickmask button to fix any defects, especially if you selected by color and there might be areas of that color within the object you want to keep. Once you have the selection, make that transparent or just invert it and copy the object alone.
Remember that the selection, the alpha channel(s), and the layer mask(s) are all interchangable and invertable. You can move the object outline from one to another.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Funny)
I've only used them on mac + gimp on linux, but from my perspective - which really is I wanted to cut and paste boobies onto a photo I had - I found both of them nearly impossible to use. With GIMP, I did load an image, but what followed that was a bit like an acid trip. Stuff would appear, disappear, change on its own. It was intriguing for a while, but like when that little bouncing ball reaches the corner of the TV, I lost interest.
Photoshop was different, at one point I'm pretty sure I had 50 copies of the image in little icons bordering the playing field, and a corresponding array of little tools that I could use to play with my images, if only I could convince it to let me actually do something with one of them. At one point, I thought I had, but it turned out I made the image my screensaver. It took me far less time to accomplish nothing in Photoshop than in GIMP, so Adobe deserve some credit for making it less trippy and more annoying.
Eventually, I printed both images, and with an x-acto knife, glue and a scanner, got the desired result. Didn't take nearly as long, and would have been much cheaper but for the gouges in the dining room table.
Re:For a day? (Score:4, Insightful)
No, Photoshop's easier, even if it's expensive.
*Technically* true, but your phrasing implies that Photoshop is in any way, shape or form what a sane person would consider "easy". A better way to phrase your statement would be "No, Photoshop's slightly less nightmarish, even if it's expensive".
Photoshop is a prime example of what happens when your Marketing department gets to make the engineering decisions for you, it's a program that tries to do a hundred things and does all of them badly, something that's painfully evident in its whole interface. The GIMP is worse these days, yes, but that's because they took a... perhaps not "good", but at least "workable" interface then caved in to the hundreds of morons who asked it to be more like Photoshop, managing to create something that's even more convoluted than the program it tried to imitate.
I'm an amateur photographer, not a designer (either web, print or any other media), I'm not a graphic artist, I'm not a painter, videographer or any of the hundred other markets Photoshop tries to cater to, so my experience certainly won't be universal. But for me, I'd much rather have a specialized tool such as RawTherapee, LightZone or even Adobe's own Lightroom and do all the "adjustment for web" with ImageMagick than deal with either of those attrocities.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm a huge FOSS fanboy but I'd rather gouge my eyes out than use the GIMP for even the simplest of tasks.
Really? Why?
I use GIMP any time I need to work with composite images. I've learned how to use it. I'm perfectly happy with it. I am lost in Photoshop, because that's not the interface I've learned.
I barely use it (Score:5, Informative)
But I find horrifying problems every time I try.
Make an image with two layers. Set one to 50% transparency and put it top. Now try to move one on top of the other and resize it to line up a few points in the images. I for example was trying to line up the wheels in two car silhouettes.
In the GIMP, the layer you made 50% transparent turns opaque while you try to resize it, so you can't see how to line up the layers. What a mess.
I went home later and did it in Photoshop CS3 (that own, but only at home) and it worked fine, remained transparent during resize.
I know it's free and all, but if you make your living doing image editing, the GIMP is absolutely no substitute for Photoshop. You'll easily waste more money in labor than you saved not by buying Photoshop.
Re:I barely use it (Score:4, Informative)
Works for me in GIMP (2.6.8 on Linux with nVidia closed-source drivers). I'm sure I remember it working in earlier versions too, because I've done just this for years.
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I set the layer opacity to 50%.
You're saying there's another opacity slider that overrides the layer opacity during a resize?
Well, that's interesting to know. I'm not at all sure why I was supposed to guess that. I would presume that a layer when being resized would be no more opaque than it is when it isn't being resized.
Re:I barely use it (Score:4, Informative)
I set the layer opacity to 50%.
You're saying there's another opacity slider that overrides the layer opacity during a resize?
