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How Technology Disrupted the Truth ( 259

A day after the Brexit, former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage admitted he had misled the public on a key issue. He admitted that UK's alleged 350M Euro weekly contribution to the EU would not be directed to the National Health Service, and that this commitment was never made official. Journalists worldwide tweeted photos of the campaign ads -- posted in conspicuous places like the sides of buses -- debunking the lie. This incident illustrates the need for more political fact-checking as a public service, to enable the voters to make more informed and rational decisions about matters affecting their daily lives. Fact-checking is supposed to be a part of the normal journalistic process. When gathering information, a journalist should verify its accuracy. The work is then vetted by an editor, a person with more professional experience who may correct or further amend some of the information. A long-form article on The Guardian today underscores the challenges publications worldwide are facing today -- most of them don't have the luxury to afford a fact-checker (let alone a team of fact-checkers), and the advent of social media and forums and our reliance (plenty of people get their news on social media now) have made it increasingly difficult to vet the accuracy of anything that is being published. From The Guardian article:When a fact begins to resemble whatever you feel is true, it becomes very difficult for anyone to tell the difference between facts that are true and "facts" that are not.Global Voices' adds:But the need for fact-checking hasn't gone away. As new technologies have spawned new forms of media which lend themselves to the spread of various kinds of disinformation, this need has in fact grown. Much of the information that's spread online, even by news outlets, is not checked, as outlets simply copy-past -- or in some instances, plagiarize -- "click-worthy" content generated by others. Politicians, especially populists prone to manipulative tactics, have embraced this new media environment by making alliances with tabloid tycoons or by becoming media owners themselves. The other issue is that many people do not care about the source of the information, and it has become increasingly hard to tell whether a news article you saw on your Facebook is credible or not. This, coupled with how social networking websites game the news feed to show you what you are likely to find interesting as opposed to giving you news from trustworthy sources, has made things even worse. As you may remember, Facebook recently noted that it is making changes to algorithms to show you updates from friends instead of news articles from publications you like. The Guardian adds:Algorithms such as the one that powers Facebook's news feed are designed to give us more of what they think we want -- which means that the version of the world we encounter every day in our own personal stream has been invisibly curated to reinforce our pre-existing beliefs. [...] In the news feed on your phone, all stories look the same -- whether they come from a credible source or not. And, increasingly, otherwise-credible sources are also publishing false, misleading, or deliberately outrageous stories.
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How Technology Disrupted the Truth

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  • Guardian?! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by qbast ( 1265706 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:36PM (#52499175)
    Rather ironic that this kind of article would be published in Guardian, considering that it is pretty much a progressive echo chamber that has no trouble to distort the truth whenever it is needed to push a narrative.
    • Re:Guardian?! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by serviscope_minor ( 664417 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:51PM (#52499325) Journal

      echochamber n Place which keeps repeating inconvenient facts which are unacceptable in my worldview.

      • echochamber n Place which keeps repeating inconvenient facts which are unacceptable in my worldview.

        echochamber n Place where a person tells a lie, a few other persons repeat it, and the first person decides it must be true because their friends keep telling it to them.

      • by epyT-R ( 613989 )

        echochamber n: Place which keeps repeating a certain worldview regardless of inconvenient facts.

    • FTFA:

      it has become increasingly hard to tell whether a news article you saw on your Facebook is credible or not.

      Not hard at all. Every media publisher, editor, reporter, and blogger has an agenda. Read a variety of news sources on both sides of the political spectrum and draw your own conclusions, but don't trust any of it.

  • truth vs fact (Score:5, Insightful)

    by magarity ( 164372 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:36PM (#52499177)

    Whenever anyone throws out these terms, recall the line in that Indiana Jones move: (paraphrased) This class is about the search for facts, if you want to search for the truth then the philosophy class is down the hall.
    Are journalists supposed to be searching for facts or for the truth? When they say they are "fact-checking" how often is it more like "truth-checking"?

    • by Hylandr ( 813770 )

      It's a pretty safe bet that nothing you receive from the entertainment industry or social media is trustworthy and only geared towards clicks or impressions anymore. If I want to find out whats going on around me I go outside or talk to my neighbor.

    • How can a fact not be the truth?
      • Re:truth vs fact (Score:5, Interesting)

        by magarity ( 164372 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @04:14PM (#52499555)

        Facts can be objectively checked by examining the physical world: Fact: Candidate X is wearing black pants today. Check: examine candidate X's pants.

