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Anonymous Raises Over $54,000 For Dedicated Your Anon News Website 72

hypnosec writes "Anonymous knocked the doors of Indiegogo in a bid to raise some crowd-sourced dough to expand its news coverage by establishing a dedicated site instead of tweets and tumblr blog posts and managed to raise 27 time as much money as initially targeted. The initial target was to raise $2000 to fund the site development work as well as pay for initial hosting. Anonymous is planning to host news, reports and blogs from independent online reporters under its, already in use, Your Anon News brand."
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Anonymous Raises Over $54,000 For Dedicated Your Anon News Website

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  • The initial target was to raise $2000 to fund the site development work as well as pay for initial hosting.

    First of all, $2000 to get a website won't get you far, unless you like in a very small town of 10K people or so. And given the traffic that will be generated, I'm not even sure $2000 would have been enough to pay for one year of hosting.

    My question is: did they pull that $2000 figure out of their asses?

    • Re:$2000? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by StormyWeather ( 543593 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:12AM (#43472717) Homepage

      If they write the website themselves, and have some sort of advertising for income then 2000 is fair. It doesn't have to be some big corporate conglomerate professional website. Sometimes doing things on a shoestring is a good way to start. Why burn a ton of cash if you don't get the people contributing the way you thought you would?

    • Re:$2000? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by xclr8r ( 658786 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:56AM (#43473217)
      Who knows but they need to be careful.. They are now making a money trail and this is Law Enforcement's bread and butter. Even if they try to compartmentalize different divisions there is still occasional cross chatter. Stay frosty.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Than this anonymous coward.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:01AM (#43472623)

    I think this is good.

    It's not like it won't be biased, but the fact is that we have no high-profile news service that doesn't exhibit a strong pro-corporate bias right now. When OWS was active you had to go to R.T. or Al Jazeera to get anything near to fair reporting on it. Don't forget that Erin Burnett spent the very first minutes of her first CNN show bashing OWS in an unfair way. CNN, despite the shrill idiots that constantly say there is a pro-Left bias there, consistently takes the corporate side on all issues.

    We need more high-profile news outlets to balance out that corporate bias.

    • by dyingtolive ( 1393037 ) <{gro.erihrofton} {ta} {ttenra.darb}> on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:06AM (#43472671)
      Sadly, I expect them to get lumped in with the crackpots of the world, whether they're right or not. The corporate news outlets didn't get to be the only players in town by mistake, and they have a huge head-start on sculpting public opinion.
      • The corporate news outlets didn't get to be the only players in town by mistake

        The corporate news outlets aren't the only players in town.

        I get most of my news from Google News [google.com], and right now they have stories from the big corps, but they also have content from Xinhua, Al Jezeera, several local papers and several blog sites.

      • by phorm ( 591458 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @01:25PM (#43475011) Journal

        For example, in the Rehtaeh Parsons [www.cbc.ca] case (Canada), Anon basically showed the RCMP (police) as having put little effort into the case, and have proceeded to dig up evidence and essentially revive the case.

        As with the link above, major news outlets in Canada have carried this story, and the reputation of anon seems to be improving in regards to revealing similar issues in gov't or law enforcement.

        So long as they can tame the "lulz" area of things, an official news site might be a good/popular reference for some things.

    • by kualla ( 2872067 )
      "but the fact is that we have no high-profile news service that doesn't exhibit a strong pro-corporate bias right now" Not true... search: "Breaking The Set" No propaganda and false information compared to the corporate media. Free on Hulu and has many past issues to watch.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Who gets blamed?

  • Not supported (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:09AM (#43472695)

    As an Anon, I cannot support this effort. This is totally contrary to how Anonymous operated, and it's an attempt to put an official channel on the name and idea of Anonymous.

    This site will eventually be controlled or shut down, or censored. And people will get the wrong idea that Anonymous has sold out, and that's not true at all. The timing for this is just too canny.

    Anonymous does not support it.

    • Re:Not supported (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Quakeulf ( 2650167 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:15AM (#43472759)
      It was posted on /pol/ a while ago. Already then it was dismissed. I don't see this as being anything but yet another opinionated meaning-skewing outlet just like every other. Look at /. for instance, after being here I feel that I should buy more computer hardware and learn to code.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:22AM (#43472853)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Anonymous Coward

      We are Anonymous. We are legion. We are decentralized. Therefore, we are unstoppable. To that end, we are creating this highly-advertised, centralized news site that...

      ...oh. Um... we can still keep your money, though, right?

    • by TiggertheMad ( 556308 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @11:04AM (#43473295) Journal

      Anonymous does not support it.