Yes. If you look at the tool pallet the bottom section often has quite a few fine controls there. In the case of layer resize, the option to make it use a given degree of transparency is there. I didn't know about it myself up until a few minutes ago. But layer scaling isn't a tool I often use.
If you think about it a little.. There are drawbacks to having the layer go transparent by default too. If instead of a fully occupied layer, the layer you want to resize just contains an already cut out image on a transparent background, or some text, do you really want that to go transparent as you resize? And can you make the resize go opaque in Photoshop independent of the layer opacity.
Well, that's interesting to know. I'm not at all sure why I was supposed to guess that. I would presume that a layer when being resized would be no more opaque than it is when it isn't being resized.
You're not really supposed to guess. You are supposed to learn the way the program works if you want to use it to it's fullest extent.. This applies to every program on every OS. And a second tool is always harder if you are trying to make it work like the first one.
Photoshop is not that straightforward either, despite the cries of how intuitive it is. It's familiar. That's all. In Photoshop (from vague memory) Some modifiers appear on the top of the window. Easy to miss. As easy as the missed opacity slider that you missed.
A friend of mine was having problems getting the cropping tool to allow him to make the crop he wanted in Photoshop. He didn't notice the aspect ratio was defaulting to a specific fixed one, and he wanted to do a freehand crop.
To echo your point.. Why should he be expected to guess the check box need to be unchecked?
Re:I barely use it (Score:5, Insightful)
Your post demonstrates another weakness of GIMP: the few knowledgeable and vocal members who publicly treat potential newcomers with distain, but yet wonder why they don't flock to GIMP and its abusive zealots en masse.
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Let me link to a comment in response to a UI complaint about Photoshop [slashdot.org].
Can we drop the double standard that GIMP has to be magically intuitive?
Re:I barely use it (Score:4, Insightful)
Let me link to a comment in response to a UI complaint about Photoshop [slashdot.org].
Can we drop the double standard that GIMP has to be magically intuitive?
Well, if GIMP ever is to advance beyond a dedicated group of diehard users it needs to be much easier to use = and an intuitive UI goes a long way to doing that. To paraphrase - "the bitterness of hard to use lasts long after the sweetness of free is forgotten."
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'd love to hear some examples -- because again, GIMP is all I know.
It seems to me that any functionality and interoperability missing from GIMP could be addressed with Script-Fu
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It's supported layers for as long as I can remember.
In fact, one objection might be that you can't use it effectively without first understanding layers.
Not sure what you mean by fine control of selections - adjusting a selection can be a bit hit and miss, but I blame that on my working on large images on an underpowered machine.
Re:For a day? (Score:4, Informative)
Gimp has all that.
Hint: to run filter tools on masks, you can enable quickmask mode (a toggle button in the corner) or you can convert the mask to/from a regular layer.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Informative)
Just last night I was working on a multi-layered composite image for some cover art and it was working great. Not quite sure what you mean by "fine control of selections", with GIMP I can select and position image elements down to 1 pixel resolution without a problem.
Since I've never used Photoshop I'll refrain from making comparisons about it, other than for someone who can't afford it, doesn't want to pirate it or can't run it since they use Linux anyway it might be worth their time try using GIMP.
Re:For a day? (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you filed a bug, or even a request with the development team?
Contrary to what people seem to think, a lot of software isn't developed with ass-backwards misfeatures because that's how the developers like it, they're developed like that because the developers don't know any better. If you tell them what you want, with a couple of good examples of how it *should* work, you'll probably get what you want pretty quickly.
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GIMP is currently switching projection engines, at which point it will have high-bit level support. I wouldn't dare use it for image creation, however, for photography it handles everything I need. It has layers, a levels dialog, a paint brush and an eraser. For digital darkroom stuff, what else could you possibly need?
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Re:For a day? (Score:4, Insightful)
However, how often does a local paper need to work with 20 layer images?
Ask the folks in the advertising department. Probably they regularly do a lot more than resizing new photos. The fact is, professionals prefer PS not because it is "what they know", but because it does what they need. Even excusing the convoluted UI, GIMP *does not* fill the needs of *most* professionals.
