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Earth Science

2014 Was Earth's Warmest Year On Record 385

An anonymous reader writes: A lengthy report compiled by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration using work from hundreds of scientists across 58 countries has found that 2014 was the hottest year on record. "The warmth was widespread across land areas. Europe experienced its warmest year on record, with more than 20 countries exceeding their previous records. Africa had above-average temperatures across most of the continent throughout 2014, Australia saw its third warmest year on record, Mexico had its warmest year on record, and Argentina and Uruguay each had their second warmest year on record. Eastern North America was the only major region to experience below-average annual temperatures." They've also published a page showing highlights of the major findings. Greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise, the global sea level reached a record high, and average sea surface temperatures reached a record high.
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2014 Was Earth's Warmest Year On Record

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  • Cue (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:23PM (#50131133)

    Cue rabid mud-slinging between fossil-fuel addicted Morlocks and nuclear-power fearing Eloi.

    I weep for the future.

  • The Gods (Score:5, Funny)

    by Mark4ST ( 249650 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:24PM (#50131145) Homepage
    How could our Gods allow such a thing? This doesn't mesh with my personal worldview, and therefore did not happen!
    • Re:The Gods (Score:5, Informative)

      by Camel Pilot ( 78781 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @03:08PM (#50131575) Homepage Journal

      I have actually heard this notion on Christian radio a decade ago... that is, God will always correct imbalances magically (as per God's promise to Noah) while He achieves His purpose on earth so there is no need to worry as we told to dominate all of the earth.

      Even more recently Rep John Shimkus (you guess the party affiliation) also echoed this very same sentiment and claimed that government shouldn't attempt to control green house gases because

      "I do believe in the Bible as the final word of God and I do believe that God said the Earth would not be destroyed by a flood"

      The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood. []

      Of course this just demonstrates POE's law once again.

      • by tsa ( 15680 )

        He's right you know. But what he doesn't seem to realize is that mankind will make the Earth uninhabitable for itself. Ironic, really, being the first species that causes its own extinction.

      • Re:The Gods (Score:5, Informative)

        by amiga3D ( 567632 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @04:59PM (#50132515)

        I doubt the Earth will be destroyed by global warming. It might cause great havoc and a massive die off but I suspect the planet will continue to orbit the sun for some time and that life will continue although it might not have it nearly as easy as it is now. As far as how the world ends in the bible, it will be burned up.

        "The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” 2 Peter 3:10

      • Re:The Gods (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Nethemas the Great ( 909900 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @05:51PM (#50132789)

        I'm pretty sure, the promise was that "God" would not create another global flood. Mortals can frack it up however they like without violating that promise. But hey, whatever maintains fossil fuel profits...

        Of all the religions, I don't think any other religion has come to be so manipulated by outside actors as has American Christianity. How very apt is the metaphor of sheep used to speak of its adherents.

    • It's all the doing of fire giants from Muspelheim. Unfortunately, even the gods cannot stop them alone.

      • Thats why The Gods require a hardy band of adventurers to stop the Fire Giants:

        10th level Elven Rogue
        9th level Dwarven Fighter
        7/7/7 Half Elven Ftr/Mu/Th
        10th level Druid
        8/8 Half Elven Cleric/Mu
        9th level Human Cleric
    • How do you know Cthulu isn't behind all this?
  • by Flavianoep ( 1404029 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:30PM (#50131197)
    If I recollect right, the figure that 2014 was the warmest year in record appeared in /. already. An if I recollect one more thing right, the winter in the East Coast of US was deemed exceptionally chilling. I think it's hard to convince human-related climate change sceptics within this situation.
    I have noticed that here in São Paulo the best time to talk about greenhouse effect is during the hottest days of the Summer, even though the rise in temperature downtown has more to do with deforestation and concrete than with greenhouse effect.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Coren22 ( 1625475 )

      Yeah, the East Coast had deep freezes this past winter. Alaska and CA and Russia though had exceptionally warm winters this year. It all balances out.

    • by dunkelfalke ( 91624 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:46PM (#50131357)

      There was no winter in Germany in 2014. Only a prolonged autumn. And this summer sets new heat records.

    • I think it's hard to convince human-related climate change sceptics within this situation.

      There's more total energy in the entire system, therefore there are more extremes of weather. Just because some fraction of the entire system was colder does not mean that everything, everywhere was colder, too, and anyone that claims that just because they had blizzards all winter where they live that there can't be 'global warming' is just plain not being very smart.

  • >> Eastern North America was the only major region to experience below-average annual temperatures.

