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Predicting Life 100 Years From Now 552

New submitter Simon321 writes "BBC News has an interesting article about the top predictions for life 100 years from now. The highlights include extensive farming of the ocean, wiring all sorts of computers to our brains, space elevators, and the break-up of the United States. 'There are some indications already that California wants to split off and such pressures tend to build over time. It is hard to see this waiting until the end of the century. Maybe an East Coast cluster will want to break off too. Pressures come from the enormous differences in wealth generation capability, and people not wanting to fund others if they can avoid it.'"
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Predicting Life 100 Years From Now

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  • 'There are some indications already that California wants to split off and such pressures tend to build over time. It is hard to see this waiting until the end of the century. Maybe an East Coast cluster will want to break off too. Pressures come from the enormous differences in wealth generation capability, and people not wanting to fund others if they can avoid it.'

    And who is making such outrageous claims? A geologist? Perhaps a seismologist? Perhaps even just some sort of basic scientist?

    From the beginning of the article:

    Here is what futurologists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) think of your ideas.

    "Futurologist?" What does it take to call oneself a 'futurologist?'

    Well, from Ian Pearson's page [] I'd guess he's got some communication technology background? Or perhaps an author? From his list of achievements:

    Ian Pearson has been a full time futurologist since 1991, with a proven track record of around 85% accuracy at the 10 year horizon.

    So you could estimate he has a (0.85)^10 or ~19.7% accuracy at the 100 year horizon? Do you get to pick which issues you have

    • by russotto ( 537200 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:27PM (#38716440) Journal

      ROTFL. They're talking about California breaking off politically, not physically.

      Their predictions are still so much bunk, and calling them sci-fi authors smears the good name of actual sci-fi authors.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:32PM (#38716490)

        The South/Tea Party will break off well before Cali.

        Eastern California (conservative) is very different from Western California (liberal) as well.

        I think certain states should form providences and have more control, but I have no clue how that would happen smoothly.

        • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:44PM (#38716636)

          I agree. If anyone would break away from the US, it would be the southern states. California may be the capital of American liberalism, but they're getting along just fine as is. Still, the idea of anyone breaking away right now is ludicrous. The people who express such opinions are all toothless morons that nobody listens too anyway.

          • by BasilBrush ( 643681 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:32PM (#38717284)

            but they're getting along just fine as is. Still, the idea of anyone breaking away right now is ludicrous.

            They aren't suggesting right now. They're suggesting sometime in the next 100 years. That's a log time. The last US civil was only a bit more than a hundred years ago. The USSR only lasted 69 years.

            The key is that "getting along just fine as is" bit. Those days are numbered. China is taking over as world superpower. That's going to have interesting effects on the USA.

            • by Quiet_Desperation ( 858215 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:51PM (#38717566)

              China is taking over as world superpower.

              Am I the only one who welcomes that? Awesome, I say! Everyone and his grandma can blame all their miseries on China for the next century.

              • by mjwx ( 966435 ) on Tuesday January 17, 2012 @04:01AM (#38722184)
                Whoooooooooosh, Whooooooooooooooosh, Whoooooooooooooosh.
                /flashing lights.

                I have just arrived here from the year 2112 in my time machine to answer a few of your questions.

                The South did win the war against the north due to everyone migrating into Canada. The problem with that is that the South wasn't happy being one state, so South North declared war on the South South which sat at a stalemate for years until Canada finally annexed the south and polited the southerners into submission. All sports other then hockey are now banned in Greater Canada and the beverage previously known as Beer in the former US was renamed "Goats Piss" by His Royal Openness Michael Geist and the 1st open source monarch.

                Overpopulation was solved by the zombie crisis of 2035. The zombies actually won that but we were able to stall them by giving them their own sitcom. Groaning Pains is now in it's 76 th season although the corpse of Michael J Fox wont last that many more seasons.

                China never became a real superpower because they couldn't make a decent cappuccino.

                Most oil reserves ran out in 2048, in 2049 an enterprising geneticist came up with the idea of cloning dinosaurs from DNA encased in fossilised mosquitoes which then could be raised on a Costa Rican Island and turned into oil. Apart from the odd human consumption incident, this has been a smashing success.

                The break up of the European Union was announced in 2014, as of December 2111, the EU parliament still hasn't got a working plan on how to facilitate the break up.

