Xamarin's First Mono Release - Proof of Life! 95
mikejuk writes "After striking out on their own the former Mono team, now reconstituted as Xamarin, has just issued its first release of Mono. This is essentially a minor release with lots of bug fixes but it's proof of life for the Mono project after being dropped by Attachmate."
Re:Thanks? (Score:5, Interesting)
I do care. There are huge amounts of .NET code out there, and being able to avoid a OS/runtime lock-in is a Good Thing. I remember the 90's, when windows was a monopoly because it was the only working win32 implementation...
Re:Thanks? (Score:5, Funny)
I think you're being kind of generous there. I remember Windows from that period of time, and I can vouch for the fact that it wasn't a working win32 implementation.
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Or MacOS, FreeBSD...
Does Anyone Care? (Score:1)
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Microsoft probably does.
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Slashdot has always been full of linux/java fanboys
The MS-apologists appeared back about when XP came out and drowned out the Linux fanboys. There have been very few Java fanboys on here, ever.
Now, IBM fanboys....
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Wow, that is a pretty harsh response. I don't really have a dog in that race, since I'm mostly a web app developer anyway. I use whatever my client has picked as their preferred stack in the background. Classic ASP, ASP.net, java, php, or pure C# talking to Extjs. Whatever. In any case, the only real posts I've seen about MS walking away from .net have all been on boards with a bias towards MS. To say that the Linux/Java people are behind it is kind of silly. They may be repeating it and amplifying it on pl
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If MS is 100% behind .net, then somehow a mis-perception is starting to erupt and they need to get on top of it.
Im pretty sure people on whom it actually would have an impact are well aware that the only thing with an uncertain future is Silverlight, but of course people who don't know what they're talking about for some reason assume Silverlight == .Net.
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Nobody important seriously thinks they are. Some people thought that the fact that MS said some applets could be written in Javascript and HTML5 in upcoming OS releases meant that they were dropping
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Is this an omen suggesting that the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us? Or is that Duke Nukem, I'm so confused.
Kudos (Score:4, Insightful)
Kudos to the devs for persevering. Fuck all the zealot haters here.
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Kudos to the devs for persevering. Fuck all the zealot haters here.
Why are you so rude to me, just because I hate zealots?
And yes, kudos to the devs from this c# monkey.
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Kudos to the devs for persevering. Fuck all the zealot haters here.
Aye! Protoss, all the way! .NET support. This news is a small, but welcome, glimmer of hope. Kudos to Xamarin for striving to give .NET the platform support and reach that Microsoft never gave.
But in all seriousness...as a C# developer, I've spent the morning despairing about Windows 8's seeming lack of
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Not sure when these kinds of projects will ever really see the light of day, but to say
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"Proof of Life" (Score:4, Informative)
This "Proof of Life" headline being folded up right next to the Mars announcement got me briefly very excited.
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I think people voted this article up just to plant the suggestion.
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What does it tell you that there's more evidence of life in Mono than on Mars?
Just so you know. (Score:3)
Yes, someone cares.
Other useful answers include: .net on mobile is actually useful.
Yes, someone still builds (good) products in C#.
Yes, this thing has legs.
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Actually, I don't think he is. Unity3D [unity3d.com] is a pretty popular cross-platform game development environment. Guess what? It uses Mono for game scripting. Just because you can't think of a use for a tool doesn't mean there is no use for a tool.
Xamarin's First Moon - Proof of Life! (Score:2)
at least that is what i thought it said
Well *I* care!!! (Score:2, Interesting)
I love C#, i have coded in numerous languages over the years (Basic, Pascal, COBOL, C, C++, Java, C#, JavaScript probably more i've forgotten) but for me C# is the cleanest and best thought-out. Yes, it was a rip-off of Java, but lets face it, Microsoft fixed and improved some of the shitness with Java!
The only thing I didn't like was being locked into a Windows platform, and guess what.. Mono fixes that!
So good luck to them, and long live Mono!
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It seemed like there was more momentum behind Mono back when it seemed as if Sun was never seriously going to open-source Java. Now the main debate seems to be whether you prefer C# or Java (and most non-Windows programmers prefer Java because they've had no experience with C#), and whether you trust Microsoft not to sink Mono with patent claims vs. whether you trust Oracle not to sink Java into the ocean in a giant safe that only Larry Ellison knows the combination to.
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For us working with web stuff there really isn't anything important missing from Mono.
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Coding web stuff in Mono? Care to elaborate? What server are you using?
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I like C#/.Net, but playing "catch up" on features that have been out for years is really a crippling hinderance.
Best of luck to the Mono team. I will continue trying the new releases in hopes that it matures enough to be a truly cross-platform environment.
Why the Hatred for Mono? (Score:2)
I have never really understood the hatred for Mono here on /. Like any other language it has its advantages and disadvantages. Each person or company choosing to do development takes a risk in the language / platform they decide to use. As long as that person or company feels comfortable managing those risks it seems like that should be enough.
In my years on Slashdot I have not noticed the developers of Wine being vilified in even remotely the same way as de Icaza, despite the obvious parallels.
