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Benchmark Battle, September 2015: Chrome Vs. Firefox Vs. Edge 137

An anonymous reader writes: The next browser battle is upon us. Edge has been out for more than a month, and its two biggest competitors have received significant updates: Chrome 45 and Firefox 40. This article puts all three through their paces, and each manages to win a few tests. Edge convincingly won the JetSteam and SunSpider JavaScript benchmarks, while also eking out a victory in Google's Octane test. Chrome was victorious in Mozilla's Kraken benchmark for JavaScript performance, while also edging out Firefox in HTML5Test and the Oort Online WebGL test. Firefox won the WebXPRT test that combines HTML5 and JavaScript performance, and also the Peacekeeper test for general browser performance. There's no clear dominant browser for performance, and none of the three are obvious laggards, either. Browser competition seems to be in a good place right now.
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Benchmark Battle, September 2015: Chrome Vs. Firefox Vs. Edge

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  • DOM's got to go (Score:5, Insightful)

    by slacka ( 713188 ) on Friday September 11, 2015 @03:07PM (#50505365)

    With FF and Chrome JavaScript performance has been good enough for most web apps for the past couple of years. Good to see IE has caught up, but JS performance is not been what's hold the web back. The issue is DOM performance. For example, my stock trading app eats up 100% of my CPU time and causes Firefox UI to get unresponsive when tracking more than 30 stocks. Their native IOS app barely uses any CPU time and runs better on my phone than the web app on my desktop. It's time we ditch DOM's document based model for something application centrist.

    • Re:DOM's got to go (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Trepidity ( 597 ) <> on Friday September 11, 2015 @03:19PM (#50505467)

      Some of that is interaction with the graphics stack, which varies by OS and can be exacerbated by how the browser handles the DOM. Updates to the DOM that don't cause repaints or other visible changes are much less problematic for performance than those that do.

      • by jopsen ( 885607 )
        Some of it also web devs who builds up CSS rules and DOM such that some small changes causes a complete CSS reflow and other fun things :)

        Like I wrote to GP, DOM is a tool, not the right tool for everything (clearly DOM isn't good for manipulating pixel art).
    • Choose the right tool for the job.

      If you want normal UI DOM enables fast development, and isolates things nicely (compared to coding against a frame buffer).
      But for rendering some things raw framebuffers (canvas) is and always will be the right tool...
      Could also be you're using setTimeout instead of requestAnimationFrame...

      But yes you're right, the DOM is slow... but you're not forced to use it when making pixel art...
      he he, I think I once saw a js library to draw with 1x1px divs :)
    • maybe if the app was 100% WEBGL and not dom, it would be faster, its easy to render 50000 cubes, css cant do that.

      Maybe DOM should be done in the gpu and browser render always in gpu mode.

      or render your graphs server side with pixel level checking like old school VGA mode DOS apps.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Several of these benchmarks are outdated to the point of barely meaning anything anymore, chiefly Kraken and Sunspider. But even they have value compared to HTML5Test, which artificially skews data in favor of Google-specific technology, and breaks the scores down in mysterious ways to make Chrome's lead look much larger than it really is. At least go to and tally up the support there instead. Its tests are far more accurate, cover FAR more features, and aren't artificially biased.

  • Performance is roughly the same. Chrome renders HTML5 more correctly than others.

    Tests were performed only on a Windows system. Still a very valid test as that what most people use.

    • Tests were performed only on a Windows system. Still a very valid test as that what most people use.

      Yes, let's pretend Android and iOS still don't make up a significant percentage of the devices people use to browse the web.

      • by Trepidity ( 597 )

        Mobile benchmarks would be interesting, but at the moment very few people are actively choosing a mobile browser anyway. Almost everyone ends up using the platform default (e.g. Safari on iOS).

    • by RingDev ( 879105 )

      Tests are great, but in real world usage Edge has been absolutely a shit fest for Facebook usage on my PC and tablet.

      Scrolling locks up, typing often hits .5 to 3 second lag spikes. Occasionally, if I type too fast while it's lagging, I get a audible beep and any characters that were lagging are dropped and I have to re-type what I was writing.

      Outside of Facebook, it seems fine. But I've reverted to Chrome for social media.

      On my media PC it works fine. I don't get the disappearing cursor issue when binge wa

      • by Shados ( 741919 )

        my biggest gripe about Edge is the font rendering. Unless you have a 4k display and upscale to 125% (minimum), it looks like Linux's fonts in 1999.

        I'm not that sensitive to these things, but in a browser where i spend most of the time looking at text, something that bad is too much. I don't even mind ClearType vs MacOSX/FreeType. But the grayscale thingy they use in Edge is just useless unless you have god-level DPI.

  • I will give up 1% winning speed, or 50% actually, for a browser whose various scripting engines don't grind things to a halt as some web site overwhelms their calculations, no doubt abusing this to grind defenses to a halt, or exploit race conditions.

    Google, with the "best" programmers, this means Chrome! Some damned 3D ad or video ad or something, freaking stop it from "use every CPU cycle you can!" to eke out that winning percent. Maybe they overuse RAM, too? You figure it out if you are so good.