        Truth almost always involves at least a partial subjectiveness or state of mind. Truth: Candidate X is a liar about what happened. Check: Lying, as opposed to being incorrect, requires a state of mind where a fact is misrepresented on purpose. It is very difficult to prove whether Candidate X was misinformed, clueless, taking an honest but wild guess, talking out of their ass to try to sound good, or actively lying to mislead just partially or totally.

        That's the difference between fact and truth. Beware people who try to represent truth as fact because fact implies it can be verified objectively.

        • I did not ask whether "facts" and "truth" are equivalent. I asked how a fact can not be true.

          Tomhath gave a good answer [] to my question.

          • Oh, facts can not be true all the time, thus the need for fact checking. In my above example, if you examine Candidate X's pants and determine they are just dark green, then my fact is not true (where true is used to mean correct or incorrect). It then becomes a matter of determining truth to assign a motive to why I reported Candidate X's pants incorrectly, but the simple statement of fact itself is not a matter of truth. "True" as a shorthand for correctness or incorrectness of a fact should not be confu

            • An "untrue fact" is not a fact. It may be a "factual claim", as in a "claim of fact", as in it purports to assert a fact, but if what asserts is not true, then it is not, in fact, a fact at all.

              "Truth" just means "true-ness", and is synonymous with "factuality", just as "true" is synonymous with "factual"; and "a truth" is synonymous with "a fact".

              Construing "truth" to mean something beyond factuality is a mistake similar to construing "belief" to mean something about faith. Take the proposition "the sky is

              • Your approach seems to meld the objective and the subjective. Great if that works for you; my approach keeps them as far apart as possible, which I prefer.

                • No, I keep objective and subjective very clearly separate thanks, you are just false equating them in turn with two words that both belong with only one of them. Facts or truths (same thing) are objective; if they're not objective, then they're not actually facts or truths. "Subjective facts" or "subjective truths" are just beliefs. Those can still coincide with the objective truths or facts, and can even be justified, meaning you hold those beliefs (you "have subjective truths" or whatever contortion of la

      • Re:truth vs fact (Score:5, Insightful)

        by tomhath ( 637240 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @04:26PM (#52499637)
        There are two sides to every story. Sometimes only one side of the story is told. Sometimes only the facts on one side are checked. Both lead to something less than the truth.
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • Less than the whole truth does not mean less than the true. A fact, in absence of other relevant facts, is still "the truth" (inasmuch as that just means "true"). It may not be the whole truth (inasmuch as that means "all the facts"), but it's still the truth.

          A fact is not all the facts, duh. It takes all the facts to have the whole truth, but a single fact is still the truth, else it wouldn't be a fact.

        • by dargaud ( 518470 )
          So for you true and false are just two sides of the same story ? Right... I hope you are not into programming !
      • by skids ( 119237 )

        Two ways come to mind:

        First, when it is not actually a "fact", but is placed in a context where facts normally go. Example:

        "After Natalie Portman bathed in hot grits, netcraft confirmed my opponent has never built a Beowolf cluster"

        The "my opponent never built a beowolf cluster" is in the "claim" part of that sentence. The "Natlie Portman
        bathed in hot grits" is "presented as fact" in a way that less swift people will more often take it as a
        given. This is just a matter of the word "fact" having some shade

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by fermion ( 181285 )
      It is really truth versus fact versus partial reality. For instance Donald Trump says he can eliminate the US public debt in four years. In this mind, and the mind of his supporters, this is truth. There is a way to do this that is factual. However, the practical reality is that doing so would end the US as we know it.

      The truth is that million of pounds every day went from the UK to the EU. The truth was that some people in the UK wanted to believe that the money could be going into their council housing.

      • Jesus, play a little KSP before you start lecturing on orbits.

        It takes one half orbit to do a minimum energy transfer. That's half an eccentric orbit, so longer than half an earth year. 9 months.

        Donalds plan to print money is _EVERYBODIES_ only plan. Nobody is even thinking of balancing the budget without accounting tricks. The question is do we print money when out of options, or do we print money at the strategically best time, like right after the euro craters...

        No the tax raisers aren't thinking

      • I often am asked why it takes 9 months to get to mars. Why we can't just do a 1g acceleration and get there in a week to a month. The reason is because in space we do not travel in line like we can do for short distances on earth.

