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Smart Car Tipping Trending In San Francisco 371

First time accepted submitter hackajar1 (1700328) writes "Is it a crime of opportunity or another page in the current chapter of Anti-Tech movement in San Francisco? Either way, the new crime trending in San Francisco invloves tipping Smart Cars on their side. While they only take 3 — 4 people to tip, this could just be kids simply having "fun" at the very expensive cost of car owners. Alternatively it could be part of a larger movement in San Francisco against anyone associated with HiTech, which is largely being blamed for neighborhood gentrification and rent spikes in recent years." This sounds like a story that would catch the ears of veteran reporter Roland Hedley.
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Smart Car Tipping Trending In San Francisco

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:32PM (#46695189)

    A lot of things are trending if they only have to happen 1 time for that to be said.

  • It's not trending. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Michael O-P ( 31524 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:33PM (#46695207) Journal

    This wouldn't even be an issue if the damn local news didn't report on it. 3 cars?! A night of drunken stupidity. Now it's going to be trending.

    • by LordLimecat ( 1103839 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:37PM (#46695251)

      If it were Tesla Motors, the NHTSA would be starting an investigation.

      • by O('_')O_Bush ( 1162487 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:50PM (#46695435)
        And Elon Musk would be whining about how the media was unfairly targeting Tesla, making misleading claims about a correlation between toppings and high speed crashes, claiming Teslas are not tipped more than any other car in the city, all the while designing titanium tipping resistant body panels as implicit acknowledgment of reality. And Slashdot would be a boiling kettle of fanboys defending Tesla and group thinking (par for the course).

        I should say, I am biased, being a Tesla stockholder.
      • by slinches ( 1540051 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:16PM (#46695751)

        If it were Teslas being tipped, I think the NFL and/or the military would be the ones investigating. Those things weigh over two tons and have a very low CG, making them nearly impossible to roll over without some heavy duty lifting apparatus.

        • The NFL investigating mystery Teslas being tipped. Sounds like a plot for a South Park episode.
        • If it were Teslas being tipped, I think the NFL and/or the military would be the ones investigating. Those things weigh over two tons and have a very low CG, making them nearly impossible to roll over without some heavy duty lifting apparatus.

          General "Thunderbolt" Ross would be investigating it, since he's brought in any time The Hulk might be involved...

    • Considering that they dressed up to hide their identities, I would not characterize this a night of drunken stupidity. It looks like a group of people with mental problems that decided to disguise themselves and vandalize cars.
      • by CanHasDIY ( 1672858 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:57PM (#46695533) Homepage Journal

        It looks like a group of people with mental problems

        Or, you know - teenagers.

        The only "mental problem" necessary to find joy in such an activity as vandalizing cars is adolescence.

        You did stupid shit when you were a kid, too. We all did.

        • by TemperedAlchemist ( 2045966 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:01PM (#46695607)

          Yeah, like stuff that put me in danger.

          I didn't cause property damage to other people.

          • by drerwk ( 695572 )
            Seriously? Never wondered what it would feel like to hit a baseball across the street and through a window? Never wondered what the sound would be like and not thinking beyond the cool sound of breaking glass tossed the ball up and let swing. And then in unexpected joy realized you hit it perfectly, to hear the glorious sound of that window break only to have your stomach sink to the depths realizing that you broke a damn window?
            • No. No I didn't. I knew of a quite a few incidents where classmates did things that were dangerous to themselves, or unintentionally caused damage. I can even think of a couple of times when classmates did some vandalism to someone they knew personally. But I can only think of one occasion when my classmates deliberately did some noticeable damage to strangers' property, and they got arrested for it.

              Admittedly, my high school experience may not have been typical, since I went to a private school in a fa

        • Of course teenagers have mental problems. They go crazy during the transition from childhood to being an adult.

          I never went out destroying people's cars, and I doubt that you did either.
          • by hondo77 ( 324058 )

            I never went out destroying people's cars, and I doubt that you did either.

            Does smashing car windows count? Yeah, dumb stuff happened in the teen years.

          • by Lumpy ( 12016 )

            The males of the species are completely insane until age 25.

            I keep telling my daughter, "boys are not only incredibly stupid, but they are complete idiots until age 25... and then only SOME of them will grow out of it. Some will stay completely stupid for the rest of their lives."

            I also let her know, because she is so pretty and is very well endowed on the chest, that boys will go extra stupid the closer she get's to them.

        • by The Grim Reefer ( 1162755 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:10PM (#46695697)

          No kidding. Back in the 80's 4-5 of us would pick up compact cars and move them onto the sidewalk out of drunken stupidity.

