Yahoo Closes Lab, Among Other Things (venturebeat.com) 141
mikejuk writes: In its recent earnings call, Yahoo revealed plans to cut its workforce by 15% -- around 1,600 employees by the end of the year. Yahoo Labs is another victim of the cuts as revealed in a Tumblr post by Yoelle Maarek who reports that both Yahoo's Chief Scientist, Ron Brachman, and VP of Research Ricardo Baeza-Yates, will be leaving the company and that going forward: "Our new approach is to integrate research teams directly into our product teams in order to produce innovation that will drive excellence in those product areas. We will also have an independent research team that will work autonomously or in partnership with product partners. The integrated and independent teams, as a whole, will be known as Yahoo Research." Maarek, formerly VP of Research now becomes leader of Yahoo Research. To anyone who has followed the story of research at Yahoo there will be a sense of deja vu. Back in 2012 Yahoo laid off many of its research team, many of whom found a new home with Microsoft. It was Marissa Meyer who in the following year recruited a substantial number of PhDs to Yahoo Labs which initiated some interesting projects.
Meyer clearly thought research would save Yahoo, but now it all seems a bit late and Yahoo can't save its research lab.
Meyer clearly thought research would save Yahoo, but now it all seems a bit late and Yahoo can't save its research lab.
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I thought it was just for the ramblings of 17 year old girls? Or is that LiveJournal?
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I thought it was just for the ramblings of 17 year old girls? Or is that LiveJournal?
Wow, and I was afraid I was out of touch. All those 17 year old girls on Tumblr are now in their twenties and thirties, but most have moved to Pinterest. LJ is pretty much all Russian bloggers.
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But Tumblr is only 9 years old -- they can't be 30 yet!
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But Tumblr is only 9 years old -- they can't be 30 yet!
Well, all the users weren't 17. I do have a friend that has a blog that caters to teenage girls and young women and she keeps track of what they use and how. It's been a while since I've had the current situation explained to me, but many of the users I see on tumbr are quite older than 17 these days and the young crowd tends to find their own methods that differ from the previous generation. I think things have all moved to mobile sharing apps for some time.
Re:Ya-who? (Score:5, Insightful)
Can anyone state a reason why Yahoo still exists? Do they do anything at all that isn't done better by someone else?
They should have gone bust back around 2003. They're certainly on the road to bankruptcy; it's just taking a painfully long time.
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What's funny is that they are still one of my primary content portals, I've used them for almost 20 years and old habits die hard.
Re:Ya-who? (Score:4, Insightful)
Two reasons. One, they have a $32bn equity stake in Alibaba, which is hugely successful.
And two, they still have a billion active users on their portal sites (Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Finance, etc), which is why they were trying to rebrand as a "media company".
At its nadir Apple looked ready to go bankrupt because it didn't do anything that wasn't done better by someone else. Yahoo has smart people and money to invest in new services and products. Yahoo could still pull off the business equivalent of a moon shot.
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They should have gone bust back around 2003. They're certainly on the road to bankruptcy; it's just taking a painfully long time.
Oy, I know. They're like the SCO of the not-suing-linux world.
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Well, beside Alibaba stock they handle email for a few paying customers, for example Rogers corporation outsources email handling to them.
Re:Ya-who? (Score:4, Informative)
Yeah, Yahoo! Finance is still the best free financial data provider. They still have better charts than Google, and they had those charts before Google even had a finance page.
Also, Yahoo Messenger is used by people who don't use facebook to stay in touch with people they added to their IM in the late 90s...
I'm still using ICQ for that, though.
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Their weather app for the iPhone is pretty nice. I don't like the layout for the iPad though.
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Yahoo has some pretty decent products like Finance, which are almost invisible. I'm sure lots of people type a ticker into a search engine, end up on Yahoo Finance, only vaguely aware that they're actually using Yahoo. I'm surprised Yahoo doesn't pay more attention to stuff like that, though perhaps with the way they've screwed up the things they do tinker around with, maybe it's best that they continue to ignore things like Yahoo Finance.
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Yet Another Hacked Online Overlay (Score:2)
Do they do anything at all that isn't done better by someone else?
Spread Malware and Scams using Trojan Ad's comes to mind. There's very few companies that do a better job and have the reach than Yahoo does when it comes to this.
