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Open Source Databases Software Apple

Apple Open Sources FoundationDB ( 50

Apple's FoundationDB company announced on Thursday that the FoundationDB core has been open sourced with the goal of building an open community with all major development done in the open. The database company was purchased by Apple back in 2015. As described in the announcement, FoundationDB is a distributed datastore that's been designed from the ground up to be deployed on clusters of commodity hardware. Mac Rumors reports: By open sourcing the project to drive development, FoundationDB is aiming to become "the foundation of the next generation of distributed databases: "The vision of FoundationDB is to start with a simple, powerful core and extend it through the addition of "layers". The key-value store, which is open sourced today, is the core, focused on incorporating only features that aren't possible to write in layers. Layers extend that core by adding features to model specific types of data and handle their access patterns. The fundamental architecture of FoundationDB, including its use of layers, promotes the best practices of scalable and manageable systems. By running multiple layers on a single cluster (for example a document store layer and a graph layer), you can match your specific applications to the best data model. Running less infrastructure reduces your organization's operational and technical overhead." The source for FoundationDB is available on Github, and those who wish to join the project are encouraged to visit the FoundationDB community forums, submit bugs, and make contributions to the core software and documentation.
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Apple Open Sources FoundationDB

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Is it webscale?

  • Shame it's not the DB format used on the later iPod Nano music players, because that would have been useful.

  • Burt Bacharach was wrong. What the world needs now is another distributed key value store.

    • Burt Bacharach was wrong. What the world needs now is another distributed key value store.

      Yep, exactly. That said, I'm curious about the 'layers' aspect. That seems to be the fun/cool distinguishing part of this engine. And what probably made it worth acquiring when they were bought.

  • Would the API for this be called FoundationDBFoundation?
  • Mac OSX which roots to DARWIN at its core is open source. FoundationDB open source I read as a strategic action preceding the launch of another or new Apple platform.

    • Mac OSX which roots to DARWIN at its core is open source. FoundationDB open source I read as a strategic action preceding the launch of another or new Apple platform.

      That's a pretty far reach, methinks.

      • Open source is keystone to the technology Apple develops. The choice to open source a software which none of its current product line up depends is interesting. Apple is not in the open source business. So why? Why choose open source for a software that Apple API's neither support, integrate nor interoperate?

        • Open source is keystone to the technology Apple develops. The choice to open source a software which none of its current product line up depends is interesting. Apple is not in the open source business. So why? Why choose open source for a software that Apple API's neither support, integrate nor interoperate?

          Interesting point.

          Perhaps it will be rolled-out in the next major release of macOS and/or iOS, and this is Apple's way of Beta Testing it.

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
