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Businesses United States

The US Startup Is Disappearing ( 168

Dan Kopf, writing for Quartz: Historically, startups have been the engine of US economy. By creating new jobs and surfacing new ideas, startups play an outsized role in making the economy grow. It's too bad they are a dying breed. While companies that were less than two years old made up about 13% of all companies in 1985, they only accounted for 8% in 2014. From around 1998 to 2010, the share of private sector workers in companies that were less than two years old plummeted from more than 9% to less than 5%. A new report from the Brookings Institution, finds that in nearly every industry, from agriculture to finance, the share of new companies is falling.
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The US Startup Is Disappearing

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  • In 1998 there was virtually no outsourcing and start-ups had people on staff that now work for companies like Wageworks and others. Maybe it's better to track the number of actuall start up companies?

    • I wonder if it is just caused by less companies failing. If you look at the number of companies being started each year (source []), it has been failure steady over the past 20 years. Maybe the share of companies which are younger than 2 years is a symptom of less companies failing. If company failure rates were higher in the decades preceding 1985, then of course young companies would be larger percentage of all companies.

      Could this just be a case of playing with statistics to create a good headline for a sto

      • What if the reason for fewer startups is the fact that large oligopolies will buy up his ideas and compete with him or her. Have a good idea about some feature in your field of expertise a very rich competitor will likely buy you up or copy your idea and keep you from growing or even remaining in business.

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:08AM (#56822436)
    There is a historical precedence where wild west era was followed by consolidated power of robber barons. Comparable is happening in modern technological world - we have Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and so on filling all technological niches and monopolizing them. So until the next niche opens up, be it applied AI or something else, there is less to start up to.
    • by Dallas May ( 4891515 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:16AM (#56822476)

      You know there are other sectors of the global economy besides tech, right?

      • Any that you believe isn't already or won't be dominated by tech?

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Same thing is/has been happening to sectors outside of tech too. Some of them may even pre-date tech, with memes like Walmart replacing many mom & pop stores, and old media (tv, newspaper) being owned by a handful of companies, with Rupert Murdoch being portrayed as some Bond villain

      • by erice ( 13380 )

        You know there are other sectors of the global economy besides tech, right?

        Yes, but where else is there a regular pattern of disruption that allows startups to thrive? Restaurants and fashion are the only ones that come to mind. Fashion is fairly weak as the money is mostly in the barely disrupted manufacturing and retail sides. Restaurants aren't very profitable and few of these "startups" get past the small business stage.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by vlad30 ( 44644 )
        Do you know what is takes to start up a business of any type these days

        Construction of any type - Insurance Public liability , Workers comp, licences before you even start

        Restaurant - Insurance Public liability , Workers comp, licences, Rent, fit-out

        The same goes for many businesses the costs to start now are much higher not just in tech and add to that ongoing costs e.g. energy cost that are increasing I see a lot of younger people give up once they realise that business they want to start-up would req

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:20AM (#56822514)
      There's always a history of new comers becoming incumbent giants and eventually being supplanted in turn. Look at Sears which once revolutionized the way that people shopped and is now a tiny bit player this is closing down its stores. Perhaps there's some cycle in the rate of new startups within that greater cycle of corporate birth and death, but I'm willing to bet that the bigger culprit is an increasing amount of hoops that a new startup must jump through. Government is always eager to put new hoops in place, while seldom bothering to remove old ones that may not be relevant. The existing companies love this as even though it costs them additional money in order to comply with those rules, it's much harder on the little guys. Look at the recent GDPR laws in Europe as an example and ask yourself how much of a pain that would be to deal with if you're a small one or two person company. Or consider companies like Uber, Lyft, etc. that are successful precisely because they're doing their best to skirt the draconian regulations surrounding Taxi services in most cities.
      • Look at the recent GDPR laws in Europe as an example and ask yourself how much of a pain that would be to deal with if you're a small one or two person company.
        Close to zero. While the GDPR is a big chunk of paper, it is for 99% of all companies irrelevant.
        You simply only store as much information you need to perform the business with your customer, like billing address, and never share any information with anyone else. And that is the default for small companies. With whom for what purpose would I share any private data of any of my customers?

        • by Anonymous Coward

          lolwut? pretty much every startup is in the adtech space, because the alternative is collecting money from customers. Any information about a user (even a randomly generated cookie) is subject to GDPR.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            lolwut? pretty much every startup is in the adtech space, because the alternative is collecting money from customers. Any information about a user (even a randomly generated cookie) is subject to GDPR.