The Shareholders are probably wishing they took the Ballmer deal when Microsoft offered them stupid amounts of money for Yahoo.
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Can anyone state a reason why Yahoo still exists? Do they do anything at all that isn't done better by someone else?
They should have gone bust back around 2003. They're certainly on the road to bankruptcy; it's just taking a painfully long time.
I like their email product. I have used other web services, but I like the KISS approach, and it works for me.
Isn't she supposed to be gone? (Score:2)
I thought there was a big call for Meyer's head on a plate a while back. Did that just disappear in to the woodwork? It does seem like a lot of the companies' failure can be traced directly back to faulty leadership.
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A couple of disgruntled investors have been calling for Mayer to be fired, but as far as I know, Yahoo's board of directors has no problem with her. Which I suppose shows just how screwed up Yahoo is.
Re:Isn't she supposed to be gone? (Score:4, Interesting)
Mayer hasn't quite shone with her performance, but do you think anyone else would have done any better?
Yahoo might well be beyond repair.
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Yahoo may be beyond repair, but someone else might have actually tried. Someone else might have made bold changes to Yahoo. Perhaps bought Netflix, who knows. Instead, she has made a bunch is tiny irrelevant acquisitions and upset the workers with changes to benefits. In no way has she justified the 10s of millions of dollars she has been paid.
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Silicon Valley lives in such an SJW bullshit dreamworld now that she would have to kill the Pope for anyone to criticize a female CEO.
She would have to get in line behind Donald Trump annd the Republicans who are upset that Pope Francis has a liberal bent that conflicts with their Old Testament view of religion with an angry God who strikes down sinners, gays, liberals and minorities on a regular basis.
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You've got some gamergate in your neckbeard, you might want to find a handkerchief there Bilbo.
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No, no... He's not making it up. Really. The Pope said something about Trump not being a good Christian because a good Christian tries to build bridges and not walls. Needless to say, this has made some folks unhappy and they are (now) very much in favor of keeping the religious leaders (or at least this particular one) out of politics. Then, to top it off, one of the persons given airing and a voice, one that voiced agreement with this principle, was none other than Jerry Falwell Junior.
Yes, yes I was (and
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No, it is made up.
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Most Christians in the US are protestant in which they do not revere the pope in the first place.
Conservative Catholics in the US are a minor but key voting bloc that the Republican Party can't afford to lose in the 2016 presidential election. Pope Francis is proving himself to be something of a maverick, dragging a 1,600-year-old church into the 21st century and recognizing that the world is a very different place since the Roman Empire legalized the church in the fourth century. If the pope becomes liberal, the voting patterns for many Catholics will also change.
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I don't think it matters as much as you think it does but Catholics already understand the differences between protestants and Catholics. It is nothing new and the Pope's spokes people have already came out and said the pope said something different then what was reported. Of course Trump backed down too.
I doubt that Catholic voters would be dissuaded by this. They certainly aren't dissuaded for the "I have a right to kill my unborn child" groups. Hell, Our vice president is one of those Catholics. And befo
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And before you or anyone else chimes in to say it is just a fetus or some other stupid shit to rationalize abortion, it is an unborn child in religious circles
When I was a member of a non-denominational church, we didn't focus on politics in general or abortion politics in particular. In fact, some people left the church because the leadership was unwilling to stop seeking and saving the lost to stand on street corners with pictures of aborted fetus and shout hate at young women. One member had a late-term abortion after a miscarriage threaten her life, and the husband, with four grown kids from a previous marriage and three younger kids in his current marriage,
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Most churches I have seen are in it for reasons other than Christianity. However, Abortion wouldn't be a political issue if it wasn't for political football on it. For fucks sake, we have abortion rights advocates criticizing a commercial on TV for humanizing a fetus when the sonogram image showed the kid chasing a corn chip.
As for my beliefs, abortion is between you and your god if any. It shouldn't be a form of birth control and it shouldn't be a form of Eugenics where it is used to weed out the less desi
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How many abortion clinics do you know of that do not have a significant minority population around it?
Considering that white people are now a minority in the state of California, almost none. ;)
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hmm.. There are only abortion clinics in California?
I guess you wouldn't know if all you know is California. But what does almost mean? Are you trying to say there are abortion clinics in areas without a significant minority population? If so, spit them out because it seems to me that they are mostly concerned with the poor and minorities having babies.