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Do not use, or can not use?
Don't *want* to use. Because (at this point in its development) GIMP often does not do what they want, and many find the UI unusable. Things could change, and I would embrace GIMP is it did what I do with PS, and did it well. Adobe is the sole reason I still have a Windows machine (yes, I could get PS for OSX, and may very well do that).
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"Your example of gimp is hilarious, as it demonstrates exactly what the newspaper concluded."
No, it doesn't. By large.
There's a big (unstated) prejudice in this article which is that there's some magic tidbit in licenses such as they affect the technical merits of a software. As if some code lines were forbidden under GPL but allowed under an EULA or the other way around.
The Gimp is either technically sounded or it isn't with it license having nothing to do with it. The technical abilities of some progra
Learning curve (Score:3, Insightful)
I bet if they switched from their Windows software to a Mac OS software, they'd experience similar results. It's inevitable that when you jump from one style to another style, you'll experience some slowdown in the work.
Re:Learning curve (Score:5, Insightful)
Really though, news rooms should not even touch all of that stuff.. they write the articles and the editor places them in the document, final document gets sent to me where I do my voodoo and make 4 color post script files and PDFs and generate plates for the presses.
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I bet if they switched from their Windows software to a Mac OS software, they'd experience similar results. It's inevitable that when you jump from one style to another style, you'll experience some slowdown in the work.
Nope, not that much of a difference between mac and PC versions of Desktop publishing software. I use both nightly at work... and I work at a newspaper.
I've seen Windows people try to use a mac and get angry and frustrated, saying macs are stupid because files don't open when they select them and press enter, and that it's stupid for an OS to require that you use the mouse to open a file, and it's all stupid.
I silently demonstrated the proper use of "command-O" and "command-arrowDown" to teach them that stupid is as stupid does, but they were still very frustrated that it wasn't exactly the same as on Windows, said it was stupid not to copy the most popula
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Neither of which is very intuitive, but memorized key-combos are sure useful.
The problem is, that the perceived need to make interfaces more "intuitive" has also made them slower to use for those of us that don't mind learning a few shortcuts.
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>>>PC is short for Personal Computer
No actually it's short for "IBM PC" or "IBM PC compatible clone". It's been that way for about 15 years now, since all the other PCs (tandy, coleco, atari, commodore) died out leaving behind just the IBM PC clones and..... um, that other one. "Amiga" I think it's called. ;-)
(I'm just joking - I just bought a Mac myself but calling it a PC would be an insult.)
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Could everyone please stop equating PC with microsoft windows. PC is short for Personal Computer.
No. Too late. About 25 years too late.
Yeah. Kinda like getting people to stop equating "hacker" with "criminal".
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>>>stop equating "hacker" with "criminal".
You mean I can't be both?
I'll stop calling myself a hacker then and go with "technician" or "ham" or "tinkerer". I like to "tinker" with my PS3 to run AmigaOS - and no Mr. Sony or Congressman that doesn't make me a criminal.
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I bet if they switched from their Windows software to a Mac OS software, they'd experience similar results. It's inevitable that when you jump from one style to another style, you'll experience some slowdown in the work.
Office Ribbon, anyone ? Why the hell did Microsoft think that was a good idea, without at least leaving the menus in place for transition.
You forget that company's unofficial motto:
Where Do We Want You To Go Today!
Could be useful as well as interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
If the reporters wrote up the specific problems they were finding (such as what was slow, what was particularly difficult, etc) and submitted them to the developers, the developers would have a potentially very rich mine of information to work from. Sure, some of the issues will be ones of "X doesn't work the way Microsoft does it" - annoyances that slow adoption rates but not really bugs per-se. But there will likely be other comments along the lines of "in reporting, it would be very useful to do Y", or "as an editor, back in the cut-and-paste days I could do Z but this is so hard to do in software" - things neither FLOSS nor commercial WP/DTP does well, that FLOSS could potentially overtake on.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Could be useful as well as interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
Odds are they will be met the same way my father was met by the GIMP developers, i.e told to fuck off and do the changes himself, despite him not being a programmer at all, just an advanced hobby photographer. He spent almost a week laying out what, how and why, writing a couple of pages of structured and well-described suggestions.
