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Google, Apple, and Others Remove Content Related To the Confederate Flag 818

davek writes with news that Google is removing results related to the Confederate Flag from Google Shopping, the company's online marketplace. They're also blocking advertisements involving the flag. They say, "We have determined that the Confederate flag violates our Ads policies, which don't allow content that's generally perceived as expressing hate toward a particular group." At the same time, Apple is removing from the App Store any games or other software featuring the Confederate Flag. This, of course, follows the recent shooting in South Carolina, which triggered a nationwide debate over whether the flag should be flown at government buildings (or anywhere). Major online merchant websites like eBay and Amazon have already taken the step of banning merchandise relating to the flag.
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Google, Apple, and Others Remove Content Related To the Confederate Flag

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  • by davek ( 18465 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:01PM (#49987323) Homepage Journal

    Search google for "confederate flag" and click the "shopping" tab. []

    Now replace "confederate" with just about any other potentially offensive term (nazi, communist, rhodesia) and you get plenty of results.

    (NOTE: I don't support flying the flag. It's a rebel flag and I don't like it. But banning it from the marketplace? That seems rather self-defeating)

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:06PM (#49987383)

      You know, from a British perspective, the US flag is a rebel flag as well. Just sayin.

    • To put in madly, June 2015 is when U.S. Conservative Chechens have come home to roost from a hand hugely overplayed. ACA subsidies have not only been held as valid regalutory measures, but required by the legislation. And now the confederate flag. The error in the logic is that most state houses do not fly other enemy flags. The only enemy flag some fly is the confederate flag. And instead of just keeping it on the down low, they made sure it was always in the face of everyone as a symbol of how whites are
  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:05PM (#49987365) Homepage
    Look, the Confederate flag means slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason against the USA. It has no business being flown by any US government authority.

    But that is not sufficient reason to stop selling it to civilians. This is a country founded on the idea of Free Speech.

    We believe that the best way to fight evil is to let evil speak so we can hear who is evil. Much better than outlawing their vile ideas and having to guess who secretly harbors them.

    In other words, I want to be able to see what shmucks wear/use the flag so I know whom to avoid.

    • by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:14PM (#49987481) Homepage

      Look, the Confederate flag means slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason against the USA. It has no business being flown by any US government authority. But that is not sufficient reason to stop selling it to civilians. This is a country founded on the idea of Free Speech.

      Exactly this. A government agency (state, local, or federal) has no business flying a Confederate flag any more than they can fly the US flag upside down while lit on fire. Citizens, however, have free speech and can use that to express themselves in almost any way they want so long as that way doesn't hurt someone else. If you want to paint a big Confederate flag on your truck while wearing a Confederate flag jacket and a "The South Shall Rise Again" pin (with Confederate Flag), go ahead. Of course, the rest of us have our rights to form opinions of you based on your Confederate flag obsession.

      All in all, I think the flag issue is a side track. Yes, it's partially related to the church shooting, but it's not the whole problem. You could ban and burn every single last Confederate flag in existence and it wouldn't solve the problem. So by all means take it off of government buildings, but then let the issue rest and move on to more important issues related to what happened.

    • by Bogtha ( 906264 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:18PM (#49987531)

      This is a country founded on the idea of Free Speech.

      Your country was founded on the principle that the government should not stop anybody from speaking. It wasn't founded on the principle that corporations must be compelled to distribute other people's material regardless of content. Apple are not obligated to publish this material.

      Much better than outlawing their vile ideas

      Nobody is outlawing anything. This is an example of a business choosing not to publish something.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by E++99 ( 880734 )

      It doesn't mean slavery or hatred or bigotry or treason. The national flag of the Confederate States does means secession and slavery, but that's not the flag we're talking about. (That flag is currently the state flag of Georgia, the only difference being the state seal added inside the circle of stars, so you should take up those issues with the state of Georgia.) The flag we're talking about was created to boost morale of the soldiers, and was only for use in battle. It was created first for the Northe

    • by Nkwe ( 604125 )
      People are still able to sell or purchase a Confederate flag. It is not illegal and I have not heard any reports of the federal or state governments suggesting that is should be illegal. What we are hearing is that major retail (and online) outlets are opting not to sell it. Opting not to sell something is a similar level of "right" as is opting to sell something (that is legal to sell).

