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Unlike Most Millennials, Norway's Are Rich ( 530

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Best known for its Viking history, snow sports and jaw-dropping fjords, Norway is making a new name for itself as the only major economy in Europe where young people are getting markedly richer. People in their early thirties in Norway have an average annual disposable household income of around 460,000 kroner (around $56,200). Young Norwegians have enjoyed a 13% rise in disposable household income in real terms compared to Generation X (those born between 1966 and 1980) when they were the same age. These startling figures come from the largest comparative wealth data set in the world, the Luxembourg Income Database, and were analyzed in a recent report on generational incomes for the UK Think Tank The Resolution Foundation.

Compare this with young people in other strong economies: U.S. millennials have experienced a 5% dip, in Germany it's a 9% drop. For those living in southern Europe (the southern Eurozone suffered the brunt of the global economic crisis in 2008), disposable incomes have plunged by as much as 30%. Norway's youth unemployment rate (among 15- to 29-year-olds) is also relatively low at 9.4% compared to an OECD average of 13.9%.
According to the BBC, this can be attributed to the country's rapid economic growth, thanks largely to their huge oil and gas sectors. "After seeing the biggest increase in average earnings of any large high-income economy between 1980 and 2013, it now leads multiple global rankings for wealth and wellbeing."
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Unlike Most Millennials, Norway's Are Rich

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  • Basements! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Suki I ( 1546431 )

    Maybe they lack momma's basement for carefree gaming into their forties.

    • Pity the poor CEOs (Score:4, Insightful)

      by careysb ( 566113 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @07:40PM (#56953728)

      What? Why didn't the oil/gas CEOs get all of it?

      • Maybe because Norway wasn't stupid enough to hand over their oil and gas to some corporation?

        Or, more to the point, maybe its politicians are not corrupt enough to hand it over for a position in their directorate. Which might also explain why the population there has more faith in its politicians than in crooked and failed countries.

  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @04:31PM (#56952878) Homepage

    As I've watched how Norway has been doing over the past 15+ years with their wise use and planning of oil revenues it has been clear that the Norwegian government has been planning for the future to ensure the prosperity of their citizens.

    Now that technology is unlocking massive amounts of fossil fuels, it's unfortunate that other countries (I'm thinking of my country Canada) aren't following the example and planning for the future in the same way. I know that in Canada, there would be a major fight with Alberta to share tar sands revenue, but it would be nice if the Albertan government at least would follow Norway's approach and provide for their citizen's future.

    Good on Norway, hopefully other countries will follow their lead.

    • by DMJC ( 682799 )
      Meanwhile in Australia, we give away our natural gas practically for free while suffering through insane domestic gas prices. Qatar which is a Middle Eastern shithole, actually collects more tax revenue from their gas exports than we do.
      • We're also running a total population Ponzi scheme at unhinged levels, to cover up economic issues.

        . For lack of a better word, we're raping the young of a future here.

    • It helps a lot that Norway has a small population. Those gas and oil reserves go a long way. And they get to export nearly all of their gas, since they use hydroelectric for most of their power. Canada probably is in a good position to do similar, but most of the rest of Europe is not quite in the same position.
  • by andersh ( 229403 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @04:31PM (#56952888)

    The oil & gas sector employed 1% of Norwegians last year (including suppliers). It represented 14% of GDP. However the sector is Norway's largest measured in terms of value added, government revenues, investments and export value (40%). All of the revenue is invested abroad using a SWF.

    • by msauve ( 701917 )
      "All of the revenue is invested abroad using a SWF."

      Do you know the name of this single white female? Just asking.
  • Just like the parrot I'm pining for the fjords.

  • by techdolphin ( 1263510 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @04:53PM (#56953028)
    That help explains why Norway is the happiest country in the world.
  • America may not be awash in newfound oil, but the USA is a wealthy country that keeps creating wealth. Take an American company like Apple, awash in cash. The CEO gets $3 million base salary + $9 million for meeting his numbers for a total of $12 million. An Apple Genius (often a millenial) makes $15/hr and may get $10 off an Apple device for their perk.

    In your judgement, is Tim Cook is worth the same as 400 Apple Genius in terms of contribution to the company and wealth creation?

    In the USA wealth is not evenly distributed and any gains flow to the top 10% as seen in Tim Cooks performance bonus.

    How to fix it?

