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SourceForge Eliminates DevShare Program ( 454

SourceForge has officially eliminated its DevShare program. The DevShare program delivered installer bundles as part of the download for participating projects. We want to restore our reputation as a trusted home for open source software, and this was a clear first step towards that. We are more interested in doing the right thing than making extra short-term profit. This is just the first step in a number of improvements we will outline in the coming weeks. SourceForge and Slashdot were acquired in late January by BIZX.
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SourceForge Eliminates DevShare Program

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  • Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

    by JazzXP ( 770338 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:10PM (#51475617) Homepage
    The majority of the good open source apps have moved to GitHub over this, and user trust in the site is dead. I know myself and a number of people I know don't go there anymore, hell, uBlock even blocks it by default.
    • Re:Too late (Score:5, Informative)

      by whipslash ( 4433507 ) Works for Slashdot on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:13PM (#51475639) Journal
      Yeah and we are focused on fixing all the issues that have caused projects to move.
      • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

        by EmeraldBot ( 3513925 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:20PM (#51475707)

        Yeah and we are focused on fixing all the issues that have caused projects to move.

        And that's the good part, the alternative is that it just permanently stays the way it was. If Whiplash (and friends) are willing to work to make it better, I'm willing to keep an open mind about it, and you should too.

        • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

          by whipslash ( 4433507 ) Works for Slashdot on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:22PM (#51475717) Journal
          Appreciate your reasonable tone
          • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

            by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:31PM (#51475777) Journal

            At least you folks are answering questions. I'll take a wait and see, buff SourceForge was once great, and it would be nice to see regain at least some ground.

        • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

          by H_Fisher ( 808597 ) <> on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:31PM (#51475781)

          Well said.

          On a related note, I've noticed that, for the most part, the quality and amount of interesting news has gone up since the new regime took over. Keep it up, Whipslash et al. So far, so good.

          • Thanks my friend
      • Indeed. You might not get everyone back, but leaving things unchanged would certainly guarantee that you'd get no one back.
      • Re:Too late (Score:5, Interesting)

        by macklin01 ( 760841 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:47PM (#51475925) Homepage

        For what it's worth, we're keeping our NCI-funded cancer/biology projects there for the time being. (We just posted our 3-D diffusion code there in December, and we're about to post 3-D agent-based models and parameter estimation code.) SourceForge was a good and user-friendly home to me when I just got started in open source, so I'm happy to keep trying it now and see where it goes.

        We may have some feature requests down the road (some of which may already be there, but hidden behind UI design) ...

        Thanks for all your work. -- Paul

        • Great to hear. Very much appreciate the support.
        • Re:Too late (Score:5, Informative)

          by NotInHere ( 3654617 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @10:24PM (#51476167)

          A bit unrelated: I was just browsing your website (the one in your signature), and was noting that I couldn't watch the embedded youtube video (talking about this video []). They are included as html object element and require flash to be played (which I don't have). Its better to support HTML5 as well by using a more modern embedding code via iframes. It will still offer a fallback for users who can't play back html5 videos, e.g. on outdated browsers. You can get the embed code by clicking "share" and then "embed".

          • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

            by BronsCon ( 927697 ) <> on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @11:14PM (#51476371) Journal
            This is the helpful home that I remember Slashdot being when I first started lurking in the late 90's, long before I created this account. Thank you for being part of the solution.
          • by macklin01 ( 760841 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @11:47PM (#51476491) Homepage

            A bit unrelated: I was just browsing your website (the one in your signature), and was noting that I couldn't watch the embedded youtube video (talking about this video). They are included as html object element and require flash to be played (which I don't have). Its better to support HTML5 as well by using a more modern embedding code via iframes. It will still offer a fallback for users who can't play back html5 videos, e.g. on outdated browsers. You can get the embed code by clicking "share" and then "embed".

            Ah, thanks for the reminder! I worked on embedding those videos back in the HTML4 strict days. (And before YouTube, we had XVID-encoded AVI files, with a support page on how to play the videos. :-/ Embedded video has come a long, long way!)

            I completely agree--they should be embedded as real HTML5, particularly as browser support is much more widespread now. And the "share / embed" code works very well for that now. I'll try to get back to it over the weekend.

            Thanks for dropping by and giving the work a look! I plan to submit a method paper on PhysiCell (the 3-D agent-based model in the video you linked) and open source it soon. I should have some much cooler videos available for you then. ;-)

            Very best -- Paul

      • Re:Too late (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Baricom ( 763970 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:54PM (#51475971)

        Are the people who were previously infected still generating recurring revenue?

        If so, what are you going to do with that money?

      • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

        by ShaunC ( 203807 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:58PM (#51475993)

        I, for one, welcome^W am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Whatever motives BIZX has, you at least seem to be accepting and acting upon feedback. I find GitHub's politicizing to be rather irksome, so it would be nice to see SF rise from its ashes and provide another alternative.

        • Thanks
        • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

          by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Wednesday February 10, 2016 @05:50AM (#51477549) Homepage Journal

          Don't mistake all the noise about Github's policies for a mass of users just waiting to migrate though. Look at Reddit, you would think the internet nearly imploded to read about it, but actually the great saviour Voat is still a distance second place and now full of people the average Reddit user wants to avoid anyway.

          Better to focus on features and utility. Sourceforge used to provide a nice way for open source projects to offer binary downloads. Github allows it, but you have to set stuff up manually, update links etc. With Sourceforge you just released and it pointed users in the right direction.

          I think there is a gap in the market for a more user-focused hosting web site. Github has bug tracking and wikis, but they could both be improved on. User contributed documentation is something that could be great if implemented right. Often it kinda builds itself around forum stickies, but I'm sure it could be done better if formalized.