      You could argue that with the consolidation of sellers (Walmart, Amazon, etc.) there are fewer purchasing choices and tha
    • by backwardsposter ( 2034404 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @02:14PM (#49988325)

      Wow, saying the confederate flag means slavery, hatred, bigotry and treason and it gets a +5 Insightful? The second part may be insightful but somehow this isn't marked flamebait.

      Some people say the flag means that, some people say it means states rights, who knows. But do people actually believe someone who flies the flag is saying bring back slavery or a succession from the Union? Maybe they just want to stand for a weaker Federal government, something many people support today.

      Maybe the reason they fly the flag is to respect their ancestors who fought and died for what they believe in. Would you ask someone to take down the original U.S. flag that so heavily fought for their rights and owned slaves?

      My point is, people are afraid of a flag that is being flown for many reasons. But the fact remains, that those spreading all of this fear of the flag are just as guilty of perpetrating hatred as those they accuse of flying the flag...and in most cases more so.

      I think I'll buy a confederate flag, just to support the right to own a confederate flag. Does that make me a racist? Will America ever stop generalizing everything with labels just to make complicated issues easier? Stay tuned...

      Note: Captcha was encroach

  • by Seng ( 697556 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:05PM (#49987369)

    Amazon, WalMart et al, are still selling that sh!t on their sites.

  • Bandwagon (Score:5, Insightful)

    by danomatika ( 1977210 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:08PM (#49987409)

    Great to see everyone jumping on the bandwagon. Focusing on the flag once again ignores the real problems since it's easier to find a "magic pill" to fix everything. This is like Obama's first election where, once the flag is down, everyone will declare an "end to racism" and happily ignore the real work involved with tackling endemic bias.

    • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:58PM (#49988093)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • The outrage over the flag wasn't that the flag itself exists. It was that a State of the United States of America had it flying over or in front of their capitol building, and worse still than that, was doing it as a "Fuck you" to the rest of the country for "imposing" civil rights on it.

        THAT outrage should have been over 15 years ago, when the flag was moved from over the capitol building (where it was certainly inappropriate as a symbol of a defeated rebellion) to a war memorial honoring the dead of that

  • by bmo ( 77928 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:11PM (#49987443)

    The removal of Confederate Battle Flag items from the market and such is a bad idea.

    Walmart, K-Mart, Sears, etc., should all continue to sell "Redneck Pride" crap - promote it, even. Because such things are great visual cues as to who is a moron/dolt/idiot without having to actually talk to them.


  • Ban some more stuff! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:11PM (#49987449)

    Ban the free speech that offends. After all, if you're not offensive, what do you have to lose? And NSA cameras in our houses. Let's get that done. After all, if you're not a criminal, what do you have to lose? And what's that you're eating? I think you should eat healthier. Let's ban that. And then lets all go on about how great America is, unless someone finds that offensive, or terrorists can use it somehow, or it's fattening...

  • by lq_x_pl ( 822011 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:13PM (#49987471)
    I don't understand why there has suddenly been such a huge push to eradicate the rebel flag. It isn't like there has been a sudden groundswell in people who are opposed to racism or race-related violence...

    To dedicate so much time, energy and attention on this flag only brings more attention to it, and imparts it with some weird power in pop culture. If what the confederate flag allegedly stands for is so offensive (there's still plenty of heated debates on that topic burning up other parts of the internet), spend that energy combating the groups that push and perpetuate that ideology.

    The response to a negative influence in a culture shouldn't be to attack a symbol associated with the influence. Combat the influence.

    [nb: I do not own a confederate flag and question the motives of those that fly it]
  • by Mycroft-X ( 11435 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:14PM (#49987483)

    Ok, so "Confederate Flag" brings zero results but "Nazi Uniform" pulls up exactly that. And that's OK. I don't want retailers being the morality police and more than I want my ISP to block content it doesn't agree with.

    If I want a small Confederate Flag for a historical display, or a re-enactment, or other event these retails think I shouldn't be able to get it? That's crap.

    • That's the wonderful thing about the marketplace. You can use Bing, Yahoo, or whatever other search engine you like. You can buy from any of the thousands of stores which aren't ebay or Walmart.

      I like to eat chicken on Sunday. I don't get mad when Chick-fil-A is closed because they don't believe in working on Sundays, I get chicken elsewhere and move on with my life.

