Security Researcher Attacked While At Conference 666
New submitter fineous fingers writes "U.S. computer security researcher Georgia Weidman has revealed on her blog that a fellow speaker at the Confidence security conference in Krakow, Poland attempted to rape her. The attack occurred in her hotel room in the early morning hours of 28 May. Luckily, Georgia was able to fend her attacker off by clocking him in the head with a coffee mug. I was personally at this conference, but was staying at a different hotel and found out about it after the fact. It was Georgia herself that told me after she gave her fantastic talk on Leveraging Mobile Devices on Pentests. That she was able to give a flawless presentation later that day and had the courage to talk about the attack on her blog shows how awesome she really is."
Swag attack! (Score:5, Funny)
Let none denigrate the usefulness of humble convention swag again.
It is Java! Go Java! (Score:5, Funny)
Luckily, Georgia was able to fend her attacker off by clocking him in the head with a coffee mug.
See? Java skill will always come in handy for the code warriors in every unexpected situation.
His take. My take. (Score:3, Insightful)
My take: He did go to her room. There was some sort of skirmish and both got wounded. The rest is unclear. BUT, if I were invited to someones room, and things started to get out of hand, with fighting and violence and whatnot in the air, I'd GET THE F OUT! Even if there's no attempted rape involved, you don't fight with a woman in her hotel room, even if it's just to avoid accusations. Okay, so that doesn't prove anything, I know, but you know, it is a little weird.
Give the accused equal time in the Kangaroo Court (Score:4, Interesting)
If you're going to accuse somebody of a criminal act, it's always a good idea to get their side of the story. http://blog.gont.com.ar/ [gont.com.ar]
When she was contacted by the Consulate, I'm sure they informed her of this: [state.gov]
If you decide to pursue your case through the Polish judicial system, the initial step is
filing a police report. It is best to do this at the police station (komisariat policji) closest
to where the incident occurred, although a police report can be filed at any police station.
In Poland, police stations are required to take your report regardless of your nationality or
resident status. Police stations are also required to provide translators, although this can
take some time to arrange; the U.S. Embassy does not provide translators. If, for any
reason, you have difficulties filing your police report with a Polish official, please let us
know immediately.
Her blog states:
The US Consulate was great though. It was a night and day difference between dealing with them and the Polish police. I’d recommend getting in touch with them to anyone who has an incident in a foreign country. While ultimately they aren’t able to force charges against him, having someone on my side was nice.
So, was a police report filed? This seems pretty straight forward and that the Polish Police have to take a report. According to the blog they were "blah blah" So, according to the blog, no. If she had any discussion with a member of the US Consulate they would have had this discussion. If she felt so violated then why didn't she file a report? It's her right and the consulate would stand behind her. why? Also her comments "Blah blah" regarding the police and not being interested are contrary of the US government's position and own documents. Sorry, this looks like a he said/she said unless there's anything else that wants to put out there.
Speaking of putting this out there, without anybody else coming forward with something, a picture a copy of a police report a criminal court proceeding, maybe Fernando her getting hauled away in cuffs perhaps? No? Why not? There's camera phones, there's other people involved who are still not being named, maybe they don't exist? I'd love to see the video, where is the video that everybody supposedly has seen? Wait, only her word?
I'm sorry she got hurt, bruised... It sounds like she gave as good as she received though (bad choice of words?)
Again, don't put this guy on trial without evidence and statements from witnesses. Also, who here thought DSK was guilty of assault on that maid in NYC from just the press reports? Was he ever on trail for it? No. He was acquitted.
I'm going to now go get some popcorn and watch the twitterscape on this one. IMO, she's an intelligent person, well respected in her field and in terms of handling this episode, as traumatic as it sounds, she really didn't handle the situation well and now she's using the web to try her case. I haven't looked anywhere else but does anybody have something more than a twitter posting about this from somebody else that was there? How about some pictures.. I'm putting on my Don Henley music now. [youtube.com]
Re:Give the accused equal time in the Kangaroo Cou (Score:4)
Her account is detailed, and there are images that show the respective injuries. What, you think she attacked him and he simply defended himself by punching her in the face? His account is what I would expect coming from an asshole who does things like this and expects to get away with it. Items missing from her room just happened to "magically appear" in his room after he denied taking them? Yeah.