    Yeah, world take THAT. We're number f***ing one! USA! USA! USA!

    • by jfengel ( 409917 )

      It really is quite amazing to me that the one place that has an ideological interest in not believing in climate change (and the economic push to ensure that nothing is done about it) is the one place that's actually getting colder. If I were the type to believe in such a thing, I'd feel like somebody was playing a cosmic joke on us.

      I don't think that the Republican party would really be taking all that different of a stance if the southern US were hitting heat records year after year... but it sure does ma

  • Eastern US (Score:5, Funny)

    by nycsubway ( 79012 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:39PM (#50131303) Homepage

    Personally, I'm disappointed in the weather. I like the heat, and I don't like cold and snow. But I live in New England. I've been hoping since I can't relocate my family to warmer climate, that the warm climate would come to me. But it's certainly taking its sweet time getting hot around here! The rest of the globe is getting warm while I'm still freezing in New England. I'm disappointed.

  • by WindBourne ( 631190 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @02:55PM (#50131449) Journal
    Both groups of ppl deserve to be blamed for this nightmare.

    If the west , esp America's far left, REALLY wanted to solve this, they could within 10 years:
    BTW, that is why I oppose the idea of putting taxes on JUST OUR CO2. America has one thing that we can really batter about, which is the fact that we are the largest importer in the world. As such, we should be taxing ALL CONSUMED GOODS (local and imported) based on the CO2 from the nations/states that the item and its sub-parts came from.

    1) we need ACCURATE numbers of what CO2 is going into and coming from what areas. The only way to do that, is from orbit with OCO2 and shortly, with OCO3. Already, China has been shown to emit a great deal more than is widely accepted. []

    2) we need a SANE normalization. Skip this garbage of per capita. Ppl do NOT create the bulk of the CO2. BUSINESSES do. In particular, utilities, iron works, even commercial vehicles, etc are the major polluters.

    So, instead, do emissions / $ GDP (REAL). THis has to be real GDP, and not PPP GDP. The later is a calculated value that allows them to basically cheat on their exports. By using REAL GDP, it means that if a nation drops their monetary value, then they also need to drop their emissions, or suffer higher taxes.

    3) now create a tax that starts at 5% of the product and increases by 10% a year.

    If you have a product in which all sub-parts are from a clean area, then you simply register it, and list the parts and country/state of origin. Then a % of the above tax is applied.

    So, assume that some is 100% from Sweden. It is one of the cleanest nations in the world. As such, it would likely get 0% of the tax. Even when the tax hits 100% of the product value, it would still get nothing.

    Assume that one of the parts comes from China, which is by far the WORST nation. As such, it would get 100% of the taxation, so, it would get 5% the first year, 15% the next, 25% the next and so on.

    However, assume that a good comes from a relatively clean place such as say Colorado (which is in the middle of states). We might get around 33% of the tax, but lets assume 50% of the tax. That means that the good would be taxed at 2.5% and then 7.5%, and 12.5%, and so.

    This approach will make each state responsible for cleaning up their own emissions. They might choose to go after cars, or they might choose to go after coal plants, etc.

    Point is, that this tax takes the feds out of the equation and allows LOCAL govs, along with other nation's gov to make choices to clean up.
    • I did not read any further than "ppl". You are a damning indictment of whatever education system failed you.

      • Yeah but if he/she didn't use abbreviations to shorten his post you would have probably responded with tl;dr :)

        • by ihtoit ( 3393327 )

          That depends on the content.... and you know what they say about assumptions?

          They are the mother of all fuck-ups.

  • ... that it is the warmest since 1850 or so. They don't actually know... these are estimates with a big margins of error. Global records of temperature going back that far are not that accurate.

    Keep in mind the whole thing is very political with one side hammering the other about the "pause" and the other side either trying to prove the pause doesn't exist, doesn't matter, or stopped pausing.

    Both sides have politicians, business interests, lobbying groups, and scientists. Yes... BOTH sides have scientists o

  • inside my Hummer with the windows rolled up and the AC on max. And if I can't hear you, there's can't be a problem.

    Hey, why does the dash say "engine overheating"?

  • Maybe not as much as it is now but I remember in 1970s there was discussion about greenhouse gases i.e. CO2 and Venus as an example. It was also when NASA flew Pioneer Venus (I was thinking we have been ignoring that planet). Of course there was no internet in form we know now where anyone can post whatever. Though we have datasets by NASA, NOAA, EPA (though most don't have the training to interpret these sets) we also have all kinds of sites that offer proof that climate change is/isn't (take your pick dep

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
