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Russia-Linked Twitter Accounts 'Tried To Divide UK' After Terrorist Attacks ( 133

AmiMoJo shares a report from The Guardian: Fake social media accounts linked to Russia were used to influence and interfere with public debate in the aftermath of four terrorist attacks in the UK this year, researchers have found. At least 47 Russian Twitter accounts posted material after attacks at Westminster Bridge, Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Finsbury Park, according to researchers at the Cardiff University Crime and Security Research Institute (CSRI). Of the 47 accounts, eight were especially active, posting at least 475 tweets about the four attacks, which were reposted more than 153,000 times. The accounts intervened on both sides of polarized debates to ramp up the level of discord online, the research found.
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Russia-Linked Twitter Accounts 'Tried To Divide UK' After Terrorist Attacks

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  • Only 47? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by HornWumpus ( 783565 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @10:11PM (#55772965)

    Seriously 47? I call bullshit, there have to be more Russian trolls on twitter at any given second. And Americans, and Germans, and Australians, and Indians. Trolling is a world wide passtime.

    • Re:Only 47? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @11:18PM (#55773275) Journal
      Think of the debate within NATO on that number.

      Contractors wanting more over time prove 4700000 accounts are spreading news about what the Religion of War is doing.
      The NSA and GCHQ are sure its 47000000 accounts and want more funding to examine 5 hops from every account.
      MI5 and the FBI don't have 42300000 trusted contractors to watch 4700000 accounts in 24h shifts of 3 contractors.
      Some NATO nations are sure they cannot fund the over time for 3 investigators on weekends.

      After much internal debate the number 47 is selected from a list of bigger numbers.
      Its not a scary big number and can be presented like the Western security services have total control of the Religion of War issue.
      500 contractors watch over 47 accounts in shifts. A number NATO spending can cover.

      Trusted US and European news and social media dutifully push out the 47 number.
      • 500 contractors watching 47 accounts?

        You do realize that we have these fancy doohickeys called "computers" these days, right?

        • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
          Re "You do realize that we have these fancy doohickeys called "computers" these days, right?"
          That would take away from 3 contractors sitting around watching the one account owner.
          8 to 12 hours later the next shift of 3 take over.
          Given average working hours and the number of shifts over a day with weekends, thats a lot of new surveillance work to cover 47 people who are working 47 real accounts..
          3 people per shift allows for the new NSA enforced buddy system. Nobody can be alone doing NATO contract w
      • What? Are you serious? The shockingly diminutive numbers of the alleged Russian campaign on Twitter & Facebook (they spent tens of thousands of dollars over a year! tens of thousands, I tell you!!11!!) were the artificially inflated result of a computer-assisted, paranoid review. I mean, they included among the suspected Russian trolls even those that have a cyrillic character in their username or that logged even once from Russia. Well that last one makes sense: I'm sure that Hillary Clinton logged fr
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Paid trolls confirmed to be working for the Russian government on Moscow time.

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        More likely simply English speaking Russian who like to take the piss out of the US and UK governments. I reckon both are up tight murderous freakazoids and I do seriously enjoy taking the piss out of the US government as a result and I am Australian mate, simply fuck em, murderous cunts. I am quite simply shocked there are not tens of thousands of Russian revelling in taking the piss out of the US and UK governments, just 47, I doubt that. Population of Russia, smart and well educated, I would have thought

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      Seriously 47? I call bullshit, there have to be more Russian trolls on twitter at any given second.

      I suspect that just stopped creating more once they realized that they could not possibly do a better job in dividing Britain than the Conservative party was doing all by itself. They are so divided that recently they even threatened to sue their own MPs [].

      • 2 problems here:

        1) the original link to the Guardian article
        2) your link to the Guardian article.

        The Guardian is the worst kind of "lets tell the truth, but just leave out this bit and that bit, those facts are never relevant to the story"... Read a few other newspapers takes on the same story and you'll see the misrepresentation the Guardian loves to peddle.

        Anyway, only the other day they were saying Russia spent 73p on adverts designed to mess with British politics, its laughable how much they were blamed

    • The handlers of the GCHQ bots complained that there were posts opposing their bots so they concluded it must have been russians.

  • by Balial ( 39889 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @10:19PM (#55773013) Homepage

    Or is that just too much conspiracy?