          One of my friends had an MG back then. A couple of people lifted the rear end off the ground right before he was getting ready to drive off. While they were all laughing, he put the car in reverse and stepped on the gas. While laughing himslef, he asked them how long they thought they could hold it.

        • by Altus ( 1034 )

          Teenagers are usually idiots though, they don't usually have the foresight to disguise themselves.

        • by GTRacer ( 234395 )
          You;ll have to help me out since I don't recall ever participating in vandalism-as-a-fun-pastime activities in my youth. What's the appeal of straight-up vandalism/destruction of other people's property? Like painting obscenities on a garage door or smashing mailboxes or breaking windows?

          A 12-year-old friend of my nephews was busted recently for sneaking onto a country club's grounds and driving a handful of their golf carts into a lake. He took the last one for himself, possibly missing the fact it wa
    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:56PM (#46695519)

      There is a shortage of cattle in San Francisco. These might be the only alternative.

    • This wouldn't even be an issue if the damn local news didn't report on it. 3 cars?! A night of drunken stupidity. Now it's going to be trending.

      Eh when I was a wee lad we used to do the same thing with the Honda N600 []. Boys will be boys. The tricky part is sneaking out into the pasture without getting any dung on your shoes. And heaven help you if you tip the thing onto you!

    • by fermion ( 181285 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:19PM (#46695805) Homepage Journal
      This was probably just a bunch of kids 'having fun.' I blame high schools and some colleges. High Schools are still focusing on bullying instead of teaching the kids that it is often assault or criminal intent. There are kids coming out school thinking that cursing out a stranger of threatening to hurt someone if they don't get their way is proper behavior. Likewise, some colleges still call borderline criminals acts 'hazing' or 'initiation', thus leading educated people to believe that getting drunk, committing crimes, and getting away with it makes everything ok.

      Gentrification may also be an issue. When I was growing up one thing I noticed was the my friends who lived in more affluent or gated neighborhoods would talk about being taken home to their parents instead of arrested. They might be doing drugs, selling drugs, breaking into cars, whatever. We have seen a case where a teen has stolen beer, gotten drunk, and killed some people while driving, has gotten probation. The parents would pay reparations. So if a lot of wealthy parents are moving in, and protecting their kids, then those kids might be less motivated to not commit crime.

    • Now that it's been in the news, it might become a trend...


    2) Damn people are thoughtless jerks

    3) Someones insurance rates are going up

    • by Jeremi ( 14640 )

      3) Someones insurance rates are going up

      Anyone know how much damage a Smart Car can be expected to suffer when tipped like this?

      (I'd imagine some crush/scratch damage to whatever body panel(s) are now supporting the car's weight, plus my co-worker says that various fluids are likely to drip out into places they aren't supposed to be)

  • But tipping them up on their ends, now THAT is hilarious!

  • Try thinking. (Score:3, Informative)

    by Cammi ( 1956130 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:40PM (#46695289)
    Dear poster .. read your own post. At the expensive cost of the car owners? That means these assholes caused damage ... what? damage? Then yes, it is OBVIOUSLY a crime. A little thinking goes a long way.
  • by esten ( 1024885 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:41PM (#46695299)

    Considering a Smart Car is like 12k, gets good gas mileage, and is easy to street park in the city how in the world does this equal HiTech? HiTech workers definitely make enough to afford more spacious and expensive cars along with garage parking.

    Is this another example of terrible Slashdot editorial comments distorting original story to "make news" as this alternative theory is not in the original source? []

    • by Control-Z ( 321144 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:48PM (#46695391)

      36MPG is not good gas mileage, especially for a tiny car like that. I think that's what is bothering the vandals.

      • That is bad. Odd really given that the European petrol version is 47mpg and the diesel version is 70mpg.

        Do American's detune their cars or something?

        • by Vulch ( 221502 )

          No, they just give short measure in volumetric units.

        • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:13PM (#46695733)

          US gallons are smaller.
          1 US gallon is 0.8 of an Imperial (UK) gallon.
          47mpg * 0.8 = ~37mpg, ergo we're talking about the same numbers for Euro and US Smart cars.
          Caught me out when I moved from the UK to the US.
          On the other hand, paying $4 a gallon rather than [quick conversion litres->US gallons] ~$8.50 is most welcome.

          • by kyrsjo ( 2420192 )

            Just to be clear - it's the same as 6.5 L/100 km rigth?