                First contact was made in 2076. A ship landed in southern Fiji, initially hostile the insectoid aliens were pacified by giving them candy. in 2078 the KzsSSNRRG declared war on Earth to secure candy supplies. The Department of Homeworld Security was formed although quickly disbanded after they discovered the KzsSSNRRG's exoskeleton deflected millimetre wave scanners and no one wanted to give them an enhanced pat down. The war raged on in the stars for years with the Earth Defence Forces slowly falling back until we were able to clone Casper Van Diem.

                Flying cars are still 20 years away.

                Wikipedism is now bigger then Islam and Christianity combined. Jimmy Wales was deified on his death bed and now millions of people now start their days by staring and offering a personal appeal Jimmy Wales.

                The Apple-Google wars of 2018 were as short lived as they were fierce. Apple lost the conflict because they used shiny white armour that could be spotted a mile away and their guns could only fire one bullet before having to be reloaded.

                Lord British took over the British isles in 2023. He implemented an experience point for all working residents of great Britain. One earned XP at whatever job they do. It's the only place on earth where a level 73 Tea Lady beats a Level 42 CEO.

                Richard M Stallman was lost forever on 14 August 2041. His home was searched by police but all they found was an empty bottle of soap and a recently used razor.

                Copyright is now life of the sun plus 10,000 years, but Bit Torrent still works.

                If you would excuse me, I must return to my own time. Typing on keyboards is so quaint, in the future we just shout "Bingle, Porn" and it does everything automatically.
            • by fishthegeek ( 943099 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @05:35PM (#38718156) Journal

              The key is that "getting along just fine as is" bit. Those days are numbered. China is taking over as world superpower. That's going to have interesting effects on the USA.

              Can we PLEASE stop with the China thing? They own less than 9% of U.S. debt. They do not have any meaningful middle class. They offer nothing in the way influence on the world stage beyond that which they have with a few questionable regimes. China will be a power. Maybe a super power, but they're a long, very long way away from parity with Europe much less United States.

          • If anyone would break away from the US, it would be the southern states.

            I'm *pretty* sure they tried that once before.

            California may be the capital of American liberalism, but they're getting along just fine as is.

            Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were posting from an alternate universe.

      • by plover ( 150551 ) *

        If a civil war erupted once before over Southern Secession, I doubt we'll see a repeat over California. Such a breakup would have to be mutual, and California simply has too many natural resources (oil, coasts, winter growing seasons, movie stars) for the rest of the union to want to give them up. No matter how weird they are.

        Wait a minute. This isn't a "future prediction", it's the setting of Snow Crash. I knew it seemed familiar.

        What's next out of these "futurists"? Rat-things? Cosa Nostra Pizza? C

      • I'm in the great (*cough*) state of California, and in 20 years I've not heard any talk of secession.

        Cripes, that would make it a country with the ability to print its own money, right? We'd have a debt of $800 trillion in the first year as they built every government crony and connected douchebag a palace to official fung shui standards.

    • by Synerg1y ( 2169962 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:30PM (#38716464)

      Futurologists don't need a background in science, only an audience.

      • I actually took an elective called "The Future of Technology" for my undergrad degree.

        The whole field is a bunch of BS and guesswork. It makes Psychoanalysis look like a hard science. I would sooner believe someone who says the world will end on December 12, 2012, than any "futurologist."

        And the reason is exactly as you said: all they want is for people to believe what they say, and pay them money to say more.

        From my own observations, there seem to be two types of "futurologists:"
        1) Those who make grandio

      • Indeed. Ever look at the predictions from 1912 about how life would be in a hundred years? I expect ours will be about as accurate.

        • Ever look at the predictions from 1912 about how life would be in a hundred years?

          Titanic still afloat, flying cars common (make that just cars - Ed) and the year of Linux on the desktop just around the corner.

    • by plover ( 150551 ) * on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:34PM (#38716514) Homepage Journal

      The difference between a "futurologist" and a "psychic friend" is apparently $1.99 per minute, and you must be over 18 to call.

    • by Tsingi ( 870990 ) <graham,rick&gmail,com> on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:10PM (#38716944)

      "Futurologist?" What does it take to call oneself a 'futurologist?'

      I am a futurologist

      I wasn't sure until I tried it, but it's pretty easy.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:25PM (#38717182)

        I will be a futurologist. See, it's working already!

      • I'm a futurologist. I've posted my predictions numerous times here on Slashdot. I'm sure many people have read them. They may not have agreed, but it's hard not to read random posts when browsing Slashdot articles, before deciding "this guy's a moron!". All this together makes me a futurologist.

