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Louis Vuitton Sues Over Depiction of Bag In Artwork 1

An anonymous reader writes "A fellow art student of mine (yes, there are artists on Slashdot as well) has been sued by Louis Vuitton for depicting one of their bags in her painting. Her painting is wholly original, however LV is demanding 5,000 euros a day because the 'pattern of this bag infringes its design rights,' and for her to cease displaying her original artwork on her website. It might be preaching to the choir here on Slashdot, but these cases need all the attention they can get."


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Louis Vuitton Sues Over Depiction of Bag In Artwork

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  • Let's say the person had taken a photo, and put that up in a gallery, do you think they would be suing? Or saying "thanks for the free advertising"? There is ZERO difference between a photo and a painting, legally speaking at least. Goddamn companies are just as sue happy as people are anymore, and yes, get off my lawn. :)

10 to the 6th power Bicycles = 2 megacycles