            Who's brilliant idea was it to have two slightly different gallons, or to use a different gallon than the one already invented?

        • 1. Car makers usually equip their cars with bigger engines and more features as standard for the US market. In case of Smart Car, the engine is tuned for faster acceleration instead of gas mileage.

          2. UK uses imperial gallon which is bigger than US gallon so you have to be careful to compare like with like

          3. Different testing standards. EU standards are surprisingly less strict than the US and allow manufacturers more room to cheat. Same car will show "considerably" better fuel economy when tested according

        • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:24PM (#46695847)

          Do American's detune their cars or something?

          No, the passengers just weigh more.

        • by unimacs ( 597299 )
          Different rating system scores cars lower in the US.
      • My diesel Smart averages 55 mpg.

        • That's more like it. But the US guvmint apparently hates diesels.

        • That's still absolute shit economy relative to its size, given that a VW Golf/Jetta TDI (which, being an American, is about the only Diesel I know to compare to) is only about 5 mpg lower.

          Actual good fuel economy is a 15-year-old Honda Insight at 70 mpg (US), or, for a non-hybrid, a 22-year-old Geo Metro XFi at 50 mpg (US). Smart should be fucking ashamed of itself!

          • Actual good fuel economy is a 15-year-old Honda Insight at 70 mpg (US), or, for a non-hybrid, a 22-year-old Geo Metro XFi at 50 mpg (US). Smart should be fucking ashamed of itself!

            the insight was cool, but battery etc.

            The Geo Metro was a beercan deathtrap.

            A VW Lupo, which is basically a more modern Geo Metro made by VAG (did they stop making Lupos?) will make 70 MPG with its cute little diesel, if you baby it. But it's a miserable thing to have to do. And they didn't sell them in the USA because if you get hit by an Expedition or whatever, you're dead, baby.

      • by drerwk ( 695572 )
        That has always bother me too. I'd much rather get an old 2CV - 48 mpg, 4 people seated in comfort, front wheel drive. Not a single thing better than a 60 year old French marvel of engineering.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by imbusy ( 1002705 )

      HiTech workers definitely make enough to afford more spacious and expensive cars along with garage parking.

      As a HiTech worker I can only say - I can't afford shit with the current rental prices.

    • I think it is an issue of applying a stereotype to the driver without any logical information behind it.
      Oh look it is one of those Hippy Tech workers with their Green cars that makes them seem so pretentious and better then us.

      I drive a Prius, and I get a lot of cars that seem to be more aggressive towards me (especially ones with Right leaning bumper stickers) then they were when I had the sporty convertible. They don't realize that I have a long drive and my main factor for the Car was price of fuel (I h

      • by lgw ( 121541 )

        In the US, cars inevitably make a statement about you. Sorry, it's not just about functionality. You chose the overlap of hipster, hippie, and really slow driver, so you should only expect some people to be unhappy with you.

    • by fak3r ( 917687 )

      Is this another example of terrible Slashdot editorial comments distorting original story to "make news" as this alternative theory is not in the original source?

      You must be new here.

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      I thought you were wrong, but apparently the price ahs dropped a lot in the last decade or so. They were close to 40K.

      I bet they are still horrible to drive.

      Interesting, there website say 12,400 fro an electric, but when you actually find a price, it's 25G [] []

      So the Swatch/Mecedes ART piece is still way over priced for what you get.

  • by 3.5 stripes ( 578410 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:43PM (#46695335)

    It takes more than two people to tip over a smart? Guess they must be little girly men.

    • It takes more than two people to tip over a smart? Guess they must be little girly men.

      What do they weigh compared to a vintage VW Bug?

      One person could flip an old Bug by himself, granted he was sober enough to pick up the right end.

      • Go out and actually try it. Make sure you've got health insurance cause you'll hurt yourself. Bugs are lite, but not that lite.

  • So 2001 (Score:5, Interesting)

    by onproton ( 3434437 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (iynadme)> on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:46PM (#46695373)
    This actually was a fad in Europe for a while - of course it moved to San Francisco.
  • While I understand the social frustrations -- they aren't unique to SF and where I live there are very similar issues around gentrification -- the reactions I've been hearing about in that area are rapidly reaching the "crazy" level. Sounds like it's time to avoid San Francisco.

    • by clarkkent09 ( 1104833 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:00PM (#46695575)

      Gentrification to me means turning filthy, crime ridden ghettos into clean and safe neighborhoods. I haven't heard any reasonable argument against it that doesn't include hidden racism or prejudice against poor people being morons who like living in dirt.