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If so, spit them out because it seems to me that they are mostly concerned with the poor and minorities having babies.
California is a minority-majority state, where white people make up less than 50% of the general population. In short, everyone is a minority here. If you live in Silicon Valley and make less than $200.000+ per year, you are also poor. Hence, all abortion clinics in California are surrounded by the poor and the minorities.
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lol.. And that is representative of the rest of the country.
It's like you are saying it doesn't matter that abortion clinics are positioned to cull the unwanted, most of a specific state is unwanted.
If you do not know of any outside the population densities I mentioned, then just admit it. You are not expected to know everything. I just do not understand your insistence on justifying the abortion clinic's locations though.
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And that is representative of the rest of the country.
It's one-tenth of the US population. The future is here. Resistance is futile
If you do not know of any outside the population densities I mentioned, then just admit it.
I'm not that familiar with abortion beyond being a political football in general. This is a very strange little Slashdot thread that got me on a subject that I normally shy away from. I sometimes keep a thread going to see how far I can take it. Sometimes out of trolling, sometimes out of curiosity.
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So you understand that is it not representative of the US as a whole then right? I mean 1/10th the US population compared to 49 other states splitting the other 9/10ths.
What resistance is supposed to be happening?
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What resistance is supposed to be happening?
TIME Magazine had a controversial cover in 1993 that showed a racially-blended woman with light brown skin color as being representative of Americans by the middle of the 21st century. Silicon Valley is a multicultural whirlpool of different languages, nationalities and religions, an experience that I'm living every day. My lily-white relatives in Idaho are horrified by this, can't understand why I accept being "minority" in a minority-majority state, or that the only other white people at my apartment comp
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You should become an author and write fiction novels. You definitely have the imagination for it.
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No, not if I'm reading it correctly. He's not making it up. They really *are* unhappy. The Republicans really are upset. There's no making that up - they're quite displeased. They went off on it for hours on Fox News Radio. Fox News Radio has lots of things other than news. It's got a bunch of talk-radio, call-in shows, and opinion pieces.
But no, the person's not making that up. Perhaps you misread what they wrote but the Republicans are, indeed, quite displeased with Mr. Pope. The veracity of the complaint
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I'm just curious. I like to know where stupidity is invented.
My comment is a reflection of this week's headlines and the political trends of the last 40 years. If you want to know where stupidity gets invented, go ask Donald Trump.
Re:Isn't she supposed to be gone? (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh wow, now SJW are responsible for the entirely broken CEO culture where apparently they can do no wrong how however badly they fuck up. I'm going to add that to my list of insane things people blame on SJW, for when I need to point out that anyone using "SJW" without irony (or quoting) is a raging idiot.
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Wait, what? Justice isn't obviously bad?
I do expect people to disagree over the meaning of justice. But this new fad of being anti-Justice, while simultaneously whining about being oppressed, it is really just mind-blowing.
I can't even read slashdot anymore without listening to Hampsterdance:
der de der der der de der der, der der derderder, der de der der de der der de der der der!
Re:Isn't she supposed to be gone? (Score:5, Insightful)
Social justice is not justice, thus why its called Social justice, rather than justice.
Same applies to politically correct versus correct.
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No, actually social justice means "social" + "justice." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
It doesn't move you off of disagreeing with meaning of justice. You're asserting that "social justice is not justice," without having defined justice, and the claim isn't the fact you state it as, but clearly an actual difference of definition of that one word. Which is what I said. You don't even seem to perceive that your argument supports my claim.
"Politically correct" is the claim that a person is saying something d
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Sorry, no. Not even close. "Politically correct" is an OXYMORON used as a tenet by by idiots and tools exclusively. Political beliefs can't be categorized as "correct" or "incorrect", any more than "opinions" or "beliefs" or "core values" can be so categorized.
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What if they're not that sophisticated, and don't have an active "theory of mind" process? Then it is exactly what I said; they don't imagine that the person might have a moral basis that they disagree with, because they don't imagine that the person has a mind different than their own. They're going entirely on matching the behavior against the descriptions of behaviors that they're exposed to in the media; they are not attempting to compare behavior against any theory about the intent of the speaker. Ther
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I don't know, I hear a lot of criticism of her at this point. I don't quite understand how Yahoo! is still in business, other than they got a pile of cash early, spread it around, and now everybody knows the name and thinks they may actually do something on the Internet. I don't remember the last time I intentionally went to Yahoo.
