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Children Learn Best When Their Bodies Are Engaged in the Living World. We Must Resist the Ideology of Screen-Based Learning ( 289

Nicholas Tampio, associate professor of political science at Fordham University in New York, writing for Aeon magazine: As a parent, it is obvious that children learn more when they engage their entire body in a meaningful experience than when they sit at a computer. If you doubt this, just observe children watching an activity on a screen and then doing the same activity for themselves. They are much more engaged riding a horse than watching a video about it, playing a sport with their whole bodies rather than a simulated version of it in an online game.

Today, however, many powerful people are pushing for children to spend more time in front of computer screens, not less. Philanthropists such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have contributed millions of dollars to 'personal learning', a term that describes children working by themselves on computers, and Laurene Powell Jobs has bankrolled the XQ Super School project to use technology to 'transcend the confines of traditional teaching methodologies'. Policymakers such as the US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos call personalised learning 'one of the most promising developments in K-12 education', and Rhode Island has announced a statewide personalised learning push for all public school students. Think tanks such as the Brookings Institution recommend that Latin-American countries build 'massive e-learning hubs that reach millions'. School administrators tout the advantages of giving all students, including those at kindergarten, personal computers.

Many adults appreciate the power of computers and the internet, and think that children should have access to them as soon as possible. Yet screen learning displaces other, more tactile ways to discover the world. Human beings learn with their eyes, yes, but also their ears, nose, mouth, skin, heart, hands, feet. The more time kids spend on computers, the less time they have to go on field trips, build model airplanes, have recess, hold a book in their hands, or talk with teachers and friends. In the 21st century, schools should not get with the times, as it were, and place children on computers for even more of their days. Instead, schools should provide children with rich experiences that engage their entire bodies.

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Children Learn Best When Their Bodies Are Engaged in the Living World. We Must Resist the Ideology of Screen-Based Learning

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 06, 2018 @04:10AM (#57076844)

    Let's start there. Healthy physical and mental development isn't achieved by sitting in school. 4 hours school until puberty, then no more than 6 hours, no homework. The times when the economy had use for obedient worker drones are coming to an end, let's raise healthy children instead.

    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @05:43AM (#57077094)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • We've dumbed-down the last few generations enough. Let's turn that around and get back to actually teaching them the three Rs.

        Education isn't rocket surgery. We know how to do it because we've done it before. Discipline, less political correctness, real grading, and no Common Core would be a nice start.

        This was just in the news: "Of the more than 1,000 people surveyed in May and June of this year, only one person was able to name all five First Amendment rights. A whopping 40 percent, however, couldn't name any." THAT'S the result of doing it wrong. Fix it before trying something new and unproven.

        Why was that modded down? We do need better teaching. We could probably start with better teachers. We're seeing elementary school teachers failing in elementary math.
        https://www.charlotteobserver.... []

        The complaints were that elementary school teachers were failing math testing with questions being at the difficulty of 11th grade math. Why should we expect elementary school teachers to know 11th grade math? The same reason we'd expect any other employee to know 11th grade math, because they are adults.

        • by tsa ( 15680 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @11:08AM (#57078420) Homepage

          In the Netherlands we had this discussion in the 1990s. We had teachers not only failing simple math tests but also not being able to spell. We then introduced a math test for wannabe teachers. Passing that was a prerequisite for entering teacher school. Many people were devastated because they didn't want to pass math tests, they wanted to work with children. The math test, together with some other new rules made sure those people are not in front of classes anymore. Things have improved since then.

        • Why was that modded down? We do need better teaching. We could probably start with better teachers. We're seeing elementary school teachers failing in elementary math

          Ok. Pay more.

          Just like every other thing on the planet, you get what you pay for. We (in the US) pay teachers shitty wages. We get shitty teachers, because the only people taking the job are people who don't get a better job elsewhere. And the vast majority of that "better job" is the pay.

          So, open your pocketbook or stop whining that you are getting what you pay for.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by jellomizer ( 103300 )

      The problem is far more expansive then just what schools are doing. It is the entire culture and "Stranger Danger".
      Sure we want our kids to go out and play.
      The need to be supervised by a trusted adult (so the kids play time is around adults schedules)
      Cannot play with kids who are a bad influence
      Cannot walk past particular areas
      Need to setup a formal time to play with other kids
      Anyone new you that you don't know (adult or child) must be dealt with cautiously
      Adults cannot discipline other childr

      • by Matheus ( 586080 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @01:05PM (#57079338) Homepage

        You know how we got there? The first few words of the summary:

        "As a parent, it is obvious..." ...which leads to "Think of the children!!!" laws which have overly bubble-wrapped our society... ...leading to children who are unprepared to deal with the harsh realities of "life"... ...who turn into adults that need safe spaces and trigger warnings and an ever growing cocktail of psychotropics to get by...

