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Microsoft Has More Open Source Contributors On GitHub Than Facebook and Google ( 118

An anonymous reader writes from a report via The Next Web: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has really embraced open source over the past couple of years. GitHub, a site that is home to a number of the web's biggest collaborative code projects, has counted more than 5.8 million active users on its platform over the past 12 months, and says that Microsoft has the most open source contributors. Microsoft has 16,419 contributors, beating out Facebook's 15,682 contributors, Docker's 14,059 contributors, and Google's 12,140 contributors. The Next Web reports: "Of course, this didn't happen overnight. In October 2014, it open sourced its .NET framework, which is the company's programming infrastructure for building and running apps and services -- a major move towards introducing more developers to its server-side stack. Since then, it's open sourced its Chakra JavaScript engine, Visual Studio's MSBuild compiling engine, the Computational Networks Toolkit for deep learning applications, its Xamarin tool for building cross-platform apps and most recently, PowerShell. It's also worth noting that the company's Visual Studio Code text editor made GitHub's list of repositories with the most contributors. You can check out these lists, as well as other data from GitHub's platform on this page." GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath said in an interview with Fortune, "The big .Net project has more people outside of Microsoft contributing to it than people who work at Microsoft."
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Microsoft Has More Open Source Contributors On GitHub Than Facebook and Google

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  • Google is still #1 (Score:3, Informative)

    by NotInHere ( 3654617 ) on Thursday September 15, 2016 @09:12PM (#52897429)

    They still are the company with the most open source contributions/contributors. They just have most of their projects like android on their own hosting to not overload github.

    • by godrik ( 1287354 ) on Thursday September 15, 2016 @09:26PM (#52897499)

      I don't know if they are number one. But that MS argument is phony.

      For the longest time, google people were pushing to Also the kernel contributions do not go to github.

      Also, claiming you have more contributors do not tell much. Did they only contribute one line?

      • > For the longest time, google people were pushing to Also the kernel contributions do not go to github.

        Indeed. Don't forget which shut down in 2011. Apparently they had 4,700+ open source projects. []

        They claim to be hosting over 4700 open source projects ...

    • On their own hosting? You mean Google Code []?

      Google Code Project Hosting offered a free collaborative development environment for open source projects.
      In 2016 the service was shut down, see this post for more info. Projects hosted on Google Code remain available in the Google Code Archive.

    • M$ is probably just trying to make Open Source Software as bloated as their own products
      • Probably more to the fact they are trying to make Open Source software more compatible with their own products.
        A lot of OSS software are designed with the Unix/Linux mindset. And ports to Windows are rather a last minute hack not really designed to use Windows features.

    • Does Android make them #1 because of lines of code, or because of hours of compilation? Do you still need a machine with like 32GB of RAM and multiple TB of disk to compile Android?

    • One thing about projects on GitHub is that this also implies accepting pull requests. I guess some projects might not do so as a matter of policy, but I've yet to see a Microsoft GitHub-hosted project that did not accept pull requests (subject to quality bars etc, of course).

  • And yet... (Score:2, Insightful)

    Windows is still a stinky proprietary black box.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Aaand microsoft is an android patent troll.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I was gonna say that. Shills try to claim MS are the good open source guys, where all they contribute to open source is so we rent Azure cloud stuff. Meanwhile, they're suing virtually all Android manufacturers, suing people for using FAT32 and countless other dick moves. You've quite mistaken if you think they're the good guys!

        • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
          Re "You've quite mistaken if you think they're the good guys!"
          Hearts and minds.
          Think of it as a very friendly chat at a used car yard or with a local politician, cult member.
          At the end of it your going to have to buy into something.
          The first line of code is always free...
          • by Anonymous Coward

            You know if you guys spent more time developing code and less time developing conspiracy theories there might actually be a desktop Linux system worth using and maybe Microsoft would actually die.

    • Microsoft *NEEDS* the help. Google and Facebook don't.
  • Obviously (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 15, 2016 @09:34PM (#52897535)

    Microsoft is a software company. Facebook and Google are advertising companies. Who would you expect to have more Open Source software contributors?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The advertiser's because they not only want to know everything about you, they want you to give them everything you own.

  • by PhrostyMcByte ( 589271 ) <> on Thursday September 15, 2016 @09:44PM (#52897571) Homepage

    Microsoft went overnight from just another big corporation to being an active participant in a community. They didn't half-ass it like their previous MS-PL things and they aren't just hosting a copy of their repo in public. They dove in head-first and use all the same 3rd party stuff everyone else does. Non-Microsoft devs are on equal footing with those from Microsoft -- if your code is good and your points valid, they are taken.

    All of the new features in C# 7 were discussed by the public, with multiple revisions coming out driven by those talks. There's a huge corpus of features in flight, some with 3rd-party implementations, ready to be picked from for C# 8.

