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McConnell Introduces Bill To Extend NSA Surveillance 209

jriding sends word that the majority leader of the U.S. Senate has introduced a bill that would extend the surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act until 2020: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill Tuesday night to extend through 2020 a controversial surveillance authority under the Patriot Act. The move comes as a bipartisan group of lawmakers in both chambers is preparing legislation to scale back the government's spying powers under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. It puts McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the bill’s co-sponsor, squarely on the side of advocates of the National Security Agency’s continued ability to collect millions of Americans’ phone records each day in the hunt for clues of terrorist activity.
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McConnell Introduces Bill To Extend NSA Surveillance

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  • republicrats (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:35PM (#49530095)

    or better known as assholes

    • Re:republicrats (Score:5, Insightful)

      by g0bshiTe ( 596213 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:01PM (#49530321)
      R or D doesn't matter if they agree to allow this type of bullshit they are assholes.

      Seriously how much are we spending on the witch hunt for terrorists?

      Can they show results of thwarted attacks to merit such spending? If not the assholes should be removed from office.

      On a side note I'd be interested to find out if there are any ties between these people and those that have the contracts to provide hardware for this project.
      • Re:republicrats (Score:4, Insightful)

        by gewalker ( 57809 ) <Gary DOT Walker AT AstraDigital DOT com> on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:18PM (#49530491)

        You are right the R or D matters little. The reasons are actually pretty simple.

        Both parties threaten their junior members to tow the party line or they will work against them next election. And of course, holding power becomes the most important thing to members over time as the perks are without parallel, esp. power and ego stroking.

        Majority of congresscritters don't really care that much about rule of law or the opinion of their constituents.

        The reelection rates are so high that their is little actual reason for them to change their ways.

        D & R do have different issues, e.g., Rs like guns, Ds like abortion on demand. But they share more in common, desire for power, using gov. to solve all problems, discounting personal liberty.

        • by ras ( 84108 )

          Both parties threaten their junior members to tow the party line or they will work against them next election.

          Actually, that's not what is happening. It's just a simple matter of the congressmen not needing to give a shit about the voters.

          How can that be so in a democracy? Simple: in the US, you allow the politicians to draw the borders between electoral districts. So they redraw the borders to ensure they have a safe seat. Once you have a safe seat, there is no need to care about the people who voted

          • We're talking about legislation that has been introduced in the United States Senate here, and they can't redraw their districts, as their districts are the borders of the state that they allegedly serve.

            Gerrymandering is strictly a phenomenon of the US House of Representatives at the Federal level.

            But thanks for the condescension.

      • Re:republicrats (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:20PM (#49530507)

        Um, it does matter. The GOP party leaders and their conservative faction (i.e. non-Tea Party, non-Libertarian) fetishize the military and security establishment. And they will _always_ defend and fund the NSA and similar organizations, no matter what they tell the public, or what the public demands. These leaders are more heavily involved with the defense industry than most politicians, and their electorate is blinded by the notion that the military and police can do no harm (unless they're trying to take your guns way), and gripped more than most by politics of fear.

        Yes, the Democrats supported the Patriot Act and its subsequent renewal. They were more than complicit. But you simply cannot equivocate all the various factions. And in this case, the heart of the problem lies squarely in the GOP camp, along with a few outliers (e.g. Diane Feinstein, who is considered a hawk and well outside Democratic and liberal circles on this issue).

        I'm tempted to defend Obama here by saying that if Bush were still in office, he'd probably have a televised national speech explaining why the NSA needs these powers to prevent a WMD attack or something. And by contrast, Obama has not publicly come out in favor supporting renewal. However, Obama is clearly working behind the scenes to push renewal. OTOH, every president inevitably fights to hold onto and expand their powers. It's the nature of the office, so it's not worth drawing a distinction between R & D, here. What we can do is blame Congress for clearly abrogating their responsibility of reigning in the executive.

