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Firefox Input Devices Mozilla Open Source Hardware

Mozilla Document Shows Firefox OS Tablet, TV Stick, Router, Keyboard Computer 78

An anonymous reader writes: Earlier this month, Mozilla announced that Firefox OS smartphones would no longer be sold via carriers. Because the company refused to talk about what's next for Firefox OS, aside from saying it will experiment with "connected devices," many were left simply to speculate as to what could be in the pipeline. Today, we have a leaked document, which Mozilla confirmed is legitimate. My favorite of the concepts is a Raspberry Pi-based keyboard.
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Mozilla Document Shows Firefox OS Tablet, TV Stick, Router, Keyboard Computer

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  • Keyboard computer (Score:4, Interesting)

    by U2xhc2hkb3QgU3Vja3M ( 4212163 ) on Thursday December 24, 2015 @01:07PM (#51179039)

    It's all reverting back to what we had decades ago with the Commodore 64, Color Computer 2, Atari ST, Amiga 500, etc.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Why is Mozilla branching out to these markets? They don't seem to jive with the company's primary products and since they don't really sell anything, that's a big deal.

    • And which products do you think are Mozilla's core? Their browser which has a steeply declining market share? If they don't branch out to something else, they're going to close up.

      • by neminem ( 561346 )

        How about making their core product suck less instead of more, so it stops declining in market share? (I say this as someone who is still using FF as my primary browser, as I personally think it sucks the least of the available options... but for the past couple years, every version closes that gap just a little bit more...)

      • Re:Not Understanding (Score:4, Interesting)

        by MatthiasF ( 1853064 ) on Thursday December 24, 2015 @01:36PM (#51179115)
        Hasn't really declined much for desktop market share, it's the inclusion of mobile stats that make it seem like it is declining quickly.

        And that's mostly because most Android users just use the default Chrome installed and do not know any better or just don't care.

        You will notice Safari usage increasing as well during the increase of mobile usage.
        • I'm sorry, but I installed Firefox on my phone just to have browser options and support Open Source, but it sucked so bad, I knew I would never use it, and was afraid its extreme suction would implode my phone. Thus I uninstalled it.

          Mozilla has lost its way.

      • Mozilla's core is made up of whatever products have the most users. Traditionally, that has been Firefox and Thunderbird, with Bugzilla a distant third.

        Bugzilla is ancient history now.

        Mozilla has basically tossed Thunderbird into the trash.

        So all they really have left is Firefox. Yes, Firefox's share of the market is dropping, but it's because of what Mozilla has done to it, and to its users, for several years now.

        They've made one fucking dumb change to Firefox after another, again and again.

        The dwindling n

        • They've made one fucking dumb change to Firefox after another, again and again. The dwindling number of remaining Firefox users scream out in pain, yelling, "NO! DON'T DO THAT! WE DON'T WANT THAT!", yet Mozilla goes ahead and does it anyway.

          So true, sigh.

          Borrowing a line from Blackadder, I've been longing to send the following telegram:

          Dear Asa Dotzler STOP.
          Please please please please STOP.

    • They're doing well so far. Using Ubuntu Math, FirefoxOS already has over a billion users. This lags behind the 6.5 billion Firefox users, but it's a good start.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    More shit no one wants...

    • I think a lot of people would like to get one of those Raspberry Pi keyboard computer.

      I'm not saying they'd stay with Mozilla OS though, but the hardware would certainly sell.

    • by sims 2 ( 994794 )


      Wish AC was incorrect.... But seriously who is steering this company now? Capt. Peter âoeWrong Wayâ Peachfuzz?

  • by Frosty Piss ( 770223 ) * on Thursday December 24, 2015 @01:45PM (#51179155)

    I've always wanted a lightweight browser with fast JS and page rendering, good memory management, and a well audited code base. Maybe Mozilla can work on something like this?

    • Here [] you go. Oh, you wanted to be able to use a modern internet? Well try this [] then.

      Modern browsers are staggeringly complex beasts. Video, Audio, Applications, storage. You name it. Don't ask how well the bear dances, it's impressive that it dances at all.
    • These are the assholes who said that maintaining the only good GUI open source mail client was a distraction / waste of time.

      Now we find out they're working on half a dozen hardware projects? And an entire goddamn OS?

  • Mozilla needs to step up their game.

    The smartphone situation wasn't much of a success because they did it backwards in my opinion. I understand where they were coming from, and it was noble indeed (if you don't follow, they started selling "affordable" phones in developing countries). If they had gone the other way and shot for the moon and announced a superphone in North America, and did a good job of it, they would be in a better position today in my opinion.

    In my experience people want the best specs for

    • Performance wasn't an issue for me on their developer phone, the Flame. (dual core Cortex A7 with 1GB RAM)

      So I would imagine it would be quite swift with the specs you crave. Unfortunately it was only ever marketed to developing world markets to compete with 'burner' feature phones and with some really underpowered hardware.

      • What I am saying is the general population wants impressive specs so they can brag to their friends about how awesome their phone is. People like my older brother who will spend 3x more on a phone to have one marginally better than mine, even though they will /never/ utilize the device to the fullest.

        This is the market Samsung markets to with their S-line of phones. This strategy works because they shove their marketing babble down your throat at every possibility.

        If Mozilla was serious about breaking into

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      Mozilla needs to step up their game. The smartphone situation wasn't much of a success because they did it backwards in my opinion. I understand where they were coming from, and it was noble indeed (if you don't follow, they started selling "affordable" phones in developing countries). If they had gone the other way and shot for the moon and announced a superphone in North America, and did a good job of it, they would be in a better position today in my opinion.

      How many iterations of Android did that take Google? FirefoxOS 1.0 was competing against Android 4.2.2, after almost five years of user feedback and continuous improvements. Actually, they need to step down their game and stop believing they can wave the magic open source wand to compete with the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft. The only reason they beat Microsoft once is that IE6 was intentionally kept archaic and broken to stall the development of web apps. Firefox would have had a hard enough time j

  • A canceled [] HDMI stick named Matchstick [] (site currently offline) was successfully funded on Kickstarter [].
  • Seeing the conceptional models... given their coloring and font, it's pretty clear that Mozilla is aiming to be acquired by Tonka.

Computers don't actually think. You just think they think. (We think.)