        Of course, since I don't get paid for my opinions, that probably makes me an "amateur futurologist", unlike the professionals who get paid by writing click-bait.

    • I'm surprised nobody challenged the 10 billion prediction- since current demographic trends say we'll be unlikely to finish the century with more than 4 billion human beings (Huge dyeoffs of humans are currently scheduled for the 2040-2060 range, as 2/3rds of humanity right now is over the age of 55, and while the third world has helped us keep up, huge numbers of people under the age of 30 simply are no longer breeding).

  • by tedgyz ( 515156 ) * on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:27PM (#38716432) Homepage

    We will find a guitar, but it will be destroyed by the priests, declaring it is a "silly whim".

  • It's like shenanigans but for future predictions beyond the thirty year mark, which are bullshit by definition.

  • CYA!

    ( like the feds would ever let that happen anyway )

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 ) <> on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:35PM (#38716524) Homepage

      From a canuck pov, California is a lot like Quebec. Both have large debts, highly self-inflated opinions of themselves, and have a highly convoluted parasitic nature with both the federal government and other states/provinces. If they went up and left, they'd be in a crash bankruptcy within 2 years, and be begging to come back, as their own entitlement programs would cause them to collapse from within. As it stands now, their own entitlement programs are causing them to collapse from within.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:45PM (#38716664)

        Oops. Your conservative is showing.

        California is the 8th largest economy in the world. Period. It would be a world power on it's own.
        California would do quite well on it's own given it's natural resources and it's western US shipping ports.
        California sees less return on federal dollars than is taken in taxes. (Who's the parasite, again?)
        California's population and land size give it country sized problems with state sized control and funds.

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by ScentCone ( 795499 )
          But the real question is, does California have what it takes to correct its massive apostrophe abuse problem? Or is that one inflicted on them by the Feds?
        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Baloroth ( 2370816 )

          California sees less return on federal dollars than is taken in taxes.

          Really? You mean the government can't give out more money to the states than it takes in in taxes... oh right, I suppose it does that all the time.

          California has a whopping 12.5% unemployment, and managed to double their state spending in 10 years. Let me repeat that: double, from 1998 to 2008. One does not have to be a conservative to realize that California has a spending problem. Everyone there realizes it. One of the highest tax rates in the country, and they still can't find enough money.

          • by artor3 ( 1344997 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:50PM (#38717552)

            Yeah, don't bother looking up the statistics [] or anything. Just make a sarcastic comment to insinuate you know what you're talking about.

            In 2005, California paid $290 billion in taxes and received $240 billion in federal spending. California's deficit currently stands at $11 billion []. Now, I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty sure 290 - 240 > 11.

          • by jackpot777 ( 1159971 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @05:04PM (#38717740)

            According to the libertarian (and Koch-funded) Tax Foundation, California has paid more into federal coffers than it has taken in federal spending since 1986 ( [] page 5). And its share that it has given has grown in relation to the amount that it has taken.

            There are eighteen states that actually pay their own way, or better, according to the latest data they have collected

            ( [] they're in the process of collecting funds for an updated look at more recent numbers). Seventeen of those states went for Obama / Biden in 2008.

            One does not have to be a conservative to pass judgment on states leeching government money, but it helps perhaps to be in one when 94.4% of the states that do pay their own way went Democratic in the last Presidential election.

            The question is therefore not "why is California spending so much more?", but why are the Red States outstripping California's spending with nothing to back up THEIR leeching ways, playing bootstrappy cowboy at the expense of people in LA, New York, Chicago, etc.?

        • Just like Quebec, CA would split very shortly after leaving the union.

          S. Cal would be completely dry. (USA would take the rest of the CO river for Vegas. N. Cal would shut down the ditch. Owens valley might have something to say as well.)

          Perhaps Mexico will take S. Cal. They can have it.

      • by Nadaka ( 224565 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:52PM (#38716756)

        No. Actually.

        California is having budget issues mostly because the federal government is raping it, so that its wealth can be redistributed to Republican owned southern and midwestern states. Californians pay far more in federal tax than they receive back in federal benefits. If California was on its own and took those federal taxes itself, its debt would be gone almost immediately.

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @05:04PM (#38717734)

        As a Canadian currently living in Quebec... I don't think you're right. California seems to be reasonably productive, at least compared to the rest of the US. It has a large debt, but so does the rest of the country. I believe they even pay out more in taxes than they take in from the feds.