      News Flash! Today, the Anonymous news site was hacked, apparently by a rogue group called Anonymous. Anonymous posted a manifesto on the hacked servers, stating, "Anonymous is against the biased news that is posted by Anonymous, and we are dedicated to show the world what a pack of tools they are."

      The spokesperson for Anonymous stated, "These Anonymous guys are just jerks, why would they do this?'

      An anonymous source went on record to say, "Nobody knows what is going on in the community. Also, don't use my name! Ahhhhhh!"

    • by jmd ( 14060 )

      This is exactly the same problem we encountered in OccupyLA. Many of the original planners were drowned out, or lets be polite and say OccupyLA just morphed into something radically different than originally conceived. It happens in all systems. See: US Gov't and democracy

    • The amount of money raised for this is just too canny, IMHO sounds like advertisement for a disinfo op.
      Or maybe Anonymous IS the disinfo op itself, and the fake disinfo op would be fought by Anonymous in an epic, fake battle.

      To go from speculation to prediction, this would mean this operation will piss off many anonymous supporters eventually.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:14AM (#43472743)

    I took a gander at /pol/ during the bombings on Monday. Peel back the casual racism and horrible jokes and you will find what I'd call "crowdsourced news" -- people were transcribing the police scanner in realtime, verifying sources and continually updating what was or was not consensus on various news items. They knew the Saudi they kneejerked into arresting wasn't involved hours before the media was reporting on it for example.

    Outlets are already writing out editorials about the new journalism, where many people were getting their news from tweets and blogs instead of mainstream news. I anticipate this new site will be a simple way of aggregating the thousands of pairs of eyes that witness news as it happens. I'm a bit concerned when it comes to their coverage of "exclusive" news, though -- I doubt that Anonymous will be allowed to sit in the White House Press Room, or interview CEOs and politicians.

    • I mean, if you get read some official statement prepared by a PR committee, how much can you trust it to be accurate? Even if they get facts right, the stated reasons behind it (save the kids, not because we just got bribed) or the declared outcome (cavity searches in airports will protect us from terrorists) are usually lies.

      All of the official news could hugely benefit from croudsourced background checks, source verification, etc. We need something like a "lexical analyzer" described in Asimov's "Found
      • We have that. It's called a brain.

        • We have that. It's called a brain.

          I do, you probably do. Clearly nobody posting comments on YahooNews does, so we're badly outnumbered.
          Come up with some alternative source-sifting method.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      They knew the Saudi they kneejerked into arresting wasn't involved hours before the media was reporting on it for example.

      Since no Saudi was arrested, so, the value of /pol/ is what again?

      updating what was or was not consensus on various news items

      Consensus is opinion, not news, so once again.... you're not convincing me that /pol/ has any value.

      Posted anon to avoid the flames of outrage because I dare to question. Though actually it's quite odd - while encouraging questions on the surface

  • by kiehlster ( 844523 ) on Wednesday April 17, 2013 @10:48AM (#43473129) Homepage
    So who is the sucker that chose to underwrite this endeavor and expose his/her name to the public by way of collecting the funds? Sorry, I didn't RTFA as it was /.ed. I know anonymous is all about being faceless while still exposing information to the world, but a website with money behind it is kind of putting a face to the entity.
  • At first, I was excited by this. A new way of looking at the world! Crowd-sourcing! etc.

    Now I'm cynical. Crowd sourcing translates to witch-hunts. The ideas that Anon have adopted are the same old ones that got us in this mess in the first place.

    You want news? Go to Slashdot or Hacker News.

    Stoned basement-dwelling teenage life dropouts should not be determining what we think is "news"

    • Stoned basement-dwelling teenage life dropouts should not be determining what we think is "news"

      Don't worry. If this takes off, in a short while the news will be produced by teams of highly-trained sociologists, expert at formatting their corporate masters' propaganda to apparently come from, and be eagerly parroted by, basement-dwelling dropouts.

      In other words, the news will be filtered with equal expertise to conventional "old media" mainstream news sources.

      • I think you're right, despite the waves of vast cynicism in that post.

        Another way to put this is that the audience defines the product. Our inattentive public wants news-drama, not news-factuality, so any news service run as a business will quickly start with the Justin Bieber and Jodi Arias stories...

  • Not sure how they plan on registering the domain and still remaining 'Anonymous' since ICANN won't allow any-old-BS* in the whois record anymore.

    [8] -http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/registrant-rights-responsibilities

  • YourAnonNews = Jackal = Christopher Michael Banks. All that needs to be known about this entity can be found at https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Jackal [encyclopediadramatica.se] .

  • Funding the creation is nice, but how are they going to fund the exploitation of the site? Good journalism has a price, and not paying it means copying news from other mainstream or unreliable outlets.

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
