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Facebook Rolls Out Code To Nullify Adblock Plus' Workaround ( 426

An anonymous reader writes: The Wall Street Journal issued a report Tuesday that said Facebook will begin forcing ads to appear for all users of its desktop site, even if they use ad-blocking software. Adblock Plus, the most popular ad-blocking software, opposed Facebook's plan and found a workaround to Facebook's revision two days later. Now, TechCrunch is reporting that Facebook is well aware of Adblock Plus' workaround and their "plan to address the issue" is coming quick. "A source close to Facebook tells [TechCrunch] that today possibly within hours, the company will push an update to its site's code that will nullify Adblock Plus' workaround," reports TechCrunch. "Apparently it took two days for Adblock Plus to come up with the workaround, and only a fraction of that time for Facebook to disable it." An update on their site says, "A source says Facebook is now rolling out the code update that will disable Adblock Plus' workaround. It should reach all users soon."
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Facebook Rolls Out Code To Nullify Adblock Plus' Workaround

Comments Filter:
  • And so continues.. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:03AM (#52690183)

    This game of cat and mouse

    • by goose-incarnated ( 1145029 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:19AM (#52690305) Journal

      This game of cat and mouse

      It'll be a pretty short game - there only needs to be a single ad-free alternative for blocks of users to migrate to at a time.

      What keeps facebook going is the critical mass of users. If they start annoying blocks of users at a time then that is enough to get that one block to use an alternative in addition to facebook

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:03AM (#52690189)

    Add the following like in the file hosts:

    Problem solved!

    • Yup, the finite solution.

      In the eternal words of Trinity, "dodge this".

    • by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:35AM (#52690391)
      Here's your "final solution" for Facebook:



      # flush (clear) the tables and clear the counters
           iptables -F
           iptables -Z
           ip6tables -F
           ip6tables -Z

      for AS in ${FACEBOOK_AS}

        IPs=`whois -h \!g${AS} | grep /`
        for IP in ${IPs}
                 iptables  -A ${TARGET} -p all -d ${IP} -j ${ACTION}

        IPs=`whois -h \!6${AS} | grep /`
        for IP in ${IPs}
                 ip6tables  -A ${TARGET} -p all -d ${IP} -j ${ACTION}

  • *sits down with bowl of popcorn*

  • by Pseudonymous Powers ( 4097097 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:16AM (#52690291)

    When Skynet finally comes on line, this ad-blocking-blocking-blocking-blocking code will form the basis of its immune system.

    • by sinij ( 911942 )
      True AI emerging from spam filters vs. spam bots war is a well-known SF trope.
    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      When Skynet finally comes on line, this ad-blocking-blocking-blocking-blocking code will form the basis of its immune system.

      If they were trying to make a generic solution, maybe. But I imagine this will be a list of hardcoded rules for this one particular site. Not much AI in "if site = and server = [ad server] and size = [ad size]" and so on. Worst case they could put an opaque overlay over the ads, let them load as normal using the bandwidth but not actually display. And if they detect that, maybe a browser extension to create really "invisible" layers to ordinary JS. On the other hand, Facebook could have changes

  • For Facebook, the client is in the hands of the enemy so there is absolutely nothing they could do to enforce specific outcome, in this case displaying ads. All they could do is thrash, gnash their teeth, and ramp-up their server-side computation while degrading performance.
    • Why wouldn't they just put the ads into the regular Facebook feeds? Isn't this what they are moving to already? Indistinguishable from normal postings as far as any external tool is concerned. And they could still gather all the tracking they desire from their own system.
      • by swb ( 14022 )

        The problem for Facebook is that if they make the ads look just like any other newsfeed posting, people will just scroll past them like they do 98% of feed content.

        A big part of the reason so many ads are so annoying is they have to be to get people to notice them and process the content. Indistinguishable content won't please advertisers.

        I've seen people with huge feeds (the kind that follow every clickbait page imaginable and/or have hundreds of friends) scroll Facebook so fast you wonder why they bother

  • by FudRucker ( 866063 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:25AM (#52690335)
    # Block Facebook IPv4
    • If you're running your own Apache / nginx server on your machine *it* will end up trying to respond to the Facebook redirects. Annoying -- though the log files do give visibility of just how many calls are made !

      I replaced the with instead - guaranteed not to route across the Internet.

      At the risk of waking up a certain regular "contributor" to Slashdot ... add in doubleclick to the list as well :-)

  • This will be a fun war of escalation....

    • It will indeed and it might cause quite a lot of people to leave Facebook (a cliché I know). What I do like about it, however, is that it's arms races like these that make huge technology leaps happen. It also forces us users and advertisers to answer certain lingering philosophical questions about ad blocking, which is equally good.

      Maybe we'll soon be back to the Internet of 97-03 where a lot of sites were run by individuals dedicated to a subject. Many great communities formed around sites like these

      • Hell, get rid of video and sound enable ads, get rid of pop-up or pop-under, etc ads, and go back to a simple, static picture and text hosted on the website you are actually at and ads won't be too bad....

      • I mean, Facebook could just use a PRNG to randomly-select function names and Javascript paths. /js/* goes through URL redirection that checks your session and says, "Oh, that's the JavaScript for ads", and then inserts a randomized JS file. The JS is encoded, the encoding functions are renamed and altered to perform the same action on different patterns with different variable and function names, and the encoding is altered (XOR) with a random value so it prints differently in every instance. Without heu

        • This has been tried three decades ago by viruses, and has been kind of solved. And the resemblance is telling: Facebook is malware.