        Quebec on the other hand has always been a gimme province, has a population who prefer not to work all that hard (not saying there's anything wrong with that, provided you can pay for it yourself) and systemic corruption levels FAR above the rest of Canada. They're also isolationist, and anti-English, which can't help when all your neighbours and potential trading partners are English speaking countries.

        Quebec can't even keep their bridges and highways from falling apart, and that's WITH subsidies from the rest of the country. California has excellent highways.

  • Predictions... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by SJHillman ( 1966756 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:32PM (#38716494)

    50 years ago, they were predicting flying cars, space travel, holographic TVs, etc by y2k but few of the things they predicted came true, and even of those that did most of them are not accessible to Joe Average. However, look at the one big thing most of them missed: The Internet and the consumer microcomputer revolution.

    Predicting the somewhat distant future is great and all, but I'm sure there will be something huge that we never see coming and once it's there, we'll wonder how we ever lived without it.

  • by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:34PM (#38716522)
    Prediction 1 : I'll be dead.
    Prediction 2 : Don't care. See prediction 1.
  • by fsterman ( 519061 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:36PM (#38716540) Homepage

    That there will be an ironic post about 20 top predictions from 100 years prior and snarky commentators will smugly wonder how we took any of this seriously.

  • by boristdog ( 133725 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:40PM (#38716588)

    I predict there will be unrest in the middle east.

  • by Beryllium Sphere(tm) ( 193358 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:44PM (#38716648) Journal

    Research "Optimal Currency Area". Try to have a single currency across a heterogeneous region, and you get a train wreck like the Euro.

    People aren't going to give up their native languages, either.

  • by SuperCharlie ( 1068072 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:46PM (#38716670)
    Where are the flying cars.. I was told there would be flying cars..
  • by martas ( 1439879 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:47PM (#38716692)
    "11. Eighty per cent of the world will have gay marriage (Likelihood 8/10)"

    Seriously? We have so much widespread extremism in the world that you probably couldn't get a majority of countries to agree that milk is white, and they think this'll get done in a measly 90 years?

    "12. California will lead the break-up of the US (Dev 2) (Likelihood 8/10)"

    The US has survived a civil war, a depression that makes this recession look like good times, corporate tyranny that even today seems unthinkable, they have the balls to call this that likely? Look, I'm not saying it can't happen -- it definitely can. But given how (increasingly) inter-dependent and weak the states are (compared to federal gov't powers), this prediction is brave to say the least.

    "13. Space elevators will make space travel cheap and easy (Ahdok) (Likelihood 8/10)"

    To be fair he says it won't be so cheap that the average person can afford it, but I think even suggesting that it could be done within 100 years is again brave. There are just so many obstacles that need to be overcome to make this happen; it could even turn out to be theoretically impossible to create materials that would be necessary.

    "16. Deserts will become tropical forests (jim300) (Likelihood 7/10)"

    More like 1/10. Where's the water coming from? Barring a breakthrough in energy tech that would allow us to cheaply distill sea water, it's never gonna happen (read: it's never gonna happen). The trend today is pretty much the opposite, and I don't see that trend reversing anytime soon in light of increasingly aggressive farming practices and global warming.

    I'd love to be wrong though.
    • by vlm ( 69642 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:07PM (#38716906)

      The US has survived ... a depression that makes this recession look like good times

      Check your numbers... the current depression has much worse numbers across the board than the G.D. Crazy, but true. The only numbers that are better are the numbers that are no longer comparable due to redefinition, such as endless redefinition of the unemployment rate, etc.

      "Young People", defined as not living in the nursing home, have this strange idea that America in the 30s was as bad as Germany in the late 20s or late 40s, or Argentina for the past... century it seems. The GD just wasn't that bad, in fact in many ways, it was much better than now. Yes 1/4 of the population was un/under employed, just like now. Yes lots of people lost their homes, just like now. Yes excessive debt destroyed uncountable companies, just like now. Yes millions could not afford food and went to soup kitchens, just like now except we use technology and send them to super-walmart with EBT cards or whatever they're called. Yes we lost a lot of farmland and manufacturing jobs, but not as much as now. Yes fascism and quisling-ism was spreading, just like now. Yes plenty of blaming troubles on immigrants and minorities, just like now. Yes plenty of warmongering to jumpstart the economy, just like now.

      For political reasons we can not admit it, but history will look back on this era as the second great depression.

      • by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @05:10PM (#38717826)

        Yes millions could not afford food and went to soup kitchens, just like now except we use technology and send them to super-walmart with EBT cards or whatever they're called.