        • I'm tempted to defend Obama here by saying that if Bush were still in office, he'd probably have a televised national speech explaining why the NSA needs these powers to prevent a WMD attack or something. And by contrast, Obama has not publicly come out in favor supporting renewal. However, Obama is clearly working behind the scenes to push renewal.

          So...you're advocating against transparency?


          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by Anonymous Coward

            Less transparency would be a good idea in congressional votes. Money and party interests require accountability. Force congress to vote anonymously and suddenly you've severed those ties and allow policy to return from the extremes to sanity.

        • To say nothing of how the republicans literally fall over themselves to come off as the bigger Israeli boot licker. It was disgusting to see them swarming Netanyahu on the floor of the Congress like a bunch of teenage girls at a Bieber concert. It was simply unseemly and undignified. Now any criticism of Israel is considered absolute heresy in the Republican party.
          • There has been amazing commentary on why this is. The largest, and most unified group of republican voters are evangelical Christians and within that group, the existance of Israel is seem as a prerequisite to the second coming.

            Being all for Israel is a less controversial stance than many others that still panders to a key bloc.

          • My favorite description of Netanyahu's speech is "He entered the leader of Israel. He left as the leading contender for the 2016 GOP nomination."
      • by Bonzoli ( 932939 )
        The Real question is what is in these to politicians closets that they do NOT want someone(NSA) to accidentally slip to the press? That is the strategy of the NSA when they spot an enemy or a useful pawn.

        That or they are the hidden beneficiaries via these hidden contracts to hidden purchases to hidden budgets for hidden agendas.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        ZERO actual terrorists (criminals) worth a shit imprisoned.

        ALL your privacy STOLEN.

        You and your friends in jail for a little weed, unpaid tickets, bitcoin, and whatever other victimless crime they dream up.

        Military industrial corp complex... country sunk deeper in debt trillions a year chasing nonexistant vapors.



        • by TheCarp ( 96830 )

          See, and that is the problem right there. Its so easy to see the problems, and you are right. The prison and military industrial complexes, as well as several others, are a huge problem but.... and this is a Ron Jeremy hairy ass but.... there is no way anything remotely as simple as "Term Limits" is going to fix shit.

          You think the big industries can't find bodies to fill seats on a more regular basis?

          The bigger problem, really, is fundamentally flawed structure that isn't scaling well, especially since enti

      • by SkOink ( 212592 )

        Another way to put it:

        D and R are both F'ing us in the A

    • It's a conflict they just don't understand. Yes, you can know more if you spy on all human interaction, but that isn't the point. It's better to not know some stuff that could be known, so that all of the innocent people can communicate freely and without reservation. I'm much more frightened by totalitarians than terrorists. I can put it no better than this: The Loss of liberty is worse than the threat of terror.

    • Certainly the blessed Democrats are not complicit in this at all. I mean they have rallied to get rid of the Patriot Act, right? Oh wait, no they haven't, not even our President who compromised on government snooping oversight and totally bailed on his campaign promise. I loathe people who want to just throw blame. Oh and you are a pussy and a douche bag for posting anonymously.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    McConnell's bill is double plus good! Support it, or it's Room 101 for you.

  • Second!! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:40PM (#49530159)

    How about no. I'm not okay with this law being extended. I want my constitution back.

  • by bulled ( 956533 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:41PM (#49530163)
    This isn't just about terrorism and the summary does a disservice to the discussion to imply otherwise. This surveillance is used by many other three-letter-agencies for far more than investigating terrorism. One of the key problems with this program is that the American people have no idea how deep it goes and who is using it for what. Opposing this program is about opposing the blank check that has been given to all governmental agencies to use mass surveillance against average citizens when there is no reason to suspect they are involved in anything illegal.
    • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:51PM (#49530241) Homepage

      Opposing this program is about opposing the blank check that has been given to all governmental agencies to use mass surveillance against average citizens when there is no reason to suspect they are involved in anything illegal.