      • Here's some: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Excessive gentrification raises housing costs to the point where only wealthy professionals
        can afford to live there. There are several disadvantages to this: first, everyone works,
        no stay-at-home moms, so there are no eyes on the street during the days. Second,
        anyone without a professional-level income can't stay in the neighborhood. Like my
        kids music teacher.

        Part of your assumption is that gentrification starts with filthy crime-ridden gettoes. It
        can also destroy stable, safe, lower- and middle-class

      • by interkin3tic ( 1469267 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:24PM (#46695849)
        Property taxes and rent rising pushes out renters who have lived there a long time. People like their neighbors and work to establish a safe community only to be priced out of it BECAUSE they made it safe. They end up having to move to a more distant neighborhood which is once again unsafe. Now they have to commute further to work and have less money from the move. Moving to a new apartment generally means paying higher rent in cities if you keep the same level of nice neighborhood, so it's likely a step down.

        I mean, it sounds reasonable to me. Not compelling enough for me to not move to a gentrifying area (which I have before and don't feel particularly guilty about), but I understand why it upsets some people legitimately. I do think a lot of it is simply entitlement or making excuses for envy. Obviously tipping over someone's car isn't a rational way of trying to keep prices for long-term residents down: people who have already moved in are just going to hire more cops which will increase taxes which will hasten the poorer residents being priced out. No, those idiots were either simply troublemakers or at best angry because they didn't have a nice shiny smartcar while their neighbors did.
      • by ThatsNotPudding ( 1045640 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:28PM (#46695897)

        Gentrification to me means turning filthy, crime ridden ghettos [FULL OF POOR MINORITIES]
        into clean and safe neighborhoods [FULL OF RICH WHITE PEOPLE].

      • by mk1004 ( 2488060 )
        Or maybe gentrification runs out the poor, hard working population along with the poor, criminal riff-raff.
    • Three cars tipped over is "crazy" and a reason to avoid a place? No one was in or under the cars, you realize. There were no deaths or injuries.

      You go ahead and stay in your padded cave if that scares you.
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      We have crime. The building are run down, we need work.
      OK, here comes business
      WHAT? they're bringing in new business, reducing crime., and bringing in jobs?
      the EVIL gentrifying BASTARDS!

  • by Connie_Lingus ( 317691 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:48PM (#46695399) Homepage

    reading the headline, i thought the story was going to be about people dropping change and dollar bills on smart cars as a way to, i dunno, show their support for eco-friendliness?


  • In other news, the local cattle herds have never been less paranoid!

  • Is like beating up a blind guy to fight against discrimination against the handicapped. It's fun.
  • by Elder Entropist ( 788485 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:54PM (#46695495)

    Owners in the area need to put these in their cars: []

  • the new crime

    Vandalism and pranks are not new. And this particular form (tipping/inverting/moving_to_weird_places any unusually small/light car) is something I've heard of going back to at least as early as the 1960s. Your grandparents were doing this when they were kids (assuming your grandparents were assholes).

    Next on slashdot: someone spraypaints the screen on someone else's phone! It's all part of the new Anti-Tech Movement!! You are totally a square and working for The Man and thinking-inside-the-box and not-cool, if you aren't doing this yet. You probably don't even have an onion on your belt, lamer. Get with it, man!

  • Synergy (Score:5, Funny)

    by sjames ( 1099 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @12:57PM (#46695535) Homepage Journal

    I've seen discussions of having electric cars play an audio track of engine noise to reduce accidents with pedestrians.

    And now, when the kids tip it, it will go "MooOOOOOOooo"

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by maliqua ( 1316471 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @01:02PM (#46695611)

    Speaking as someone who when they first saw a smart car said to themselves "I wonder if i run out into the road and shoulder check it if it would tip over" I don't think the vandals in question are doing this to make a statement. I think its most likely that they had a similar thought combined it with youthful enthusiasm and the great decision making power that only a group of teenagers can have.

    • Yup. According to the linked story, we're talking about four cars, all in the same area, all tipped over in the same night. It's probably one group of rowdy young guys.

  • This will become a more common occurrence. Why do you think the rich want to spend so much more on Police and the Military?

  • by strangeattraction ( 1058568 ) on Tuesday April 08, 2014 @02:29PM (#46696645)
    I feel sorry for the poor person who is simply trying to reduce her carbon foot print, live a physically smaller foot print and have economical transportation in a large city. The people tipping car a simply juvenile regardless of their age.

"He don't know me vewy well, DO he?" -- Bugs Bunny