  • by Lennie ( 16154 ) on Friday September 11, 2015 @03:19PM (#50505463)

    Fastest will probably be 'Servo', which is the new browser engine by Mozilla.

    It's a parallel browser engine, it can render multiple parts at the same time: []

    It's also written in Rust a language probably less prone to security issues than C++ (which all the other engines are written in).

    A general article about Servo: []

    • by jopsen ( 885607 )

      Fastest will probably be 'Servo', which is the new browser engine by Mozilla.

      The future is indeed interesting... :)

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      Meh, they still haven't finished the Electrolysis [] project for multiprocess Firefox and they've been working on that since 2009, if it's in pre-alpha now it'll take a decade before it's usable.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Servo is still a year away, and Blink/Chrome has had parallel rendering for a long time now. Chrome threads everything. Network, layout elements, compositing, JS, even GPU offloaded tasks.

      In other words, Mozilla are just catching up.

      Firefox does okay in benchmarks, but it feels slow compared to Chrome and even to some extent Edge. The problem is this lack of threading. The page may render about as fast as Chrome but the UI is frozen while it does. It's particularly noticeable when you use the back button an

  • Benchmarks are an uninteresting aspect.

    The real question, the question that will make or break the browser, is: does it give the people what they want?

    Does it have video chat builtin?
    Do the tabs have artistically sculpted curves?
    Does the color scheme use soft, pleasing low-contrast colors?
    Does it have flat chicklet controls or old-fashioned 3-d buttons?
    Does have an integrated mail reader?

    These are the things the public wants, these are what it takes to make a modern browser. People want user-friendly, somet

    • I think the question is, which one allows you to install blockers and which one isn't spying and reporting everything you do back to the mothership?
  • Is it just me or does PM seem a lot faster than Firefox. I tried it out for the interface but it seems faster too.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Just you, and the few people who also want to believe it's true.

      I compared fresh installs on a bunch of systems, and Firefox was faster in all but a couple of cases. But in even those cases, comparing the nightly builds with the multi-process support to Pale Moon revealed Pale Moon to be much less responsive.

      It's all down to two things: do you NEED the crappy old Firefox UI? If so, and you're loading up the stock Firefox with addons to get that effect, then Pale Moon might seem faster to you for now.

      The oth

  • by T.E.D. ( 34228 ) on Friday September 11, 2015 @03:45PM (#50505669)

    Why on earth would I care at all about "performance" in my web browser. Unless its 10x slower, seriously who cares?

    What I care about are:

    • support. Does it properly display the websites I visit?
    • Freedom. Is it "owned" by users like me, or by some big company who cares more about their needs than mine?

    Obviously you can't get perfect in either, but I'll err on the side of coming closest to these marks.

    • Because you have complex applications that run in a browser that you would like to use. HTML5/JavaScript Games come to mind. Chrome runs Bastion. Desktop Apps inside a browser make it possible to be indifferent about your operating system. We finally get the 'write once, run everywhere' that programmers have been promised for decades. That's only possible if it not only works, but is fast enough to replace native apps.
      • by T.E.D. ( 34228 )

        Because you have complex applications that run in a browser that you would like to use.

        Nope. Any other reasons?

        About the most complex application I ever use in a browser is an MMO character builder. I haven't ever felt the need to speed those up, and I suspect they wait for my next selection at the exact same speed no matter which web browser I use. Again, my main considerations here are (1) Does it actually work right in my browser? and (2) If it tries to subvert my browser, do I have the tools to stop it?. These both boil down to support and freedom.

        Probably the next most complex things

    • So you care about compatibility and ownership only?

      I would've said number 1 concern is security (and number 2 as well).

      Also extensibility, resource usage, ...

      • by T.E.D. ( 34228 )

        And which browser is likely to be the most "secure"? Hint: it won't be the one that's totally in thrall to ABC Megacorp. Even if theirs is pretty secure, how do you know that? Take their word for it? Nobody is allowed to look at the sources. You're completely at their mercy.

        Extensibility, and to a lesser extent resource usage also work that way. If users are free to add in things they want themselves, then by definition it will be extensible. If there's some kind of outlandish resource issue, and users ca

        • And which browser is likely to be the most "secure"? Hint: it won't be the one that's totally in thrall to ABC Megacorp. Even if theirs is pretty secure, how do you know that? Take their word for it? Nobody is allowed to look at the sources. You're completely at their mercy.

          It's not ideal, but to say you cannot deduce (to a high probability) from other methods is just silly. Also for any moderate complexity program, having the source doesn't give you all seeing ability to spot bugs, only obvious ones.

          Extensibility, and to a lesser extent resource usage also work that way. If users are free to add in things they want themselves, then by definition it will be extensible. If there's some kind of outlandish resource issue, and users can fix it, they will. That's the cool thing about "ownership", it helps cover all the little nitty things that might hit my radar as an issue if they got out of hand. So if I worry about ownership when I first select my go-to browser, I don't have to constantly worry about all the other crap.

