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Reddit Launches New Block Tools To Help Temper Harassment ( 221

An anonymous reader writes: Reddit users can now use the new "block user" feature to better deal with harassment. The new feature was announced Wednesday and while the site has had [a "block user"] feature for quite some time now, the new tool allows users to block other users from replies and comments in addition to private messages, which was what the old tool was limited to previously. If users click the "Block User" button when viewing a reply in their inbox, it will remove replies, comments, messages and posts from that user from your view. Admins will however still see all the messages and replies, and if you're a moderator, you can still see content from users who are blocked on the subreddits you moderate.
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Reddit Launches New Block Tools To Help Temper Harassment

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward

    To stop all the abusive AC posts!

    The apps guy *TRIGGERS* my bad memories of using an Android phone 5 years ago!

    • by Flavianoep ( 1404029 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @09:39AM (#51859493)
      Yeah, I hate apps. My next phone will run Windows, as now it can play Ogg Vorbis files.
    • Truth be told, the majority of my fellow Brazilians have shit between the ears (is the origin of the "HUEHUEBR"), so a tool that allows me to take no notice of their comments is an absolute must. It is the best way to get rid of a troll: make his efforts useless, even the dumbest of the trolls will realize at some point that no one listens to him (for not even seeing what he's posting).
      • Truth be told, the majority of my fellow Brazilians have shit between the ears (is the origin of the "HUEHUEBR"), so a tool that allows me to take no notice of their comments is an absolute must.

        They can't be any worse than the majority of my fellow Americans.

  • by clonehappy ( 655530 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @09:07AM (#51859321)

    "Lalala, I can't hear you, lalalalalala, I can't hear you!"

    People who can't defend their positions usually try to shut you up, and when that doesn't work they stick their fingers in their ears. You know, like a 5-year old would do.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by RogueyWon ( 735973 )

      The headline could just as easily have been "Reddit Launches New Block Tools To Help Reinforce Echo Chamber".

      • Why is it an echo chamber reinforcement, when it is only a personal block filter, you're not blocking anyone else from seeing their posts. You're just filtering out their posts and preventing them from contacting you directly.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      That's funny. I was expecting that clonehappy would get Frist Psot on this thread with some trollish comment about "Mental Midgets". I wonder whatever happened to that clown.

    • Although there is a facsimile of technical sub-reddits, most of that site is just mindless garbage so there really isn't a position to defend with any real facts. There used to be a very different definition for the "Reddit Effect"; it was that the fastest to digest and most pedestrian content would be promoted to the front page the fastest whereas any technically involved content will taper off into obscurity. Someone appears to have hijacked the term, but this hasn't changed at all. People on that site do

      • by gizmo2199 ( 458329 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @10:31AM (#51859869) Homepage

        "it was that the fastest to digest and most pedestrian content would be promoted to the front page the fastest whereas any technically involved content will taper off into obscurity."

        Also the fact that you can't sort by lowest rated comment, and are artificially restricted to the first 500 comments (on top of the fact that when you 'load more' it only loads like the next 20, so you can't even navigate to the downvoted comments quickly) adds to that hive mentality. It makes seeing dissenting or unpopular comments next to impossible, by design.

      • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @10:48AM (#51859997)

        Although there is a facsimile of technical sub-reddits, most of that site is just mindless garbage so there really isn't a position to defend with any real facts.

        Oh please, that's a bunch of crap. There's over a quarter-million subreddits last I heard, and most of *every* site is just mindless garbage, this site included. But with that many subreddits, it's easy to find interesting conversation, and about specialized topics. There's a subreddit about my car, for instance, if I just want to chat with people about that; a lot of posts are fairly useless, but there's some real gems here and there. It's just like anyplace else: "95% of everything is crap." (Sturgeon's Law)

        People on that site don't want to "discuss" anything, they want a place where they can go to feel popular or accepted, regardless of any actual social ability.