  • Oh yeah (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @10:26PM (#55773057)

    I totally believe this guys! You should too.
    The Russians stole my sandwich today also.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    there is no more Russian trolls/hackers than anywhere else. This leftist conspiracy nonsense has to stop

  • by SlaveToTheGrind ( 546262 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @10:50PM (#55773169)

    And created some sort of ill-defined "discord" -- maybe.

    Meanwhile, U.S. "journalist" Brian Ross's fake news about Michael Flynn was retweeted over 25,000 times in less than half a day [] and caused the stock market to tank.

    So yes, let's definitely keep the focus where it belongs -- on a handful of posts from Rooshun nobodies. Because that's clearly what's dividing everyone.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      typical what-about-ism.

      let's focus on the topic at hand - that twitter accounts, controlled in all likely hood by Russian intelligence services, are attempting to sow discord in the UK.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        "in all likely hood"

        What, so there's no evidence, YET AGAIN??

        Those of us with a brain are getting pretty tired of the constant DNC/establishment propaganda designed to distract from their criminal activities by screaming "RUSSIA!" multiple times per day. FOAD, losers.

      • by cyber-vandal ( 148830 ) on Wednesday December 20, 2017 @02:42AM (#55773999) Homepage

        The newspapers in the UK are far more effective at sowing discord than a few trolls on a platform that the majority of the country doesn't use.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          More people use social media than read newspapers in the UK.

          • Since when is Twitter the entirety of social media and how many of the over 60s who voted for Brexit spend their time on there? Facebook is vastly more popular here and the Russian influence on there was ruled negligible by the Electoral Commission. If you have some compelling evidence that Putin did it then you'd better let them know, otherwise give it a fucking rest already.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      What-about-ism. This kind of crap is what lead to the murder of a British Member of Parliament. It's not trivial or unimportant.

      • What-about-ism.

        Well, no. It's exactly this kind of tripe that IS the what-about-ism. Show me the first article on this site about the Brian Ross debacle. There isn't a single one (and that holds true for the vast majority of attempts by the official media channels to foment the masses), yet we're treated to several poorly written, poorly sourced, handwaving articles a week about supposed Reds under our beds. It's nothing but a distraction from the misinformation campaign we're treated to on a daily basis from the supp

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          It's not speculation. The murderer tried to cite Russian posts as evidence in his trial. Some of them were retweeted by Britain First, whose name he murdered in.

  • by AHuxley ( 892839 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @10:51PM (#55773173) Journal
    47 accounts that have a hall full of the best anthropologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and propagandists to support them.
    Halls of select staff in isolated, sealed military cities.
    Hand crafting every word on typewriters to ensure total security from the NSA and GCHQ.
    The final approved message is transmitted by number station [] deep into the UK.
    After the one time pad is used once a message is released on to waiting social media in a NATO nation.
    The account has a real ip and looks like an average ISP. Using a desktop computer and consumer OS.
    The ill equipped minds of the average European cant handle the flow of such quality statements.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The sad part is that even when they forget to turn location tracking off and it says "Moscow" right there on their Facebook page most people don't notice. They don't check the source, they just re-post it on their own feed.

  • by William Baric ( 256345 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2017 @11:07PM (#55773219)

    Between the alt-right who thinks the Jews are controlling the world and the left who thinks it's Putin who is controlling the world, I'm beginning to think that flat-Earthers are not that bad after all.

    Am I the only person on this planet who is still sane?

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Follow the over time and funding.
      With every account discovered thats 3 unionized security service jobs created to watch the one account for 12 hours. 3 shifts of 3 people in 24h for years.
      Thats budget growth for the clandestine services, a bureaucratic success, more work for private sector contractors and a good news political story.
      More mil work if the special forces have enter a home.
      A good cyber news story can be the pathway to entire gov and mil careers.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Between the alt-right who thinks the Jews are controlling the world and the left who thinks it's Putin who is controlling the world

      If I think that Putin is Jewish, does that make me a centrist?

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Wednesday December 20, 2017 @02:59AM (#55774045) Homepage Journal

      The rational thing to do is look at the evidence. There is evidence that Russia is influencing people in the West.

      Is it really surprising that Russia continues to use propaganda, especially now that we build these effective tools to disseminate it?