            Not outside the US. Even before the GDPR this was categorically illegal in Europe and most of the civilized world.

        • Lot of consequences you may not be considering. For example, every Indie/small press writer is a small business. They all tend to have email lists for their readers to subscribe to. For the last few months there has been a huge uproar amongst them while everyone scrambles to figure out what GDPR compliance means they do or don't have to do, just because they send emails to people who want to hear about them and/or their new releases as they come out.

          In any case, the real reason for the decrease in new busin

        • The tilt that GDPR applies against startups has to do with sharing your company information with potential customers, not sharing customer information.

          If you're an existing company with an existing customer base, you have more people intersecting with your "legitimate business interest," allowing you to ignore most of the effects of GDPR when it comes to lead generation (non-customer communications). Essentially, larger companies ignore much of GDPR for outbound communications.

          When you're a new company, wit

          • by Okind ( 556066 )

            If you're an existing company with an existing customer base, you have more people intersecting with your "legitimate business interest," allowing you to ignore most of the effects of GDPR when it comes to lead generation (non-customer communications).

            This is not correct: generating leads, i.e. future profits, is not a 'legitimate interest' with respect to GDPR compliance. You'll need consent for that.

            Customer data is needed to fulfill (existing) contracts. But having data for one purpose does not allow you to use the same data for another purpose: you'll need a separate justification for using customer data for that new purpose. In that sense, the GDPR levels the playing field by giving large established companies the same options as startups to gain ne

    • Large corporations (universally) set up economic and legal barriers-to-entry to protect their own interests. These barriers stifle startups before they can even start up. Inasmuch as this strategy is successful, we would expect to see fewer startups in an economy dominated by a handful of giants.

      As it stands now, one must be kind of crazy, and kind of stupid, to attempt a start up. Getting your foot in the economic door requires you to work yourself to death while taking on considerable risk, including r

    • The problem is in fact that the big companies do not pay any taxes.
      That makes them much more competitive than small ones, and the small ones disappear.
      Tax the big ones, as it once was, it will be much more balanced.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Over regulation (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Over regulation, cost of entry, corporate cronies in government, high taxation, have all conspired to hurt small businesses.

    It's a Democrat/Republican problem though. You cannot pick just one. They are all to blame. If you want a healthy functioning economy with light regulation and sensible government spending & taxation, then you cannot vote for anyone in those two parties.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Add the cost of health insurance to the list. Thanks Obama!
      • It's not really a problem for most companies dealing with low-skill labor that previously did not receive health care. There was a provision put into place that you only needed to pay for employee's healthcare if they worked some set number of hours (in this case 30) per week. Predictably employers cut hours for many positions and there a now a large number of jobs that offer no more than 29 hours of work per week.
    • Re:Over regulation (Score:5, Insightful)

      by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:18AM (#56822482) Homepage Journal

      Over regulation, cost of entry, corporate cronies in government, high taxation, have all conspired to hurt small businesses.

      It's a Democrat/Republican problem though. You cannot pick just one. They are all to blame. If you want a healthy functioning economy with light regulation and sensible government spending & taxation, then you cannot vote for anyone in those two parties.

      Yep...and it is getting so bad, that ONLY the big guys can afford full time staff dedicated to the tax and paperwork....keeps the upstarts out.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Just as the big guys intended all along, since they are the ones writing the legislation nowadays, in many cases literally

        The dream of America is dead and the patient cannot be brought back to life

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Don't forget the IP minefields.

        If you wind up hitting a submarine patent, the incumbents can simply come in and take over without a fight, or you wind up in a huge legal battle where they drag out discovery and bleed you dry.

        If you actually do invent something new, chances are the incumbents will offer a low price and require full transfer of all rights to them to complete the deal. If you refuse, see above about the legal battle you'll be faced with. Also, if you do agree to the deal, whatever you've inven

      • I know plenty of folks who ran small businesses and the tax and regulation paper work weren't bad at all. You do want to hire a lawyer for your incorporation but that's not because the gov't makes it hard but because if you screw it up and get sued by a private person/company and you're paperwork is off they can pierce the corporate veil and take your stuff.

        Other than that and the most odious regulation I remember seeing a small business suffer through was having to throw electronic waste in the right p
    • Over regulation, cost of entry, corporate cronies in government, high taxation, have all conspired to hurt small businesses.