    Last I checked, the economy is booming and in the USA there are more jobs than workers available. It is time to use your social media skills to get organized and get a fair wage for your contribution, unless of course you think you are worth 400x (times) less than the CEO of your company.

    Who should organize?

    Apple Geniuses
    Big Box Store Works (Home Depot, Lowes, Menards, Best Buy, Walmart, SamClub, Costco, Target)
    Fast Food Workers (Taco Bell, McD;s, BK)
    Dollar Store Workers
    Convenience Store Works
    Department Store Workers

    Everyone has to do it together, or it won't work. No single company can have a competitive advantage with cheaper labor. However, most CEO's in a competitive sector like fast food can't raise wages without raising prices or cutting staff, because their competitors can still run cheaper. The entire segment needs to band together and demand higher wages/benefits.

    Millennials! Pay Attention. There has never been an better time to organize and get your piece of the American pie, or you can just settle for the crumbs.
    The question you have to ask yourself is what value do you contribute to the company in which you work?

    This worked at the turn of the century for AutoWorkers and it could clearly work again. []

  • by TJHook3r ( 4699685 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @06:06PM (#56953350)
    Norway carefully used their assets whilst the UK pissed their oil wealth away. Africa is currently flogging all their mineral assets to China on the cheap to benefit a few bent politicians and supercar salesmen. Like the modern day Ant and Grasshopper!
  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @06:15PM (#56953386)

    McDonald pays $16-$19+/HR in Norway

  • *GIGGLE* (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sjames ( 1099 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @06:23PM (#56953436) Homepage Journal

    I may post more in-depth later. For now I can't stop giggling at all the right wingers here who after years of screeching "that's socialism' every time anyone breathed a hint of a word in favor of a social safety net who ar now trying to walk that back and claim "That's not socialism at all!"


  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @06:55PM (#56953582)
    The Gen Xers did alright and the boomers made out like bandits, but the Millennials are screwed. They're not getting pensions, their 401ks get eaten up by fees and the periodic stock market crashes brought on by weak regulation and risk free bail outs and their student loan debt means they can't start life until their 30s. Meanwhile outsourcing + H1-Bs means they're in intense competition for decent jobs so they worked much, much harder than their parents and grandparents for much, much less.

    The right wing in America (who's defining feature is a pro-corporate bent that wants low wages, lax environmental regulations and lax worker protections) knows this. They're currently in control of all branches of Government (the Democratic party moved the Overton window to the left so Clinton could sail into the Whitehouse and got away with it when the .com and house bubbles masked the ill effects of supply side economics until 2008 when it all came crashing down). With control of the government came control of media (Sinclair media's been allowed to buy up all local stations).

    The question is, Americans may be ready for Democratic Socialism but will they get it? The ruling class has so much wealth and power now they can bury the will of the people. It's been shown a 2-3 week ad blitz is enough to change the public's opinion on anything. Hell, we can't get more than 60% of the population to agree that healthcare is a right and thanks to our political system that gives extra voting power to rural states (a Montana voter has something like 42 times more voting power than a California thanks to our Senate) and the effect of "swing states" I'm not sure any of this matters.

    It literally doesn't matter how much evidence you have that Democratic Socialism works. The people opposed to it have unlimited money (we gave it to them) and the last two generations are very much in the "I got mine, fuck you" school of thought. Maybe when those people start dying. Hell, we (mostly) got gay rights. Then again the new SCOTUS might shoot all that down...
    • It literally doesn't matter how much evidence you have that Democratic Socialism works. The people opposed to it

      ...control both parties. That's why the DNC ran Clinton when we wanted Sanders, it's why Crowley isn't stepping down []. The Democrats, the so-called leftist/liberal party in the USA, is actually a centrist bunch of corporate whores. They do little when they control congress, but shout loudly about how bad the other side is when there is no other side.

      We need an actual left-wing, liberal party here in the USA, made up of politicians who won't suck corporate cock.

      • don't call them centrists. They're right wing. Calling them centrists makes them sound reasonable when they're not. Call a spade a spade and a right wing Democrat right wing.
  • Sane oil economy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by manu0601 ( 2221348 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @07:39PM (#56953724)
    Norway is probably the only oil-producing country on earth that managed to share oil revenues among citizen. Most of the time oil is a curse for the people, resulting in corruption, kleptocracy and dictatorship.

"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid" -- the artificial person, from _Aliens_