The Polish police do have a report, but they aren't doing anything about it. And given that they are both foreigners from different countries, it is unlikely they ever will do anything about it. Pretty typical actually if you have ever dealt with foreign authorities, even in first world countries.
Her story is far more credible than his. His story sounds more like a sociopath. The circumstantial evidence appears to be in her favor.
At the very least, hopefully other female tech experts attending conferences with this guy will be on their guard.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
See, this is what happens when you really get raped. The police don't give a damn. Perhaps the most perverse piece of evidence that the push to get Assange for rape is such a sham.
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Re:and why is that, exactly? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4)
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and there should be a mark on his head about coffee-cup sized too.
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Say what? According to the account she wrote on her blog, she had a black eye. Something physical went down. Has the guy she's accused written up any rebuttal to her charges?
The law enforcement officers' ought to have interviewed him for his side of the story. I think all that's been reported that I have been able to find with Google is a denial; not an alternative version of events.
Reportedly there is a blog post [gont.com.ar] here:
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Informative)
I find every time they go running to the Internet instead of the cops to be suspect frankly, as I can accuse anybody of anything and so can you. .... if he did what she said she should have been on the phone to the cops not 10 minutes later, why wasn't she?
I don't know if you're illiterate, lazy, or just an ass -- but had you read the linked post, you would know that the very first thing she tried to do was contact the police, and she stuck at it for hours until she was able to get them to show up. Turns out, this can be difficult to accomplish late at night, in a foreign country where you don't speak the language, in a former Eastern Bloc country.
She was unable to get an outside line from her hotel room phone. The hotel desk clerk claimed not to understand English well enough to place the call when asked. Her own cell phone had been damaged in the attack; she eventually was able to have a friend contact the U.S. embassy, who were able to - finally - reach the Polish police.
Mod up (Score:2)
Mod parent up.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Informative)
A friend of Georgia's connected her to the US embassy; she ended up using my girlfriend's cell phone to call the police by dialling 112. (random question: how many Americans know that that's the international GSM emergency number? My guess, not many.) Still, there was a whole bunch of "not my problem" going on on the part of the hotel staff; they spoke English just fine until we asked for them to call the police; after that, the only words they said were "No speak English".
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
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Why, oh, why couldn't you have written the summary? You actually summarize what has happened, rather than wasting a long sentence just mentioning you went to the conference and stayed at another hotel. I hope you are modded up.
Submitters - think before you submit, and make the summary so good we are not forced to read the article.
Editors - feel free to edit and improve things, and importantly, you don't need to sensationalize everything for us to read it - that just pisses us off.
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I find every time they go running to the Internet instead of the cops to be suspect frankly, as I can accuse anybody of anything and so can you.
Unless you have proof she didn't report this to the police, then I'd assert you are a hypocrite. Perhaps the standard of date rape is different in that location than her home, so she wasn't sure how to best deal with the local authorities. Perhaps she did report it, and it was ignored. Unless you know, you are making it up as much or more than she is. While complaining about what she did, and you are doing the same.
The only point someone should take from your post is that you are a hypocrite with no fa
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Why are you avoiding the question? It's a yes or no answer.
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Slashdot says your posts are your own.
They have safe harbor.
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It's interesting that you said 'her word against his' instead of 'his word against hers'
Does this express a bias in favor of his point of view; his word against hers, that there was no attempted assault, burglary, or rape?
You read too much into it.
Her words came first (she called police) his reply came second (the police questioned him). Everything was chronological.
Yet you want to find some political motive there? Would you not also find reasons to complain if the chronological sequence was reversed?
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She's the one alleging rape, so it is her word against his. Now, if he were the one that was making the allegations, then it would be his word against hers.
You're not helping anybody by playing word games like this.
