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Snowden Joins Daniel Ellsberg On Board of Freedom of the Press Foundation 44

sunbird writes "Edward Snowden is joining the board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a nonprofit committed to defending public-interest journalism which exposes law-breaking in government. Co-founder Glenn Greenwald said, 'We began this organization to protect and support those who are being punished for bringing transparency to the world's most powerful factions or otherwise dissent from government policy. Edward Snowden is a perfect example of our group's purpose, as he's being persecuted for his heroic whistleblowing, and it is very fitting that he can now work alongside us in defense of press freedom, accountability, and the public’s right-to-know.' The foundation is presently raising money and awareness for a variety of open-source encryption tools. Please consider donating to my favorite: the LEAP Encryption Access Project."
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Snowden Joins Daniel Ellsberg On Board of Freedom of the Press Foundation

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  • Interesting... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mendax ( 114116 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @01:24AM (#45962267)

    I wonder how he will remain on the board once the feds finally get their hands on him. He's a marked man. Daniel Ellsberg avoided going to prison on a technicality, because of the government's gross misconduct and illegal evidence gathering. I don't think Edward Snowden will be so lucky when his rendition is finally carried out.

    • by Taco Cowboy ( 5327 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @01:30AM (#45962283) Journal

      I wonder how he will remain on the board once the feds finally get their hands on him

      As an American, I can't help but feel so ashamed of the country that I love so much.

      The United States of America is fast becoming the United States of Fascists.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        > The United States of America is fast becoming the United States of Fascists.

        Becoming??? That horse left the barn several decades ago.

      • As an American, I can't help but feel so ashamed of the country that I love so much.

        Yes, so you've said. Repeatedly.

        It's a shame there isn't a function for most people to be able to start from the beginning of a user's posting history and read forward. I'd be interested to see if you became "ashamed" since 1998. I'm not sure I would bet on it.

        The United States of America is fast becoming the United States of Fascists.

        No, not as such. We'll have a pretty good test within the next few years with the coming elections. If the government changes has by election, as it has for hundreds of years, fascism isn't here yet.

        I will grant you that the US does have a proble

      • To the tune of Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" :

        I was born in America
        Where I'm often told I'm free

        I voted for the piece of shit
        Who told that lie to me

        I prick my finger next to you
        At the all-you-can-eat buffet

        I can't afford to move abroad
        Trapped in the USA

    • Re:Interesting... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by icebike ( 68054 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @01:53AM (#45962381)

      because of the government's gross misconduct and illegal evidence gathering.

      So nothing has changed then....

      Sooner or later, someone is going to jail, And I wager it won't be Snowden.
      We can start with a few Judges that violated their oath of office, and denigrated to constitution to the status of a village ordinance.

    • Re:Interesting... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @02:00AM (#45962405) Journal
      The whistleblowing aspect is over, the press is now releasing the news at a rate they seem fit after sorting, clearing.
      http://cryptome.org/2013/11/snowden-tally.htm [cryptome.org]
      http://cryptome.org/2014/01/nsa-codenames.htm [cryptome.org]
      As for Snowden what are the options - freedom in Russia beyond the ~ one year point.
      Find another nations embassy in Russia and stay? Doing a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zsef_Mindszenty [wikipedia.org] for many years?
      The US seemed to have hinted at its intent with the EU airspace issue so getting to another country will be interesting.
      Try the Russian legal system and get long term papers?
      The US needs to show what they will do to any whistleblowing but still seem to want to reduced the optics of any capture.
      • Re:Interesting... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by SuricouRaven ( 1897204 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @02:51AM (#45962615)

        Given that the US has demonstrated their willingness to ground even diplomatic flights if they suspect Snowden to be on board, traveling would be risky. It'd need to be done with the backing of the Russian government, and I don't see why they would.

        The only options I see are to either hole up in an embassy or hope that Russian officials will be willing to give him residence as a PR thing. Russia and America have long been in a quite antagonistic relationship, even after the cold war ended, so it's possible some influential politicians might want to keep him as a show of independance - a small but very symbolic gesture to show that Russia bows before the demands of no country, not even the mighty US.

      • Re:Interesting... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by MobSwatter ( 2884921 ) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @05:52AM (#45963327)

        All things considered, doesn't anyone see it ironic that Russia has stood tall for freedom over corruption in the US?

        • by Grog6 ( 85859 )

          I do.

          I remember when America was the Bastion of Freedom, not some third-world country with ambitions of being the world's Gestapo. :(

          • The NSA has been involved in signals intelligence since the 1950s. The US isn't a "third-world country" and isn't "the world's Gestapo."

            • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
              In the world of signals it was Cold. US signals where underfunded in the 1920's and 1930's, a lot of help was sent from the UK in WW2.
              Post WW2 the US lost a lot of its new skills again just in time for Korea :)
              The USA had no Korean experts, typewriters or related skill sets. The US only had tactical signals and had a huge rush of new staff to hire - many uncleared.
              Direction and traffic radio work again had to be re introduced via the UK in the early 1950's.
              Now thanks to Snowden we can fill in the 1
              • The US managed Purple and SIGABA without the UK.

                What would you think if the Grauniad had published a history of Bletchley Park, Enigma cracking, and its methods in 1940? There would be a considerable butcher's bill to pay, wouldn't there? By the 1970s the bill was depreciated to next to nothing. The bill for Snowden's leaks isn't clear yet, but since the leaked information is decades too early in coming it may not be a cheap one. Is there any toll that would make you think that it wasn't a good thing?

                • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
                  SIGABA was weak... The US quickly stepped away from SIGABA around the end of the Typex era talks with the UK.
                  The fun part of that time is really the US Navy and Army crypto tensions - could they share with the UK.
                  "Purple" was a diplomatic cryptographic machine, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_(cipher_machine) [wikipedia.org] shows some of the thinking in Japan and why their Navy and Army codes where interesting to the US and UK.
                  • SIGABA was weak...

                    Unless you know something that I don't, SIGABA was never broken in its relatively long service life for the US.

                    SIGABA (ECM) [cryptomuseum.com]

                    SIGABA was a US cipher machine based on the electromechanical rotor principle. It was developed in the late 1930s as a joint effort of the US Army and Navy [1]. At the time it was considered a superior cryptomachine, intended to keep high-level communications absolutely secure. It was used throughout WWII and was so reliable that it was used well into the 1950s, when it was replaced by machines like the KL-7. As far as we know, SIGABA was never broken.

        • All things considered, doesn't anyone see it ironic that Russia has stood tall for freedom over corruption in the US?

          After it has resumed the former Soviet practice of regular air and sea probes by bomber, warship, and submarine, of US and NATO defenses, and brought Russian spying up to Cold War levels, Russia has taken this opportunity to stick a finger in Washington's eye by receiving and shielding someone that stole 1.7 million Top Secret US intelligence documents. It is unclear to what extent there was contact between Russian intelligence and Snowden in Russia, but Snowden's lawyer is in the public council of the FSB

    • I agree. Now that he has leaked the biggest revelations yet [farsnews.com] to the Iranians he is in really deep doodoo. Even the space aliens will be after him.

    • by Seumas ( 6865 )

      Take a look at the board and tell me you think anyone finds them a real threat to anything.

    • Daniel Ellsberg avoided going to prison on a technicality, because of the government's gross misconduct and illegal evidence gathering.

      This is false.

      He didn't go to jail because the US judicial branch at the time generally frowned on government infringements on the 1A freedom of the press, despite protestations to the contrary by the Federal government, by impeding the functioning of a free press and essentially turning the press into agents of the State by denying the press the ability to have confidential sources when what those sources are saying is inconvenient for government.

      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_of_sources [wikipedia.org]

      "The prote

  • Good Luck With That (Score:5, Interesting)

    by VortexCortex ( 1117377 ) <VortexCortexNO@S ... t-retrograde.com> on Wednesday January 15, 2014 @02:22AM (#45962491)

    which exposes law-breaking in government.

    Yeah, we all know it's rife with illegal crap, but the mainstream media remains silent. They're your biggest enemies. [youtube.com]

    One can only hope that the severely slanted aren't able to maintain control as media migrates online. However, being that I have many times witnessed such "news" sites as ABC, removing all counter view points even if not demeaning or trolling from their comment sections -- Including posts that simply link to information proving the article or segment wrong, esp. suspect is the the 20/20 "investigative" segments, which now only serve to further political and corporate interests.

    With DRM on the track to inclusion in HTML5, the anti-open-source messages are already appearing -- Ireland, come on now, that's just too blatant even for you. The FBI dropping Law Enforcement and donning the cloak of secrecy in "national security" instead is all more evidence of the world's current anti-openness, and zero-accountability trend. You've got to realize the front you're fighting is on all sides, or you'll be flanked.

    Best of luck, but I've been watching this show for decades, I know how it ends. There's always been votes controlled through Gerrymandering [snagfilms.com] and if not then blatant vote counting manipulation [youtube.com]. Over a hundred years the US government has been explicitly creating and condoning illegal government programs, [wikipedia.org] and thus disinformation and lying to the public -- These are the politicians real jobs, to cast the will of the government as good for you... I'm a scientist, where's the proof it's good for me? Where's the experimental evidence for these bills virtues? There is none, it's asinine, but it's not like anyone really cares about goodness or integrity.

    The US government serves to "Protect America" -- but they do not consider We The People important, only the international "American" Corporate interests must be preserved. When they say "security" it means socio-economic and political control to maintain the status quo and enrich corporations. 58% of congress are global warming denialists for the same reason there were no WMDs, and for the same reason the FBI and NSA keep such close watch on civil-rights activists, privacy-rights activists, women's rights activists, and all anti-war activist organizations -- and now with PRISM all people.

    The government has tasked itself with "protecting" the "security" of "America" (see above definitions), and will craft laws to allow their "legal" continuation of this corrupt practice whether in the best interest of the citizens they farm or not. Jim Crow was a law. What the fuck does "law-abiding" or "law-breaking" have to do with Justice and Integrity? Rosa Parks went to jail for sitting at the front of the bus. Fuck "law-breaking in government" -- That's a wild goose chase, otherwise big corps would have to pay taxes. Prove there's even a legitimate government in place first, then you can try holding it accountable. You're barking up the wrong tree. Expose the injustice in Banking, Wall Street, ISPs, Media, Government Contractors, and other such corporations. Then the fur will really fly. Otherwise you're just pissing into the wind: Impeach one stooge and you get another from the queue. This has all happened before, and it will all happen again. [youtube.com]

    Firemen douse the source of the fire, not the flames themselves.

    • HTML5's DRM component doesn't actually have any DRM in it. It's just an agreed interface by which propritary DRM schemes may be embedded. It's no different really than putting a DRM-enabled flash object in a webpage, except that there are some agreed-upon calls that allow it to be controled by javascript.

  • Why is this not being promoted more? Encrypted, secure, decentralised, block-resistant IM software. It works. A few minor bugs here and there, it's in need of some refinement, but it's the best tool we have for that niche right now.

  • It seems kind of strange that a site which is collecting donations to fund secure software projects would require the use of JavaScript to donate. http://imgur.com/Ri5PB7r [imgur.com]

"Money is the root of all money." -- the moving finger