        No, the reason is that we cannot build a spaceship that can carry enough fuel to keep up 1 g acceleration for a week, much less a month. Ever seen a rocket? They're huge, are mostly made up of fuel, and every stage has to be larger than the one used after it because it has to carr

      • The Donald's real plan is completely orthogonal to any public policy including concerns about the national debt:

        !. Win the so-called Republican nomination. Easy to fool some of the (stupid) people all of the time.
        2. Pick a VP who loves Ford's pardon of Nixon.
        3. Win the election by fooling most (51%) of the people some of the time (one election day).
        4. Phuck up, get impeached, resign, get pardoned. (Step 2 was important.)
        5. PROFIT.

        Talk about building your brand recognition.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        The truth is that million of pounds every day went from the UK to the EU. The truth was that some people in the UK wanted to believe that the money could be going into their council housing.

        It's much worse than that. They didn't just believe something that sounded good and "obvious" (money you don't spend on one thing can be spent on something else instead), they actually decided to ignore people pointing out that they were wrong. Gove (one of the main pro-Brexit campaigners) actually said on TV that "people have had enough of experts" and should listen to their hearts rather than their heads. And then the day afterwards I heard people discussing it as if it was a genuine decision to be made, hated of the mythical EU that only exists in newspapers vs. the cold reality of basically every expert in the entire world telling them it was an extremely stupid thing to do.

        And in the end, by a narrow majority, we chose stupid. Our democracy is hopelessly broken, because it relies on people making somewhat informed decisions. And now we have an unelected leader, probably for at least another 4 years, who has promised to carry out what she imagines the people who voted to leave want, rather than actually asking them what they want. Yes, they voted out of the EU, but not the single market, or even anything to do with what Brexit would look like because one of the core parts of the Leave campaign was to avoid committing to specifics.

    • That line is stupid and has spawned no end of stupid repetition of this false dichotomy.

      Truth is a property of propositions.

      Facts are propositions that have that property.

    • by hey! ( 33014 )

      Asking whether journalism is about facts or truth is like asking whether rocket science is about physics or design. The answer is, "yes."

      You can't judge opinions of the truth until you've got your facts right AND you have a wide enough selections of facts to know you aren't dealing with cherry-picked data. It's not enough to merely check the facts, you have to put the effort into assembling a comprehensive, cross-cutting selection of them.

      In the absence of facts, anyone's opinion is as good as anyone else'

  • Uhm... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:43PM (#52499251)

    You can't fact-check something a politician says they're going to do. You just have to wait and see whether they actually do it.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Nevermind that he's not in a position to do it anyway

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Sure you can.

      If a politician claims he's going to pave the streets with unicorn poop you can be pretty sure it's a lie since unicorn poop does not exist. Likewise, if a politician claimed they'd give the 350 million GBP per week given to the EU to the NHS you can be sure it's a lie since that existed about as much as unicorn poop exists.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Or perhaps it's the other way around. A generation or two have been raised to question any "authority", to the point that science and technology are matters of opinion.
  • by Wdomburg ( 141264 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:47PM (#52499287)

    People have always gravitated toward "news" that confirmed their biases. And although news outlets may have smaller budgets for fact-checking, the cost of fact-checking - not to mention the ability of individual consumers to fact-check - has become incredibly low. You no longer have to plod down to the library or news office and spend days (or weeks, or months) tirelessly pouring over articles on microfiche. You can do a LexisNexis search. Want to vet a claim made about economic growth? Pop on to the Federal Reserve economic research site and have instant graphs of hundreds of thousands of metrics.

    The problem is people don't want truth; they want validation. If they do stumble across truth, they'll cherry-pick the pieces that agree with them and find some way to dismiss the rest.

    In relying on a fact checker, one simply substitutes another's confirmation bias for their own, and in the process moves further from the raw facts than they were before. What people need is the intellectual curiosity to seek out a broad array of opinions and the humility to actually consider them in good faith. Good luck with that.

    • by shanen ( 462549 )

      If I had found this comment earlier, I would have attached my comment here, and I agree that you deserve the insightful mod.

  • "[I]t has become increasingly hard to tell whether a news article you saw on your Facebook is credible or not"

    Easy. Don't get your news from Facebook.

  • by godrik ( 1287354 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:50PM (#52499317)

    Did anyone fact-check this slashdot story about fact-checking ?

  • by gandhi123 ( 1173413 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @03:56PM (#52499383)

    Is it too much to ask that a post about fact checking get its facts right?

    The "350m to the NHS" billboards were created by the Vote Leave [] campaign.

    Nigel Farage was not part of that organization, he joined the separate Leave.EU [] organization.

    When Farage himself spoke about the money to be saved by leaving the EU, he gave a 34 million a day figure [], which is 238m a week, 32% less than what Vote Leave claimed.