    • Hmm, I can see it now. As the Facebook devs come up with more and more convoluted ways to force advertisements on their users who keep using more and more tenacious ad-blockers, the system starts to exhibit emergent behavior... It starts to grow at an exponential rate and becomes self-aware at 02:14 am Eastern Time, driven by a sole purpose of making humans look at advertisements.

      Bet the SkyNet nukes look more appealing now, huh?

  • by sanosuke001 ( 640243 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:32AM (#52690373)
    Tell Facebook to host all ads on their own domain (no linking to other domains) and only use static images (no animation, flash, sound, video) and I wouldn't have a problem with ads.
  • Thought experiment: What would happen if Adblock Plus changed their default settings to block Facebook entirely? Or block all images from Facebook? Would Facebook sue? Would customers get mad at Adblock Plus? Would they disable the rules or stop using Adblock Plus?

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @09:37AM (#52690409)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Malc ( 1751 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @10:16AM (#52690721)

      I've already started clicking on every ad to hide it, and then choose offense / sexually explicity. Time to pollute their data set, and if they actually action on this feedback then that system will get broken if enough people also do the same.

      Oh and I've started using FB on my phone because of the advertising. If they put up a wall then like other sites I've encountered doing the same then I will say "no thanks" and move on. There's just not enough value in FB at the end of the day.

      • I've already started clicking on every ad to hide it, and then choose offense / sexually explicity. Time to pollute their data set, and if they actually action on this feedback then that system will get broken if enough people also do the same.

        You'd need a LOT of people (like a large majority of the userbase) to do this for it really to work. All you've done is trained the algorithm to ignore your flags.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • >"Apparently it took two days for Adblock Plus to come up with the workaround, and only a fraction of that time for Facebook to disable it."

    That's because Facebook knew Adblock would immediately adapt. I am betting Facebook has a dozen changes lined up and ready to roll to counter Adblock.... we just have to see who runs out of ideas first.

    It is an arms-race.

  • This entire contretemps is what has led me to finally dump FacePlant entirely. I was considering getting off of it until after the election, because a goodly number of my friends' postings are "all politics, all the time", and (1) that's plain boring to read and (2) it's detrimental to my emotional well-being to be in a space where peoples' outrage levels are cranked up to 11 all the time, even when I agree with them. This is just the straw that broke the camel's back. My friends know how and where to ge
  • ...for giving me ANOTHER reason never to visit that banal spuzz-closet again.

  • Never look back.

    (Obsessive types that maintain lists due to their religion of ad-hate will do 99% of all the blocking you need)
  • Sort of like watching Daesh fighting the PKK. It's morbidly interesting to watch, just as long as it stays over there.

  • Yay, more ads! And even better, you apparently won't be able to block them, yippee!

    Just what I always wanted! Hooray for Facebook! May the innovation never stop!

  • by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @11:07AM (#52691135) Journal

    On August 9, Facebook announced that it had defeated adblockers; on August 11, Adblock Plus announced that it had defeated Facebook.

    ABP's Ben Williams explained that the countermeasure originated with the Adblock Plus community, one of whom wrote a filter extension that would disable Facebook ads without a hitch.

    The question is, will Facebook really dedicate engineers to inserting features that its users are going to extraordinary lengths to defeat, or will they try to woo, cajole, or trick their users into disabling their adblockers?

            To circumvent ad blockers in the first place, Facebook removed code that explicitly identified ads, making them appear more like regular Facebook posts (it was a behind-the-scenes change; users still saw a "sponsored" disclosure). But apparently it didn't go far enough. Williams tells The Verge that beating the system again "was just a matter of finding the non-standard indicators they began using" and then filtering them out. But he added, "I would stress, though, that this is a cat-and-mouse game; so their next circumvention might come at any time."

  • Just leave? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by iampiti ( 1059688 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @11:18AM (#52691209)
    I'm the only one who thinks that the correct response to sites which have too many/annoying/whatever ads is to just leave?
    To this day I browse without any ad blocker (strange, I know) and I mostly visit sites which don't have too many ads.
    • Content is fungible; your friends are not.

      If you have no friends, there was no point to being on Facebook in the first place.

  • Facebook would realize there is a huge market for people who don't want to be sold to advertisers and don't want their interactions with friends to be interrupted by >> invasive advertising all the time and may even be willing to pay for this service.
  • Pyrrhic victory (Score:4, Insightful)

    by jheath314 ( 916607 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @11:48AM (#52691429)

    I wonder what the advertisers think they'll gain if they manage to win this particular arms race. A wider audience of eager ad consumers?

    Ad-block users aren't just people who don't like ads, they are the subset of the population who disliked ads enough to install a blocker. It's like when Microsoft changed the registry settings users had deliberately set to avoid the Win 10 "upgrade"... all they'll succeed in doing is angering those users.

    Bypassing my ad-block won't turn me into a happy consumer of ads, but it will turn me away from that site.

  • by bl968 ( 190792 ) on Friday August 12, 2016 @11:52AM (#52691469) Journal

    Tell the advertisers directly that if facebook forces ads on their users then you will boycott their company and its products forever.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
