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Television United States

President Obama On Mythbusters Tonight 416

elrous0 writes "As was previously reported, President Obama mentioned back in October that he would be appearing on an upcoming episode of the popular Discovery Channel series Mythbusters. Well, the episode is finally airing tonight. In the episode, the President helps Jamie and Adam test the 'Archimedes Death Ray' myth for a 3rd time (the myth having been 'busted' the first time, and that bust surviving a challenge from MIT students the second time out). Though the President only appears in a couple of brief scripted segments, the actual test (using 500 schoolkids doubling as mirror-bearing soldiers) is purportedly pretty interesting."
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President Obama On Mythbusters Tonight

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  • First Post? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Karna99 ( 784157 ) <dthiara @ g m a i l . com> on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:16PM (#34491966)
    So do they test it on him ?
  • They should have shown him blowing up something instead. It'd have been more entertaining.
  • Granted it is probably a long shot to get the "death ray" to kill anyone. It might be good enough to light sails on fire, though. And at the very least, I suspect it could blind the shit out of someone approaching, and that's not a bad way to gain the upper hand, not a bad way at all.
  • by Manip ( 656104 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:26PM (#34492120)
    I like Obama and love Mythbusters (or used to). What a lame duck of a Myth. That Myth wasn't even very exciting the first time they did it, let alone the second, and now a third time?! If they're going to have Obama on it then why can't we see him getting his hands dirty? What better way to get people excited about science by showing a man a lot of people respect excited about it?
    • by jedidiah ( 1196 )

      Are you really sure you want to see Obama in a Hoplite getup?

    • Is the Myth busted? Yes. Flat mirrors, hand aiming, going to be a very large focus area.

      But if you took something like this [youtube.com] ...

      That video makes me wonder just how far away you can set the focal point and still have it be effective. Because that thing is fucking awesome.

    • by Attila Dimedici ( 1036002 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @05:03PM (#34492724)

      What better way to get people excited about science by showing a man a lot of people respect excited about it?

      OK, that's a good argument. So, why is Obama on the show?

    • by fishexe ( 168879 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @05:07PM (#34492806) Homepage

      What a lame duck of a Myth. That Myth wasn't even very exciting the first time they did it...

      Yeah, if they wanted to do Archimedes, it would have been way more exciting to test whether discovering fluid displacement is exciting enough to make someone run around town naked.

    • by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

      Well, it'd be interesting if they thought creatively.

      Legend has it that the Archimedes myth happened. It was written, so it (or something like it) happened. So why not try to replicate it using the least-possible technology they can conceive (and modern engineering), arranged in as creative fashions as they can? It's been shown repeatedly that Greek engineering was not exactly limited in terms of creativity: we've found a number of very interesting, complex examples (some of which have not been fully determ

  • by MarkGriz ( 520778 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:26PM (#34492140)


    • I dunno, did he promise more hope? Or was it more like "hope the change is good".

      He certainly delivered on change, and you could say he delivered on hope too, since it now takes a hell of a lot more hope than it used to to believe we'll ever get out of this mess.

      It all depends on how you look at it.

  • Do they bust the myth Obama is the Messiah?

    Hey! I'm kidding! Calm down. Put down those DDoS scripts!

    Seriously, though, do they bust or confirm he's Kenyan? :-D

    Hey! Still kidding!

  • by vlm ( 69642 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:34PM (#34492274)

    Who cares, wheres Kari?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Stele ( 9443 )

        Lose your eyes in a freak combine accident? She's actually bounced back quite nicely. I wonder how much diet/exercise is expressly worded in her contract. Very nice MILF, though I find her canned line regurgitation to be a tad flat. I miss the days when they spent more time on the actual construction/theory than the banter.

      • She went out on maternity leave, had her baby (end of June 2009), and returned (in an episode that aired in March 2010) already.
        • by sconeu ( 64226 )

          She provided the infantile fecal matter for the episode where they were trying to fool the contraband sniffing dogs.