        I think you're underestimating the importance of the social safety net that was created after (and as a result of) the Great Depression: "In 1940, 40% of draftees were rejected, most of them because of malnutrition, bad teeth and eyesight--all results of the Depression." []

        Let that sink in for a minute.

        It's easy to complain about the debt incurred in the government's response to this recession. Our ancestors already witnessed the alternative. It was horrendous.

        • by vlm ( 69642 )

          malnutrition due to corn intake leading to obesity is another form of malnutrition also reaching epidemic proportions.

          Death by corn just takes longer than death by starvation.

  • by Hentes ( 2461350 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:48PM (#38716700)

    Hundred years from know futurulogist will write books predicting the same things as those in the article are "just around the corner" and will be available in less than another 100 years.

  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:50PM (#38716742) Homepage

    100 years from now, Linux will be 5 years from taking over the desktop.


  • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @03:51PM (#38716748)
    - in the eighties AIDS was said to be cured by 2000
    - in the seventies nuclear plants were created, expecting all the technical uncertainties to be solved by 2000
    not mentioning studies, novels, sci-fi movies that made an unsuccessful attempt to describe a world in a 30~50 years future
    And they want to predict the world in 100 years from now?
    • by vlm ( 69642 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:17PM (#38717080)

      - in the eighties AIDS was said to be cured by 2000

      Is that all so far from the truth? The outlook at that time was a global pandemic across all people, spread thru hospital blood transfusions, medical and dental treatments, maybe swimming pool water... Looking at the stats, now its sort of a chronic lifestyle disease of certain subcultures, like smoking, sorta.

      From my personal perspective, in my social subculture, its basically cured by lack of transmission, and is not relevant for fearmongering or FUD.

      Its probably going to end up "controlled" like malaria or TB rather than apparent utter eradication like smallpox, but for all practical purposes, its no longer a threat.

  • by AntEater ( 16627 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:13PM (#38716996) Homepage

    - The divide between the wealthy and the poor continues to grow. Globally, the middle-class is virtually non-existent. Most of the world lives just above a subsistence level.
    - Biodiversity reaches an unprecedented minimum. Between over harvesting and habitat destruction, whole ecosystems have disappeared from the earth. People debate whether many of the large land mammal species ever actually existed or if they were part of a mythology.
    - Petroleum is unquestionably depleted and too expensive for use other than by the military and the extremely wealthy.
    - War continues as we fight over the dwindling remains of our natural resources.
    - Welcome to the surveillance state.
    - World population continues to increase, although at slower rates due to famine, disease and widespread war.
    - The US has virtually no national transportation infrastructure since the social and political will never appeared to move away from the automobile before before gasoline prices and the maintenance of our roads became financially untenable.
    - global warming continues with unimaginable impacts on coastal regions.
    - chaos is the only predictable quality of life.
    - No Linux on the desktop and the desktop computer itself will be an antiquated notion.

    I wish I could jump on board with the techo-fantasies but I don't think that's where we are going - at least not for the majority. Now I'm depressed...

  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:14PM (#38717024) Journal

    ...we will be just 50 years away from practical fusion power.

  • by emil ( 695 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:30PM (#38717256)
    As Ray Kurzweil has pointed out, if Moore's law holds for another 30 years, a machine intelligence a billion times more powerful than all of humanity can emerge. Ambitious projects to emulate more and more complex biological intelligence in silicon are well underway.

    What would such a thing need us for?

    What is even more disturbing is that the exponential trend identified by Moore can be found in completely unrelated economic figures, energy use figures, patent volume figures, and many more.

    Humans seem destined to ride an exponential wave, and not to notice until it's too late.

    And all the while, the Fermi paradox waits before us like a dark chasm.

  • by elistan ( 578864 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @04:36PM (#38717332)
    Predictions of the Year 2000 from The Ladies Home Journal of December 1900 []
    Some spot on. Others... not so much.
  • by quarkscat ( 697644 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @06:35PM (#38718942)

    The breakup of the USA explicitly implies a new Civil War, hardly possible considering the heavy balance of military power in favor of Empire. The Powers That Be would rather slaughter 9/10th of the civilian population, more in keeping with the advance of the eugenics programs envisioned by the New World Order. "Hope and change you can believe in" has left the building, with a Unitary Executive even more powerful under Obama than existed under Bush the Lessor.