    In the video, Farage also says the money saved should be spent on both schools and hospitals, as opposed to all of it going to the NHS.

    Blaming Farage for lying for things said by Vote Leave is like blaming Bernie Sanders for things Hillary Clinton said. They are roughly on the same side, but they are not the same people, and do not support the exact same policies.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Wrong, Farage himself was asked about the 350 million in a interview televised, and said "its not 350 million, in fact its MORE".
      So, please take note, article is about facts not cherry picking what fits your narrative, perhaps you might try some too one day? :-

      • FACT - absolute fact - from the official statistics cross-checked from the EU: we pay £55 million a day as a contribution. Some of that is the rebate which doesn't go but our gross contribution is £55 million a day.

        We should spend that money here, in our own country, on our own people,

        Do you know what I'd like to do with the £10 billion? I'd like that £10 billion to be spent helping the communities in Britain that [the] Government damaged so badly by opening

      • by abies ( 607076 )

        I'm not a native speaker, but it sounds to me that he says "this money should go to schools, hospitals, GPs....". Schools are not part of NHS, are they?

  • by shanen ( 462549 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @04:33PM (#52499693) Homepage Journal

    Everyone is getting so delusional these days. Nigel Farage can't remember his own campaign promises and I can't remember why I once thought slashdot was a source of amusing comments and even a bit of insight. (My searches in the comments so far came up completely dry.)

    I've never been able to earn many funny points, and the more insightful and thought-provoking my comments, the more they attract the game-playing trolls and their sad little mod points (trying to compensate for their small penises and inability to respond with stronger ideas).

    Anyway, in this case the article is typically misleading. The problem isn't technology, but the will to believe as amplified by technology. The truths are out there, and you can use search technologies to find them, or you can go on believing exactly what you want to believe, and the search technologies will help you do that, too. Since most people already know EXACTLY what they prefer to believe, they can search for "proof" of exactly that, and thanks to today's google ("All your attention are belong to us.") they can find as much evidence as needed. However much "research" time you have, the google can stuff it with the evidence you like while allowing you to ignore any evidence you don't like. (If the google didn't do that, you might run away, which would be terrible for the google's advertising revenues.)

    "Believing what you want to believe" might not be a fatal flaw of democracy. It would depend if most people are nice and want to believe nice things--but there's no profit in encouraging that sort of thing. Not sure of the best example for England, but in America we have the Second Amendment and it's hard to believe nice things when that's probably a gun in his pocket, even if he is pretending to be happy to see you.

    • by jrumney ( 197329 )
      The problem is very much driven by technology - the focus of journalism has changed in the past years from proper journalism towards click-bait, with journalists judged by the number of shares they get. At the same time, Google News, Facebook and other players are filtering what you see into a personal echo-chamber that doesn't challenge your personal opinion.
      • No, you are confusing technology with economics, which is why I think (1) We need to use new economic models to drive better journalism, and (2) We need to completely rethink the field of economics in terms of time, which is truly more important than money, but harder to count. I think the new field of study might be called ekronomics, but for now, let me focus (just a bit) on one possible economic model that could motivate better comments and even let slashdot support real journalism (if it wanted to).


        • We need to completely rethink the field of economics in terms of time, which is truly more important than money, but harder to count.

          Our very own Slashdot denizen bluelucidfox has been trying to do precisely that. He veers between seriously interesting, possibly insightful and "wat". He's sort of been using Slashdot as a sounding board, and the results are mixed, at best. Slashdot is having trouble coming to grips with the ideas and he's having trouble expressing some of them.

          Speaking as someone who took many semesters of economics classes at university, I feel comfortable saying that his theories come a lot closer to reality than any

  • The "truth" often depends on your assumptions. I typically find this to be true about social issues. Both the right and left often have facts to back up their narratives, but the way they interpret those facts or the priorities given those conclusions differ. For example is the US deficit because of welfare and illegals or because the rich pay little in taxes? Both sides have lots of facts and both are factors. Yet both sides seem to ignore the other and not admit that *both* of these are causing probl
  • . . . or even "copy-paste."

    Well, at least this submission was not encumbered by the editorial process.

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday July 12, 2016 @07:19PM (#52500931)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Since Mr Farage held or holds no executive power, he cannot say that the money saved will go to the NHS, or that it be spent on growing daisies, for that matter. Those are not his political promises to make, or break. He _can_ say that it might be used for the NHS, and he _can_ say that it might not.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