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I burnt my breakfast, probably because my distro chose systemd and I didn't know that I can still read my logs in ASCII if I want.
You speak truth, dudebro. They're everywhere. There are even SJWs in my toilet; I know because it stank really bad while I was using it.
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Yes, because no one in Silicon Valley criticised Carly Fiorina.
I can think of another company (Score:2)
ruined by bringing in too many PhDs.... Matrox.
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An engineering company being run by the marketing department is always a bad idea.
"Why should engineering be focused on doing anything revolutionary, when they can be focussed on previous_product++?"
-- Every Marketing Department Ever Involved In Product Development Decisions
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No, Matrox was ruined by it's two co-CEOs. Neither of them had a clear vision of the future; but having two competing leaders never works well.
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Matrox had a very clear preference for high GPA egotistical academics is what I'm saying, and their donations to their university didn't help anything either. That's *how* Matrox was ruined, not the *who*.
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Matrox didn't die, the internet says they still have "3-5% market share" for video cards, and they're a market leader in multi-monitor cards. I didn't know any of that until I checked, since they don't have a track record of *nix support, but 3% of the current video card market might be more than the whole market was worth when they were a market leader! Are they "ruined," or were they saved by having a lot of smart employees and being able to grab niches even right after stumbling?
Yahoo, it's 2016... (Score:2)
Research divisions (Score:1)
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For the record... Productize [thefreedictionary.com] is a word. It's not just a word, spell check knows it is a word. It even has a meaning. However, I am pretty sure you're not actually supposed to use that word.
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Do you know what the "D" in "R&D" means?
I mean, not just which word it is, but what is actually meant by that word?
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No, they were all R and no D. They're still called R, but they're inside product teams now. That means now they are all D and no R.
Re:Research divisions (Score:5, Insightful)
Research divisions are useless anyway.
IBM Research: ATM, floppy disk, Winchester disk, scanning tunneling microscope, magnetic stripe card, relational database, UPC, FORTRAN, SABRE, DRAM, FFT, DES, Fractals, RISC, etc.
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Yeah, no kidding, until about the last 50 years, private research divisions were driving all the progress. Until some bright accountant figured it was cheaper to let universities do the R&D at the student's expense, then you just buy the IP without all the messy HR stuff, and you have an infinite supply of eager, naive, pre-broke employees.
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Research divisions are useless anyway.
Do you not see the irony? The website you mentioned this runs entirely off unix clones. Where do you think unix came from? Magical fairy land?
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Bingo! (Score:5, Insightful)
Our new approach is to integrate research teams directly into our product teams in order to produce innovation that will drive excellence in those product areas
This sentence makes me throw up inside.
Re:Bingo! (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Bingo! (Score:5, Informative)
That is because things never come out of R&D int the tech world.
Well yes, other than than fax machines, synchronous-sound motion pictures, statistical process control, television, radio astronomy, stereo signals, speech synthesizer, electron diffraction, photovoltiac cell, the transistor, Hamming codes, the calculator, Karnaugh maps, transatlantic telephone cable, electronic music player, C, awk, telephone switching, 32-bit microprocessors, TTL, TDMA/CDMA, 56k modem, and electron lithography.
What have R&D companies ever done for the world? [wikipedia.org]
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That is because things never come out of R&D int the tech world. Microsoft and Google learned this a long time ago.
Yet Microsoft and Google spent more money on R&D than Apple does.
http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2015/06/14/5-tech-companies-spending-more-on-rd-than-apple-in.aspx [fool.com]
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Microsoft Research never seems to turn into actual products, but maybe HoloLens will be a thing, and PhotoSynth was wicked cool.
I had a job interview at Microsoft Research a few years ago. That place was deader than a university campus during winter blizzard. Walk a few blocks down the street, Google was alive and well with unicorns dancing in the sunshine.