        Oh, BS. You're looking in the wrong place. Maybe you were browsing /r/HillaryClinton. Yeah, if you say anything negative about her on there, you'll be banned immediately. Go someplace else like /r/politics and you'll see all kinds of debate (and frequently not friendly...).

        Every subreddit is different. They have different mods, different topics, different rules. Some are complete drivel (like Hillary's fan club subreddit), some are full of nasty arguing (/r/politics, but that's understandable given the topic and what's at stake), some are just places where people post pictures of stuff, some are really silly (like /r/PhotoshopBattles) but fun if you're into that kind of thing.

        • "95% of everything is crap." (Sturgeon's Law)

          Sturgeon was an optimist. :-)

        • Oh please, that's a bunch of crap. There's over a quarter-million subreddits last I heard, and most of *every* site is just mindless garbage, this site included. But with that many subreddits, it's easy to find interesting conversation, and about specialized topics. There's a subreddit about my car, for instance, if I just want to chat with people about that; a lot of posts are fairly useless, but there's some real gems here and there. It's just like anyplace else: "95% of everything is crap." (Sturgeon's L

    • It's just a personal block filter, you're not preventing anyone else from reading posts by the user you've blocked.

      I have a few people blocked on Facebook, because they've repeatedly reduced themselves to name-calling and outright harassment. Now that I've blocked them, I don't have to view their insulting posts, but others are free to view them, if they please. And of course, they cannot contact me directly either, which is a necessity for an anti-harassment block filter.

    • "Lalala, I can't hear you, lalalalalala, I can't hear you!"

      People who can't defend their positions usually try to shut you up, and when that doesn't work they stick their fingers in their ears. You know, like a 5-year old would do.

      So, in the real world, if a drunk hobo starts talking to you about being Jesus Christ Reborn, you feel it's your responsibility, as an adult, to hear him out and respond with clear and well constructed counter arguments until, under the accumulated evidence you've presented, he understands the wrongness in his assertion?

      • Yep, and not only that, if another drunk hobo starts telling you how he was abducted by aliens, you have a responsibility to hear him out and determine if you think he's telling the truth too!

    • What a stupid post. Basically, you're saying that I should read all of APK's drivel, as well as all the other countless trolls, such as the loser AC on here who keeps posting about "n****rs". No, I don't need to waste my time reading such garbage.

      Slashdot desperately needs this feature, as well as banning ACs.

    • by tibit ( 1762298 )

      Conversely, there's plenty of mental midgets who won't listen to any sort of reason, so you have no recourse but stick your fingers into your ears when you're near them. Elsewhere, we call it hearing protection, and I'll be damned if it doesn't work wonderfully.

    • Though it can be abused to block anyone with a different opinion than you, the real purpose of this would be if someone is being abusive or who is entering a forum for the sole purpose of annoying as many people as possible. Someone who is acting abusive won't care about your carefully crafted arguments. He'll hurl insults and vague threats back at you, ignoring all of your points. If an abusive user does it right, they can stay just inside of the site's acceptable use guidelines and be abusive while not

    • by SirSlud ( 67381 )

      No, this is a lot more like being able to prevent somebody who wants to join your soccer game from just kicking the ball out into the street out of spite.

      Having standards doesn't make you 5 years old. There are plenty of people who deserve to be filtered out of a discussion, especially in so far as it's clear that often time the goal of a person is to simply derail or make discussion impossible in the first place.