        Enough ellipses for one post:

        Children need to fall down so they can learn to get up.
        Children need to get hurt (hopefully in non-permanent ways) so their bodies and minds know how to heal.
        Children need to be exposed to dirt and germs so their immune systems can learn to protect them.
        Children need to explore their ever growing universe on their own terms so they can experience and learn about it both in the physical and today in the digital.

        I grew up in the "Tell me where you're going, be home by dinner and then be home before dark" world.. it was a wonderful place.. Can we get back there or is it too late?

        • Failure is an important part of the living process. (not just for children but for adults too)

          Our culture is teaching us to be afraid of failure, we need to fail, and be allowed to fix it. That being said, if we need help it should be provided.

          Failing in itself isn't a bad thing, but what you do afterwards is. Learning for failure helps improve ourselves. Learning to avoid what we failed at degrades ourselves.

  • Albeit it has been brought to my attention in the context of how boys differ in how they learn best compared to girls, this is nonetheless not news.

    And I think it makes a lot of sense, too. The concept of being told how to do something to achieve a not really desired, made-up goal is comparably new.

    Don't get me wrong, this kind of learning has enabled us to broaden our minds beyond the immediate, has made us much more versatile, but I think it's easy to guess that this is hard on our still very animalistic

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 06, 2018 @04:19AM (#57076870)

    I might not even necessarily disagree, but "it's obvious" DOESN'T CUT IT, when you're debating a controversial topic, and neither does being a professor of political science who seems to think that having national education standards is evil and will destroy democracy as we know it.

    • by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @08:59AM (#57077704) Journal

      "it's obvious" DOESN'T CUT IT, when you're debating a controversial topic

      This is exactly correct because it's not just a controversial topic it is also a highly complex topic. For example, it is extremely "obvious" to me that my son is far more engaged in front of a screen learning to program than he was going around several European cities on holiday this summer. So, going on this idiot's logic this clearly means that I must conclude that all students, everywhere are better off learning in front of a screen. If you also like the utterly wrong appeal to authority I'm a full professor of a real science.

      However, as a real scientist, I know that without data on many different students my observation of one student is irrelevant for determining education policy for everyone. Not only that but, unlike say electrons people do not always respond in the same way towards any one stimulus. My son loves computers and learning from a screen works well for him. My daughter does not and she definitely benefits more from non-screen learning.

      I would have expected that a vaulted associate professor of "political science" would both be politically and scientifically aware enough to know you need data to back up any argument and that people are complex and a variety of approaches is needed to get the best from everyone.

    • by borcharc ( 56372 ) *

      I am sick and tired of this claim being made endlessly without any evidence. As a parent and a person who grew up on a computer, I fail to see how its worse than books. In many cases, it's better than books because it allows two-way engagement that books. Sounds like a bunch of Luddites.

      • The comparison isn't between computers and books -- it's between computers/books and face to face learning. The media just facilitates one-to-many styles of information dissemination. If classrooms shrunk from one teacher with 30 students down to a 1:1 personal tutor model, and all media were eliminated for face to face working in a totally personal way then wouldn't quality of education increase immensely?
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @04:22AM (#57076884)

    Doing something yourself teaches you more about it than reading about it? Who would have thought...

    So let's put little Johnny behind the wheel of that SUV, I'm pretty sure driving is more sensible for him than watching a destruction derby on the screen.

    But seriously now. That's not even close to being the problem. The problem is that children want to learn. They come into the world as little information sponges. They want to know everything. You have one simple job: Not killing that willingness to learn.

    We usually fail. No later than when we stuff them into schools. Quite frankly, so far school has managed to kill that willingness to learn in everyone.

    • I don't think that proponents of personalized learning are proposing to replace hands-on activities with computers, like replacing shop class with Minecraft. But you can still put a computer in that class, to give kids a wide range of projects to choose from, as well as to provide hints when they get stuck at a certain stage. All things the teacher can do as well or better... but not for 25 individual kids each doing the project that interests them the most. That's where the computer comes in. And compu
      • I support your take, but I'll add that computer learning programs are already very good at basic skill building.