      And don't forget subsequently using that information to commit institutional perjury as they engage in "parallel construction" so that the information they didn't legally obtain can be laundered into making it have the semblance of being legal, and make sure when they do charge you they can hide the facts of the case.

      Papers please, comrade.

      Sadly, these people who are sworn to defend the Constitution need to be beaten with a hard-bound copy of it -- because they don't seem to understand what the fuck it says.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:05PM (#49530369)

        Oh no, they understand it just fine.. they just don't care or feel it should apply to them. this country has such a deeply rooted problem with power that I am starting to think the only way to fix it is to start over.

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          Sadly, the attempt that came closest to contesting the Fed's ever-growing quest for power and control failed back in '65.
        • Oh no, they understand it just fine.. they just don't care or feel it should apply to them.

          No, I don't believe that's true. While they might know the words, they haven't really studied it, or its history, enough to UNDERSTAND the intent of the words when they were written.

          Further, many of them think they don't have to... that it's a "living document" that changes meaning over time.

          I call bullshit.

          "The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." -- James Wilson, founding father

        • If they are too lazy to care and to react, they are too lazy to understand it.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        ...need to be beaten with a hard-bound copy...

        Or, you know, need to be voted out of office, not reelected to a 40 year career by people only looking for a bigger 'tax cut'(handout)

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Problem is we're stuck choosing between the corrupt right-wing extremist who wishes to force us to divulge any and all personal and social information for profit and to ensure his power goes undisturbed, and the corrupt right-wing extremist who wishes to force us to divulge any and all personal and social information for profit and to ensure his power goes undisturbed. Sometimes there's also independents but they're basically set up so as to never actually have a chance when it's actually important.

          • You are not stuck with anything. Nobody wants to be inconvenienced with having to pay attention and seeking suitable candidates. The non voter is the biggest voting block there is. If they settled on somebody, we could be rid of the republicans and democrats for good. All you need to do is tune out the bullshit coming from the carny hucksters that are winning today. That alone will reduce the value of the campaign dollar to zero immediately, and would settle this silliness over 'Citizens United'.

        • The problem is that it isn't necessarily politicians that are abusing this system. It is the agencies manned largely by bureaucrats with a few appointies leading them. Changing the political leadership will do little to stop all of this unless that leader ship change happens encompasses both houses and the presidency, and has a strong will to end the abuses.

          You can actually look to the DEA situation right now as an example of how troublesome the long term bureaucrats can be. The current head of the DEA is b

    • The bigger issue isn't just that it's (supposedly) legal, but that it's even POSSIBLE. You could outlaw all this surveillance, but given how deeply it's entrenched now, does anybody honestly think it would just stop? Secret laws with secret interpretations don't even have to be on the books to be used to threaten already-willing communications companies. The technology is available, and even if illegal, who would prosecute the government?
      Take away the authorization, pass a strict ban on the practice...does
      • by thaylin ( 555395 )

        You can start letting people go who are accused based on it as judges typically do.

        • "Parallel Construction." The accused don't even know questionable surveillance techniques are being used against them to challenge it, and even if the they throw an accusation back at the prosecution, judges also have a habit of throwing that out due to lack of standing, for being unable to prove it was used! Besides, this solution depends on the idea that a trial takes place.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Does this really surprise anyone?

  • by surfdaddy ( 930829 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:48PM (#49530221)
    Once you give government some power it is almost impossible to get it reversed. That's because the foot is in the door, so to speak. This is just like taxes - once in existence, very hard to kill. I'm hoping that this is defeated but am not holding my breath.
  • by Rastl ( 955935 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @01:51PM (#49530237) Journal

    Time to write your representatives and tell them you oppose this bill. Seriously. Go to their web sites and write them. The only way you can attempt to derail this thing is to be proactive and tell the people elected to represent your interests what your interests ARE.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Write them on paper. It gets better results.