      It's a Democrat/Republican problem though. You cannot pick just one. They are all to blame. If you want a healthy functioning economy with light regulation and sensible government spending & taxation, then you cannot vote for anyone in those two parties.

      so fine it's ok pay some one $2/hr to drive an car for uber with no real power to set there own rates or rules.

    • You think third parties are inherently less corrupt? They're just as likely to be bought off or bullied as any other politician.
    • I have always though of starting my own consulting business. The biggest problem isn't what you have listed, it is finding a Customer base to get my company off the ground.

      Customers want to deal with established companies, knowing they will not be out of business in a year. Offering a product/service they can value over a long time. Also a lot of small companies with limited marketing ability, usually fall under used car salesmen like advertisements which makes them seem like shady individuals to work with

      • by Anonymous Coward

        If all competitors are too big - time to adjust antitrust laws. Don't let corporations grow so big before forcibly breaking them up. You could start by changing anything "too big to fail" into "too big to exist as a single unit".

    • Over regulation, cost of entry, corporate cronies in government, high taxation, have all conspired to hurt small businesses.

      Cool story bro. Have you worked in a small business, or are you parroting things you heard elsewhere?

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Find a state that has low cost power, fast internet and nice, safe, clean housing.
      Take a person who has an idea in the USA and welcome them to your state.
      Show them the nice housing. The fast internet. The educated locals.
      What their investment in your state gets. A house, a workplace. Services that support a productive community, roads for transport. Not tent cities and people living in parked RV.
      That they can grow their new idea in your state.

      The startup problem is a problem for a few state
  • Maybe (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ogar572 ( 531320 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:13AM (#56822460)
    All of the stupid ideas have been vetted out and new startups are trying stuff that has some potential to succeed which cause fewer companies to start?
  • Risk vs reward (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dallas May ( 4891515 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:14AM (#56822468)

    Start up risk is huge. That's the problem. It's massive. Sure there are some people that are successful and the risk pays dividends, but success is actually pretty rare. Most rational people look at the risk of starting your own company and shrug it off because simply being an employee is typically not that bad of a deal. In fact, it's really a pretty good deal. Your risk is greatly limited. Most people are perfectly ok with that.

    • Re:Risk vs reward (Score:5, Insightful)

      by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:44AM (#56822684)
      That's generally established and I think everyone knows that. The question being put forward is why the rate of people who are taking these risks is decreasing. Have people suddenly become much more risk averse? Is there some kind of economic interference that's resulting in this reduction? Is it just a small dip that happens from time to time for no real discernible reason? Are the number of startups still about the same, but what we're really seeing is a much more rapid failure in startups?

      That few people start their own business is not surprising. What's interesting is that fewer people than usual are doing it.
      • Re:Risk vs reward (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Dallas May ( 4891515 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:54AM (#56822768)

        Honestly I think it's mostly that being a middle-class employee is generally becoming a better trade for the employee. If you have a salaried position (guaranteed reliable and regular pay), have general health benefits, and an IRA or 401K, why would you throw that away just to work harder and be responsible for entire company?

        Being a lower-class employee is getting worse, but those people are less likely to have the ability to raise the funds necessary to start their own companies.

      • Re:Risk vs reward (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Terry Carlino ( 2923311 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @12:50PM (#56823220)

        I think a good part of it is regulation. Not just federal regulation either, though a lot of EPA and OSHA and other regulations don't help either.

        Before anybody screams about libertarianism or small-goverment or even socialism lets take a dispassionate look at things.

        In 1960 if you wanted to start a business washing cars you rented a place, hired some people and dumped your dirty water either in the street or the sewers. In other words you externalized your disposal cost.

        The same thing if you had a company that constructed batteries. You dumped your used chemicals somewhere at no cost. You externalized your disposal costs.

        Now the EPA came along and suddenly you have to pay fro proper disposal. Your company is less profitable. The small guys, the ones most likely to running on the edges with little profit now become unprofitable.

        So prohibiting companies from externalizing their disposal cost is good for society, however it does reduce the number of new business that are started because it raises the bar necessary to enter the market. This might be a societal bad, but on balance is better than allow cost externalization that we all pay, in both cost and reduced quality of life.

        Do this for a number of decades and of course you're going to see a decline in the number of new business.

        • But this has limited predictability. For example, how many new advertising consulting businesses are there each year. Of course there are lots, but I bet you would find that the rate of ad agency start-up has similarly decreased significantly over the decades. Can't really blame OSHA or the EPA for that.

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Srin Tuar ( 147269 )

          > Now the EPA came along and suddenly you have to pay fro proper disposal. Your company is less profitable. The small guys, the ones most likely to running on the edges with little profit now become unprofitable.

