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ISS United States

NASA Denies New Space Station Partnership With Russia 83

schwit1 writes NASA officials today denied they were negotiating a partnership with Russia to build a space station replacement for ISS, as suggested yesterday by the head of Russia's space program. Maybe the misunderstanding comes from NASA head Charles Bolden, who is currently in Russia. Bolden probably said some nice feel-good things to the Russians, things like "We want to keep working together," and "We will support your plans for your future space station." None of this was meant as a commitment, but the Russians might have taken them more seriously than Bolden realized.
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NASA Denies New Space Station Partnership With Russia

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  • He would have confirmed this with Obama if he was still on his game. He clearly needs something to show his people that Russia is a leading nation among the entire world, and not just a regional power in Eastern Europe, and what better way then say "we're collaborating with the US on a space station no other two countries could build?"

    Putin desperation is either good or bad. If he decides he can declare victory in Donbass and calm things down (and he has the political muscle to keep the Ukrainian separatist

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 29, 2015 @08:04PM (#49367629)

      like it or not Russia IS A LEADING nation. I know that we in the US and other parts of the western world like to look down on Russia but in many fields they are the leader, space exploration is probably one of their strongest points both historically and currently. Countries all over the world use Russian rocket technology to get shit into space, even the US. People still seem to look at Russia as it was prior to 2000, they have had a massive economic and political changes in since then yet so many can't seem to get past the old mindset or look beyond the douche that is putin.

      • by gman003 ( 1693318 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @08:20PM (#49367681)

        Space exploration? Hardly. They haven't done any exploration since the Berlin Wall fell. NASA's putting probes on every planet they can, the ESA and JAXA are launching their own probes, even China and India are doing more exploration than Russia. The only real active area of research for Russia is on the ISS.

        Russia's just a cheap source of rockets - and that has more to do with their low cost of labor and massive subsidies than the actual cost-effectiveness of their rockets. The fact that they're currently the only way to the ISS has more to do with the political failings of NASA than any redeeming quality they have.

        PS: Russia's economy is still failing. It's not in the near-freefall it was in the 90s, but it still looks more like a big second-world country than a developed nation.

        • True enough. There were, in fact, two probes (Mars and Phobos), but both weren't able to leave the LEO.

        • The rocket market isn't just a "failing" of NASA, they were confident that those rockets would be on the market, so they accepted having to use them for a few years in order to be able to afford other things on their limited budget.

          Especially now that there are multiple new rockets coming to market to compete in that space, it doesn't look like a failing at all. It looks like they have quality analysts, actually.

          They didn't trip over their shoelaces and accidentally end up having to buy Russian rockets.

      • by NicBenjamin ( 2124018 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @08:46PM (#49367767)

        "Leading" is a relative term in a world dominated by the US. We're a fifth of the economy. We're most of the military spending. We have the most advanced weapons. Our culture is known world-wide. The Chinese could compete with us, if they get a few more years of 8% growth and they can figure out their aging population problem. The Europeans could also compete with us, if they'd ever get off their damn asses and give their precious sovereign right to veto every-damn-thing to the EU.

        Russia clearly belongs in the next tier, right along with the Japanese and other regional powers. But it's not like Russia can bail out small Latin American countries without noticing the hit to it's budget. But the top tier clearly could. So could the Japanese.

        • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

          Leading is a relative term when you're discussing countries capable of human spaceflight. Last time I checked, the United States was paying a princely* sum to space-taxi their Astronauts to the ISS.
          *When I say Princely, I mean, "the United States pays more to go to the ISS than the King of Malaysia", because that's totally a thing that happened as part of an arms deal, and we still pay more than he did for the privilege, despite our station being connected to theirs.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            "spaceflight" is a relative term when you're discussing what amounts to a tree fort in the upper atmosphere for adults with connections.

            • by Anonymous Coward

              Don't tell me that isn't the coolest tree fort you've ever in your life seen.

        • The U.S. also has also accumulated a $18 trillion national debt to pay for all that prosperity, all that "we've got the biggest dick" military spending, all that corporate welfare, all those entitlements, etc.

          And it's growing at about $500 billion a year now.

          When the credit card bill finally comes due some day, the party ends.

          • You wanna know what an MD in her first year of residency has? A 350% debt-to-personal-GDP ratio. Post-residency she's still in the 150-200% range. You wanna know what a 19-year-old home depot cashier at $9.25 an hour has? No debt at all. You wanna guess which one of those women will have a more financially stable future?

            Compare that to the US. Yes we have a lot of debt. but we have it mostly because some idiot insisted on cutting taxes without cutting spending, financed two major wars 100% via debt, and the

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Dan East ( 318230 )

        space exploration is probably one of their strongest points both historically and currently

        Russia has heavy lift capability, and that's basically it. I tried to find the last time they actually did exploration (as in probes, rovers, etc) and didn't see much of anything since the Soviet Union. Right now NASA, ESA, Japan, China and even India are all ahead of Russia as far as exploration goes, as all those organizations have active probes in space doing science. Russia is basically just hauling stuff into orbit.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        The soviet union collapsed and now russia is run by a thug dictator for life as his personal toy with immature cult of personality on the same level as north korea

        they invaded and vivisected georgia, and now invade ukraine because their feelings were hurt when slavic brothers ukraine announced it preferred to go with europe. its economy is tanking because its economy is just digging up oil

        it is 140 million people. china is 1.3 billion. eu is 500 million. both diversified and growing economies with stable go

    • Putin doesn't care about what Americans think. His political base is at home, and they don't care about America either. This is more likely to be the Russian rocket makers getting desperate to justify their budget.
      • by NicBenjamin ( 2124018 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @09:31PM (#49367927)

        What in my post implied Putin cares what ordinary Americans think? I mentioned him trying to appease a Russian domestic audience with a space station, and potential difficulties he'd have reining in the Donbass rebels, but I said nothing about Western public opinion.

        BTW, your premise is wrong to an extent at least. All my comments got a -1 troll, the AC posting that Russia was a superpower got to +4 insightful, and everyone criticizing that blessed comment also got -1 troll. Which means the Kremlin apparently loosed it's merry band of paid internet trolls on Slashdot.

  • by turkeydance ( 1266624 ) on Sunday March 29, 2015 @08:30PM (#49367711)
    until it has been officially denied.
  • ... We will need substantive evidence of their change of character before we commit to further projects.

    If the Russians are determined to be enemies of the West, then it is in our interests to see that they are as technologically regressed as possible. That means not sharing computer or rocketry technology that they can use to make weapons etc.

    It is very sad. We tried so hard to be their friends. The Chinese broke with the Russians in large part because they understood the stupidity of this pointless hostil

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday March 30, 2015 @07:06AM (#49369415)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • When you say you want to work together, it doesn't mean you agreed to specific plans together.

      Just like, if somebody says, "we should go to coffee sometime," it doesn't mean that you have plans to go to coffee together. It means you have a shared desire to schedule that activity at a future time.

      The person claiming a specific agreement when only a general spirit of cooperation was offered, that is the person lying.

  • Seriously, the ISS group needs to skip a new station and allow private space to take that on.

    Instead, the ISS group should focus on getting a base on the Moon and then on Mars. Private Space will be going to the moon around 2020-2022. Europe, Japan, Canada, Russia, etc should join the private space and push to create the side infrastructure that can be used on the moon. In particular, robotics, nuclear power, etc.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