And no, there's no evidence of any attempted wrongdoing by him. She says that it is, but he has a black eye, and she has what looks like Indian burn, and that's not necessarily evidence of anything without more information. He could have a black eye from something else, and Indian burn isn't just
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
Why weren't charges filed if this is true?
She tried.
What about her leaving things at his apartment?
The security footage indicates he visited her, not the other way around. She was not in his room to leave things there. Why are you ignoring all the evidence to support rapists? Are you one of the nutjobs that thinks the world is out to keep the innocent white man down?
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Insightful)
There should be two or even three standards here. There is a standard for criminal charges and there is a standard for personal judgment about the situation; who can be trusted, who you do or do not want to associate with etc.
I know Georgia, I have never met this Fernando Gont character. Four things I'd say about Georgia are she is not the type to make up facts, she is very very smart, and very career minded, a normally very easy going as far as interpersonal matters. I don't think going public with this will help her career. Sure it games her name out there but It does so as someone you might need to watch yourself around or something, if you don't already know better. If anything these accusations will hurt her unless definitively proven. So I don't see any motive to for her lie. I'd trust her even if she did have motive; because I know her to be trust worthy anyway, but even if that were not the case I can't see any incentive to lie.
As far as how I'll handle myself in the community, and what personal opinions I hold: Georgia says it happened. That is good enough for me. Maybe people how know Fernando will reach the same conclusion maybe the opposite, or maybe something in between but that is for them to decide.
If this was criminal legal matter that would be a different standard. I would just that standard if I was on a jury ( and did not know her, otherwise I'd never get on the jury), than if we take as a given all the physical evidence mentioned in their respective blog posts exits; I don't think there would be enough for me to reach any conclusions that meet the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard. If it were a civil trial that would be a lower standard but would still need to be based on evidence, not sure how I'd go on that. I would have to see this security footage, and photo, the coffee mug etc.
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Theft of a passport is pretty serious. You would think the US Embassy would be pushing charges.
That she says she had to search her room after the police left suggests she didn't see him leave with
her things. That seems odd, since she claims she was on the phone at that point in time, meaning she
was conscious and didn't see him leave with her passport, phone, and shoe.
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It's plenty convincing. Just because a person is innocent, does not mean that providing a lot of details is a good idea. It's hardly unheard of for somebody to go to prison based upon things they've said, and then to be exonerated years later. He has encouraged anybody with concrete information to get in touch with the authorities. I'm not sure how going beyond what he's posted is good for anybody.
Justice is not the practice of having a trial and throwing people in prison, justice is about throwing the righ
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Interesting)
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He never actually denies anything on the blog post.
He says "some mentally-disordered person came up with a blatant lie" but that's as close to a denial as he gets.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Informative)
He denies it. She presented no evidence. He presented none either, even though he is under no obligation to. No charges files. Her word against his.
Of course he denies it what is he going to say? "Yes I am a sexual predator"? There was plenty of evidence that something went down. There were bruises on both of their faces. Many of her items (that Gont took) were found in his room even after he denied having them. Polish Law Enforcement WAS contacted but decided not to take any action.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Informative)
Of course he denies it what is he going to say? "Yes I am a sexual predator"? There was plenty of evidence that something went down. There were bruises on both of their faces. Many of her items (that Gont took) were found in his room even after he denied having them. Polish Law Enforcement WAS contacted but decided not to take any action.
Probably Polish LEOs decided that since she let him in her room in the wee hours of the morning, there is no way to determine what happened from there on.
Hence, the case devolves into a she said he said, and if she won't file official charges, and stay there long enough to see it through, they will decline to make an arrest. Its up to her to file formal charges.
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Okay, but where is this evidence? Others in the comments have now linked to it, but she didn't.
All I was saying is that she went with the court of public opinion but didn't provide any evidence in her blog post. Now there is some it is possible for us to evaluate the situation, as she apparently wants us to do. It certainly looks like she was telling the truth, but you wouldn't have known it if you were not already following the whole saga in social media.
