Glenn Greenwald Leaves the Guardian To Start His Own Site 94
sfcrazy writes "Glenn Greenwald, the thorn in the proverbial back of NSA and its colonial cousin GCHQ, is leaving the Guardian to start his own news organization. Greenwald said 'My partnership with the Guardian has been extremely fruitful and fulfilling: I have high regard for the editors and journalists with whom I worked and am incredibly proud of what we achieved. The decision to leave was not an easy one, but I was presented with a once-in-a-career dream journalistic opportunity that no journalist could possibly decline. Because this news leaked before we were prepared to announce it, I'm not yet able to provide any details of this momentous new venture, but it will be unveiled very shortly.'"
Recruited by NSA? (Score:5, Funny)
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kind of ironic the story leaked. I don't see why he can't tell us everything... right now... he's kinda made a living on doing that.
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You do know that's not true?
They have lots of highly sensitive material and have to carefully vet everything they release as to not cause any serious harm to either national security or private individuals.
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No, he's been making his living sitting on a giant trove of secret documents, and doling them out bit by bit in a way that creates the desired narrative. Early on we were told about some parts of the surveillance, leading to widespread speculation about other parts. Those other parts were already known to Greenwald. He just sat there quietly while everybody ran in circles speculating. Then after they stop speculating, he doles out the answer. And everybody just responds to the "latest leak," even though it
Re:Recruited by CIA? (Score:2)
Step 2 Create a new centre of leaking excellence.
Step 3 Request any new leakers give identity and full encrypted data dump first.
Step 4 Round up majority of new leakers on average but know to keep up appearances with via outraged sock puppets, MI5,6, NSA and congresscritters.
Step 5 Work with govs on any 'show' releases over many tens of years, questioning all encryption, spreading doubt.
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You forgot the FSB, who's to say he can't play well with others?
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Where the NSA and CIA went for signals intelligence contractors, FSB stayed with the skilled gov staff.
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I guess the NSA promised him riches as long as he spreads their "we're not bad, we promise" propaganda?
They offered him a choice of working for either shutthefuckup.com and gitmo.com.
Doesn't seem like the best idea (Score:5, Informative)
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Exactly, new sites, even for popular people can take awhile to get up and running. What's to stop someone from just flooding them in legal issues and cause them to bankrupt?
The Guardian likely has a team of layers on staff to deal with them, but I doubt even Glenn would have the capital to pay for that for possibly months while his user base is built up.
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Maybe that's why he's doing this...to protect others (the Guardian staff)who were previously associated with him.
Here's to Greenwald and his sticking it to the imperialist dogs of the Five Eyes and One Chest Crapper (Germany).
-- Ethanol-fueled
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Re:Doesn't seem like the best idea (Score:4, Funny)
It wouldn't be the first sex sting against members of the government run by a news organisation but how do they get around the pimping laws?
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These days in Western intelligence, rape charges and other smear tactics are the preferred assassination technique. Why deal with something as messy as bullets and poisons when a nasty sex-offender charge can do the job just as well? Assassination by character assassination.
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Issue is, this guy is openly gay and has a partner. He is also in a country that doesn't like NSA very much right now. It's much more difficult to frame someone who's like that than someone who is single, visits a country bought and paid for and actually has sex with people he doesn't know very well.
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Mostly the guardian has had to protect themselves from their own government in relation to his leaks, and to protect him while he is traveling to their location in the UK. Greenwald is Brazilian, and presumably his own government loves his work.
Carry on Spying (Score:2)
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No problem - the propaganda writing machines will continue to provide you with all the pablum you want. Plus you get important insider information, such as whether Obama puts on his left shoe or his right shoe first. Think about the obviously important political metaphor.
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Re:who is Glenn Greenwald? (Score:4, Funny)
Shielding The Guardian from the government? (Score:5, Interesting)
I have a feeling Mr. Greenwald's articles will continue in The Guardian, but being external may help them avoid some of the legal hassles they are presently subjected to.
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Ahh, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the idea.
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The proverb actually refers to a thorn in the paw; colloquialization (a word I just made up, thankyouverymuch) of the proverb gives us "thorn in my ass"-style commentary.
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Note: I am a native English (as in England) speaker.
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I take it that's not the Geordie-land Newcastle then? Wey-aye?
Adversarial Journalism (Score:5, Interesting)
Pro Publica has been doing good work in this arena as well.
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Colonial Cousin? (Score:2)
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"Officially" being the key word. However, since Blair left, they seem to be acting a bit more like a sovereign country.
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Dear IRGlover,
In the future, please order your history books from amazon.com, not from amazon.co.uk.
revisor, Ficdep, Minitrue
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I think the roles were turned around after WWII. The UK has acted like a 51st state for a while now (the French call it "the state who didn't row fast enough"). Hence GCHQ being neck-deep in an NSA-driven surveillance scheme, not the other way around -- and ECHELON was the same.