Re:Why the Hatred for Mono? (Score:4, Interesting)
Mostly because the site has been taken over by mindless Microsoft haters. Instead of promoting FOSS, they bash anything with a slight connection to MS (sorry M$). Mono is a really nice product and C# is really much nicer than Java, but since Mono is based on .NET and C# is from Microsoft they get castigated here.
I considered starting my kids on C#, but decided Pascal is still a better teaching language. However once they've got the basics of programming down and I want to start in on OOP I'll move them to C# on Mono (MS doesn't make .NET for my platform).
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That and there's some surprisingly nasty patent traps in there...
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And yet Microsoft hasn't raised a single lawsuit. Now, Java, on the other hand, has been an amusing source of patents suits recently.
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Why would they?
No clue. I'm not the one who constantly spreads FUD about how Microsoft is always imminently going to sue Linux distros out of existence for bundling Mono and Mono apps or devs for using it to create apps with.
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Great. Microsoft has made zero threats against Mono and has in fact done just the opposite. They've made countless promises to not sue, have had their own staff help the Mono project repeatedly and have supplied tons of documentation to them and have made agreements with Novell to cover the Mono implementation from issues. But yeah, let's keep beating the 7 year old drum of how Microsoft is imminently going to sue over patents over Mono yet has every year NOT don that. If you spread the FUD long enough
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They've made countless promises to not sue, have had their own staff help the Mono project repeatedly and have supplied tons of documentation to them and have made agreements with Novell to cover the Mono implementation from issues.
So they cannot sue SuSe. And they cannot sue Redhat
because Redhat does not use Mono. Whom are they going to sue if it has got to be profitable? They just need the FUD.
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And you wonder why we won't touch mono or c# with a ten foot pole, and why we think Miguel is an evil little Billy G cocksuck?
I do wonder a little bit, since "Billy G" doesn't even work for that company anymore and hasn't since 2008. He sits on the board, but you would too if that many billions of dollars of your money was tied up in it.
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They are not mindless. They made an educated decision based on their experience with Microsoft and other commercial software vendors.
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I'll tell you what, unless you're a pre-teen, there has been plenty of evidence of microsoft being a shithead, eat-your-baby, fuck-their-friends-wife-in-the-ass type of corporation. It should be pretty clear to you by now why people hate that corporation. If you're just being obtuse, go fucking google this shit or even just hit search on this page.
The only part I really take offense in your post is that you call M$ haters mindless. We're absolutely normal people who don't have the memory of a goldfish.
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Thankyou for proving the GPs point...
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No, he didn't prove that MS-haters are mindless--he simply proved that he, himself, is rude.
There may be good people who work for Microsoft, but Microsoft, as a whole, is nothing less than evil, and has been for a long time--probably forever. Apple's not much better, nor is Amazon. I'm afraid the list goes on and on.
Microsoft has less of a dominant position in some markets than it used to have--I guess that's why fewer people seem to hate it. It's no less evil, though. It seems to me that anyone who doe
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This is /. not c:\
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This is /. not c:\
The name comes from the days we would have to say "h t t p colon slash slash slashdot dot o r g". It does not come from the POSIX current directory.
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Is the POSIX root directory not simply / ? I suppose that the extra dot would then land you right back in the same place, but you wouldn't call the POSIX root directory /. if someone asked where it was.
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Good choice for Pascal. It was oiginally created as a teaching language IIRC.
For OOP though, the terchniques are the same for C++, Java and C# so unless you want them to learn the C#/.NET specific parts (eg WPF, WCF, all the wizard generated bumpf) then or learn how to use Visual Studio, you might as well show them Java instead. The tooling should be better for your platform and I'm sure you can find better example code.
Of course, if you want to use something 'unnatural' for your platform, go for Oberon. no
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Well, if "MS doesn't make .NET for (his) platform", Visual Studio is totally out of the question. He's most likely on a *nix; so, he'd most likely go with something
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Apparently because Microsoft is always just around the corner from suing people for patent infringement for using Mono (lather, rinse, repeat for every year since this has yet to happen) despite all evidence to the contrary. It's funny that despite the FSF declaring that there was no longer a "Java Trap" after Sun released a GPL version, that Java is the source of patent flaming whereas Microsoft hasn't done anything but help Mono and make constant promises about not suing.
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For the money, which category of action would you put money on/pick?
1. Promises not to sue
2. Actions speak louder than words
Public promises not to sue and explicit help to Mono development would lead to a clear case of Laches against Microsoft filing suit.
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Mono is not a language.
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Until Microsoft moves on to the next great thing the hate will continue. Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me. Screw me 3407292 times, you must be Microsoft.
Mono on Android/iOS costs $399 (each)?? (Score:2)
I've been folowing the mono project for years and think it is a great open source project.
However, if I want to write .net apps for Android I have to pay for the privilege?
The SDK for Android is free and fully supported yet I'm expected to $399 for mono on android?
I know the major benefit is supposed to be a "cross-platform" development environment but charging for the runtime seems a bit braindead to me!
By all means charge for the other stuff (e.g. IDE integration, support and updates) that's fair but "loc