    • Re:Too late (Score:5, Informative)

      by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:19PM (#51475691) Journal

      The majority of the good open source apps have moved to GitHub over this

      At the rate Github is going, it won't be around much longer either.

      • Re:Too late (Score:5, Insightful)

        by r.freeman ( 2944629 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:33PM (#51475803)
        Indeed, fuck github's SJW and censorship - but - no problem it's git. Just push to 3 other servers and run own one.

        PGP sign git commits, or at least the tags with published binaries and all security issues are fixed too.
        • I think most people just ignore any SJW/whatever/controversy issues,
          but it's things like this []. You can see that Github is becoming an unpleasant place to work, and focusing on hiring salespeople instead of programmers, and at that rate the good programmers will leave, and the bug tracker will start filling up, and the product will get worse and worse. That's the way things go.
          • Don't forget (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Runaway1956 ( 1322357 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @10:12PM (#51476087) Homepage Journal

            The goal is to hire non-white sales people. Github's boss has declared that she can't even interview white people. Worse, she has declared that white WOMEN are the enemy. Racists are racists, no matter which race they are denigrating.

          • Re:Too late (Score:4, Insightful)

            by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Wednesday February 10, 2016 @04:34AM (#51477299) Journal

            I think most people just ignore any SJW/whatever/controversy issues, but it's things like this. You can see that Github is becoming an unpleasant place to work, and focusing on hiring salespeople instead of programmers

            And this is why I think anyone who uses the phrase "SJW" without irony is a complete and utter idiot. Seriously? Growing companies hiring a sales team is now an SJW issue? You have described every medium to large sized business ever.

            The argument goes like this:

            SJWs are resonsible for traffic calming/sales teams/dystopia in scifi/buffer overflows in C/being worse than the Nazis[*] and are the ultimate evil becuase they're responsible for everything wrong. You/him/$COMPANY is SJW so they are EVIILLL!!!

            You of course have to provide no rational argumet or reasoning, you just compare them to the biggest evil and hope to shut down the conversation.

            A clue for you: companies need sales teams.

            I mean you could have focused on a real problem like the blatantly racist and sexist "diversity" team. But no, instead you go off on paedoterrorsbogeymen (i.e. SJW) and sales teams for some reason.

            WTF, dude, WTF?

            [*] Those are all insane things I've seen SJWs blamed for on slashdot.

  • I think we're done here.

  • by Crashmarik ( 635988 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:16PM (#51475667)

    Never understood why it was killed. It was a great way to find out about new and interesting projects/ideas.

  • SourceForge has a long way to go to regain mind share, but this is a good start. I think the type of folks that are posting to Slashdot are the type of folks who might be willing to help support it again. Let's see what comes next.

  • Good job Sourceforge, keep up the good work.
  • by Pseudonymous Powers ( 4097097 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:23PM (#51475723)

    Nobody else has said so, so let me say: Thanks for trying to fix things, New Management. I appreciate efforts like these. Keep it up.

    The others are probably right about it being too late to make much difference, of course. Broken trust is a mother. And none of us are really sure how reputable the new bosses are, of course. But I feel it's important to recognize and encourage any steps in the right direction. So thanks again.

    • Thanks. I appreciate it
  • by localman57 ( 1340533 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @09:36PM (#51475839)
    No bullshit. I'll really send you money. I remember loving sourceforge. If you have a gofundme, or paypal account, or something like that, I'll send you $5 to help offset the lost revenue from that program you scrapped. There are people out there who will help support those who do the right thing, even if they're companies or for-profit corporations, or whatever.

    Give me my "Turn this ad off because you've got good Karma" option back, and there's another $10 in it for you.

    It's been 2 1/2 years since I've posted. I see the potential in this for something I loved to come back. So I'll post now.

    Who else will support these guys?
  • Reputation and Trust take years to build up, and it can all be destroyed in minutes by the wrong decisions. Back in the day, SF used to be the go-to place, but not anymore. I avoid it like the plague, like many, many others.

    Good luck trying to build it again, but remember what I posted about reputation and trust...

  • by Harlequin80 ( 1671040 ) on Tuesday February 09, 2016 @10:37PM (#51476221)

    Off topic I know but I wanted to say I appreciate the changes that have happened to slashdot as well. I look at the front page and there is only 1 story I would remove (The Anthropology sexual abuse one) and the rest are ones that I was actually interested to read about. I compare that to a fortnight ago and the difference is massive.

    So thank you Whiplash.

    And if you are interested these are the reasons why I would remove the Anthropology story
    * Click bait headline - There is no way a single incident would "Rock" an entire global sector or industry.
    * It isn't related to science, technology or anything that I would call Nerd worthy. You could change the word Anthropology for anything and the story doesn't change. It is a people story.
    * Read the comments. There isn't anything to really discuss. Either you think the guy was a fuckwit or you think someone over reacted. There is no grey zones to discuss. No expert that could come in and give me a nugget of information that I didn't know.
    * Sciencehabit is a posting bot. He / She / It isn't part of this community. I suspect there is a multi-poster somewhere with their credentials loaded into it and the only thing they are doing is trying to drive traffic to having posted the same stuff to every site they could.

    • Thanks for the feedback
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Just wanted to say that I appreciate the anthropology sexual harassment story. It's about an important issue in science and education, both things highly relevant to many nerds. There seem to be particular issues in the sciences and in education, which we do occasionally manage to have a discussion about before the anti-modding starts.

      If you look at the discussion as it is now, there are some good points being made about the nature of the issue and why it is hard to deal with. The only way these things impr

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