          Another "great in theory" point.
          Just because you have the source doesn't mean you can fix the problem. If I architect the browser in such a way that a complete rewrite is needed to stop it being a resource hog, how are you at an advantage by having my program. I would value a prog

    • Why on earth would I care at all about "performance" in my web browser.

      Because your browser is becoming the new operating system. If you think JS performance doesn't matter you should try reading your gmail on a pre-performance war browser version.

      Between Office, Google Apps, every bloody database frontend currently on the market, and even some stupid games I care more about Javascript performance now than I ever have in the past.

  • Edge doesn't let me, or a script, print just one frame or iframe content or selection content. Making it useless by breaking functionality that's existed for decades. I'm sure it's got many other missing things for no reason.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by amicusNYCL ( 1538833 )

      Edge doesn't let me, or a script, print just one frame or iframe content or selection content. Making it useless

      Right, because my #1 use case for the internet is to print web pages so a browser that can't do that is 100% useless. I'm glad I finally ran into the other person who uses the internet the same way I do.

      I had to write this comment twice. I forgot that printing your post and writing my reply underneath it doesn't actually post anything.

      • I program ticketing solutions for a living. Ever printed a ticket to anything?

        • So would you say that Edge is useless as a web browser, or that it doesn't work very well for your specific use case? Because those are 2 completely different things, and it sounds like you're trying to claim that it is useless as a web browser. Obviously it's not. What's more, Microsoft is aware [] of the bug you've found and has promised a fix.

          Yeah, a bug. Not "things missing for no reason", like they made a design decision to remove that, but a bug. Keep in mind also that Edge is not the new IE, it is

          • It's "removing" a feature not because it's IE, but because this is a feature that's been in every browser for ages. If you build an e-mail client today, and it doesn't support flagging messages, then you've removed a feature.

            It's useless because if it's missing one vital feature, then it's missing many more. And since it's not my job to seek out bugs in other people's products, and it's not my job to solve them, then I have no interest in telling them. I work for my clients, and when this kind of thing h

            • Your definition of "doesn't work" is highly skewed. When someone sends you an email and says that the large system you've implemented "doesn't work", what's your response? I know what my response is to that non-bug-report. I ask them exactly what they're trying to do and what happens, because I know that the system as a whole works and they've just found a bug in some part of it. But, here you are, claiming that Edge "doesn't work". You're not filing bug reports to make sure the problem gets fixed on t

              • Again, it's not my job to fix their product. They aren't paying me.

                You are correct that my clients enjoy the "doesn't work" report. There's a reason that they all do it. It "doesn't work" for their business. It's not only true of bugs. It's also true of things being the wrong colour, or a missing feature. If it doesn't work for their business, then it simply doesn't work.

                Asking them for more details isn't a part of their report. It's a part of your/my solution. In my world, if a client says it doesn

                • Again, it's not my job to fix their product. They aren't paying me.

                  Filing a bug report and adding your voice to the list of people wanting it fixed is in no way, shape, or form you fixing their product. They have programmers to fix the thing themselves. The only thing the bug report accomplishes is helping to make sure that the problem gets fixed quicker, if that's of any concern to you.

                  I'm not interested in making sure that microsoft fixes it. I don't benefit from that fix.

                  You don't benefit from your product working the way it was designed in the default browser of Windows 10? Well, OK.

                  My point was that you can't benchmark a partial browser against a complete browser.

                  You sure as hell can when the benchmarks measure things like Javascript

                  • There's a difference between mouse gestures, which are a rare feature, relatively new, and are a user-selected, per-user feature, and printing, which is a cross-user, fundamentally long-standing feature, scripted away from the user. The former is how it's used, the latter is what it does.

                    You say they "have programmers to fix the thing themselves". Well, they also have testers to find the problems themselves and analysts to prioritize the problem themselves. You can pray if you want to; I don't.

                    And no, th

                    • There's a difference between mouse gestures, which are a rare feature, relatively new

                      When Opera released a version supporting mouse gestures, they were competing with IE 5. There are high school kids younger than mouse gestures.

                      The former is how it's used, the latter is what it does.

                      Way to completely miss the point.

                      Well, they also have testers to find the problems themselves and analysts to prioritize the problem themselves.

                      That's correct. And guess why they didn't find this particular bug before release, or why they decided to release it anyway before fixing the bug (hint: it's the same reason!). Go ahead, guess.

        • by Shados ( 741919 )

          Do what everyone else in the industry does and open another page with the printer friendly version.

          It makes everyone's life easier, even Chrome and Firefox users.

  • Any user's decision for a browser is pretty much made already. There's no "browser war" to be had. That's a good thing: in the past it was like that because IE had terrible rendering issues, bad usability and common security issues. These days the overall browser landscape is less black and white, and for web developers it matters less which client the user is running.

    Basically I see the choice of browser like this:

    • If you're clueless about IT, uninfluenced by peers and just need to run something, you most l
  • there is no winner in the benchmark test, so firefox is the clear winner.
    it's open source and it is not being pushed by a for-profit company.

  • I care far more about browser stability than browser speed.

Would you people stop playing these stupid games?!?!?!!!!