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He should offer proof. This is where you need Google Glass.
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Probably not worth prosecuting. He won't be a repeat offender in their country, since he was going home soon. She was also going home, so they wouldn't have the only witness in country to testify.
I'd suspect even with a mountain of evidence, including video of the event happening, they would have let them leave, or possibly make him leave the country early.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
"Innocent until proven guilty" applies only in court. Nobody is advocating throwing this guy in jail without a fair trial.
But she has the right to blog about being attacked, and I have the right to believe her based on my experience (that people with stories like that generally aren't making them up).
Current evidence does not support reasonable doubt (Score:5, Insightful)
Two people go into a hotel room, apparently uninjured.
They subsequently leave the hotel room with documented physical injuries.
The physically weaker person provides a detailed account of their version of events, claiming that the physically stronger person attacked them, they were luckily able to fight off the stronger person and escape, but that the local (foreign) police did not pursue this case due to a lack of conclusive evidence.
The physically stronger person responds to these allegations with a blog post titled Lies, nuts, and the quest for attention [gont.com.ar], which focuses on ad hominem attacks and how very, very butthurt he is that people are even considering these allegations. The blog post does not provide any alternate explanation for the events that resulted in injuries to both parties, or any new information at all.
I'm having difficulty coming up with a rational explanation that doesn't include the stronger person being a predator who engineered a situation where they expected to face no consequences for their actions due to the victim being in an unfamiliar environment with limited support, the disinclination of local law enforcement to become involved in a dispute between foreign nationals, and engineered absence of conclusive evidence.
My opinion? I have no doubt that her story is substantively true. The argument that 'the polish police did not arrest me, so I must not have done it' is about as convincing as tissue paper to anyone who has seen the inconsistent results of even well-trained and well-equipped police forces-- if what we've seen so far is all he has to offer then he should be rightly shunned by the tech community and then some.
Given the alleged crime and narcissistic tone of the blog post, there are likely similar victims out there. Hopefully they will come forward as well.
Re:Current evidence does not support reasonable do (Score:5, Insightful)
I have no doubt that her story is substantively true.
I can think of at least three rational alternative that while unlikely prevent any claim of "no doubt".
None of these are particularly likely given what we currently know, but it is absurd to have "no doubt".
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Reportedly, he denies it. She presented no evidence. He presented none either, even though he is under no obligation to. No charges files. Her word against his.
Reportedly, he was in her room. They were both injured.
Reportedly, He took her stuff (passport, iPad).
Strong circumstantial evidence.
I understand, the evidence isn't strong enough to throw him in jail; however, it's not merely his word against hers.
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She claims attempted rape.
He claims "she's a poco loco, bitch gone crazy for my dick and now thinks she's gonna get famous by talking shit about an obscure researcher from south america LOL crazy bitch, I didn't do nothing!"
Yet she was clearly injured. And he was clearly injured. And stuff that was taken from her room magically appeared in his room, where it was recovered by conference staff.
Given that her allegations present a clear story explaining how these things happened, and his version
Some of her words and his (Score:5, Informative)
From her blog (her post is long and detailed):
From his blog (he wrote very little):
What disturbs me here is the knee-jerk suggestion that she invented the story for some unspecified reason. Statistically, only a very small number of rape accusations turn out to be fabricated. Of course I don't know for sure what happened. I've never even heard of these people before. But based on the little evidence I have seen, I know who I believe.
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What disturbs me here is the knee-jerk suggestion that she invented the story for some unspecified reason. Statistically, only a very small number of rape accusations turn out to be fabricated.
You have been lied to, or are just bullshitting. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and call you a fool.
Eugene Kanin study: 41% false rape figure in a metropolitan community; Follow up study finds 50% of rape allegations in college to be false, of the false charges 53% of the women admitted to filing false cla
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That cuts both ways. Kanin himself apparently cautioned against the generalizability of his findings, and some googling indicates to me that his study has been widely disputed. To quote one researcher, "Kanin describes no effort to systemize his own ‘evaluation’ of the police reports—for example, by listing details or facts that he
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
Her word against his.