ROI and risk and strategy (Score:1)
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"Our new approach is to integrate research teams directly into our product teams in order to produce innovation that will drive excellence in those product areas"
This corporate marketing speak is an indicator of the problem. The clones in the marketing dept and administration are great at mimicking what they see as hip talk, not so good at original thinking. Unfortunately, the only way to move up the corporate ladder in a stagnant organization is to kiss ass and be politically correct. Instead of cutting sc
Why doesn't she just close it down (Score:3)
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Sounds like thee Sears business plan: sell off the stuff that's making money and keep the parts that are losing cash.
What company will Yahoo buy that become the K-Mart of Silicon Valley? Those blue-light acquisitions never die.
Stop hiring PhDs (Score:2, Insightful)
If Meyer's idea of trying to move Yahoo! forward is the hiring of PhDs, that explains much about the horrid redesign of their web site.
Only someone devoid of reality or common sense could think that crappy look and layout would make people want to stay.
As I said previously, with any luck the web designers and those who approved the new design are included as part of the force reduction. If anyone deserves to be fired, they most certainly do.
What does Yahoo do? (Score:1)
What does Yahoo actually do now? Are they a holding company for other companies? Do they provide any services? WTF Yahoo.
You want to make a cool company? Build a public utility cloud. Offer free service to non-profits to generate buzz. Give away Internet access capped at 10 mb/s and charge a nominal fee for more. DO SOMETHING BOLD, don't just try to re-tread old ideas.
How many executives let go? (Score:4, Insightful)
Because 90% of the company woes lie in their laps with their stupid decisions and their incompetence.
Why is it they lay off everyone else yet keep the dead weight that actually destroys the company employed?
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Better to lay off slowly and shed company parts yearly instead of going ass up 2 years later and canning everyone at once. That's actually what a CEO's job in a declining company entails: bleed slower so the death is more manageable, and so you can sell off parts at reasonable prices rather than them becoming worthless in a bankruptcy auction after the company burns.
Better buzzwords (Score:2)
integrate research teams directly into our product teams in order to produce innovation that will drive excellence
Tumblr not Tumbler! (Score:2)
Tumblr not Tumbler!
Mozilla, what now? (Score:1)
Redesign? (Score:2)
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That thick-legged horse-faced braying ninny sure made a big difference as compared to a male CEO huh?
Most of Yahoo's problems can be traced back to those male CEOs. Marissa has not fixed the problems, but she didn't cause them either. She took some positive steps, like ending the one day per week of "working from home" that most Yahoos referred to as their "day off". My neighbor works for Yahoo, and it is nice that he no longer starts his lawnmower at 9am every Friday. Firing these researchers is also a good step. Yahoo needs to focus on fixing their core products, not pie-in-the-sky long horizon rese
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Most of Yahoo's problems can be traced back to those male CEOs. Marissa has not fixed the problems, but she didn't cause them either.
While it was pretty stupid of the GP to blame Yahoo's current predicament on Marissa's ovaries, it's just as stupid to blame them on "the previous administration". Yahoo has some serious directional problems, and a lot of that has to do with board members selected by activist investors tugging them in all sorts of stupid directions, looking for a short tem up-tick in the stock price so they can sell out, and get their 12-15% ROI.
Firing these researchers is also a good step. Yahoo needs to focus on fixing their core products, not pie-in-the-sky long horizon research.
Actually, it was a pretty bad idea.
The absolutely most "pie-in-the-sky" thing
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I'm normally a big fan of R&D, but if a company is spending a lot of money on R&D and their R hasn't produced a product in decades and their D can't fix known bugs in core products, then getting rid of them is a great idea. They need R&D for their future, they do. And they won't have any until they've purged whoever was pocketing the money intended for R&D. In a few years, they can rebuild the department. In the meantime, D is getting folded into product teams, where it already should have b
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[Marissa] took some positive steps, like ending the one day per week of "working from home" that most Yahoos referred to as their "day off". My neighbor works for Yahoo, and it is nice that he no longer starts his lawnmower at 9am every Friday.
Ah yes, good that the slacker neighbor is forced back to work. Probably deserves a good whipping halfway though the day to keep him on track... Hey, wait! What are you doing around the house at 9AM on a Friday to hear his lawnmower start up? Shouldn't you be at work?
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We already know - take a look at Compaq & HP.
If there's enough of them left that you can actually find them.
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That's pretty impressive. I was still in high school & moonlighting in a bar at that age.