I don't find that hard to believe at all. The thing is, if you're a programmer working in the software department of a larger organization, you will have other people whose job it is to find out what customers need. That information is ideally codified into reasonably detailed specs and passed on to the software engineering staff.
Your typical small software house or open-source project doesn't have that luxury: developers usually are required to deal with end-users directly, and depending upon their personalities (and general level of professionalism) that may not work very well. True professionals in any field try their best to leave their egos at home, and when they get to work accept that there might be a better way of doing things. In a word, openmindedness. It's especially important when it comes to user-interface design: it truly does not matter how great a solution you feel you've created if your users think it sucks. When that happens, you go back to the drawing board and figure out something better. But the first step in that process is an admission that you're not perfect, and that your work can, in fact, be improved upon.
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Well, that's an oft-heard complaint with any open source project, of course.. especially the free-as-in-beer ones; "You have the code, YOU make the changes if you think they're so important!" - completely ignoring that the user may not exactly be a programmer.
Even if you then say "enough of this" and pay somebody to make those changes for you (which your father could possibly do - perhaps get together with other people who also think it's a good idea and pool together the money), the odds of getting those c
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Your father is not a programmer and cannot contribute to the GIMP project in terms of code. But he *can* contribute his well-thought-out documents by just posting them on a blog or forum or discussion board -- basically open source them. If people like his ideas, they will talk about them, link them, etc.
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Wait, from what the GP post describes:
He spent almost a week laying out what, how and why, writing a couple of pages of structured and well-described suggestions.
It sounds like he did exactly what you suggest. I didn't see anything in the GP post that suggest that he was making demands, but rather, offering suggestions.
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It sounds like he did exactly what you suggest. I didn't see anything in the GP post that suggest that he was making demands, but rather, offering suggestions.
It's good that he wrote those documents. It's not good that he sent them to the GIMP devs and expected them to say, "Yes, sir! We'll jump right on it!"
The proper thing to do is to put those documents ( or the information therein ) on his blog, or promote them generally on the internet. This is what I suggest he do -- we've already established that he's made such documents.
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Re:Could be useful as well as interesting (Score:4, Informative)
For future reference, suggestions are better received when they come with funding to write them, even if the pay is very modest.
Re:Could be useful as well as interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
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Closed source software may have some virtues, but taking constructive criticism is definitely a major weakness.
*snerk* Usually that old "replace the keyword with the opposite side" works well, but this is bullshit. Closed source takes feedback all the time. After all, they want people to buy the next version. They do beta testing, market research, all that shit that takes money that FOSS can't afford to do on as large a scale.
Googled Docs (Score:2, Informative)
I guess they meant they used free-as-in-beer software for that edition -- or whatever Googled Docs are. (Perhaps you get them when you type TheGoogle into a Word document [theonion.com]?)
Google Docs != F/OSS (Score:5, Insightful)
Since when is Google Docs considered free and/or open source software? I thought most of the free software movement agreed that cloud-based solutions were a big threat to software freedom. RMS must be rolling in his—er, make that Ben Franklin....
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Well....Google Docs *is* free.....
Re:Google Docs != F/OSS (Score:4, Insightful)
Great, I'll just go and make my fork...
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Since when is Google Docs considered free and/or open source software?
Free as in beer.
Which GPL would that be? (Score:2)
There is a version of the GPL which specifically addresses this. It's a loophole in the spirit of the GPL, though not the letter, just like Tivoization.
Summary inaccuracy (Score:3, Informative)
Which kind of free? (Score:2, Redundant)
In the associated video [youtube.com], they call it a "Ben Franklin" experiment and make reference to the "A penny saved... [wikipedia.org]" quote. In the article the only software projects they list are Scribus [scribus.net], which is indeed open source, and Google Docs [google.com], which is gratis but not open source. (I have no doubt Google uses plenty of open sou
Moving to other software (Score:2, Insightful)
When we moved at our office from one ERP system (novell based) to another (SCO unix based ha!) we too cursed and yelled at it first. After using the program for a year we got the hang of it. Some years ago the system was moved to (Suse) Linux (at my advisal) and now we would not know what to do without it.