        My kids do a couple of math programs - Reflex math is used to build specific skills in basic math operations. It measures how quickly and well they do and keeps feeding them practice until they master each "math fact". It moves them along at their own pace. So one kid might be working on 2 digit multiplication while the next kid is still trying to master subtraction.

        They do the same for reading

      • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

        The problem is rich vs poor and the rich corruptly gaming the system against the poor. Before saying anything what so fucking ever about education, lets break it down first, how the majority poor learn vs how the minority rich learn.

        Let's just stop fucking with the bullshit, what better learning outcomes for the children of the poor, teach exactly the way children of the rich are taught right fucking now. They know exactly how to teach children properly, the poor, well fuck them, they get shit education to

        • by gtall ( 79522 )

          Congratulations! You win the internet award for the gratuitous use of the Universal Adjective in a post. Your educated and thoughtful analysis is very informative of you.

        • by Jaime2 ( 824950 )

          The problem is rich vs poor and the rich corruptly gaming the system against the poor.

          Good luck fixing this. The rich aren't stupid and they know the key to their children's future is a good education. Today we have insured this by linking school spending to property taxes, creating a very strong correlation between expensive housing and good schooling. If you "fix" this, you will end up with mediocre public education everywhere and the rich will simply pull their kids out and send them to private schools. This will create political pressure to reduce public school spending, making private s

    • You missed the opportunity......obviously we need to give them treadmill desks. [] Computer based learning with full activity!
    • So let's put little Johnny behind the wheel of that SUV, I'm pretty sure driving is more sensible for him than watching a destruction derby on the screen.

      You think that's bad? I'm a physics prof and with this idiot's policies teaching nuclear criticality is one lecture that sure to go off with a bang!

  • "Knowledge flows from a student's eyes and ears, to the fingers, to the pen, to the paper, to the brain." Even a little physical motion of writing improves engagement so much beyond passively reading.
  • As it patently obvious, schools do not do much by way of immersive learning, because it's not an efficient method of learning, say, history. Or maths. These fears of technology are as overblown as the promises that others make. Obviously, what makes most sense is to use a range of pedagogical styles, tailored to the needs of the student, the nature of the subject etc.

    And incidentally, screens can actually be used to engage in the real world for learning, and can make for much *more* immersive experiences th

    • Yeah, that was basically what I was about to write. Try "hands on" calculus. That really makes sense. And everyone should make a pilgrimage to Philadelphia when studying the constitution in history class. And Greece to learn about the history of western civilization. It is more engaging of the entire body to actually visit Sparta.

      This opinion piece seems like it was written by someone who has no idea of how computers are being used in schools.

      He's a poli-sci professor. I wonder how he engages the who

      • by shilly ( 142940 )

        Perhaps he should have spent more time immersing himself in actually grinding axes, as opposed to the metaphorical screen-based version.

  • Children Learn Best When Their Bodies Are Engaged in the Living World. We Must Resist the Ideology of Screen-Based Learning

    In the real world, the choice is often between a bored and angry public school teacher barely out of the rubber room droning on for hours in a classroom full of other dysfunctional kids high on amphetamines vs "screen-based learning". Neither of those is "best", but one may well be a lot better than the other. Guess which one?

  • Now testing (Score:5, Funny)

    by Buchenskjoll ( 762354 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @05:24AM (#57077040)
    To test the hypothesis I learned skydiving on youtube. Whether it works we'll know in about 1½ minute...
  • by sad_ ( 7868 )

    computers/tablets can be a great learning tool, it just depends on how you use them.
    they can replace lecture books and greatly enhance on them because they can be made interactive and have various types of media etc.

    even for more practical lessons watching a video, for example, is a great introduction if it is combined with actually doing it afterwards.
    when i need to do something i haven't done before, i look up several video's on yt to get a general idea and know what to expect before i go on and do it mys

  • Got a lot of justified criticism, because when you dissect a real animal, you learn the difference between the idealized diagrams in books and in this case computer programs, and the real thing. It's very educational, and an essential thing for most healthcare workers to learn sometime or another. Also useful if your path ends up being biology or biomedicine research.
  • Computers have a very basic problem. You are presented with a 2D screen that is popularly presented as this panacea but even with your ability to do so much with it, it is falls very short in some basic ways. Your brain, visual system, body, in fact everything about you is evolved to operate in a 3D world. Your thoughts, even dreams, are in 3D.

    A perfect example is how a 2D screen falls short for a task it was obviously designed for: The simple task of reading. Billions of people read off of billions of sc
  • Seriously, why are we reading this? You have a random professor who's written nothing more than an editorial which, while it may sound like common sense, provides no evidence to back up his comments. This is not news.