I've read her words and his blog and right now my money is on her story being true. She wasn't offended by him coming on to her, admits she was drinking, thought he was good looking and that she let him into her room. All things a liar would know undermines their story and would try to conceal or modulate.
If there was no attack then she put herself in jeopardy even reporting the incident. Something happened in that room that shook her up very badly and her actions and reactions were consistent with that mental state. Her telling of the story is a bit verbose but not grandiose.
In his blog he actually doesn't actually deny he attacked her. He implies she's a liar and mentally unbalanced, none of which comes across in her account of the incident. He also says he'll sue anyone who accuses him without proof, which seems a little defensive.
If her story is a blatant lie, how did she get the black eye? There were only two people in that room, the security tapes verify it was him, and he doesn't even admit he hit her. She admits she hit him with a coffee cup. And how did her stuff end up in his room?
So we have one party admitting to the facts in evidence and one suggesting the other is crazy and a liar. That's not exactly a tough case to crack.
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And how did her stuff end up in his room?
Under her version of the story, how did her stuff end up in his room? Theft wouldn't exactly be at the top of someone's mind after being beaten back from attempting rape.
(I say this without making any commentary about the veracity of her story. We armchair detectives don't have the tools to make a judgment, and it would be hubris to do so.)
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And how does that prove HE injured her?
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A reasonable person would draw the conclusion that he must have injured her; if she was observed /not injured/, and he was observed not injured, prior to him entering her room.
And she and he were observed injured shortly afterwards.
Only unreasonable doubts could show otherwise.
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Replying to undo accidental downmod, sorry.
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Didn't see them on her blog. Do you have links? Is there any evidence that the person she alleges injured her actually did it? Were these images submitted to the police?
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
Okay, so at least now we have something to substantiate her claims. Shame this couldn't have been part of the summary.
I have no idea why I was modded down as a troll, all I did was point out that in the absence of evidence everyone is innocent until proven guilty and TFA contained no such evidence.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Informative)
good, now go defend edward snowden (Score:2)
or do you just choose to defend the rights of attempted murderers?
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in the absence of evidence everyone is innocent until proven guilty
You're a court? Unless you're a court, I don't see why you should bother with that. In objective reality, you're innocent if you do nothing wrong. This isn't quantum ethics where everything is okay until you get observed. I'm afraid that the scenario described is all too plausible. It's a pity, though - being as paranoid as I am, I'd probably keep a camera in the room, just to be sure. They build these babies really small nowadays. You never know when you might need evidence for something.
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I have no idea why I was modded down as a troll, all I did was point out that in the absence of evidence everyone is innocent until proven guilty
Probably because that is incorrect and inflammatory. As of 3 seconds after the supposed incident, he is or is not guilty. He either did it or didn't do it, and proof either way has no bearing on the truth. There is an American legal philosophy (and this incident wasn't in the US), that the courts should treat someone as innocent until proven guilty to some arbitrary legal standard that's in place to help ensure a fair trial, but it is not a requirement of public or personal opinion. Implying that my per
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
Why did he steal her property on the way out though? That doesn't fit.
I'm leaning very much towards her end of things at this stage. Rape is about power, taking her phone and passport as he left very much fits the profile.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:4, Informative)
Rape is about power. Sex is secondary. He was assuring his power over her. Well, trying. He lost.
If he just wanted sex, he could have gotten a prostitute. Her pimp would have killed him for damaging his employee if he tried to do the same thing.
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Rape isn't about sex. It's about power and humiliation.
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Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Interesting)
While we don't have irrefutable proof that sexual assault occurred, it certainly fits the circumstances, and I'm at a loss to come up with an explanation in which Gont comes out clean.
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Not really. Her story is that he was continuing to undress her and/or trying to penetrate her after she told him in no uncertain terms to stop. Ergo he was in the process of committing a violent act (sexual assault) when she hit him. Again, if the story is accurate, her hitting him would be considered self-defense.