When I decided to go from the Atari ST to PC in 1994 I had the choice of Windows, OS2 and something called Linux.. I switched to Linux and have not regretted it. Now at the office we run some Windows only
Sounds lame but (Score:5, Insightful)
They proved a newspaper can successfully be made using only F/OSS. One day? Imagine one year with a programmer or two tweaking the software to work just how they want it. It could blow away the existing stuff and enable a resurgence in amateur newspapers.
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A small press and the paper for it is a serious investment.
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It takes more than software to publish a paper...
A small press and the paper for it is a serious investment.
It's not so much about starting a paper as keeping one going. Alternative sources of news are becoming available and even vaguely credible. This is an alternative source of workflow tools.
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One day?
I believe the transition took longer than a day; but they only used the 'alternate free workflow' for a day.
My evidence is that in the article [jrcbenfranklin.com] they say:
(Emphasis added.) Also in the video at about 0:18 [youtube.com] the narrator says:
It follows from the history of FLOSS (Score:2)
It bears frequent repeating that the organized effort to create FLOSS for ethical reasons preceded the organized effort to create FLOSS for pragmatic reasons, i.e., the Free Software Foundation preceded the Open Source Initiative. It required a lot of effort by people who, because of an ethical commitment, were willing to put up with software that wasn't as good as proprietary software, before you had a foundation of software that, as it turned out, worked better than proprietary software.
If there were news
Classified ad paper (Score:4, Interesting)
I set up the computers and provide technical support for a small publishing company that prints two weekly classified ad papers (place your classified ads for free, the paper is sold at gas stations and convenience stores); about 15,000 physical papers are printed weekly. Plus there is an online subscription available for people to purchase
The software is a combination of stuff that I wrote myself (the ad database, the program to create the plates for the press, etc) and Scribus, Gimp, and OpenOffice. LTSP is used to support thin client terminals for the staff that enter the ads into the database. Apache and sendmail for their web/email server.
The whole operation runs on Centos 5.
No worries about Windows viruses and everyting runs on automatic pilot as far as I'm concerned, most of the time.
Linux users have a hard time with Windows too (Score:5, Insightful)
So, staff at The Saratogian have used Windows software for years and years and years. They moved to Linux for a day and found that things were different, and "different" was hard to learn. Why am I not surprised?
Here's what they said in TFA:
That sure sounds hard. Tackett had to spend days to reproduce templates and layouts that have been built up over years. Yes, doing that kind of work would be hard for anyone. I give this guy huge credit for accomplishing it. But I also give kudos out to Scribus [scribus.net] for being able to support it.
You know, moving from one environment that you know really well to one that you don't - it's always hard. We Linux users have trouble, too, moving from Linux to Windows. Don't believe me? I did it for my work, [blogspot.com] and I'm constantly finding things in Windows that "just don't work right" or "work stupidly".
Linux is just easier for me. But I've been using Linux at home since 1993, and running Linux at work since 2002. Until 2009, that is, when I was "asked" to move to Windows for work.
This whole "move to Linux in a day" thing is a neat "publicity stunt within the journalism industry" (their words) but migrating in that short a time is very very hard to do. If you're going to move an organization to Linux, there are ways to do it [blogspot.com] so you won't stress your users too much.
Surprised they even got out! (Score:4, Insightful)
Considering how much needs to be done in such a short amount of time, newspapers tend to use massive collections of templates and integrated scripts if it will save even a few minutes during a production night. Even if the new templates and scripts were prepared in advance (bug-free and fully-featured, I'm sure), those doing layout would be put at an incredible disadvantage, even if they knew how to use the new programs at the same technical proficiency as their current ones (which I'm guessing they didn't).