    The future doesn't so much repeat the past as it does rhyme with it. Prognostications of the future 100 years hence tracks more closely with the dystopian science fiction novel by George Orwell's "1984". "If you want to know what the future holds for humankind, imagine a boot stomping a human face, forever."

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.

  • by flibbidyfloo ( 451053 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @07:06PM (#38719232)

    In 1900 some predictions were made by "most learned and conservative minds in America" about what life would be like in 100 years. Now that it's a decade past that deadline, let's take a look at how they fared: []

    Interestingly, they got some of them right. But these were mostly about the spread of technology that already existed at the consumer level, and all good futurists know that predicting price drops in manufactured conveniences is usually a safe bet.

    Some of my favorites (with a few of my comments):

    - Gymnastics will begin in the nursery, where toys and games will be designed to strengthen the muscles. A man or woman unable to walk ten miles at a stretch will be regarded as a weakling. (Ha!)
    - There Will Be No Street Cars in Our Large Cities. All hurry traffic will be below or high above ground when brought within city limits. In most cities it will be confined to broad subways or tunnels, well lighted and well ventilated, or to high trestles with “moving-sidewalk” stairways leading to the top. These underground or overhead streets will teem with capacious automobile passenger coaches and freight with cushioned wheels. Subways or trestles will be reserved for express trains. Cities, therefore, will be free from all noises. (Ha!)
    - No Mosquitoes nor Flies. Insect screens will be unnecessary. Mosquitoes, house-flies and roaches will have been practically exterminated. Boards of health will have destroyed all mosquito haunts and breeding-grounds, drained all stagnant pools, filled in all swamp-lands, and chemically treated all still-water streams.
    - Strawberries as Large as Apples will be eaten by our great-great-grandchildren for their Christmas dinners a hundred years hence. One cantaloupe will supply an entire family. Melons, cherries, grapes, plums, apples, pears, peaches and all berries will be seedless.
    - There will be No C, X or Q in our every-day alphabet. They will be abandoned because unnecessary. Spelling by sound will have been adopted, first by the newspapers. English will be a language of condensed words expressing condensed ideas, and will be more extensively spoken than any other. Russian will rank second.
    - ...coal will have become more and more expensive. Man will have found electricity manufactured by waterpower to be much cheaper. Every river or creek with any suitable fall will be ... making electricity.
    - Hot and Cold Air from Spigots. Hot or cold air will be turned on from spigots to regulate the temperature of a house as we now turn on hot or cold water from spigots to regulate the temperature of the bath. Central plants will supply this cool air and heat to city houses in the same way as now our gas or electricity is furnished. Rising early to build the furnace fire will be a task of the olden times. Homes will have no chimneys, because no smoke will be created within their walls. (They sort of got the end result right, but not the means)
    - Vegetables Grown by Electricity. In cold weather he will place heat-conducting electric wires under the soil of his garden and thus warm his growing plants. Electric currents applied to the soil will make valuable plants grow larger and faster, and will kill troublesome weeds.
    - Few drugs will be swallowed or taken into the stomach unless needed for the direct treatment of that organ itself. Drugs needed by the lungs, for instance, will be applied directly to those organs through the skin and flesh. They will be carried with the electric current applied without pain to the outside skin of the body.
    - There will be no wild animals except in menageries. Rats and mice will have been exterminated.
    - To England in Two Days. Fast electric ships, crossing the ocean at more than a mile a minute, will go from New York to Liverpool in two days.

    Prophets always make the same predictions: we'll have better versions of

  • Dark future (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Maxo-Texas ( 864189 ) on Monday January 16, 2012 @08:44PM (#38719980)

    A hundred years from now,

    If things don't blow up, most people will live in conditions we consider to be poverty with regard to food, water usage, and vacation today.

    However, there will be a lot of electronic entertainment and it's possible that via direct input to the brain we'll have the experience of great vacations and fine food which would mitigate that.

    We'll have so many people crammed on the planet that a decent lifestyle will be impossible unless we find a way to directly manufacture food from energy.

    If things do blow up...
    We'll be mostly dead from bio warfare
    Or actual warfare disrupting food transportation resulting in the death of billions.
    Or a small scale nuclear war with similar effects.
    Or a mass dieoff when the oceans finish collapsing, some kind of virus kills our monoculture crops, and we just can't produce enough food and distribute enough water to keep things going.

    And it's increasingly likely the future will be as predicted in the 50's. An eternity of the boot of the rulers on the face of humanity without end as the weapons become good enough and the social control systems become effective enough that revolution is no longer possible.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