    • I think this is actually a good thing. It's much better (and less damaging) to put power in the hands of end-users, rather than in a central moderation authority. Ignoring a viewpoint is a much better idea than censoring it from everyone. The problem with harassment is that one man's disagreement is another man's harassment, so rather than have moderators try to decide if something is over the line or not, just let people decide for themselves. Yes, people sticking their fingers in their ears when someone d
  • Good (Score:5, Funny)

    by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @09:10AM (#51859331) Homepage Journal
    Good. Maybe this will limit the microaggressive behavior some cisgender white males and help keep Reddit a safe place so everyone else can express their more valid opinions. They also need to add a hugcircle feature.
    • Re:Good (Score:5, Funny)

      by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @09:12AM (#51859351) Homepage Journal
      Also, some of you may say that my previous comment wasn't even a proper sentence. Just remember: everything is relative and there is no "right" or "wrong". So stop your microaggresive thoughts right there Mister!
    • by Bengie ( 1121981 )
      While I don't actively participate in Reddit, it seems to be a large enough community to have stalker trolls. Being a troll is one thing, but if you stalk someone, you've targeted someone.
      • I'm a bit surprised they didn't have this feature already. It seems kind of basic functionality to be able to ignore posts from people you don't like and can be easily implemented. I never ignore anyone because I enjoy all the frothing at the mouth of all my enemies.
      • The feature isn't as useful as it sounds considering that anyone can just make a new account and they've essentially circumvented any blocking. I suppose the admins can start IP banning people at that point, but any really dedicated troll is probably already using a proxy or VPN. Normally that would be where you turn matters over to police, but they tend to be horribly inept when it comes to dealing with internet crime or the troll is located in a country that doesn't give two shits about what someone in th
        • Brilliant idea, given that the cardinality between users and IPs is m:n.

      • by fey000 ( 1374173 )

        I sure hope so otherwise you'd be the worst stalker ever.

    • Re:Good (Score:5, Interesting)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @10:11AM (#51859695) Homepage Journal

      You know, you can use the Slashdot friend/foe system to do something similar. Just mark someone as your foe, set foes to -6 here [] and you won't even see them unless you browse at -1.

      It's a pretty basic feature for discussion forums. Personally I don't use it though. Imagine if someone doxed you but you had them on the ignore list, you wouldn't even know it happened. I'd prefer to know so I can do something about it.

    • by Halo1 ( 136547 )

      Good. Maybe this will limit the microaggressive behavior some cisgender white males and help keep Reddit a safe place so everyone else can express their more valid opinions. They also need to add a hugcircle feature.

      You seem to have a really intense fixation [] on the terms "hugcircle" and "microaggression". I'm not sure what the problem is with a feature that allows you to hide comments from idiots. Killfiles have been around for ages for usenet and email (long before those words ever were a thing), so why should it be different for a random web based forum?

  • Ban the Block (Score:4, Insightful)

    by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday April 07, 2016 @09:22AM (#51859391) Journal

    Nobody has the right to not pay attention to me, so I am against this tyrannical form of Reddit sensor sheep.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      Your use of double negatives is a perfect example of microaggressive behavior. Off to the reeducation camps for you!
      • by halivar ( 535827 )

        Pointing out bad grammer and spelling aggresses me.

        • Pointing out bad grammer and spelling aggresses me.

          It's only bad grammar if it's not what you meant.

      • Your repeated belittling of the aggressions of others triggers my latent feelings of inadequacy, you insensitive clod.

        Your use of double negatives is a perfect example of microaggressive behavior. Off to the reeducation camps for you!

    • by Deagol ( 323173 )

      Muh safe spaces!

  • It is a local solution, which means it can't be actually used for censorship, but just isolating snowflakes from the community.
    It would be dangerous if for example reddit banned people in too many lists or assigned people to put people on block for you, and this block was not removable.

  • No, seriously. []

    I hope Reddit doesn't pretend this is something new and innovative, since it's been around since the 1980s [].

  • Looks like the same mistake, that twitter made.

    Good thing: You do not need to follow your followers
    Mistake: When somebody blocks you, you cannot read his tweets, either. Which is strange, because blocking in an asymmetric medium should just be an ignore list.

  • "Reddit users can now use the new "block user" feature to better deal with harassment."


    "Reddit social justice warriors can now use the new "block user" feature to better shut down disagreement or speech they don't like."

  • It's not about the users, it's about the appeasing the leftists in the name of "civility". Modbombing doesn't change that a bit =)

    Let the alt-creation begin!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