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Yes, the rational thing to do is look at the evidence. So can we look at it? Because up to now, the only "evidence" is that there are people who say there is evidence, but we don't see any actual evidence. For example, can we look at those ads that RT America bought on Facebook to judge if the conspiracy theory can possibly be true? I'm asking this because I did see a few ads from RT in the past (not on Facebook since I don't use it), and they looked to me like all ads from any news media. It looked to me t

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          What about the social media accounts claiming to be ordinary British people, with hundreds of thousands of reposts, that only post during Moscow office hours and occasionally forget to delete their Moscow location data?

          Both the Frankfurt School and Kalergi plan are real too, but they are also very old news (like a century old) and the claims made about them don't stand up to scrutiny. The main difference is that those theories are all circumstantial, while Russian inference is specific and impossible to exp

          • Ah, yes! I've seen that claim of the Moscow office hours that goes from 9 am to 9 pm (those Russians certainly do some serious shifts), as well as the professionals who "occasionally forget" to delete their location data (I guess Putin should not force his government employees to work 12 hours a day).

            Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure among those supposed fake "pro-Russian" social media accounts there were also teenagers in Russia who troll the shit out of people, trolls are not something that exists only in

    • You arrogant Americans deserve what is comming to you. The foreign trolls have scented the death about you, the kids on 4chan think that it would be fun to take down your society with a frog. Even if only the Russians have been definitively detected as trying to sow discord in your society your arrogance makes you a big fat complacent target for anyone who wishes you ill. Serves you right I say, eaten from the inside out by Facebook the pinnacle of democratic capitalism.

      You seriously underestimate the power

    • Between the alt-right who thinks the Jews are controlling the world and the left who thinks it's Putin who is controlling the world, I'm beginning to think that flat-Earthers are not that bad after all.

      Am I the only person on this planet who is still sane?

      I thought the left was pro-Putin because he's not Donald Trump? Or something.

  • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Wednesday December 20, 2017 @12:33AM (#55773655) Journal
    Russians were trying to divide the country? That's awful! It could be worse, imagine if our own politicians were trying to divide the country! Oh, wait.
    • How exactly, do you know this divide isn't escalated largely by these actions, and how do we know it's ONLY 47 accounts?

      I for one, remember quite vividly how all of a sudden, even here on /., after the Ukrainian invasion by Russia, there was a sudden influx of almost trollish proposals of idiotic theories, how it was really the CIA (f.e.).

      Troll factories are real. Russia is at info-war with us. And they are really really good at it.

      • How exactly, do you know this divide isn't escalated largely by these actions, and how do we know it's ONLY 47 accounts?

        That's a very trollish question there. Show the evidence or you yourself have become the troll.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Meanwhile, the so called trolls (actually, sockpuppets) are really active in the Russian part of the Internet, and have two kinds of tactics which are more or less effective: defend the government's POV on the issue at hand

        I don't know if that's the government though (it might be, I don't know), but there are plenty of average Russian citizens who will willingly do that without getting paid. Just like there are plenty of people in America who willingly defend Trump when he says stupid things.

  • figuring out where the real terrorists are coming from?

    Instead of making countries safer, they're going after internet trolls?

    Good grief. Way to distract from their own incompetence. Or is it collusion?

  • I was going to remark that we could expect Russian apologists to swarm to this story in three, two...but I was too late. They're already on it like flies on a fresh turd.

  • i can understand they try to influence elections, but why influence the terrorist attacks debate? how does that benefit them?

  • The division, which only exists because people are now hyper-aware of terrorism and related issues, goes something like:

    Right: Terrorism is bad; open borders contribute to insecure nations. We shouldn't have open borders.

    Left: This is our new way of life; you are a racist if you can't deal with it.

    • The division, which only exists because people are now hyper-aware of terrorism and related issues, goes something like:

      Right: Terrorism is bad; open borders contribute to insecure nations. We shouldn't have open borders.

      Left: This is our new way of life; you are a racist if you can't deal with it.

      Gosh, I wonder whether you are on the right or Left? So hard to tell from your finely balanced strawman.

  • This whole thing reminds me of the old Miller Lite commercial [] where Conrad Dobler stirs up trouble between "tastes great" guy and the "less filling" guy.

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