    • Time to write your representatives and tell them you oppose this bill. Seriously. Go to their web sites and write them. The only way you can attempt to derail this thing is to be proactive and tell the people elected to represent your interests what your interests ARE.

      You've leapt to the conclusion my 'representatives' are not miserable, lizard-brained fascists, endlessly voted for by the staggeringly stupid mouth breathers in this intellectually-forsaken blood-red rectangle of a state.

    • by amicusNYCL ( 1538833 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:13PM (#49530443)

      I think everyone needs to write to the people of Kentucky and tell them to stop electing Mitch McConnell. He is the poster boy for what is wrong with Congress. He's been a senator for 30 years. He's been involved with politics since 1964, when he was 22, so essentially his entire adult life. In '64 he graduated with a degree in political science and then began as an intern for a senator the same year. 3 years later he got a law degree, and probably decided that some sort of military service would look good on his record so he joined the Army Reserve and spent 5 weeks stationed at Fort Knox while in law school before being discharged. He assisted another senator, then was the Deputy Assistant AG under Ford, then got elected to his first office in 1977. I can't find any record of private employment not associated with a politician, despite the degree in law. Then he became a senator in 1985 and he's still one today.

      The Center for Responsive Politics puts him as the 10th richest senator, with a worth between $9.2 million and $36.5 million. That seems like a hell of a lot of money for a "public servant" to pull down over 30 years, but that's why it seems like career politicians are there to serve themselves and not the public. That's a lot of votes that have been purchased over the years. McConnell is a great example of why every member of congress needs term limits. The notion of a career politician needs to be retired and replaced by ordinary people coming out of the private sector to help run the country, and then going back into the private sector once their service is finished.

      Also, he looks like a turtle.

      • by pnutjam ( 523990 )
        Well, he certainly sounds like Ertle.
      • by Anonymous Coward

        FUCK that little bitch Mitch, and ram burr up Burr's ass.
        God damned lifelong political carnage wreakers on America.

    • email phone calls handwritten letters requesting a meeting

      Make sure your communication is proportional to your level of concern.

      • by StikyPad ( 445176 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:26PM (#49530567) Homepage

        (Ugh, html stripping.)

        email < phone calls < handwritten letters < requesting a meeting

        Make sure your communication is proportional to your level of concern.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          (Ugh, html stripping.)

          email < phone calls < handwritten letters < requesting a meeting

          Make sure your communication is proportional to your level of concern.

          Did the postal worker from Florida with his satchel filled with addressed and stamped letters change anything or even get noticed by the politicians? Nope.

    • Time to write your representatives and tell them you oppose this bill. Seriously. Go to their web sites and write them.

      Insert obligatory "...CARRIER LOST" joke here.

    • Writing a strongly worded email may feel good, but it will just get re-directed to a spam filter and deleted. Plus, mountains of emails are mostly invisible to the national media.

      If Americans really believe in this issue and want things to change, you need more than armchair protesting by letter-writing. You need large-scale protests in the street. Get a million people out in the streets of major cities, and those types of crowds won't be able to be ignored by the media or your elected representatives.

    • by DiEx-15 ( 959602 )

      Time to write your representatives and tell them you oppose this bill. Seriously. Go to their web sites and write them. The only way you can attempt to derail this thing is to be proactive and tell the people elected to represent your interests what your interests ARE.

      Good luck. You'll need it.

      Now if you really want to get this done: Become a corporation (because they are now people after all) and use the billions of votes called "money" that you have to convince them to vote against the bill. The more Dollar Votes you give them, the better!

  • But remember, the Republicans are the party of small government! They want to get it small enough to fit into every American's phone, bedroom, and uterus!

  • by Rigel47 ( 2991727 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:01PM (#49530319)
    Small government, personal liberty, Constitutional adherence.. and hypocritical jackasses.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Sen. Rand Paul, a fellow Kentucky Republican, who pledged to end the NSA program — which he called “unconstitutional surveillance” — if elected. This is the only guy who pledged to shut down this entire unnecessary clown show.