  • by Sarcasmooo! ( 267601 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @07:38AM (#57077406)

    Like it or not, the future of education is Virtual Reality. The better it gets, the more real the brain feels it is, and putting every kid in a headset will always be cheaper and more effective than constant field trips. Plus, the number of immersive environments and subjects that can be taught this way are endless.

    My field is psychology, and the research being done backs up the statement that students learn as well, or better, in a virtual reality system compared to a typical classroom.

    • Bland assertion w/out backup. Please provide a decent raft of cites we can peruse. And please provide some that compare VR against non-typical (typical=state school) classrooms like home schooling, charter and private.

      While it may not be your goal, what your saying strikes me as just another way to provide a mass-processed learning environment.

      The biggest argument against VR learning in my opinion is it would be even harder than today to determine exactly *what* your child is being taught. Take for
  • As such, *always* look for the politics in what he's saying not any empathy or altruism.
  • Everything a child needs to learn and practise in the first 3-4 years of elementary school is:

    - sports
    - music
    - maths
    - literacy

    "Why sir, you can talk and you can write! You can connect to any person from any background" -- I hear that often from all who know me (confirmed by a whole battery of assessments at work). Well, some of those predispositions/talents seem to be genetics (the IQ for example), but then how did I spend my childhood and teenage years?

    Easy --> every single minute of free time (of which

  • by EndlessNameless ( 673105 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @10:02AM (#57077972)

    Neither the author nor anyone he cites has a background in child psychology, development psychology, neuroscience, or education. He also fails to cite any research supporting his claims. He does cite a few tangential pieces of philosophy, but that doesn't demonstrate any facts in support of his argument.

    While he seems to have some credentials relevant to political philosophy, he sadly lacks any discernible expertise relevant to the topic of the article.

    This is just another scarcely-informed opinion piece. We've got quite enough of those already. This is almost pointless: weak signal, mostly noise.

  • that's the best informed manifesto beaconing humanity back to common sense that's grounded in the real physical environment.

    Technology does change wetware, how it processes and enforces binary judgement at the expense of thinking outside the box. Its the best manifesto at the right moment.

  • I hope there's more to the thinking that the drivel put forward in the summary. Equating the learning of physical techniques, teach of muscle memory and movement is not the same thing getting an education.

    You may not be able to learn to ride a horse on a computer, but you'll likely do just fine learning to solve differential equations and when to use who vs whom. Last I checked Mr Gates and the Zuck were not teaching people to play tennis via their tablets.

  • ... roughly 20 years ago. "Silicon Snake Oil" is the book iirc. Good opinionated read. I mostly agree with a solid amount of scepticism concerning media technology in the class room. The raspberry pi is the most of computing that I would let into a classroom. And only with CLI centric/coding lessons. And if we're honest, the raspberry pi is quite a lot.

  • Nicholas Tampio, associate professor of political science

    Philanthropists such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg

    You know the big thing missing from debates on how to best educate children?
    People who actually know anything about educating children.

    Instead of turning to an associate professor of political science, how about we turn to someone with a PHD in early childhood development? Or young childhood education?

    You know, turning to someone who actually knows what they are talking about instead of someone spouting off their personal opinion with a fancy-sounding but irrelevant title.

  • .. and it's not very impressive. This article [] says: ...the current status of the literature is that there is no evidence to support the use of Learning Styles in this way [matching instruction style to student learning style improves learning]. There are lots of links in the article to the underlying studies.

    This is not exactly the same thing as screen-based vs. living-world-based learning, but it does support the idea that statements like "Children learn best when their bodies are engaged in the living world" without supporting studies are not helpful.

  • by Curunir_wolf ( 588405 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @03:10PM (#57080096) Homepage Journal

    VR for every student!

  • by laurencetux ( 841046 ) on Monday August 06, 2018 @03:27PM (#57080234)

    and yes for the snarkist it is technically misspelled

    with water resistant/wireless tech there is no reason that children could not be taught OUTSIDE in a garden setting (of course have a normal classroom for when it is too wet, cold, or hot to be safe).

    as long as its "just dirt" its not a tragic thing for a kid to get muddy

  • by rpresser ( 610529 ) <rpresser @ g m a i l .com> on Monday August 06, 2018 @10:23PM (#57082552)

    The CHILDREN! Won't SOMEBODY think of the CHILDREN???

"If you own a machine, you are in turn owned by it, and spend your time serving it..." -- Marion Zimmer Bradley, _The Forbidden Tower_
