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Education Crime

Unable To Hack Into Grading System, Georgia Student Torches Computer Lab 246

McGruber writes: A 15 year-old Douglas County, Georgia high school student has been charged with five felonies, including burglary and arson, after sheriff's deputies caught him while responding to a 1 AM fire at Alexander High School. The boy admitted to investigators that he set fire to a computer after trying, unsuccessfully, to hack into the school computer system to change his grade on a failed test. "It's very sad and tragic. He could have very easily come to one of his counselors and asked for help," said Lt. Glenn Daniel with the Douglas County Sheriff's Department. "From what we can tell, (the student) was mad and frustrated because he could not hack into the system." Lt. Daniel said the charges could land the young man in prison for several years. The computer lab was cleaned up and re-opened in time for the start of that day's classes.
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Unable To Hack Into Grading System, Georgia Student Torches Computer Lab

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 03, 2015 @06:50AM (#49604605)

    The computer lab was cleaned up and re-opened in time for the start of that day's classes.

    Just not this kid's day... First he fails his test, then he fails to hack into the grading system before finally failing to burn down the computer lab.

    • Re: (Score:2, Redundant)

      by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

      there's a "yo mama" in there somewhere.

      "Yo mama so dumb, she failed a pregnancy test!"

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 03, 2015 @07:10AM (#49604667)

    He issued an HCF instruction.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 03, 2015 @07:18AM (#49604687)

    So here is another example of bad parenting. How does a kid go from getting a bad grade to breaking and entering, to hacking a computer to change a grade to arson? Well its not because of the school, or a teacher, or the police. Its bad parenting and not teaching their kids right from wrong and frankly, not knowing where the heck their kid is at 1AM in the morning. When did it become correct to just let your child do whatever they want because you don't want to punish them because they may get made at you? Obviously, this person would rather break into a school to change his grade then actually do the work properly and get good grades.

    • by gnupun ( 752725 )

      Is convenience more important than security? Apparently so, since if the grades had been stored in on a more secure medium such as paper locked inside a vault or safe, it would be less hackable. A networked computer can be hacked from anywhere in the world and has typically thousands of bugs which form entry points for hackers.

    • How does one kid go from getting a bad grade to breaking and entering... Probably by following the train of thought that anything is ok as long as you bring home good grades.

      That's what good parenting is about, right? Making sure your kids knows that his grades mean everything.

    • We are all ears: how do you good parent a kid not to do that kind of stuff?

    • by jmv ( 93421 )

      Bad parenting... or bad neighbourhood, or bad school, or bad...
      It's only when you have kids that you realize that you only have so much influence over them.

  • Arson? lol (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 03, 2015 @07:22AM (#49604711)

    "The computer lab was cleaned up and re-opened in time for the start of that day's classes."

    Lol if we're calling that arson. More like a campfire sze at best. He probably barely even consumed the computer he tried to burn.

    P.S. What an epic fail of a kid. Not only was he dumb even to fail a test in our NCLB schools, but he couldn't hack into a Windows computer and couldn't even burn down a computer. Pro tip - try gasoline next time.

  • Firewall? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Required Snark ( 1702878 ) on Sunday May 03, 2015 @07:24AM (#49604723)
    Just wondering.
  • Apparently not (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    If you he have easily asked for help from a counselor, then he wouldn't have tried to hack into the computers and then torch the place.

    Clearly, this kid is mentally unstable. However, it is also clear that the counselors did not present a viable alternative to extreme violence.

  • pyro level achieved!

  • Now he gets arrested, and sent to jail, and tried, and convicted, and goes to prison for a few years. By the time he gets out, he'll know a LOT about hacking computers. Getting an education the hard way.
    • By the time he gets out, he'll know a LOT about hacking computers.
      Certainly he won't.
      For that you not only need access to a computer but also a teacher to teach you ... and time to practice.
      When he comes out most security problems will be solved and tools to breach a computer will be different.

      "Hacking" a computer is not as easy as the movies try to tell you.

  • "My favorite programming language is solder". []
    A propane torch is not the best tool to hack a PC board, anyhow.
  • "It's very sad and tragic. He could have very easily come to one of his counselors and asked for help,"

    Wow, counselors would help him hack the computer system and change his grade?
    I never understood trying to change your grades through that method, usually there is a separate record somewhere, and you would think someone would notice at some point. Yes, failing a test is bad, but getting caught altering it is much worse.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      He was probably inspired by today's CEOs and politicians who have no skills beyond lying, cheating and destroying things. Pro-tip: even these things require some level of skill...

  • Attempted hacking or arson (or damaging one computer with fire)?
  • I see dumb people.
  • "Georgia Public Schools...somebody's gotta build the cars!"

  • Warning: lp0 on fire.
  • No job offers? I,m disappointed.
  • by Barlo_Mung_42 ( 411228 ) on Sunday May 03, 2015 @01:06PM (#49606077) Homepage

    The password is pencil.

  • Shame on you guys (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Sunday May 03, 2015 @03:29PM (#49606845)

    154 posts and no reference to Milton...

    Milton Waddams: [muttering] I could set the building on fire.

"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid" -- the artificial person, from _Aliens_