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        He's also a kook who believes in using the police power of the state to force women to bear children they do not want, and he supports a Constitutional Amendment to outlaw same sex marriage. He's a Benghazi nutter. He opposes the separation of church and state. He supports prison for Snowden. He does not believe Americans have any right to clean air or clean water. You want to vote for this guy just because he stated he's opposed to NSA spying?

        Who's crazy again?

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Do you really trust any campaign promise? If elected indeed. After people are elected the average year over year gain in net worth is 15.4%. The highest is Pingree (D-ME) at a whopping 73,039%. She has been on the Appropriations, Armed Services, and Agriculture comittees. Eight out of the top ten representatives that increased their net worth are on committees relating to agriculture, military, or homeland security. Two of them are laughably on the ethics committee.

        The pattern is clear.

        Source with plenty of [ballotpedia.org]

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:04PM (#49530351)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Brilliant!
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      > Uses Elderly instead of Boomers
      > Thinks GenX watches Glen Beck
      > Thinks GenX is conservative survivalists
      > Thinks Millenials owned houses
      > Thinks Millenials don't culture war

      > Modded +5 insightful.

      Remember when Slashdot wasn't filled with idiots? AC remembers.

    • by swb ( 14022 )

      That's great, but you were too soft on millennials. .

  • by StikyPad ( 445176 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:09PM (#49530401) Homepage

    I'm not generally one to call people names, but Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell needs to sack up or shut up. I will admit, it takes a lot of bravery to willfully ignore potential surveillance information on principle when the costs could be high. Nobody's saying that surveillance can't work. But we're supposed to be the land of the brave, not the land of the Chicken Littles engaging in surreptitious and unconstitutional spying because we're worried that a couple of jihadists might attack us in what amounts to the existential equivalent of a stubbed toe.

    Besides, I don't trust anything that hides inside it's own shell at the first sign of trouble. And God help us if he gets stuck on his back again.

  • It is highly unusual for "failure machine" samzenpus to post something that is critical of republicans. Thanks to whoever hit him.
  • It puts McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the bill’s co-sponsor, squarely on the side of advocates of the National Security Agency’s continued ability to collect millions of Americans’ phone records each day in the cluesless hunt for terrorist activity

    There, fixed that for you

  • by Maltheus ( 248271 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:23PM (#49530533)

    Republicans like to talk up the Constitution, which I'm a big fan of, but they really only care about a single amendment. And the only point of having that is to defend against the loss of the others. But what's the point of it? If they won't even vote to defend the others, they sure won't fight for them.

  • the "American" government is slowing becoming communist!
    Our "leaders" want books banned, surveillance on innocent people, and yet,
    none of them have to abide by ANY law.

    I have long suspected that McConnell is/has-become a communist -- I've always known
    he was an idiot. Too bad the people of Kentucky don't realize that. An education would help them,
    but then McConnell would surely put a stop to schools.
    • Who roused Joseph McCarthy from the grave?
  • by kjshark ( 312401 ) on Wednesday April 22, 2015 @02:28PM (#49530591) Journal

    When they're looking at you, fine. But congress freaked out when the CIA was looking at THEM. It's fair to say they think rules are great for us, but they should be held to a different arbitrary self made standard when it comes to applying the law to themselves:
    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/... [huffingtonpost.com]

  • It is all for your own good comrades, and for the greater glory of efficient capitalism!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Took me a while to find it . . . S.1035 is the bill I wrote my congressmen, I'm sure that's going to get me on SOME list.

  • Existing tech should have had Whitehouse security standing by (not to mention other layers of the security envelope) but didn't.

    The tech was fine, clearly the users of it failed. No measures need to be extended, no new and sweeping permissions are required, no new intrusion tech is required.

    What's needed are simply intelligent people paying attention. No bill is going to provide that.

I judge a religion as being good or bad based on whether its adherents become better people as a result of practicing it. - Joe Mullally, computer salesman