          Slight adjustment there: The EPA has no problem shielding companies like BP from hundreds of billions in pollution lawsuits, such as wrecking the entire gulf of mexico.

          The EPA working as designed to protect he big polluters from competition.

          If you actually cared about pollution, it would not be s

  • The startups I see (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:18AM (#56822494)
    seem less like an attempt to build a real business and more like an attempt to build something with enough patents and/or engineers for a buyout. I can't say I blame them. Thanks to our weakly enforced anti-trust law if you don't get bought out the big guys can just bury you.
    • by dyfet ( 154716 )

      indeed, vc's seem only interested in those offering new ways to cheat people (business model innovations), not in new or better ways to actually do real things.

  • All those new IPO expenses really saved the economy!

  • Gee, that was in the midst of Raygun and the Republicans' (not my cover band) onslaught of deregulation.

    Btw, those of you who work for a living... has your company been bought lately by a bigger company? Mine's been *twice* in the last three years....

    Meanwhile, the middle class is squeezed tighter and tighter.

    But I can't guess why there are fewer startups....

  • by mi ( 197448 ) <> on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:38AM (#56822634) Homepage Journal

    I am having a hard time reconciling the following two parts of the write-up: "Historically, startups have been the engine of US economy" vs. "While companies that were less than two years old made up about 13% of all companies in 1985, they only accounted for 8% in 2014". Even at their highest number of 13% during the, supposedly, "good old days", how can they be considered "the engine"?..

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      I am having a hard time reconciling the following two parts of the write-up: "Historically, startups have been the engine of US economy" vs. "While companies that were less than two years old made up about 13% of all companies in 1985, they only accounted for 8% in 2014". Even at their highest number of 13% during the, supposedly, "good old days", how can they be considered "the engine"?..

      Engine is probably the wrong word, maybe fertiliser or seed is better. With less fertiliser or seed you eventually produce less food. This will have consequences sooner or later.

      • by mi ( 197448 )

        Is "fertilizer" really a better word for something — anything — you'd wish to praise?

        • Is "fertilizer" really a better word for something — anything — you'd wish to praise?

          Is Fertiliser not a good thing where you live? Strange comment....

  • by ole_timer ( 4293573 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:39AM (#56822636)
    The study does not say how many total companies there were/are, and has that grown so that the # of startups is actually the same. or larger?
  • The large tech giants pay so much that it skews the Risk/Reward of any startup-minded person. Usually start ups were created by people that did not see a payroll job as good enough and took the risk of starting their own. Now, even people on the bottom tier of a tech giant make a very good living. Very hard to give that up.
  • ...of gutting education and immigration.
  • ... is the whole point about "StartUps".
    Fail fast is the motto and the most fail.
    Something like 98%.
    So this is news how?

  • by ErichTheRed ( 39327 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @11:44AM (#56822680)

    "While companies that were less than two years old made up about 13% of all companies in 1985, they only accounted for 8% in 2014. From around 1998 to 2010, the share of private sector workers in companies that were less than two years old plummeted from more than 9% to less than 5%. "

    This makes sense given the timeline. In the mid-80s everyone was experimenting and you had tons of small companies chipping away at the monolithic UNIX/mainframe computing well as a few manufacturers actually making physical goods. From 1998 to 2010, you had the top of Dotcom Bubble 1.0, followed by the financial crisis in 2010, so you go from 8% at the height to 5% at the start of the recovery cycle. Then in 2014, you have the inflation of the Second Dotcom Bubble which (IMO) we're nearing the top of. plus smartphones and social media really go nuts from 2010 to 2014, hence the increase to 8%.

    My opinion is that startups aren't sticking around very long, simply because they're easier to cobble together from outsourced parts. SaaS providers offer HR, finance, payment acceptance, logistics, and IT in a box. Cloud providers will host your workloads for a monthly fee which the VCs probably like a lot, because they slowly burn money rather than give millions at a time to build data centers and such. So, some guy building Yet Another Provisioning Tool or Yet Another Abstraction Layer on JavaScript can follow the First Dotcom Bubble playbook on an accelerated timeline...either they get big enough to IPO, or get bought by Microsoft/Facebook/Google/Netflix.

    The other thing that might be driving this is just the sheer risk involved. Despite what the media portrays about SV startups, they are not stable places to work. It's great when you're fresh out of college and can continue the lifestyle...getting paid in free food and doing 100 hour weeks in the office with your buddies. But when you grow up, steady paychecks have a huge appeal, especially when you have a family.