A copy editor (who spends most of his job laying out a paper, not finding typos, despite his title) at the Montreal Gazette, a daily in a large city, describes transitioning from QuarkXPress to InDesign over a month or so [fagstein.com], in stages, with certain staff and sections learning how to use the new system each week. Anyone who thinks trying new specialized software for one day will result in anything other than total chaos is kidding themselves. ("Hey, we switched from Drupal to Joomla for one day and it was much less efficient and took a lot more time.")
Also, the headline and summary are not completely correct: the paper used free (as in beer) software, some of which was libre and open source, some of which was not (Google Docs, likely the video site).
More evidence GIMP needs a name change (Score:5, Insightful)
The article mentions Scribus and Google Docs by name but dances around the GIMP, saying only that they used "free software instead of Photoshop." The GIMP's ridiculous name has cost it some valuable media exposure. How can the GIMP expect to be taken seriously by professionals when they don't even feel comfortable using the name?
To me, this is a good example of how free software development being divorced from dependence upon market success is sometimes a bad thing. A proprietary program with a name so bad that professionals avoid using it in print would rapidly be renamed. In fact, the name would probably be developed by a marketing team and focus group tested first to avoid the problem in the first place. But in the free software world the developers are free to stubbornly hold on to a frankly terrible name because there's a much weaker market success feedback loop.
rename it (Score:4, Funny)
The name The GIMP is ridiculous. It should be called Ogg GIMP. That'll fix it right up.
Re:More evidence GIMP needs a name change (Score:4, Insightful)
Too true. The name GIMP is outright offensive. When I've mentioned it in conversation to non-FLOSS people, I've usually felt a need to apologize for the name. I'd guess that some organizations would be concerned about legal trouble -- discriminating against the disabled is illegal (in the US, anyway), and using "gimp" out of context might be interpreted as discriminatory.
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Come to think of it, I wonder if this is part of the reason Canonical has dropped GIMP from the default Ubuntu installation.
Probably mostly insignificant (Score:3, Insightful)
Look at many places where familiarity with such nuances of EN is practically nonexistant. GIMP is still barely used.
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Yes, why are those people so easily offended. I mean, they don't even want to use the Batch inspection tool chain and history or the Natural illumination gyrating grid enhancer restorer extensions.
Sidenote: the complaint has also been put up on the mailing lists by people who contribute, it led to flame wars and edgy "why so PC" by other oblivious twits with the maturity of 12 year olds.
Re:More evidence GIMP needs a name change (Score:4, Insightful)
This is BS. You don't actually mind the name, just THE ACRONYM. Any reason you're FORCED to use the most common abbreviated name instead of forming one of your own, or worse, USING THE FULL NAME?
Don't want to say "gimp"? Fine. So call it IMP, GNU-IMP, Image MP, etc. If the name bothered anyone all that much, they'd just use CinePaint instead.
Except when I want to point people to the homepage, gimp.org. Or when they launch the program and see GIMP in giant letters on the splash screen. And in their dock/taskbar. And their task switcher. And the titles of books written about it [amazon.com]. And all over the Wikipedia page. Face it: GIMP is the de facto name of the program. If individuals try to call it something else, it will only lead to confusion, and a name change is too minor an issue to make an effective fork. Change needs to come from the project leaders recognizing that it's a stupid, counter-productive name that costs the project respect and marketshare.
In honor of July 4th and Ben Franklin? (Score:2)
Exactly the two things that come to mind with I think of F/OSS...
Re:In honor of July 4th and Ben Franklin? (Score:5, Funny)
Paul Revere and William Dawes - I'm too tired (Score:4, Insightful)
Or how about if the citizens decided it would be easier to just stay home instead of risking life and limb, and many giving up their lives, instead of fighting the British army.
Life can be difficult but you almost never get anywhere without change or some effort.
Build own open source (Score:3, Interesting)
The license should be GPL so nobody can just take the work and get an advantage over the other. But if then every newspaper pay the developers the costs should be just a small fraction to the costs they need to pay now.
It's like with Linux, where a lot of companies are paying the developers, but the cost per company remains very small, comparing to paying for licenses or build an own operation system.