    When .NET Core was announced I saw it as an opportunity to add the features I always wished it had, fix random bugs that I'd reported but had closed as "Wont Fix" because they were without enough benefit to their business customers, etc. -- my first pull request came in so fast they told me "err sorry we haven't figured out the process for adding APIs yet, hold on."

    • by ljw1004 ( 764174 ) on Thursday September 15, 2016 @10:37PM (#52897835)

      I've been having a blast. I work at Microsoft on C#. But now that it's all open-source, I did things completely differently...

      I had an idea for a new C# language feature (more efficient async, saves up to 90% allocation in some benchmarks). I discussed it first on github with the public. Then I forked the official C# repository into my personal github account, did all the coding live on Once it was finished I took it to the official C# Language Design Team, who approved it. And it'll be in C#7! []

  • by slacka ( 713188 ) on Thursday September 15, 2016 @09:46PM (#52897581)

    If you want an accurate measure of the number of open source contributors, don't limit yourself to github. Google opened sourced their own source code management system, Monorail. Many of there projects are hosted there such as Chromium and Android. There also huge contributors to LLVM/Clang, which uses SVN and of course the Linux kernel which is also not hosted on github.

    So basically BS click bait article.

    • This.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      If you want an accurate measure of the number of open source contributors, don't limit yourself to github.

      But that isnt what they are doing nor what they are claiming to do, it couldn't be much clearer and is written right there in the article title.

      So basically BS click bait article.

      You just failed to read the title: Microsoft Has More Open Source Contributors On GitHub Than Facebook and Google. Which is the same title as the article which references Github metrics here [].

      "Sorry Github you can't post your metrics because somebody might report on it and despite them posting an accurate headline there are incompetent people out there like 'slacka'

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Results of study don't fit with my narrative. Therefore, study is flawed!

      See Also: Climate Change, Anti-Vax, Evolution.
  • Since then, it's open sourced its Chakra JavaScript engine...

    Someone let Al Gore know that they've released their Chakra - as open source software.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This little turd blossom has shown up in every single new stream I have. So Microsoft is playing the "open source" game again? Does no one remember what happened the last time? What about embrace, extend, extinguish? Let me know when Microsoft does anything that isn't directly in their short term best interest. This PR stunt crap is just that. They've lost on the servers, they are losing browsers, they've lost on mobile, they lost on fitness trackers. No one really needs Windows anymore. The only product th

    • by Yunzil ( 181064 )

      No one really needs Windows anymore.

      I do. Because I want an OS that I don't have to monkey around with. Also I like to play video games. Remember video games?

  • by DMJC ( 682799 ) on Thursday September 15, 2016 @11:30PM (#52897997)
    Still waiting for Caligari TrueSpace... They bought it out in 2008 and released it free in 2009. But the sourcecode is still locked away buried and noone is updating or modifying it. #sadface
  • Say you're a millenial and actually use this github hoping to meet geekchix or fellow Big BangTheory fans or whatever.

    In which group are you,
    1) the embrace group
    2) the extend group, or
    3) the extinguish group?

    Or did you sign up to be the Bad Example github user guy, always presented in front of the day's training session, to hang his head in shame and remorse, writing I will stop being a bad example 1000 times on the chalkboard somewhere in Redmond?

  • With Win10 being OSS now it should be trivial to remove all the telemetry junk, it might even make the OS run faster! Right? RIGHT?

  • So, Google and Facebook require less external people to fix their code.

  • FB's employee count was 14495 on June 30, 2016 (on their website). This seems to say that FB has 15682 contributors. So either FB hired like 5k+ employees in the past 2 months (hey, they have sales, which I doubt contributes to software), or there is significant double/triple/quadruple counting (or maybe past employees, but I doubt their turnover is that huge). I doubt any of this is FB's fault (since I don't think FB cares about these numbers), but the original article is pretty bad at reporting (at best),

  • I would applaud any serious attempt by any company to contribute to the Open Source community, both in terms of active contributors and also the open-sourcing of projects (particularly widely-used ones, such as the .Net Framework).

    However, purely focussing on the number of contributors is potentially misleading for a number of reasons.
    For example, a contributor who posts a single one-line update fixing a spelling mistake is still a contributor, and in the total that contributor carries as much weight as a c

  • Its only Open Source if it's a respected Open Source license... we have been over this time and again with Microsoft and their cronies. They want the 'brand' without making the 'commitment'
  • Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.

    This is not the first time Microsoft declared itself as open source. If they were dedicated to open source back then, they wouldn't be in a position to announce they open source; everyone would already know it. Put your money where your mouth is, Microsoft. Until they open-source Windows, Office, and Visual Studio, they are lying. And lairs are not to be trusted.

  • Trust Microsoft at your own peril - the road is littered with corpses of organizations that trusted Microsoft at some point.

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