  • by Todd Palin ( 1402501 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:15PM (#49987503)

    Shall we remove all confederate items from museums? Shall we rewrite the history books so the civil war never happened? If we remove the confederate flag from everywhere, will that mean slavery never happened? The civil war happened. Slavery happened. Racism happened, and it is still happening. Removing some flags will not advance the goal of eliminating racism.

    Instead of quibbling about a flag that some people find offensive, why don't we work to fight actual racism. Lets stop looking the other way when whites are treated differently than other races. Fighting so hard over symbols while we are mostly ignoring the reality of racism in the US seems counterproductive.

    OK, I do see the point of removing the flag from statehouses, but historical displays and museums...give me a break. And, yes this is happening, as crazy as this seems.

    • by Solandri ( 704621 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @03:58PM (#49989699)

      Instead of quibbling about a flag that some people find offensive, why don't we work to fight actual racism.

      That's what baffles me about the hubub over this. I can't believe how many people I know who firmly supported burning of the U.S. flag because "they have their right to freedom of expression," and "it's just a symbol, a piece of cloth, not the country itself" have suddenly flip flopped and now believe people shouldn't have the right to express their opinion with a flag, and that a flag is suddenly more than a mere piece of cloth and should now be the focal point of an issue.

      If you truly believe the flag (whether it be the U.S. or Confederate) is just a symbol, then what happens to the physical flag is meaningless. Displaying it or burning it is merely a form of expression. If you ban the Confederate flag without addressing the underlying problems which cause it to be offensive, that is literally the same thing as sticking your head in the sand - you're pretending the problem doesn't exist because you can't see it anymore.

  • by Ian.Waring ( 591380 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:17PM (#49987523) Homepage
    Ironic that about the only place left to buy a Confederate Flag is the Black Market
  • by waspleg ( 316038 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:41PM (#49987845) Journal

    is defined by protecting the right to say things you don't agree with.

    This is every bit as stupid as people going to jail in Germany for teaching their dog to give a Nazi salute. [] (they're even trying to re-educate the dog to shake instead ... who's the crazy fuck now?)

  • by Virtucon ( 127420 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @01:50PM (#49987973)

    A nutjob walks into a church and shoots 9 people. That means we get rid of the Confederate Flags? WTF, the flag didn't kill anybody, shit confederate war soldiers didn't kill those people in the church. It's non sequitur. Getting rid of them through outlets like this will mean, more people will buy them and fly them is all and oh by the way Amazon, Apple, Walmart et all please remove anything with the ANC colors or those of the Black Panthers and Rainbow flags while you're at it; they offend me.

  • You guys are screwed. Good luck recovering and creating a reasonable culture.

  • by Lawrence_Bird ( 67278 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @03:57PM (#49989671) Homepage

    are the far left - free speech, free expression, as long as it conforms to their speech and their expression

    So sick of the pussies that corp Amerika has become. Uncle like people would really stop shopping at Amazon because they fulfill orders for Confederate flag? Really?

    You don't want a Confederate flag then don't buy one. Pretty simple.

    And unlike a bricks and mortar where *gasp* your sensibilities might be offended by seeing one on display, you aren't going to get a flag in your search results unless you are actually searching for one.

  • by Jim Sadler ( 3430529 ) on Thursday June 25, 2015 @10:55PM (#49992309)
    Although I think a confederate flag other than the battle flag should be flown I suspect that taking down the stars and bars will cause quite a severe reaction in the south. That flag honors our southern war dead from all wars and not just the civil war. Southern soldiers are well known for ferocious dedication and bravery during really heavy combat. Many people will be severely hurt by states not flying the flag and it may well spark violence. The confederate flag has nothing to do with race at all. Black soldiers fought for the south as well as white soldiers.
  • by DRMShill ( 1157993 ) on Friday June 26, 2015 @04:16AM (#49993193)

    I have a riddle. How is breast cancer like racisim? Breast cancer has no easy solutions. To fix it we need lots of scientists and doctors and we need a society that values STEM fields creating those profressionals. Then we need to give these researchers a LOOOOOOOOTT!! of money. Hard right? Oh I know, let's all wear red bracelets to raise awareness! Yay now I don't have to actually do anything.

    How do we solve racism? I don't know but I'm sure taking down confederate jacks won't play much of a part in it.

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