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That doesn't "substantiate her claims." That substantiates that one person was injured, and so was another. Could have been a fistfight, could have been anything. Still her word versus his as to the cause of the fight, unless there is visual/audio evidence or other witnesses.
Actually, you're confusing "substantiate" with "prove." It does substantiate her claims, because, to use the root of the word, it adds "substance" to her claims.
If a person claimed that she had just been assaulted by someone and nearly raped, but she didn't have a mark on her, that would be rather suspicious. If she was clearly marked/bruised, but her alleged assailant was not, that would be slightly less suspicious, but still pretty hinky. But when both accuser and accused have injuries consistent with
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Hell, you can see most of it here in this very thread. The troll "contributions" run the gamut from "her fault for inviting him in" to "she's ugly".
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Her blog said:
So I hit him with everything I had, and I got him right in the temple. And guess what, he let me go. He keeled over in pain clutching his head swearing at me. Even in the dark I could see the blood gushing from his face.
Yet zooming that image shows a bruise over the left temple, but no sign of a cut, stitches, etc.
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I'm sure they both tripped on the stairs, or at least someone will try to claim it.
I suspect this guy will end up dead to the world. Probably not physically, but when the government has a deceased record, he's less likely to have a valid drivers license and passport.
I'm glad she got away. I wish more was done by the local authorities. Since they're both home, there's no chance he'd be prosecuted for it. Well, unless he should accidentally end up back in Pola
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Interesting)
Because there is no proof and there will never be? Sometimes, that's just the way it is. Maybe she prefers going public to shame him, since it is the only way she can actually get to him. Makes sense to me. Shows a lot of courage on her part, seeing how rape victims are treated by the public opinion.
Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score:5, Insightful)
She is entitled to tell the truth. Period. If he tried to rape her, then she has a perfect right to tell the world about it. She knows the truth, no matter what the evidence is. It's up to us to weigh the evidence and determine whether we believe her. Whether she wanted to press charges is totally irrelevant -- people decide not to pursue these cases for all sort of reasons (particularly when it happened far from home, for God's sake).
Of course, if she's lying, that is another matter entirely. But everything I've seen and heard, about both this situation and this world, makes me believe her.
Re: it would be easy to gather the evidence (Score:5, Informative)
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Re: it would be easy to gather the evidence (Score:4, Informative)
And not everywhere shares your views on attempted rape. She wasn't actually raped or killed, and rape isn't as serious everywhere as you imply. There was a recent case in Nigera where a mob attacked and stripped a woman for not wearing a long enough skirt, leaving her naked and abused in the street. From what I've heard, the public outcry there was in support of the mob, but I'm not in Nigera.
Re:it would be easy to gather the evidence (Score:5, Informative)
RTFA, dumbass. She did report it but the Polish police declined to file a report.
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What kind of rapist steals a bunch of stuff? And after he had his face smashed in? Or was this from the previous night he was in her room?
What a dumb argument. Read the newspapers, and you will hear many accounts of people being both raped and robbed. And is it really so unlikely that somebody painfully foiled in an attempted rape would grab some of her stuff on the way out in a childish fit of pique to get back at her?
On the other hand, it is pretty hard to construct a remotely plausible scenario in which the weaker female initiated unprovoked violence against a stronger male and he ends up with her stuff. And why would she then accuse him o
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Love the misogyny -- it's very modern. Phil Mason and Richard Dawkins would be proud of your contributions.
Some criticism, to improve your future pro-rape posts:
1) You did a great job calling the victim a "cunt", but instead of "I hope she gets sued" you should have written "I hope she gets raped" or better yet "if I saw her I'd rape her". Bonus points if you address your comments directly at the victim.
2) The victim did contact the police, a fact which has been pointed out numerous times in this discussi
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Been drinking a bit too much caffeine today?