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You're still using the word colonial wrong even if you believe that. If you want to literally colonise the UK, it means you have to move back here, and live here. Forever. Enjoy the fucking weather.
The submitter simply mixed up the fact that we are a country with a history of colonisation, with the fact that we are colonials. Which is a fair point if you acknowledge our origins in modern day Denmark and Germany...
Greg Palast (Score:2)
Extra points if they add Greg Palast.
P.S. Why is it that the best American investigative journalists work for British publications? Do British investigative journalists work for American publications?
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Where the CIA has to publicly get the US to befriend a world of juntas and dictators, MI6 just has to befriend a few in the press to shape nations.
Re:Greg Palast (Score:5, Informative)
P.S. Why is it that the best American investigative journalists work for British publications? Do British investigative journalists work for American publications?
The Private Eye (UK publication) seems to do a lot of the investigations into British affairs that a lot of the rest of the British media avoid.
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+10 Informative.
Private Eye very often uncovers wrongdoing that other papers simply won't touch.
And beware the curse of Gnome !
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P.S. Why is it that the best American investigative journalists work for British publications? Do British investigative journalists work for American publications?
Yes, John Oliver works for the Daily Show.
Oh, wait, you said investigative journalists and he's a comedian, well, that about the same these days.
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Most journalists are not great writers. I've heard Palast's writing style described as a bit over-the-top, but not as disorganized. Are you talking about his articles or his books?
Regardless, he is a hell of an investigator. He was the first to ferret out the real issue behind the 2000 Florida election fiasco (black voters deliberately, and erroneously, struck from the voter registration). IIRC it was at least six months before WaPo or NYT finally reported that.
Congratulations (Score:5, Insightful)
It has been said that the business of journalists is, "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Modern American journalism has inverted that phrase, mocking the weak to help the masses feel better about their dreary normalcy and fawning over the elite in hopes of being granted the favor of an interview or the opportunity to ask a question at a press conference. Glenn Greenwald has shown himself to be cut from cloth more worthy of the journalist mantle.
Thank you, Mr. Greenwald, and congratulations. "You earned it," has rarely sounded more apropos.
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Unfortunately things can be a bit more complicated [nationalpost.com] than what the phrase about journalists and your praise of Greenwald suggests.
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Unfortunately things can be a bit more complicated than what the phrase about journalists and your praise of Greenwald suggests.
I would rather die free than live in fear.
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Something the U.S., as a nation, seems to not understand: by making a huge fuss about a "war on terror", they have, by definition, lost the war on terror.
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Just like the War on Drugs.
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I only wish so many governments weren't perfectly willing to help you with that.
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I'm not afraid of terrorists, I'm afraid of my own government. The threat from terrorism is negligible. The very real damage done by bad government is overwhelming. The only weapon we have in the fight against corruption is journalism, and Greenwald is the only real journalist we have left.
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It's really not more complicated, at least in this case.
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GCHQ is in the "mother country", America was the colony
You should have told Tony Blair that.
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Personally, my problems with thorns have mostly been in my foot.
Greenwald's new media venture (Score:5, Informative)
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And there's more... (Score:5, Informative)
There are now reports that Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras, two journalists with serious cred in the area of spying and national security, will join Greenwald at the new site.
From TFA:
"Scahill, a dogged investigative journalist who focuses on national security, and Poitras, a filmmaker who has extensively covered surveillance issues, had already been in discussions with Greenwald about starting a venture together when Omidyar approached with a similar vision for a new media outlet, sources said. The Washington Post reported Tuesday night that Poitras and Scahill may be potential âoehiresâ at the new site. But according to sources, they were already in talks with Greenwald about working together and are not only now being recruited for the venture".
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/16/glen-greenwald-media_n_4107289.html [huffingtonpost.com]
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Oh, that is interesting. Jeremy Scahill was one of Amy Goodman's star interns at Democracy Now!, and is the kind of person who would work very well within the kind of journalism that Greenwald does.
As far as leaving the Guardian is concerned, the British government came in and literally smashed computers in the Guardian's own offices over Greenwald's work- having some organizational separation between Greenwald might be a good thing.
Bad move (Score:3, Informative)
Without the Guardian's rep he will be regulated to the conspiracy bin in no time at all.
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Reminds me of the spider man movie (Score:2)
"Attack what he loves", this would make it far easier to silence him that he thinks.
IT'S A TRAP! (Score:2)
Hmmm... this once in a lifetime journalistic opportunity wouldn't happen to require him to take a quick little trip to the US or to some other US-associated (most of the developed world) country, would it? I'm thinking of the "you've won a prize!" traps that the police sets up once in a while to trap people that have arrest warrants.