      • by vlm ( 69642 )

        Given production to air delay, she could already be home nursing.

        Anyone heard of any nursing myths? Maybe we can make some up? No idea how we'll work the mandatory Mythbusters "and now, we blow stuff up" into that episode.

    • Probably getting boned by her baby's daddy.
  • by ari_j ( 90255 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:36PM (#34492306)
    I still want to see a MythBusters special on transportation security myths, especially after Adam's recent knife incident. Can someone with an account on their forums post the suggestion (preferably more than one such someone)?
  • ...will you please don the velcro suite we have thoughtfully provided for this next experiment..."
  • by grumpygrodyguy ( 603716 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:46PM (#34492442)

    Of all the myths they've 'busted', this is the one I most wanted to see revisited.

    Survival kits have signal mirrors with a sighting mechanism and no moving parts that allows the user to shine the sun's reflection directly onto the target (even a distant moving airplane). A mechanism Archimedes could have fashioned onto a shield for instance.

    The Mythbusters claim the myth was 'busted' not because enough heat couldn't be generated, but because an individual soldier would be unable to distinguish his particular 'reflected spot', and therefore be unable to focus it onto the target. A simple sighting mechanism like those found on signal mirrors solves this problem, allowing an entire group to focus on one point simultaneously.

    • Survival kits have signal mirrors with a sighting mechanism and no moving parts that allows the user to shine the sun's reflection directly onto the target (even a distant moving airplane)

      Not really. The sighting mechanism is not a "sight" in the sense of one found on rifles, etc. Its not accurate enough to hold on a target, at best it can help you get into the general area so you can sweep around this area and accidentally hit the aircraft from time to time. You may look through the sight but you still often need to hold out your free hand and form a V with your fingers. You put the target inside this V and sweep the mirror back and forth. You look for the reflections on your two fingers to

    • by Bigjeff5 ( 1143585 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @05:59PM (#34493672)

      The Mythbusters claim the myth was 'busted' not because enough heat couldn't be generated, but because an individual soldier would be unable to distinguish his particular 'reflected spot', and therefore be unable to focus it onto the target.

      You obviously missed the second busting of this myth, where MIT built the rig. They had a mechanism for sighting the mirrors, and were able to get a very tight spot on the boat.

      They were able ignite the boat with the modern mirrors, but could not do it with polished copper.

      You want to know the most effective way of lighting a boat on fire? Shooting an arrow of flaming pitch at it. That one worked the best, and had the advantage of being much simpler and faster than the deathray with modern mirrors. The deathray with copper mirrors simply didn't work.

  • by fotbr ( 855184 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:51PM (#34492520) Journal

    1) I don't care for career politicians, regardless of the label they wear. Having any political idiot come out and do a talking-head segment adds absolutely nothing to the program.

    2) Testing this myth yet again is just f'ing stupid.

    I wonder how many people will avoid watching it just because of obama's appearance, and how many will skip this one because of the repeated subject.

  • by jtownatpunk.net ( 245670 ) on Wednesday December 08, 2010 @04:52PM (#34492538)

    One day, some old-timey soldier noticed that he could reflect the sun off his shield if he polished it real good and it made it hard for the enemy to see if he reflected the sun into the eyes of enemy soldiers. Same way we used to reflect the sun off our watches and shine it in people's faces when we were kids. So a few soldiers started doing this when the sun happened to be at the proper angle and, presto, we've got a death ray. 'cause the enemy has to come up with some reason to explain why they got their asses kicked so easily. "It was a death ray, majesty! It burned the eyes of our soldiers and set ships on fire!"

  • appearing on Different Strokes. Painfully lame. Politicians can't make science cool because kids don't think much of politicians. If they do, then I'm afraid you are likely preaching to the choir.

Bringing computers into the home won't change either one, but may revitalize the corner saloon.