While this alleged incident is reprehensible, I don't think it warrants going John Wayne Bobbit [wikipedia.org] on the perp. It's no excuse for the behavior however I do wonder why from the blog posting there's this:
Note: There will be no names named here. The perpetrator is not named. Likewise the heroes of the story who probably saved me from going to jail and at the very least comforted me when it felt like the floor was going to fall through are left unnamed. That said if you want to know the names I am willing to discuss it privately.
Okay, this raises a few questions, no names mentioned, no charges filed and I guess maybe the Police were involved or not but... shit, the blog posting reads more like "The Vagina Monologues" and goes wandering around. It may make a great chapter in an upcoming nove
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You took the time to write that whole thing, but didn't even RTFA? She reported it to the police, and they weren't interested because neither were locals.
So, basically, your entire post is irrelevant.
actually you are condoning violence (Score:2)
its called "self defense", to kill someone who is trying to kill you.
this man was trying to kill her. he beat her in the face. she had no idea how many times he would do it, or how far he would go.
she defended herself.
you are saying that she shouldnt have.
its life or death situation. you protect your own life, not the life of a scumbag criminal sociopath.
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What the hell, Slashdot?! (Score:4, Insightful)
I come here to /. to read about computers, software, and technology in general.
Yet what do I actually encounter? Some article about a bunch of drama that allegedly took place at some obscure conference in eastern Europe a month ago.
But what's worse is reading through comments and encountering one like this one from "decora". Why is a comment talking about violently killing somebody, then butchering the victim's genitals, and finally mailing them to the victim's mother modded up to "5, Insightful"?
Come on. That's the kind of crap I expect to see modded up at a place like reddit. And that's exactly why I don't visit reddit, but come here instead. We shouldn't have to encounter nonsense submissions like this one, nor utterly stupid (if not outright disgusting) comments modded up so highly.
Can /. please go back to focusing on technology, rather than junk like this?
attempted murder is not 'drama' (Score:3)
attempeted murder is attempetd murder, and self defense is self defense. why would i post someting so strong?
its called a "pre-emptive strike" against all the rape apologists on slashdot and in the tech "community" in general. hit them fast, hit them hard, hit them first. you either believe people have a right to defend themselves against a violent assault, or they dont. its not drama, its not a disagreement. its a fucking attempted murder at a security con.
if you dont want to talk about attempted murder in
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Re:i would have killed him. (Score:5, Insightful)
I've been enough dangerous situations to know that I'm neither a courageous man nor a coward, but simply a man. I saved a roofied woman from being raped by a group of strangers and have a heavily scared face to remind me of my moment of courage. On the other hand, I ran like hell when skinheads raided my friend's party with baseball bats and knives. I have the memory of standing over my friend's hospital bed as he was nursed back to health to remind me of my moment of cowardice.
The lady from the article is alive and was able to free herself from her attacker. That is what matters.
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NO no no, there is no reason why you should feel ashamed for anything anyone else did.
It is as bad as people trying to make all white Americans feel bad because some shitty people kept slaves a couple hundred years ago, and pushed the natives off their land. If you personally did not do something bad, or through inaction allow something bad to happen, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Re:A very brave woman (Score:5, Insightful)
As a male I feel ashamed that such a male exists among us.
That's muddle-headed thinking. Be proud or ashamed of your own actions, not those of strangers.
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You genuinely feel shame that there is a bad guy on the planet? You must be completely wrought with shame to the point of not being able to function in society knowing just how many men (and women!) are bad people!
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As a male I feel ashamed that such a male exists among us.
Speak for yourself.
Most serial killers are men too. And as a man, I don't feel any shame or responsibility for that fact.
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How ignorant of empathy are you, Anon?
yes, just like Nina Reiser claimed .... (Score:2)
that Hans Reiser was an abusive asshole. i mean, where was the hard evidence? other than her bloody body lying in a trash dump a few months later, how was anyone to know the guy was guilty?
yes, why not have millions of people calling you a fucking whore piece of shit slut lying cunt bitch, on the internet? its a great career move for her small business. to beat herself in the face and then lie about it.
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It's guys like you who we can miss like the plague.
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She explicitly addresses this in her post. Very explicitly. Did you read it?
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