  • It's an interesting fragment of trivia, but how's the larger picture?

    The economy is booming.

    • Re:So what? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 21, 2018 @12:24PM (#56823004)

      Is it? Last time I checked unemployment was down, but wages are still stagnant.

      The "economy" is booming if you have millions of dollars, if you are middle class or under, "the economy" being in a "boom" or a "bust" doesn't really matter since you are still treading water with far less buying power than your parent's generation.

      You'll also note a line in that article that links the two ideas you flippantly disregarded: one factor that encourages large wage growth is young companies. High numbers of start-ups and younger companies tend to drive wages up. Without this competition, larger / older companies don't pay as well.

      The "economy" isn't really booming-- the people at the top have simply found new ways to siphon more money off the lower and middle classes. Welcome to the end game of capitalism, we've managed to stay here a lot longer this time without the lower classed players breaking out the guillotine. I'm not really keen on seeing the end of this round, but I feel like we aren't as far away as I thought we were.

      • Maybe we should break out the guillotines. Why? It sure as hell seemed to work [] for the French. Wages for laborers, artisans, and tradespeople went up dramatically after they scared the living shit out of the rich folks. Start with the billionaires and see if the millionaires feel like un-assing a bit more wages. I bet it wouldn't take many heads in a basket to convince them wages need to rise and the H1B assholes need to go home.

        • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

          Have you noticed how many of the most vocal proponents of minimum basic income are tech billionaires?

          They're the ones who know where tech is going, are smart enough to realize the societal implications, and are aware that it's good to be rich, but not good to be TOO rich when a bunch of poor people are getting desperate.

          • Agreed. Too bad the old-school industrialists don't seem to have the same fear. The tech billionaires have their foibles, too. They lobby to let in tens of thousands H1Bs then give their arrange-married-spouses a backdoor work permit, too (and lefty-trolls don't tell me this doesn't happen. I'm a hiring manager - fucking WATCH it happen personally), and won't stop until job growth in tech is less than or equal to the H1B immigration level. I feel sorry for American kids who hear "Go into STEM" only to find
  • Historically, startups have been the engine of US economy.

    NOPE! When you start with that, you're just telling everyone with a brain to tune the fuck out.

  • The way the patent system is in US, any company trying to invent/improve anything without the giants (Facebook, Google, Microsoft) blessing, probably will be sued by them about about any stupid licensed stuff.
  • by Steve1952 ( 651150 ) on Thursday June 21, 2018 @12:42PM (#56823148)
    An additional contributing factor might demographics. Consider the baby boomer population. This is often called the "Pig in the Python". During the 1990's, there were a large number of educated baby boomers in their 30's, in an environment where there were fewer open slots of any type above them. So there may have been a greater incentive to "create your own slot" by doing a startup.
  • Given enough time, unrestrained capitalism ends with oligopoly

  • So we went from 13% of the population in 1985, when there were 237.9MM people in the US to 8% of the population in 2014 when there are approximately 318.6MM people. So from 31MM people in 1985 to 25.5MM in 2014.

    But with that said, we were coming out of a recession. There's probably a considerable lag time. Anecdotally, the economy would need to be pretty healthy for quite a while before I'd risk working for a startup. So I'd be interested to see statistics in the 2020-2025 time frame. I'm not panici
  • I was just looking into starting a company because I have an opportunity to pursue a $1M/year contract. I found myself inundated with ridiculously bad insurance "offers". Initial quotes for insurance came to $35k/employee for three people ... more than 10% of my projected annual revenue for the first year. I know there are other options, like co-employment companies but have not finished working through these details yet. CPA and legal fees are a drop in the bucket compared to insurance for a small busi
  • Excellent choice of end-point. Fucking morons.

    Nortel market cap rivals IBM [] — 29 June 2000

    With about 2.9 billion common shares outstanding, Brampton, Ont.-based Nortel is now being valued at $200.6-billion. That fell just short of IBM's total valuation of $201.7-billion at the end of the day yesterday.

  • This is a no-brainer: Big Biz is, by far, the leading culprit.

    Think about it. Do the easy research. Big biz either swallows-up those startups early (usually hostile takeover),
    or squashes them (via product/patent theft, direct interference/manipulation, etc...) before they can get established.

    Not to mention the difficulty in getting startup capital.

    This is why big biz needs tighter regulation.
    History has shown that big biz gets less and less individual-friendly as it gets bigger.

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
